HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 3CHABACTEB BEADING. several fault of his not- being..yro^erly_hjk__rojitO:._ AGENTS WANTED them at a meetingL_of—the chemicaL WANTED i ■■ ODD COINS ■ Wash thei painful pare wall' sab-Lj-"7— 33 qoqd thick chicks . CHICKS DOB BADE BEFORE BABY CAMEROSS HEIGHT/ English Inn Signs you'll feel better 1 pedestrian. crossings, oughfares where traffic -of vastly Says the 'London Daily Herald: The real problem is not so much how people^use ;thfe^rpa_ds,_.but_what„kind. o'f roads are .provided for them .to Luse. T ~T-n —~ a man to think too highly of himself, the; converse is equally true.”—Harold Bell , Wright, i ' ster made a deep impression on all who.. were ‘ fortunate- -enough- to..witness the—spectacle;” ’ • ~7 ’ / \ n 1 ■ The Toll Of The Roads 'waters and ,surounding the baby with almost human intelligence, coaxed it through the shallowest part to safety. Their delight / on. IMPERIAL BONDS AND CURREN- 1 CIES only,/of Russian, German'and Austrian Governments. Previous prices —.Are trebled. David Envls,- Queen and ‘York, Toronto. - giPffg : IN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. ■ List at wanted inventions And full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street,- Ottawa^ Canada. , Mrs. George Schrumm ’ of 128 Stoney Rd., Wood- stock, Ont., says: “My strength was almost gone before the birth of my little I'girl, I couldn’t sleep, Idid not care to eat and headaches upset me terribly. Two - bottles of I?r. Pierce’s Favorite , Prescription strengthened ■ me 60. that" I suffered no more weakness. I conUnued in the best of health ” AU druggists. New’site, tablets 50 cts., liquid .$1.00. Large size, tabs, or liquid. SI.35. ’"“No one must “bB“allbWe‘d" to suf­ fer for lack ofjhfe’s necessities, but self-reliance must be encouraged arid thrift rewarded.”.:—Jesse H. Jones. 1 —■'PATDNTg^T" —"'“PRICES" • .never equalled. ” Willoughby Farm • Agency, Kent Building, -Toronto. I NERVOUS? Salt rubs, while taking I the bath, are refreshing, restful for ’ everyone. , A TTENTIQN—AGENTS^- LEATHER . ^tles, newest i&ensation. “Write Mon­ arch Products, 44 York St, Toronto. best of all our natural history writ-, ers on the subjeet of 4 mammals? •The, incident is as follows: During a-fiood-'in-^New^SoutiriVares; foal IF LN. ANY DIFFICULTY; BUSINESS, * Vocation, Love, etc., send handwrit- , ing, birth-date, ten cents 'for- reading -------<■„------by mail,. Prof< Rogers,. Character Bead.: ’ Mr, Box W., Preseott, Ont. small For Sale by Your DruggistI . r t 1 V *. ; / o' A vehicle,work. At the left, Kriow/is showluthe Company’s 'Orillia'rh l'9o(\ for telephone work at London. .. , first mot or picture TboVe -shows how .Bell garages in Montreal and Toronto look when <the cars come in after the day’s ' ■ 1 supplied "by the Tudh ope Carriage Company of s-s/X" *' •••“ The Bell Telephone ’Company has a fleet of over 8Do motor veliicfes. This Spring it is replacing 132 cars by naw ones a nice little order for Canadian motor vehicle manufacturers. _____•___ _______ _____. „ . ■ ' 1 BIG BIG Jnon BIG BEN THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco T '1 ^-^Glassified—Adv^ Recently we ? gave a list of Eng­ land’s oldest inns' from Thomas -.B.ur.kelsJTThe^nglish^Inn-’L.Here_ta^ ken front the same ^source is a col-, -lection-of-^qaeerrinut^igris'."“~" The Rent Day; The Struggler, The Mani in the Moon;, Our Mutual Friend The Civil Usage L'The Foaming J[ug; You Might as Well; No Hurry; The Merry Month of May; The Trip to Jerusalem; The Sea Horse; The Ship and Turtle.; The ' Barge Aground; The Black' Boy and Stomach-Ache; The Great Turk;..The Ram Jam; The Indian Queen; The Marvel of Mar-- -VeTsj-rThe-1Bell— and—Madkeral-;— The- _Razor_and^^Hen;™_The.—Elatirttn—anfiL. Frog; The Goose and- Gridiron; The Magpie and' Punchbowl; The Cat and Bagpipes; The-Scissors and Pin; The -Bear-and-Rummer;—The—Rovers^Re— turn; U'ntcle"”Tuin’s Gabin. ; — "" ” ll-i TO $50.00 EACH PA.ID FOR U.S. . Indian head cents; We buy all flatesF regardless of "condition." Up' to; 41.00 -eaQh .spald for'U-S.LLncoln .cents.. ■•-; Upto 4i5d;oo ;eaon for Cahadiatr. coins.; Bena~^5c~7^ price list and instructions. Satisfaction Suaranteed or 25c refunded. HUB OlN SHOP, 159-23 Front St, Sarnia, 'Out. I. S1 PECIAL ROSE COMlI Brown Leg- horns. i’Tho kind mother., used to .keep.”. Vitality, required for laying large eg-gs. . Neuhausers, Chatham On? tario. \' _______ _____ Icix BREEDS CHICKS, 8 CENTS’, I® pullets 306. Complete catalogue 'mailed. "St Agatha Hatchery, St. Agatha, Ontario. ________ : AiyDYWroEBSON’a OHiO^g I' WILL SHIP-you my best blood, test­ ed Barred Rocke. or White Leghorns ifor 8c. Day old. Any Monday or Thursday. ^100%.. 11 arrival. * *ny deposit with order. Balance C.O.D., -Both breeds >are the' finest type,- WjBe- kodied and good layers. Andy Ander. joh, Box WP, Essex, •>Ont MINARDg " Barber (whispering to... new helper),—Here comes a man for a shave. Helper—Let me practice on him. ■Barber—All right, but be ' ..yery„ careful and...,.dqn't cut yourself. ^Sketch Club' § vised how his drawings arev to be used—is lack of co-operation between the finished design and the tex);. An' ;..artist can best serve his customer' when he—has.in mind„the physical, appearance of the particular adver-,1 tisement as a vvhole? F.or example:- In striving for dominance, you must •first* consider the page as a whole. What portion of it v/ill be devoted to -desi^if or illustration? JiVhat portion to tfext? Ipw will they be ’related? In other words—what will, be the.' "physical appearance 'of the page? .TJii^ wjll:.assist you in. determining' ,tMe .tdmp^sitiqn of. .yeur art work so jM^Xb.^Pli&e^as^a1...w.h,Ql,e-.m^ consjsten and • that each feature/ of it will belong' to each other?, feature —the page vfill be a composite whole? ■'A:vOid**'aft'^fiTting of "illustration to text * by planning in advance. Ex. No. 59. Make a nevi’/drawing to, illustrate the principle - of .. single LESSOR NO. 50. • , SIMPLE RHYTHM, < « FLOWING RHYTHM, , TONE RHYTHM. We have seeh that Rhythm means, joinfc action p°r tfioyetpent—“a re­ lation or. connection pf-parts that enables the eye .to find its way pleasantly through all the details, of -a' design. V^e have studied it as it appears, in simple repetition of’" lines and. shapes, and in the more complex form of .Flowing Rhythm! We come now .'to, a brief study of Rhythrii’- as= manifested inTone. « , • , We. might symbolize .«, t“he three three sets .of figures-.. representing Rhythm Simple; Repetition’ Flowing Rhythm and Tone Rhythm.* ' * The word1 Tone,—as'”used”“dn“-De~ sign, is applied to the quantity ot ■light or dark or difference of*- color in a. line or shape, which enables us irua ether1 Les o.r Shapps surrounding it. ■; 1 ■■ ■ Temp Rhythm therefore means:— “An arrangement of lights" or darks or colors leading the eye pleasantly and successfully through the details of a design.” .' Wh'en we remember that 'the ?eye •is .always attracted to the point of r greatest, contrast in anything it chn be , so. made as to lead and at-, , tract the eye in various degrees throughout the different parts; of the design. Wpen a" design has this pu«-- . pose, it is successful in Tone ' ^RKythW,"^Ket‘Kernt"“i’s a poster or a signboard which “sticks right out,” or a folder or book-cover which at­ tracts by the softest possible con- ' tra'st. ■” You will remember in the last les­ son we mentioned the difference be^ tween super-results,t and just satis­ factory or Unsatisfactory1 results. ’ ‘/Another mistake that- is commonly, made, and frequently through no Amazing New Cure FoundByBritish / Woman Doctor Characterized as “amazing” by a University College . official, a drug treatment disco very by Dr. Mary B. Walker of -St. Alfege’s Hospital, Greenwich, is described by the Lon­ don Neyvs Chronicle’s 'special re­ presentative as “compared in im- portance1'- wat’h“ ' thatT^dfJ the “ insulik cure for diabetes and the liver cure j I Tone■ rhythm, -Flowing Rhythm and ., Rhythm. . . ... ■/ Write a brief description in you^r own words, explaining, the meaning •of the design# and pointing out how ■ the three sets of figures represent Simple Rhythm, Flowing, Rhythm and Tope. Rhythm. . ■ . Ex-.,. No. 60. Note the character of ‘ “t’lie”“bbrA^FAeslgHs‘'“at—ffie"L'ase figures. Design thpee.. simple" borders in “line,” showing Simple Rhythm, Flowing Rhythm, and Tone Rhythm. Make "the border about inch wide, each one, neatly letter its , descript- “ions, “Simple ~^R"hythm, or. Tone Rhythm, as the case may be. Make this lettering plain, or as large as possible to look welj . ip the space, trim,; cover and number. ' ' , Questions will be answered in this department. Anyone wishing to re­ ceive a personal reply . may have same if a 3c stamped, addressed • envelope' is ^ehe-losed-■•■-w-iih^ quest. The/Art Director.-Our Sketch.. fClubr-7-3-AAela-ide--Sireetr-W-est— STANLEY H. YOUNG ■ Who has- just .^been appointed -G-eneral^Sales^MAnager of Cfiris- " t?e, Brown and • Company, Limi­ ted. Since»returning fiom Over- . seas, after four, years’ service ==^MitbU^tKe^^G.anadian^C^ps«^ —■•Ffmrc^“'Mr:-:Y6rdirg^ ■ , nected’ with the company -in the capacities of’ Cashier, Office Manager and District Sales Man- ager, in Winnipeg and Toronto. He organized and opened branches in the new Western Canada divis­ ion7 and since .1933, has. been'. "Manager of Head Office branch I in Toronto.. His appointment to General ‘Sales Manager of the 7 - Company , is a popular one in the trade where he is wellj.kndwn.. Mr. .Young was born in Sunder- ' land, Ontario, and has developed a hparty ifitere^t in coinmuruty% welfare and boys’‘'work. He is a- director of the Kwan is" C Lu b of We§t Toronto, . and the ' Com­ munity Y.M.C.A. '■ . caught in a paddock near - the racecourse, apparently too fright­ ened tp follow its mother wKen the. rising waters! forced her to leave, or she. may have been . driven out in a mob. Several men watching with, keen interest. the" little animal careering around on the dry ground determined "to .rescue„.iL-by ...boat, come. dut< Presently “Hbrsek--were—seen-—making—their- way, back__.thro.ughL_.„the_--flood- results#, and recently demonstrated , liiem ui a «ue:cLiiig m l.iie rncuiicai_________m_, . ^sectibji-j-^of^^the-===RoyaL==!§oeiety====of— ^^^---d^xescue^^^the-—-jwiung^ n IT’ 1* • ’ ’ rx ■ x rtwAr-e> *zxwxMedicine. .....University- College research—work=; Ats decided to test^pfdstigmiir on IT girl art student of 2'8 suffering from myasthenia gravis in such an ad- . vanced .fdtm. Jhat.1 she cou 1 d not siL up in bedl ? This was ,their own report:,'“Three weeks ago the patient was treated at home with prostigmin. For 10 -'minutes" ■ rm change took” "'^-laee.7' .'Twienty; minutes After the -irigectipii> doctors of the world for years, the paper says. It afflicts people be­ tween the ages of 20 and 30, affect­ ing all the voluntary muscles and causing almost complete paralysis similar to that produced by the cur­ are poison used by Indians to .poison their arrows. . ' Dr. Walker experimented the drug, prostigmin, obtained striking ju.J,.................... ,—-.i....... J <4. a«e 18}, iOm’S fa*. In 6 week*. I No AwltaMM . 31 i B H ta B mth«. l —N« &ro«». ». «> Mi * >1 u loro daycl-No Dintlar. .. .30. . « _ .40, m i* - *»• » ,bow roamU tMMMrtmiownbHcMtoBn.'tilM. NBTNBNAM . tfiMifaff) ?/ TtitbMuMl fntft «0 owr U« WM. ttir Fee 310.00 Complete. ‘ •I’l-'-L-(details Free?""'''Wri,ts"“‘N'8'W~’~jr Jf" MALCOLM ROSS Height SpocidUat.1 Scarborough.. Bug to -raise=Hfhf>ss ;"~was done immediately, although for 10 years she had been uriabl« to raise her arms even to the / horizontal position J and keep them there.” , Improvement continued knd the reports stated that shortly the girl was' able to dance. « ' __ _ _____—________ _ A Horse’s Intelligence Writes- the London Spectator— “The tale of an incident reaches me (from an Australian s Rectory) that should .qualify the view - held by some of our biologists that the horse must be . put down as one of tll^t.: leai&t intelligent' .of animals. The thesis JbakJieen very -highly- maintained’ of late; and dne of ' its advocated is Miss. Frances Pitt, the GOOD FOR THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS UM? SSSL Tells How He Carried On / ■ . •—7; -•. .a . A barber, .who hasj.,been a martyr to rheumatism writes i-— f “I have been a1 inartyr t.o/rheunaw» -t;sm--for-some-Tfen- -yearsr. For fiy^F years ! was sb afffegtdd that ,it was 'with . the greatest'■ difficulty I war able to-carry on my business. I may say I am .a barber by trade. After having tried numerous remedies,. I was finally advised to try Krusehen. I am' pleas0rtoJ say that after hav“ ing, used- Kruschen for some, twelve, months; I’ am now freer frorn 'aches and plains than .T have been for'some ;teniears;/:_.Jn^ rid, of rheumatism, thanks to Krus- '■• chon SaltsW. M.; Two ^f jthe^i ngredients-~o£, - chen JMts are the most effectual solvents of uric acid known to 'med­ ical science. They swiftly, dull the / ^harp edges of /the painful .crystals, ■ \ 'solution.” ’Other ifigredTerits of’these"""' Salts have a stimulating effect upon the' kidneys, and. assist' them to ex­ pel • the dissolved airafic needles ’ through the natural channel. " • JLN far aWay Borneo, so great is the respect for Salt, that quarrels are settled by exchanging lumps of thia /' precious necessity, vital to life itself -Wouldn’t-youlike-torsadthis-and—— booklet for Children^ "SaZr allowr the World*’: Quaint; superstitions, — . .customs and^tories LStirs the im­ agination! Educational! Free^-send coupofi now!. . « fag in all , thor- ... ,t~7——■* . different, kinds “is ’mixed up to­ gether, accident will occur. ■ They are inherent in road chaos, and We wish we could feel sure that there was at the Ministry of Transport as much appreciatidn of the need for road reform as there evidently is for safety devices. . Regal Tabic Salt A._"Wtadedr Salt Product. 111 GM Issue No. 16— ’35 TEAR OFF AND MAIL TODAY CANADIAN.INDUSTRIES UNITED SALT DIVISION aT ? m WINDSOR, ONT. . . Vvithout obligation please send special CMdren’a Booklet, "SALT all over the Name—— Addr«$*_^ ifig’htgerms? I’MVltfAMiNAr people NEEOME JEVERYi J For over fifty years doctors 'have specified ' ‘'Scott’s Emulsion”, wherever the bone- building; strengthening qualities of pure cod liverxoil were indicated; For Scott’s Emulsion , .is mofe'thaft just tod liver oil. 'Scott’s Emulsion is pure cod liver oil, 'emulsified for easierdigestion,greater efficiency andpleasant taste. • BUILD bones’ l‘M VITAMIN HEALTH ibTReNdTH DEPEND