The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-30, Page 6A HANDY POCKET TREAT SWEETENS THE BREATH! 'fa> -Five CROOK6D CHAIRS By FAREMAN WELLS O. - •« »• , < . o o . . <» «»-■■ o. o J •■ £ ; SYNOPSIS Merlston>.- . -a\\ tarmer’a-7’son, ijccessful attempt to thwart ijevifes^ih a1 bag-snatching raid' -torn, frqm .the .hands of a t explains fhat it contains the ICings1- of her father’s shop. . ixnpts tq, track the thieves and j ah old ' warehouse. Adam fie " building while the girl Jthe door Suddenly he hear§ The mfenVurns our to ..vivj^^-T-QPi’vijle JPerldn. Adam,; fn his private ;. hours expert- •• Adana-< Merlston. . a tarmer’s son, articled to a solicitor, makes a brave but unsii • - three thb The bagf girl whef day’s -tall) - atte reaches ? enters th watches | footsteps ........ . — be Adaine employexrr-QprviJle JPefldn. V, .. .. Adam,; fn his private/hours ‘ experi- menis iyjth short-wave- wireless. . Walking homeward; ‘Main is nearly r(un, dovv|)'. by L.a' lai'ge.’swift “car. ;' He calls offqf’iiSciUa Nrirval. * ■ ’ ’; Hgr faithfere'yeriqurits i'He history, of five antioue" Chair's ne possesses." Adamiis extremely puzzled pvef the fcarinectian—W~,-Corville- Perteip—and- 1 the .antique -chairs.Then Priscilla is sifiri.tea away.- A After Adam had made his state- , jnent, he f ound - there was just, time ’^o grit tq the Technical College before If everything, had been all right he would ria^je been at work on his '-wMve^to^^hte^^whS'^^lribsrteut2 in Ms mind a scheme for an attack on ,Mr, Qqrville Perkin, and in that scheme he was1 proposing to make, use qf trie mysterious powers of the valve. . .' 'J/., ‘ ( ~—The 'Pjfofe^^ He was /a^gre. of the trouble in whidf heto;had ^eep .^vrilyed by the. loss of a youngt^rlLf^om a picnic party at y=Penhyn^>$Qr<• ■ a^d1- fro m' what -he; had - ’* obseryei^^ jAiiam lately'he had been “Ahlerto^ significance That loss was. likely to --have.-for-.his—inventive-pupil—“A-fraid yqU-JCO-—tpxx=--late—,-tq-do—any~-good——to_~ "liigKtr^fBTU^^ him half-humorously. . “You- fook as if you’d beenr having a worrying time, my boy?’ . • ■ . “I came to get the circuit. I. want to make an -important experiment "jyith.it tepiortow.” Triq Professor pursed his lips. It was .Evident hri did not-like, the idea An Aspirin tablet starts. disinte- y . grating as soon as it touches rilofsture." That means that- Aspirin starts “taking hold” . . ; eases even a bad headache, npuritis or rheumatic pain almost instantly. And Aspirin is Safe. ‘ Doctors prescribe it. For Aspirin does hot harm lhe heart: \ . t Be sure io look for the name Bayer \ iri thp form of a cross on every • Aspiriy tablet. Aspirin is made- in Cariada arid all druggists have it. ‘ • Demand and Get ■ ■.;.A\^P.I RIN ■ 1 TRA-3CM ARK REGISTEREO IN Canada , means charmIlf aLTH I " fl.ND HAPPINESS Sparkling pyes and sfriiling lips speak of health • and vitality. Clear \ skin attracts. The' \ v beakliy'activ.egirl \ is tooth happy and poptilar.\ Perhaps you . ara not really ill ■ - VS ^henth^ . ’ 4s-’’done. \ to enter intoUhe good times that other women enjoy. For extra^ghergy, try Lydia & Pinkham’s Vegetable ■> Tt your general r^ear:.). Gives you thore pepj-more r ..namber that 98 out of \100 won an report 'benefit. Let it help Adam up by his foolishness, but iw this he was not very successful, and when the young1 man left the "polr lege half an hour later, staggering under the weight pf his battery-load­ ed suitcase^ fhe burden on his/mind seemed to exceed that on his bo<?y. He made his way to Cavendish Street, where he. had been staying, fdr a night or two. Although the hour was late, Nor- val had hot attempted to go to! bed, He said the house seemed so liked a morgue how, that he never lay down in it without thinking of him- - -self-as-already -dead^The. rooms were untidy and undusted, _but beyond Jail that there was an extraordinary . sense of emptiness as /.though the; ; soul of the place had departed. . !Noryal found some plates and »- oddments and the two niade a .show ; of eating. As' they did so he sudden­ ly remarked C^You’llTbe "surprised “tp learn that I. have decided to let chairs go at last/* ■ “Let them go? To whom?” « . ‘ “To your Mr. Corville Perkin, Course. He called here today and newed his offer. He also hinted that if he had a sufficient sum of money placed at his. disposal he firmly,, be­ lieved he lould do a great deal more for me in connection with the re­ covery of my girl than all* the police in: the country. I feel I daren’t re- fuse' his “aid, and the only way to get the necessary money is to sell, him the chairs/’ - .. ■■ “In other words he’s, blackmailing you in what looks to be a perfectly legal way,.and .more than that, the cunning devil- is getting the chairs' and the money as, well,;, that is he’s, getting the chairs for’ri'othihgi Don’t- do it. Leave Mr.' Perkin to me for. a couple of days at least.” - “But" 'Whatr can" yoir'1d'b~tha'f;' you" have'not already done?” . .^4tI_-can^nighten--the^s0ul¥™if--'-he---haS"- one, out of Mr. Perkin,” answered Adam boldly. ' He was confident now that the­ ta wyer knew all. about the disappear- ' -ance"of~ Scylla^was-no-doubt-r-responT sible for it just in order to secure the chairs by this specious offer of Ja's^istahcerHis"propbsal'’h^ a -cerWri” degree of cleverness about it, and forced a reluctant admiration from him. Perkin certainly was a remark­ able negotiator. ; “I’m afraid it’s too late to with- -di-aw^^ow;M~Norval‘“:—wap-saying? “He’s sending for the chairs to­ morrow and bringing receipts for the payments of the money betvyeeri us.”‘ ♦ - ® oO ' ' < » •■-iff. •< k ■ " < ff V- ■ ' •'I k ' d ■■■:* "i experiments now, and resented the suggestion of independent action. “I suppose you would not mind telling mo the lines you propose to go bn,” he remarked equably enough. - “I think it would 'be 'better if you did not’know, sir. I am by no means sure of my ground yet. I’m in awful trouble, as you will have guessed, anil -I’m ..proposing to give the valve its first exercise in the -detection of ,crime< If I can frighten,' the truth out of one’person, I think everything' will, come /right. If I can’t, ,1 suppose I. shall'be .in a worse mess than ever.”-' ■ . ' “That’ sounds very, interesting in­ deed, "but I think you would be well advised not to experiment ' without -t-he~aid-~of-a-trained' -a-nd;r T-think*~T .may say, a competent observer. In. your present condition you are..liable to become. excited, ^and the most im­ portant of your results might escape "yo'u'T'alttrgetfier; ~WhXt"”I~“!^^n7™Ti's*,“ you’ll probably be so concerned about a matter that has no scientific value :W^ever^rii^au:^lF^v^lb'81r”t^; subtler phases of your subject’s t re­ actions. I therefore propose to be present at this experiment. - I can make the notes that you will certain­ ly -be. too unbalanced to make, and without‘-whichJ;he"experi|Tentr'will"be,; scientifically sneaking, valueless.”' “I’m afraid, it wouldn’t do for you,, sir. I am by no means sure 6f my iground yet, panr-acting: only on very strong suspicion. If the man I’m "after"'doe'S’"riot'~ltno'w"TlriytKi MisS7 Nprval’s disappearance there’ll -be—a-if2-awf-iri—sAin-k-?4---------—--------------- —-^But—my-dear-fellowj—yam—surely- “give me“cr^Tt7' aftei7“forty years~"of" laboratory experience,-!or' being Usrid to stinks. They are sonietimes very valuable indications „to the trained mind. And as -a matter of fact, I’.ve none of the vulgar prejudices against "stinks. I. quite like ’em.” , ' “This’ll be a legal stink, Sir, if it comes to that. Action for assault and ^•'^hati~.s;o'fctJ.ot thingf ry» ■ of re- —J“Then dohlt—open—tihe-^doerr-^hut' you doing that after all your.- troubles. Be out. That--is, c_.. _ in—they' might break in—‘but ^unless . they do, don’t show up.”7 ■ "7 7 to, Are Proud Of Penitentiaries <£t» I m / English Judge Says Jails- And Courts Attract Visitors < London, Eng,—People are (proud of their \penitentiaries, according to Mr. Justice Sir Rigby Swift‘d one of the judges, of the King’s Bench. The judge was [giving evidence before the Royal Commission on the despatch of business, at. :c.ojmmon law.L “Nothing has -created -greater- In­ dignation in sariie parts. of the coun­ try, tihan the cluing of jails/’ declar­ ed the judge. “No one would think that they wanted a jail In theMr. midst, but I know' several towns which- were hjghly.,indignant that -their prisons ■should^be'takenraw'ay£ Prisons'bring' people into town as visitors, to see it, and the same thing applies to the holding of assizes.” js. ' On the question of retirement of High Court judges, Mr. Justice Swift who is just 60 years of age, said: “No. retiring age should be fixed. I speak without prejudice because I .have ‘almost reached the time when ‘I am entitled to retire, and I am‘Con­ siderably below any retiring age which is likely to be fixed. If a judge is competent not see any reason why he should not go on doing it. Ample power is .already vested,in the Lord Chancellor , to get rid of anybody who by age or incompetency should be relieved -of his judicial responsibilities Saved, by the Modern Nose — Pieture~the‘'7C'onsequenceS.““if ■ the powers of smell which once belong- ed to the human race were restored'. There can be no' civilization Without smells. To warm ourselvris wfe burn coal and .other fuel, producing smells which we .do not notice, though if our noses were perfect, they would ’be''TbathSb’rne:’ Iri.Tiu’r houses “thefeT must always be tipy escapes of gas, which: luckily .our ‘modern noses^OH not detect. Nor are they offepded by the smell of the wooj or cotton of which clothes are made, or the leather , of our footwear and the thousand and one other odours wlpeh would' become intolerable.. Gladiolus Popular . . ,.t...... — Canadians Well Fed A Word Of Praise I wonder jvhy we are so prone to ™ ciensure ahd“To*?5Tamef 11 7- , . don’t be Can’t we forget the\ faults, and seek . (To Be Continued.) /' ' -------------- -----------------T~ V'fc. ’ ' - - ' , • <A ' “Have you seen the engagement ring Jack gave me?” ___■■ “Yes; pretty, isn’t, .it? I/wasTsorry it was too large for me! for .virtue arid acclaim? .; ~ ~ J7 worider^why we always aee the Are there no viriiies there? And are * th$ faults worse thaln our own? O, let; us give a word of., praise to those who ■'daily plod:____• ____ That word may be, the ray ofv hope that lights a.sViul to God. “'''-’The’“^ the most popular flowers iri Canada.' Also it heeds very little care except a t° planting and digging time. Abbut the middle of-May is a good time ,.for..„plan.ting. .b.u.t)...as_pointed out by the Horticultural Division, Dominion. . Experimental Farms, the exact date ■varres^aceofdin^tb^loMlity^beoauio- the frost must be out of the ground and,the'soilAdried. Sandy Warn, yrell fertilized ;the previous year, is the ideal soil, but gladioli will do well on heavier soils. In a ligHt. poor soil they.would probably fail iri a hotthey would probably fail in a dry season. After planting tne ' soif must be cultivated frequently to keep down the weedsand render,the -surface < loose. During very dry werither a thorough soaking v^i'th -water~once""a''w'e'ek"is'"v'ery''b'enefrcra'l7 and it is well to remember- that when -the—time-—comes—for—-eutt-i-ng——t-hri- -blooms—at—least- Two- sc should be left on the plants, so - that weather a Canada • certainly does riot starvf its people if we..may judge by ■ it( recorded consumption. Iri 19.33- w( ate, per capita, 136,99 pounds '-ot riieat,i ,10.68 pounds of poultry, 30.4 pounds of butter,, 3.30 pounds . ol cheese and 257 eggs. The meat, bill -Wa-s-a-s—f-o-ll-ow-s^porkT--.44-,58—Ibs.j. „heef, 56.0,9 pounds; and" mutton an/ Jam£_6^..poun,ds.':y Iting. as.yfar as-,I remember,” said the ^^fessqF^iffi'^obincally/^One^ugM' always tp, seek new experiences. Look ^here., my lad, don’t-you think it would be wiser to tell me aH’ aboiTt it first".' •Then I’ll tell ybu1 .whether I. think I ought- to come witl^ you or not.” It was a great-relief to .the tor­ mented Adam to'fell all his hopes arid fears, to sympathetic listener, hut he liSsistea that he-must be pack- dharacti ;ing up the apparatus xyhile he talk­ ed, and in this thfe Professor thought it-wise tq humour him. Hb even lent a hand to load - the ' batteries into Ad dm’s, old' suitcase and to connect^ up the circuit oh a removable shelf. “I have begun to dislike your Mj’- Peikin very strongly, I’m afraid,” he Remarked half-way through , the narrtjtiye. “I. fe^r already that I may find it difficult to retain the scientific detachment' so necessary in these ex­ perimental stages’. I ha<l much the sah\e difficulty, I remember, in the little test I made my wife’s gold­ fish. If you. knew how I. hated that goldfish I-think you would under­ stand.”- Undoubtedly he was trying to cheer —— — LIVE Yeast Gives Buoyant Health “About three months ago I commenced to take Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast regularly, with excellent results. I have recom­ mended your Yeast to many friends, and those who have tak- rin it testify-to-its efficacy-r espe-, - -- cially aS regards the keen zest for food induced by its use.”— London, England—Extract from ‘ original letter. . \ .' Would you like to be'free fVom lashi- tnw—alive, active, lrealthy-?. Then take Phillips Pure DIVE Yeast. . J, your appetite improve, energy increase. ..1 garden. HANDWRITING^ f~PFVFA:r'“9““’ A*'Ri^ts ■ 'Geofffey^trtlaif f IM- ▼ MrAL* .a , Reserved .. Granholouist ■ (Editor’s Note: Many of our readers ' have ' already obtained? a ---------ier study! from their hand­ writing. Have YOU?' The revela; tions will certainly interest you and they may surprise you. The author renews his invitation to readers. fol­ lowing this week’s article.) 1 have another letter this week from \ yoiing lady—she is 21 yogas of age—who says she has fallen in love with a married man, and, to use her Own phase, “simply cannot give Min up”.., . Well, of course, the decision as to hei* future course, of action, must corn© from herself, but as she > has written to me jabout her problem, I deduce hat she is worrying ovei* it, and I am therefore- going to give her my candid opinion. Her own handwriting shows that she is very affectionate - and of a, markedly sympathetic nature. She responds very readily to emotional influences,-and I have .no dopb.t th^f it was, in-the first placq. at least, this’ eager readiness to sympathise with others that' Jed her into fyer present attachment. However, she also sent, my "'some of the writing of the. man in'.qucs- li'ori, also tliaf_ of Thd nian’s 'wife. my' inspection of all three writings I cannot but crime to the I conclusion that this girl is making a very grave mistake. X » Phillips'’jpure"*DlVE~Yetfst"7*Watch -i. Apart altogether frohi the moral ~...................................................................., angles to this question, the writings' tel! Pie'that tlrra is the case, llotlr because, in its preparation a way has- , , • . , i .. . ■■been found to preserve indefinitely,}in inynjin I L.|s viic arc ol the self- the highest state of activity, the rich.,; epnlotit- of .the IV Vitamins. Enzymes and Nudein of yeast. LIVE-Yeast: (1)' HclpSi’digestion; ends pain and dlscom- fort atfof ristjng. {SfyEnsastes thrifryoitv f ' body extracts the Cull benefit from the fooilybu e'at. (3) Amtenables the White corpuscles in- your blood to throw off the poisons which induce muscular •pains, skin imperfections and general' dhbilit.Vj , . \ \ ’ " \ Si art taking Phillips now. You will \ like it1—arid fmdjhvery economical. 15 - days’:supply’ fin'.grannies of‘pleasing taste), 50c; 45 days’ supply, $1.00 fit \yopy druggist.".". \ " ? Mer Helps the 11 SweetBreath^l SalinShinl HairHesli fCCWOMICAl rotas 4. \-4 Dentifrice Cream for $itkSkin r Srap hampoo muu Anordii i'mi Ar MWAHDMPi snea Issue Nd. 2 ’3S ... ... ....A. —.-...-...J.'.-.,-.;,- '-..fe „a...—aU. 27 ;.the..„corm„willJcome to. .full™growth arid so be in .good condition, for growing next yerir. There' are- hun­ dred of varieties to choose -from, but the Primulinus hybrids which are quite .distinct in appearance., from t^he large-growing varieties ai’e becorii-: J ng more popular every year. . The ob ' ;fymn seettgr Pipe Smokers! fill up with GOLDEN VIRGINIA" and enjoy a really ~ good-smok’el“ “A|i angel is^a ’person who (has conquered self,,, an.d_Lxi^ejx, io—Jugh. levels of character^ Nd. ph^son can be endowed with Virtue or bolihess.” —Edwin' Markham; x Graphologist ■ • interested type'. They look after their own „interests firstly anil last­ ly. I would say that'the^ man and his wife are well-suited; . * But I cannot say the same filing, about the girl who writes Vo me and the man. I do not think that the man is seriously in love with her. He' may be infatuated with her, but I suggest that, if the gid insists, on his- getting a divorce in order that they can be married, she. will find that what. I say is merely the truth. He is interested in her for ,the iriomept, but has rio sincere desire to *riiin his present conditions of life and marriage. , . <s „ So I say tovthe giijl/who- w?ote me, .in all sincerity, that she is far too gopd top take the chance of ruin­ ing her Jife for the sake of this man. Give him up. You will fine!' happL nesS in other directions and in'a /more permanent manner. I have a letter from a lady who signs 'herself A.K.;\\ and the' post­ mark On the; letter was Edmonton. I would "like this lady to .write me again and please enclose her » full address'so that I .may write to her- (jo-nfidfentially. ■ n • ' ' * <' 1 Not all the problems with which-1 this w^ll-known author lias to d«ial ^r-p given in these articles,. There are many .that are too confidential . to be included ^ind i|i all cases/ Mr. • St. Clair is able toff help sincerely'- and without bias. Would Y0U like his help? ■ Have you whose tru'e characters you would like to know?! Or do you merely Wisl to find out what YOUR handwriting' .. tells about yoyraelf? Send- speci-i ; mens . of - the- - writings .you .. wish f,an-,'. alysed, stating birthdate in each case- Enclose 10c coin for"'each specimen, st’arnped Geoffrey St.. Clair, R<?om 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont.- . Letters will Rd mrswewed as- ’ qutelrly • "'as possible, arid’ leiteri will lie con­ fidential. ■ * aud ’ include, with a addressed envelope, 4. Go to your druggist or department stofo and buy RIT Dy§ a(arjy cdlor, 150-^2 for 25c). Use. it. Then tell us' in a statement of 50 words or less, why. you prefer RIT—1,000 pairs of Monarch Debutante full- fashioned—Shadow-free pure silk chif­ fon stockings—latest Spring shades—, guaranteed $1.00 valued—will be giveri at prizes to 1,000 entrants. There are dozens of reasons why you* will prefer RIT. RIT cornea in 33 basic brilliant colors, from which cao be produced over 50of the newest Paris shadei.' _ , CONORS WITHOUT BOILING I Only- RIT offers this advantage! RIT is the modern tint or dye—easier and surer—-far . superior to ordinary “surface dyes" because it contains a-patented ingredient; that makes the color' ^oak in deeher, Set Taster and last longer.' Sold^everywhere. , . HOW TO WIN \ 1. Write a short statement Gmiitf^bSvords) on why you prefer RIT Dyes and send’ it together with an empty RIT package (or reasonable facsimile) and your name and address, to John A. Huston -Co. Ltd. - 46 Caledonia Rd., Toronto. - , 2. Send as many as you wish; contest closet tnidoi-ght June 29, 1935. \ , 3. 1,000 prizes will be awarded on the •4vl Su° the !uc,Ses> which will be* final. , Whether you win a pair of silk stockings ot not, we 'Will mail to all . entrants free of charge, our famous booklet—"The A.B C. of Home Rhg Making", IA ' Lal \at 4 You Think You’ret i. Ifs frequently Just an t4Idea.,f Not ttOld Age.,f And According to Scientists, May be Something No More Alarming Than A f Touch Of Acid Stomach ; ’’ Atv about ■ 40, many p.coplc think „ they’re “growing old.” They’re tired i a lot. Have headaches. Stomach up­ sets. Dizziness. Nausea. ' . ) ■ Well, scientists' say the cause, ip a great many -cases, is 'merely an acid ' condition of the stomach. The thing to (10 is sirn ply to neutralize, the excess ■ stomach acidity: ■ When you have, one of these acid 0,1 do is take ----- ...... Phillips of Magnesia after any friends.' meals and before going to bed.. Try this. You’ll feel likq^m^thcr h pbrs°n! Take either the^mmiliar 2 . liquid “PlHELIPS-’v or'the con- • vcnicnt new Phillips’ Milk of Mag­ nesia Tablets. Made in Canada. , ■■ ■ Also- ii» Tablei: 'Form F ’ .Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tab- . lets art now on sale, at all'drup stores everywhere. Each tifiy tab­ let is the equivalent of ' ’ a teaspoonful of-Gcn- uirie Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, PhiLLH A SOAP I TINTS and DYES Kona wafer* cw>- ler to measure: won't sift out of the package, 1 to.Ad'd N ■When yoU feel like a log and your •muscles tire easily, it’s more than J1 b kelY thrif wastes-,that 'Rh-ouldri/h bcr • » in your body are sending out poisons into your blood.. At times .like these, take- a bubbling, bracing glass of Andrews Live? Sait each day till the trouble, clears -Up. :Then tajj:e an . occasional glass—once oT twice each WeeK—and you’ll stay? perfectly fit, _ Get Aridrews now. Small- tin; 35c‘ ’ Large tin, 60c ; - Extra large bottle’, < rPTr°I)rietors, Scott & Turner- Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. 4