The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-18, Page 5J FIVE ~-OUR—MEN^S^DEPARTMENT Is Headquarters for good Suits Top Coats & Fine Furnishings. Gome to King’s and let them help you to buy Smart Clothes fof .Easter . Jt' • V. Lucknow’s New Shoe' Store r ladies of the Mission circle will pre- Comfort / V f r / / V > ‘ CREWE ' ’ THE . LUCKNOW SENTINELTHURSDAY, APRIL ISTHf 1935. .....*. ..< ■; ■■PAGE N N a / e s in Easter Footwear New In Material, In Gblor and In Style ItsNoSin TO CHERISH FINE SHOES jf you have any serious ..ideas of being smart this season give' more - than a -passing* thought td' your shoes,. because no matter^ hq.w< allur­ ing your 4<own, no matter ?bpw pleas- ing^ypur-fare;"^ or? ^feel your best, unless your-shoes are, molded to. your feet in comfortable, stylish lines. IF YOU WOULD CHOOSE FROM THE SMARTEST OF THE NEW EASTER SHOES, MAKE YOUR SELECTION U.ROM ^^LUR GROUPJlF_DISTINCTlVE MODELS At an organization meeting of the Listowel Baseball Clubj. Robert An­ drew, sOn of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. An­ drew of town, was re-appointed sec­ retary-treasurer.. “Bob” Was able to ' report a balance of $131.58 from, last, year/ ■ • ■ . '. * Miss Greta Webb is a visitor with 'friends at'Grand Valley. , Mf/J. R. Webster and Mr. Wilkin-.! son Sr., visited friends near Ripley, on Thursday. 1 „?_M.rs,_WilkinsPm_.Spent..the..W£ek--.en with her .mother, Mrs. Golfing at' Ripley. ,■ :: 1 - ■ The meeting of the Y. P. S. onj Sunday evening was in charge of, the JDitizenship„^C^^wlth_Mr—W-allace- “Miller;-conven.er7“Kathleen~'Thom”read' the; Scripture lesson and “comments, and Charles McDonald gav.e the Bible erfofd .of Kirkland Lajce.'. ’'character on Daniel. The topic. “What is Pgace and Why do we Hate War ?” I was. taken by Jean Thom. -• The Easter Tharikoffering of the. dtaTri*s^M'iss"ibm 'Bi^^ be held in TheThurch on Monday afferrtbon, when the speaker will be Miss W. D. Ruth- ke.. .■ ZION Mr, ^id T6,rbntb^’fjOrii wMpU^oyjt .be; to ship oft ft ‘ tftriker fbr the coming season. Sid will be .much missed iri the community,as he is quite a versatile, chap and took ftn actiye interest in all phurch and community activities* Mrs. phus. Ritchie has been laid up. for some .time with pleurisy. 1 Mrs. Jas. Cook, who has/spent the wintpr . in Tpronto, has j^one to Win-? nipeg for an extended visit, with her? son John. She^ was accompanied “by; ,her sister, Mr$. F. G;. Topp, of Tor­ onto, ' ?, A number from here attended: Mr< Steve Stother’s sale last Tuesday, When. very fair prices .were realized. Mr.; Charlie' Andersqp has .engaged .with Mr. Ralph Nixon for the seasori.,, .. Mr,'and Mrs. Jas/McKay and Jack ioL--Tiv-erton?/wrisitbd’T^'i^n“-fr-ierids7Tre-'; cently; - - ; ; ; .■ ' ?. f Miss *Ilqne Treleaven of Crewe, is assisting .Mrs. Thos. Hackett. ' Mr, and Mrs. Alex McCaroll, Earl and Audrey Foster of Lucknow, were Sunday visitors at Zion, ASHFIEbDNOTES p,.,• ■* » Miss Jean Grant; Bpent the week end in Toronto. Mr. ftnd Mrs. Alfred Ritchie have moved into the house known as the “Griffin” place. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie to our neighborhood. Mr,.. Harry^Hibbon. is helping . Mr. Henry MacKenzie. with his spring work. • ’ ■ Mrs. Lizzie Johnston is spending a fevv , days with Miss Barbara Bue- gIas.,.._Jl??; ' . . , ------ t Mr. Donald MaeLean had the mis­ fortune to have thb bone in his ankle broken one day last week, as he was at'/work at chores. This is very un­ fortunate, as . it is so near - seeding time, ( ■, ' > ■ The seeding was getting. Well un- derway, when halted by the cold and stormy /weather this week, .< i ,; The. Young People of' tha Fresby- terian- Church are very busy, at pre-? -sent--gett-ing-the—prograTfi ready .for psted m the Young People’s Society Should trv -to be present at it. ■nro- mises to be something “worth • while”. Mr. and Mrs/Wm. Crozier, Frances and visited friends at Dopr- hybrddke?:umSunday. , Dr. and Mr6. Br^rry Hall -of Goder­ ich ‘ vjsited. . Mt. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin. on Wednesday.. , Mrs. ,WilV Reed and Jackie spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wilson. Mr.. Jack and Miss Agnes Mallock attended the funeral of Lhe late Jas. Hunter in Lucknow on Tuesday* j The. Y/P/jS. was held on Friday evening #ith ja .good attendance.- The, ; meeting; ’ was' -in " charge ofBeatrice. Treleaven. ? " CreWe Sunday !$chpol are ..holdin; an anniversary service on- Sunday, afternoon, April 28th/'Reg. Storey of South America will be the speaker; Mr. Sid , ^ro-wn pf Beijmiller will as­ sist with the singing. ( ■ Mr. Isaac Gaw-ley was in Goderich are* glad to say was able tb. leave the hospital after Her recent ,,operation. Mrs. Blake and Harold spent Sun ­ day and? ?Mrs. Sidney Gibson of Stratford. The W. M. S- wds held at the/home pf Mrs, . Kilpatrick with, a pood ate. 4endancei-^MfA-JRaymond^/Ejnni,gaj^ had charge of the program. Readings were given by/Jyfrs. Shackleton; Mrs Sherwood. Mrs. Treleaven and Beth Mcdonnell: vocal duet ,bv Mrs. Dren rnan and. Mrs, R'ivett; anjnstrumenta1 Hy Frances Crozier and a -nianb duet by Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Kilp.at] rick. . - Young Ladies who like Nice Shoes should make it a point to see SCROGGlNS-dfATELAINE . "SCROQGINS (which is the name pf maker) make it a point to? ? scour the North American Continent for THE VERY LATEST? IN FEMENINE FOOTWEAR and they are generally much in advance as far as STYLISH-UP-TO—DATE modes .arei concern­ ed and the price of Scroggin Shoes is very reasonable' namely - $3.75 per pair /. Wil 1 is Shoe/Store - ’PHONE 129, W^NjGHAM ■■ Agents -for CHATELAINE 'Shoes for Young Ladies ■ '• - I- •" HOL¥ROOD Mrs. Rachel Gulbert, Eva and Lome.„s pent Monday evening pt ,,Mfti Eldrid Harris’, 12th con. Miss jean Johnston is assisting Mrs. MacDonald ? of Teeawater at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacDonald and Jack spent Monday ipt Wingham and Whitechurch. 1 ■; Mr. and Mrs. ^Ves. t^hytPck pf _______-I • • ~ Tees water were recent visitors at 'W? Mr. Richard' Elliott/s. LANGSIDE J Mr. and Mrs. Miller and babe mov- ; J ed to their, new home in Allenford on It Pays To Shop at KING’S KNEE-ACTION RIDE tvilh shocklcs* tlccuinq CHEVROLET offers yoq Balanced Weight T2j^!gs----gi8oBgsed--;l{HE£-?- THESEjFAMOUS features TURRET TOP BODY BY riSMER BLUE FLAME ENGINE TATE can tell you that Knee-Action makes the back seat rideV V just as smooth as front sc at comfort.. ..that it makes possibles shockless steering . . . that if is always smoothing the way on good roads as well as bad . . . th-it it takas every last jar, pitch and bounce out of your motoring. But there is so much inore to say about Knee-Action —7 about Chevrolet's solid steel "Turret Top" Body by Fisher, Blue Flame Engine, Cable-Controlled Brakes and Fisher No-prait Ventilation . j—that_the_.best--thing-to-say isL.'lCome^foouzsAowrOozns.. . now, and, drive the new Master Chevrolet for yourself!” Easy GMAC Terms. (for the Master 2-Pass. Coupe) PRICED $ © E FROM 003 Delivered, fully equipped, 'at' factory, O^l.axva, Ont. Freight and Government license only extra. standard s:a: ills as LCW AS $722 ECONO MICAE TRANSPORTATION CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION ____, ed to their new home in Allenfoyd on —/Mr/Thos. Ross of Tees water spent , , _ „ Thursday at the home of Mr. Reuben Mrs. Rachel Culbert, Eva and Lorne Tiffin, • spent, Sunday at Mr. Wm. Eadfe’s. Mrs. Walter 'Scott spent Thursday presented in the Towfi- _ ship * Hall, Holyrood, under the aus­ pices of. the H. W* !•> was welp at­ tended. The hftll wfts full to capacity. jA«_musL£.opgrat.ulftte_.thelcast_?irij;he- splendid manner in which /they, took their parts. Anybody wishing to have a play presented in town or else- where, would not be disap.D.ointedJn? fnaving the “Irish Wedding” presented. wy-4he--young-peppIe-df-dHplyrood-and- hiiinlough. Danpe after ’ the play was, also well attended. Mr. Gordon ' Staffers yvas a reeferit »visit6r at .Mr. Wm. StatteraL Mrs. M. Gamble spent the week end [with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. White/ . ' 7 Mr. Wm Eadie narrowly escaped serious injury, on (Saturday evening* .^will,, give ft*»lecture- in the United] On returning from a neighbors with r ..... his bar; it?stalled abdut"25 .dr"5'(TTfeet from the gas^uriip/'wh(pii?iq situated I at the left side of the1 garage door. l-On-ci-anfeng—t?he.-cari-whieh—U'nknown- to him, was still in ■ high geer,”" it bounded forward but Bill was 'able to jump from in front, of it before it crashedlrito athe gas tank. The bump­ er. was ’befit towards the radiator which was also considerably damaged. The gas puriip .wasrpushed.to one side cement block arid all, arid the glass ’lalLon. top fell off and-was smashed, YouTl 'forget your, worries, ..the world’s depression, when, you Attend “Enter the Prodigal’’ on Friday,: April with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scot't 01 Ripley. Gordon is improving, but. not as rapidly as. his many friends would - like-and^s-st-il^ Last Wednesday evening the Wo­ men’s Institute held their “At Home' •_ in. the hall.. The-entertainment._.was_ gamesand eontests-the-first-par-t,-then- lunch and dancing till the close. 'Visitors aUThe ?Kp'me; oTTMYT^anu Mrs. Victor EmefsOn. on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John,Mclnnes, Johnjand George, Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson Pickle and Leona of. Culross, Mr.? Smith oi Toronto, Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Reich and- baby jand Mr. and Mrs. Russel ■Ritchie of St. Helens.. 1 I On Wednesday, evening, April 24th, Mrs. Griergqn, a feturnbd missionary | 'Church,' WKitechurcK. ~ The . young I ladies of the Mission circle will pre-- sent a. missionary play. The ladies ^bf-^the—La-hgs-ide—United—W-FM-r^Srj- have been invited to attend this j Easter Tharikoffering meeting. 1 On Wednesday afternoon the ladies of the 2nd andMth United ?W* M. S.|. ield a tea at the home of Mrs? Frank] Henry; and quilted a. quilt for. the! Missionary bale to' be sent away in Jiine. 1 r Mr. Graham Pinkney spent Sunday at his home near Walkerton wherb his father.is very ill. • - The farmers in this. locality were making great headway , with seeding , operations until the snow came. Many , . had quite a number0 of acres, sown pGth, where you’ll laugh and laugh while other had fields, already to'so.w. jqnd laugh at the w^le Walter fg^ily. ^■^Thi^^ssTofr^mid".. -Church, are putting On an entertain-d Mrs., Will Klempton visited with m,et and . social evening on Monday, frienjs jn Ripley. . ’ 22nd.; Mr. NOrval Richards has returned Mr. Adam McQueen was a Sunday Lq pjjs ^ome the boundary, after visitor with Mr. Snd Mrs. -Frank Mil- completing a very successful ^erm 1er- at the 0. A. C. Gyelph. ________l—- Miss E; Thompson of Kinlough is _ at present assisting Mrs. Jaiclc Hen- 44th CON., KINLOSS dmon. __ __ .. Owing to the recent snowfall which Mrs. .Walter MeKensie is spending d'S’S* ‘?v *"ST. ■'“* few days in Toronto. r Mr. Herbert Buckton returned home after a two weeks’ stay in Toronto. Miss Elizabeth-McIver is home for a few weeks from powassan, recov­ ering from burni received when her boarding house was destroyed by fire»; A large gang of men -are at work on the railway bridge north of Luck-1 now. Mrs. G. Hamilton entertained a car load of friends from Toronto over the week end. n Mrst R. Robertson, Mrs. P. Robert­ son and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mid­ dleton and' George Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. Malcolm MbCaul of Embro. ; * . ' AMBERLEY’S GRAND OLD „ MAN, 98 YEARS OF ' ' I. > .. ......~ ‘—<1 r- AGE for Easter Needs MORE NEW COATS, ,^UITS j and SPRING ^DRESSES are just to hand Orient Crepe & Kayser Chiffon HOSE ____.69c, 89c, $1.00. are big values i MILLINERY 200. Smart Hats from which to choose / FOUNDATION GARMENTS Nemo-Flex —• — Gossard for the best figure control $1.95; $3.50; to $8.00. KING BROS MAFEKING “Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Webster / and Mr. and Mrs. Elen Rising of Sea­ forth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, Sunday. /? , Mr. and Mrs, j, C. Stothers and family' of London and Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas Stothers of Dungannon visit­ ed" at#the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' Horton, Sunday.. . . Mr/S. B. Stothers of Arthur, held . a Successful sale of farm stock and implements, Tuesday. * Will- French is employed with Mr. John Biakp at present. Sidney Brown pf Benmiller called ? on friends *in this rieighborhood Sat­ urday. z ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry of Flesh- Crton, called on relatives during the past week. '-? ' Miss Pearl Irvin of London is . . • • /visiting at the home of Mr* and Mrs.opened the meeting with the: singing i^vin * Miss ’ Cora Thompson is spending ! a few weeks with her aunt, Mrfi* Herb McQuillin, Lucknow. . Mrs. Harvey (Webb and Lois of St. Helens spent Tuesday at the home ?_v.____?_ <_ William Walters may be the prod­ igal, a bum, a fourflusfief, etc., but he can lahd the big Job. See how he does it in “Enter the Prodigals* at the- 0; A. C, Gpelph. Miss E; Thompson of Kinlough is I at present assisting Mrs. Jacl Hen- Owing to the receiit snowfall which | U. F. O. F^erfilizer Plant at Lucknow is kept more than busy filling extra orders that are- daily pouring in. I. Mrs. ThoSi Irwin returned to her home last week, after making an ex­ tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. .Hackett,‘,12th con., Ashfield. Mr; and Mrs. J. S. McNain and I Murray spent Sunday with Mr. - J. Ts I Webster and family. The’1 April meeting of the Para­ mount U. F. W1 0. was held, at the home of Mrs. Jack McIntosh'6n Tues­ day, April 16th. About thirty ladies were present. The .president, Mrs; Will McGill occupied the chair and of the Maple Leaf, followed by afl I repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison, j The secretary then read the minfites of the March hieeting, whi^h were adopted in the usual Way. A soloI ilt— - Retaining all his faculties and still able to do much ofJ the work about his home, Mr. Peter „ Shiells,’ Amber­ ley’s, grand old man,* observed his 98th birthday on Friday-, April 12th. Born in Scotland; Mr; Shiells came to Canada with' his parents* close to" eighty years ago, and not long after, came to Point Clarke to assist as a carpenter in the erection of the light/ house. When-the work ended, Mr. Shiells took up a farm near the lake, which’ he later sold. His trade' as a carpenter led him to Chicago and Nevy Orleans, and finally back to Amber­ ley, where he made his home^follbw- ing hiB marriage ' to .Grace Lachlan, who predeceased her ‘husband 20 years ago. There is a large family living, George, Alex and Porterfield, in the State of Washington; Willtam-J WbstSnT^' Andrew,/"T5Orontuf 'JainbsI and Robert, Amberley; Peter, ,Kin-1 cardihe; Mrs. Agnbs Carribgie, De­ troit; .Mrs. Jane McCallum, Detroit; | an,d Grace at home with’ her father. The Model Church” was given by n°™€ "Mrsr~JvhR-HwiiItxm^McAnleV'read A snlendid narter On 1 n°mas Anderson., . fMcAuley 'read a splendid paper oft pWhat is Success”. Recitations by Mrs. Will Kempton; duet by Misses Dorothy McKinnon and Florence Roulston; Mrs. Robt. Hamilton read an excellent paper on “Time”; hufti- brotis reading by Mrs. Herb Ensigft, ppowri on thu Old Farm”; community singing “Old Black JOe”; son'^ by Miss Shirley Robinson; reading by (Mrs. Dexter; instrumental by Bobbie McIntosh and Mr. Hugh McIntosh of Lucknow gftve a few remarks. A bean contest, .prepared bjr- Mrs. Herb En­ sign, brought a good prograin to a plose. Mrs./McNeil won the prize, [being a lovely box of home made pandv. The winner passed it aroutid io the ladies. A Vote of fhfthks Was tendered te Mrs. McTntosh for the pse rtf her home? and then a dainty pinch was served?.'The next meeting Ps Tn he held at Miss Marv McLean’s:. iAth con . Tuesday. Mav 21st. Grand- /ybfliors’- : . t. -it r .■ « 1, . .... . ., . l </?:.( i;. F. . ~ftnd; Mrs.? J.” Y.’'Welternhrtfo and her maiden hhiyip. Mrs. Alex and Mra.„ -t Y. Welter tn jMvmAiv* nanera. Program Com., Mrs .1. * .........' '* - xpested .ti’iViTo’iort hpd Mrs. J. Mac­ ro- f A **ood .attendance is by the hostess/ i KIN LOUGH II. a Mrs* Cliff Borthwick of St. Cath­ erines spent last Week with her par­ ents, Mr. and-Mrs. Jas. Hodgins? Mrs. E. J. Haldenby who has spent the winter with her 'daughter , at Merriton, .has returned tn her home here/ . . z Mr. Wm* Jackson and'family have, moved to the . home of the fate Mrs. Hayes. ' * / • ’"-WOi A number from here attended the play at Holyrood on Friday evening. Much credit is due those young people who took part to, make the evening Wer afe sorry to report that Mrs/ Arthur Graham is hot' as well gg her many -friends Wrttild like tb see heft Miss Evelyn McLean spent a day last week with Miss* Mabel Hedley of Kihgnrf. Miss- Mabel Hedley V -