HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-06, Page 6•? V 1 Rothermere, by 1,000 ■t range■i badly needed.. ,‘Z'. bune.’ LIKED HIS WORDS LONG 0 33s the V. V ■oya d 11 fa; ed • the will folk ' par­ ed! rd Some New Bridge Rules .[ want to glitter, you-might’try gard- Always it amp Never take a Don’t, try It is too confusing. nfttti langi; and XOTrrrrri+tTTt Las fof the. Lohdb'n- ■ Burlesque To Baroness i • o ' DU^e' o.f. Rielirnond.' and a. j ■oiW-tdd - by ■i” < ■ rajnr Is "■'■t- of hm *«V.lj,lh; ■ |HH\ 11.',', It GOOD FOR EVERYTHING d , Oil’. . j'i'V . tn I :h*' • /■ :j-w f'or’-< fi-m <■ IV) London, jEiig.-r—Lord -branding The. British Government s worked oht. ■ The/. A'tliaiiase' per certt, i . le,s- than three months. 6-9 per. cent, for less than six months, and' 20 per cent, for 12 months or more.—Indus, trial Britain. i.vefs -. granted I'H.-t few years demand--. ,being the examiners. -’iip: «e- .eventually loli'-w adopted in not a g'-n'-ral re. la< k of iriton -fwl/m U pa 11 tier' n’i'. wjt.li . ’ • . r .' fj- ' ..tabl. b< ■ ! r’itfs Pi. i.i.pie V. rli know' ‘Mr of . iti'lep .’I'jent Edmonton , — Marvelous oppo-rUnr his sentiments'.. The Result of% this action for breach- of .promi’se*i, a v-indicat-ion of the man who had .a grudge against small-words.—Toronto Mail and Empire. , •your partner’s < banco. to romanil-mr , are'r’■‘of~Aon-gr '•'. Women THE EMPIRE tried in the; scales. . | are i_.. . . .The wife .of . a small farmer sold creased care- which i.s ■ her surplus butter to a grocer in a J means of preventive ..plahes. " The ■ ■ From $3 a day as. a performer In a New York burlesque houke to be-- ing. the pr’ospective bride of onb of .'.■Europe's wealthier men- :js a lung '^Sees 'M'any 'OPrortu9r^ Si'cs and MorAu village whic 'name., recyr.ds db'e- fao’. -■J-B'.oc-kvBie- Recorder,. , ' . 1.933,623, and 'Of this figur-e about 56 and working up from had ' been ./mt of work for . -through' sheer ability. ..4'. ' ' .S ! . 1 ‘ j ' - .ti__ 5 v. 4the 1.or ncr-d Tu-cgL .’he u —7 Mont« ■the. opinion of Mrs^. - social c^di't,. who is spending a few is. the supremest, sublimist, superb-.] 5Glf but if tl6 U$5€ AAill you marry me.’’’;• jnt'eresfs and experience “yes,” .then b • ' ■ -v&brd..."-•-'Rcwetstui v0" ■ilaiies as “childish , and use-; petense;-1' told the House ot ifeniiy.. - “I say with' full; re- iiv t.hat Germany- at the pre- f' IpcIFs 'bon':ber's, the":""r'Ws' ■CANADA / MODEL DEBT- ... . “ .Without further additions,-the debt. ' hf-,;tjie..City. of- St? Cathhriifgs by ,1937 r'Tgith’d'‘ thatyi'S ;onlyYtwo'ryears-away—■ ;;Wiil'^e a.million and a hK'lf,. the low- ‘■ol-. any city in. Cangda—S.t. Cath- • afines/Standard, , ■' ■ " FACILltlES-AVAILABLE .Banners carried by- Edmonton un-: employed. On parade included” one , a reading “Ave w.a-n-t ham -' and eggs.-’’ "■ Judging from. - wljaiis*' heard about’ Alberta’s broad ^a-cred suited to mix­ ed -.farmingyit-' shouldn’t be ' difficult, they Avant-;- -Alr’brt Arthur News-Chroniclel k/' ■ v ■ '■:____• ’ ’ ; : ' DO YOU? 'you give all your attention to k^-' car when you are driving? Do Always ■■ dfive at . -areasonable Jspepd; giving due ''.ponisideration. to Joad hnd weather conditibns? pedestrians, especially, ohildren., . ka^d: older 'people? -Do you always keep to your own side of the road? Do you become excited- when eon- • fronted With’ a; sudden ..ernergency?- Do yoir'alvyays keep your car.in.per- • feet Mechanical condition?' Dq’^you ' “cut' in” when passing• another, car . on the.,high way? Do you strictly ob- • ■ -serve allj<raffic rhles, stop lights and ; , signals?—Cjuebejc1 Chronicle •• . Tele- ■ graph. \ ■■■/',/ .’. American Ambassador At Pilgrims Jubilee Dinner THE WORLD ^t-laroe turn' -.in' - that amount.' Probably ho has. been* taking sulphur and moi-' asses. It’ was'"always said to bef good ' for 'I tTfe-'-ij^hdle system.—Stratford Beacon-Herald. " ; ■ , * - ; ... . What instinct was,-it that prompted a '.bewildered - woodcock, trying to find "its way,about the' skyscrapers.-of New York, to fly against the. wind­ ows of the quarters of the National Association of Bird Societies? When that-is' explained, there remains J.ne ^uestioh: How does a homing pig­ eon, taken away in a box, return hun- Jdr.e'ds of miles to its own loft?.Therg seems to be a great deal . of uncanny wisdom' in‘' tfie’ f’eathered kingdom.— Toronto Globe. . . .. YOU TAKE YOUR CHOICE 0 The reputation of at. least one. On^ .tario weather prophet is going to be gone before the summer has run its .course. ■ A 'Fergus; editor has P'r^dic:. Ontario while .a Sudbury minister, vis­ ing the Stars as a basis for his fore­ cast, says that there will be. plenty of rain this summer.-—London -Free Press.• ................ BUSINESS SUCCESS There .is • altogether too ’much' non-' sense talked about business. The world, is, 'full. of ’■ theorists, m.en. who ", ’ can tell others how a business ^should. ^e^perated, but whomhave * never . been able to make a success of one themselves. To conduct., a business' .Successfully three things , are essen- and -a -tremend­ ous capacity for.hard and strenuous - ■ w^ork. It Ls the; Trs^^ which contributes . the greatest part’ to the success of, a-business, „ but It —_L_i8_a-Ay-ise-momliination—of—the—tjfr-ee- : —^which-- provides- work -ifo^hundreds o-f- th-ousands of men. and women- all ©ver .Canada.—Kingston Whig-Standard:. NOT SUCH A BAD ’OLE! ’ . Millions are starving In /.Qhina. . ■ • Thousands have recently been killed- ' , in an earthquake in Formosa. One. ■way, and another this seems to b’e ■ . ;p, fairly^ go.od ’corner' of the world'. —-. when, wve suffer ’ from .what We near-by town. On ’ one occasion the j grocer'saidn “Your butter was un­ derweight last ..week.” . ' _,‘!l£oj«;_Jtan cyLAha.t,2_h'4id._ r..-_. ■'nier. “Baby -mislaid .myweight "that; •day, so I just used' the pound ' -of.! sugar you sold Hie."—Brantford .Ex-' positor- .'■.'. A FULL-TIME JOB What are the functions' of«a lieu- '. tenant-governor? asks, .a constitu­ tional writer 1 In Manitoba, the duties start daily, Sundays included," some- ^w'E e re"' a¥dundl ,"81"'al tn 1/ Han tf? Tast 'fre-j quently; iFutil. the clock turns to a.m. t s • -kt. ' -Rnhert W. -Bingham] American Ambassador 'to Great' Britain; the Duke of- ./ •Ke^.^ntS^he and the Earl; of Derby, ^sts of honor at -the dubHee dmner ot the Pilgrims. in T-nodon. . tion of painful surprise,-to those who imagine that the sailor, enjoying the benefits of uniimited ozone, is. not prone t0 Hie-,"diseases of ordinary mankind- Actually—-as a cpntributoi s . • X .. .. a... Lt- 42 are really an" indication' „p'f. the in-. ■ • ' ’s taken,' ■ by- J.' Jmeasures,to ! safeguard health. ' The . Navy works on the principle of that ancient-. schoolWf' Chinese. physicians who, it. _w.iLl—be—.nemeinhmte-d^-LW^Lfi—paid. bv. ytTi^rfr-p-aGeuts-only-~vh-en—they- !■ in . good health^ The doctor could •send’in no' bills'when his' charges fell ill.—The Navy (London) Says Germaiiy. - Has . ■ TOO Bomb Planes pTu®r"t6' L- . less for tie Cense; .----- Lords recently.. "I say with' fulL're- sponsi'bilily .that Germany, at the pre­ sent moment-'* has ' TO,000 -bombing .of-.'the; folio.wj.ing day. Not more’’®aif a thousand organizations -of one-kind and another have, their eye on the -guyerifpr-as a prospective guest a4r lung-or-; mute even.il^Whhu'peg Tri- itiy^re "open to~ wbme'n‘Loday,..mm ' ..........”rs., C. Hl Douglas.' wife of~-Major Douglas, exponent^ of ■ A young chap may tell a girl she . v,e- ks in Edmonton ■ with her hus- ;is. the supremest, sublimist, superb-' }?and’ She is believed the onlv wo- est “girl .in the world” without coni- director .of a shipbuilding yard tig himself, but if he uses simple ; in Qreat Britain and a .'person of wide, agb like ' AA ill you marry mej’nferesfs and experiences.. She is she -says,, “ye.s,” .then he .stands ' 'keenjy .interested in Canadian women paper dilbliSher said, - range ■ and high . speed., capable of - carrying ,a ton of/high explosives.,” His. statement created a sensation in the pipper House, even -though Lord pJ^h^mere's Daily Mail .lias been pounding, away at Britain’s lack of air befeuses and has • claimed* re-. peatedly that Germany has a secret air. fori-e. rtinning intq five,.figures/ ’ Lord i Rothermere described “GernY-' uny, ns a Ygrewing military power; i'.tr VupeNVr itt strength,- far superior, tor offensive;purposes .and full of ag- .gres'sion ■ whichm •which may take - at any jime^a hostile att-itu.de in regard- •pea'r^ continent .To ‘watch - without ..un­ due "alarm the developments there, albeit our inter'e^ is not untinged, , with some -anxiety- We do not have to try in absentia batches of fugitive, ; rebels, and sentence them Co death • as- irr Greece. We have nb battle rag- • ing over a 120-m;l.e front as in Bol­ ivia. i ' ■ IIoWeveT-, tin’s only puts it- up to y tis to preserve our chappy state.. Earthquakes xve cannot -prevent,' but to. a great, extent we can control - . flood -conditions| by -forest -(■on-erv-aq ’tion'.^-Saint John-'Telegraph-Journal. EVERYONE READS THE PAPERS • The Bureau of Advertising, sur­ veying, the nvhole field of publicity- , mbdia and’reporting fo tirg American .-Newspaper Publishers'' Association, now. meeting in New York, says; “The.final con ci nisi on is that the advertiser wh.o usey newspapers al­ one ,getDn'g- »he best availab.e'cov­ erage at'thr. '^.;vMt- cost. w'-re plenty of fiaur-es 'to paragraph above, but u.-'U’lt ’figures oan'dess. of - the £ 1:133 Evi’-jj,- < j ad io -N-ners. But Th He •back Up orm tio.-s to. a ppr<.-etj» tei conebis? n ., . Eyf-r- s-rrnm r< a’.1.- ■:Sf-e;i l/y '. .Sta’i- n .has e ’> yli.;ii.'iy Bolder ( "V‘ magazine j ■-! Evry biilbfiard 'i;“ I',« ‘ n-. i .'D.Tie . i! f-u?- the ,'t St-:; • . 1 TESTS OF DRIVERS In England it fia-.-.Le-eny'roii-l ■lid v; -a me by tj,.» outhnrJt. With- a 11 em.'-ti’doii- ■ ■nr^ ’ h- in numij'-j- of ,.mz.,’.t(4r -u-t-CGdem-H,' r-H'd'-r TO-r-.x ami nut Igii nf . q •p-erriilfo dii'iii;r Dm . Wdli Ftj-e ri"Oi-m;,'! .made rfpon th/rh iiy • ' It ■ u rmld ' hi- m; • to m-e • a j-1 mfrar , tliit- ro.,-;i‘.v! y. ■ exam'-1;r; of ■ feearrl.if •-' nou ii.pmxe!. • f dll dilvi-rs with more Thu C'.ip-i- w.jkh . are Hr- : ■.- R’ r. SPEAKING'OF W-TL ER ,.wa-m'f, u."<h r,f a .mi-; n .■■ mtn . ''-I <h.r '’G'l/.’f d (|f (jr.[. ; ■ . f. • p.j'r.-i j; !'m--y ” ir. p,. y,’ mer iii- ■ to' ■ Toronto. — Afrangdmefits have been.-; iewwlvwd wlwteby .1W’ Pre“h-f'ran,b. adian t'eadters will come to the Uni,. ve-rsity of Torn-iM-o; during nier to .live-in iwi atmosp.hme English "and to ’speak- English .tirely th mW glmii’t’ the ses; ion, it was. .announced recently. . -. •4- .. . ■iA ,»r>ie years groups of. fi’oin."O.nt"a.rio who .were in- terh^tmi dnvspeaklng . French,, ha-v.e" been, going to (piebec to live &t The 1 •s.Sillei'y Academy . where ' they. have.' . been entirely- in Fi’ench-.Ca'nadian sur­ roundings ami have been ’■ P3 apeak Fimhcli dnl-y and to stul^^iiML •■etiys, ' FrenchA'amidiu*n_ lyerature, . Gifsto-Ey ami art.,.■-.■ ■ ’■ ■’ ■ , ’ ■ ;N{-iw .’!'dr th‘e'' fi7 .tjime a'“fc-fTprocalr.- ari augement- bps''been niahy thn/ugh-, the- co-operatioji. of the .University of. ■Toronto aml ’t’ihy Ontario De-part-ment . 'of Edu cutin ii,.’ A deputation froim Qnc-// bee. rec-cully 'visited Pryt‘css_o.r..Fj.. 4.. Jeanne ref at the 'university he.re..'. aiut- details -W.ei'C.. pyojeet: was-urged by lion. Dayiil:' ib'ovin-eial secretary of Que- ■>, JjeC, who is. in charge of, education in ■ •.that..-1#©.vi.n.c.e.;. ?.ldf>m.,.Oy_ril.Delagp.^svi- ■ _ -■peHhimiil ent ;pt public ins It uct ion ’ and .... '. Miller, ins'p'ectol’-gencral'' ••'ot""’”"; ■ich'oois there.. . ' . J.’ , As a .result,;4»V, men ajjpi 50 wpnieh' ^y-alI - lay1 toaolief-s - in’ d;1^pmb1to-ami ■ - high- schools—'will -arriv^-'in Toronto . -p-n-^I-umH-5-h-n-d-;o;n---dlred-fo:llo.wR bp wplvtmied Ej-'-’d--i-’e'sj.de.ni.,H.. J> •the'minister bf e.d.upatiop-«»khd the ’ deputy 'nfin.is.tef.. of education. The women yvill'-live iii VVhit’ney Hall, the ’riien’ in1""!he ■men’s residences - All de­ partments, of the university ljaie sig- .Lniffiid.Ab.eIr.de n’e to co-or^idRe t< . make -the“■HKrtrkh-'-pro^i-a-blp. ' ■ ■- . ' ■ s-..........'J For th% past him1 teachers .1 -■ tgreste.fl dh•.-.•spe’iking D e rhy; ’ *p r e s id e nt o f ■ ’ t h e 'B r i t is li T e x- tile^.Exhibl.tlqn, said he.Was not an expert on fashion, and khejy his place." Therefore he would not make any comimept on the dresses. ... . SEEING THE RACING! . ■ to say.’! he added-, f’and'" that is tliaf- th’e 1935 ladies' hats for Ascot, will hnable them to see the racing, in, ’ stead of having them.over Ibeir'eyes, as they generally ■ are.” . • -.. Referring ‘to. the’ display which wsys.- -gWn ' in':' cbiine(:t<oli~W-iTh"t-h^B"h- 4?-;,-' Lord’ DerbyAsa-id-~the--Ea.i.f.•..l.iad... ■worked- itself up to begone of.tlie finest and biggest in the world;. It was/bringing -employment -that was badly needed.. a , Gibson'hats, so I was told, are.com­ ing back 'into faslpon, but they are not the./type that mother used to ' wear to tlfisf^ountry:- • ,-,;v , v ■ ; Old S^ry Recalled Another* Dtfl:" of •Richmond^ has .divd--at hi^ibrie .Goudwobd, the eigl.hy ,’to bear tffar n:t e- ’and the. victim 01 a, war disability which pmalyzed his hmx and. I^ft him a cripple for the re- I -ymrlmR’ r. - 0 f—l-B-s-'-l'i fey-k-1 —---- -—-—i Gr^atK'iUii n .wh i.di iras a. m■ ship - drawn from -the British I-StCa.' .Canada, Australia and : the Unites ; States, -and of ’ .whicr"-^—7^^ Johnson- Alollison; famous aviatrix, is'the-president.. Although .^he' is not an .-engineer, her ' work as director of a yacht yard in Southampton water entitles her to membership and makes I her a valuable asset to‘the adminis­ trative side of the society s 'work. Many of the.'younger women of _ tie society are doing intensely , in­ i' teresting pioneer work .Jin the fields 'of electrical '-engineering and ■ metal-. lur-gys securing the highest available^ ,«m<, a.1 uuuy vi over an4. distinguishing ■theni- OOpidbO persons -who are "constantly J1 s'eives as inventors, said Mrs. Doug- out of'work’; in fact, in tile majority.' las. They support- 'themselves J-n the of cases the, period of unemployment’most interesting lines, of . c. ■is .comparatively -short.■ According' to Qne owns .and operates a. the’latest Ministry .of ’Labor Returijs another? Mjss- Kennedy, past the number- of persons- on the reg- dent of the t‘i'g?n:;/ut,'‘,n. 1a .. ister who were- applying for benefit’ manager of aj.arge tool making firm. BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT -To finable' the unemployment fig­ ures to, be .viewed in their true .per­ spective • it , is important to consider the duration of the periods of idle­ ness suffered . by individuals. ' It is frequently overlooked that there i.y not an’unchanging body Of over 2,-‘degrees and cnJeavor'. garage; t " presi- the number- of persons- on the reg- f-ent ^he organization, is general i ,or unemploynrent allowance -totalled’ having made the post ,Tor 1 the . Mir-S Another officer, .’is interested way engineering and ha® a device now in ' genera! British railways. She is-employed in the British . patent offme. ■ . Another member is manager of a ;arge nai. factory' and many are filers pr’e mak­ ing a sp’r-r.d’.-'l busmens' of . tas.ng aerial photographs. ■ Particular interm-t’-m the Old Land at- '.the. mbnVmt, t'on due io. Mr denev ar.d th!s is ‘ - LONDON,RARIS RECORD .First of two Comet, monoplanes 01- d,jr^d by Cm French G'-vernniept, rhe machine which finished .fourth in. the' 'EngJish-Aufiral.’a. ■■ speed •'race byokeri all--. J-^cord-? 1 i-’ffri« run. \ 1...’Printed i>ne of t'be’ de Haviland test pilots', th© sum- or en- French,; have herself bottom Holmes, in rail- invented use on is fox-used, on. avia . ' M-A ... vejf.- but Mrs. Douglas > fee’s Mi . . * ' electrical deveiopmen g>.'A pre-'b interesting, that , the cmering lies ” Worm-p.” adapted Vo bring e'leftr.mal power' into the women ran speak to yi’O- ed General Sherbrooke in .rhe Gov­ ernment of Canada- i'n 1^19 . Death cut il>.Ii^n rrifiT" c a. r’e"'!7"^"?;'u gV^TTf“Effe ■ f 01'-. lowing yeac w io-n -he. died at the set- tb-rnent rmar the river-Ottawa which 'fibatihues ‘ to.Are-ar ’ his- name of Ui'O bite'pf"""a tame fox,‘not suspected to- be in a rabid state, with whieh he had been, playing at Sorel. . The Duke was setting forth on a tour of inspection of what was then J’.'ppemCanada and thought notli-ing of the.bites received from the- fox un­ til, he reached Perih wUfJfe he began to complain. “Oh the way from. Per th towards the -Ottawa River,” said a letter'" written by. a member of hl3 staff,, “some of th’e- attendants obser­ ved id’ irritability and. ex’rerne aver­ sion '-to 'water on crossing the small­ er t. streamlets i-p the . woods, and ’they Could sci/rrely get him along. “pn h.'s apprbarhing a .small'” hut on the-OHawa R.ver, rather than go. into a hou.se close, io the river,, he lurnM pt Apt and ran -ihto'a’ bain. At ano'her. he rah from them into the woods!. •wafer, jfi^ !y If.crea. s x miles p'a'<-, RdlMowi, aj'’‘-r suffer mi cxr-r'm-.';B.mg\ ‘rpcnl, he < •o'( fin k or. AAfiorda’y mo‘n'’n/ of Augu-t. T.ri-is j>< t-hh' !o.J-!4 . ■mon urgent ■■ as’ if tv shun the" sight of <!<■.-- .now rapid- (■ But on arrival wl’h.ri >Ms :-i le of'the m '-’.-named " g most died, at 8 rim 2-tu i.n .m in ! a bit- . hf >' Voters’ Lists Cost Already^ $1,691,046 miiiii.o.h.Jh'.aiLGiis«.AcLso„fArA3jk^)LtL„_ 046, according to k .return tabled In :the*’House of Commons... ’recently.. . Payments .tot registrars and . enumer- ■ ators. totalled’ $1,207,729 while the salaries of ■ the-.staff, printing'®costs- and" other ’ite.rufi made u.P the bal- ! ance.’. ■ ''.-■. I The machinery installed’ at9 -the■ ■ . . ■ ■' ■ ■ - • . . - • ■- -Justead-, they fit close* /th'. I he Ahead.printing Bureau for the .purpose, of 'kt -rlre~ba-ck .■^I-o-t-'-’of----t-he--n.ervv-.4L.i43-J--sMU-ng-’-iip^ .,.. are ali front ..... giving khat “eager’'|.355’, » _ ' t.i 'a”FKf*‘‘T”must" get theTe” appeau'-a-nep- -E—t - -------------------■ ----- , One of the most, popular types 1 Smar[ Boutonniere Helps saw yesterday wai .the- Homburg.- | ' .D '• ' . ' C- .’1 -M3ide of i-s-c-h-lc-,—arid—is-1 , ’—Rejuvenate Ola Sull th::- veaf ; ' ■ A boutonniere of some kind marie Th- Ducbe.= s.a.f Kent Iwearr one, J" P^ne. brodorie anglqise, or plaid • ________. J linen on your last year's suit wii,l j »help to bring it up to date. Or if you ; enias.jn gold or silver kid, q.uill.; <lip- ped in gold and silver lacquer, of.pos­ ies of’ .bi-illiauL 'Ielitlum^ftHWcrs. .The. main iliing, of course., is. .to ■ won.r the right kind of buttonhole on r. Uhv--Halit.-kind.-..of Ar.. S0m<4l.i.1 ng • 2. ■ ff it. It.’ will guide yij/r. par'imr in 'his i-n-f>re-('h your, aitcimofiii’biitli! "Wt y-.ui like ‘tiling- '■ which h . .... rrnt." flierp ,nre, plenty of foa.fih . lit st. don.t. er poy. ci-s .^jhide r.o perfectly that;’ only a hurliciLti-iri.-t would know tluv are not lea!. '' . ■ .j flf .r 3. If your partner bids ■hesitate to raise. He has io piay it.*’ 4. N’eyer hm ry.-.Try several cards oil a trick until yuii are shire which ! one you prefer. • . -5. Occasion.^'.;.-.’ ',?.sk wha-t is ..trump, ft will' show your fn’lerest .j-n' the game. ' 7.1 Talk about, oilier subjects dur­ ing. the game.- It makes for good fel­ lowship. . • 1............................................................ 8.’^ Feel .free to c-iiticive your part-.- s|iape Up fhe-runway of life,, but Ro- zelle Rolland 'has' imide it. And the has yet to see het eighteenth birth­ day. Rozelie In nothing but a coat. . of 1 i II golden paint,' appeal fid as the “Gold- . . , : on Girl” in the Irving Place Buries-' , Jf it js-a money game, nTways. New York, last winter. s'op when vop. are ahead. '* - ■ ner. Lie Will do ninth better ad tl re­ sult., trick. io. Miles, ■'ll'. It leave. a lasting impression and will always r<*rn< mbr-r yon. 12. Alwajs explain your pja\«, lii uJarly when m-t. It c'.ows nor •k .;*•* lodge ' v 13. . Don'' gw ■■d'cnn.y, If'dp -.■jg'ont ogs, -Ik I) -agree and ’< driver,f m g i ' a ' <>• 4 pe 1 ■ .’PtlotM by' Mr. Hugh .Buckingham, fine of t'be de Haviland test pilots', , f»’nd carrying one-pas-seng-er: ‘ tbe-^a-ir^-Jc-thr®--oh-woffieh _.in c ■plane taxied th;'a stamhtiH ’ opts'ide ir <’ '1 ’ ’ , the custom's building at Le Bourget sbe said, “are par’mula-rJy ■ aft port/ Pails, 59 minutes after re- Vo bring derirmal r....! •cmving the'signal to take off. from home and '. , Croydon, in.' spite- of a beam, wind '.rrWfn bbout'th<-$e ll.r.;'--? par/T''-’j-.ariy w'nir-h never fell below 25 miCs an. W^!-” ■ • hour, and bumpy weather conditions ' ....... ■that obliged the pilot to throttle down ; D take-- several hundred^ of o.r ' ange? to make a gador.of orange on. which is, of two kinds,1- b/.’er -and .-■wept, n.ade from'different species of fruit. "Due. to the, G'evf-loprr-ent of the /•■pros fruit export b.'B 1'r.ess in QaJ’n- a-ie.a-,. British ^’ei-t Indies., the pro­ duction of ornt.le' g’i' )n ’hat iskard l a's beer. >'<aT"y o<'•’,.' ..''ed- /roil I er it ’ „ •, v, for corrsiG’.Arable periods, )'he a^terage- dmed ©vot the 219 miles of the jour­ ney was, ’ therefore. 2T3 6 ,m p h. Time Gocked in the air from aeih- dr^me to-’ aerodrome, . disregarding Gme "spent in-take-off aftd-danding. ev-' oolutjons, was 54 u minu' giving an i.sc-rib'e spf-r-d ?made’ good owr.lhe ou' d of’2?3 3 m rAh. B-4. -■ -Air- Vii^ioty. '. ’ THE' HEALTH OF THE N^YY The r.ri'-a-^e announced, j'rr naval rku'-. .. mibjl- have caueed . a<^reac-’ 12 the J.iisiGi i<: ' ent,'. Board' riear ihe irmt-rmes to bear b>s Duchess Of Kent Wears Ho^nbufg Hat NtW MILLINERY SHADES BUT ■DOES NOT co\Zer EYES Worn'n s l a’ij, for Ii6!i5‘ v.,il co’u-r ’I.<-ir r-J'.-:, but. enab,'- fp<< have a clear v.;-.‘oti, W-on-t., ur<.' '•iongyi ,■ ■ ifig »»' t- •)!:: • give j' d .j. a, w d'-n, styl;:? Ir.'-v Hi f-i \i<’' ia' .'y f h<■ J1 u tti !g Of f'P’. kpr.-l.-,I-, *a i > <. arid ■f /> h ,.A. Ji'W. ugA TAfg4tei-trmr ka.v.ng ut. arp-JtM-i.t -abo.ji th" of. Thcjr ■> c" f a "YbJ peo,r/'-.” said the Jew. 1 op’fi. taking from us al ;,’.e». Tim 'I or, (’oGirriarf'lfruTji ?• ,r.'‘'tar.ee.” . ' > . ' *> "i.l, y"V,-” .“aid "the /ythi-r rlif-rr, from von all right- It was llmr.e time NiLs’T. Granlmid, the N,T.Gr of-ra.did, stagehand night . rlub.s saw Jmr. j-'t-oim'TlBm'e her rise was a go'deri Audi., After a Broad- v.ay di'but and hend i.un in the Fa- ‘radi o Cafi', -ho was chosen to go Jg London to appear in -Clifford, Whit. ih-.’. ’s’ Do; r Io -t or D'Gtei floor show. JI'r p :u ttea'lly nnd'c dance proved to bo a s-om aTioti in England and hor f.itno /|iriad, to the’ continent., di;j". ii" i Ind okors frbm Paris ll'.ili’f <‘‘fid Romo Among them was Baton .Bui, Em.p’aln, wlib camo To see - and wti,. cominori.d at first sight. Tlie • wfd’lng b sot for. the laid spring.' It rom’i ’B to bo si.cn who e glitter t'hb.< ,oh. r^-ito I'tisily.--Detroit Suh. ( 1 r'i'i b,< off. i^iii Wcrm irrdny N Tfirr.^ Radio Certificate Winners. Published Tim Radio Branch, • De- of Marine announced ro- ih(.' ffillovvlng have boon ■ 1 ?. OaV ' tandaH . A .Bfe ■' - „.___nsoftj HlWu* R. Stroud^ M Eo'ckler, * ? ' *, . r aye y; or - ^,r ' ' iwa r<-I,rfv ifi’ii u/.aid<-d (.om'mmri'ih cmtlflcateg p.i6!e e-re •/ |'n radio-; g •. •MiRdomikfe, ./ all of Viineoiu. ;• J , D '-Mar Phtudge, Middle Mbs- . 'lll'-'h-lrji, N R.; o, .V.^Atllnso^ H'lJiix; a. E,-^McKean, N' ifii h,’.rrait, out..'; -T. i - GU-x I ,ookoul, Out. ; C. B -Mil er and .L. M. Nelson, all.' 1 ■"-■hi", G.. K. Nellm-m, "'■ It 'I'1’!', >Meolft,’SiiH.k.;. tttljj laskatoon, Sask. • /.’ G, "A 'I,