HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-18, Page 4Two Reel Comedy Straw l>y SPEmE Scnsn' ^Sw.S. K. .LOTSN ■ »gr ' -qffi,.-Tt.... . --xfSR A’7' ■ ' ; a /■■ I <r ,\ 7 5- a v / •I /.-% acxa /■ thfe out MARBLE-ITE WarnisK for..hardwood-' floors. - ’ NEU-GLOSNEU~TONE /'■ .. fair' wall'F~a53’'~^aIiagS. ^KINCARDINEGIRL ACQUITTED CHURCH NOTES ON MURDER CHARGE . . :> ‘ " i.. , . ■ ; . 1HE MOST GLORIOUS MUSICAL ROMANCE i' Ofi /ULI, . TTMJL! Jbbfcs better. \ end "J ■' ' ' fastsJonger Palm is the - mast beam-, -tifa!' «rid[ '■ sm-garg' proteCTo© for ybur .-.hpuse - PYtprior. because .it is guaranteed tu- ccmtaiii" ingrediiems,. ‘These ragsedierats., all,-of die finest tjBalhy,.com-. / - hmp tifi- parAane- i^nt31££9we 'fiHhggl- 'thkt up year-' after year' • ’sratbout- craxkiiag, -peelbig, cr Losing its coLor. Tbereis adtdterar - ti&n to ujeakea as shorten the lif e -' ■ ........-—•—■'—■■— " IT PAYS TO USE ' ' '■/s.'.i MARTIN-5ENOURjwtratEnwavwreHEssawasr- RAE & PORTEOUS - - LUCKNOW .a- couple, of iteirife with' ^Eme«^/^fer5eh£h''_____ ______ ______ ______ _____ Thanhoffering'^ti^g'^' [Z6 i . ...... . ’ ' * ,._ ‘ _ > • 1 • ’ ■ y ■ • , ’ . ■ . \.......; ■ ofj Sunday, at 7.30 p.m. The Rev. John Gregg of Bluevale is ,to be the speak- THE LUCKNOW 'ONTO®WIWAX, Mmk t8TH him in fnal • Benour paint, W"e ftave the h&rt looking house on the slKOt now ,L A$rJtase ^ears.*., W4N3HAM -Sho^ Starts/8 P. M. THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 18-19-20■ ■ V / ‘ ■■ /■// SPECIAL «^>jo / Spent Chatter' -1| . aneeSng ,3&e W®ee.j ' -wB - he - 'heM ■ 'hi-’ • . ties ■ 1 eFeDing st S ■ 7 -• • ••• • ,r" ' ■' ° !?5 1'.* 7- .. ‘ X-j '*, Wfiaeh-. leads ta ■ the,' '-query—w®.' ■ ririy evmrt-tiie -club1 jshsEld -he. ' . ..'. A A Sepoy squad in the-Bruce League i 'wiild. • ■’ 3Ss2y,. be a 'dharypionrihip jqcriribei^er this year, but opinion. shtOuld^ be _ in any ehs£, . ■ -.““Firk*’ Miller Who returned to Al—' jleEford' "tins month, wall he . one of. last year’s squad to he ;defiriitely hcoua^bSd out. '1 ■' | . ■ ■ ■ :• *' y- ■* ’ - What'CHnton, Goflerieli;’/-and -Sea-' forth, do in organized ball tins season Will determine Whethej- ■Carrick WiD be available again "here. 1 “ • • • Andy Thompson’s reeent ‘Operation wiR.no doubt keep him out.-.of 'the .early- season games/ and- Bob Thomp- ■, ;son’s“baai“fcnee,"-“iinless~it~'re5PD3aSs~tD-1 trfeafm'ent, may-handicap him <m diamond this season, or keep him of thri. game, ■ ■alt&getfe‘.' gloomy' character 'of the . above, it seems .tijat- Lucknow' should -he -able., to field .a' Bruce ‘ -League 'ham- ©ri : about a '■ par ■ .with other ‘teBw' - teams; 'exclusiveu;'of Southampton arid. - Owen- ; Sound, who wffl- be. .in “A”, company. I" Church' League’ baseball' was ' pro- I posed, .and 'initial '--steps';takes forward organizmg such’ a groap.-at a.-recent’l T" ;----------'■---------------------- ----— ^u—* "LOVE and HISSES’ ! WITH CLARK arid McCULLOUGH , AND FOX NEWS,: ‘ .^-NEXT WEEK—, .' “IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT” ball meeting. ■ - rather/'jpbnf using -as these Mere • taking place. The - dance . >nd''".ebri^e^ as., mentioned 'are to be held-fe'^^iteehieteli Hall, and not .at Ao t ' ."A •■ ' /> ■CA- t ■■ —:■ WAWANOSH COUNCILr;■ ■: .. ■ / ‘ April $t-h, 1935 . , Al'Aae reg««AAZ' mee’tmg 01 ri e»;t, ' -if awluaribM-' .ine ' inmuLes o± t»»e MieeLiu^ - were ii " anu ,' ’ on ’ riaw#oii oi vouncuiv^a iu.6— to''■■just ' 'wherWCXurt' ih^Walkertori, in the; case Miss Margaret Irwin, age 23, Kincardine. The girl wa accused of i^ing eapsedrtlm 'death nf her Mew’ ' Everyone welcoma i borninfantsori,^bythrowingitout X of an upstairs window at het room­ ing house in •Kincardine. „ ’ The Herald-Times reports that the hearing of the eiitire ease, together with the paneling of the jury, occu­ pied hut 2% KcSrs7”wfiicfi^if0baISiy constitutes a record for . brevity among murder trials in Canada. - - ——-~7”: . . . /■; Miss Wiltiainson To Speak . The Easter Thankdffering meeting of the W. M. S. pf the Presbyterian Church, will be held on Wednesday, ,XpriT ]24^h at eight o’clock, with the special speaker being MMs Agnes Williamson, home on furlough from i i This..column can’t; see . how this Jieague could be operated /aS success- :miv ^s-Jwas-4he-ho£key^^^e,-.-fqr |each,_teamrwould-o I use a certain number of inexperienced players. A flock of errors would be I the result arid the most ardent. fans could scarcely help but get ^regusted”; with their favorites if this continued ^repeatedly. ... '.1 .' w ", •- • ♦ •- A Rural League would seem a bet- ■ ter prouositioh and one more easily / S. S.y No. 2, Kinloss - Easter Tests Vth—Muriel McFarlan 75%. isr. 1-V—Bobby Burt b3.%T“~Hteleir yThompsoiF!=^75T;s!dfa^d=:;dBfeldeidjy^T47= j Morley Bushell 60. - Jr. IV-T-Sylvia Jackson 66; Eleanor McFarlan 65; Aisla Bushell 63; Fred­ die Guest. 5'3.- ........ r Jr. HI—Marion Walsh 80; Norma Burt 78; Jean Thompson 76; Audrey McFarlan 48. u ’ find—Everett Lane 82.------— Sr. 1st—Ethel Haldenby ti2; i Ralph Haldenby 58. Sr...Er. — Ruth. Guest 75: Jack G^j^J'wa^io^tructfcii' ■IS'"'”-" s^xr-wir a.ppLwauon. Mr. Chas. ■ Alton, taxrc..^ , ievu*r,_ was ^present- aim reported. hun, witn 'the' be nau cbmpjpted tixe. coliecuon oi taxes. 1 be ly-54 tax roil ’was at-, ceptea and arrears noted ,-ua motion ur Councillors AitcriXsori add Gammie. ’lenders for hauling .'and' crusdmg'. gravel-were opened and that oi James zutchison lor .bauling at ivc per yd.. ’.7per nuie w^s: accepted oh mvuon ox vvunciiiors Smyth, and Garnmie. A, jfi. Joimsixin's Ttender for crushing _ at, ' t, .lUjTOc .per yd. 'was accepted on motion of Councillors McQwihn /and Uammie.. if wais, the unanimous opin-1 • ion of, the'.Councillors that .the To■K.n- . . . . . , ■ship is not responsible to. the Ciera; - °^en was. acquitted. .on a cnmpiar for fees in connection with applica­ tions .for ‘Old, Age' Pensions ..5 ..The • repair, of the, J. B. Young drain was ' considered .and.- it. was decided , on - motion .of .Councillors- Aitcaison and McQu'illih that the repair work would ‘ oo.t be -earned oh past the limit, of i. B. Young’s.- property at the pre­ sent time. The Clerk wa^'instructed. ’ to advertise .for-tenders for the con- ' rtruetion -of -the' ‘Girvin Drain’ and the repair.©! the ‘J. B. Young Drain’. The following accounts were - read’ arid ordered paid: Village of Luck- * '•now, relief, $1.11; Board of’Health, meeting and mileage, $14.50; W. H. McClure, 'relief -supplies, $5.o0; J. B. Youpg, wood $5-50; £. Alton, relier supplies $15.73; C. Alton, bal., of sal- .■ ■ jury1 $21-35; W. A. Boyle, supplies, . 11.70* • „ ; • -'. .- ' The- O®uneil adjourned to meet „ May 13th,. at 1.30 p.m. , Dornin Phillips, Clerk.'-the latter part April. the arrival of her release certificate l ; from. .the:.. Artorn.^~Gen.eraL’s. -.Departs T3ent.' • Widow Awarded Damages 'Damages of $1000 and costs were awarded Mrs. Emma Kunkel; in her t-3uit for $10,000 against .George "Schneider and Richard “Holton of Carrick; who ran down and killed Mrs. Kunkel’s husband near Mildmay late n 3933. Schneider, subsequently was sentenced to 12 months’ imprison­ ment on a charge of. manslaughter I in connection with the accident, while should prove of marked interest. Many people -foolishly neglect an acid' condition of the stomach until it develops . into severe indigeetiofi. If you stiffer with ———tJas-PairiBTrftei—EatingrBio^ti±rgrBelchv“—; ing. Heartburn. Nauaea.yoamusttone up yotir BtomacbatbnceTForquickest.surest results get KJRK’S STOMALKA, an alke- ■ line remedy .of.proven valuie. Economical, , -' easy to take. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE RANGERRAMBLINGS • Great -prepari^tions?^A-U»der-t,my: visit"of“Dord"and~EaayBaden-Pdwell.- They arrived in Victoria, April 9th, and after big rallies at . Victoria and Vancouver, Will proceed eastward at- tanding similar gatherings &t desig- . nated centres in the various provin­ ce^ • • •' /■ ■ " T|ie rally centres arid dates for ” Ontario arid Quebec are as > follows: FortWilliam, Wednesday, May-8th;<- JSudriury, Thursday, May 9th; Tor- onto, Saturday, May 11th; London, Tuesday^, May 14th; Ottawa, Satur­ day, May. 18th; , Montreal; Friday, May. 24th; „Quebdc, Mondiiy^ May 2-7. ■ j^Ve a^e very fortunte in that London was included, bn their visit, At first this was doubtful. ■ If you know* of anyone who is .willing to take .their Car, hand their names in at once to our captain.* Here’s a tip for the girls not en­ rolled yet. We, have planned a hike and camp fire enrolment for the. last of this .month and we_.are.;hoping...rto ... - see all enrolled at this meeting. * ■*’ * * . Well, well, the town jfolks are in foiLa- treat in the Easter holidays. There will be paint splattered -lassies darting here and there with brushes . all holidays. Why?—The Rririg^rs- are ^oing to" paint the Club House. Perhajte we shouldn't say too much now.. We’ll* wait till its finished and then talk—or maybe jve won’t even mention it. ' ' ' ♦ +‘ -« •' The Rangers can’t understand why a whole house next door to our Club House would burn, When We can’t. . even get a small stick to biirri in the Club House. Oh, .well\girls, cheer up ' warmer evenings can’t be far away. ♦ ♦ 41 £ ' Don’t forget girls—if you are to btf ' rmight^oe“giad—of—tfie-chs^erto^run- off a schedule of ■ games on—aL^roPd. diamond. " , •. • If church league ball is wanted, softball would seem more suitable, 'more economical to finance and more easily organized.' However a committee has been ap­ pointed to deal. with the baseball sit-, nation and if the weather ever warms up again, some action/can be looked for. ■ S.'S. No. 4, West Wawanosh Easter Examination Results s Sr. Room-— ® Jr. IV — Russell Webb 61,; John Pritchard' 51; James Aitchison Angus McDonald 47; Gordon Donald. 38. •Sr. IV—Grace Wbatherhead (absent for’ 5 examinations); Ferry Durnin 60; Iona Swari 54. • Vth C'lass— / Cranston, .Ronald—Eng. Lit.f 52; Eng. Comp. 50; Latin 20; French 39, Alg. 34; Art 48; Geo. 75; Hist.'48; Z.ool. 54. . " ■ Forster, Jean—Eng. 'Lit. 58; Eng. Comp. TO; Latin 66; French 67; Alg. 32; Art .60; Geog. 58; Hist. 60; Zool. 61. ' Aliller^'Alliir— Erig. Lit. 50; Eng. Comp. 55; Alg. 48; Art 68; Geog. 65; Hist. 41; Zool 45. r I Swan, Etta—Erig. Lit. 81; - .Eng. Comp. 55; Latin 50; French 69; Alg. 67; Art 79; Geog. 81; Hist. 67; Zool. 72. ■ ’ ■ - Thofn, Kathleen—Eng. Lit. 52; 'Eng. Comp. 60; Alg.. 56; Art 64; Geog. 57; Hist. 40; Zool. 44; Physiog. 44; Bot. 56. ' ' ‘ G. S2 McIntyre,/Priq. TEESWATER’S HALF HOLIDAY The, weekly half holiday for 1935 summer, it has been decided, will, be Thursday afternoon^ as .formerly. There is just two little things about it that ^eems odd. Pull d.Own the blinds, and take* phone Orders, is one; ■sit om yotir front door step Or Watch around the corner for a customer, is two, and we can add a third, just keep open. ’“Honesty is the best pol­ icy,,? ’but who really wishes to be honest, and let the other fellow’carry off the pie. The, Bank is observing ’Saturday afternoOns and will be open on. • Thursday afternoon.- This is -one good point. We can deposit what we took in on Wednesday and Thursday morning, if we wer,e lucky enough to tajee ahything in. Oh, well, we will all do as we desire anyway, so why Worry!—Teeswater News. z—______ _____ ' 1 Putting His Fopt Down Curiosity—^“Did. you gj,ve your wife that little lecture on,economy you .talked about?” f Ipomestirity—“Yes.” ... • • < Curiosity—“Any results?” • I Domesticity- 'Smdking.. ,~ United Church Y. P. S. , j The meeting on Monday evening was in charge of the Christian Fel­ lowship Group. Bob McKenzie read the Scripture lessoh, followed by the repeating of the’ Lord’s prayer. Violet Ritchie gave ah easter reading and: RexfbrdOstrander and Frank Mac­ Kenzie -a- -piano dnet. Muriel Solo­ mon favored With a reading “Easter- Dream.” Mr. W. L. MacKenzie dealt most interestingly w’th their trip " to Florida- The Group preserited a pan­ tomime “Easter .Melodies’’ as " the dosing number. , - ./ ,Negligence . charge. Divorce ' Action , j In the divorce action in which Mrs, Em-il^- Carter sought dissolution of her marriage to James Albert Carter, who defended the action, the Judge reserved his decision/ following the hearing of the evidence. The plain­ tiff also sought alimony and the cus-x tpdy,' of the seyen children born to i ‘he union.- , ■ t ■. ■ ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs-. -John Bell, Ripley, vish to announce .the,_e.ngagemvntlof.._______ ________ ____ their daughter, Annie Edna, to Ed-] Donald, Arlene Jewdtt and Mrs. .Phi 1-1 mund Ross, Ohly son of- Mr. James lip SteWart.. Margaret Farrish ^gave Shiells.and the late Mrs. Shiiells of » reading. The topic was taken by] Rev' c- H- MacDonald. The meeting-,Amberley, the mamage to take place doBed by Ein(,jng ,67i aM * rio loTTCrv fyowt A'wxs’vl- «■« "____ ____ . -Benediction... i Presbyterian Guild : . The Guild opened Monday evening' by singing” psalm 110. The scripture' lesson was read by Bill Henderson. Hymn 212 Was sung, after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in uinson. A reading was given by Elation John­ ston. The musical .pari 'of the pro­ gram consisted of a duet by Mr. Jack Henderson and Mr. William L&ckhart, piano duet by Rexford-Ostrander and Frank MacKenzie; double duet . by] Madeline - McMorrariy - Peggy -Mac-) dL PURITy FLOUR A ' A A> TCf. Ztf/ HacPheracrri Ave, COOKBOOK f Every redpr iri New jJ’urtty Cwfc. Bwfc Send Pancakes! A cxm of PURITY FLQUR will make more of v this good old atHapus luncheon or supper dish than' is possible with ah equal quantity of ordinary pastry fldur.' 'The strehgdi of PURITY FLOURs* makes every serving economical. And they will delight you with a character­ istic lightness, and an unusually fine flavour. Serve pan- '” , cakes—ever-welcome treat for the 'family—use “PURITY” and have this new, expedience of pancake oualitv. See . Recipe 647 in the NewT'urity Cook^k! 7 '•- a ■ . ppj^, BEST FCfl ALL YOUR'BAKING WHITECHURCH • Mrs. Elymer Tiffin and family have moved to their farih' oh the lOth (cdri. of. Turnberry. . Mrs. Green -iof Toronto is visiting with hCr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franlf Henry. We are pleased to see Miss Hughes back to the manse. ” ' ,. Congrat&atibns to. Mr. and Mrs. Johnf Gilles pie on their" 54th wedding anniversary, which was celebrated a.t the home of their, daughter, Mrs. r’has. Martin. Miss Gladys Garton of London and [Mr. Simpson spent the week end wnth Mr; and- Mrs-. Geo; iGartonr------------- “Enter the Prodigal” is a new Royalty" play being presented in Len- noxville Theatre in New York for its initial performance in December 1933 and enjoying an, excellent run of niany weeks—see it in the Town Hall, Friday, April 26th./ PURPLE GROVE , Mips Myrtle Thompson visited Miss ' •*•* ,.■ ■* Mr. Hugh Taylor is visiting Mr. Helen Collins on Sunday. W. H. Scott. Misses ' Virginia McDonald Marie, spent Sunday at Mr. Mac- Ivor’s. . ' • „ Mr. and.M^sTVictdr GaWley, visited with Mr; Needham. Mr. apd ►Mrs. Ford Dunnville spent sa day last week at Mr. C. Collins. Misses Margaret and Dorothy. Rob* ertson, spent Sunday with Mrs? Clar­ ence Campbell.- and .48;’ Mc- 64 "I've got to glye up enrolled/try your testa this week. A few minutes, study and you wi'll know therh all, .Be uniform. out Wednesday night hi-. »