HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-23, Page 7Woman’s Long Search For
a. Remedy
The trouble with most remedies
tor constipation, as this woman
found-, is that they give only* tejn?
E>rary relief; Haying at last found a
rmanent corrective, she writes to
11 us about it:*-*r ■ - a
‘Tor upwards,of 30 years I was a
detim of acute constipation. I . tried
ttacticalliy everything that it was
Possible to try. I admit I was a
jhronic. case, and every new remedy
I tried-helped for ‘a day or two—
F[ter;. tha^Uuhs just as bad as ever-,
-hifee $bhthB ago~T took“ myr^fiT^;
laste or Kruschen Salts, arid every
horning since^snd every mdrninj?
id long as I live, my first duty upon
rising is my Kruschen. I honestly
leel a different woman. My bowels
let to the clock7 and; my friends re
mark how well I am looking. My
only regret is that I didn't try
Kruschen years ago.”—(Mrs.) A. M.
KrUscheTF ’Saltr-is"*'*Natu rre cipe-
for maintaining a condition of . in
ternal cleanliness, . The six salts in.
Kruschen stimulate your internal
Wgans^to ^mpojih,. . regular ^^actioiu.
Your system is thus kept clear of
those impurities which, allowed to
ttcqspulate, lower the. whole tone of
lhe system,' ,
Manitoba Sen^sy$ 1,000
t For King’s Cancer Fund
Winnipeg —\ A contribution' of
from the Manitoba Goverri-
ment to the King George “jubilee"
Cancer Fund was sent recently to
tusly, $200 towards the expenses, of
Ute fund's Manitoba committee had
been donated, i « • \
paper. . Premier
Remember this ex- ' .St.
In Ffg. No. 187 we illustrate, a, de
sign 'suitable tor a calendar or even
a magazine coy,er. It is- composed
of three tones, BLACK, HIGH LIGHT
.and LOW LIGHT,a. Black on the
■ foreground, trees, tlii.ghs a.nd,head.
High light on the sky; also on the.
tree, trunk and the light spots of the t
foreground. Low Light' on the0 back
.Of the figure and the. outer portions
of the sky. This drawing may be
<3^8ketch Club
....................... ...... ..............““All rlgbu .. ....................
first made with a. b'Uck crayon on a
medium-grained surface of ]
Then try' an original design us.ing the
same medium. Now try an original'
design in wash ton&.\ thijs will} be
your work for this -week and known
as EX. NO. 62. Remember this ex- '
ercise -is I
-*■— Tilley Complains
Of Research Group’s
, " Attitude
rtO u,. John, N.B. - , Protesting
ercise is to .be all in flat., tone work ; against what he turned-a discourag-
and therefore does not require any 'attitude taken, by Dr. (jl. S.. Whitby,
tone.-blending. 'Tone blending will. chairman of the potato research com.-
:.be taken, up as a subject to the .mittee; towards potato, starch de-
next... lesson..
j*-*- ‘ - ’ ’ . • ■ * >
ve’PPifient* in Canada, Premier- L. P.
D. Tilley of New Brunswick anripuh-
ced' recently ..he" had asked iiojn. R,.
B., Hanson, minister ojt trade, .and
commerce, to look into the matter^
“I haVfe asked Minister Hanson to
take^thihTmatter~up be'eause rit seemft-
to' be a i move -to influence/the jKib-
lic . against potato starch develop
ment,” tiie premier said; .
He Stated that1’New Brunswick with
^extenslve^pptato growing, ‘areasJig.
vitally Interested in Canadian manu
facture of potato starch.
Dr. - Harold - Hibbert, industrial
.chenuBt at. McGill University, stated
a short time ago there was not a
single product now made."from corn
starch that could not be made from
potato starch /the prem ier added.
Dp. WJiiiby .is head of a joint com
mittee appointed by. the federal de
partment of agriculture and the 'na
tional research council to° find new
uses for Canadian potatoes.
Applying Fertilizer \
. Varies With: Variety!
, J
Chewing Tobacco
In experiments that have been.
Canada for several years by the Di
vision of Field Husbandry, Dominion
thods of application of commercial
fertilizers, with, particular 'regard to
the placement of fertilizer in relation
to -seeds, - it has been demonstrated..
that for wheat, oafs and barley more
ecbnbnifcal yields may be obtaihbd~;
r^tiy in 'cWt^
low; the seed than by applying it
broadcaet. . :.
In certain crops, the germination
of the seed is checked and in some
cases Completely ruined by contact
with commercial fertilizer. '. While
tills does not apply to wheat, oats
and barley, it is not advisable to .
seecl corn in .contact. The fertilizer
■or 'level ft ith~th¥'~see"d7
” In the case of peas, the fertilizer
should be "sepsirated slightly , from-
to e se e a, p fere rainy below t~he~"Seed*"
witlr"one-half inch of soil, between...
’"Good * resul ts have been ""obtained-
With fertilizer " oj potatoes,. \ both
broadcast and In drill or,"row. It is*
recommended, howeve?, to apply fer-
"lT!Tze;r”to“13alffi''r_ar'eitbe"F’'Bide of the row'' and level with, or Slightly be
low the .sets or seed.
ImperialVeterans you -care joo intensely. ™ about
a subject, then it is dangerous to al
low yourselfto say anything,” '
’EniiiyT’bsT “-—-—
The Provincial Command held a
general meeting on May 1st, to ap
point Provincial Committees for
Welfare, Pensions, France, Parades,
Jnstrument-A-an<L±.Piple_.Bands and
P.ubIicity.\A.congratulatory cableL
their" Silver Anniversary. Two
parad.es have been staged this year.
The Gallipoli one, which was all
Imperial; and the best one the “Im
mortals” ever had—thanks to W-
Watson, Assistant Secretary of the
Eastern Zone in Toronto, and the
attendance at' the Provincial Parlia,
mento'celebrations in Toron to,—also
■jrer cussions*“fr om—.th e s e~parades—-re—
~flect=-the- need-,.of~Jbands,A--and«. more
recognition of Imperials asn dn or-
-bei»g—taken—to-remedy--b^;h^dfl these
.matters "now. Nojv that-Toronto Im
perials - rare.. organized- and . irhaye,.
Created a Provincial, and Dominion
Command, a constitution also drawn,
up and accepted, will; be printed
shortly. Copies wijl be -sent, free__to_
anyone in the province outside To
ronto, who is interested in promoting
growth, of a solely Imperial organiz-
inches to the side and slightly below;
*■ Enough . cotton iSterfalF^tj^W
, taw a, the feuffply of the new Cana-
! diair silver dollar is not to be limit/
j ed, A neW> output is to be- minted
"i~ CanSdar'gidhnlnn—i-ea’ther—-teln-h apd'
tie. S,mart, snappy, can’t be told frojn.
silk. .Wonderful repeat .with high 'com
mission. New doW- prices.' Particulars
-jsa^tA-lleut. 4, 148 Campbell Avenue,
-■.Wlrijdstu:,.Aa.nb^._..^,..',^.,...... , ....
■** Enough . cotton materials to make
several:"bed* quilts.—Sentrjpostpaid—foT1
T, 4$47 Park, Montreal. 4
pullets 25c. Complete catalogue mail
ed.—St.- Agatha-Hatchery,. Agatha,. .
Ontario. . «,■ ______ \_______2___ . i •
Classified . Advertising
Jfcw 'Firestone
0// MORE
. In Lesson .No. 50 we chatted about
the artist not being given the com
plete data before commencing to lay
out the design.
Now let us chat about’ another
phase of dominence. • Suppose. you,
are asked to create an. advertising
design wherein the element of text
~hecomes~ secondary-to-the art* feature
Of display, eucli as In window cards,
"etYeef"" car "cartls7~of"'an "Uutho’or~Vos™'
ter. You may develop a very beau-
may~be very commendable artistfchlT’
ly; but, when the , finished product.
appears * in the stoTe^iirdows.^dr in5'
the cars, or on tflb billboards, you
may find that its .next doo? neighbor,
or__th.e....next card, or the\ next poster
has fiuclF~a" dominating display that
it Bmothered the beauty of your .ef
fort Your effort a's mbrltorlous as
' color theory and your .(design
tfConparad with previous
1 , Flreitone tire
In this new Hi«h Speed \ ’
tire you still get all the extra
features of former Firestone
tires and, in addition, a hew,
Super-Safety tread that gives
50% more non-skid mileage* . ,
—at no extra cost I Put these
neW tires on your .car—see
the Firestone Dealer today.
dur, car—-see
it stood alone; but, it'lacked the AD
petition besjde other designs. You
may have had a very excellent idea,
which, because of the Wrong choice
of treatment, errors of .composition^
dr expression in color failed to ear
ly sufficient' strength to meet compe
tition for attention against - the other •
advertising fthich. appearecF along”
In the next lesson we shall' chat
about a comTnorferror. viz/overlook
ing the “Mei'chandislirg" Sense.’’ "
Questions will "be;a3is;wered^in this
department. . Anyone wishing to re
ceive a 'personal reply may have
same If. a 3c stamped, addressed en
velope is enclo*s"ed""witb-"tW~requestw
Th.e .Art Director, Our Sketch Club,
73 Adelaide' Street West, Toronto;..
.. . ^ , —— y-\-
says “Ain’t’’—and it appears some of
them have been known to—it appears
in the Congressional Record as “are
not.” ' ... .
Prettying'up the grammar of the
senators is one task of.six of the best,
shorthand reporters ip the nation,
who record the torrent of words in
senatorial" debate.
, iThe six reporters, headed by James
W. Murphyvand Percy E,, Budlong,
are only beginning their duties when,
they feverishly scratch pothooks in
\their notebooks.-
'With an average'experience of 25
years behind them, they. take “ 12-
minute turns in note takeiiig on the
Senate floor. Then they hasten to
their headquarters in a room nearby
and dictate the remarks they hqve
Just heard.
[IP TO $50.00, EACH PAID FOR U.%
V Indian head cents. We . buy aU
dates regardless of condition. Up t*
$1.00 each paid for U.S. Lincoln cents.
Up to $150.00 each, for Canadian. coins.
We buy stamp collections, Medals,
Books, Old" PapSr Money," Gpld, etc.
Send 25c (coin)4 for large Illustrated
guaranteed or 25c refunded. HUB
COIN SHOP, 159-23 Front ..St., -Sar.nld,__v,„.
--------—’ CHICKS' jPOB SA3SE —------------ ------
Reds 8c, Blx-week-old pullets 40c.
Immediate shipment. Every chick from
a 2-oz. eg<g. All breeding', stock bldod-
tested andS selected for high egg ro-
June 21st. Write \f0T free circular Big
Rock Farm. Mille\.Roches, Ont. .
453- Broadview, Avenuey Tbfonto. The
■Royal Coat-of-Arnis Corps Badge
Toronto Zone news repeats" a gen-.
eraJ meeting/of the. Western to be
held at St. Julien Hall, 1330 . Bloor
St. W., on 15th inst, /vnd the recent
ly elected officers for 1935-asifollows’:
Feist, president; W. G. Stevens,
vice-president; W, .Armstrong, re
cording secretary; G.. Horton, fin
ancial secretary; W. Bailey, honorary
treasurer, and. S. Gilchrist and R.
Huggett’. as Sergeant-at-Arms, and
organizing^secretary has still to be
Central will have’ a ■ bi-monthly,
general meeting at Cumberland Hall,
3 Cumbetland Street/ 1 north of
Bloor, on Tuesday, 14th inst, and on
Friday, l'Zth inht, a . concert and
dance in the same hall. The. Northern
are'throwing a, social benefit Scotch
night tor the Eastern, at the ford
er’s clubhouse, 1315 Yonge St./, oti
Friday, 10th inst, and hold their bi
monthly general meeting on Thurs
day, 16th inst. The pastern will hold
their Thursday social night on 16th
Inst also. Card games being the main
activity -on such nights, at the club
house on 453 Broadvieft,. Let’s mingle
ahd multiply, boys. , , . '
' ■' - ——A- ’ ■
“There’s only-one thing I’m really
conceited’ about and- that's my sense
of humorJ'-^Tallulah Bankhead. '
tion are “played^ slowly to a staff of
five typists, who ,turn out rough
drafts, quadruple-spaced to permit
correction .and interlining.
Then\<the “reporter” become^ what
newspapermen call a “copy reader”.
With pen and ink, he corrects typo
graphical errors, grammatical slips,
and “obvious” errors of fact;
■ "Walls of the room are lined with
reference volumes which he consults
frequently. He checks on the accur
acy ,of poetical arid 'Biblical quota
tions, .proper names and dates, m^kes
sure that the Benator isn’t quoted as
saying something occurred in the
Civi'l War. when itJ actually occurred,
in the Revolutionary War» ’ — *
“We are especially careful of the
names bf towns and cities,”. Budlong
explained. “A senator once used the
town oMPortal, Washington, in a
speech. I made, it Portland; and of
course, there was a coniplaint.
But in correcting and clarifying,
the reporters ar.e careful to preserve
a senator’s’‘oratorical style. \
;■ .• —. ■ ;. \ '■
Today and Tomorrow
. Today and. tomonow hre magic
words. Today means the putting into
effect the .plans of yesterday, the\
realization .of hopes., aAd dreamy
that have hot yet emerged into the,
field of action. Today is a,trumpet
call t<? baW> Wth every'suhrisV, the
ttfiatta'inable beebmes the possible.
ToindfroW/^toDT is- a? ma!g-ic -wordT -foy
if 'today has- fallen sboVt, tomorrow
promises the retrieval 'of its failure.
The ■ frustrated hopes of today maA
be the achievements of tomorrow.
-.r V- .' ■■ ■■ ,•.
•immediately to meet . the demand.
The original issue of 100,000 coins
was '■ early acquired.-' by eager citi
zens, and the feeling has developed
that the trllyer dollar would become
a collector*^ coin.
It seems that .thousands \of people
I who wish to retain souvenirs to mark
special, events, .exchanged*, ordinary
currency for the silver coins .with the
intention o^ putting them away as
mementoes of the King’s Silver Ju
bilee. Countless others w.ho do not
yet possess the, novelty will be pleas*
ed to learn that they will shortly
have, the opportunity of doing so,
Maybe it would be a good stunt
for some of us to| put a dollar aside
“for a rainy days.” If we don’t have
to spend t, we can some ti-me show
It to our grandchildren as a lesson
in British history, and Canadian
thrift,—Border- City Star.
If We don’t have
A’ RUBBING Liniment
Rub oh — pain gone.
Get the new large econ
omy, size—Also avail- V
able in smaller, regular \
built in Ciduitnce
1 the whites set.
For Pleaiant Moulhwaih
Use Windsor Iodized
Salt. Mild, pleasant,
harmless. Prevents
goitre when used
daily fox table and
Yes, proud, envied and d*dlM
bed aspendthrift just because
he eate salt which is money in
his country! Interesting isn’t
it? One of many weird
customs and superstitions
told in picture and story in
our new book for' children:
. AU over- the World.”
Clidjiifcil of interest and en
tertainment for all. W6 want
you to have it free with Our
compliments! Send coupon
! Try
’ . When—
'' pf
. V
City Life *At .Sea
Pictures of tlYe interior
»French liner Normandie
York next month show that
apartment^ and public rooms
the same as the’ apartments
public' rooms of city, dwellings
big hotels.
of the
f which
start on her' "maiden ’ voyage to
A# an 4 focfcr
\ ■
Kennedy &
1 Menton
421 .College St,'
Harley-DaVldson Distributors^ \
and Used Parts .
Write at once for our bargain list of
ulsed motorcycles. Terms arranged.
big hotels. The Normandie has
penthouses, bowling' alleys,.'gardens,
a church,- theatre, shopping arcade,
and., cf course, several . swimming
Yools. The accommodation in the
Queen tyfary will, be very .similar.
The directors of ’ the ?Frbnch Tine
claimi that Ay dwellers boarding
Hie Normandie ’\vTTT not know any.
difference in their mode of living
.• from’ being at home. -There will
be. telephones in every rooin, ele
vators, a newspaper, - st^ck market
board room and everything else that
could be thought of,
« .All that is very wonderful, but
isn’t It'i rather "taking the pleasure
,out of .an ocean Vdyage? ’Not to.
know you ’are at sea unless, "you
lock out of the window, o® ‘ over
the side, seems, to destroy the- value
of" being at sea, at all. - Probably'^it
is becaue people lil^e to feel they
are at-sea. that, the medium-sized
liners, which aYe not quite bo much
“citified,” are full when the biggest
ships are running with half or two-
thirds of their suites' and rooms
booked.—St. Thomas ’
A ta
. I
Tim^-Journat I
Pi ’* Qftiti bp numbai .
■frofft your dealer- No. z
Specially prepaid by
I'i .. .
’■ '1 1 x ”
4 group of public-spirited. citU
zehs having-Vjoinad^together,
■for the common weal ahd bet-'
terme.ilt of Gonimuhities1,, now
offer a service to ' individual'
citizens and communities*
V J-.
Send a 3 cent stamped envelop®
for further information. '
Wife—John,, dear, you are
positively growing, 1 quite
Husband— Yes, Mary, it’s
a IyBeem to have When
it. gets . anywhere near your
birthday. ,
39 LEE AVE. Toronto, Ont (
IhnK tee 19i. t*Xa» 0 toe. U> 8 *e*k<
V . 31 «, « . „ to 8 rau*• <;«>, to M ,, to jaaiyi
„ » >0, » * M„ „ .. 1J ,. to6 e
Inomosd ray own iMlgbt to 6K.BfiN.
gvn<tr«O e/
, F«?e $10.V0 "complete.
’ Details Free.. Write*‘Now