HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-06, Page 4ZION \ PAG8FOTB 4- 4* V BLUE FLAME ENGINE —’——r WINS APPEAL \. • ’on—xktw in its •—cotaBmed with, iese new models e\ “gHding ride” Willis ' ’PHONE 129, rWINGHAM The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts operator, when a similar decision had ARCH Bool Trouble .. ’ - ... '* ■""-t*"'1 111......i."-1 ............ ............................ i1;.'1;11, .... ..’• .. A-' - - '....~7------------ . ' ■ v • AA certain noted doctor has recommended a certain type* ef shoe for foot trouble, more especially in the Aren of the foot. No doubt these shoes are good for certain types of foot . tut the priees asked in the writer’s opinion are hot justified, and therefore we have placed in stock certain lines of shoes for W»- men and . for Men, made practically the same and of equal qual­ ity “gs .far as'- upper stock is- concerned?, but there is.one great difference," and .that, is. in the prices which are as follows, FOR WOMEN, PER PAIR ?—^H95 _ t /In All Sizes and Widths FOR MENA PED PAIR ,... te .. ■...... ?.; 38-5Q .- THOSE WHO AKE AFFLICTED WITH ‘FOOT TROUBLE’ PARTICULARLY IN “THE ARCH” OF THE FOOT WILL BE WISE TO INVESTIGATE. «’ CULROSS CORNERS Mrs. Stabbard and Verine Hawk-' rhaw are spending a few days under, the parental roof. J We are sorry' to report that Mrs. RobL Wraith is not as well as her many friends would like? Mir. arid ’Mrs. CrOseman and daugh­ ter Gertrude of Toronto,. visited Mr. -. and Mrs. Jpo. Ross. ' ' lif. arid' Mrs. Wm. Alton and Frank Thompson of Toronto arid Bbrt of ' II .'Aiyr, are spending the holidays ' at. Fred Thompson’s. Mr.’ and Mrs. F.. Moore, Mr. and -F^redenck—^.oi—^-^pde^-water,'. Mr. and Mrs- Fred Geddes of Walk-, erton were visitors at Wni: Thomp- . son’s. Mrs. Wm. Hodgins visited her ; ; daughter, Mrs. Ed .“J ames. . ^777 , ; ; Miss Anna, Ross has returned home - -after assisting .Mrs*. X-Rete)...Burgess, of Lucknow. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY, JUNE 6th* 1935 V Mr. and Mrs- Boden Ritchie, grand­ son Billy aiid Mr. Walter Ritchie- of Walkerville, .were visitors with Zion friends over Hie week end. \ ■■■•.' 1 ■ Mrs. Joseph Freeman and daughter Lois, returned to their home at' Lee­ burn, after spending a week with;fhe former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardner. ° ■ Mr. and /Mrs. Chas. McDonagh left last; week for a. month’s .visit with friends in the western provinces. Mr. and Mrs.\ Thos. Hackett and Irlma, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hunter arid EUeda, attended the Curran-Trelea- ven wedding, on Saturday last — Mrs, W5I1 • Gardner ., .attended.. ..the ,t Silver wedding anniversary of Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Brown of Hamilton oh Saturday, June 1st. Mr. and.Mrs R. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and son Allan, SOFTBALL LEAGUE ORGANIZED:^ The Lucknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. j Mrs, A.., D. Mackenzie.— Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1935 Through the efforts W Rev. F. C. McRitchie of. Bervie the K. H. K. (Kincardine,. Huron, Kinloss/ softball league has been organized. This is a splendid undertaking in the rural communities, and with such leaders as Rev. Mr. McRitchie, Milton Alex­ ander, H. Thompson, N.>Clinton, A, MeLeod, W. Starters, S. Hunter, the ' new league should be properly eon4 dubted and summer sport in the Townships named in the constitution by over fifty interested persons, should be made to flourish and ate tract large crowds to its games. Ber- 1 Armbw,“~KinlossLEinipiigh;-Mil-- -red toXhe~case of--a-Hens^.II-fiax—mill larton and .Clarkes., will have teams'operator,, when a similar decision had ih fhe schedule.—Kiricardirie News. . been given ~sotne”tt^tep^vious;x'“ ; TTis Honour Judge J: M. Costello reversed the decision of the court of revirion of the Town of Seaforth and- allowed the appeal of J. G. Anderson against a busin.es tax, assessed upon bis .flax business in Seaforth. The hearing was last week. . . Mr. Anderson claimed that' his flax mill was a farming operation and therefore exempt of business tax. -He had been assessed as a mamifacturer . hy the_town of Seaforth..Mr-\Ander- son pointed out that flax straw is no longer processed into tow. ..Tn giving his decision in favour of Mr. Anderson, Judge Costello refer- ST, HELENS ■j • \ • Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger and Lola,.Mrs. Roy• Cringle and Helen of.. Detroit were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. The annual Birthday Party of^the, Harris Mission Band was held on Sat­ urday afternoon, at the manse,; wjtn a splendid attendance. Laurine .filler presided. Uejen Miller read the scrip- :^"n^bh7afia“'I^h-"Wante'^ve- "h reading. .Mrs, Wilkinson gave the talk from- Die study book. At the conclu-‘ sion games were played on the lawn and lunch and a pleasant social, hour were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Joe1 Wrightson, Mr. jack and Miss. Winnifred Wrightson of Glamis, were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. " Mesdames John Miller, Jks. Gaunt, Joe Gaunt,/ R. J‘. Woods, John Swan, W. -A. Miller and Misses Greta Webb and Mary Irwin attended the District annual ■ meeting of the West Huron Women’s Institute held at Clintop ■last Wednesday. f ■■■ ‘ Y. P. S. Make Preserrtatiom .? ■ t ■ ‘ A pleasant time was spent on Fri­ day evening at the Y. P. S social.m the United Church. Mr. Stanley Todd presided over a delightful program uf tgames and contests, yk sing-song led by Mr. Wilkinson and a solo, by Miss .Greta Webb were enjoyed. Ah interesting feature was the presen­ tation to two newly—wed members', ley Tood read the address and > Mr. ;G. S. McIntyre and Mr. Ted Hoare made the presentation of a set of dishes. Mr." and Mrs. Miller expres­ sed their ^pprteciation ai^d all sang - -=rpQp-g^Eey af^‘T<^y~good~faHows”r~ Dear Dorothy and Eldon:— Thls evenl - — - - — - - to bid farewell to two old friehds— Dorothy McDonald , and Eldon Miller- out at the same tme i^e, t^dee Ahem uack into our friendly circle as fam­ iliar faces with, new flames', Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller. ? We are taking Uus opportiiriity of expressing our appreciation of ser­ vices rendered to the Young People’s Society in the past \few years by; both of you. Fox- two year^ now. We have, depended on Dorothy . McDonald to contribute something of interest to our weekly meetings in fulfilling her duties as secretary. Many of our social evenings would have felt the lack of the magic influence of good music, had it riot been for Eldon Millerand hisviolin. TheirMeparturer will cause a blank that will be dif­ ficult to fill up. However, we are very pleased to welcome two ne'w rihigh- bo|s who can .more than make' jip for these losses'teAs”’<“‘tok®~^f“bur7TnP-'' terest.in your future welfare, we wist you to accept these dishes: We would tegt~-wai;-E=::V3U"at-:the:csame=.tiiQe:-t~ha-ti; Public SchoolReports . ' Room IV Sr. IV—Group 1 —Nature Study, Art, Hygiene. ■.— Jlon.—Isabel Nich­ olson; Louise Greer,; Marjorie Allan; Jack Leith; Helen .MacDonald; Rus­ sell Button; Margaret Salkeld; B??-. sie Stewart; Ddnald Finlayson; Elva Twamley; John K; Mackenzie. Pass- Mary Fisher; Jane Hbrnell;\ Helen Buswell; Marion „ Traplin.;, Gladys Penrose; Jban Parker; Evelyn^ White by, Jim Webster.. ' - Jr. IV—JJay Standing.’ - Hpn.-rFlora'Whaley; Ross Mac­ Donald. Pass—Murvin, Salomon; Ev­ elyn Taylbr; Gerald Culbert; ..jack Cook.; jDean Paterson;,Audrey Fojster. Below” 60%—Gordon Stewart; Earl Foster;. 'pardld MacTavish; Merle Johnston. (J. C. Johnston*absent for some Work, therefor not graded.) \ K. MacDonald Dear Dorothy and Eldofl:— ing. we axe come together as _ CABLE- CONTROLLED BRAKES Lyceum Theatre ‘ J WINGHAM Show Starts 8 F. M. X Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 6-7-8 Loretta Young and John Bolei In ■ •The White Parade” THIS STdRY ,OF A NLRSEUN TRAIN ING" / POP; EYE We SAILOR -- In- . “SOCK A BYE BABY” • TAND. FQX NRWS ; —ADMISSION— _/ , ‘ Adults 25c plus 5c Government tax—30c - „ Children ', ■. 13c plus 2c Government tax—15c ' te-' ' ■ " : —NEXT WEEK— SPECIAL ’ GEORGE ARIJ^S In “The Last Gentleman” r*'' f ■ “ Room 41V During the month of .May, pupils were examined in- all subject's except Art and Reading, The following, shows each pupils percentage: Sr. in— ’ Honors—Norah Jewitt 80; Willard . Thompson 80; . Fem Twamley 79; Mary Salkeld 78; Carolyn Allin: 76. Pass—Margaret Nicholson 73; Jack Traplin. 73; . Reid McKim 70; Allan Treleaven 70,; Lloyd Wylds .664. Jean Havens 63. Below ’ Pass—Donald Johnstone 59; Douglas Aitchispn 58; Russell Garnish 57; Jack, Henderson 48.. Jr. Ill— .........■ ' •• ” Catherine Johnstone -#2-;- -BetfjfTay—• lor 82; Helen Orr 81; Pass—Sam McQuillin 74; Sam Chin 73 ” Geoghegan 73; Bill Treleaven 72; Kathleen Reid 70; Ernest Button 66; Keith Collyer 66. BeldwPass—Tom -.Patton-08; Russell Whitby 57j^Ro?i Paterson 54; Fred Webster 54; Klihe Lee 51; Donald MacKenZie 42; Fran- ,11 ' , ’ ’ . ' , M. MacChllum. ces " Armstrong 36. . v.> ; Eileen ; A ' ' - • ' ’ ' ’ "a " te.'/, ' : ■ Room II Sr. II—Possible'-mflrks 480; Honors 360; Pass 288. ' ' A ' ‘ : Honors — Jimmie Hamilton 397 Doris Wylds 395; Alan MacKim 379 Melvin Ojr 377; Carmen MacQuillin 370.. Pass—Russell Armstrong. 353;" -Reggie^erguson-^SS^Helen-^alkeld- te32;“Anne_Parker^320;TommyTrap-- lin 317; Jimmie Purves <115; Marjorie ^df6mdn^M7ri=^^n^G’SFdnTf^305T "Ross . Henderson ' 302; Warren- Wylds 300;LNpnna Ritchie 268; Lorne Reid 262; Dorothy^ Paterson 258; "' Jean BuieFl 256; Lloyd Stuart 213; " Billie Button 196; Donald Johnstone 174. ~ Jr-^II-^Ros^bleufliarksr410jJHpnprg. 245.-.—-1 \ I > I MetsfRobfing. Ex- cluBive patented Ifeatureavguarantee Weather A tightnesa and easy applica­ tion. Fornewroofe pr re-roofing. Send ridge and rafter [ lengths lot fire* I > I fastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT ur.x /. 5 •' te—V I ? SH0|^r|{Wr ' —'■ ' '' ; ' fDr good values And A WIDE CHOICE Selling th'is week^ . Women’s Nayy,\& Black Coats Signed, with congratulations and hearty-g<x>d^wishes,on -behalf-of-the St. HeJehs’ Young . People’s Society', by Stanley Todd, Edward Hoare. ' There was a‘ good attendance * at, the meeting of the Y. P. S. on Sun­ day evening, when the Missionary committee had charge. Arthur Ram­ age read the'. Scripture tesson and Harry Swan gave the Bible character The topic from the study book was itaken by Miss -Helen Miller arid Laur- ine Miller read a missionary letter. .The annual Bible Society meeting will be held in the United church on Friday, evening. Rev. E.\E. Bnider will be the speaker. Mrs. Will Taylor of Blyth was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. n Chester Taylor. \ '. Mrl and Alrsl Ed. Smith, Elinore and Y\vonne of Toronto, were guests of Mr.‘and Mrs. John Webster over• the week end. ‘ ' i ■ ' ‘. Mr; and 5frs. Jas. Douglas and three children and Mrs. Wm. Camer­ on ,pf Mitchell were- recent guests of Mr. and Sirs., John Cameron. •. , Pastor Leaves Shortly According to the final draft of. the i Settlement; Committee of "the London I Conference, Rev. T. C. Wilkinson • goes in July to Fingal in Elgin couri- I ty,. while Rev. H. M. Wright-of Som- | bra will be the hew'minister at' St. . Helens and Whitechurch. I HOSfOR BETHANY RESIDENT . < t - ' —------- r ’ ; Xn hqnor of Miss Daisy Ayles, bride :. eleet, some fo^ty members'of the 1 congregation of Bethany Church, met ! recently at the honte of Mr. and Mrs. tWm. Thompson; „Miss Ayles . had been , organist in Bethany Church, as well as a most active worker, who was ‘ ready and willing at all times to 4e , of'service. The gathering was for' the purpose of, in some , small way, _ex- ■, ..pressing the.. appreriatibh- of ’’these seryiees Mi^s Ayles ■ has rendered. A * fitting address was read by ’ Miss LaWra , Bell and Ernie Hannah pre­ sented" Miss Ayles with a hanAsomp '' A- pleasant s.peial evening of songs’ and games was enjoyed,' with’1 Re,v. Millen. ,• speaking, j.^mplimeptstry.' the assistance, Mi^s, .Ayles . ’ oad oeen to Bethany, where she will .be greatly missed. A bountiful ■ >-^33 served in conclusion. lunch lonalfl 296;MacDonald 296; Kenneth Webster 287;Tack^WisoF^l^iav; jacK' vyjisun ^o^jtdean-Auin (Kathryn Agnew, Esther Patton) 26fl Tack-Scott 215; Jean Webster 205*; Ruth Winterstein 194. ; ' Thdse\marked *, away on acc'ountj of sickness1.. .. H. G. Sheriff. ’ . Room I iSr. Class — Possible marks '450; Honours 335; Pass, 270. 0 ‘ Honors—-^eorgina Geoghegan 366; Doreen Miller 351; Lorraine Fergu­ son 350 \ Mae Webster 349; William Chin 344. Pass—Patsy Whaley ' 312; L^js Henderson 292 ;. Jack Treleaven 286; Glenn Traplin 281; Shirley Cul­ bert 270. Below 60Ronald , John­ stone* 259; Doris Taylor* 255; Ro­ berta Phillips 254; Roy Havens 250; Jessie Reid 245; Ivan Gardner 230; George'Taylor 221; Billie Johnstone 2,02; Donna McCartney 198;' Alma Solomon* 182; Patsy Treleaven 83., jr.' Class —Possible . marks - 390; Honors 290'; Pass 234. Honors—Mary McQuaig 323; Dougr .'as Boyes 309. Pass—Albert*Chin 287; Jimmie Ferguson 285; Ivan Lloyd 284; Patsy Miller 248; Allan Stewart 239; Ellen Armstrong 234. Rcldw 60% Douglas DeeVbS* 222; Winifred Mac­ Donald ,217; Joe Agnew* 2()1 ;v- Fern Ball 176; Lloyd Gollan 175; ..Gordon Mullin 160; Billie Allin* 145; Gordon Hackett 87;. Elaing Irwin 53;* Helen. McCreight 39.. " • ‘ (♦ absent several days.on account . The Season’s B^st , SUMMER DRESS GOODS So New—So Crisp—-So Dainty are’.these Summer Dreis ,Fab-- rics. The prices so reasonable ■ that you’ll want to make, sev­ eral dresses for your righte away wearing. Look at these prices— c\ 25c; 45c; 58c; 89c. L SELLING BOYS’ kUITS T.he famous “Prince Line’’.' Very fine Tweeds and Navy Blues. All have extra trotisers and selfing this' week end at . , $^85;z §8;95; S11.00 A LINE FOR OLDER BOYS Extra cjuality importedlsfreeds 2 trousers — Summer colors. 1 Regular $17.50 values to clear AtZ •____..'...$15.00 .Come Friday and" Saturday ............... . " 1 ’ 1 1 . '1 1 1 ■» " ' iim KING BROS. WINGHAM A Pf sickness)I.Murdic. PRESBYTERIAN Y. <. A. The regular meeting of the Y. W. A. was held at the home of. Mrs, Jew- itt -o.n-. Thursday evening, ‘with the president Kjiss McGill, in the chair. The 'Bible study was aibly taken by­ Mrs. C.'H.''MacDonald dtnd whs' an inspiration to all present. ,The topic “Needs of China” put ?of the study book, was given by Miss Greta. Camp- I HURON TOWNSHIP BASEBALL LEAGUE Basebhll in Huron Township has come to, life this season the. formation of a Huron Township Baseball League, comprising four ienms^-Loc,halsh, pine River, Mapie Leafs and Clarks'. All teams show prospects bf turning out a sufficient number of plhyers to make real com- ■ petition in the league. - . ■ The officers elected are: President, Morris Reid; Secretary, Harold Pol- lock ;• Executive, Ed, • Harrison, John' ■ Smith, John Bell and Murray Mc- hendriek, / Ihe following .schedule has been arranged: ' .lune 4—l.ochalsh vs.- Maple Leafs,. ,£~"’Ularks vs. Pine Rjv'er. . 13— Maple Leafs vs>. Clarks., ; 15 Pine River vs. Lochalsh. IS—Pine River Vs. Maple Leafs., ; 1A1 > I L.ochalsh vs. Clarks. W\i\HiWc'hftj^'"YS’.-'Pind River. , U“-Clarks vs. Lochalsk . "" / „ > . \