HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-23, Page 5. ■ • . * ■' (
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' Nfr A’ ~
Proper Fitting;
. ’NtTn/LrcK'^'’ “■ “■ "’7^ ■’
X • ■ ’ ■ ■ ', *
Ensures Perfect Foot Comfort At All Times
We are ready for the biggest White ‘
ai^ Sport Season ini years .ydth s^m- -
mer’s Newest, Airiest Patterns.
Beach Sandals $1.45"
White trimmed with Blue ' ; White trimmed with Green
Lucknow’s New Shoe Store
for the Holiday,
MAY 24th
LADIEtS! It’s a long week-end
.to-come arid;^^see^their^fine stock?
New Coats and Suits
Dresses - Millinery
„ Avon Knitted Suits
You’ll fiind a big choice of just
the right sort of clothes to buy
, for a holiday outfit and g^eral
wear as well.’
Kayser Gloves - Orient Hose
Nemo-Flex Foundations
Our finest Ladies’ Coats and
Suits less 1<> and 15% for this
week-end only. • ~
! It always pays to shop at
KING’S where quality counts.
f. >
I #■ I* •
•V--’ ■
. i
i Mr. ajid Mrs-; John Swan and- fam
ily of *St. Helens, spent' Sunday with
' friends here;,
. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, ' Durnin . of
[ Goderich,_were guests of. J\Ir......Or-v.ille.
■ l-T-M-iss—Letit-inHDreaiiey;- ofXbungan--
non, spent a day. recently with \ier
biece, Mrs. Marvin Durnin.,^
' Mr. rind Mrs. Victor Whitley^arid-
family were, in London on Saturday.
Mr. -and, Mrs. Wilfred. Drennan and
children rind Mr. and Mrs. James
Drennan "of Kintail,, were guests of
.Mk. and Mrs. Wilfred. Plunkett of
Auburn on, Sunday.
| Mr. Will Begley of Hamilton ^visit-
“6drfOT“a, f&w^a^'^“fMf'7^
ary’s,; . .....
Mrs.. R. J. Woods, Mr. Wilson
. Woods... and- Mx-Jand Mrs. -Robinsdh-
Woods • were recent vistors with
friend's in .Stanley. „ ( .
■' Messrs. Allan Durnin and.Joe'Foran
left .last week' on a'trip to Northern
Ontario. . , „ .. ,
Mr. George-Stuart was a week-end
visitor’with J^rs/ Stuart in ghicago.
—Mis. Jas. Dunlin aeedm'plriied“bV'
little Son of St. Helens, ;yisited; on
Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Mc-
-■-^'Mrs7"George Gartom is’ visitirig—harT-ham ;-last--week-
” daughter, Mrs. Wm. Simpson of De
Miss Kathleen Thom of St. Helens
spbnt the week end with Miss Agnes
Patterson. ‘ \
Miss Margaret Ri,tchie of Lucknow
spent the week-end with Miss Olive
Garton, h ‘
{ We are sorry to report Miss Maggie
Sutherland, a former resident of this
community and a sister of Mr. James
Sutherland, is .seriously ill; at the
home of her sister, Mrs. George Wil
son, of Wingham.
Messrs. Thos. and Mac .Inglis and
Fred Clubb are working at the crush
er where they were last year near
Inverhuron. . ’
. , Mr. James Laidlaw, has the job of
gravelling the road on Inglis’ side
road. ' ' . -
I Miss (Hive Kennedy visited last
week witm^Mrs. Wm. McIntosh of
Lucknow. . , .
. . \R‘ey. T. C. Wi 1 ki ns on. Mr|. Gordotr
Mr.^and Mrs. 'Ramage attended the
.Sunday School Institute held in Wing
'd, Mr. Stanley Todd presided at the
■meeting, of the Y. P. S? on Sunday
evening. Miss Norma Weatherhead
read the Scripture lesson and Miss
-Greta Webb gave the Bible character
on “Barnabas”. The topic “Why do
■Nations go to War?” wds taken by
Rev. Wilkinson..
.Mrs. E. J. Thom is spending a°few
4dys with her daughter,' Mrs. L. C.
Thompson, Lucknow. \
Sacrament ■ will bp observed1 in the
United Church next Sunday morning.
Preparatory service. will be held on
Friday evening at 8 o’clock.
Relative^ attending the funeral of
the late Mrs. Webb on Friday, includ
ed her brother, Mr.’Wilbert Wellwood
with his wife and daughter and son
of Wingham; three, sisters. Miss Eliz
abeth Wellwood- of New -York, Mrs.
Tigert with ' Mr. Tigert of Hamilton
and Mrs. Frank Howson with Mr.
Howson and two sons of Wingham.
----- - -----------4.------' ' V.
I *
! - ---------- --- *
Mts. Neil McCallum entertained the
. ladies of the U. F. W. 0. for thb
^May meeting, when over forty mem-
gprs and visitors were present. Mrs.
z^Dan . McKinnon had charge of the
meeting, which opened by singing the
“Ode” and repeating the Lord’s pray-
i er in unison. Mrs. McDonald read the
minutes of last meeting? also letters
Of thanks from people who have been
remembered. Mrs. D. McIntyre gave
the trga^jer’s report. After- com
munity singihg the business was dealt
with. The roll call was answered by
“Hints on Home Decorating”. Mrs.
Wm. Eadie read a splendid paper
bn “How to be a good hopsbkeeper”.
Miss Elizabeth Robinson favored with
, a' solo^ Miss Kathleen McKenzie gave
a paper, followed by a reading by
Miss^Ruth McKinnon. Mrs. T. Robin
son' read the May bulletin; Mrs. Roy
Hudson gave a piano solo which iyas
much enjbyed; Kathleen McKenzte
sang a solo; an instrumental by the
McCallum girls; a piaho solo by
^Blanche McDougall and an instru
mental bjA(Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hudson
and Nellie McCallum, all of which
was much appreciated.'' A contest *■ .
- brought the program to a clbse. Af- .
ter a vote of thanks to the, hostess, i
the meeting closed by singing th'e
National Ahthem. A \ delicious lunch i
was served and a pleasant time sfient i |
The June meeting i$ ^to^ be, held at j ’
\ :
'' 'b1
We ai'c glad th report , that Malster
Douglas ' MacDia^'mid is recovering
from an attack of bronchial croup,
Mr. Dobson, ‘ I. P, S. at Kin^ard^ne,
visited the school one day ’last .Week.
Mr. and Mrs' Wm. MacGill ' and
Mrs. Wm. Martin visited with friends
in; Kirilcardine last ..Friday,.
Mr. Alex McNay had the misfor
tune to loose his .colt this we^k. ‘
Mr.^Wm. Martin and Fred were
recent visitors^ with Mrs. R. Creech
at . Pine'River; ' \ ■',
Sigh on a Laundry:...' “Don’t kill
your wife, let us' do the dirty work.”
? -1" .. ;/; • .■•jJ^g==ss.
. \
• -
Drive Carefully!
I ‘V- ,
was ser
r ■
the home of Mrs," A. Sutherland.
’ ' ■ ■ \ - .. '
u\.”"* ;.t"■ vb
’ •’ EF v I-1' '
------------ ----------- ------------------,-------------:------
Mrs., /lames Pollock returned home
Five Teams In liruce League South-1*“'** •»«“• some timc yisiting. her
ern Group As ■- Clinton’s Belated brother at Goderich.
Entry Is Accepted—Double Sche- Miss Myrtle Thompson spent' last
dule To Be Played’ s I week with her sister, Mrs. W. Stanley
, a, ,'' , of Lucknow.
The southern group ■ of the BruceBaseball; peague isi now composed df Miss Beth Walsh .returned home'
five “B” teams since Clinton’s belated from Berviu, / . ' *
entry was accepted and which re- Mr. and Mrs; Melville Osborhe and
quired the revising, of the schedule. hnd vi^ted with the latter’s nar ;The five teams "are Kincardine, Luck-rn;ren visited with the latter s pai-
how, Wingham, Clinton and Gpder- eats,on. Sunday,. ' \ ..
iCh.*'"With||. the. exception 'pf^Kincar-p Mr- aria1 Mrs. Sam .Emerson'..’and.-
dine, representatives of, these teams children and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
muet eWn?n«’ Emerson spent'Sunlay at Mr. Angus
when the dquble schedule was revised • ’* \T . . * v
giving each team. sixteen games . aslyra7am s at Lucknow, , . • ,
.fallows: ' ; - ’ ' ‘ “ . . ' . Mis^ Npreen . Sjcott of-JStratford;
24, ,.LucknojAL.at Goderiph t visited, at Scott’s': on ;.Saturv
- 2.7r Qllh&un at Kinpardipe . . Lay, > ‘ f ’ 1 !
‘ iGoderich at, 'Wingham.' ■ ’ >
30 i Godetich at Kincardine.«’ Mr. .and Mrs, Will Clayton, of
« 31 Wingham at Lucknow. Glamis, called’ on. relatives on Friday.
Ji ...Wlnghan^ A.^-mbei^-ai^h'e-GTO^took-pa’rt-*
. 'Godericht at .Lucknow, p.m. singing in the Musical Festival com-
unnton at wingham. ..... ■ .Kinoardine at .Lucknow. . <•***>“ W. K'Pley <» Fnd»y.
Kincardine at Goderich | -Mrs. Watson Scott visited recently
Lucl^nrow“at rWinghaiff.
Kincardine 'at Clinton. [
Goderich at Clinton j
Kincardine at Wingham. 1
Admit Clinton Team , I
And Revise Schedule
. 6. .Clinton at Wingham.
'■ ’7 ..................... .... "
: . 11
. 12
15 -
20 Lucknow at’ .Clinton
21 Wingham at Goderich.
22 Clinton at Kincardine
25 Clinton at Goderich
27 Lucknow at Kincardine,
July 1 Wingham att, Kincardine
Goderich at Lucknow.
4 Lucknow at Wingham
5 Kincardine at. Goderich-
8. Goderich at Clinton
101 Kincardine at Wingham
;—ixClint.Q-n-at-7-Lu-eknow^'-7~------j12 Clinton at Goderich
15 Wingham at Lucknow- ,
... . jQnCardlne^ar.Gljnton"^"”'. J
17 Wingham at Godprich
> 18 'Lucknow at Kincardine
® v 22 'Kincardine at Lucknow
23 Goderich at Wingham
25 Lucknow, at Clinton
\ 26 Gpderich at Kincardine ',. J
-4 ; -31v-r7Win^ham aLdEincar&ine *H
Aug. '■ 1 Lucknow at Goderich
2 - Wingham at Clinton
™ ■
Th ’ Tof dnt'o with her son,wljo is .very
in. ■ ; ■.•■.■•■/
Mr.., and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and
[ family spent 'Sunday , evening at Mr.
Chas. Congram’s. . . ' '
\ Mrs. C. Eadie, Mr. and. Mrs. Dave
Eadie of G'lenannan we're the 'Sunday
guests at Mr; Wm. Eadie’s. -
. Mr. Reggie Broom spent Sunday
with his sister, Mrs., Cliff [Young, 8th_
con? ' ‘ v .
Miss Elsie^ Vint and Miss Jean
Busheli of LucknowT^spent Sunday
I with’Mass ‘Winhifred Ackert..; V.; ,
Messrs. Howard and Earl Harris
spent Monday at Kincardine.
■ Mr. and Mrs, John Colwell were
Miss, Wilena Ghesnut, \R.N., of
Lucknow, was a recent guest at Mrs.
Allister Hughes. •
REVISED -SCHEDULE I - Mr. and Mrs; Frank Colwell , of
'' DOESN’T EFFECT OPENER I Bervie spent Thursday at. Mr.- John
' ~"■ ' " ’'"■.■'■■’f "LColw.ell’s. . .•
The revised baseball schedule does- n. ' g w «n’t effect the - season’s opener .. id Mts. Collins a^d . .son Russel of
Goderich tomorrow (Friday) when.]Purple Grove wete\ SundayX visitors
; position-for the n^Ly entered Coder- " v
icb?Tfeaih' “and an"unknown” quantity 7.
in baseball circles here.
-first—homez^ame-’!is^scheduledXor-"Ma3r|~' . -v . .
fglst;^stronfft-hened-yiMnghari^-Tjr7\~aiid 3Irs" Hiram Moffat .. and
Hurons as the visitors, which shouldJnake_.a...miihty_intefesting,. .fixturel^X4L^^
for the opening home game. week \at the home of M-r. and Mrs.
’ . - ■ ■ ' ; • Richard ^ Johnston.
LOCALS STARTING LINEUP ReV; Campbell Tavener of Blenheim
NOT? AT FULL STRENGTH was . the guest of Mr. arid “MTsT^Thos."
■i , .Anderson Tuesday arid ' Wednesday.
Just,what the Sepoy’s lineup, for He also called on a 'number of
Luckow’s .
> t • • —-
All Departmental examinations,
both for Lower, Middle and Upper
Schools in- Collegiate and g,ls;o , for
High School Entrance; will be over
this year by Friday^ June ^8., The
schedule for the examination is as
follows \
^High School Entrance
Wednesday, . June 26th, ..English
Grammar, 9 to 11 a.m.; Writing, 11.10.
U 12:; 'English Compbsitldn, 1.3.0 “to
3.30 p.m, , c * ' 7
Thursday,? June 27, English^ Liter-
ature> 9 to U;30 a.m.; Geography,'
1.30? to'3;30 ' pirn, p English Spelling;
3,4.0'to 4.30'p.m.
Friday,. Ju^e 18, Arithmetic/ 9 to
11.30 a.m,; History 1.30 to 3.30 p...m...
In Lower, Middle and^ Uupper.
schools^ all ’morning examinations
wall jbe from 9 to 11.3Q and afternoon
examinations frorii 1.30 to 4. i
from 1.30 to 4. \ V
—- —^Lower-’-Schoal"—-
Monday, June 24, Agriculture (1st
year), a.m.; Agriculture (2nd; year), ,
P.m. : /■.........-■
Tuesday, June 25, English Gram
mar.,> a.rm; Arithmetic, p.m.
Wednesday, June 26, Physiography
a.m.; Art, p.m.
* Thursday, June 27, , Zoology, a.m.;
British. History, p.m.
Friday. June 28, Botany, a.pa
Geography, p.m.
Middle School,zv
1 Monday, June 17, Ancient History,
a.m.; English Composition, p.m.
"Canadian History, p.m.
Wedn^day, June 19, /English Lit
erature, a.m.; Physics^. p.m.
Thursday, June 2(«, Geometry, a.m.;
^Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Campbell spent
• 'Sunday at Jacob Hunter’s of Zion.
.Miss Elsie^Vint vjsited with friends/ •
in Lucknow during the week.
Mrs. Bert ,Alton,, accompanied by
her father, Mr. Wilkins of Paisley,
spent Saturday in Toronto.
Mr. J. R. Hackett visited’with his
brothers in Detroit over the’ week-
end. . ■_ •' ?■
Mrs. Wilson* Jrwin had thb misfor
tune-to have her. wrist broken. We
hope for a speedy recovery, •-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Altbn and family
spent Sunday at Port Albert.
-Rev. Mr, Tavener of Chatham call
ed on some of Kis friends here one ■
day last week.'. \
Chemistry, p.m. ;
Friday, June 21, ^atin. Authors,
a.m.; Latin Composition, p.m.
-^tonday, June 24, French Authors, •
a.m.; French Composition, p.m.
Tuesday, June 25, German Authors,
a.m.; German Composition, p.m.
_ ------. Upper School .--------------—-----—-J"
Monday; June 17, English Compo
sition, p.m. ' '
Tuesday, June'18, Algebra, a.m.
Wednesday, June 19, English Lit
erature, a.yn.; Problems, p.m. .
Thursday, June 20, Geometry a.m.;
Chemistry. p.m. « ■ . A.
Friday, June 21, Latin .Authors, &
m.; Latin Composition, p.m.
Monday, June 24th, French Authors V
a.m.; French /Coiriposition p.m.
— Tuesday, June 25,German -Authors ?'”-
a.m.; German Composition, p.m.
Wednesday, June 26th, Physics p.m. ’
Thursday, June 27th, .History p.m.
Friday, June 28, Trigonometry, ° a.
t ;
On and
enar.v of Crewe
. counted on_to try. to put this initial f-Helens,- Friday. -■
fixture in the bag. an(j jyirSt i^aac Andrew' and
Cuming is likely to get the jjitch-kjjss jessie Andrew, spent Wedaes-
. i.ng. assignment, with Clark Finlayson. . .xt; -. . ' .doing the- receiving. Gordy Irwin, who day at th® h°me\of Mr' and MrS’ S‘
hasn't yet had a chance this season J- Kilpatrick
to limber up his arm, will probably . The\W.M.S. Auxiliary met Thurs-\
be hold.ing'Xdown jfirst base. Second Hay afternoon at the home of Mrs.
base is well looked after, by Roy Fin- _ „ . . ...
layson, but short stop is a hole that rHenry Horton.
.has to be- plugged and Doujg Clarke Miss Jean Long of 'Seaforth, Ms
may be converted into an infielder with .spending this -week with friends here,
this in view. Doug may also get a ■ Will Begley of Hamilton and
chance on the mound during the sea- L< < - , T J? ’ asoh?Bob Thompson, with a-bad knee Mr' *>*» Mc"orS' of Grewe
that he is trying to get pealed up, is. visited Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Curran on
hoibbling around- third.’.. • Friday. t v
In the outfield some new material . Mr. and Mrs. S. B/ Stother-s,-St-eph-
is hkely to be fo-urid. Andy Thompson en ari(] Ruth of Arthur, visited Mr.
wont be home until the end'of June.I TT V TTa „ uArt Andrew is- expected home from p^nd ^rs- Henry Horton, Friday.
Osgoode Ha.ll today, arid\iS likely to Mrs. Paul Reed of Lucknow and bar
be pressed immediately into service, grandson, J. p. Reed of Whitechurch
in spite of his^ lack of prictise. Bill spent the week end at the home <^f
Campbell- and Kenny McLennan from , ir ■ ‘mAmberley hnd^ Lochalsh are Other and Mr\s* ^Anderson- Oth.
prospective, outfielders, that can be visitors at their home on Saturday
counted on, to do, some, hitting too. Lvere Mrs. Harvey Webb arid Lois and
A rtilihg of the newly re-organized Mr. Lorne 4Webb of St. Helens.
'' ^e“nW ,Ja.ck Tom and -Esther' Patton of Lucknow
-Crarton-.of Whkechurch from donmg, -■ . ■ „ . ...a Lucknow uniform. Jack had prom--1SP®™ th® vve6k end Wlth friends here-
ised the Whitechurch - players \ he
vyould take part in their Maitland
League genres and a good deal oil
the strength of this promise, White
church entered a. team. When .the
Maitland League ruled that no X). B.
A.A. player Could play in their ', league
Jack had to either quit- the Lucknow
team or go back on. his promise to
the Whitechurch boys-.
- • " ’ SAYS KfeN- SOMERS
Last week we published a baseball
article' appearing in the \AdvahceL
Times, which ■e^pre^sed Wingham’s
dissatisfaction with the two group
arrangement iriZthe .‘Bi-uce League;
this \year (and‘Falso added that ;the
Wingham Club vpuld likely lose
money'this season, as it was hard to
imagine-wha't was going to ■ bring
Wingham fans out twice to 'See Luck-
iribw and Kincardine teams play.
In a -letter , froni Ken Somers, he
admits ; writing the . article and adds
thdt if “the boy’s here haye the im-I
■nression that the‘-;Hurons have, gone
high bat” they have got hint wrong,
as ,it »was not bis intehtipn to. convey
any such idea’, and he 'wapts to clear
.up the impression that the. Hurons
(expect to take Lucknow and. Kincar
dine like -Huey Long took Lonisianpa.
VKen says Wingham has nd‘objec
tion to playing with the teams in.the
South,- but did and do oppose being *
limited to playing with these teams,
ijtfhich are much the saine as in theas in the
old Lakeside Gro\ip,|-and as a result,-
it-is like paying $20.00 just tor the
sake \ of calling it the Bruce League.
I . v„, . . * * ♦
Lucknow ’ oppose^ -being - grouibpd
with the Northern teams, dire-; to the
expense entailed.. in long trips to
Owen Sburtdj Southampton, Mteaford,
Ito play with these “A” lteams\they
felt tb bb'-out of Lucknow’s class.
Wingham however seems to be of
the opinion that they could give these
“A’’ teams an interesting tussle and
they would provide such attraction
that the g’ate receipts would far out
weigh th? cost of the long trips,
. ♦ ♦' ♦
Lucknow’s players., arid .fans’ -will
agre'e with the Chesley' Enterprise’s
comment: “Tiny Burt, fiery, 0. S^Mil-
lionaire infielder, is in Toronto at
•present, . undfergoing treatinepts for
a lump on his head.* ♦ v * *
“Some of the rival infielders who
have .felt.Tiny’s spikes, knees,, elbows,
etp. would have liked to -put; a lump
i on Tiny’s-beano long ago.” ’ ,
. Gordon McNeill was -in Ulibslpy
recently, looking over the situation
nreparritory to'making an application
for the vacancy oh the high school'
staff. Gordon is a wonderful chap and
is classed' as just about the best right
.hand pitcher in Otitario. He’d sure
put. Chesley back on the baseball map. .
' %'*!■- ’ ’ *
' IJHERE were over 800 bicycle riders killed or injured
A in Ontario last year.
Bicyclists, especially children,(- are often careless. This
simply means that drivers of motor vehicles must be
as careful. Remember that yoit are in the heavier
vehicle. . ; ‘
At stop streets . •. stop! Discipline yoiirself When you
drive. Cut down on speed, especially at night. Make ywre
that your brakes, tires and lights are effective .. . other*
wise, some day, you may find yourself in serious trouble.
Ontario must start THINKING safety!
In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 auto- -
mobile accidents. , s
- I; 512 people were killed ■
8,990 peoplfe Were injured
.. i a considerable increase over 1933; It must be Wident
- to all thinking people that this must stop. , ;
''Hon. T. B. McQuesten,
Minister of HigHnyays.
* I
V ,'T