HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-09, Page 5THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL’ WHIvTECHURCH tricts as Norti r JacqueS-Jont .again after been confined to. the house for a lew weeks. | on 9 y,, ! over the, 4 Mr. ^ottrOWhirt To ®ve Mother i All throtogli the year,<we are apt.to fake Mother n»uch for granted. She is*'alway8-'th^re^to^love ns and' .' serve’ ijisi’ ‘Au\ helpfulness , cOmessosweetlysoii^turallythatwe {/ forget tliat it is a'^gift Vi|hout price—. . , a-gift,im^sible^to replace. ' • Hut thef1© -lA/one d^y to,do lifer ■ -y'.. ‘•ho^^MOTHER’^. DAy ’ ;■.. Ah Answer Here “MODEASB" SHOT ►lack; Brown, . W1 AA tp E Widths D TRIPRAIL -fTr^-WeKNOW /Mary t^ CHIjCAGO^S^ , ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL, BARGAINS Friday^ ■ ; SATURDAY—MAY 18 To PORT HURON *2.55; FLINT *3.90 DURAND *4.25 V ■_ ,,, . -n-------——Andi..to WINDSOR and DETROIT «3-7d Equ8llyfoW--faresfromalladjacentC.N.R.Stations ^ ^icketsi Train Informcpibi ALWAYS US ____ EquilllyJow^fares fron ~ Tickets, Train Informc CANADIAI ALW. on, Retum LimitB fifiorn Agents. ASK FOR HANDBILL ATIONAL Redding bells arc ringing loudly. Mrs. Wehdblf of Hanover visifed last Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Lotf. Miss Olive Kennedy visited. Jast Week with her sister, Mrs. Toynbee Lamb bi Goderich^ We are pleased to see Mrs. Eli to . the house for a Miss Agnes Patterson- spent the, week-end- with ttr aunt Mrs. Bert Reid..-.,. ' :■> <k'' Mrs. Duncan Kennedy find Miss Jacqueline Larkin of Wingham visit-* fed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. pavid^Kennedy. \ Major Kenneth Weaver spoke over the radio G. K. N. Wingham Monday on behalf of the legion, thanking /the community jfor the assistance they have given them this ■wintfei^" King’s jubilee. . ; ‘ “ aifli Mrs, Dougherty and Gwendolyn of Guelph were holiday visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Sir. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson had as-guestsforthoholiday^Week-ehd;. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance v Anderson and little daughter and Miss Grace Me Intosh ^of Toronto. , —Mr..-F.~-G.d-T-odd<~made-JaM)usiness-' i.ripLl(LjCoront-O.:.last week. / On Mon­ day he and Mr, Dam Me Kenzie de? livered some live-stdek to Guelph. (Mrs. John 'Hingleman. (formerly Miss ElorencevCameron) of Morriston telephone y 7 USE CANADIAN 4 ttnbwJseLi u TO BUY OR SELL Position wanted •' Help Wanted• ■> House to Rent . Coming Events ‘ \ . Farm for Sale ..live Stock for Sale% 1 a, t • « Grain for Sale / * . / 7 Personal ' •-< ATIONAL TELEGRAPHS TIN EL ifi'ed Ad in the Lucknow ill gJt| you what you want o buy / i hush flan rfer, sell "out from 1 /basket.” ■ Using the al’s classified, columns i^st direct and /inexpensive ing wants known; All .v rz ■you^e^tdttio jisypickup'your'phone'" a^/Unfas ; V** • BOUNDARY WEST < ' L 4' ' / ........- Little Lad Seriously III Rae Stanley, 3-y.ear-oId-son of/M^. and aO^William Stanley, v(as ttteA 4o Wingham -Hospital on' Stmday evening "stiftering from pluraT ’' monia. We, are pleased to a slight improvement in his c^ydit^bn. *’ Miss Myrtle yebstdr of spent the week-end at the/h^ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ster. ’ \ • ’ 7; Mrs. Jas T.,'Webster and Miss Grace, attended the Holyrood Institute- nieet- ing'ori Th"urs71ay'lastatxtheAi^m Mrs. Jas Valad. z. Miss Tens Kempton And Mrs. St Bernard ““of Detroit spdnt the. week­ end with the formers brother Mr. Will Kempton. ^ / < Miss WUlena Chestnut, R . N of Lucknow visited recently with! Mr. and Mrs R. (Richards And. family. , W CON., KINROSS I '1 -H i f ■ / ■ . ■ • and Mrs. R. Martin and family last week At St Helens’ Mi4 Buckton, and daughters, Ethel and Connie,. and Mrs. Cordrill of Tor­ onto Jfeent/the week-end at Gilbert ------—r— The/ bridge-gang are WOfiSlg on the bridge, and expect to have} it completed in a few days, ' Th/ nbn a visifi Mi J Buckton, and daughters, Ethel still busy/ friends of Miss Mary MeKin- ire sorry to hear of het illness, andlope to heat of an improvement sooflr y | A number from here attended the pleasant time was.’spent., . ... . Mjss B,pth Ramage , is spending a few (days with Mrs. G. Hamilton. Miss Anna Graham who has suffer­ ed arvAttack of appendicitis, is some what better. . Bad eOlds and, the Fitl, have been qpito.1 fitiferai ■/' and Mrs. • Jefferson; of Donnybrook were recent guests of Miss Annie' -M-c~Kenzie: v — There( was a large attendance at the meeting of ■the Y. P. S. on Sun­ day evening when the. main feature was an illustrated , lecture on ,, Our Missign ,Wyrk in „AIgala,iL2West- Africa. The Vice-President, W. A. Miller Occupied the choir and} the Scripture lesson was read by Iona ^wan/” . ( Mr. Me Kihley Ramage has secur­ ed a'position on a diary farm at St. Faul~and Mr. Goldwin Purvis has gone tQ Fergus where he will be em­ ployed in^ qn apiar-y^A— - A new fence is being erected ar­ ound the -Sf Helens cemetery this weekl ■ ' ' ; '' . The following teachers were\ among thosev home for the holiday Week­ end^ Misses Vera Todd of TUonm^. ingdale, Dorothy Webster of"Lohd'oh,: aWreggAster of TAow, .,z: Je;i ^^Fsfee^^^^ingham2:ffinrclimr;~“'“; ■ Miss’- Irene Woods_(.of (Kitcheher Miss Wilfong of Elmira and Mr. Schlenker of Kitchener were week­ end guest,s with Mr. and Mrs. Robin­ son Woods* \ The Death of Jessie Rutherford on Monday morning, following a stroke on Saturday cam^ as a shock to’the comniunity. Her sister, Mrs. hall, has the .sympathy of many friends. ' ■ ■ ’■ -‘ V ■ THOSE NEW TIME DANCES I dropped in at the township hall and took a seat against the wall and prance, in any rehl old-country dance, i Jike to hear the fiddles play qnd get a "kick” to see the way they r bfeaE doWn tune whibh always skeems to end too soon. I. But this time I was sure surprised and couldn’t Quite believe, my eyes. The dance they* did out on the floor was different than I’d seen before. They weren’t paired off in groups of eight, but stayed in Vouples.. Some wept r straight, in circles scuffing on thef-wax, and'the girls wore dresses without backs. Others joggled up and down.. It made, my Scratch my brow ~^nd frown, and ask a fellow standing near, "What, kind . of dance -they’re having here?’’ They’re, doing VGatioca” now, says he, and mops his fevered brow. .1 never .yet. have seen the like; these twenty years I’ve worked for Mike. My wife wbuld bawl me out I reckon, for lookin’ at such awful neckin’. Right in the public like they do, What are. the young folks- -coming tot\ /‘You’re right,’’>. t-sflys, "and I can feeera'“PQl^aria-the. thing-foF-me-GIve-, me schotische. or a square, and\ I’ll make these youngsters stare. Walkin’; in their sleep,, by gee, is what that? dance looks like to me. Thb preachet, said last Sunday night, this modern dancing is a fright. To dance Was sin before our time; but nowadays it is a . crime. This pew time dancin’ may be fun, defendin’, on the way,'its done. But if I Want some joy and. pfep, it’s to the did time tune I’ll step.—Ex. •....... .... ...... .—-—X———. A HEALTH SERVICE OF. THE CANADIAN MEDICAL , ASSOCIATION'AND LIFEtt^^ INSURANCE COMPANIES ..IN CANADA . . HAEMORRHOIDS/ ’ / Haemorrhoids are dilated, veins at the orifice of the ^rectum. They may be external; or internal, or a com­ bination of both. - The internal r are covered by .the mucous membrane which lines the bowel, while the ex­ ternal,are coyered by skin. Haemorrhoids may cause /corisfder- able discomfort, and fo*. that reason they are of importance. The^most. common symptom is bleeding. Be­ sides being the most conmion symp­ tom, it is by far the most important because bleeding is also a common early symptom of cancer of the rec­ tum,. Many a life is lost heedlessly ow- ing to neglect as regards' the passage of blood from the rectum, the individ­ ual thinking this to be due to: haem­ orrhoids. It is quite possible for the two conditions to exist at the same lime in the same, patient, so it is obviously important never, to neglect any—iblefedthg~~m3'~miatter"’h&W 'sliglft,’ from the . rectum. ■ a./“- ' Soreness, sometimes itching and perhaps an aching, sensation are often ^xpexifePceA; with-haemorrhoids.- "Real" pain usually means' a.. complication- such as a fissure (tear), ulcer or rupture of a ■ small vein forming a tender external tumor under the skin. Internal haemorrhoids tend to pro- tap'se^or^rotrudef’but^fKeFv^^^ ually be pushed back by gentle'pres ­ sure. PROSPECTS OF THREE? CANDIDATES IN BRUCE... ■ ' . - J, _ _ ._ Varying Opinions 'A# To Hon. James Malcolm’s Health Permitting Him To Stand-—Wni. jMitchefl ’ Likely Conservative - Party May Be ■' 7F.if ' ■ A^ Dominion election is (pertain this year, and "Brp^..^^ starting to look7 the new federal; riding• .0 f j (Bruce, longer, since the ’ .redife’ilbution/ of ridings, is- their such electoral dis'r- tricts, as NorthAknd South/ (Bruce. Recently' ’ ttti>. - Tkraj h /bader ex^ pressed the owion that’ Hon. James ‘.Malcolm,, due-ltd. „ppi»^B?alth-^wou;ld; Candidate — Third Represented. 17 situation in . No #>1 sctoral dis'r- I (Bruce. Leader ex­ Hon. James salth-^would- not accept the Liberal' 'nomination. The Chesley Enterprise ttys however ti—i. w- - Jll|ing„,t0.-gCCept. L ■. ■ ■ ■ ; ■. »st certain to didate, and, if. ■."know”, it ihat Mr. Malcblm-is-fed^ the party nomination. I Wm. Mitchell is aW be the, Conservative can the ■Enterpjrise' is in tn<L "jumri « is. likely that these twp/political op­ ponents will atage another contest along with a possible third party re­ presentative. Hon. James Malefelm won the 1930 election by a slim ma­ jority of 77 votes. The U. F. 0. organizations have been active in the riding and now with, good roads, will, ho doubt continue to be more so, and it has been no secret- tliat~a“~tkird candidate is p6ite pos­ sible when, the Federal campaign gets underway. The third party selection would be. a farmer-labour candidate “You can catch more cusi^j advertising,” says the Milve “than you cap, be standing of the store complaining h< ^usinessr'ife^--^*^^^ ?1 •' - .. KING’S BIG SALE of Dollar Day Bargains LAST Friday and Saturday were Big Business Days at King’s and consequently there ,. are. .Many Broken Lines; 7 TH IS Friday and Saturday 4dll be “Clean Up, Days” thru- •' out, the . store and certainly there will be many buying op­ portunities. ... • ; THOSE of you who were un- - able to shop on Dollar. Days are invited to visit the store this week-^end and see the big values your dollars ■ will buy. Broken Lines of COATS 7 SUITS ^ DRESSES Wd MILLINERY " '• Men’s, Boys and. Young Men’s, SUITS and TOPCOATS ODD CONGOLEUM RUGS BROKEN LINES CURTAINS DRAPERIES TAPESTRY COVERINGS KING BROS. - : i * ‘ _ Boosting Barbers’ Prices / "Well, be jabbers,w said Pat "iW often heard of the Board of Health; but it’s the first time I’ve' seen it, Mother: Oh yes, when we take fhe . _________,, - - - bottle away from him, he tries to (er people have been quite iiL<^et down the cellar stairs. f ii ■ * ' ___ _______ 7 what better. . >Ids and the Flu, have been prevelent on the fourth,, as a \ The cause is to be* found...iri>any condition which interferes with the' free flow <^f blood, in the veins of the rectum. Haemorrhoids are a frequent complication of pregnancy. They are :Sohi*etimW~aT%sult7of constipation. 7"~Attentiopi todiet'With regular efim- ihatfon .will" correct 'the condition wheffAt^has^AfiSetr/fbdin cohstipatioh. The termination of pregnancy usuajly results ; in\‘ the clearing^up ■ of the •haemorrhoids —associated^witli The pregnancy. r~ ■ • • Temporary j-elief tan, often be - se- 3ured;,by application of ice^and sooth­ ing ointments or suppositories, and by Attention io elimination;. For per- ■sistent'"cas7swhich cause real annoy­ ance,\ satisfactory treatment by sur-r gical operation' or the injection meth-1 oqTjs available. . ■— = ^pand'fccHTefly on the location antLsev- erity of the condition. The \injection method is not suitable for external haemorrhoids. \ By far the . most im­ portant thing in connection with this annoying affliction is to remember that whenever bleeding occurs,- a careful', examination is required, >■ without delay/Ao 'find the- cause-' of the blpeding. That is the. one most important thing to do in- all cases; it is a practice which, would, save a number of lives. \ ' Questions concerning ’health, ad­ dressed the Canadian Medical As­ sociation, 184 College,.. St., Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. ' .i.y LOCAL POST OEFJ^E1 REVENUE - ' sixth Largest ibi bruce A ’ The total net revenue of the post office department of the Canadian government for'1934 was over thirty , million dollars; expenses were over twenty-nine'million; surplus $1,164,- 734.97. There, was a small surplus in 1933, which was the first since 1926. Of the total revenue Ontario supplied neatly half of all -Canadatt $1^926;-: 214.14.' The post office revenues for the ^different towns and villages in the County of, Bruce were: Kincardine’ l-$16,121.31 Walkerton 12,210.23 .... Chesley 10,906.21- Wiartbn 8,770.09 Pott. Elgin 6,898.75 Lucknow 6,053.50 Southampton L204.76 Paisley, *4.w.uartl_______ 4,016.08 "Teeswate^ 3,801.67 Ripley 3,057.21 Tara lilildi^ay ______ ______ 2,840.82 Lion’s Head ' ___ ’..3? 1,99^.24 . TiVettdh L.U 1,619.81 • r Hepworth 1,535/37 Allenford\ —---------1. 1)042.19 Tobermory ......... 963.89 I * \ "No/, gah,” exclaimed the Negro, “Ah had'two; . mah fust, and mah fast.” The in Kincardine for the barbery' of that town have announced that effective May 1st, haircut prices will be ad­ vanced to 35c. The. 25c rate has pre- f w \ • ?• TJASSING on a-hill is one form of haste . . .. that craving to drive too fast..... which is altogether too prevalent in Ontario. ' / The appalling number of motor accidents in this province means a jlrastic check-tip On , reckless drivers. Public serifihient, speaking through the courts, will be increase | ingly severe towards unreasonable, thoughtless motorists, v You knpw what you should do< How you should.drive. So, for your own safety and that of others, )■ IT IS BETTER TO RE SAFE,; ^ORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ' * ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly lv0,000 auto- , mobile accidents. . ^ONTARIO THJSJWUST ST< i/ till ximy 512 people were killed 8,990 people were injured x ... a considerable lncreaseover 1933. It must beevident' to all thinking People that this must stop. . . * ' ’ « . ' Hott.- Tr B. McQue'steui Minister of Highways.' ■ ili Sii i \\ /..A. A"'' i,.’ -4\ I ti ■ • \ 1 I