HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-30, Page 4X. 'iff 1 /■ ■V A » ■ ° &nd ?■' I as ar; m orr. 11 burrow's,, « s late? the. i /uddeft A HEALTH SERViCE'tOF. THE CANADIAN MEtliCAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA A , " . ■ • ■ 'X . . . * j .,y 1 i . > . to go shopping... . / how *he’‘^eo^^J \ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL a .' ■ ‘ "/ r 'TT--'~ ..Jimiii.i,.......B|....*!S.;........ .»..»....... * T-n.1,.'...’'44.li.:... I J , ' >i • • ' ■ . ’■ *> THURSDAY, MAY 30TB, 1085 '••r i» ?v Tl^ Beautiful Month <tf Juiie and; White Shoes SPEAKING OF WHITE SHOES (Particularly For Women) It quite the truth lYhen. we state / that more White Shoes are bought .; '' ■ anfl sold in^th<* month of June than all other months. <if'the year combined Moreover stocks are now at their best and we invite you to call and INSPECT “THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION OF WHITE SHOES SHOWN IN. THIS PART OF ONTARIO’’ ■' ' : Wi 1 UM 'S'hoe/.St® ’PHONE'129, ipNGHAM . The Leading Shoe Store, of These Pprts ■tv dOeS ,n touch v«»h- ? K;e^%dffiends< 1 kes yourshopP'”9 ——..—xi-eDoclof_in.s'---------- CoUSs'Jocciae^ illness o 9 . . to orran9 Eoabi”SWre«’nd"‘ee'','9S’ sodo» afft”re . m • help *hen Summons hel.P. breoks ou'- # . EN^hF^wmlrejr^or^ . household dutieskeep ypq J indoors, and/there are so. many things you need and - yoti simply haven’t the time' \ ’ k°w . handy it is to telephone. TheT^grocer ” dry goods store is always . glad- to -deliyer your order \ OF YOUR TELEPHONE E.5T”,IS JUST WHAT YOU 1HOLYROOD f ’Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Congram, Har­ old and Clifford spent Sunday at Mr. Ghas. Shiell’s. Wingham. / Miss Florence James was^a recent' visitorr with her grandmother, Mr-^. Wm. Hodgins. ' Mrs. Aimer Ackert is sporting a new Ford V-3. .. ~Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boyle spent Sun­ day with Goderich friends. . Mr. Ernest Ackert left on Monday for a month in the West. , * - . - ,-s . Mr. Morris Hodgins has purchased a Chev. car. ■ Miss Mary Cox"of Kincardine spent the week end at her home on the iOth' V ' f '■ f - ....' ' ■con. 1. " f Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and son Clarence and Mr. Albert Boyd of Lucknow spent Sunday at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s. Miss Ellen McBride of Stratford, spent-the week, end with her, p.arbnte. on the 10th con. Mr. arid Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of Clinton, were recent visitors with friends here. ’T ~ '• Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Tout, Earl and Jim from® Bethel, spent Sunday at Mr. George Cowell’s. 7 Mr..and Mrs. Albert Cruikshanks, and Mr. Lloyd McLelland of Chesley were the guests at Mr. Clarence Far-, row’s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie, Doris and Lome were Sunday guests at Mrs. Rachel Culbert’s, 10th con.' ' ■, ./.7jdr..„ and, Mrs. John jamie^ori, Mr.: r.r - ■ ■ *~r-■■ Lucknow '-Sentinel ■ i I- ~~ 'Published every Thursday morning l .at Lucknow, Ontario. / Mrs. A. D. ;MacKenzie r— Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, MAY 30TH, 1935 and .Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Isabelle arid (Stuart spent the 24th at Mr. Thos. Harris,’ Holyrood, ’ The next meeting of the H. W. I. ^ll_^dMield-atJhe^home^^-^MrsL- Thos. Harris on Thursday, June 6th. j^Mr..xaqdJMrs,..Graham..audjFlprenc.e_ of Tara spent Sunday &t Mr. Otto Legge’s. ■ Miss Gertrude Hamilton has ac­ cepted a\- position in the Tees water High School. —Mr. Joe Gaherty of Ghicago-was^a' recent visitor at Miss S. Puryis’; We wish to extend our congratula- tions-to~~Miss GwendoIyn Ackert; who won the. Senior Girls’ championship in Athletics at Brantford on May 23 This is the seventh, cup for Gwen. WHITECHURCH - Mr. Angus McKay of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. MissBerthaMcKay of/Stratford spent Friday at her home^hete. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wellwood and -son-^ehard—Gf—^te«don--spe-ntT4he- OBITUARY 'ALBERT HENRY MOSS .. . There passed away pt., thri home of Fred Moss, West Wawanosh, on Wed­ nesday afternoon, Albert "Henry Moss one of; the pioneers of Wawanosh, in his 79th year-y He , was born 'in 1850. onthefami-where~=hedied,xbutx;.in; the. old log house which has -since peen replaced 'by a modern one, 'and wa^- tee second , eldest ,pf a family of six girls and four boys, children of John and Leah Moss. His father cam^ from Norfolk, England, and hi$ moth­ er ’from Devonshire, as children, and were married in Canada. ^^Jlri..;.Mpss,s. lifetime was . spent... .in_ the district.. He had farmed all his days , and had been at the barn, doing the chores, when he was seized with a heart.. attack and passed away before~his friefida could-" ger hiifi to" the house. He was educated at No. 2 schpol, between Prosperity and Ebenezer and his first teacher was Charje^, Stewart.' He was unmarried and. leaves to mourn his loss, one brother John of Dungannon and Fred, with whom he made his home. The funeral was ; held ? from the residence on Friday afternoon, ser­ vice conducted by Rev. McMillan of “Duri^nrib’n7~and/’mtermenr'Tri“^Dun- gannon cemetery. The pallbearers ...were..Gharl^~.MillSrS-WiIl/xJack.M-.xand. Harry Moss, John Mills arid Charles Robertson. ._ /_ . . __ _ MRS. G. M. CHAMBERS ^Thedeath-occurredTnBlythTate Thursday night, of . Mrs. G. M. Ghaipbers, whose maiden name was Helena~Beati^rShe~'was~bdrn” Township, Bruce County, on. August 23, 1879 and was married to G. M. Chambers 33 years ago, and after her marriage took up her home at Am­ berley where her husband ^conducted a general. store until vgoing__to -Blyth. ■to reside over thirty years ago. She was a ; great lover of -flowers and the beautiful', floral arrangement in.y Biyth—Park-yis—largely^ .attributed ^ame-energy ■-di&plhyed“4n“ this?-w.or^ was given to all other organizations M^hich^be^was^xa-uneinb.er.__Her. passing is deeply regretted by citizens of the community generally. ' Besides her husband, ^he < is sur- vived byv.her father, James Beatty, who is in his ninety-first year and has made his home With his daughter for some years. _ __ The funeral took place on Satur- day from the residence Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor of the United church, fine Farm Buildinjs ; | Wiped Out Jy Fire Spectacular Fire at Lome Becking’s Farm In Culross on Tuesday Liurt Destroys All Buildings. Losh $1,5.- 000, on Which Wap $8,000 Insurance One of the most destructive fuml fires, ever to occur in Bruce County [ ■took place on, the farm of Lorne Becking, on the 10th Con., Culross, in the. Bethany district on Tuesday a-f- . ternoon of hist week and which wiped out- completely every, building on the farm. .A^Put 3 O’clock’ in the after­ noon, the proprietor, with his assisr- Aants was ’ engaged 1 crushing gi^iri with, the power of/a/ steam engine, ; located on the gangway outside thp ’ a^d'' ”fioftr "which machine a spark ignited “the barn sroof. The huge structure ■> in .a few-r painutes was a seething furnace ;and with-the wind carrying clouds «Qi smoke and wildly leaping flames in the “direction- of the large driving shed and excellent solid brick dwell­ ing, it was soon apparent that the entire-"' set of "-choice -buildings,^with^ all their modern equipment, were doomed to destruction. The scene to the hundreds of spectators, presented -a-thrilling -but ^sorrpMC^ Every article of equipment for; gen­ eral use on the large farm .was de­ stroyed, with the exception of .the steam engine that caused the con­ flagration, and a car and truck that were rescued in more or less damaged condition.. Five farm hbrses in the stable beneath, some of them with harness' on, in a bewildered, state, successfully resisted being led to safety, and were abandoned and left ift. their fate,;..as JyejLas 10 head of cattle. A large Hereford bull, .which had been gotten out, returned to the “Arning"1 by force'the second time, its hide was sizzling and partly cooked by the flames. It had 1-atettr- to be killed to relieve its agony, A pen of. shipping ^igs--"shared”-the: •f ate-r-df—-the~-6thei- stock and died in the blaze. Every- building on the farm was urifortun- ately-inthe-pathof-the,flames...and. was consequently destroyed, including the greater portiop of the .orchard. Owing to the intense heat and smoke but little was saved from the dwell­ ing, one of the mostAnodern in the AQwmship.^andJn-^hich^wasi;.^ a Delco lighting system ahd a. m°d- ern radio: set. The property was the home of Mr. William Becking until two years ago, when with his wife, he -retired^to-MPeesWft;terj7~where —botl^- passed■ awa^durin^^Ah^past^yeakL Since then their only son, Lome Becking. has assumed- charge of . the jplace, and as he was married to Miss ilroriin of Culross upwards of a;?year Ago,- the major poHipn7oL.theirAvedj- ding gifts and “other' treasures were consumed in Tuesday’s disastrous fire. ’ : - The buildings -and . contents were insured in the CulrosS Mutual for $8^000, which will fall far Ahort of meeting the loss which is estimated Sa Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show- Starts 8 P. M. '• ■■- ’ —’—" ■■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday May 30-31 - Juoe-1 :‘PECR*S bap BOY” • I • • * , ■ In • " JACKIE CXIQI’ER THOMAS MEIGI1AN V dqroTHY i’ETERSbN . ■' JACKIE>EARL.'■.- A Picture, for the Whole . Eam^ - .^7 ‘.... ' - alSp ; ’ruth^Rtting ; '■ In Two Reel Vaudeville Sketch “SOUTHERN STYLE” „ AND FOX NEWS. • < '“-7'7""1' I HERE AND THERt •l ■ ' ~'• T-■ .. ' visited last week with friends in Lon­ don. . w. ■.. y ■• . \ ■ i Mrs. Wallace Black and Miss Luel- ,1a Black of Goderich- visited Lucknow \ friends over the week-end. _ . _ I , Sir. J. McCosh ,hab moved to Mr; Peter. Johnston’s house on the north ITCH gravel and Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and . Of all the parasites .which seem to family. have moved into the house exist solely for the . annoyance of owned by Mr. Marshall Graham, late- mankind, none is more widespread ]y occupied by Mj*. McCosh. rhAn the One known at ■*ii,tcU—mite , , „ n^.“responsible for that common • Mr. Peter Carter and W. P- A. affidiion called ’‘ffie’iWT^ seatlies, "McKenzie-Recently attended-Kinlpu^h. which' is familiar to both sexes.and L O. L. 1139 where the Royal'Blue all ages., • Degree was exemplified. ; The itch-mite can be seen without < „ , nMi,an, nf Xfonnt Vot-the aid of toe microscope, it. ii'rouh^ Mre.^d-Graham of Mount For- and whitish, with "four pairs of legs, ©st visited, last week with friends here. The trouble arises from toe fertilited j^r. Albert Carter of Clinton is at iamale burrowing uno the s^im She ^rking, in town here and cannot turn around in the ourro*, 1 , . . . .so ’must continue' to go ahead, layjng- the neighboring country at his trade an egg’or t|wo d1 day until she dies, of repairing and sharpening lawn These eggs are-hatened,'and the adult is developed in about' two weeks, the female being large and the male small • The disease is spread by' contaex with the infested par-son-/ or with bis clothing and bed'-ciothmg. It is most common where more.than one"'individ­ ual uses the same bed clothing; und^r v eonditibns of. overcrowding .and low standards of peiaspnal ■ cleanliness. ■" . The. burrowing of the female itch- mite sets’up “the skin irrita ■ 1 • causes the itch. The Itch-mite prefers, -—thin, folded moi; ease commonly 'begins, on. the front a. of the wrists and elbow’s And between ' - i _ _ ■ • L ' ' V Because he showed his wife a pic­ ture of “his , newest flame,” the judge put him out in the , divorce court. i Sulphite liquor, a whste in ..the ____ making up pulp, is to be Used in the alien which manufacture 'of vanilla. You’ll ■ now ,____________be able to flavor your pudding with s . Te>4{'dis- a. chunk of wood. ' __ __ __ . . .’sand between j — -------——; —-—x—1: fhe fingers, but it, may spread aii* or the ;parasites' will soon spread iS.e^er:enfrd to those'who have been freed of them *t,.„ ♦ v,. jr. tQe tho^ who were not treated. f, a' J Itch is not a dangerous diease, but ';'i- L :___ discomfort. As a result of the itching/ 1 breaks the skin; with the result that n; ? ■ rj -■ ' ‘ ~ ■■ ’" - "of develop.' —JJjS ' Itch will seldom, if ever, l^_. so thatf amohg those who keep ■’their bodies ? afjplied. 7v-'.---- i' « ' .. • •*■itch nara-'..cHan.,under-^.10toingT and kfeep -their, own toilet articles for themselves, ointment. Hqyever, anyone may 'he exposed to u> .ii'igujv aim f6r.tVO ' 5 ..... ....i-.X-or more dayS7b©m?-“tubbed thorough - .be introduced into the family. If this ly into the parts most affected.- At the i+ k* w end of that time, bu’t not 1 anptlier hot bath is t—. __ .... underwear is- blianged. The c1*'thirty and bed' dl'bthin?* 'must $e ■: '"S '. eft .is-boiled*and hlanke+s vpir.-i ............................................. I whole household must be cleaned be answered personally by letter. chiefly.at night. At this time, warmth of the bed-clot he mite becomes active, of her burrowing. ' Once' the condition it can be corrected by of such' an itch-hiite phut. The^first step .in the treatment is a hot . bath, with th^’free “'use < soap and'a soft nail brush. This ex­ poses the tunnels or the sulphur which may reach and destr- site. Sulphur,, prepared is applied ni^ht and •! 1 does most ■ ‘ 1 tf recognized, proper ute There will be no service nr tng~ Presbyterian church on Sunday ownig Presbyterian church morning and h““n nnm* K<*n,*k onmQ evening, when Rev. G. M. Dunn of Toronto, a former minister will preach. \ The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church . will hold their meeting oh June 6th instead4 of June 13th. . Miss Nellie. Walters, R.N. of Wing - ham, spent the week end with her brother, Mr. Albert and Mrs. Walters Mrs. A- .Reid id visiting a few days with her daughter,. Mrs; Dr. Balfour of Lucknow. Mrs. Egglestone^is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Reid. \ Mr. ahd Mrs. George Spencer of Hamilton spent Friday with Ml and Mrs. Fred Davidson. : Mr. James Weir of London spent, the week-end at his home. Mr. Rhys Polldck. has bought the grocery- store business from Mr. Malcolm Ross.- , ; The^Dungannon ball team played with Whitechureh ball team Saturday evenihg here; The score was 28-5 in favour of | White<?hurch. This community was saddened Jast Wednesday when they learned of the sudderr.v death of Mrs. Robert. Car-, rick. She was sick in bed for only two days* but had been ailing for some time with heart trouble. She leaves to- mourn- her loss -her husband and four daughters, Ida, Mrs^ Windsor of Detroit; "Lavina, Mrs. F. Clark of ' Amherstbtrrg and Misses Anna May and Susie at home; also six Sisters and one brother. The funeral I was ' held from the United- church Friday afternoon and /-was largely attended. Intetnfeht, in Donnybrook cemetery. The community extends, their sym­ pathy; ■. ’ ■ , Anniversary- servipes will be held J.n the United church ph Sunday, June Sth, with Rev. Anderson of Wihgham^ 'the serViceR. plans are Being made to have a social bn the following Tuesday evening. Mrs. Haig of Seaforth js visiting her ■ daughter, Mrs. Robt. J. Ross. Mrs. PhoL Gaunt received word . ■ . ' >a... ■ v it is responsible for a great deal of - ,. ... -»sleep is Ipst. .Sctatehing very Often yrtjana ius wim tuv ««»» infections, such as boils, Sometime* Itch will seldom, if ever, occur' clean • by regular bathing^ who weafr ovm toilet articles for themselves. and contract.gabies, arid so it may x.happens, it should be attacked by 7f not before, proper methods', until I the whole fam- iaken. -and the 3’h* has been entirely1 freed from it. Questions concerning health, ad- ... .. . . . .’tortotfed: dressed- to the Canadian M^dieaJ As^iK^hzie, R.N.,. -distijrt ^weliare nurse k'Hat ion. 18'4 College St.. Toronto will at. North Bay received one of the - . - • SUVer Jubilee medals, . ‘Elizabeth Milner, wife of. -Robert lamcU—^£r>Whit^ : bepn in^ poor health for some'time, passed" away very suddenly at her. residence, last- Wednesday. She was 70 years of age, and had been a life­ long resident of that locality, having , been, born in the Township -of West Wawanosh, near St, Augustine, „a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milner., ^Suftviving besides her^husband are four, daughters, Mrs, Fred Clark, Amherstburg; 'Mrs. Wil­ liam ^Windsor, Detroit; Susan and Annie May, at home/ also six sisters and orie brother, Mrs- George Dodds, "Parry Sound;’ Mrs. Fred Graham, Connecticut; Mrs, James Spackman, ,Londph; Mrs. M. Champion^^ Lucknow MrA. Peter Leaver, East Wawanosh; Mrs. Fred Champion; Brussels and Williana of London. . 4th CON., KINLOSS V ■:——— Mrs.’ R. Martin, Laurine and Austin spent the 24th with the former’s fa-, ther, Mr. Woods of St. Helens. '. . Mr. Jim . Little of Toronto Defita! College, is home for the. holidays. Mr. John Ha'milton was a visitor on the Fourth on' Sunday. . . « Mr. ahd Mrs. Roy Hudson and children of Stratford spent two weeks with Mr.- Hudson’s mother on the second x£0n. 'Mrs. A, Durnin and family of St. Helens, are visiting at the home of .Mr. E,. Hodgkinson.^ , 7..........7.. Mt. and Mrs. Bucktoll and daugh­ ters and Miss Bryce Ellis, all pF'Tor­ onto, visited last week with Mr, arid Mrs. ,Gilbert Hamilton.. Mr. Elliott Carruthers has. been suffering the past week frorrf blood poisoning. We "hope to * heat of • an improvement soon. • Mrs. Walter McKenzie, whb has been in Tot Oft to the past few 'weeks returned, home/. " Miss Ethel Buckton of Toronto, spent the' week end with, Mi.SS Sarah Mclvet. , Mr. Robert Robertson of Ripley, visited, last week at, R. l^fidflleton’s. , Mrs. J. Martin who has. bPeri ill with a cold is better. -Mt»' arid" Mrs/G. Hamilton ' arid . , /]■ Campbell has purchased a , ' • „.. \ •.;,„r>' ..... - • •• •Mi’rana*’ inrs-» n&mijiuii ana**« Ur Jirtw, Mta’CatherineMe- Eliadheih Ann ^t^pnday M Mr.- CT .'Ji i rtf'"** ■.■.■„. . .<» xi-oL- a. ' ' .... i* j.- ■ ’ ' 1find Mrs. A, Graham on the boundary Mr R. ? * Miss Vera .Little of Lanes, spent a Tey "aays’TasT7week’^wit1T'aKer king <cousins. Mr. and ^Mrs. Thos. Blake visited Mrs. Blake’s sister, Mrs. George Cole­ man and Mr. Coleman, Egniondvllle, "Sunday. Miss Olive Blake, who had been- their guest a part of lste^ week returned home with them. dtev/’W. Patton and Mr. S. J. Kil­ patrick are attending conference at Stratford thjs weejc. They expect to return Saturday and Mr. Patton will conduct the services on the*1' circuit Sunday, as usual. BlakeJI a.m,; Hac- ketts, 2.30p.m.;....Zion, JlM p.m^,....... Mr. and Mrs. Eliper Phillips were week ^end visitors with their daughter Miss Frances Phillips knd other rel­ atives at. Woodstock. ' ’ .; ^Elmer Johnston of Bright was\pfne for May 24th and, the week end. Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Cumming .and son Harold of Gore Bay, Mahitoulin, visited at the home of Mr.-and Mrs. Thos. Anderson, Sunday. Mr. and ’ Mrs, J^. C. S'tothers and. family of London and Miss Beatty, of Windsor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hefiry Horton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Campbell and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Au­ brey Higgins and Jack of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, ■Saturday. , Cecil Johnston is-visiting-ML-ahA Mrs. Hiram . Moffat ‘ at Sarnia... this Week. .. ■ . . ' 6 Palmer Kilpatrick of Toronto was a week-end visitor at hjs homi» here. Tom Anderson of London, ’spent Friday with relative^ here; Mr. and Mrs. John Blake were at London Saturday. Miss Bhrnico Blake wher has completed her first year at Western University returned home with them. . • ] Mr. Wm. J. Hall is under, th^doc- tor's care at present. We K6p6 he will' soon >be tester^ to his usual health. My. and—Mrs,--Jim-Henry •mid"*famiiy spent Sunday with friends at Tfcpl. worth. ■ I £ ALL SPRING DRESSES AT HALF PRICE SPRING1 HATS ... ^-x.------------r------------------- ------r—■ t COATS, REG, $12.95 FOR $6.45 _ :_________I 'll---------------------------------------------------. ............' .Hl' ' ■" . $14.95 COATS at $7.45 Clearing Sale . ALL COATS MUST BE CLEARED AT HALF PRI^E coats over another season. V i » —"NEXT ' WEEK— “The White Parade” BURKS Ladies’ Wear WINGHAM RANGERJtAMBLINGS Before the final exams start at jSChbol, we pre hoping fof- bi^f meet-- ings at-the Rangers^ -Don’t forget the •• contest is still Vin full swing. How does'y^ur ,patrol stand? If yfl^don’t want to put oir a play for U§y dome to the, meetings *and m<*ake a point for .your patrol. " „ x Where were, tlie rest of you' on Sunday, morning ■— only'' \ sixteen marched to church. We. will.be look­ ing for you all iit the meeting Wed- ‘ ■ ■ \ ■ . ♦ ' • ' . 7 " '' 7 very interesting . -u on new Forel' ari'd’^r. Tohn '^cKonzio ■is sporti'fig a Buic|> ’ ’ '■ ¥ ' Miss MargaYet ’ Grftli&m visited' re- cently with Mrs. G. Hamilton, uniform. nesday night. . *. * • We listened' to and impressive service on Sunday 7 morning. Aboiit . aixty Brownies, ^llEles^ahd Rangers' in._alV~were. -in- 4 uniform. The colour party with 'the Union Jack, led the Rangers. ' What about the visit from the Hah- over Guides? Come out to the meet-\- ‘ >ng and give us your suggestions Have yOu. seen the paint job in the Chib ‘House? Thats anothey item for .. discussion; We, want to clo4e this " term, with our work complete, ,so cpme out girls and do your share. The weather is warming up now, so a hike 'is the order of the day. SureWthat Will sweij thb meetings. Parties and suchlike are our only means of securing full attendance, so' .hft'o’s. .Wing, youyi-M, Withes. ’ * <> o, " " a Dont forgot the. regular’ meeting ! as usual , at seven thirty—-wear your hniforn, > a i \ i i ■»