HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-06, Page 3Mair M. Morgan
Tear wlu/n yofl can turn thi~s dassei't.
. 1
j.vorib's prince' Ecm
Imgmen:- ' H-Wr
'dressing '“roust j^car^Tljr^^sWT
to bring.-put' trie best , flavors.in .fruits
and. vegetables. ' • '. . ■ : \
Fruit Sal.Pd Dressing
— ;— r<-'—
By Sax Roomer
ar. ffmii'. ami sa-l't in
who\ is the. object of paterflak
m. t-vhn 14 iz fhn'trila fn nernliar'1
' ■*n»-
'■ ■' ‘VsHfif \\ '' Vf '
‘ I A
\v \\
Vrouse thfi' West to the rfienaco of tho^waWri^East.
■rib/ '' '■ ,. A*’- "'-KtfA' "''l;nY'h'...
‘ it ' ' ' ' '
~. Ohly "thp cpmles's cbok/-'4ails- ' to-
o.al'.v her fisricdi^es. Fish of all kinds
li.-i.id themselves, fjo easily to unuwiiai
.. 1.1. ties -that Uie1'thoughtful ^h'piise.wil’e
</.ijMtly .surprises her; family and.
v mYsUtyih’fi. h' dishes-bhan,are actu--
ti.ky.'ijnique. Try these, as sample's:
2' cups" cooked fish? f-resh or c.^n-
ijed-, •* 4. tablespdons. butter,
Wn_ '
.1 CUP
cooked rice,'salt and pepper.- 2 hard-.'
: funked eggs,,: ^/: < , •.’* j .
Free the. -ft h from skiiyaud bone.
. Mell butter- in a«saucepan, add tlie
.tii,<!i and stir gently.' Put in the rice..-1
. tliy, whiteri.-...of Ulel .har.d-QOp.kcd •■eggs,...
and the season'to taste..with salt and;
pi ppe'r, Moye .gpntly about over tlw
.fire until' thoroughly hot, and .serve
.Mtufish,. with 1 hft yolks'<)..
bugs,, pres’ ed ' through, a .riem*,' over.
' the t.op. ' . . - «
, Pink Hash
a4 cup ..codfish;.-1 cup eddlc'
ed ■ potatoes,. Vi? cup 'cooked ' beets,'-
>r''? s,p' onfub po’i'k' fag-and scraps.
■ These- are the “loft-oveirs"- of, an'
old-fashioned, codfish dinner,.'' (T.iop'
the codfish, polatoe i and beets to
gether. Hpa'I ' the .pork fat arid scraps'
■ in frying.-pan; press the .-hash- fir.'m-ly
~ , rog-ether and fry a .good brown on
.. ' each side. Serve pickles or chili suitt"e
____’...... .............■,,?■,/' ' ._____ _
Chocolate .Junket Ice Cream - ...
■ ■■ 2. junket tablets, 2. tablespoons’ cold
wateT, 2 .ounces' chocoi'ale, . l;?\;-u'p
' . m -’avy creiim.. J ,4' cups sugar,, i ■ tea-
—rs+)b(->n--wi-m-l-lnvdl-a-vp-idn-gT--3--eH-ps —m-dte-
l.")i.ssolv.e junket, tablets- .in ..cup
■with 2.tablespoons cbld water.. Melt.
■ -—re rrr)-r.-'p-]a-t-c—emit 'irot-'--^w-afer—a-ri-d-^add--
cup .of the ^ugaj’,. Add .milk and cream,
.a very' little'.at' a time,; stirring until ■
■ ' 'hi hoc th after qach addition..'Add. rest,
of' sugar and ■ vanilla flavoring, and.
Warm " rd, i uke-wa'rm - -NOT HOT. ’ Add
,di solved junket tablets-: • .Turn at
• /once into'.a freezer can/let stand in
a warm - room until ■ firin—about 10-
.minutes. Then cool. Thick' in ice 'and
.- * sail';—an-d—.-tTeex-C; ■■■■- ~~—- - •—
___' A_ DE LU XE P£EL^lL ' ' ” '
No doubt about ..it coconut crea'iit
,. . pi?5' is a db Tu.'x'e pie,'^worthy of special
?' or(;asion dimjiei's? This i-, the..time of
y.'«> *
teaspoon .'alt, % cup milk,. 1 teaspoon-
■ laiii'lla, cttp -chopped- nut-meaM
Ctzinbine' the. ingredients . (except
the nuts- and ' vanilla) -in -the_ order,
given and’Acouk until the m.ixture
forms -a soft ball wlien. tried in cold
water, 238 degrees-. F.;. , cool until te-,
phi, add .vanil'la and nuts-and beat
into'a rfiedi.um s;■ zed . oiled, pan,-..and
wlibn ti’.mOst/'eo.W, cut .-into ?squ’a-res.-
■Penuche -
2- cups brown sugar,- cup khrp,
- n, cup rich miik, ■ l^tea'-p.oon salt,
tablespoon butter,/one-third tea
spoon'vanilla, ■ .
■ Confjri-Uij the but th I/- sugar. karo,
milk 'and 'salt and’ boil' until a litl-l'e.
■\vh(.;-n--'trie(l. Hi cyild water forms-a soft
ball, 23-8 .degWs F. (Jool until ■ -tepid,
add vanilla, 'beat . until creamy an<1
pour Aa ..inch deep into lpexlTunr.sYzefl"'
pan lightly .oiled. When almost cOol,
cut. into squares/ . ' " ■■■
Salads itio in order all bite year
round? but jli'erp should be 'more
•sabrds in summery whc?n the appetite
craves a.nd nature provides a widft
■variety of fresh .fruits and vegetables'
for. their • making./ A vegetable salad
may form the ..main course at ltinch-
,e;on ■ every day, and fruit salad for
dinner several '.times , a week tortris a
.rel'r-esli.iiig. sub t'itute foi'. dessert? The
int?) a.' super-.pi'e' by adding ;-.stra.w-
„.Jjpri\!,k-■ to if. Thiip'is a pleasant and
.'t <-oiioni'Ctil way of "iii’trCHlueing
■fiis'" .-t-r.'i wlrnrrios'(o Mio *fa.mily,
• Coconut Cream 'Strawberry Pie"'" ;
i l.ibh-. pooiT* s'ugai;. . 5. tablespoons
®:il e (lour, ■'4 . IeaUpoon -sa.ll. 2 cups'
milk...< eg yo.lks,/s! ic h I iy beaten. 'J,.,
■r ij p /'.j.h.'j mled ' ('oeniitlt. *2 ■ teasppons-
"*ti i-ii Ik i'.--r,-q,n ii t-irdTft-W'l > tiryp1 r. , • 1 ■■ ■ bq- k (»I ■
tablespoons butter, 1 dozen marsh
Beat egg yolks. Mix cornstarch and
sugar, (-kimbiue all , ingredients ex
cept marshmallows. Co,ok in double
boiler 15 minutes. Fold in the inarsh-
mallowS cut in small-/pieces. Cool.
Plade in baked pie shell. Cover with.
inerin'gu'4|ina'ue of whiles'of egg's and
2 tablespoons, sugar, and brown
;-d.igl|itly in. a stow oven. ' i ?
When unexpected ^pmpany conies
and ..you do not know what, to t-erve for a dessert, purchase yo.ur fa^ori.te
ice cream add your -problem is'sol'v-'"
I ed.' " " .?
If your guests are ’ children . they
.will~'b’e; delighted ■ with a; homg-mad^
ice cream soda. Use ginger.' ale, root
beer, cream soda ui; .’ any s-imi?ar,
beverage. Iptq each glasls drop..-.a lib-''
e.ral pdriion of- ice cream. Stir tlror-
' n.ughly,< and..ypUT,,-so.^a is ready. ■ z;
. . -Whore 'the .guests -are. older, g^erve
..^de-ren^ _
doughpiits^Yoti'.will find these com-
bina-tlons -very pleasing - .wjt'h 'd-. 'cifp
of hot tea or coffee: - ; .
■ ■ “GW. your vitamins from-'fruits and
green's," says, tiro doctor, “bed 'them
in dishe's that ..appeal to t^e taste’’ is'
.my. .houesj, ..advice.-Herp .jg g ■ recipe
well v.oTtli • tryiiig: ■
Orange Vitamin Salad
' ' '■ ' (Serves 4) "
..4_ tq~6...small., .oranges,, -lei t uce, .yt
cup grated .coconut, ■ Va cup" graded
carrots.'' . ■ , . .
: Paj’<; oranges and' cut' in tillin'slices.
-Cut. slices in halves. On -lettuce-cov-
■er.ed salad plates,, arrange a circle
of prange slice’s, being?generous, with
grgted -coconut and grated carrot.
Serve at. once wibh mayonnaise, into
which one-third as much orange juice,
has been t-borpughly’ blended, v
Abba is the Argmaic word ^/or .
I Father. Both words- were uttered by
I Chtist iri‘ tyis Gethsemane prayer-
(Mark 14 : 36). , . , •';■
“The Spirit himself, beareth" wit
ness with our spirit,' that; we are' ■
■ children of God.” Doubtless thou ”art
Jhis own child, says the Spirit. 'Doubt-
Jess he Vis -my Father, says, our '
wondering, believi'pg, seeing spirit in
response. ’ ■
. ^And if ehildren, then heirs (Gal.
4 :"7). An heir one who /shares, in ,
the estate arid wealth _of another by ;
relationship, “Heirs of’ .God.’* For
some of fhe Riches of oiir inheritance.,
see, e.g., Heb, T :-14;’ 6 : 17; 11 : 9;
Gal. 3': „29; Jasv2 f-5'; Titus 3 7;
1 ’Pet. .3' ":-7'A “And joints heir -with
Christ.” Christ ..is no "heir, apart'from
us and without us. - jusi as truly as
-..we are no. heii/s apart,from him and I’
without him.’“If so ,be that we suffer?
-with him,' that -we rii-ay be also glori
fied with him.” / A,, truth . taught by
XhrIsLlfix^t_ijp.hnnliV..,2.4—26.; ■ MatL,
16 ': 24,"25)/.'.? - -
. ..“And in-].ike.'gia'nriei‘ the Spirit-al- ""
sc. helpeth our infirmity.’’ The' Holy
Spirit makes'common cause yzith us
against every foe by taking- hold^pf
us ’and providing adequate aid.. “For
we know not how- tp pray '■ as . wa.
- ought‘ btrt the-Spirit. -himsdi-£ maketh—.^—L
intercession for us With groanings
which dannot be? uttered.” He moves
in--the tired soul, and breathes'him-
. r-j.ts-----thohgh.t,.....and-, ...hia - ?.-.
mysterious groan of divine '.yearn
ing mingles I with ou.r/groan of
burthen, and 'the man’s longings go
put-above all things, not towards,
rest, but. towards God and his will. .
■ “And he that s'earcheth *the hearts
knoweth' what- is. the mind' of . ,th'e
' .Spirit^ because he . maketh interces-^
•_sion jbi" the saints according to th a ?
will of God?’ The. one who searcheth
the hearts i-s_- certainly here God th'q .
Father, ■‘'though' the ’same words Jara :
used of. the Son, in Revelation 2 : 28,
LESSON X. June 9.
LESSON-e)—Joel : .28, 29,-J.uke'’
11 : 9—13; John 3': 5—8; 14 : 16,
. ..17, 26; i5 26, 27; T6 :'7—1^Acts
',.2(: 1—21, 32, 33; Ronians 8,:
; 17/,. 26,_27; 1 X'orinjhirins 12 : 1—'
13; Ephesians 1 : 13, 14; 3 :. 14'—
' 21; 4 : 1—6, 30. .
'' ... X "
GOLDEN TEXT—As mapy lip are.
. led liy the Spirit of God, these, are
sens, of God;..— Romans' 8, : 14.
y -,'Tihie and .-^'-lace—gl’hiq prophet. Joel
wrote about B.C. StrnTTIin- words of
Christ oh prater recorded, in the pas
sage from' Luke were given, pgpbably
in December, A.D. 29, in Peraea. The'
miracle recorded al the.-beginning of
Uh- third chapter b'f- John took -place
in the early summer of A..D. .28, " in?
Galilee., The dis courses' recorded in
John1 14,’15.,. and 16. were jell uttc-ycd.
on the Thursday ■ evt-iring before the'
' Lord’s 'crucifixion', in?" tile Tepper"'
Room, in Jerusalem-.- For the second
chapter-of Arts and-the Epist.le. to
the .Romans? see ''the lesson of May
5?.The First Epistln to. the • Corin-
tliians " was "written by the Apostlb
Paul about A.I). 5'9, The Epistle, to;
the luphesiang was written While he
' was a, prisoner -in Rome, A.D. 6-1.’ •... ?
“Nevertheless I toll y\ju thejruth:.
It “m~"expedienb. for you that' I' go
a'wmy; for if T go n5't''away,-'the Com-
if I.‘go, I -wrll send, him unto' you..”'
Chris.t’s bodily presence' was com-
1'zOrtabTe.'but the--Spirit is-more in-
timate-ly a,•C’O.mfortei~ than Christ in
For if ye live af-ter the. flesh, ye
must” die.” The death Jmre spoken of,
as a-ppears' fronv the whole ebntext,-
and-front theVpature of the,life- witJi-
Khiclr it is contrasted, cannot-be the
death of- the body, eith'er'solely or
..mainly. It is spiritual death,' in 'the
ci.-ni-prehensive scriptural" .sense of
• that ’.term, v,’hiah, includes ■all thg
penal .consequences of sin here and'
hereaffer- .(chap.. 6 :• 21/^8 ; 6;'Gal;
»6 : 8).. J’But if by. the Spirit yet put
to death .the. deeds of • the body; ye,
shsill live/’. Such ..a- .life' of' repudi--
’.'is possible’ pply .‘by, Rite"power'- of t^e.
Spirit -who .indwells us. ' ' ?
“For as'many as are led /by., tlie
Spirit 'Of Gocl'/b Spidut.al-'leading' c.on-
. sists in :rn influence over our actions
of a power'which is not to be ideriti.-.
tied w.ith foupselves. “These are'sons
/.f God’.”' A 'stiri' is one -’Who ' has a
.similarity of disposition, and-.''-char-
■ ac'ter, ’
affection, who has t-he'title to peculiar
"ilfiuvi'l'ege'jE ’ ' /•-—-—-------r--
’ “For ye •rere.ivedpn'ot the spirit of
bondage again 'unt^) ■ fear.”.' The un
regenerate man is in a state of bondr
age, not only to',-sin,.but to a slavish
and anxious apprehension of punish
ment;. “But*' ye received the. spirit of
adoption.”'The Spirit.is so'“called-be-.-
■cause he adopts. It is by him we are’
made the sons.-of God, and‘-his ■ in
dwelling,' as it' produces the . char-,
act'e-r of.-son's, ■ so it is the pledge-br
assurance of' sqriship/ “Whereby we'
cry,- Abba,. Father.” .See .Gal. 4 : 6.
Jaunty ■
_k^-oiipL^vlnjegar....or■ lemon juice.
cup salad, oil or melted butter; two-
t-hif'd ’cup .sweetened' condensed' milk.
1 egg yolk (iinb.eat’ftri? %_-?easpoon
salt, few grains' cayenne’, i• teSs&bbn?
dry mustard, y2 cup tart red jelly.' •
■ Place, ingredients (except: jelly ?■ in
mixing bowl. Beat with' rothry egg
boater until- mixture ‘ thickens. .11'
thicker cdnsis.tcn'cy is' desired,.' place
in refrigerator to. ch-ill before serv-
“ing. Just before serving acid '*4 Clip'
tart red jelly 'such, as currant1 . or.
cranberry.' Mix wpll,' .using a silver
fork. Makes- 1%. 'cup's. ' /This 1 is' ?de-"
■ lieious with, any B:iii£..mix.t'llie. '
- Mustard Salad /Dressing ,.
hf'cup sw(-'et(.>'ned condenseU jnilk-,
-d4--<wip-- t'.'m/dd. Cntsiqi. i/r cuor prepar-
-ed—m-ri—t-a-id-r-—— --------:-------i_-------
' Thoroughly blend, sweetened coin
(lunsm-l ni.ilk-.' ..tomato 'ctit'ritiivSSiJ^yjJ:.
pined mustard. C'liill./S-tCo on
. IUC.P Qi' vegetables-. .
■ For. your next' "special occasion”
,u ((Up'puny ilinhtT, a birt hilii F’TTuirm.
a I't^t iye'-"' sum'nii'r /lH'nc-lieon--('bocoi
■lute ire, box cuke; It. is so simple.
I-lis fleshly' presence;'? because big
Spirit can' comfortall believer.^ at
■once in 'all ' places, while X-brist s
bod|i'!y“ pr-e-s-e.-nee. can-i?qnjf
“Abd-'.hey when he1 -is ■ -come, -\will;
conxlyri;--the world.” He. so presents
tlie' trut'h to men that they ought io
believe; whether they'do believe the'
word " does not. indicate; “In respect-
of sin, and bf righteousness,' and 'of
judgment.” These are the . cardinal
elements in', the determinatio’n of
man’.s'spiritual -state/ In these his
■past'-’ arid' pfesen;r”’nnd ' future' are,-
‘severally summed, up.
V“0.f-'sim because they believe' rio.t:
on me."’ The .Spirit, working through
■t ilc y ri't'ten."and spotei 1 ’ word, starts
"from’the fact of unbelief 'in the Son,
of. Mil n? and- through that jays'’open"
.whut' sin is.
“Of righteousness, lubau'se" T"go “t°''
the Flit iter, and ye behold 'me no
more.''’ Th.is0 righteousness ,is not
■mil's, but 'Christ's, .testified to by his
,‘asc.t!n<ioi.i, ah'd revealed by .the' Spirit
in mu' hearts to bp o.t\r-only right
eousness.'. . ;• , ' ■'
From the Victoria. Times
An international equaLfights’fp^
wonjen . Corinefejice.'? in “ the 'former-
■harem of .the‘'^u'l.tan-s<of, Turkey •■is-;
-ji'striking sign of the times? ’
■ ? Won\eri?&om-, 4,2 . countries have
co'hvene.d- at the "Yjldiz' Palace ip Is
tanbul. Istanbul' used to ;.-be Constan
tinople and/the Yil-diz Palace used
■'to me the ■ seraglio '.in which .. the sul
tan's ladies -were kept- under lock
and key; to locate a feminist confer-’
erice tife're?of ail placcFbiCearfh? is'
. ab.diitAeq.u-al to copyeninig a disarm-
amerit’conference .in one of-.the
Krupp factories, . But for that very
. re as-on the ' incident deserves some-
:_,thing_/more in 'the .way 'of attention ■
•than',a casual “joke or two-, '■ . /
; Alt syinhqliz.es.. one way,least? in-’
which the -world has managecT'"to"
ma-kft. some very --.definite ., progress
’during tli-fe-last"quarter century. .It.
■ i-s probably; tiyie that modern civil
ization1 has il-e'plined somewhat since
the pi-'e-.war decade; bu^ in -this o.m?'
•instance, it, fyas made a . decided ad-
fen^iri’ine/was a. person distrusted and' .
rfdi-culed by' ordinary folk.,, and het .;
frghfg.--had- -barely .begun-.'
Only othe most ..light-headed o^' .
optimists would have- ' pedicted . a. •
victory’ in Turkey inside of one 'gen?
eration. . . ...
' But. the-.wor.ld does move, and it' .
'sometimes fis; a way/of moving ’■
great deal /faster t}ian anyone dares,
to/predict. The fact is. symbolized!..,'
by'this convention in Turkey’s one-.-'
time harem' “and' in nthA-tlrere-■; is-—a4 ~
spoonful ,o\*. two" of hope-for a dis-.'
coura-gbd' world. ' '|j' ■ '■ '. /■ 1 .-
Just now sdeh thing^ as democracy,’
liberty, »and,\peace -look to,be ip a't
very, bad way. They have been' ■
■ takm^ their knocks ' ever since T9^~4,A ' '
and it' sometimes loolf?T~as if one’ \
for Jjte’eps./‘ ■ ■ '
-7i -But human . history'" is' an ^incal- /'
.culable .thing, and' it can' move in
'most ’ unexpe'ehed ways to confound' .J
'the’,'pessimists;, After all, the spast •
■generation. has;-turhed '-the palace of.
■jAzy qv-.^-.-.b.ii! (''ya;- into .a , workers'
TTrr'Trri'S -'Wirt
'Coinhitio" .situ;.... ............-■■■■■- ■■ - ...
boilmC' 'Add milk and
t tin: oiiglily." Place
Witter' and Copic
stirring constantly, Ito-
boiling. water'; -add , Yh
and vanilla. Cool; Slice 1
iin'tl . pie slit'll ;• t-it-en -fill
filling. • .
.,-♦'•0 f'C <l.-mbio
'y.ili.:-. nrixiii
"or. r'- riitil'll} iim'iing'
’ ]'i mihu.'es,
mov fr’lim'
Clip cOI'j-illIIi
Cup b'Tries
wiih (cob’d
riai c ■ egg whiles, sugar, salt],
u in r r' in top (if douhln' boiler;’ .brat
wiilr rutiii’y egg beatoi' until tlior-'’
o'ugli.Iy mixed. Place over r.'a.piin.y boil
ing wuter’ ami beat •„! minute; then
* femnye‘Irn’m fire and I'bn'fi.nne beat
ing. 1 miim(e. or. uni 11/mixture .will?
.maml in peaks. A<l|tl fl-avoring..' Pile
iighCy on' filling-. Cut renrainin-g b'er-
■ ries in Jial't’^ lengfliwi^ertaml ..ai'fanye.
(ri'criiud ini nJ ugue, flat--ide down witlr'
pbinis toward- center. Sprinkle w.ith-
i.'vnuii-ning eo.conu.t. Serve Jal once.V DAINTY SPRING TIDITS ’
coming of warmer. w<\i-
t/'im< gaests no 'longer expert '.lav ish.-
' mH t-'sliinent s . Light-\find' tasty horne-
m/olzf caiidieii ^.j-e -iii) inexpensive
i.i.m th.it’ u ill be e'njoyed hy 'every
" \ ’• ' ‘
Clioriolafe Nu\' Fudge
sugar, *?i crip ka’io,
ni)« wect.pnod cli.oco'aie,®’.-Ci
-.ty—yppngy ligl.it and icy' cold . a's~vou'
“hT’fi m *T t' Ti x > TirnTTe?T7",rT'" iLWrifriri
, Chocolate Ice Box Cake
■ .4 ' squares unsweetened chocolate,
’■2 cup sugar, dash'of salt, i cup .-hot
win it. 4 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon viin-.
ilia, 4 •oii'4. whites/st iffiy beaten, 1 cup
cream, whipped,, 2 dozen lady-fingers.
I Jjelt chocola-te ‘on top of3 double-
boiler.." Add sng<ir,r sa.lj. and water,
.stifling until sugar is .dissolved, and
riiixtiw'e ■ i* blended. Rc.'i.np,ye frp?n_
boiling-'water-.; hdd egg yolks, one at.
a timp,"b'eating.'t.'horoii.ghly after each
addition..-'.<Pla('e ■ over boiling water
and/cook 2 minutes or unt il thickened,,
stirring constantly. Remove, from
boiling wiiter; add vanilla and fold
into egg AvliiteS. CJlill; Fold in* whip?,
ped;cream. Line bottom and sides qP
mold with la’ily fingers.on top. Chill
1-2 to 31 libui^-in refrigerator. , If.
(losirod, add ?2’ cup' finely cut walnut
■»n’ri’iits to chocolate, mixture before
turning into mold. U-nmold. Serves 8,
• , -• ■' ( Makes 1 Piet ..'
2 eggs, 4 tablespoons cornstarch.
J.5 'clip sugar,, 1 cup orange juice, 1
iablrispoofi .lemon’ •juice-,. I teaspoon
grated orange rind, y2 <mp water, 2
Hu ? tire little cos
tume in navy blue-linc;n. It looks'
l^vc a three-pieye ■ suit, but it is
really a dress, with a .bolero jack-
-■-et." The? bodice' of? the. (1-r.essH-i^;-■
' modish chiffon seer^ii.ch.er in red,
white and . navy. ., .
Style No: dOG.d'is designed for
■sizes’ 141 Kh 18 years, 3d,' 38 and ■
40---ihche's bust. • Size- Id'.requires
. ■ 31i \vards ’of . 39-inch ‘ huUerial
with 1 yard bf 39-ineh <^>nt-r'ast-
■ing..' ■ ' "■ .
■ ■ Write\ your .nanie and address
plainly, '*'.giving number -and . size
of such\ .patterns as you want.
Enclose Al5c Ln stamps or cbm
/.coin preferred; wrap it careful-,
ly ) for,each numbers and address.
. your order to Wilson Tatrerp -Ser
vice, 73. West Adelaide Sf.,- Th*.
' con to.
m^riuD'cross'' of ■',Christ, J
•his'death Christ'Jest rob'd the p.ow.c.r,
'of. the' devil in the heart' of , all /b'e-
’.ievors, • .- "<
"And if Christ is in you, , the body
i's. dea-dt because of sin.”. The -body ig
dead in the se'nso\ that it is not only'
'(j.briqxi.ous to death, but it is aligad?
the scat of death.\“But tile spirit is
life because of righteousiKss.” The
reference .here is, ’to,, the hitman
-s-pixitV now liyingyVinto Gqd, ig' th_e?
regenerate man, ? . , , '
- “But if.the Spirit 'of l^im that rais
ed u.p\ Jesus from, thh.'dead..” That is,
the. SpiriH.ofv God the -Father. See.(
.(•> ■: 4; Heb. -13 : 20. “Dwelleth in. you,
he that raised up Christ Jesus from
■the dead shall give life.' also, to your,
morta-l bodies through, his Spirft
that dwelletli ■ in' -you; These' bodies,
during life,yhave. been., inhabited by
. theSpirit A>f hint who raised up
.Jcsii's l'ro'm the'dead.'
.■ “So. (hen, brethren, we 'are debtors,
not' to''the- flesh, to live-’after. the
flesh.’’ Ehiancipated the tyran-
. mius service' of Siu-.into the service
-nt Righteousness; we owe-nothing
ii'iW to the -flesh. . 6 '
that. 1
would sweep'-clear i-iito the ?$u.l tan’s
hare-m-at- any time 'in jhe near future
Everi ii^-England.'■ a'n'd America. the,
T-ul to -suspect ti'jaj the ’next genera
tion^ may hi ing -equally surprising
chairges ? • •, ’ . ■ • • '
li“'lll',‘l ,',rl ", " • - ■ m . in J / ' 111 1,1 1 ■ 1 1 "' 1111
Remarkable Death CelLMissive ■ . ..\ ■
/ Frqm Private to J^iis Comn^ahdarit
MaiF-\\’.h-O-Died-Qn..Gu-llp-ws-J.EN.pirss.es Sincere Apol'ogy..Ftftx. .'
•A ■ Noiuriet'V He ^Jatised Dti-rhaih Infantry
, Buni/M?Uia./--A-remirtamV- lhe BiiAatorBr" n^klhg "m '
(letter rkm^he dwii <■/ ™,re<-oiv. 611M|gh t(„ race un„fraU ; p,,™!,.
ed.;.l>y.U«uJ. J. .A. Cliurcb/. gom- w4re f0|. ta„, I)ilnl?11.-
mandant of the. Durham Light In, meIll wl|] i)e a '^u, „r Iif9 ■
tantrr.-rrom Join). Bniuhrldge. former , the.15„;i|,1,n,s, u. ndt
private in the rc'ginie'nt, who was '
hanged here recently -for ’Wie murder
pf‘air-agi'-d lawyer’s. ■<>]Pi'-k at 'Bishop.■.
Auckland. ' ? , ' --?■
In* it rhe condemned man expres-'
set!'sincere apology i'o'r -th?, -notbriety
he had dii'et'.;'1 d-the .Durluims. 'iiii'i' .
continued; .■■'■ ' ' ’ .
. I ' ' ‘ ' >
. "As a private oi lit I -became al-
mrtst a getithmmu ' Most of all I thanij
i i,inprisonjnent,.
■proud, will not ■ be'» ashamed ■ of the
way in .yv.'ihdp one. of, t'he'ir numbers
■bices and a'(‘('i'-'pts: i-t.’-' ■'■'■ ...........
He .also . u rote to a fellow" .private
who-t.v' tided for the prosycution at .
jthe t.rial. ''Just ice , tloddard compli
mented sou at the. tthi'l so I do now.
You did tlip only possible-thing.-a sol-';
dter can do, so quit worrying.’’
THE.ZYAT KISS—E.U Manchu’s Victims'