HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 81? THOMPSON’S > / WhE^E VOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE SENS! 5 t THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL —~ ■ .M -—-f— Thursday,APRIL 25TH, . WHEltE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE ^ENSE j P & G SOAP, 5 BARS........... ............. GILLETTE LYE, 2 CANS A.............. OLD DUTCH'' CLEANSER, 2 CANS HAN DAMMONIA, 2 PKGS./ ..A... mop sticks, 2 for .......... 5-STRING BROOMS ............. • 7 APRICOTS, 1 LB.27c, PEACHES, 1 LB. PRUNES, 2 LBS. V... * .25c FIGS, 3 LBS. LARGE. .SALMON, 2 .CANS........ ‘ ‘ CHOICE TOMATOES, 4 CANS WHITE PORN. 3,; &ANS .*>.... ' CLUB SPECIAL' COFFEE,,LB; . SPLENDID TEA, LB, .., .. , T 6 BUS,’" MIXED ^LFALFA, 5. BUS. NO. 1 TIMOTHY To Clear at Reasona^Ip Prices. RENNIE’S* MAN'GELS AND ■ TfcRtf IPS IuoyourfeetII hurt? I ** ' '.fit- -’ ■ A * • • A representrtive of Dr. Scholl will be at OUR STORf on Tuesday, May 7th To Diagnose All Foot Troubles Absolutely FREE -FURTH-ER"'-..ANN0U-N^EMENT-IN'--NEXT\5yEEK’S SENTINEL"'- Rath well and Reed ■f .. J - ■■ / ■ SHOPPING at Pearlman’s OFFERS YOU MANY NJ^W. CLOTHES WHICH HAVE ARRIVED FROM TORONTO TODAY. AND7 BLOUSESTJTSMART ~ STYLES ARE A.MOXG THESE ARRIVALS ------- GLOVES of latest Shades and Snappy* Styles are here. IREN’S Spring Top Coats and Suits: in latest materials are on "'■■■■ . display. r ■ ■ . ■ • MEN! Don’t miss seeing our new Tweed Felt Hats, Forsyth / Shirts and Ties. ' BOYS’ WEAR—We have' arjew arrangement of Boys’ Fine ■ . • __ Shirts, Work Shirts,. Suits and Knee. Pants and Whoopee '■ .• "Trousers. ' ''/ A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL GIVE YOU SATISFACTORY MERCHANDISE AT NO EXTRA COST. 7 B. Pearlman, uK^ont. * * •; .. " ; ■ ■ _ - • Implements and Seed McCORMICK-DEERING— } ‘Cream Separators, Drills, Walking and Sulky Plows. J. FLEURY & SONS— . . No. 13, 21 and 77 Walking Ploi/s and Repairs. T. E. BISSELL CO— Disc, Harrows and Land Rollers • • , ■ ■ z FROST STEEL & WIRE CO— « .. . Wire Fence, Coiled and Barb Wire, Steel Posts & Gates. TIMOTHY/& CLOVER SEEDS— Government grades No. 1, of Alfalfa, Alsike, Red, MammMK',"/Yellbwand White Sweet/Uldvers IK Orchard Grass. - . 7 il t For Sale At:-? ' W. G. ANDREW’S / Bruce League Annual Meeting Held Thursday Many .Teams Likely To Be* Entered S3 oll'fAjrl ra 1 a * Tin n wvt. * TT WT si vr 1r8 " ■Schedule To Redrawn Up May 2nd. ™_*______■ '__ meetinfEleven.. teams are expected to be entered in the/;Bruce League by the time the schedule , is drawn up, on May 2nd, it was learned at the an­ nual , meeting of this league, held in Chesley* on Thursday night, which was attended by Howard Agnew, Art McCartney as local delegates, accbm-- panied by Roy Finlayson and Tom McKenzie. ... Four .pf these1 teams, Southampton; Me&f ord and two Owen Sound teams will be “A”class. te^m^F'The second Owen Sound team was/ entered -^at the .meeting .with the Milliopairp Club bj^hk¥~city^beiri^ posed to letting them into the ;lopp. Meaford, in the Grey ‘League last Year, *s. ^a! neyr team in Bruce League "circles as is HanoverjTwho. will have a team in the “B” series. , The “B|’ seriies clubs are expected to consist of the following. :Port Elgin, Chesley, WalkeftonTT^B^W^^ ^iiicardifie/ Lucknowand" Wnfgham. .. . " Teams to the south, with the ex­ ception of w" Ingham favored the “A.” and “B” teams operating as two’ sep­ arate groups. Several/lqng trips would thus be prevented' and few of the “B” teams consider they will b.e a match for the strong importing ?A” clubs. The following officers Were elected: Honorary Presidents, Hon. James. Malcolm,. Kincardine; Fred Bowman, Southampton; President, R." C. Mac­ kenzie,' Kincardine;., Vice-President, William Dobson, Walkerton; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, A. A. Perkins, Port Elgin; Executive, H. Gurney, Wing­ ham and George pulmage, Owen ." Mr. Perkins succeeds J. C. Mac­ Donald, who retired from the secre­ taryship of the league, and1 who. has: Jieen ,ai>pLojnted-a^ember^of__the-O.. ■ B. A. A» executive.^ _a ■ While it has not been definitely an- nouncedthat’TLucknow^'wiirenterth'e loop, it is altogether likely they’ll be in there when the season opens. , And while’’the ?team may not be one of championship calibre, it will be made up chiefly of a gang of young fellows, who should ' improve each season and who, if they show a little more punch this year at the -plate;-will-be-tougih-enQugh"Oppbsiti(nr for any of the “B” teams. 4thCON.>KINLOSS The April meeting of the U. F. W., .0. which was largely attended, was held at-theikomejoLMrs; Tvridall Rob- inson. Mrs. D.. McKinnon presided; The nreejing^ppeimd^by^singingzztlie: “Opening Song,” with Miss Blanche McDougal at the piano; The Lord’s prayer and the. Creed were repeated in unison. Mrs. Wm.' McDonald repd the minutes of Al last meeting; also several letters of thanks. After the business was^ dealt with, the roll call was. responded to by “Suggestions for making money?’, fonbwed by papers; given by Sirs. A. Ackert and Mrs. Col well; atalk on gardening by Mrs. A. Hughes; instrumental by Mrs. H. Harris and Winnifred Ackert; “How to grow roses”, by Mrs. T. Harris; a solo by Mrs. A. Ackert, “Is the Sav­ iour that loyes you, yours?”; an in­ strumental by Elizabeth Robinson and Mrs. R. Middleton. A flower and seed contest brought ..the program to a close with Mrs. D. McKinnon and Mrs. H/ Harris being; the winners. After a vote of thanks tej the hostess the meeting' closed by "singing “God be with you -till we meet again.’’ A delicious lunch was served and a- pleasant hour spent. The May meet­ ing will be held at Mrs. N. MacCaU- lum’s. Kinloss Council Mia Wes ‘ •’ .- ...• ■- Kiploss CpuhiQil pjet op ‘April J.5th 1935jf ps pey ad^urnjaept* All ipemr berp>-pf^sept, . • . *•»■ minutes pf the last , regular meetings were read and confirmed Moved by McIntosh and 'Graham that the, Assessor he paid $35,00 bn account salary. 7 Moved /by McKenzie and Graham that the collector be authorized to return uncollected, the taxes, on Idt 6, con. *4, and lots ifi^lO.and E' *H. 17. COP, fi, ' • '• "7 -, '■ . Moyed by; McIntosh ^nd McKenzie that they collector be .authorized .to return^as uncollected the balance of taxes on^Lots 2-3-4, 1BN. , .Moved .by Ross and McIntosh that the pbiitract for Crushing apd trucks; Hallohon. of Blyth^ at. per yard for crushing 7 arid 9c per yard mile •for trucking. ; - Moved"by’ ROss“and "Mclntqsli that/ orders be. issued in payment of ail , bills.; and accounts passed at this ■ meeting. ■ , I ;-MM0Vfe^by^Graha:m-/and^McKenzie that we do now adjourn to meet again oh Monday , the 27th day of May 1935, at 10 o’clock am. for the transaction of general business and at 1 o’clock n m. as a Court of Revision on the Assessment, E°il of 1935. /All appeals against the said As­ sessment Roll to be in the hands of the Dlerk not later than the 15th day ’of May, .1935. '. Cheques issued: D. Cassidy, part salary $35.00; Lucknow Sentinel, printing $34.00; John. Moulton, tile, Kempton drain $12.47; Bert McLean, relief supplies $10.14; W. W. Hill, relief supplies $17.80; R. H« Thomp­ son, relief supplies $15.35; E. Holly- many- relief supplies -$25;27; ^D:--J7 McCharles, relief supplies $4.2,5; M. Ross/relief supplies $4.10; C. Wight­ man, relief supplies $5.00; N. D. Mc­ Kenzie, relief supplies $6.61; Mrs. D/ -Milne—relief -milk“$&82-y-Peter-T- Carter, relief milk $2.88; Miss Pearle Carter, relief rent $2.00; Victor 'Whitley, relief rent $6.0H; Mrs. E. Walker, relief nursing $11.50; J. R. Lane/postage and telephone $3,00; A. E. Thompson, caretaking to date, $3.00; Walter McKenzie, refund dog tax 1934, $2.00. Highway/Cheques: Alex Percy, pay list 9, $8.10; Sam Nesbit,, pay list 10, $15.10; Wesley Thompson, pay list 11, $6.45••“Albert Little, pay list 12,"$16.85: Robt. Montgomery, pay list 13; $7.50; Orville Tiffin, pay list 14; $11.85/Roa(l Nb. 1 and 18, pay list 15, $22.95; Wm. McKenzie, pay list. 16, $10.30; Road No. 12 and 19, pay list 17, $22.20; Alex MacLeod, pay list T8, $17.10; Miss S. .Purvis, pay list 19, $3.00. ■< J R. LANE. Clerk., New Curtains, Curtain Materials, Chintz/ Cretons, Shadow1'' Cloths; "etc." —THE . MARKET STORE. u.I New . Congoleum Rugs, Mats; Squares, Runners. Selling at Now Low Prices — See Windows.—THE MARKET STORE. MR. FOOT was friendly with Bum­ py Bunion and Burny Callus until Cress Corn and Bunion Salves .were sold by McKIM’S DRUG STORE? “ ......7/*- *. 4>• /------- ;— ——i-e ^.EXCURSIONS ?X~. GOING DAILY—MAY 15 to 28 inclusive Return Limit: 30days CENX.A MIUE — EACH WAY if GOOD IN COACHES ONUY 7 <0 t ,, s w/l . SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATION Whera daeping catipSce 1s requited, the foliowing il’ightiv hlah<tr fsr« anntv. Standard Clads Tickets'good via GltEAi BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Ticktits, Slewing Cai? reservalions, and all infatm ' LAKES route; tneal0 Port Arthur, Armstron alien froin tiny agent. Aj md berth extra gand west. ... >K FORHANri . TO* nrf.tCANADIAN •( ,i * r ..................... ... ................... . .......................... nati QUAit * —• ’ t ■ ACCEPT TENDER OF “I Whitechurch, beiing the low est, was WHITECHURCH CONTRACTOR -accepted? Subject to the approval of _' the Prbviheial Department./.JThe$? Tenders for.fi tidW cement" bridge was a wide range of price in ’ the »ver ‘ho TeeMyeter River at Paisley .we)v ‘■eeeived Me -West vere opened by the County highways _ . -.x, *eommittee at 'Walkerton recently. | fi#11**6 ' was $9,029.50; the highest the tender of Robert Mowbray . of $23,474. ASHFIELD CHURCH NOTES The Young People’s Society pre­ sented a very fine. program- approp­ riate to the Season last Friday night, which included, a pageant entitled, ‘'God’s Candles”, that was most im­ pressive in its intended teachings, all ^entering in the Cross of' Him Who died for our sins; and Who is the “LightoftheWorld” supplying.to all who are willing!'to be “God’s Candles” the light they need in order to Shine for Him. in the dark places of this world. All who took part, acquitted themselves most creditably, whjch must have been gratifying to Miss, L'uella Cowan, the president, who directed the pageant; A very substan­ tial offering Vas contributed by. the largo audience that attended^ The Bible., (Sunday School which suspends its regular 10 o’clock ses­ sions during the winter months, will resume' operations next Sunday at 10 a.m. . The Minister has prepared an el­ aborate chart, 6 feet by 16 feet; on whjch he has graphically outlined “An. Aeroplane View of God’s Re­ demptive Plan of Salvation as Re­ vealed in the Bible”; end Wiil/giyd the first of a series of sermon lectures on the. general theme next' Sunday morning at 11 0’clocit, ‘using the Ohart as fen illustrative aid in reach­ ing the minds' of * all ' present througlt Eye-Gate.'No one r.can afford to, miss this introductory lecture. Next Lord’s Day has been announ­ ced as ffeptism Sunday. April. 17th, 1935.* The Commissioners met m the Secretary’s Office on the above date at 2.30 p. m. with Neil MacKay, president, in the chair. Members were John W. Colwell, Dan.D. McDonald. Moved by John W. Colwell—secon­ ded by Dan D. McDonald that /the minutes of last meeting be adopted as read. (Carried). Moved by Dan, D. McDonald—sec­ onded by John W. Colwell that the following accounts be paid:—Matt. Gemmell $146.25; W. <L Lane., $135,35 Ross H. Hartyn, salary to March 31, 1935, $45.; Ripley] Hydro April acct. $4.14; Mrs. Henrietta Martyn, rent of shop tp March 31, 1035, $18.; Francis Gemmell, work on lines lVfe • days ,at $2.25, $25.90;, .Use of car JLl days $13.75; Harold Emmeftoh/worfc on lines 11% days at $2.25, $25.90; Bell Telephone Tolls, Mai;ch~.$44.85; Canadian Telephones afld supplies, Mdse. $24.19; iStromberg--Carlson Mdse. $55.22; John Mullen, rebate on Phone Rhyver $7.50; NeiJ MacKay/ $10.; John W. Colwell, $S; . Dan D. McDonald $8; George Colwell, poles $4,15. Mr. John Courtney on behalf of the. Lakh" Shore Mutual met thp Com­ missioners regarding agreement ber- tweefi their CoffipanyUind-ours dated JApril 2nd; 1925.' ' ' --7 ‘ Moved by John W. Cplwell—secon­ ded by.Dan D. McDbnald that we re­ new the Lake Shore Mutual Agree­ ment for another , 10 years at the An- iiual (Rental of $9.30 per year com­ mencing April 1, 1935 and /that we purchase" tKe TO poleF belonging to The • Lake (Shore -Mutual; from Mc­ Pherson’s C.orner West . for $6.50, Cash. (Carried).,/*^. , ■* Moved by John? VL Colwell—sec­ onded by Dan D. McDonald that' we confirm arrangement made by presi­ dent and secretary treasurer1 with Huron Township regarding money as follows:. Huron Township to ’allow interest at rate of 2% 'per annum on Bank balance and to allbw interest at rate of 5% pdr afimitn on all Telfe-*- phone money used by Township; (Carried). ' ' Meeting then adjourned to meet ag^ih May 4th at the usual hour and place. , ■' • , __'....... _4’A ■'* - Martyn, Secretary. -.... ................f. New, Low s Prices oh Congoleum Rugs and Squares. See windows.— THE MARKET STDRE, . f I /. Yourz opportunity to meet and consult the Tip Top Tailors9 / ■ ; MR. C. R. HUDGIN . who will be at our store May 1 st, P. M Tl/TEN! This is important! C. R. Hud&in, the Tip Top Tailors’ ' . Stylist, will visit our store,where he may be consulted without obligation by menOfthistownonany questions of styite, fabric or/ccSor jMjrtaap^gjto 'zosfefcsg! ' ___ _ _ iert---— ence is of course given without obliga­ tion and is offered as just one more reason why you should come to our store, at least to compare} before you order Spring and' Summer clothes. • anywhere. More woollens than ever make up the Tip Top Spring and Slimmer range— ; more styles — better tailoring and finish—yet^ the price remains $23.75 for your unrestricted choice. tel Con. Decker Lucknow EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR ■ d <•1 FREE To advertise bur Roger’s Guar­ anteed Silverware, we are giv­ ing. away .50' Teaspoons, one 'with each $1.00 purchase.__/ ; Special This Week Aluminum, 8 different pieces, 69c each. See Our Window NERVE FORCE AND SEEING 1 -■ - ■ - - - I The relation, of seeing to con­ sumption of nerve force is an in­ teresting tbpic. Pages could be written about it—and have, been. Briefly—all seeing consumes - ergy. The more impeffect thb- eyes the mbre nerve force is con- sttnied. The consumption in some ....cases is -excessive.- Then arise— headaches, “nervous attacks” and what hot; The cause—the eyes— must-first Ke considered. Another fact for you to remembier. , .;AEMSTEONG’S Eyesight -Service., INDIGESTION quickly relieved Indif?eatioih Gas,' Heartburn, Pants after : Eating, Bloating arid Belching; Sava your- fetslf many days df Buffering by getting— KtRIt-’S-STOMALK-Ara1 remedy you; wifi 7 never be without once you tryit. Economi­ cal. arid fails to bririg .quick, siire relief iri even most stubborn cases of sour, acid stomach. At drug stores. ' &- Get i bottle of KIRK’§ STOMALKA at MtKiM’S DRUG STORE