HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-09, Page 4#.•
1' ■7
spent Sunday with Mr. and
V THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1935
< • -• '■ -—:■■■ 7......
Young Men of Lucknow
Are invited to call and pee the Two New
Makes of shoes ^especially for! young men.
THE WINSTON abeautjful shoe in every way
priced at $4.65 per pair, and The VARSITY/
priced at $4.45 per pair J .
Both? are of superior quality and are com-
Ibination fitting thereby assuring a perfect
fit for every normal foot
left I till a
' in an aeroplane. When, h.e came down
he said to the pilot, “Thank yo’, boss
fo’ dem" two rides.'
Standard Classs Tickets good-via GREAT LAKES rdutemeals and berth extra.
BAGGAGE Checked-.Stopovera at Port Arthur, Armstrong and west Twa
Tfctets. SJ^ping Car. rtserxaiions, and aU infQrmation frcm-any-aRenX. ..A^K-POR-HA N-n Ri-1-Tr-—
•- ------------- ---------— —■ ■' ' r-----; •" --------------------------•
' ear (P3« is required, the folio wing dighdyhishwfarM.ppfyi
„ . oToanrt Sleeping Car, tA approximately 1 J4c Her mife. pliB regjrfw berth rate.
CWSteadardSteeptogaadPariorOrs at approximately 1 per mile, plm regulw berth or chair rate ■
enough to sfi<
sensational fbotball play,
of a fifty-yard run, forward pass im
Don’t forget Scout meeting
10th 7115 sharp. •
I guess I have an apology to
make f^^hot having a Column' this
last while. 7-- well there wasmo news.
. •
.Boys’ let’s have a big column.
Here’s how. Every time you hear
some' jScout pews tell the press-^re
porter —‘ you know who he is. - \
May , J
. GOING DAILYt-MAY 15 to 28 inclusive
p : Return Limit: 30 days
M • k I n g f-
home mov
ies with a
camera is
actually .as...
",...» a sya s
—■ m~«--k I n ’fl”"
inp sport, -
■ tOOf ’ - '
K4AY as well be frank’about fET
•VI Until a few months ago I had
the notion, shared-by a good many
other folks, that home movies were
(1) expensive, (2) difficult, and (3)
not verygood, anyway. .
-■ And then Bill, a friend of mine,
got a movie outfit. Neither he nor
his family can be classed as wealthy.
Thecamera itself was about the
size of a rtnall book. Slid into a (top
coat pocket without any fuss at all.
It was neat as the proverbial ..-pin
and about as simple. Bill showed
' me how to run it; You merely held
' it up, aimed it as you would a gun,
pressed a button—-and you are mak
ing moving. Oh, of course, there was
a spring fowind"ancra lens aperture
to set, but it was any amount sim
pler than my favorite snapshot cam
era*- Even the loading was easy..
That particular camera, as I re-
■ 'call it, cost about $40. It used 8 mm.
film and held enough to allow for a
couple dozen full-length shots—each
\ ...shot long enough to show,, for ex-
ample, a sensational fbotball play,
from the snap of the ball to the end'
of a fifty-yard run, forward pass im
"v eluded. All that on about ten cents’
.._______ ____ ______
Movie film, I learned, is really
. pretty cheap to begin with and
doubly so when you consider that
the purchase price includes the cost
of finishing done by the manufac
turer. :,
Well, I revised my notions of
movies, as >to cost and difficulty,.
■ This will be' bur first meeting; since
Faster, so make it a/success.
"”Time''we^’'”were'. having enrolment.
Let’s talk to the Scout master about
it. ' , (
Evidently the girls are waiting fbr
the boys to plaster;—or hAve they,
run out of paint?
“ One of the'- greatest celebrations"
of the land ever carried out in-Ca
nada; a chain of Boy Scout .beacons
from Cape Breton to Vancouver
Island, flamed westward at:nightfall
•On May 6, in honour of the King’s
Silver Jubilee, r_In_-jnany:..cases—
lighting- of the bonfires. Was preceded
by the firing of a royal salute of. 21
rockets. ■
i,:, Ju' "L ' T/JIE
Published every Thursday naormng
at Lucknow, Ontario. -
Mrs.'” A, D.MaicKenzie ■— Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—-Publisher
TTHURSpAY, MAF 9th, 1935,:“
Presbyterian ;lGuild
The . regular meeting of the Guild
was held in the Presbyterian Church
.on Monday evening; The scripture
lesson Was read by, J. C. Johnston.
The tppic-“How Can l Serve Christ in
My" Vocation” 'was read - by MisS
Muriel Farrish and in keeping with
the Silver Jubilee of the accession to,
the thrOne"“Jof King George-Vs an
Miss Greta Campbell and. also a suit
able Jubilee poOm read "by Miss, Mar->
garet McDonald._.Mi?s*;„Irene J^letch.
contributed a reading “How Big’s the
Man?” The musical numbers on the
program which were • varied, were
mu eh enjoyedandincluded/aviblin
and zpiano duet by Misses June Mor
rison and Mary Carter; a piano- duet
by Mrs.McKendrtek annd Miss Made-
lyne McMurran and a vocal solo by
Mrs. Phillip Steward,. The program
next Monday evening was announced,
to be held iiji the form of a Scottish
program with Rev. Robertson Miller,
of . Mount Forest the gujest speaker
and music by the Choir. and Guild
Jthe_ -members—iir-eharge-J-oU-Mfr"Uamerorr
Geddes and Mr. Mochrie. Follov,-irig
the singing of the 1 ast hymn, the
meeting was closed by prayer by'.Rev.
C. H. McDonald .and the singing of
“God Save the King.” , . . ;
. Mi:, and Tfios. Mprrisqp, Of
Blyth 'I
Mrs. J. B" Morrison. Mrs. Morriso^,
returned with them to ’spend a few
days, . "
z, Mrs. Cloakie, Allie and Bernice of
London, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs' John Mjclnnes . . *
Mr. and Mrs Alex Murray,, John
Philip and Alex of Toronto spent the
/holiday, at their summer cottage here,.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Liffin and
Charlie and Mrs. 'V. Emmerson spent
Sunday with Mr; ‘iand Mrs. Russel
Ritchie of St Helens. ■
The Langside United W; M/S. held
their. .May - meeting on' Wednesday
iast-:-at< the ^.home of Mis.s - Emma
On, Monday^ a number of men were'
at work at Tjffin!s cemeter-y^-raking-
and rolling the grounds and levelling.
The, grass seecf sown lasf year has
come up well and the grounds are
=shiQwing '’thp^Tesurtf^f’‘put"
on them.
Lyceum theatre
Show Starts 8 P. M.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
MAY 9-10-11
■ Randolph Scott
' ,lp ■
"The Last Round Up”
from the Zane Grey Story .
.'alpo ;
.' Captain Henry’s Radio
v from “THE SHOW tBOA^>
Two Reel Comedy „
■ in ‘ ,
The Man on the Flying Trapeze
The regular meeting -was fairly
-weH-^a-ttemletUTaSt ^Wednesday.’'' We
^hadn1t7^counted'^TO'^fi'®Sdth'^‘^""“fire'’ in“'t;";-'1"*
•May- but Dr. Boyven, had the Club’
Rangdrs began to
apretiated i-L
. »•
London’ was
‘ the evening.
arrive. We al)
United Church Y. P. S. .
The Y- .P. S. had a very interesting
and instructive program of.a Pa trip-
tic ,'natu.re. After the usual opening
exercises, Mary Struthers and Mar-
ings on the (Silver Jubilee. A quartette
of'girls sang “The 'Father’s Love” a
Canadian poem set to the music “The
Kjng of Love My Shepherd, Is”., Dr.
Newton gave a most, instructive ad
dress on “Patriotism’’: A splq “God7
; rBless. Cdn ada^wwasisungrby^Maigare&
Rae followed by a short sketch on the
Wasf “Gentlefrien •TheKihg’’by Rex-
ford Ostrander, which was illustrated
by a blackboard drawing of 'all the
'promptlyNAndwhen I saw the fin
ished movies, a week later, I. got all
over' the idea that amateur movies
weren’t-very good. Bill’s were ex
cellent. And he’s only an average
person, a snapshootertlike-the-rest—<
of us. .
.., ... 1.
I’m passing all this on merely for
your consideration. Movies, at their
why shapshboters shouldn’t take up
movies, too. For, obviously, movies
can do things that still cameras can- /
not. They can get the whole of a
bit of action instead of merely a
part of it. ‘ ‘
As far as technicalities are coh-
cerned,1 anyone who has mastered,
the" essentials of snapshooting can
take up. the modern movie camera
without a qualm. Bill has permitted
' me to .make a number of movie! shots
and I’m both surprised and delighted
with the results. Maybe someday
I’ll get me an outfit.
' I find that there are two standard
sizes for amateur movie film—8 mil
limeter and 16 millimeter (Holly
wood uses 35 millimeter film.), Nat; •
urally, costs are less' in the ‘8mm?
class than in the 16, but even the
16 mm. outfits are surprisingly rea-
costs. Of course, you can spend a
great deal of money on special equip
ment, but it’s not at all necessary. -
By the way, With certain 16 mm.
outfits you can get action pictures in
full color. That’s something we
snapshooters can’t quite do, to date. v
X t present bn a triumphal tour
jMk of Canada; Lord Robert Ba*
den-Powell, Chief Scout, and Lady Baden-Powell, chief of the Girl
Guided, are shoWn heje with their
two daughters', Hon. feetty. (left)
and Hon. Heather Badem-PoWell,
M they reached Victoria from.
Seattle aboard the Canadian Paci
fic coastal lin.er Princess Char
lotte, Sun-tanned and -. looking
extremely fit, ' belying ■« his .70
years, the.Chief Shout found time,
after his official, reception, to go
fishing in some of the . famous
British Columbia stream#; At all
main subject of
enthusiasm .was
greatly arousedby • Mrs, JMckinL.,.She
had diagrams and final instructions
\...which/wbrsiudied <closely. Now; for
. .feel quite' sure had you been present.
You would certainly hand your name
ln at once. :
There is drill for everyone* Friday
'niglft“af''7 o’clock7at the school; Thjs
does- not mean for- only, those going
to London. -Everyone is to'come in
full uniform as our entire uniform
is to be inspected. If the weather
permits an^ outdoor enrollment .has-
been planned for thaJb same^vening.
“K-eep-fhis—in—mind girls'!'-'-:'".
work in the Club House. There was
some talk of a party for the ones
that helped jiaint. However we are
told they can look forward to a big
surprise. ' ’
♦ ♦ ♦
was discussed but 'weather
being so unsettled it was
futpre date.
nve .The
{King broughtrthe meeting to a close.
Presbyterian Church W.M.S.
The monthly meeting of the W.M.S
was held recently with Mrs. Chesnut
vice president in the chair. The Scrip
ture* reading and prayer by Mrs..
Chesnut were followed, by the, reading
The “shin-plaster”—the Dominion
of Canada note for 25 cents—is Slat-
md to disappear. Under the act set-'
ting up the Bank of Canada there is.
no provision made for the printing of
"ffPtes'’'under'' 'oneT'ddlTqx7 "'""Unless" the’'
act ils- amended'rthe shin-plaster will
eradualJy be' withdrawn from circu-
.Sfose Melonwater .went for a ride
points viglted so far, the Baden-*
POwolls have- received a rousing
Welcome41*from Boy Scouts,; Girl
Guides, leaders of the movements, '
and civic officials,. They will
visit all the principal Centres of
the Dominion, terminating thdit
tour at Qdebec on May 2fi,
Mrs. Jones; of Bluevale spent a few
days with her daughter Mrs. Donald
Mrs. F. A. Blackwell who has been
a patient in Wingham Hospital re-
furned to her .home, on Monday.
Mr. J as Ensil and Son Kenneth have
tetufne^to Chapleau after yisiting a
days with friends here.
Mr. Albert?Beir:^nd-^iend"^f-Bf]ff-
alo spent 'theN'" w£e^^
parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huntley of Put-
nam^motored here on. Saturday even-
Wm Kaake who is seriously ill’
Hawkshaw of Walkerton were Sunday
visitors at Wm Hawkshaws’
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hedley and
family of. Glammis spent Sunday at.
Jno Colwell's.
- Mrsr J; “Br:;;Hodgkinson. was called
WLT^dom-i^a^^pwingx-tp the -ill
ness. of her daughter, Greta who un-
■derwen~t*^;s^ " ’
Those attending the Women’s Aux
iliary Annual Meeting at London
this we~ek”afe - ‘
,rs.. ■■L.ilton; Walsh, Mrs.
nerb. Graham/Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs.
Bert JM.cLean.ja.ndL„l^isaes JMay„ Boylle
and Evelyn McLean.
The Annual Meeting of the.H. W. I.
was held'at the home Of Mrs
Work in Canada” was given by Mrs.
Porteous. Mrs. C. H. MacDonald and
Mrs. R. T. Douglas sang1 a duet and
Mrs Jas. Geddes gave a reading. The
report of the Provincial meeting held
in Toronto last month was given by
Mrs. W. J. Douglas, Miss MacPher-
sOn and Mrs. C. H. MadDopald. These
ladies received a hearty vote of
thanks. The meeting closed with a
hymn and Mrs. James Smith led in
Presbyterian Y. W. A.
Miss . McGill presided at the
. Y. W. A. meeting of the, Presby-
, .teri.an..Church,...field. at.the...Manse..on
/Thursday evening. .
The topic, “Koreans”, from the
.stiidy- book, was taken by Mrs. Me
Tavish and Mrs. Dave Thompson gave
an interesting paper on “How to do
.the will of God”. ■
A reading by Miss Catherine Me
Dougall and a vocal duet by Marion
Johnstdh and Arlene Jewitt were
appreciated. After the sipirig of a
hymn the meeting’ closed withj
prayer. '
White letter^ on a black background
will be the colors of the 1935 Ontario
license' .plates,. Hon. Harry C. Nixon,
Provincial Treasurer, announces. The
plates, as usual, will be manufactured
at the Ontario, Reform atOry, in
Guelph, under the Supervision of the
St. Thomas Metal Signs-, Limited.
1st Vice Pres,/— Mrs. J, Hbdgins
2nd Vice Pres. — Mrs. Chas Congram
Sec’y-Treas. — Mrs. Hazel Percy
Ass’t Sec’y-Treas. .—- Mrs.' Howard
Harris , • .
Press Reporter — Mrs. H. Harris
Eiani&t--r- ^MisS -Winnified -Aekert -
Auditors*— Mrs. Jas. Hpdgins and
,k Mrs. Dan McFarlane . •
Fruit and Flower Com. — Mts. Earl
Hodgins,, Miss Mae Boyle,
Mrs. Chas Congram
Program Com. — Mrs, Alma Aekert,
Mrs. Clarence Farrow,
Mrs. Mae Boyle, Miss
1 Hazel Percy, Mrs. Bert
McLean. .
District Djrerior^—
Delegates ' to District Meeting , at
Teeswafer June 5th starting at 9.30
A.M; Mrs. B*red Thompson,-Mrs..Wm
Eadie, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Earl Hod
gins, Mrs. Wm Wall.
Directors for our regular meetings
.Mrs. Richard Elliott, Mrs. Wm. Mac
Lean, Mrs. Wm Jackson, Mrs. Crang,
Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Leggie.
The next meeting^ bf the H. W. I.
will be held at the home of Mrs. Thbs
Harris Thursday June 6th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aekert and
Lloyd- spent" 'Sunday with 'ffiendS at
'St Mary’s. *
Mr. McLelland and his men are
trimming the trees on the Hydro line
from Holyrood to LUcknbw and Holy
rood. to.Ripley*—> ' - t - - -—-
■ ' - ■ Next w-eek - —’ ..
Bulldog Drumond Strikes Back
rTwogreatvaluesfn )
Metal Roofing. Ex
clusive patented
features guarantee
tion.-For new roofii
or re-roofing. Send
ridge and rafter
1 lengths- for firee
I estunata._Wa_nii*-
Eastern Steel Products
PRESTON ONT. FAcrotin alwat Montreal t-Toronto
Drive Carefully!
, t *
az - ■ ' .
Mr. and. Mrs. Will Lane and Miss
Etta of Ripley spent the holiday at
the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hac
kett. • .
. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerson of
Kinlough visited at Mr. Isaac Nixon’s
on Sunday, . .
Mr. David Alton of Lucknow who
spent the winter with his daughter
in Orono, is visiting at his Son’s here
at present.' ‘ ' '
Mrs. Wm. Hunter is spending a few'
weeks W&brher daughter Mrs. Jas
Hackett. .
, Mr. and Mrs. Davis have moved to
the' Thompson house' North6f Belfast.’
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irv^y^made a
business trip to Ripley last week.- ’
/' Had It Removed '
■. ' -
“Most interesting,” said the sweet
"yb^pg "' thing 'to "the motdr cat-sales
man, “and now show me the depre-r
elation, please, I hear it'ih heavy in
thpse cars.?"
“As a matter of fact, madam, re
plied the opportunist, “we . found it
a source of worry and' had it re-
moved altogether!”
and Miss L. MacDonald of Toronto
spent the week-end at the home of
Mrs. D. MacLennan.
Mrs. R. Hamilton of Lucknow spent
u fevrdays St the home ‘ of her son
Mr. F. Hamilton. s ■
The tqaehers in: the schools pospori-
ed Arbor day .on account o^agg^wet
Weather. ' . I
Monday was -observed as a holiday
here and those who listened in on the
radio were pleased id hear the voice
of The King in his message to his
people. ' 1
The Sunday School of the Presby
terian Church- started their Sunday
morning sessions on Sunday last.
The Presbyterian W.M.S. will meet
this Wednesday ht the home of Mrs.
R. Hibbon.
A Shower- was held on Tuesday of
ast week* at the "home of. Mrs: R
BiS'sett for Miss Thelma Maclntyrb
when her lady friends presented her
with very pretty and useful gifts
before her marriage which took place
Malcolm MacLennan of Barrie
Miss Mary.Cook visited with friends
Parkhill during the ..week■ and is' at
present nursing- in Wing'bam Hbs\
Mt. and Mrs. Wm MacGill spent
-Tuesday with Mr. nnd Mrs’' PeteT
Dahmer at Miliarton.
Mr. James Murray was a visitor
with Mr. .and Mrs.-‘’George Swan' 12,th
Con. on Monday.
Mr, -Lloyd MacAuley from Auburn
spent the week-end with his mother
Mrs. MaeAuUy. , . ' . . oh Saturday.