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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-30, Page 1
OUR. WHOLE WHEATr SCONE LOAF & QUALITY BREAD, ' Cannot Be Surpassed ONE BETTER This particular Irishman, took up a ;‘1. SPECIAL ATTENTION this by? V I- PIIESENTATION GIFTS ■given. . Series^ Of Eight Lessons In History Literature and Geography, Heard By Local Students and Teachers SHIPPING LAMBS each Wednes day. Lambs to be over 65 pounds and fat. .— Rod McDougall, ’Phone 26-28, Ripley. ; , NOTICE RE-SLABS We will have a stock of slabs for' —-sale.-,-—Bbech——soft——maple^—Elm-'” and i Pine. Place your orders early, signed The Lucknow Table Co Ltd. ^ejafjm^nths^to.ig3eyenteem LUCKNOW, ONT,, THURSDAY, MAY 30th,4955 ' " " . .......................r ................................. ..............> ’ ‘ *4 . ; AN INVITATION TO WORSHIP' ' . . ■ I- -. . ■ ' . ——-■* 4 Lanes Memorial. Church will re- ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE Eyesight Service •- . w.> i ■ ; { ; VETERINARY SURGEON W. J.KELLEHER, B.V.Sc; .J ’Phone 29, Ripley, Ont.. and registered hens. WALTER ROSE BRUSSELS, ONT. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE !! ,T’ • ir ■' ‘ sidered as possibly dhe to a tire blow- ifig^out in passing over the railway crossing as the road is ^uite rough at this point. i ; . • ■';:1'' FOR SALE—J^ohn | Keeso, Sr., has" J f " I This band plans |o furnish music tree tbps of ^Hardwood and Cedar, and with the: Citizens’ Band playing also soft wood which, he will sell inleach Wednesday night, Lucknow will Lots at the bush on the Alex MqKin-J become a melody centre , for the en- „ i — - — ____‘ a party there on June 12th at ten | two evenings when business places " BABY CHICKS PLAY AND DANCE SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS Re-Organize Pipe pand Eight "Pipers And Three Drummers Available—First Practise Monday . Evening—-Will Play Saturday Ev ening's ‘ ....----- ......--------- «€■ " .............. LOST—About two weeks agQ, a After a prolonged^ absence; the pair, of biack-Hammed glasses in, a.kkiri o’the pipes again promises to . green and black spotted ease. Finder be a familiar and stirring sound in please^ leave at Sentinel Office. | this traditionally Scotch community. _______ . i At a largely attended'; and enthus- ON T FORGET the dance in Theiiastjc meeting here last week, plans aramount Hall tonight, May' 30th.|were formulated for the re-organiz- ogan s orchestra. Admission 25c; i jng Qf Kilty Band. Eight pipers -andA^ree^drummers^are^vailabieand" I tfie first practise was set for next I Monday evening. Prospects are that the availa:ble pipers, nil. experienced • ] and- able pl^yeys,. will round out an excellent band and may even recall shades of that Widely known pipe band that existed here round about the period of the 1910 re-union. The bqnd a£ that time filled many en gagements throughout Western On tario, but the. highlight of their re nown was an" Engagement, which they accepted, to play in Toledo. Roy MacKenzie of Ripley was ap pointed leader of the newly organized band at last week’s meeting, and Lome MacDonald Was appointed sec-r retary-treasurer. A committee w,a^s, appointed-to determine the equipment requifedr"” ”;..•' *? T. . . 4 This band plans |o furnish music * of sta;nding timber, I ;n the village each Saturday bright Cedar J and with the: Citizens’ Band playing also soft wood which, he will sell in, each Wednesday night, Lucknow will •Lota at the bush* on, the Alex MqKin-1 became a melody centre for the en- non and Smith farms. There will be Itertainment of the public on these ; p .« - • ..... I oclock a.m. to do the selling. ; |remain open. ■' Available pipers are I^oy McKenzie, , |Jack Scott,' Kenny Mcl.ennan, Lome —~... MacDonald, Neil MeCallum; .Wilfred*Barred’ rodar and S* Wh,t^“^QSfiim Donald McDonald and k 1 hundred; |jai^eS Ross, and drummers, Earl -----’z.-^^ -McGoyr^Ttr*-McGai tney—and~-Mae ^hundred. Line bred ,fyo» R^X-4^^ ^SBRD CORN Vance Bros., No. 1 grades of im proved Learning, Early Bailey, Golden . ^Glow, IVhite Cap Yellow Dent, Wis consin No. T and Vance’s Sweep stakes for sale at W. G. ANDREW’S. COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision on the As-* ..:-;''se'SSm>nt‘^wn'^7oF Township, will be held at the Town ship Hall, June 10th, ,1935 at <10 ;. 0’^0ck ....DurhiniPhillips,. Clerk Rangers, Guides and Brownies, Sixty ' Strong, . Parlade To Presbyterian Church on Sunday Morning, tr .1 ■Some sixty strong, Rangers, Guides Uhd Brownies, attended the m°rning service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. , Gathering at the Club House the respective companies in full uni form, made a colorful and impressive' parade; with the Rangers and Guides under the directipn’ of” Mrs. McKim and Miss Jlena MacDonald, and the Brownies in charge of Miss^McQuaig: and^MissAPeggy-MacDonaldv....... At the head of the procession was borne the Union «Jack, by the Colour Party, comprised of Rangers Myrtle Lee, Verna Steward and Arlene Jewitt Upon entering the Church, the Colour Party advanced to the pulpit entrance for the ceremony of placing the flhg; “Pray Without Ceasihg”. was the text chosen* by Rev. C. H. MacDonald in: delivering an impressive address. The occasion was significant, he stated, in that it marked the com mencement of his twentieth year in the ministry, as the day 'previous marked the 19th anniversary of his bfdih^atibn^whichtbok^ more. , ■ b _ _ > PubliczSchoolStudentslt Enjoy Radio Lessons \ WELCOME ilEAT AND RAIN . A—___L— ________.___________- “A million dollar” rain was wel- CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION -|com«d in this, districtW Monday and Why go dht hf County Bruce to | which ^was followed by more moisture choose children,for adoption’ . At the °n Tues<lay- Accompanying warn, __' ; i i-weMher4ms-gesuIted-in^-remnrk^b^ ^6wtK^that^t^W~CtpQc^eSte"a~^^n^ Crash Snaps Hydro Pole Winghem -Motorists In-Mishap -Netth x 0f Village Early Saturday Morning Nothing more than a shaking’ up" And. a few. resultant sore spots were the injuries received inj a-"crash ob- curing at an early hour Saturday, at the railway jcrpssing on the Gravel Road, north of the village. ' Art Sturdy, an employee of the Stewart Glovef Works in Wingham and another chap from Wingham’ were proceeding north about one a.m. .Saturday—morning.l;.A-:shorU-distance past the railway crossing their car left the roadway and' crashed^ ■ into a., hydro pole. The pole was snapped off near the base and the stump shoved well oyer from its original upright position; The remainder of the pole, suspended by the .overhead wires, was swung several feet to the north, with the base sagging down to the ground some distance from the. broken stump Damage to the car was general, with the front portion bearing the brunt of the' crash, that required the machine, a model T Ford, we un derstand being removed toWingham withAthe'™ard*^of‘a™ wrecker™ Th^mie^^ bap was reported to Constable Moofce who investigated. The occupants of the par arranged a settlement with tha-Iocal-hydro-offieia-lsTto-make-goodH the damage'done. \ The. caus.e of-the .accident-was, con- /jOnivTuesd^;" phy, concluded a series, of eight’ les sons, which have been broadcast;, twice weekly during the-past month. These lesions'* dealt with ~music/ hi^toryr literature ’a^”g^Fgrapfiy7^when”re^ eeption—was-lgoodj-haveypr-oved—both- -profitable—and—interesting^to-teachers- and students in the public school here who have been “listening in” on thd'" Village Clerk,Joseph Agnew, ’’in broadcasts. A radio was temporarily installed in the school for the period.. The > concluding broadcast was a geography.Jesson dealin'g with the tree areas of -the World and. in prep- * ’ ’ \ V ■ ■aration for the "Wesson there was Write to R. Perdue; Superintendent . c . , , . + >_Gh.ildren!8k^id^Soeiet^™W^lketd;onk^— Also housework wanted by a girl < d“”ng .^e m^h, w£re bemg viewed • ■..• • • ., ■ with alarm, but on May 24th, a de-eighteen years wh0, would be allowed i ... .. f i j,V ■. . , , . . . Icided warming up took place andring er a y wi er. pp y as gjnce then femperature has soared to a more seasonable point, and 'r/T-”.1.?.""i.1! 1ST!':,,,.' .‘J1.1,.1 ■,( ..1 ■, followed up by the warm rains r*the V PLAY 'AND DAN&E I first of the week, inestimable good Merry the Tramp”, a four-jpict [has been done. ' k .... i • . . .. - • ■ ' . \ .' ’ , ‘ * \. ... „.....■ FORMERLY OF ASHFIELD PASSES AWAY IN WEST •J____ ■ ' \ z Tire death of William O’Neil,- oc curred.recently in Rabbit Lake (hos pital in Saskatchewan? Mr. O’Nfeil, we are informed, was a former resi dent of Ashfield Township; residing dt, the 12th concession,, .corner, at the Goderich Gravel. > , Many friends who had known Mr. O’Neil in Saskatoon and also in El- stOw, where-'he had resided for many years, were present at the funeral service, conducted by the Very Rev. .W. L. ^"rmitage, dean ^of St. Paul’s Cathedral. i nn. 11 ... TAX P^E-PAYMENTS' SMALL The 5% per annum discount* for pre-payment of taxes does not’ seem- to be of particular appeal to village ratepayers, as up “to the latter part of the week, only some i $300> of 1935,. taxes have been paid, ^ny portion,, up to'75% of tfie amount- Of” taxes' paid last year, can be paid between the^ls't of May and the 15th June and will.bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum until s_uch time as taxes beebme due at December 14th.t . ( drama will be presented,-urider Joint j Club auspices in /the Town Hall, Lucknow, Friday May 31st, by the Teeswater Dramatic Society. Old tjme dance following play. Hogan’s orch estra. Admission including play and Wance,: Adults 25c; Children 15c. ST. PETER S GARDEN PARTY , The annual Garden Party df Si. Peter’s 'Anglican Church, will be held in\ the Caledonian Park, .Tuesday, June 25tfi. C^ CLUB MEETING All those interested in the Boys’ Calf Club competition, conducted in connection, with the Lucknow Fall Fair are notified that a meeting in ' this regard will be held in the Oraiige Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, May 31st at 8 p.m. • ■' - ■ ■> 1 ' ■ • . UNITED FARMERS MEETING The annual meeting of the United Farmers of North Huron will be held in the Council Chamber, Wing ham on Friday, June 7th at 2 p.m. • ' ~ ~ ; T. A« Cameron; Pres. A. T. McNay, Sec’y. / L. O. L. DANCE There will be a dance-ih-the Orange Hall,. Lucknow; on Thursday next, June 6th. Lunch "served. Sepoy Trio Orchestra. New Admission fee: Gents 25c plus tax; ladies 9c plus tax.., I. O. O. F. DECORATION SERVICE The Decoration Service of Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I.O.O.F. will be held at Kinlogg Cymetery on Sunday, Juh« 9th at 2.30 o’clock* Members are ’ requested to meet fit the lodge room at tWo o’clock. K. G. Mur die, Sec’y. LADY BOWLERS ATTENTION A meeting of the lady bowlers will ,be hteld in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, June 4, at 8 o’clock All interested members please at tend. . , FIND OUT IF YOU ■ / IfEED. ASSISTANCE Do not consider “the cost” in connection with an eye service; Not in the beginning at - teast. You either do or do not needas- sistance in seeing! Learning That ■ is-your, first duty. If you DO, the character and degree of the help required must be learned with \ the utpjost exactness. Think of - the HELP you need and the ben- efit you Mil* receive. - ARMSTRONG’S t> ced these could be pointed out to the p’Pumls'and“the-mipre^fiTmly“inipressed' in their minds. . , This experimental radio teaching, I was sponsored by the Department of I .Education,.. With the lessons conduc ted by teachers in the Torbntd Nor- ’ mal School. ;Thfe purpose of the, ex periment is to attempt to discover the .extent to which radio broadcast ing may be used to advantage thru out the schools in tlie Province. \The department anticipates sevte^al ben efits from this povel inovation. Tea- phers, it is pointed out, will learn the }nethod§ of .imparting knowledge, adopted by other tbachers; the var iety is expected to interest Jh^pupils ; arid parents, it is hop^d, will take the opportunity 'of becoming better ac quainted with \the nature of school instructions. .. .. » \ _____________ . ’ CASE^ DISMISSED \ x - ■=; • . - ■ x Crown Witnesses Heard And Case Dismissed Without Accused Being Asked To Plead To, Charges Tn Connection With Local Shop freak ing Occurences. Without defense witnesses being called \or the accused being asked to plead to the' Charges, Magistrate Walkey on the grounds pf lack of evidence, dismissed the case against Gaswell Hacketty alleged to have been involved with recent shop breakings and thefts at Silverjvbods. down town office and McMillan’s butcher shop. Mr.( Otto Klein ’was counsel for the. defendant. ' , The case^jjame-. up for hearing in Walkerton at ten o’clock Tuesday morning and concluded in mid. after noon. Included in the Crown witnes ses. were Provincial Officer McClevis^? Constable Moore, Claire Johnston and a Wingham merchant., ; ( BE SURE to call and see our dis play of Pansies, Verbenas, Petunias Clarkie; Phlox; Stocks; Snapdragons; Petunias; Larkspur, and Tubrdus Begonias. Our CiegO Asters are wilt- ■ resistant Be Sure and get a liberal ‘ supply. Tomatoes, Cabbage and Cauli flower should be in every garden. - *P^one 88 f ■ . .1 SOLOMON GREENHOUSE, night (Thursday). ■’ . . ‘4 • . A-; ‘ ’ The Bread g gThe Bread of Health Fl.OVJ-5X^rpf’Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS for the WEEK-END LAYER CAKES CREAM PUFF’S SPONGE CREAM CAKES DOUGHNUTS* JELLY RdLLS ? DATE! CAKE FIG and APPLE SQUARES U - ' And Many Others To Choose; Front HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAK.ERY Phone 36 Lucknow ANGLE PARKING REQUIRED " Wellington McCoy has the contract for marking off the main street to facilitate the parking, of motor, cars ' and commenced the job on -Monday. Stripes, painted in yellow, will when completed, clearly mark the parking1 spaces and angles on the street, and motorists will be required'to conform to these regulations, with a^Wiew to eliminating the confusion that exisjp at busy times when the street be comes clogged with cars parked at all _ -angle^and—evohyrr-pOsition^—— . Since the paragraph appeared in laat week’is Sentinel . about “The Mighty Scotch”, we have been told that there was at least one Irishman who could equal the fete of this pow- erfulScot“andin:factgohim one" Wedding GIFTS . THAT GIVE real joy and happiness are assured, if the Gifts are chosen' from our showing of- beautiful new THESE PIECES are so varied in d^ign aind~ price we cannot b~e;gin^tcrtfni/j^ 80 we would. like to have you drop in and see these yourself New Wash Materials for ladies and misses Dresses.; Voiles; CrepeS; Prin ted Piques ;-^English Prints, Etc.-^ THE^MARKET^gTORE. < -A—:—'■—;-----------— '■ " -RECAljEr-rFETE ’ ■ '-------------:' \ formed us this week thahhe recalls ,j the occurtence- when that young Scots^- man,^ Jim MacDonald, hoisted that 30Q pound barrel of salt Over the tail board of a wagon, and. in so', doing, showed iuU a “party” of Irishmen, who, badHbeen''^tteTnT(tmg~toHe3rd'^ n?esi^entf6f=Ttli^T^l^::6f=:Skye=^cSmmu:n=- ity in Ashfield, where his brother; Jack^-McDbnald'^stilHTesides; . ■; —r—~ js ■ . . \ INTERESTING MAGAZINE The Canadian Co’rps, 1914-1934 the^ title of an interesting' and im pressively illustrated magazjne that those who' served during the Great War, will no douibt especially wel come. The publication illustrates in picture and word Cai5?.da’s part in that graphic struggle, ’as well as recording that memorable event," the Canadiah Corpse Re-Union, held in Toronto last August. Fraser Paterson has a iopy in his possession and anyone desirfng ‘ ‘ publication may receive .same leaving their order with hind. '■ X \ • | SUPERANNUATED \ ■ ; \ . --------■ Mr. D. M. Thompson arrived here on Saturday evening and becomes a perinanent resident of the village' again, following his superannuation 'as an epiployee of the T. Eaton Com pany. Under the code of regulations of this Company, vMr. Thompson ceases to be an active meniber. For several ybars he has-been- manager of the Groceteria and Mail Order Department of the Regina Store', Wh’efe“heAhas been located foie .almost seventeen. years, to where he wds transferred after serving, with this Company for four years ifi the Win nipeg Store. Before leaving Regina ■presentations were made Mr. Thomp son by the heads bf the various other departments, and ,by members, of tj*e staffs ’ pnder his direction. , < . X-.--..„•______.__ ' .\..... ... .' . • - . PEARLMAN’S have a new range of PoIo^Sportwear, Country Club and Cashmere Tone Shirts, styled by. Forsyth..-If you want to wear the latest in shirts wear a Fdrsyth Shirt New Broadcloths in all colors gt 15d; 19c; 25c. New .Prints, 15c.; 19c; 25c.~THE "MARKET STORE. ....... ___ . ...............,, _ Remejtyfo.di* the Talking Picture en tertainment in the Town TIa.Il to- challenge, upon which was placed a $5.00 wpger, that he couldn’t shoulder a barrels of salt. With- little difficulty Me proceeded to hoist this three hun- hred pound weight to his shoulder and carry off I the be£. This brawny -I-riehman-f—was—one of the districts pioneer settlers—James Webster of Kinloss, and the father of Mr. James f. T. ARMSTROMF -JEW-ELLER—— Rev. J. C, Caley Is Honored By Parishioners ■J________•_ X Presentation -Made To Young Parish rat-e--Pr-iGr-T®--H-is-^®pa-rt‘ere-T©— A delightful social evening was spentiirthe-parishroomof “StrPaul’a church, Ripley, when *the members of that congregation were joined by the, members of Christ Church As sociation of Port Albert and the A. Y. P A. of St. Peter’s Church, Luck- now, on Thursday evening last. The WINqHAM’XTURONSmm>EN~ra^^ SEASON HERE TO-MORROW ' ‘ < •• The Wingham Hurons, claimed to] be a much stronger team than last season, wifi take on the Lucknow Se poys in the-opening I home game of, _ the season here ti-morrpw. Jack yas to. *»»«_ to the Colvin the highly tooted Hanover lad We would guess, will be on the mound for Wingham, i eye onf the Bruce League “B” cham pionship and will be out-for a victory which 'incidentally would be sweet1 reverige for the' Hurons; who in the past" fwo" ^seasons have bowed to the] Sepbys. / The game gets underway at 4.30 o’clock. Lucknow’s- victory jn Goder ich Jast week established confidence in this year’s revamped line-up and the squad will be out tomorrow en deavoring to isolve Colvin’s slants and hang up a second victory. > I This is the only game of the sea son free from the 5 cent antusement tax which does not become effective until the day following. curate of the parish, Rev. James C. Caley, B.A., who had recently been which team has it* »PP»inM .by the Bialiop of the Dio- cese to ..rectorship of the parish of Lion’s Head. . . x Rev. -J. H. Geoghegan acted as chairman and conducted the opening ceremonies, explaining that although a business meeting1 had been-called for the congregation of Ripley; yet the other congregation^ had decided to meet«at the Same time arid place to bid farewell to Mr.. Caley■ Who had been associated with him in the work of the parish during the past year. At the request of the committee in charge, he called Mr. Caley to the front and read, an address expressing the appreciation of the members of- the parish for his .untiring labor, their - regrets at'the severing of the happy ^relationships .existing^ among them,4 r and also their hearty congratulations , 'oh his 'promotion. On behalf of 'the . mciuvum. vHure» wm ie-1 Par>sh, two beautiful walnut uphol- open ■ for the summer months, first |«tered chairs and walnut table were Sunday evening/ June 2nd, 7 p.m. presented to Mr. Caley, Messrs. Geo, Hassal, Walter Tigert and George ■ Seymour making the presentation. Mr. Caley, although over taken by ‘surprise, made a brief reply express ing his thanks to the people of the r parish;'not only for their gifts, which he assured theni would always ba treasured, but also . for their ^co-op eration, afid ninny acts\of kindness while he had been among thernf He also expressed his thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Geoghegan. for the kindness and assistance* given him during, the year. Games under, the directing of Mis ses Hazel and Irene Morgan were enjoyed 4by all. A very; bountiful lunch was served by tl^e ladies \ in charge after which the social evening \yas brought to' a close by singing, the National Anthem. v ' ■ . ^Mr. T. W. Smith conyeyed about twenty members of Stx Peter’S A.X P. A. to Ripley in his truck. . tf Si '/• ’ , ■■ ' r,’’; '.-O ; ■ , M 'g • . ■ ( A - The meeting, which will/be chiefly in the form of a prayer service will be in charge of Miss’Pearl Hender son. ■ We especially invite all those who haVe an earnest desire to see( God’s. Kingdom advanced and' His Name exalted to be, preserit and we shall enjoy a blessed time of fellowship together. ' " . Odd tells Us in His woffi “Ye haye not, because } ye ask not. IL ye i ask anything in my name, I will do.” Let us therefore take.'* the .King, of Kings at His word and come preparted1 to ask big things of ‘God' and" expect lo see |the answer. Have you a burden on yout heart, “Take it to the ‘Lord in prayer.” No problem'ik too great 0r<>f06 small for Him to handle."We" • 0 .... •• • ■ invite young' and old' to be present With' ttSi Please come and. bring yotir friends.