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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-11, Page 4
i LONG WEEK END Gets repajT- 1 men when es- P sential home services break down. ’ VsHORT WEEK- '• ENC" ] y.imit tor Stqdenta and Teachers ol Eduektional institution* surrender of Canadian Paasenger ABSoeistion Certificate. •. “ For fares and further i'nforpiatim affly to Railway Tiicket Agents - ' rant Oira O11V TO N A L ■< H' "■'.■77'1' >7/ ; "•' ■ •?' ' if - •.M-J?.- 1 li ■■■ / I-'-*- ' ; • f what your telephone Tory?"l ’ “ ■ , | Smnmon* I '. breaks but-' '■’'touch shopp' wbolb lot easier.— C0lls'»heJ>«^> sod?en“. I illness or accident.. - I home. XVMN ifire' breaks out, and ---- depend on quick and concerted - action" ■ turuwto jour tele/ • ■ ■_ < ■ phone. It gets help to you when help is mo^jneeded- as^thcm- * J7sands of cases on record show.' On this one count alone, the telephone is indispensable: yet it serves you day by day in so ma ny other ways as well. /■ £ OF YOUR TELEPHONE • IS JUST WelAT YOU MAKE IT” " M:! $ ■ Sr J' \ feg LUCKNOW SENTINEL i- - • *yV' THURSDAY, APRIL lfTH, 1935. /S ', ~..........* ; ■ .............7 Ripley and district Mrs. Thomas Kempton^, and .children 7 Billy and Rfetty/ Mfa^-Joseph Colling and-Mr®rI^'^d Campbell/ visited with Mrs, Cecil Robb on Tuesday.! ’ ■ Mrs. John Farrell, who underwent a critical - operation in Kitchener Hospital, Wednesday last, is making, favorable progress. - I Mr. John Tout, who has. been ill for several months, passed away at .the home of his brother, Stephen ■Tout, Lakie Shore JRoad^On-Ffiaay, April^th. William /Gameron, Con. 8, was kicked in the temple byln>ne of his horses on Saturday evening, and at -the time of writing, had; not regained consciousness. (Intended for last week) Miss Marion Munn entertained a number of the” teachers of Ripley and .district At „a dinner-bridge . at . her ■home;- reeehtly; ; large audience in the ,Township__Hall bh Ft idayjeyeningr A"dahce folio wed, with music supplied by the Bervie Orchestra. ‘ — Mrs. Jojin Scott visited during the past week at, her soil’s, Frank Scott, con. ,.2. / • Miss Verna Morgan and Mr. Roy Morgan of London, accompanied by a party of friends, spent the week end at their , home, con. 10.. The funeral' of James Walsh, 21 years of age, who passed away . at Byron, on Thursday last, was held oh Saturday, from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William. Walsh Purple ■ Grove. Rev; ■ F. C. McRitchie of St. John’s Anglican Church, Ber vie,_ officiated, assisted by Rev; J. S. Nicholson, of Pine River" United ——^f^iTTftK_.T.ntj>TtmRnf.„wastTnadeihKin- : cardine cemetery. The pall-bearers’ . were Calvin Robertson, Joseph Em- ■ erson. Russel Gollins, Donald McDon ald, Earl Tout and James Tout. Sur- Between all Points in Canada lyiving are his parents and four ^pui'iE4NtrONEJ"'Ql&AmTER-FO»-RbUND-TR.II^-^tood-'---/---''^r^ “going from noon Fridgy,^ Sound, Beth, Grace and Marg inclusive; RetnrnliinitleavinguptoDiidnight Moaday, April 22. .^ ..—home.—i.. . . 2.^—. —frpm Thursday, April 18 to midnight Sunday, ?ipril21inclu8rve. Return limit leaving up to midnight Tuesday/April 23. Minimum Special Fare—Adults 50c. Children 25c. "... Published every Thursday mbrnjng at Lucknow. Ontario. Mrs.^A_Dr MacKenzie —- Proprietor Cmppbeir Thompson—^Publisher * THURSDAY,J^RIL llTO, 1935/ 7 T ST. HELENS With" an attendance of abput forty, the v April meeting. of the Worn®*!’8 Institute was held at the home of Miss’"Greta Webb on Thursday. The roll was answered by "My iabor-r-sav- ing device”.. The subject “Touching up Old Furniture,” was well , dealt with in a paper by Mrs. McKenzie Webb. An article was also read by Miss Annie Watson. Mrs. Will Ruth-r erford favored with a piano Miss.. Florence^ McQuillin has been a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McQuillin, Lucknow, where on Thurs day she underwent a minor Opera tion for removal of-an abscess on her iip.' ■ f 7 / ^ ■"• ' About, forty-five ’ members Of the Y. P. S. accepted the ipyitatfon from the Whitechurch Society to their meeting on Friday night. Mr. Stanley. Todd presided. The topics-was taken by Mrs. Ramage. Miss Ruth Ramage favored with a~-reading. Miss Greta Webb with .a solo; Murray and Vera Taylor with a duet; 7^rg;^0be<Pter Taylor with, a piano, solo and.Helen dnd Gordon Miller with a duet. After ■this program, games and contests under the direction of Mrs. Beecroft of Whitechurch, were enjoyed, after which lunch was served. Mr. John . Mills, Mr. McDonald ^nd son of Durham, were recent visitors ^rith the former’s, nephews, the Mes srs. Aitchison. ' ,, The Missionary; Com. had charge of the meeting of the- Y. P. S. on. Sunday evening. Allan Miller read the Scripture lesson and thg. Bible char acter on “Peter” was read by Iona Swan. I .aurin e Miller contributed a piano solo. The topic “Trinidad” was taken by Mrs; Wilkinson. -Mr. TJas^H-yde,^Mr._ .Harold Hyde, Mrs. 'Earl Cranston arid George were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Percy' Hyde" at Kincardine recently. Messrs. F. G. TOdd and Tom -Toddj L. Grant, Hugh Rutherford, John; and Fred McQuillin and McKenzie Webb, attended the Clinton Spring Show on Thursday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. R. Deyell of .Wing- fcim? aWdTMfTlmir Mrs." GeOrge“ScotT -griastis-df Mr, and Mrs. John Swan. Lyceiiin Th^Lte ' WINGHAM \Shdw Starts 8 P.M.. f ■The !next tScout meeting will . be held on April 12th, 1935, at 7.15 p.m. 'sharp. --E.veryhQdy.^Qmb-^QutI,-..AAQB^ boys enjoyed an hour’s fun last Fri day evening. • * - *'. • In the absence of the Scoutmaster, Dr.- Bbwen~ "thb two /assistant Scouts masters took charge of. the meeting; .Thursday, Friday, Saturday APRIL 11-12-13 George O’Brien "THE DUDE RANGER” “ By Zane Grey BEAUTIFUL SCENERY — RO MANCE-ACTION & COMEDY J _alsQt.._., ' 'Two-Reel Mentone Musical— ‘‘AT THE; MIKE’’ ^M.lCiqE-Y^MO.U.SE^^^X>S^ AND FOX NEWS t i Heavy Docket For Spring Assize Court Which Opened Oh Tuesday After- Case. ____■. '..._♦—. * 7 Next Friday night, fees will ' be collected, so save a" hiekel for scouts. ♦ • » .* ' The Test Chart is gradually gett ing filled Tn. How about enrollment soon; ’ /~' ' RANGER RAMBLINGS The mating on Wednesday night was short, owing to the absence of our leader. Mrs. McKiin was present for the earlier part of the evening to bring us details about the trip to Loudon. As yet arrangements are riot complete, but we are all counting on a big day on May 14th. . It was first thought we would go by train,, but lateplans were chang ed and: it is now. possible”~fbr each' Brownie, Guide or Ranger to motor ■ atFa very- smalT cost-. ..— <. >' » '*■' ' i . The meetings have been short late ly, so we are expecting everyone out; ‘ Wednesday night ' to liven up th® meeting,. # ■ ■■ ,.......«... ...................................... ... "■^Have /you^ahyrideas-fo-r-T-spring-ac-^ tivfties? Bring them along to thri ^rsr^giieFter «? X PURPLE GROVE Messrs, Ralph and Cecil Hill spent Tuesday evening at >Mr. Lome. Cul- ~Mrf"andTarsr Clayton^of~~—We~areriookmg for full attendance. next meeting and we’ll talk them over How about a good Ranger softball team? ' ' ri- ”' . * ♦ 'I- . visited at Mr, Milton Walsh’s recently Mr. Kenpeth Robertson and son of Sarnia/' visited with his brother, i James, last week. . * of Kinloss,, when the'plaintiff and the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Osborne ana defendant, James Albert Carter, spp- children, spent Saturday at Donald arated, owing, she alleges, to bis ir- McFarlan’s.” ’ ^©gnlar . and, .incQhtin«it_ living. . ; The play at Purple 'JJroye was . ^Of/sevenTohnSTb^rnTto, the u?S iargeiy ■ attended/last' Calvon-—Rab.ert50j1.-and. Mar- Wednesday night and we Trope to see every Ran ger'inuniform: ~v— - Mr. George Mitchell was a week end. visited at his homeinTororito."" Mr. and Mrs. J. Deyell,, Percy,. Louise ■. and ElmeFbK^Wirigham,. were" yisitors with’ Mr. and Mrs. Colin. Mc Donald. -Mhs.^„Ihxrnin.,„Sr.,_ returned to Wingham . with them. —NEXT WEEK— ’ . Special „ " . Grace Moore ONE NIGHT OF LOVE( ■ “ Quickest Relief; Stomach Troubles People who have Buffered for years with/ Indigestion;^ Acid -Stomach, Gas, Heart- ’'urn, etc. are amazed at the quick relief , rhich KIRK'S STOMALKA gives. A small dose tones up-even the-moBt'stnb- born case of sour, acid stomach, banishea pain, revives appetite. Everyone is subject to occasional stomach troubles, so never be without a bottle in the home- At drug stores. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE i ■■>■■■ ........-SB Rural School Reports Report of , S. S. No. 11, Huron Sr. V—Louisa Congram 93; Gordon McGuire 88; Donalda MacCharles 79. Jrr I Vv^aridy :McCharies 76 ;TMary / McGuire 73; Charlie Roulston ,. 7$; Jack Roulston 58; Mae Barkwell and Gordon Brooks (equal) 54; Eileen Griffin. 45. . , ’ ' '» Sr. Ill—Gordon Irwin 43—__ Jr. Ill—Arnold McGuire 91; Evelyn -Irwin—73<-:-F-rank-Barkwelk5-4., Sr, -I—Margaret MacCharles 85; -Roddie-MacGharles-82^aek—Bdrkweli------ 78. '' .________■ ' ■ , , ■ Pr.—-Lovell McGuire, Leonard Gri- ‘ iTin,. Virehe .Einlayson and Jack Mc Guire (equal). . No; on roll 21. ‘ ' <Ave. Att. 20.5. . • 2 • Mr E. Campbell. : • One of the heaviest, doekets-MH-the-- history.nf the,.county is listed. ; for • -the (Spring. Assize .Court, which opened ih Walkertori, on Tuesday af ternoon. ■■ The only brimirial case -is that of •' Miss. Margaret Irving, Of Kincardine^ rharged with the murder of her new Lorn infant. • -■■■ There ar.e mne non^jury civircases listed for fhe-court, one of. which, is si divorce action whereby, states the Walkerton Herald-Time's: “The pl'ain- . tiff, Emily Carter, asks for a diss')- lution of the marriage between her self and the defendant. James Albert |' Carter, a laborer;, residing in Kiriloss Tp., and also for alimony,*together with a claim for the custody of the. children born, of the said marriage. , The plaintiff names Pearl Carter bf Kinloss, as co-respondent in- the case The plaintiff, whose maiden name was'"Emily,. Fox, states that "she was married to j;he';defendant, Jamris Al bert Carter, at the parish cTiurth ah Elmsterid, Surrey County, England, on April .7th, 191-9. After their mar- . riage : the couple resided . for. a tim'j in the Town of ETmstead,.Eng., Sub sequent!^ in the Town of Goderich :'-/./ '.“i .. --------. s......... -- ... ■ 1928 to July 1934, at the Township cred a fractured pelvis, injury to the which the auto was driven. ston’s on'-Sunday;. Mr. W. ,H. Scott attended the fun era!-of his-cousin in Walkerton last week. What db you know boys! The girls over T year of age. Four of the eld est children are wards of the Chil^d- -reri’s—Shelter" atQWaikeTton, a ’ fifth -jhild; aged 5, resides with a minister at Owen Sound,- and the youngest child, a girl, is under the care of the are going to decorate our quarters m mother. , the Easter Holidays. No more shinny Thd defendant husband defies the fc^en. . > defending the i allegations and is defending the action/ , , / WALKERTON LOST ^PROMINENT J. W ; Bushfield, Wirigham, for Plaintiff;" Campbell- -Grant for -Jefen^ dant, James Albert Carter.” Action Against Former Resident » The ninth and last action on the list is a. suit brQught by Lesris Bor ovoy, of Greenock Tp., ! „ T. Baillie, garageman ,.of Cargill and AND LIFELONG RESIDENT In the 1 death of Mr. Reuben E. Truax, ex-M.P., which, occurred at his home-in Walkertori early last Wed nesday "morriirig, following a paraly tic stroke sustained .about eight days. against W. previously, Walkerton lost its longest continuous resident; the county, its dean of manufactureTs and' the com- Ont., arid from the month of April . . .. aean 01 manuiacuirers ano i.ne vum-formerly of Lucknow, and is a claim j^unity a' veteran parliamentarian that For damages for injuries, etc., re^ represented the riding of Sohth Bruce sultarit from an automobile accident. I for-over., twenty years in the Ontario The- statement of claim seta out that I “><' .Do”ihi“” Hou8es-a ML. T™?x while Borovoy was riding in-an ante ■ownexi by W. T.> Baillie and driven'by one of his employees, and while On route to Hanover, on Aug. 17th, 1934, to get, some part for the Borovoy’? car, that on. the rdad then being pav-. ed Between Walkerton and panovet they ' 'eh,countered a . Barricade and the use of his right leg,.which became olaintiff alleges that the driver put, paralzed. Borovoy is asking 7,i’ve¥y- on thd> brakes so suddenly that the substantial damages from Mr. Baillie "ar.. . made a complete turnover. In the owner of the car, And claims the ‘he spill Borovoy, claims to hatfe suff- accident was ^due to the manner i For damages for injuries, etc., re-; I. represented the riding of Sotith Bruce i---- __ ____________ Mr. Truax was in his 87th year. A public holP f’ay was proclaimed on Friday after noon. while the funeral service was being held. I I f 1— " 7/ j back-' or spine and injuries to the j muscles, and was otherwise bruised, and in consequence completely lost Celebrate SOth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson, Prom^; uveut and Lifelong East Wawanosn Residents' Celebrated Golden Wed- 1’h.os. Campbell of Whitechurch, Miss Annie Cam obeli became the bride of ■ Mr. >Vm. Robinson, son of the late Mr. arid Mrs. Edward, Robinson of, E. Wawanosh; Rev. Jans. Anderson of Whitechurch ' Presbyterian 'Church oerformed the ceremony. They went, to the"f£-. farm on the 8th concession of Wawanosh, where they have resid ed ever sinc^. Of their family of eight children, tw'p daughters died ,„in infancy, the' others, Ed., of Minneapolis;.Dr. Har old of Walkerton; (Laura) Mrs. Ce- crl' Wifeeleir ofHMprrisr ’(’Anrie ) MT s. John Kilpatrick of, Crewe; Dr. Wil fred ofj the General Hospital £taff in Toronto and Ernest at home, were all "present With their families in honor of the occasion. . ' ■ • ; On Saturday afternoon the esteem ed douple held ap informal ‘At Home’ arid reception and' many old friends, took this opportunity to tender their kind felicitations for -their continued health and happiness.' ■ . In, the evening the wedding dinner was served to about fifty1 * gue.sts, many of whom had been present at the former wedding, hffy years ago. Rev,. Mr. Mortimore of Auburn and Donnybrook United Churches pro posed the toast to the bride - and groom. Mr. Robinson' responded telk: 'ng'-how the Maitland was* frozen solid rrom end to end at the time, of the bedding. He welcomed hic rri^nds arid, relatives to their home nt this time. : ..- MAFEKING Mr.'Will, Irvin w,as in Hamilton- :Tu^day^nd-^Wedn.es^daALJ3£.Jast-.5V-e.ek.. "■■Miss , Nel 1 ie Cranston was home Mr. and Mrs. George Swap of Con. 12, W. Wawanbsh, visited Mr. -W-i-l-L -Gooky-Sunday-;-—_—1.. 1 Mr. >and Mrs. Jake Hunter of Zidn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips, Sunday. ■ 1 Mr. arid , Mrs; Will Irvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, Wa- wanosh, last week. Mr. and’ Mrs. John Petrie of con. 4,„ Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs.- Wil. Petrie, Kenny and; Marina, of Glen’g Hill, spent Tuesday at. the home of. Mr. iand Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Will Menary of Jlungannon. spent of last week with hhr sons Livingstone and Phillip Menary. . Mr. arid Mr. Codfrey Hall and Will Wiggins, spent Friday ter’s /parents; -Mr/ and Wiggins; Dungannon. Mr. arid Mrs. Eldon Twamley and Douglas, of Chatham,.were rireek end ruests of the former's mother, Mrs. George Twamley. . Mr, and Mts. Herb Curran visited ■their Son Jack of Ctewe, Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. S. B. Stothers Of Arthur werie recent visitors at the hoihe of Mr; and Mrs. Henry Horton. Mr.- E.„ C. Beacom, I. P. S, -visited No. 9 school Monday afternoon. with ‘the- lat- Mrs. Thomas iri A 7 t>.1 T warm a( all stages, the baked loaves will be ready to remove from the oven at' 2.30 p.m. We>rould 1" / * recipe—send for it!■'"’■ J - Would you like to make your home-made. bread in four- and^a-half hours? Delicious, wholesome bread can now be - - bdked without the long, tedious Over-night method. No wonder the PURITY FLOUR 4^-HOUR BREAD recipe is being warmly welcomed by busy housewives I By setting your dough at 10 o’clock in the morning, and keeping it We awould like yon to have this ■ ■/ .-r- BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING ' Evify’recipe »n (he Nrw* houwrwifcJ Send.' 50 Cents for your copy to MacPherson# Ave Torohto COOKBOOK iso'll Purity Book H tested by « practical SPECIAL LOW FARES t - FOR EASTER HOLIDAYS In ‘.order-that the travelling public -piay take advantageJ< of the Easter week-end; arrangements have been made by the Canadian National' and Canadian Pacific railways' for special iow rates over the hoxidhy period,, according to Jos. .E. Parker, secre tary.. of - the -Canadian Passenger As- -■-•iation, Western lines.'• Three offerings ha^e been arranged. '.There wiil .be a fare arid a quarter return, good going from April 19 to 2i inclusive, leaving- destination not later than" April 22. The second is a fare and one third return, good going April 18 to 21/inclusive,' leaving des tination nqt later than , April 23. A special offeririg is made to tea chers and students of a fare And orie quarter return, good going April 12 to 23 inclusive, leaving destination not later than April 30.’ This gives COURIE S CORNER (Intended for Lasf W-eek)' Mr. David Little is confined to bed these days. We hope he will soon be up and around again. Mr. Mathew Johnston has returned to this vicinity after - spending- the winter ’months, nol’th in. the luriffreil camps, t J ' 7/rMiss- Vivian Courtney spent ‘ the week end at home with her mother, Mrs.. J.'Courtney. ,'■•<& ■ Miss Myrtle Johnston visited with Mi'ss Hilda Lane-.on Sunday. Miss Ispbel Scott has returned home after spending the' week with Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc Donald; . ' > MisS Betty Bissett/visited -with-her cousin,, Arina Mae Parrish' this ’week, not later tnan April ou. inis gives end. teachers and students. dh'lippbHuhity .. ,Mrt - Angus Nicholsdn visited his efid. Loy ari lMay holiday. - - ' *7 parents'''it Belfast oft j§utfdayz> s -S.-SL No~ -4, West .Wawrinosh—__—, Junior Room for month of March • Test Marks— • _ . / - . Sr. Ill—Doris Wilkinson 68%; Mai- ' eolm Buchanan 67. . ■ Jr. Ill—Mao McDonald -71;. Helen McDonald 70; Margaret Aitchison 60; n Marie S.van“5Pi 'Ross'7 GasinTm'“5'Tf~' ’ ..1...... binson 82; Marie Aitchison 74;. Phyl-- lis Gaynor 73. • ' Daily-'Marks— ' ' ’ - II— Murray Wilkinson. 502; Dorothy Webb : 478'; Marie Aitchison. 424; Phyllis' Gaynor 318, ' . I—Shirley Bucha'nan 1140; ' Earl McDonald-1069. ■■ . Primer—Helen Gamnve 811; Wilma Gaynor 666, •m roll 16. Aye. att. 15.21/ . “ . ’ Beatrice McQuillin. n -Ju NORTH HURON VOTING REVIEW Last week’s Goderich Signal pub— ■ished the..‘F.ederal election restilts since. 1917. Mr. Robertson, editor of the Signal, was the LiberniT^andidate in 1930, polling a large vote, it will be noted, but was defeated by a small majority by Mr. Spotton. Mr.. Rcta- "ttson. accepted his ynomination in' Wirigham on Friday, . but "Mr. R. J. Deechffian was’the choice of the con- Majority for ^potion—188. vention. “Previous ■ electipn results aref 1917 (wartime election) —- James'’ Bowman (Govt.)1 .......Jh799 A Hislop (-Opp) ...i-.ffi^zwteCT^^y7“70-. Majority fot Bdwman--2,029. 1921~ ' /’" -lJ. W. king (Prog,) _______5,243 Geo. Spotton (Con.) ........^„....,,4,057 W. , Hs Fraser (Lib,) ....-t*^l‘i-;2,'426“ Majority for King—1,196. . !925— ' ’ 7, - W. , King (Prog,) ..... .........^5,340 . Geo. .Spottbn (Con.) .......'........'..,.5,170 . Majority for King—170. 1926—; . J. W. King' (Prog; ............. 5,892 IT. J. A. MacEwan -(Con.) 5,<547 Majority for King—345. . . 1927— (bye election,) Geo. Spotton (Cori.) ........ .......4,595 A. Hislop (Libr) 7.^..;,.,..^...,.^4,407, „.8. Brjcker (Prog.) ........_ _..2,673 Geo. Spotton (Con.) . ,W.t - H. Robertsop -*(Li6r|x2L5^27 MdjorHy for JSpoitpii/-2$W? ' *