HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 5iT’’’■' "’'.L /:. -J,li '-*4'1
extending from sea to sea.— and overseas.DARY WEST
1 A ,
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,/wW-r- . . *4
/ From less than a corporal’s guard to the equivalent * opened its doors on Monday,- November 3rd ~ an
of six regiments — this graphically illustrates the establishment which was destined to play a con-
growth df the Bank of Montreal’s staff in i 17 years; spicuous and beneficial part in die development of
... ‘ -.2^—. ’ ; •-. . .'v. \ ’ —-J — -— — - ’ ■ 4... M
__ On the 23rd of August, 1817, the first four, em- \ J .; ■
ployees of the Bank of JMbntreal were appointed; Throughout the many decades that have followed,
■ They were the cashier, an accountant, a paying die Bank of Montreal has made increasing effort
teller and si second "teller; Shortly afterward a dis- to provide'a banking service always adequate to
count clerk, a second bookkeeper and a porter were nieet. the requirements, of Canadas development.
. The original staff of seven has grown to 6,300, *. r
These seven constituted the original staff when the loyally serving the public through 5‘00 branches
modest establishment On St. Paul Street in Montreal extending from sea to sea — and overseas.
I' 1^. ' ’ w. '7 I wf B I
" MdDB’RNfWFi^iENT BAWiNG"toviCE'/.'.'.&e' Su^irte ofj"/'
' 117 Years’ Successful Operation
Lucknow Branch: S. D. WHALEY, Manager 1
J' ■, •
>, • ’ 1 Z X*
What Do Your Feet Say
When the Clock Says 4?
—T—————— •■-r —r—------------!——
, WILL they take yori far into the night
without S pain op "rin a€he,~or
you call it a day when the fun is just
■beguuurigo .
OUR SHOES will see you through tri
the finish; pleasantly, comfortably and
- stunningly fashionable. *
.. • ’ X .' ■ .
Gotnfort Diet
with dur
Lucknow’s New Shoe Store >
United-Church Y. P. S.
The meeting ori Monday evening
opened with prayer offered/by the
President; followed by the singing of
"Wmn T08, andHEhe /reading of thej . 6 - ■■■ •ScriptWe passage by 'Chester Twam- | ^Prj-''30th. The guest speakers will/
ley. Eunice Newton gave a. reading j be Mrs. Longley of Toronto, who is
and Margaret Rae. sang. The topic, a returned missionary frorii . China,
“Easter Message” was ably taken byland Mrs. Kipp' also of Toronto, who
Dnxr _T • T. TliTi’fy'aGa ’Miacj IMTn_ — ‘;’y. of Medical. Ilos.pitals.in .the
President, followedby the singing of
Huron Presbyterial Convention
The. annual meeting of the Huron
Presbyterial will be held at Main St.
and Margaret Rae. sang. The topic, a returned missionary from . China,
“Easter Message’’ was ably taken by'land Mrs. Kipp' also of Toronto, who
—Sec-y. of Medial Hospitals .in th.- ----Xallum-gavd-a^i«ading.-A-gir-ls~chor—-----us was the concluding number on the l^ana<^^an ^es^’ There will be morn
program with the closing exercises inS and afternoon sessions, the-form-
following. / er beginning at 9.30.
Bwwy nclp« m.the New
Purity Cook Book .I
K...ttated typractical
B houtcwife. Send, SO
T cent, for your copy to j
Pepartmenr 701,187
........a .
with friends
Mr. Mijvert Reed and
Webster spent Sunday
in this locality;
Mi&s Doris Ritchie
is spending the Easter
^MrsJ Victor Emerson.
Mr. George Wraith
spent Sunday with Mr.
-Scott; -7—--------
- • . . <• —— -v“ .
The p]ay put on in the Institute
Hall in Whitechurch by the 2nd Con.
Qulross, “The Antics of Andrew”,
was a decided success. Those taking
part were — Ross McRae, ,Andrew
Bro,wn; ..Gilbert- Marshall, Jacques thp
butler; Mrs. Jack Birchall,’ Petunia,
Isaac Zimmermap^ of New Zealand;
Mrs, Nelson Pickle, Althea Thorne;
'Harold “/McCormick;■~H'arold“"Hedrey;
Wilfred. Caslick, Willie Waldo; Jack
McKenzip, 6’Flarity, a police;. Aleta
Caslick, Betty /.Boigntan; Mrs. Earl
ters, Rpyle, a police; Mabie Walters,'
Julia Boigntan; Percy Coslick, Dean
Boigntan. This play was a comedy
and a laugh every minute was the
result. There was a large crowd and
the receipts at the door were over
On Monday evening / the Mission
Band of the United Church held a
social. The program: solo, Miss Max
ine Reed “Jesus wants me for a Sun
beam;” with J. C. Reed, playing her
accompaniment on the guitar; Duet,
Misses Florerice Beecroft and . Francis
Robertson; reading, Miss Luella Laid
law; Musical nuriiber, “Cowboy Jack”.r
J. C. Reed, Mackenzie MOwbray and
Ted McCIenaghah; recitation, Dor-
otriy’ari'aTFrancis ^Browri/”X)pris Mc-
Cleiiaghan “Easter/ Eggs”, Mildred
McCleriaghan “As you like it”; “Lis
ten to the Mocking Bird” was played
by J. C. Reed and, MacKenzieMow
bray on the guitars. Games were play-
’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, 2nd con.
spent iSunday with Mr., arid Mrs.
: Wesley Tiffin.. - ' 1
of -Lucknow,
holiday with
of Wingham
and Mrs. ,W.
Yotir layer-cake for week-end entertainment! How you
dislike leaving your baking to the last minute ! You need
not,", Bake it- two or three days ahead, if you like; it will
be light and moist when served—if made with PURTTY— _
pular. all-purpOse^flour with the strength of Canada’s^
' best Wheat in it. It con'serves the moisture. Purity Flour
I goes farther.-than ordinary cake flour; seven-eighths of a.cup." '
’ .of PURITY, is equal to. one full cup. of most -cake or pastry - - / flours; Z ■ ' z- ■ ■■■•.
PFW' '■
In r. ■
- • H1^.1 1 1v y?RBsHul11 1 1 1-1 f
k Al •If
. Mr. George Jacques and 'twtf child-r
reri, Master. Jack and Miss Yvonne
Jacques of Preston, spent the week
end with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Eli Jacques.”
- Mrs. Norris ..arid, Mrs. .Robson \ of'
Walkerton, visited with" Mr. Wm.
Barber in the village. ' •
- Mr.^James Weir of - London—spent
the .week -end with Mr. apd Mrs. Fred
Davidson. ' ' /
Mr. Robt. Mowbray has the con
tract of building a long bridge at
Paisley, and will be working there
this week.
Mr. ■; and :
have been resident1 of the village for
shine years, e&e .moving to Lucknow,
Mr. John Ross. ”
Mr.- and Mrs. Andy MqKague of
Culross ' spent Easter with’'Mr: arid
Mrs. Jim Mclnnes. ,’ . '
Mrs. Young of Langside visited with
her daughter, Mrs. Eddie Moore for
■IfiK days. ' ,
’’Mr...'.arid.. Mrs, Ghas. Cook, Luekriow,
spent Eas,ter with the latter’s mother
Mrs. Dave Gillies; ‘
Mr. , and Mrs. Ernest, Hall, Lome
arid Aieda, arid Miss Mary Hall- of
Brantford, are spending part of the
holidays with Mr. and Mirs. Godfrey
Hall, - :
Other holiday visitors aye Palmer
Kilpatrick arid Sam Patterson of
Toronto with the former’s -parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick; Mr.
arid Mrs. Finlay Shackleton of Arthur
Tom' Henry of Leamington with his1
father, Mr Robt. Henry; Miss Ber
nice Blake of London with her par
ents, Mr. and , Mrs. John. Blake;- Mr,
and Mrs. H.' Moffat and Keith of
^sr-jFhs^with==Mry^id^'Mf^^rcriai;tl" *
Johhston; Mr.. and Mrs. Con. Brown-
and ;s,ons, Douglas and Donald and
Ruby and .Leonard Alton of London,
with Mrs. Lasenby;. Mr. ?nd Mrs.
Wesley Alton,. Wilmer, and' Elgin
Alton of Londori with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Irwip; Miss Mary Alton.accom
panied Mr. and 0Mrs. Aitqn to London
where she will be “their guest for a
Tew- weeks^ Mrsr Paul Reed of Luck^
now . with her. .daughter, . Mrs. -Thos;
Anderson; Stuart Dawson of London/
/ Mr. Joe Alton of Goderich, spent
part of last week with Ashfield rela
tives,. .■ :
. Mr. arid Mrs; R. T. Phillips of
= G^4eTichvand^Mrs; Will Menary of
Dungannon were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Menary part of last week.
Stuart Durbin arid Percy ’/Blundell
spent Sunday in London. Wer are
pleased to report the steady impr,oye=-
merit of Mrs. Durnin,- who is staying,
with her uricle, Mr. Lasenby at .Loridon
during convalescence.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long arid
family -are mo.ving_to„.Seaforth-this.^
week. Mr. .Long, is .engaged to work/
Long, who have been good neighbors,
‘^Mi’sT'Dlive™ itilpatrick is spending
the holidays with friends at Stratford
and Gufelph.
THE number of children killed and
injured by automobiles in Ontario
: is appalling!
t . i '. ... ■
Children by nature are carefree. You
must think for them, and for other
pedestrians^, constantly. Be sure your
Drive slowly and be particularly care-
6 ful whereVef there may be children ... \
especially on holidays and week-ends.
Train yourself so that safe driving
becomes second nature to you ' /
. ■ If you dori’tfc some day you.. may find
yourself not only severely penalized but
also minus a. driver’s license.. .forlifet
IT is BETtER to be
In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 auto
mobile accidents. , , v
512 people were killed
8,990 people were injured
... a considerable increase ovet 1933. It must be evident
to all thinking people that this must stop. - . >
Hon. T. B. McQueston,
, ", .q-.' ■ .... Minister of Highways.
.\Mr... and Mrs. James Baker were
recent visitors at Mr, Dunczyi (Camp
bell’s, at Blackhorse.,
• Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Elliott and*
family spent Sunday : at Mr. Wes.
WhytoCk’s, Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs., Leslie Harris and
family of Strathroy, Mr- and Mrs; E.
A. Palmer and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm., Murray and babje 5!^,..Kincardine
spent Sunday rit Mr. Thos'. Harris’.
Mr. and Mrs... Legge- and ’ family,
moved on Friday into the . house re
cently vacated by Mr. Lloyd Miller;
"""We "Wish to welcome Mix and Mrs/
-Dich’s fo Holyrood. Mr, Dich' is
assistfrig. at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s.
Miss Doris Eadie is holidaying with
her grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Culben
The Institute play “An Irish Wed
ding” was presented at Lochalsh oh
,Wednesday evening of tMis wehk.
'Mr. and Mrs.'Roger Corrigan spent
Bunday with friends at Langside.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc'e, Farrow
spent the wefek endJ with friends at
Chesley. - -'
-^Mrr- and—Mrs;—Cliffy Harron" and’
family spent the Week end at Tara.
. Mr. arid Mrs. O'. Russell were recent
visitors at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s.
Mr. Thoss MacDonald was a recent
visitor at Mr. /Thos. Harris’.
The next meeting of the H. W. I.
will be held at' the home of - Miss
‘Eileen Valad. Directors; Mrs. Chas.
Dongrrim and* Miss Daisy. Ayl.es ; topic
Canadian Authors, Mrs. Earle Hod
gins; Roll call, 'Suggestions for .next,
gear’s program, and paying fees’-
Election of, officers. Lunch com., Miss ,
Winnifred Ackert, Mrs. Howard Har
ris, Mrs. Ahpcr—Ackert. ’ '
? Among those., who were home for
Easter we noticed}, MisS Jessie Mac
Rae of Strathroy; Mr. Duncan Mac
Rae of Acton; Mr. Jamie MacRae of
Toronto and Miss Farrish of Toronto
at"’ Mr> - jdhri: MacRae’s;' • Mr". Finlay
MacDonald .of Stratford; Miss Isabel
■ MacDonald of Kitchener and Miss
Elizabeth MacDonald of Nile at Mr.
D. A. MacDonald’s.
Mr. and Mrs, Mei'Vin Cowan and
family "of New York and Dr. Arnold
Gowan of Toronto at Mr. John Cow-
rin’s, Sr-.^
Misses Anna and Lois MacKenzie
of Toronto- at Mrs. M, €. MacKenzie’s
Mr. Arthur Siiripson of Toronto and
Miss Margaret Simpspn .of Stratford
at’ Dr. , Simpson’s, Kintail.
Mr. Duncan MacKay at Mr. John
Mactay’s. . < ‘
Miss Isabel MacLban'-of Stratford
at Mr. D. A., MacLeari’s.
Mr. George Bullin of Goderich at’
Mr. R. J. Bullin’s,
The death occurred oriJFridriy . /of .
Mrs. Sanderson, at the home , of her*
neice, Mrs. L. Taylor. The funeral
was held on Monday, with Rev. C. H.
MacDonald of Lucknow taking-Charge
The U. F. W. 0. held a play and
social evening in the Lochalsh Hall
on Wednesday evening of this week.
Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley
is'spending the Eastei' vacation with
her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Web
ster of Ashfteld. ,
Mrs. Alf. Shelton of Kincardine is
a ■risito:r»-rwith hfer cousin,.. Mrs./ Dan
Nicholson, for a few days..
Miss Lila Richards of Toronto,
Speht the week end at. the home’ of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards
Mr. Geo. Thompson, Miss Myrtle
and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Trafford,
were Sunday visitors .with Mr-, and-
MrS. Al: IfVjn and Mt4, and Mrs. Will
Drive Carefully!
, We regret that Mrs. Jno. Helm is
quite ill at present. A cold contracted
terminated, la^t week; in an attack
of shingles, with its attendant dis
tressing, symptoms^,
Among those spending the holiday
at their home were, Miss Emma Mac-
Dbnagh of London; Miss Elsie Ritchie
of Toronto Normal; Mr. David And
erson of Dunlop, Misses Daisy and.
Violet Ritchie of Lucknow. '7
Miss Ruby Reed , is assisting- Mrs;
Will Ross,at Lochalsh*.
Sunday visitors! included—Mr. Jno.
Wraith, Langside arid Misses F* Wall
and Catherine Johnston of Lucknow
with Mr. arid Mrs; Will,Ritchie; Mr.
and Mra. Joe Freeman and Loii of
Leeburn and Sid Gardner, of Port!
Albert with Mr. and Mrs, Will Gard
Mr. Mac^ Webster of- , Lucknow* is
painting' the interior oi the school.
Our capable “ and efficient teacher,
eMiss ~Ada Webster, in company with
her sister Haze]I of Luck no w isuspend- ...
ihgnShe hoiidays in Toronto. . .
Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo.‘ Saunders and
children 'spent Monday at Mr./ and
Mrs. Edgar Ritchie’s. .
.Miss Adri/ Gawley vj^itM with heir
friehd. Miss Minnie Fair. Oh Friday.
“ Misses Lenore and Marie MacDon-
aid spent ri few days iri Stratford.
, . Mr. and Mrs. Will Clayton of
Glamis, visited at Mr. Milton Walsh’s A
recently.: ;
Miss Marville Scott returned home
from Toronto last week. ‘ .
•• ^Miss“Stfh'g?$T^ ripefit 'triek- "7
day at Mr. James Pollock’s. f
Mrs; Claude Dore spent the week
end with her parents, - ‘ ‘ r
»Mr. arid Mrs. Victor Whitley arid
children, Mr/ and"’Mrs; Isaac Nixon
apd Mr. Ralph Nixon, and Mr. John
Irvin’ spent Earitor at Mr. Jack Nth- ,
ersoh^s. Mr. Ralph Nixori will visit
a . ridth, his daughter for a few weeks, -