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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-11, Page 5
/ iWHITECHURCH i= -*r ■ a z THE LUCKNOW SENTINELTHURSDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1935. ^RAMOUNT Miss Willeena Chesnut,,- Lucknow, spent the week end with Miss Minnie Richards ,, Mrs. James Blue, Amberley, . is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacDiarmid. . Mr. Arthur Cook and Cameron, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell recently. -“Mr.—-and -Mrs-- James MacDonald, ^Mr.„.RQbt.„Hamilton.andJ_Mrs.^_Wjii.. relatives in Detroit. Mr. Arthur Cook had the misfor tune to.JpjLe /a valuable cow last week Messrs, Fred and Goldie Martin attended the Horse Show at Clinton last Thursday.’ . ,/ Mr, Lloyd. - Mac Auley, Auburn, spent'the week end at his home here. <Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. MacCharles, .entertained ,their'friends and neigh bors to a social everting last .Friday. ,AlL._nep.orL-a„„s.plendid,ltime, ■ -M r. • John '.Tam ieson attended the 'Last Wednesday evening the PreSr- byterian Y. P, S,«. was invited to spend the evening with South Kinloss Y, P. ,'S.. and it was held in the 0„t-‘ ange Hall, Lucknow, when a’Tgbod, . attendance was present from both congregations: -The visiting society gave a“ good program^qpsistihg-'O^ : violin d^t^by^Messrs. McKenzie Mo- "■bray^and Jack Pollock;. reading • by. Mrs. 'Johnston C6np;--vocal solo by Mr. Jack Pollock; reading by Miss Grace" Richardson1; mixpd ^quartette by Messrs, Thomas’ and James Wilson ■ and Misse^ -Leila -Leggatt and .Janet Gr_aig,; readings /by Miss Olive Garton,' Messrs. James Wilson/ yhrts. Wilson ■and Jack pollock; piano solo by Miss Leila Lieggatt; reading by Mrs. Rob- ert/ MQbrpy; violin -solo' by Mr," Jack Pollock; violin duet Vy Messrs. Mc-; Kenzie~Mobr ay-and=Gordon-Leggatt;-: reading by Mr.. Johnston- Gonnf"vocal duet—by-- Messrs. John Garton and James Wilson; solo by Mr. Gordon t^ggattk^i^n^soiV^hF^M’Bs''^]^erie' Wilson, ' after which contests were held. A bountiful lunch was served" and a. social, half hour spent, when, all- enjoyed themselves. ; Mr. and,Mrs. Albert TaylPr moved above Mr.. Chas. : Wightman’s store: last.week. . . Mr. Bert CuHimore had his tohsils removed .in Wingham hospita| last week. ' - ' , ' Mr. John Thom visited with z his sister^; Mrs. David-Gillies and other relatives over the week end. Mr. Jphn.Clubb is moving into the house vacated by Mr. Ab, Taylor. Miss Breep of Wingham visited over the week end with Miss Phemia Rintoul. ~r~. Mys..—.D.u.ncan. ASHFlELD NOTES BORN^-Ih. Wingham Hospital, on April 7tl), tq Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, a' daughter. ... Miss Helen MacKenzie entertained her friends' On Saturday to ^celebrate-. ,, her ninth bir/hdAy. z . Mrs. J, Isl. MacKenzie has returned to.JlipleyT«ft'er"spending the/ winterj With her son, Henry MacKenzie. Mrs; D; A." McLean Visited fbr, a few days in Ripley last week. Mrs, R, J. Bullen and MrZ aiid^Mrs-' Neil G. MacKenzie attended ‘ - the Spring $hPW# in-. Clinton. on=-Thursday, AMfs; R7\T, Bullen was a week-end visitor in Goderich with her parents, Mr. and • Mrs.' Ml J. . MaicKay. Mrs/ MacKay, who has been ill, is some^ what; improved. ; zMr. 'Douglas MacDonald, student at Knox College, Toronto^ took charge of jthe^-orning’ service-in the »^?^sbyter^ iaii church. Mr. MacDonald gives promise of being- one of 'the coming men in the Presbyterian church. . ‘ Rev.-J.: K. Ma,cGillivs|.ry had charge, of the morning service Tn the Lucknow Presbyterian Church.' • „ The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church meets this Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Flora Ross, Kintail. Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie, who spent the w.inter ip Toronto, has returned to her home here. • Mr. Robt. Hi.bbon is now comfort-. ' ....ably settled in Mr. John McKenzie’s' house, Mr. Neil .MacDonald is home after spending six weeks with his daughter in - Detroit. 1 We are sorry. to* report Dr. Simp son of Kintail on the siefr list. We hope for a speedy recovery. ' The Kintail branch of ' the , Wo~ .meri’k...Institute .met. at. thie hpm,e of .M-rs^Chas.-/Robb-‘-on^^ noon. A very interesting program was carried out, one feature being a ^resiefitatiph Tojt “/gelery "disir Tfnd' marmalade dish to Miss: Mary"Mac kenzie, by Misses .Betty Bissett arid Catherine MacKenzie, on behalf of the Girls’ Sewing class. Mr... J. K. MacDonald ha^ returned' home after spending'the wmte'^ Tfis—dmighter^-^-^etroiL-r-^— Aghfic-Ll was well represented, at. the North/Hurori Liberal Convention in Wingham. on Friday. ’ The main feature of this meeting was to choose a candidate to ■contest~tWis'^iding~^at- iffie next Fe'deral election. This prov-- ed—to—be/Mr. R1 . Deechmari, “Huron Old Bov.” y REMODELLING ? Don't commit yourself until you get all the facts about/ E. S. P, Barns--Steel Truss, Plank Truss or Cantilever, types; Make full use, of our twenty years* /experience in Barn Building! Let the Engineers in our Farm/Build- . ings Department advise you,.Their services are absolutely free to farmers who are building or remodelling. Write today , Guelph St,, - Preoton.Ont L/ Factories also at Toronto and'Montreal. .ft Farmer in n^d of WORK $HOES will find WILLIS SHOE STORE - - WINGHAM for at least Three Reasons ..(1) We sew all rips on shoea bought from us which approxi mates 20c per pair on every pair, sold. ■ • Z (2) We I RUBBERIZE all work shoes making them waterproof and soft and pliable. (3) Our prices are LOW and the CASH DISCOUNT makes them lower—For instance as an illustration—One of our. best work shoes priced at $2.95, less cash discount, of 26c, nets them $2.69 per pair. Our price of WORK BOOTS for men starts at $1.79. Kempton, spent the week end with Clinton show last wqek.’ Gillies spent a <9 "Tntosh at 2 3'0 ’ o/cTnck -bri ; Tuesday: TURRET TOP BODY BY F1SHEH d M’’--. ’’T-’C,V’’r1'V •'T>a«r,T... bv "jtfr.lW UTfri McAuley. Webster - snent a te’- ,Th?' U: F W. 0. of. Paramo.un/ jp meet at the homd"'of Mrs. J. Me- A ft F'W. BLUE FLAME ENGINE . •© •’’Jk, KNEE ACTION RIDE ivilh shock!, ,s flooring o CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES NTS FISHER ftlO-bRArT VENTILATION WIllis Shoe Store / ’PHONE 129, WINGHAM z — - —- --^The Leadm^ *0 The Only Car In its Class that Gives Ton Um- New Solid Steel TURRET TOP IBodies by Fisher KTEXT time you look at the Master Chevrolet look at the roof! - JN You’ll notice something hugely important to you as a fcuyer^ And that something is the new “Turret Top" construction—the , safe, modem roof of solid steel!. Now, the entire Fisher Body —steel floor, steel sides and steel roof—is welded into one . virtual unit of solid steeL Look at all cars with an eye for quality and you’ll choose a Master Chevrolet No other car offers you its matchless combination af Body by Fiflher—Knee-Action-^' Blue flame Emgine^Cable-Controlled Brakes—Usher No-Draft Ventilation. Come to ■4 0 - our showrooms, drive ^OQE (to* the Master .l the car yourself I Easy. FROM ;; O O 9 - 2-Pass. Coupe) _ GMAC monthly terms. ^ttdpped, at factory, Oahovra, Orif. r Freight and Gowamtf licenaa only extra, _ STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $722 «r-4 SihiiiffiriwiiiiiiiM 1 .1 ww*1- MHM :+j /?x i; H f"-.G85c/ LANGSIDE Thie Whitechurch Women’s Insti tute. held) their April meeting on Fri day afternoon in the hall with the ;president, Mrs'.'' ThosrrGaunt inr"the~ xhdrizrTfercsIlijgailYwasbAhsw^red^by': naming of a flower " beginning ,-with first letter of your given name. The ball teams are having a dance in ,the/hall on April 2,6th., It was decided to hold the “At Home” on Wednesday evening. The -financial—statement—showed—$.28 J7-0—ori; hand. It was d'ecided to have the play “The^Antics of Andrew” puti on by the 2nd‘^GQm,,,Cniross.,. in the hall on April 18th?^-: ■ Thanks for, fruit sent v.hen ill ’ rtceivedfrom Miss’ Evelyn Reed; Mrs I -9arl~~Lott7—^Mr;—fAdbert—MrQ-ui/liHTg Mrs, Eddy'Moore, Mrs. J. W. Laidlaw ' , ^’om e ’’ ' r iLo.be iiro’->ar<’d to- p.pd Mrs' JIi’5. Jas. T days last week in London, returnin'’- . On Saturday acconr'afred,by Her so" 'vhn rem^in^d 6vp’’ ^hn ^y*pa1.- piiH *’t bin- horn0 0,1 th° I bO'-nrlnry. . MrV ivm i-:,’’ a’few dax^sr snfTevin<>' from- an a+ '.tack .of tonsiHtis. -....... - Mr. Geo. Thompson and Harvev and . Miss Myrtle Thompson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Al. Irwin and Mrs. Will Stanley. , • . Little Gordie Stanley returned hame after spending, the <, past two weeks with his grandfather, 'Mr, Geo. , Thompson of Kinlough. c Seeding is well underway in this, locality. - . * .. V.-.P ,h-’ TX. ' ... . ■" * '•■*>' TY-cj,’ . *r'-m'nt?l? i Mvs Tri1'" " * ■ ’’eading, Mrs.'W. T.ott, Thi?'’.y.^in J Yosed with t^e N^tiona1 Arthem. • V p CJ « , ’.I . ' ■ ' , read-in-1’. ' Y:t 2ND CONy KINLOSS : Miss’ Grace-McLeod spent S-unday with Miss Katherine Campbbtlr" ' Mrs. Melvin Irwin and Doris, spent, the week end with friends in Ripley. Mr. Hunter Patterson who'has been employed - with. Adam McQueen for. the past five years,- has been engaged to Work for Mrs. John McDougajl at the seeding. -• Mr-, -and-. Mr.s. Trank Miller and- Betty have moved to their home near7 Langside.' • . , Miss Evelyn Irwjn had the misfor- titne to.‘break -her collar bone ope day last weok. We hope she will soon-b- better again. .. > ' Mr..and'.'Mrs. Archie McTntvre and fnmilv.Of the 4th con., have moved to the Nicholson farip here.- We-wel come them to our community. '' "W. J.. Irwin and Calvin and Mrs. John Irwin, spent’last Friday with, friends in Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Lois and Lorna of Zion, fraBd'on friends here last week,- , 1 . . Messrs. J. Ttwin and Harold (Campbell were in Walkerton op-Tues- of this week.day ■ KING’S .Anticipating Easier Business in Wom^n’s^Wear COATSr SUITS, DRESSES--r~r / MiLLINERY , A full stock of the latest styles , just fresh from the Market. TWEEDS —■ Monotones and --Nasya^are-the^high-lights^uid^ you’re sure to like their smart effects. -----------—-----------------; - ' BUY- ■ Cre”'’ Stockings. ■ h’r, -Vs t ''TTon ■ ■S r" >g f':.r ~ ..........J 1 New Nerkwear and Gloves :. L———r--------Easter Lingerie------T-----;—-- TT J. A ’ ■/ X L, rrbr> .v riv v-1 . Z- rd gp;i m • Seri ptu re Stanley Todd; reading “The Cre^d. if. the Bills”, Miss Ruth Ramage;' a Rible Character-by Miss D. Miller. The topic. “The significance of the Cross and Christian fellowship,” was ■’iven by Mrs. 'Jas." Ramage. • Solo, MiSs Greta Webb; . duet Miss Vera and Murray Taylor; diiet, Gordoij and Helen „ filler.; instrumental, Mrs’. C. Taylor, after which all" went to 'the basement where, games were^playpd and lunch served. “’ / Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson, Mr. md Mrs. Rob. Henderson,'. Miss Young and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daw- -on aspent. Sunday. with Mr. (and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. ' . Mr.'a,nd Mrs. Wm, Reich spent Saturday-Jn Walkerton. Mr. anti Mrs.: Elmer Tiffin/ Jackie >nd Riliie moved to the farm recently .-mrcha^ed from Mr, Wilfred Mtirchi- l/ / a. <1 with' M 1 '. v tiy Si 'ic>;r / . * . . . treit. are visiting odgins, Con. 10.. Mr.' and- Mrs, Karl Boyle spent; Mr. Gep[ Ilald’dnby *is. attending the inry at. Walkerton this Week. . Mrs, number Monday _____ .... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pettigrew and family visited at Thos. MalcolnfS recently. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo' Haldfv1”^ •••» famiM' spent Sunday at AJcGuire’s, Olivet. i./ Sunday with Goderich friends. Jno. Hodgins , entertained r. of ladies., at a quilting on afternooA. 1- ......., , • tarnuy spenj .sunt son near Wingham. on Tuesday Iast-< Robb>s/ Amberley. This commuuitiy extends'to. Befer, Robert and Foster Moffat of this (immunity tfufit,'sympathy in’ the loss >T their fatheY, Mr. George Moffatt Mr. and MrSi. A. Thylor of Whitc- •hurch spent/ Sunday with Mr. and Mzrs. R. Stuart. ’ " The United W.. M. S. are holding •l^tea.On Wednesday afternoon at the |iome of Mrs. 'Frank Henry. At the W. M. IS.-meeting held at the home of Mrs. ^rank Rising on Wedriesd.ay last,' Miss Jen, and Min nie R^id<<rtere presented with a tAbie- cl^th and^Serviettes, tOwel and wiish cloths, owing/to the Miss'es Reids leaving' the farm' in ,the hear future and Severing their connection with the society. HOtYDOOp Miss Jenjiie Pierce sjpent the week end with .friends in Hamilton. - ’. _ 0 Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Elliott .and family spent. Sunday at Mr. T^ios. Mf. Cliff Johnston spent .Sunday).' wjth-his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. ^Howard Harris Were recent visitors at Mr. HarVey Acketts* Lucknow. , Mr. Capmen Poljock of Ripley spent Monday evening’ at Mrs. Aimer • Ackert’s. . . - f Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Csftnpbeil spent Saturday with Mr. pnd Mrs.. James Ilrtkei*. / Miss Ina Eckehswiller is Speeding a month with Mrs. Robt,. Elliott, at-, Tebswater. " ' } Mrr and Mrs. McLellapd and fahnly and Mrs. Farrow of Chesley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence kafrow. r