HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-09, Page 1'v. (I Q "A w x ft.J • \ ... »mm/W *♦ j, ......... ................—— id* o v/ e? • V. a- r $2.00 PER YE ___1S-.............“.........■ ...... .......................................................... , .... .:...* . ■ AR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 OTHERWISE . LUCKNOW, (JNTi, THORS DAY, may 9th, 1935 ' . ■ - - ' • A.."4 • SINGLE COPIES 5 GENTS •- ,«•. ■ \ .. / ---------------- ---------------------------1 2 1 i ...-----------------------------------. .—------1. ..»<■■■ A'.. VETERINARY SURGEON “Wr"7Jr~KElA;EM^r^V7Sc7- . ’Phone 29, Ripley,-0nt. ’ . . I '• V - ■( . ■ , - FLA2X SEED for fjale. Enquire; of Jack Farrish Or H. a’hqmpsbn; . - NQTICE. RE-SLABS < ~ . stock abf. slabs for —Elm and Pine. Place your orders’ es&ly. . signed The Luclcnow Table Co Ltd. AUCTION SALE — ,pf . household effects at the residence of Mrs. G. A. . Siddall in LucknbwLon .Saturday May. 18 at l$0. Seenbills. Wei) Henderson, Auc. . . : Mrs. Q. A. Sidall, Prop., AUCTION SALE—of ' 3& head - of - cattle at lot 71-72, Con. .0, Kinloss, on Friday, May 17th at one o’clock. See bills; Well. Henderson, Auc. Mel. Irwin, Propt FARM FOR SALE, CHEAP s The Cujb^ss Council ‘ are, offering for sale 4 lots 34 and 35, Con. 15, CulroSS comprising 185 acres, ’ approximately 25 acres /cleared. Fdr particulars apply to , David McDonald, Reeve. ___ NOTICE TQ CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Ahn Little late of the Township, of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Widow; de- ' \ ceased.' ' / Notice is hereby given that all per­ sons having ahy claims dr demands against the late Ann Little, who died ------on~br~about"to A.D. 1935 at the Township of Kinlosij in the County erf Bruce, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver ~to the’ undersigned, executor under« the W-ill of the said Ann’ Little, their names and addresses . and full par­ticulars in writing of their^claims and statements of their aeAuhts and the __nature of the securities? if any, held by them duly verified (by alfidavit; “7: "™r:A3®a’"2take--notice—that - - after the eighteenth, day of May A,D. 1935 the ^gjdlpr Will proceed to distri­ bute the assets of the said deceased among, the persons entitled thereto; having regarjd only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, ■; and^Lhat the said~executor wiir not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any personof whose claim she shall not then have received notice. 't This notice is given pursuant to the _—-statute- in. that behalf., . — Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this ,23rd day of April?AABr 1935. Albert Little, R,R. No; 6, Lucknow, —Ontario, Executor. . . : Local tennis Club H^Oe-orsanization Interest Appears To Be Revived In Popular Game Of A Few Seasons Ago Badminton enthusiasm that has gripped . the members of the Junior and Senior Clqbs, appears to be about to be injected into the outdoor rac­ quet-game—-tennis,—in—an-effort to- revive this game that for theorist two years has become so. dead that a, club has .not <evqn been in exist- ence. .Previous, to this, tepnis was a "popular game here and had a large following -of -ardent-^'d- ^eve-r -play- ■■ •ers.--’——!—=—L-~' Last Wednesday evening a re-or­ ganization meeting was held in the town' hall with the following slate of officers elected: Pres.;v S. D~. Whaley; Vice . Pres., Dr. W. V. Johnston; Se­ cretary-treasure, Ivan Rawlings; Grounds. Com., Cam Finlayson/ Bob McKenzie, Jim . Henderson, Charles Jewitt, Frank McKenzie. Games Com./ Mrs-.—Whaley, Mary - McKim, Jessie Henderson Clark Finlayson and -Ivan^ Rawlings,......An entertainment; committee of . several young ladies was appointed. ,._...L'! ... A membership fee of $1.00 per player was set and as‘ a bank account has been as non-qxistant as the Club itself it is asked that this -fee be paid . in advance so that’ preparations for the seasons’s avtivities may get Und-: er way. This fee may be paid to the > secretary-treasurer. ’ HOLIDAY QUIETLY MARKED ' ■' .... ■ c: Monday May ■ 6 th marking -the -Sil— -ver—-Jubilee^of -their—-Majesties—-the- King and Queen, was quietly, but no less patriotically, observed in Luck­ now. Sunday, in the local churchesj services befitting such a memorable eyent—were-held.— ------~~~ —On-riMonday mornin g^the^Citixens’ Band paraded . the village playing martial““and patriotic airs. That" afternoon a large local radio aud­ ience listened in on the Empire wide, broadcast—and—heard-an—:impassioned- appeal to’the youth to devote to their country ’ “the service of your work( yOur-rmnd—yourMiea-rt”—“-To-hear^the ST HELENS RESIDENT -X..,.. '..FATSES-AWAY-S-UDDEN^Yt* Stroke Is Fatal To Miss Jessie' Ruth- erford, Who Passed Away Monday. . (Suffering a stroke* on? Saturday, Miss Jessie. Rutherford passed away .un^Mon^ajM tmoiming^-Mer- ndeatlr came as a distinct shock in the St. Helens community where Miss Ruth- erf ord, dnOTT^ee*^^ late Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford, has been a lifelong resident. . - _ _„„_,. .,_________ ___... robust health, was about daily until stricken and had attended the even­ ing —service -in the . Presbyterian Church the Sunday previous, The funeral service was held at her late home .on Wednesday conducted by her pastor Rev. C. H. McDonald Inter­ ment was in Greenhill cemetery. Miss ‘Rutherford is survived by he^ sister Mrs; Elizabeth.. Ball, who has the sympathy of the" entire courr munity. A sister Mary, died a few ypars ago and now Jessie’s death severes the remaining • link between three sisters who have been lifelong ''"companions^"'-""":""" ••-••—^^•■’'-^-7---r ' ■ ............ MRS. HOWARD AGNEW PRESIDENT LADY BOWLERS The A annual meeting of the Ladies’ dBo^jrigid^k4eeas^-eld^fi^hte=^w^ Hall on Tuesday evening, presided over by the president,- Mrs. J. W. Joynt. Very favorable reports of the past year’s activities were presented by the conveners of the different com­ mittees. Plans were made to hold jitneys each Tuesday afternoon, while fournamehtodates---will-:4)e^-arranged later.—— :—u-... - _ 0,4 J _ - ....... _______-1— " The .officers for the year are as V ■ 'V- "“=s=^fe^lfiT^^]F^D^E^CE^'’JDluh3ering:' ** Billy”, a 3-act comedy, will be pre­ sented by the Teeswater Presbyterian Y.P.S. in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Friday May 10 under Lucknow Joint ■ 'Club auspices. Dance after. Admission ^including play and dance 25c everyone " McCartneys’ 'Orchestra without its patriotic touch. Hydro and Water Arrears Demand Prompt Action Combined ..arrears of Both Services ^foiai $760 — Landlords In Future Responsible oFor Payment Of Water Rate.' :■ ( . ' ■■■ ■' The matter, of hydro and (water arrears was before the Council Tuesday night and is one that, de­ mands immediate action, in collectings same. Hydro arrears1 total $460i’and on water arrears $3Q0. r~’1' . .Due to this excessive, amount of ar­ rears immediate steps are to be taken to rigidly enforce the regulations governing the collection of arrears pertaining to public services of this nature. « ' ' '-f ' • Landlord Reponsible A motion was alsp recorded to Jhe effect that all landlords haying more than 1 consumer "on the’ same, service shall be notified that after July 1st. he or she will be held responsible for Payment of "all water rates ■ charged to their tenants.. ‘ ’ " Tl^~^ the village had , been left holding- the bag. in a couple of instances, being unable to collect waiter arrears, and at the same time, unable to cut these defaulting parties off without depriv- :ing""oth'er~users”of^rater'whO'’Were"on" the same service. : ■«-<i{4sijttar*u<to><r .' ,. A BUSY MAN ( PUBLIC MEETING A study'group will be held in the Oddfellows’s Hall, Bervie at 2. P.M. and’ 7.30 P.M. on Saturday, May 18th under the auspices of The Farmer- /___Labour Association of Bruce riding. Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. and Mr. H. H. Hannam, Sec. U. F. O. will lead the discussion. ..GODERICH..rKW“‘ST2SW:+..'(■?•.. DRIVE FOR FUNDS A. Fo^V-g coach'for $1.00 is the inducement offered by the Goderich Lions Cluib as the annual drive com­ mences to .raise funds to carry on ~ - their ^work—amorig •^crippled—chiTdrem The draw will be made at the God­ erich .pavilion on August 16th, val­ uable prizes will be given to the holders of the next five tickets. ----Last~year”the'lCiub'Apent"$1600 hr connection with this work, twenty- nine cases in all receiving treatment. Donations to this benevolent work may be left at the Sentinel Office," Each donation of 25 cents entitles the ‘ donor Jaone chance^ to receive the Ford or one dollar, or one of five other valuable prizes? _ THE REAL WORTH OF AN EYE SERVICE., The economic value—the dol­ lars and cents worth—to a patient of an eye service should apeal . to those who call themselves ‘practical*. In. cases without num­ ber. corrections of errors of vision have increased a worker’s cap- li ^9? work caused him to d|o better ” work and more of iti. And to do . , ft easier. /tTidedr-withQUtHrSeem-..: ing-^cause” folks should become . eye-suspiciOus. \ ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service. DANCE—-At Paramount, Friday, May 10th, Hogan orchestra. Gents 25c Ladies, free. ■ ' • : ♦> Vice Pres. Mrs. James Geddes; Sec’y., Mrs. Well. HenderSon; Treas., Mrs. Hor-nell-^Games—Gomry—M-rs^—J-—W?; ^oyntH^r^DT-Hustonr/MrsriPorteous- Soeial Com., Mrs. T. Clark,. Mr&? WhaleyMrs/A. C.Agnew,M'rs.A.. W. Hamilton; Finance Com., Mrs Whaley, Mrs. Rae, Mrs, R.' Robertson;. Memb.ership.-Com., ~Mr s._A._€—Agnew, - Mrs Solomon. , ! 1 „ WQRKNG> -UNDER DIFFICULTIES, At the meeting of the Synod . of Hamilton and London , last week in Owen SoundRev. C. H. MacDonald Ws""appoiht'ed’Urerk’-b_f the Synod for filled for the past ten years by Rev. Austin L. Budge of Hagersville, who was at this meeting elected Modera­ tor. Reri - MacDonald assumes , the secretaryship with the expectation that he will'be relieved of its.' heavy duties at the expiration of Rey. Budge’s period as moderator. Rev. MacDonald at present occupies several offices which engage his at- ieni±on^dnardegree*7thatnmistr‘affiord“ him few spare minutes. Besides his regular ministerial duties and his new Synod - appointment, Mr. MacDonald 'is ..secretary-of the School Board apd ENJOYABLE DANCE ’ .T-he.Bread ■ w of Health fT|( quality and se □ V I23 Of Health SVICE WS motto" " ~ ’ .' * ’ l0‘ ■ ’ n • ,, ; • \ ■ »• , WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ■ * (■' LAYER CAKES . • SPICED FRUIT CAKE - ■ ' - CREAM PUFFS OATMEAL & DATE SQUARE^ TRY OUR DELICIC>US BUTTERMILK BREAD I A. XTA, A A. Ak-F Phone36 Lucknaw Ij ( LOCAL and GENERAL A thoroughly enjoyed dance, al­ though due to neighboring counter at­ tractions, not largely enough attended t.o> be a financial success, was staged '“ihvthe Town Hall on Monday/ ”'TKe-:;r’ evhnt sponsored by Jewel Rebekah t ■^?^e>^J»Arked the only public fes- _ I tivities in the village on this Jubilee. .1 occasion. The Hall was attractively h"ung“with flags anff"MooriM^Fadd^" ed to the lighting effects. The port­ raits of the King and Queen-were prominently placed on the stage and patriotic , songs and the National -An-\, them were sung by the audience Orchestra Of London on their second local engagement here, was well re­ ceived by the daricers. Five Cent Amusement Tax on 25c Ticket New Schedule. of Amusement Taxes Becomes Effective June lst-Es- . .timated To Raise $1,500,000 For Relief - Purposes / ,. —:'. ■ ■ . - Entertainment seekers, under a new schedule of amusement taxation, will contribute an estimated million and a half dollars to the provincial-treas­ ury. The new assessment becomes .effective on June the 1st, it has been announced by Pr’e^ Mitchell F. Hepburn. . ^The provincial relief problem has necessitated the - raising Of addition­ al revenue, ancF the amusement tax is to be utilized as one of the sources of achieving this..end....All amuse- menFtiricdts ben^^drtlvfiear tlie inscription “Ontario Amusements Tax for ^Relief Purposes.” ‘ The popular twenty-five cent ad- mission fee, at .pre^jt^exfimpt^from taxation,. well, be assessed five cents' after June 1st. The tax will reach a 50 cent maximum on tickets of $3.00 and over. Amusement tax exemption is now eliminated by the following schedule: there will be a one cent tax on admissions not more than 9 cents.; 2 cents when pot' more than 18 cents;, 5 cents when not more then 45 cents;'. 10 cents on admissions, not mor.e than 85 cents; 15 cents on thosbjiot m0re than $1.50 and so (,bn with, a maxi mum levy of 50 cents on admission charges over $3.00. , ’’ . Faits, Churches Exempt, i ; Certain exemptions from taxation hre still provided/ The hexV regul­ ations do not apply to entertain­ ments held by church Organizations •whewrt^ are devoted, to church work, nor in the case of fairs and" “exhibitibns operating an­ nually under tlte agricultural Socie-* ties Act. l An amusegment tax; ticket must, under the nb5V act, he 8sold and de- and our Linotype operator, isioff duty this week on this account." Thus this week’s issue is being published under difficulties. We have had to neglect covering certain sources of news, and as well, other contributed! articles will tiave to be held over as tirne does not permit "publishing these this\week./ Bob Thompson, . who studied printing at O. S. D. at Belll- eville is lending a hand this weeek, in getting out the Sentinel, which however, is likely to reach subscribes somewhat later than usual. And now we might add that-the fact the pub­ lisher became a father bn Wednesday evening didn’t fiend toward speeding up the publishing of The Sentinel. —...-ARRESTED..SATURDAY*.— As an aftermath of the recent local shopbreaking affairs a village resid­ ent, a young married man, was ar­ rested on 'Saturday charged with theft and lodged in Walkerton jail. He was allowed his freedom on 'bail on Tues- day and it is expected he will appear before Magistrate Walker early next week in Walkerton. . —A-TT-ENDANGE-SMA-LL - Th'e attendance at the horticultural lecture on Friday evening was quitej dissappointing. Unable this year to arrange a date to have John F. Clark come to the village the local society secured twp. sets of appropriate slides on beautification of the home and its , surroundings,<■ These were shown on Friday night, the lectures which ac­ companied them being given by Rev. J. H. Gebghegan. Both proved of in­ terest and value anck'it was unfortun­ ate that ’Weather conditions were" so disagreeable and prohibited many from being present. Prominent horticulturists are giv­ ing radio talks edch Saturday during* May from 5.45 to 6.00 o’clock. These ptogramg are broadcast- "over the Canadian Radio Commission chain, of. stations. ' . - .• • BORN THOMPSON—in Goderich .Hospital oh Wednesday evening,-May 8th, to livered to each.patron of a place of Mr, and Mrs'. Campbell Thompson, a amusement.</ I * Ripley and Bfervie charges following the* death of Rev. Hanna. Oddfellows Attend Service At St Peters ReV? J. H. Geoghegan Deliver Force- ful Address To Members of the Order Attending In a Body. '} With representatives from Kincar­ dine and Teeswater in attendance, members of Lucknow Lodge No. 112 I. O. 0. F. held their annual church parade on Sunday morning to St? Peter’s Church, where . a forceful Dance — At Paramount Hall, Fri­ day May: 10th. Remember the dance in the Orange Hall to-night (Thursday) Miss Gertrude Treleaven was r week-end guest of relatives, in Ham­ ilton. " Err and'M worth were guests at the Re,ctory recently. . , ■ - , Mr. W. J. Spindler returned last week from a Week’s visit with their niece at-Keldon. ,, , __ ... ... 1 Miss Verna Steward* went to Wing­ ham Hospital on Wednesday to have her . tonsils removed. Bruce County^d^usical Festival is this year to be held in Ripley the date being set for May 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Orr and son _ _ 1,... •..................Ron of A.ppin were holidaying visitors .With.Mr.and^Mrs. .M~7C"Orr. ... 1 '"’’’The^ccihse^ meetP’ ing for the Federal riding of North Huron is to „ be 'held" in Wingham on Alay—16thJ— L. V' ' . . . ; . . ... MR. LiMr had . cailuses so bad he used a cane. Cress Corn Salye ban- ished them forever. At—McKim’s Drug Store. The annual meeting of the Women’s In^j tof^"wnrbe oF Frid^"^ 10th, at 2.30 at the home of Mrs.. J. R. -McNab. —L&v.-and-Mrs.-J..-.H~Ceoghegan-an4 3.^ —- rfamilyr—iRevi'-'J-.’1 ---- Hassair spent Monday, in Xibn’s Head and Owen* Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClure and chil­ dren of Niagara Falls , were week-end visitors with the former’s father, Mr. Ben Me Clure. Mr. Harry Farrnell of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Farnell of Tor­ onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spindler this Week,. . At’irExet'er last week Mrs. Gibson Gillespie of Whitechurch was elect­ ed, temperance secretary of the Hur­ on Presbyterial W. M. S. Keep in mind the Scotch program in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Monday evening in connec­ tion with the anniv'ersary services. .. Eallon—Brjos.X2’ v Anniversary Services The anniversary services of ,the Lucknow Presbyterian Church will be held this Sunday, May 12th. Rey. -Rabertsdn Millar-will“be the-preacher ~ atboth-services.-OnMondayeyening a -Scotch "program will be given in'the basement of the church to which everyonejswe]coine. Numbershy Rev. Millar, Cameron Geddeg and John Mochrie and the choir will form a part of the program.— - -—----~------~ Rev. Millar. / •■ 'Sunday of June. 7~Mrv—and^Mrsr-Harvey-iWebster--are--7 occupying the residence at the eastern outskirts of the village recently va­ cated by. Mr. Alex Gollan. Mr. and the. station, prior to. this move; — After-a-“temday“stretc}j :of~cooi^and^ n r* frequently wet days the weather was really pleasant on Wednesday. Last Friday was One of the seasons most disagreeable days, with a variety of sleet, snow rain and cold. The wea­ ther was disagreeable oyer the1 holU day also. Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Nicholson, formerly of' Hudson Bay Junction have moved to Canora, Sask., where “Sandy” has established his head­ quarters for the remainder of his campaign as the - C. C. F. can­ didate for the MacKenzie consti­ tuency in : the forthcoming Federal election which looms /late this sum- address . was delivered by the rector, Rev. J. H, Geoghegan. - ' The church was v adornedj with, a profusion of cut flowers and lilies. The Presbyterian church orchestra assisted in the musical part of the service and- -the choir- was heard in an Anthem. The National Ahr- them was sung at the commencement and clo^6~ofjj)e service. Portions of the 25th and 29 verses ofrthe^liOth; Chap oLr'Stv Luke; “Thy Neighbor As Thyself . k i ’ . . ... .. Who Is Thy Neighbor we're se­ lected as the text. , . - “The man or women in need of some succor we can give is dur neighbor” said Rev. Geoghegan. It matters not the colour or creed. This fact we have acknowledged for centuries, as evidenced by the parable of the Good Samaritan.. But while We acknow- ledge this truth we have not yet laid hold of it nor practised it, continued the speaker. ’ Rev. Geoghegan expressed the pri­ vilege, of having present members of the I.O.O.F., an Order, the existence of which'.was lost in antiquity for it existed long before its organizafion- more- than a hundred years ago. .Stating’ the three principles upon which .the Order ! Was .founded-Rev Geoghegan pointed out these were- nothing short of 'Christian principals, but stresed the fact that tW Order Was only as strong "as. its individual members, whom he exhorted to accept, the noble’ challenge that offers itself; ment to the parish of' Lion’s Head;' today. .* ’ his duties to commence the third "merT",. ...J....... " * • On Friday evening T. W. Smith’s spacious garage was taxed almost to capacity by an audience which gather­ ed to see and hear the “Talking Pic­ tures” screened by. General. Motors. | Comedy, musical and Mickey . Mouse . reels interspersed~"in^ describing the Chevrolet and Pontiac cars ' and showing’them under con­ struction. Mrs.W. W^Kencheloe and daughter Miss 'Isabel Kencheloe of Chicago spent last" week at the home of the former’s "sister, Mrs. P; J. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Con. Decker and Mr. and • Mrs. Sidney Decker and Billy spento the first of jtoer wee.L at, the home of Mr. Norman Ratz • in Waterloo. ’ • ". •Mr. Will McLeod returned home,, from Toronto daft week and is some- (..... . . ....................... what improved in health under the Leaves.. West . ; . a. Toronto Mr. John Me Kinnon, a brother (of Mr. Peter Me Kinnon, and Alex Me. Kinnon '^trf Kinloss, has returned to this community after homestead­ sing for 20 years at Ada, Saskat­ chewan.' After' succesive crop fail-* ures during the past five years. Mr. Me Kinnon has rented his land in the West and has come east for a season at- least. Mr. Me Kinnon States that with some moisture this spring ednditiofis are more hopeful for a drop this year. „ Receives Promotion' Upon the ‘recdnlmendation of the district head pflice at Stratford, Miss Arabella Camdron Us to receive - h promotion aS a Bell Telephone em­ ployee,- and next week will join, the ■ staff of operators at Wingham. Miss Cameron’s promotion comes after almost six . years of faithful ’and obliging'* service as a local operator and her many friends, will wish her every success as’she leaves for the neighboring v town occupation. prescribed treatment of specialist. Cameron Geddes wpll Again, be heard over C. K. N. X, Wingham on Monday from 12 to 12.15 and from 12.45 to, 1.00 o’clock p. m. Mrs. Newton will act as accompanist. . Mr. and Mrs.» W. . J. Davison, Misses Mae Davison and Mary Wat­ son and Bill . Hewat spent the week­ end! ’h Toronto, .'the latter continu­ ing oh to Oshawa, where he visited- with his brother Ron. Dr. W. V. Johnston spent the first of the week in TOronto with Mrs. Johnston, who. is expected to undergo- a; thyroid operation the latter part of the week. Mrs. Johnston under­ went, a similar o|j>eration - si‘x years "a^o. . ........................■’ ■" ( " Rev. J. C. Caley who has been curate in the parish of Lucknow, Ripley .etc. fdr the past year received notifiea- ,tton from the Bishop of his appoint- to persue her •T ■ > t . ■ *