HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 4■KINLOUGH In fact a complete assemblage - of the finest styles and values in Women's Spring Wearables-’ we,, havp ever : , . Tf. KING B ROS. The Place to Purchase Your Spring Needs MWI1 Miss I-ona .Swan is spending the I the "Easter meeting -of ’ the Y. Pi S. ! ^r- Mrs.-England, Lucknow, ion Sunday evening. Grace Weather- k IL. L-~. L_.L ihead read the Scripture lesson and :from KinlOss' ^0 their home here. Mr acter on THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL THURSDAY,APKII. 25TH, 193? II > Maple leaf Truck Leaf Heavy Duty Truck, photo&aphed ~^jyatafter-arrrriind»tSjiult'StorMar£ei‘.^~'~~ S»£dMr^ W»liih"lt w»3 ih6ertrt torqua ,1. in oUr M»ple Laaf that pulled me out. ,o4 '.holes and throudh drifts that had • other tracks stopped.” • v trucksyet the powerful two-fonner made / the grade all the way in "apple pie”' style. He didn’t stop for even a minor adr "' feats some; of ^these men can tell about. it didn't need it. He qot —; ^Tdke^he^case-df-SW—Walsh^of' the ---^luebird-^rchards^okTexdmpfe?'^^ ing March snow, ide and floods, he Drop in at our showrooms today. Get . shirted out for Sault Ste. Marie from the facts about Maple Leaf Heavy Duty „?43ewcdsflejjOriiario^d-trip of more than Trucks—-facts which prove that breQking - BOO hazardous niiles. - - : ~ records, lite maHng profits/ is all M ffie 7 Fifty-six barrels of apples were on. the life of a Maple Leaf Truck owner. Low ’ platform of his Maple. Leaf heavy duty z dehveredrprices and~easy GMAC terms? <■ *VTO silk hats await the truck drivers who open up "spring navigation” along, Canada's highways and byways. But just as exciting as any sailor's yam^ are the •. I l- LUCKNOW' Published every Thursday, moaning at Lueknpw, Ontario. Mrs, A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor ' jCamtphell Thompson^Publisher THURSDAY, AWL 25TH, 1935 Miss Lyla Richards from Toronto spent the week egad at her home here. ' ‘'.Mr. Angus MacAul'ey and :Ronald Henderson were? recent visitors with, frierids^'at Teeswater. .. Mri. and Mrs. John Henderson and family spent Sunday with friends; at Whitechurch. ■ ' ^■Mi’sT-'Mary~;<Jobk, TCN'-T'^reCurneiT home last week from Wingham ,where she had been nursing. Mr.--and Mr sr Win; " MacGill ” ^ere? recent visitors wiih Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell, 2nd cop. - 'Miss Annie Ketchabaw and friend Lri>m^feralt ^pent^the^weekT^dnd^^gwitte Mr. Llbyd. MacAuley from Auburn, spent the week end with his ~mother, Mrs..'MacAuley. , Mrs. John' Jamieson spent a few days with Mrs. Campbell and Gretta in Lucknow. . . . z - Mr. Wm. Martin received the sad news 7 of the death of an aunt, Mrs. Browh at St, Williams, pn April 6. She was ; formerly Margaret Hudson Of Seeley’s Bay and reached the ripe old age of. g4 years. 7 Miss Phyllis MacDonald of- Wood- stock, spent Easter Sunday 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacDon­ ald, . RANGER RAMBLINGS ■ The regular meeting was held/'in the Club House Wednesday evening There was a fairly good attendance .butwe-.v;antto_see_afull-attendance. ghat’s wrong girls ? ~ We haven’t "s'een~som“e'bf"you"since tfielast party. If < you think we don’t have good times you should have; been, at last week’s meeting? r It plosed with a bang. If you weren’t there, you mis­ sed -the 'fun. . ■ ■ .. Some of the Rangers are fond of studying the stars. One week it is' out under the moon and the next on a bench in the Club. House. The'meeting took the form of a #iscussip^“^I^ms—pf-#ntpresf— brought up , and discussed. The main; subject Was our trip to London. Well; the girls are a|l busy this week painting the Club House. , We' are hoping to make au improvenient and be able to invite some other troops to our meetings soon? Sodon’t forget girls, we are looking for you to help paint; we all must do our share. Remember “many -hands make, light work.” The regular meet­ ing Wednesday night as usual. CARGILL GARAGEMAN ASSESSED $1150. IN DAMAGE ACTION 'Among' the eose’udiag eases at the" Spring . Assizes at Walkerton was a -Dungannon THOSE WOMEN OF THIS TOWN & VICINITY WHO WEAR Strictly High Grade Shoes will be pleased'to know that,# is no longer necessary to pay , BIG PRICES (and by big.prices we mean above $6.00 per pair) seeing that MEDCALF-SHOES FOR WOMEN priced at $5.00 and $6.00 per pair : - are equal (as far as quality, of upper stock is concerned) to the genera]/run of Women’s footwear that are sold at from $7.50 J - ...”""Td',’'$IXF.'O'O' per'pair......*................. )■ • We invite those Women who wear High grade shoes to call and inspect this very excellent line of ?« Fine Footwear and make comparisons—and there­ by prove or disprove our claim. >* * ’ ■ ■ Willis ^hoe Store PHONE 129, WINGHAM . ARE AGENTS FOR MEDCALF SHOES FOR WOMEN ‘ ■ W1N0HAM' Show Starts 8 P. M, < ... ............-rr-.........riAs-i — - -■ ..........•.. ..................... i THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 27 CLARK .GABLE 4 r> u^BT ___. - EXCEPTIpNALEY- IHN^E—ENTERTAINMENT’ “ . . also ' . '• . OswaldCartoon-.-SKYlARKS” T .‘ AND FOX NEWS -NEXT WEEK— ' ' ' Shirley Temple in “BRIGHT EYES ■ ■' '■ ! ' * . k. ......... : When you’ve just had word Ted has won that scholarship ... and you’re pleased as punch - and -his -mother .—- - 7——r--------~ Trimble Baillie, Cargill garageman. Borovoy was awarded $1150, in a judgement by consent as a full set­ tlement for injuries he received while a passenger in Mr?Baillie’s car which; was driven by an employee. In the accident that occurred, Mr. Borovoy’s injuries, included" a fractured pelvis, a badly hurt back and leg- Grants Divorce . r . , In rendering his deferred decision m the suit df Mrs. Emily Carter, to obtain a divorce from her husband, Albert' Carter, Mr.- Justice Hope granted an order nisi for divorep arid gave Mrs. Carter custody of the one child that is with her. No order was made as to the“ other children, now ■A ards in the Shelter, at Walkerton. Children Get $500. .,„..ih„jthe„:;ciaS,e. ,of. ,the two. ;:.McIntyr.e., children, orphaned ’when their father was killed when he crashed into a ditching machine near Dunkeld on the Elora road last summer,’ each child was~awarded $500 against the County, of Bruce. Norman Hagedorn, who was operating his ditcher in the employ of, the county was assessed $200 ton­ wards the cost of the plaintiff’s soli-" ci tor. According to the Herald-Times the county is insured against liabil­ ity for damages arising from highway accidents and1 it is understood the In- do^Pity^CbmpanX defrays the .Coun- ty’s share of the settlement., . FORMER KINGSBRIDGE COUjPLE FIFTY FIVE YEARS MARRIED • Long Distance M jeady under any circumstances. It’s easy to use, and die cost is small. For as little as 30 cents rates in the front pages pf your directory taken by Mrs. W. A. Miller. Miss W. D. Rutherford read some Easter poems. Musical numbers included a . so]q by Vera Taylor^ a duet by Helen and • Gordon Miller and the singing of .a group of Easter hymns led by Mrs.? Wilkinson; A-■ Aged Lady Suffers Fracture , Mrs.. Stuart Sr., fell pn the floor, at the fiome of het son George, on Wed­ nesday, and fractured a bpne in her Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Golloher and Mr. J. H. Wallace of Norwood are spending the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mr. Robert McQuillin of Toronto, spent the week end at his home' here. Mrs. Murdie' of. Toronto , is the gUest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kwinson Woods. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto was a Easier visitor with her mother, Mrs. ■Aiex Stuart. ’ ' — There was a" large attendance -of members and. of visitors at the Easter meeting of the Harris Mission Band neld at the M.anse’ on Monday after- noon. Laurine Miller- presided. Reci­ tations were given' by Dorothy Webb, Mae McDonald, Caroline Humphrey, and Ruth Ramage. Helen and Dorothy Miller -sang a duet. Doris Wilkirispn played a’ piano solo and Isobel Mil­ ler read a story. The guest speaker was Miss W. D. Rutherford from Kirkland Lake,, who chose “Japan” las the subject of her interesting talk. At the... conclusion, lunch Was served ’by the girls and' a pleasant social hdur i^as spent. . * - . ' , The May- meeting of the Women’s Institute Will be held on Thursday afternoon, May 2nd, at the home of J Mrs. McKenzie Webb. Roll call— ST. HELENS _1_—Mrs. Jas.—Barb&ur—of— Godertrir—^ter1 of Tbronto; Doririe Webster of spending the week with her sister,, Carlow; Jean Webster of Wingham. „ Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. . , i • . jJunction; Dorothy Miller, Jean".Thom, Mr.Jand Mrs. Arnold Barb our and Norma Weatherhead, Laurine Miller;, . daughter, Dorothy and Bobby Phil--'.Messrs.'Neely .Todd, and Gordon Mil­ lips of Fergus and Mi.S?s Connie Leow kr of Lucknow' H. S. • - ’ . 0 o£. Vrt-X''e,ek end visit01'7 Easter visitors with M-n and Mrs., > With Mrs. R. J. Woods.. .. . Webst&r, included'Mr. arid’Mrfe, Mri Lome Webb, of Blytb spent Ed Smith, Elinore and Yvonne df Easter at his home here. - j Toronto. ® • .Mt. 5 and Mrs. John Sparks and' Mr. Jimmy Mitehell of Toronto was! , Eileen of Bluevale were holiday visi-1 a visitor here. On his return he was tors, with Mr. and Mrs. John. Miller, ’accompanied by hjs ’ brother, Mt; Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. McLean, 'Mrs. ■ George Mitchell. ; , ■ Robb and daughte? Grace 1 of. Lucan 1 Messrs. Charles McQuiRih of Clan- lur- de'boye ,andAJohn Foran of Ayton are ____ ________ home for the Easier vacation. . [paying fees. This is tide annual meet- Mr.. T. B. Taylof is spending two (ing and all members ‘pre ufged to ate- weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Brooks of tend. Clinton. ? Miss I-ona Swan is spending the | There.. .was. a. Jarg^^jtendanc^at-^ Mr. and Mrs, Lavis moved this week ; bel Miller of Stratford Normal; Dor-, othy Webster of London; Zylda Web- visitor here. Oh his return he was * were recent visitors with Mr. George ' Stuart. BORN—Ih West Wawatiosh on - Thursday, April 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Win Forster—a daughte’h ' . , j Messrs. Gedrge McQuillin and; Wilson" Woods’ are* iTOme4"'!ro'm 'the 'O’! t A. C. Guelph for the vacation. Holiday visitors at their homes here;,,vau icau vuc OVIipuute 4^SUI1 anu UCiC. . included Misses W. Di Rutherford ■ riuyler Ramage gave-the Bible ,char- Und Mrs. Ruchannan, who have berin Kirkland Lake;; Irene Woods of Kit- ncter on “Mary”. Mrs. Gallaher of. occupying the*-Lavis’horn's have imov- cherier; Vera Todd of Bloomingdale; Norwood contributed ^ reading “Life’s ed to the Wilson Irwin residence in Dorothy McQuillin of Sandwich; Iso- Game of- Ball’’. The Easier topic Was the .village. Miss Irene Wall is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. E. J. ;UaJdenby. . . . . ; .Mrs. Gerald' McEver 'and family Of near Tiverton and Mr. and Mrs._Wm. Tusheir and babe of London, werC'/ holiday visitors at J, B. Hodgkinson's We are .sorry to report the serious illness f Mrs. F. A. JBlackwell.-Her many friends- will be\ pleased to know that she is doing as well as can be expected^ •' - , ' Mrs. Huntley of Putnam-has spent the past week with, her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaake; \ Miss Bess Lane of Glen Orchard and Miss Jean Lane of Welland, were holiday visitors at Jno. Lane’s. 'Mr? Wilbert Haldenby of Toronto is spending a, few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. H? Haldenby;, W.e are sorry to report that Mr. Wm. Kaake is not getting ’along as well as his many^friends hrould like to see him? ‘ The last, meeting' of the ChuYcli Society was held on Friday evening in the Presbyterian Church, This meeting took the form of a Good Fti- day.service and was in-charge of .Rev. Burgess and1 Rev. McRitchie. A union choirs under the direction of Miss Margaret Malcolm provided special music. ■ , 7 We wish to congratulate Mrs. Jane Percy, who celebrated her eighty-, second ’ birthday on Tuesday. Mrs Percy is, enjoying good health. '. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Percy and Mr Lloyd Percy of Kincardine spent Sunday at Wm. Percy’s. Mr. and Mrs. Aym. Montgomery of' ..Detroit,.. are^i s i1 i n g—ro-laf ives-~ he ferr n 01 y Thursday, afternoon of last week the ladies from, Bervic and Kingarf Women’s Auxiliary, wore entertained by the Kmlough ^r. and Jr. branches. A sacred drama entitled “The Cbal- {®n 9*‘OR9>’* was presented daita ta. 'fet' jieteaknta. *S The home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finri, in Goderich, received many vis­ itors oh Saturday, April !3th, When the couple celebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. Among the ‘many relatives and friends to call and extgnd. congratulations to the couple, were Mr. and . Mrs. Michael O’Reiily, Napier street, who, as Mich­ ael O’Reilly, brother of the bride, and Mary O’Loughlin were groomsman . and bridesmaid at the ceremony fifty- five years ago., .1 On . April 13; 1880, at Kingsbridge, Miss Catherine O’Reilly, daughter of Mr. and' Mrsy Thos-. O’Reilly, was united in marriage to Mr. Patrick Finn, son Mr. and^Strfe. John Finn. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Father JBgausang.— All were residents of Kingsbridge. ‘The couple’’ farmed in Ashfield fof seven years, then travelled to the iron fielck hear Mar­ quette, Michigan. . * Mr. Finn worked th,0e for three years, then theyre- turned to AshfiddL township, where. v. ws?,- was presenter they farmed fifteen, years before go-* by Mrs, M, McLean. Mrs, H. A Hnl- ing to Goderidf ui 1905. d**4** -»>-«• ** * ‘ v» 'l- . ■ ' • - ....... 4 KING’S Post Easter Selling QI Smairt Women's Wear King's is ev^ headquarters for what’s new and good “value. This Week Brings— French Dresses and Hats / T" 7““ ------- ------------■Styhsh Suits and Oats „ ■ ' ' ^any New Hats ' • >' . Children’s Coats 1 - Children’s Dresses Martha Washington Home .......—77 Dreasfea .■........■' ■ ' Kayseri1 Gloves Orient Stockings Haldenby, Misses Evelyn McLean, . Margkret PinnelJ ’ and May Boyle. This w^s well presented and much appreciated; Mrs. Rev. To'mkfin of Chesley (deanery president of the was-present- and gfiiv/e -a-aplen^ did address. At -the close of . the/ meeting felfcshmefits were served. Williany Walters may be the prod- > ittal, a bum, a fourflusher, etc., but ho can land the big job. Seo how he . does it in “Enter the DrOdigaT*.