HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 2—--- ------
Father At 75
Baropet Wed 74
. Two. Stratford lads of seven and
-eleven years “went to. shoot- mus’kratd
/and' took along, the /usual 2'2 rifle.;
Things went well until in loading.?
the weapon it discharged* ~ and 'the.
■; . . t - I ,,
, . • : '• ' ' *"'/■ • -
which wil|. serve as a . permanent
Christmas tre.e at Waterloo town,,
hall,7 Was recently moved there and
planted. Now tfiqre’s an idba
you!—Guelph Mercury. f 7;
■ ... / ....r.-.i. ’’’ — X. ■..■ '.
/’•.?An . enterprising British real., es-
Sub-division in Middlesex,. Ms-
equipped its new estates with built-
in dugouts, guaranteed /gas-prooif
and bomh-pfobf/ and is malting quite
a point of the matter in its advertis-
;ing.' ’
“Live here and/be sgife in time of
' would be hard to find a grim
mer bit of testimony to the , inse-
Elevator Gallantry
There'piay’ nipt ,b,e many "
writing /‘ "to etiquette . uuthoritieC , „
about the prioiwi^^ ....
hats on" in elevators, w^fe'p they shar
tlie- ride with , feminine ’acquaint
auc.es. • a . ' . .
..Nor need this be accepted as ai|.'
indication XbaL.chivalry is. dead. A$
ter alj-.hats are one of the few pos,
sessions ever so many men hav<,
been able to hold on to during th( '
blusterous finds ' of the^ passinj
stress. . /, ’ ; ‘ , . - • . j
In- Australia, however, the propri - '
e.ty of wearing/■• hats 4p elevatpn
seems to1 be a not entirely irrelev
ant atem of public Consideration
This is indicated by/the/nptice pas
ted’itrthe' ■“s'0y6M/ereYarolsn5fJ‘A'largi
baxik .ip 'Sydney. “ We, wOulfl ask' , ■
gentlemen to kdep tlieihwte?^ on in
qorigestion during' busy periods./ and.. "/'-•/
so contribute to the greater ccttn'forl r ■
and, convenienco of all.” /...Tw.entj,-.__ ___
inst4pd-of sixteen persons could b«
carried, in each elevator during rush
hours, 'according to the ^bank’s offl<
cialg,/if. men did. not bother./to re
move tlieir "hats. ,
Rush-hour' itrfps . in elevators' no! /
infrequently maXe men keep theii
hands as close to their sides as
theii/'trouser pockets/' If one had
the knack of some trick whereby hij
could project his hat° up from his ?
forehead and then back, without /. /
touching it, he might be able to ac/ ’ /
coni modate/those females of his ,a&
quaihtances touchflik with a special
consideration for the niceties.—Buf«;
falo .Gourien^ExpreSs'. / . ' . 7"'
2^ rifle.;
and tile/
■ ’ yoCnger lad/ ■ " , - .
1 ■ Then it was that, the boy of eleven
. _....pick-ed him .up jand decided to- caiTy. ?
him home', and that. meant, a dist
ance, of about a mile and a half. He
did not.get the smaller lad on his
_hdve_ been easier./1
/hfs^ ar-m§:
.might ajChild. . , , , mer Dlt ,or testimony io tne , mse-
th® -ti&Zot’“tL i>h |? load nero warfare. Centuries ago peoplomile/and .4 half .tramp, hotaq, is • not
recorded. In view of such a perfor
mance and in. admiration "of such
L. , flustajned - effort Qune is .tempted to/
/ forget saying Anything about the
folly of boys of that age £oing out
hunting jyith a^rifle.^Stratford^BeA’.'
_ //:’
Neighborliness on the farms ,1s
7 . apparently Something not Confined
to any nationality, color or creed, It
is the outpouring of human good
/ Will and sympathy which is often jn-
valuable to those in distress. We
may yet see. the day when more of
this spirit will spread to the cities
- as well—Chathanj News.
77<" - 7 BU,L WILL they? /
. e.es can get along without preying
J// 1 svince;>,t1ieinosqqitoes! ■Kingston
/Whig-Standard-. / ,
■.... GREEN &EET. - " • ~
The London county .council had
, set aside .the sum! of $10,600,000 to
buy up land so as to preserve, for all
/“times A. green•" belt around London,
-■-^so^liat7-nq-~matter^ow “big-~the"’met^
-..era. This Is a commendable spirit,
' worthy pt .the greatest, city in the
/ . world. Londoh iai/well supplied with.
parks,.and open spaces, far more so,
for/^example, than/New ¥ork? anA the
■* transportation /system , is so exten-
- ~ -eive;: rapid and^cheap&hatMt ddes-ntit-
take long to get out into the couri-
■ try.—St. Thomas Times-Journal.
r- .f:
built their houses without' windows '
so that each home could, stand a
siege. Today -we. have advanced Im-
measurabry from:'the disordered coxf-
.ditipns which made architecture,
But if we have' to, equip, our
homes with bomb-proof dugout//
where is the galn? our boasted civ
ilization. has simply gone back to
conditions of the, middle ages;
Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. t
that the Minister of Customs of the
Commonwealth has strongly suppor
ted a plan tinder which Australia
would rid Itself' of 5,000,000 rabbits
_in exchange for Russian ^gaaoline.
Under the proposal, these .millions
of “frozen rabbits, catight by 100,000
ypting men throughout the country,'
would be shipped to Russia fqr con
sumption as foodj in return for
which Russia would / send several
cargoes of gasoline to /the , Anti-_
podes.—Brockvilie Recorder.
-/-Seasons of soft soil has aj-rived,
and, as usual, one hears fails from.
all parts of the City of thoughtless
lawns, irretrievably ruining many of
them, as far as this year is con
cerned. A little more consideration
and- afew ^more-steps /ott-tho^-side^-
vent much damage at this time. No
home-loving person . will. spoil the
“appearance of/the property of any
one else.—Niagara Falls “Review.
/ Glean shows.
Standards are changing. The “leg
shows” and mawkish romances have
had a long innings, too long even
for this artificial age. So it is back
to decency,.,and the homely mbralit-,
... i Sir ?°jed 7^y®ar:°ld,British sportsman,. .shown here in . Hyde Park, London, ■'G«b,ey?»nd their baby son born Feb; 27. Lady. Gilbey, the .former Mrs. Marion Broadhead,
is the Baronet s second wife, whom he marked in 1934. Sir /Walter Was divorced,,in 1926.
■ There was a crowd on hand at
the departure of Betty Gow from
New Yorw and there was a crowd
'on hand for her arrival at South
ampton. Human nature is much the
same at both sides of the Atlantic—
..Kingston Whig-Stapdard. ....-
- . -Another causb—of-nervous strain,
the raucous motor-horn, is an equal-
Ty' needless affliction. Here again re
search has. proved that a, double-note
horn (uned tq a major or’ minor third
combines great carrying capacity
with absence of offence, to the. ear.
Jits use /might well be standardized.
The general noise of transport .is
^hard to reduce, but it is by the glar?
ing . offenders that the nerves are
and should be* eliminated’.-^Manches-
Ter Guardian. “r ■ j
made in nearly every sphere ’of hu
man activity and endeavor/. today
has profoundly influenced education
al' systems. The centre of gravity
has shifted from the subject to the
child; the old order of things is
passing away, and in; its .place arei
being- es tabll shedT methods'" Has ed “on"
the results of modern/ educational
experiment.... In response to an in
quiry as to how he attained such
proficiency ' in Latin, Dr. Johnson
once sadr~’‘My mastex* flogged me
very well, sir.”/ Education in Dr.
'Johnsbh’F’day was carried out accor
ding to the principle that “it does
not matter much what you teach the
young devils/so long as they hath
it.”—Trinidad Guardian, Port of
Canada’s Message
//To His Majesty
ly placed -on the-House 4 of Com
mons order paper notice of a reso
lution asking that an “address be
voted -tot>heK-ing—-:Congratulating-
Your.“Majesty has exhibited both in*
war and in peace through years of,
unexampled- 'difficulty. ■ '
• ■ ■* * '
“We ask that our loyal and res-’
pectifpl congratulaations may be ac-
/ceoted^by . Her. Gracious Maiesty^the^
Que6n, whose - untirihg -interest in
every movement for the relief of
distress .and suffering, and- for the.
welfare of humanity has given her.
a secure place in tjbie affections of
thq people;, of, Canada. We rejoice
that the Queen will.share the dem-_
onstration oif. loyalty and devotion '
which will- be shown to Your Majes-”
ty on./.this. memorable,? anniversary., " .............. • #'■’
“From time to time. durjng Your
Majesty’s reign the people, of' Can
ada have enjoyed/.the honor of .wel
coming to this Dominion His JRoyal Highness the Prince o/ Wales and
other members -of-the Royal Family,
enfianced their • appreciation of ..the
interest 'which is always taken by
the members of the Royal Family
-im-all—that^^er-ta4ffh’—toTrirhuyp regress-
„ - _________^_„may„„_contihue_
/for many years to /enjoy the/benefit
of yoUr gracious and jpeacefut rule.
Our earnest prayer is that He Who’
is the Ruler of all nations and the
King of Kings may uphold, direct
and preserve Your Majesty In
health, in .happiness’ and in the af
fectionate loyalty of your people.
More Cigarettes .
Cigarette smokers in Canada
gpept, niore^ than,; ;S48fQftQy(hffl^Q^-^-^
their /‘ready-mades” during . 19$4,
according to / excise tax 1‘eturns,
which' show that 4,822,405,065 cig- ■’■ /’
ar4tt.es were placed on the market,
an increase of approximately ,12__', , '
per cent, over 1933. '
er ’number, consumption . .increasing; ,
approximately 5 per cent." from
114,352,000 in 1933 ,,$O 119,671,000
last year, and the lise of smoking
tobacco increased by ’ 4 per cent. ‘ to
17,983,000 pounds.
tl. ■Cbpwing tobacco " showed ■ a de
crease in popularity, the quantity
entered for consumption dropping,
froln 4,225,000 pounds in 1933 tb ” •
trail to -domestic consumption Can- ”■" '■
unmanufactured tobacco valued at /
.^2,026,802 to twenty-five different
countries in 1934, and also . exported \ i
manufacturecTT^acco in different
form’s to , the value of f»65,802. —
Canada Week By Week. . : /
T------- -------+
. A PUZZLER. ' ’ .
.; At 'least it can be said that the
British authorities are doing, some:
thing tocheckthe slaughter-on the
roads. What- nuzzles—mnst—enn-imnn- him-on—coninletion-of—the—Argt—nnar-- and—welfare-of -this TDominronT
folk, motorists or pedestrians^ is trf
discover/why on e&rth Xny: ordinary ‘
qper^n"™shourd“'Awhht/’To” ■■■'travel'.'’ more
than half a mile in a minute —Irish,
I —:----------
Is a mlan necessarily a bad citizen
because he is a defiant-citizen? Three
men were fined at the Brunswick
Court recently for not having voted-
at the -last Federal election. The /
penqity in two, case# was -10s.-and-ini-
Here On Visit
“We trust that we
WftlU Ill* VUlldWj was I
----minute, goes down front-a-musket-l
The trappers place the gfrls In their boats to escort
them to New Orleans. Marie is with Warrington.
He does not know she is a Princess and teases Her
about marrying one of the Colonists although he
air together,JTm FallinginJLravs with Someone.”
*4 J
At New Orleans the Governor addresses the towns,
people and welcomes ths girls. The men are to
choose/their brides from among them. Marie violent-'
„m.aZu,w WI MW vowiums aiuiougn ne X objects but the Governor says she will be forced
h Will <M» b®««
sible. What will she do?. Don’t misS-next Week7®
exciting installment M)f “Naughty Marietta.”
established—the public does appreci
ate clean, wholesome sentiment, the
'-'classics” of literature ban be made
to pay, even, when served up in the
form of pictures for the entertain
ment of all and sundry—Hamilton
Spectator. _ . •
A letter sent from Rowno, a small
township in Eastern Poland, to Bra-
. sil in 1922, has just been returned to
atartihg point, paring these twelve
-r.../.'. ygars./ the, letter went round the
some 5/000 zlotys, nearljii £200, for
the envelope.—Montreal Herald;
J£ you want to have twins, the.best
thing to’ dp ig , to live in. a, northerly
country.' This conclusion is reached
by the Soviet paper “Segodnya” af
ter ah exhaustive. study of interna
tional /birth.. statistics, which sh'ow
/ . that climatic conditions apparently*
I forid an iinporthnt tactot lii the birth
' 6f twins. Twins are far more fre-
’ quent in. the ■N'orth than in the
South. In Norway, for®,example, one
out of ,every 37 births Is a case 'of
. twins; Sweden comes next with
t/vlns once in every 66 births; Ger-
' imany /thlrd with one. In every 80. In
Brazil and Ceylon twins only occur
:'-."p -4nr0' in evo^ 200 births.—Sault Ste.
' ■, Marie Star,: ■
/• ■’ ” u i •
A thirty-footj Norway. pine’ tree,
Ministers, more than any other
imen; according to -*«,.. Toropto , divine,
shouldguard agaihst mistakes in
pronunciation. And yet so many ,ot
’em make mistakes when they pro
nounce a couple man and wife. —
Border Cities Star. X
Trenches dug in Northern Mesop-' otamja indicate/ at least ten older
civilizations; covered up one after
the other. No saying what they
might find if they were to employ diamond drilling.—Port Arthur News
sed to the Court a letter that the
police magistrate' described’ as ^re
markable.” It certainly was. He ob
jected that it was contrarjr to Brit
ish justice to force a voter either to
vote for a candidate in whom he had
no confidence or to make his ballot-
paper informal. > Presumably the
Bench had its reasons for puhishing
•more severely a. determined defiance
of the.law; but many people will
disagree with the decision* Ordinar
ily the man who .flouts the law in-
vitbs sterner treatment thanthe man
who falls foul of it through neglig
ence; but the circumstances In this
case were not. ordinary. Compulsory
voting is alined at shirkers of a pub
lic duty, A man who takes the
trouble to .expldin bis conscientious
objections to the Bench is, not of
that class.—Melbourne' Argus. .
The rapid progress which Is being
ter oentury of his reign.
The text of the - resolution fol-
Idws7 ’■ '
. “We, Your Majesty’s loyal and
dutiful subjects, the House of Com
mons of Canada in Parliament as
sembled, beg to offer our sincere,
congratulations one the happy com
pletion/of the 25th year of yojir„ il
lustrious reign,
._____ __________' __#___1 .........; . _ . L.
\7‘T'he eventfulTyears which have
.passed .ainc& Xour:2Majesty/s - Taccei—
'jgf^r^W^'^g^KanF^ c^nge’sT^ in
economic,' social and political conditions tiiat’ have constantly de
manded the exercise of the highest
qualities of courage .and of leader
ship. During these years important
and definite developments in thb
constitutional relations between the
several parts of Your Majestie’s Do
minions' have more firmly establish-
ea that political unity of which their
common allegiance to the Crown is
thq symbol and . inspiration^
* c*‘ i . ‘
“We rejoice that each year has
been marked by an increasing ^ap
preciation of Your Majesty’s inspir
ing example of conscientious labor
tor the welfare of yout people.
Your Majesty/will celebrate the 25 th
anniversary of- your accession en
joying the unreserved respect and
the loyal affection of the people in
all parts of your Dominions, which,/
is a striking demonstration of the
righteousness a.nd wisdom which
'. ■ l-SM dMfotor i^ar&erg /.
ground will be the colors of the 1936
Ontario license plates.- Hon. Harry
C. Nixon; Provincial Treasurer, has
announced. The plates Hs usual
will be manufactured at thq Ontario
reformatory at Gu^bh under, super-'
vision , of the St/Whomas' Metal
Signs, Limited. ■’ , ;
A Loaf Qf Bread
The weight of a loaf of bread in
Canada is not standardized but it is
regulated by municipal by-laws in
the various provinces with the ex
ception of Ontario. In Ontario the
legal standard weight of a loaf is
fixed at 24 and 48 ounces, except
.that in *M-C9sW"-smallbread?'the
lijnit- id■■ fixed at 12 ounces.
J r ,
“To bqlieve in illusions certainly
brings . human happiness.” — Luigi
Pirandello.. ' ,
Captain Richard. Warrington and his troop of trappers turn back and attack" ths pirates mercilessly.' Ths
trappers have been signalled by Princala Maria who hat been captured.from the ship on which she was
sailing for Louisiana, disguised as her maid. The other girls who aire to marry the French colonists in New
Orleans all take to cover but Marie moves in the thick of the raging battle, waving her torch. The trappers
whoop their blood-curdling battle-cries, firing guns and throwing, t^btahawks. The pirate leader fights
warrington with his cutlass, Warrington swinge his musket and tHsA to fMsh hit knife but the next , ,... ... ... r ------- Rvca dvW1, ;tuI» ^ ulM»ket-butt Mow dh-the hsafe^ain-tte tet^criMM the other oirateii-beat-a—ing kind.--Marie~ia scornful but later they slng the
cowardly retreat to. their skiff sand rapidlypaddle. ' *ir *o**tii*r ”i’m R*tiin» in Tavb
Dr., Henryk Gruber, President
Of the State Postal Savings Bank
of Polafnd, picturgdeW his, arrival
in New York. He will visit Wash
ington and study our system:.
Based on Musical Adventure Romance by