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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-11, Page 3
the 3-7- was > 4- ‘V ■ ‘y i*- 4 exadv- ---------.,---—-----— .7 -jrj—to and ininusTa^decent-eveniiig..get-ujH| -^zx-w tyyFyy^o- nolrzl oil ft -L T 'i &y FAMOUS B.KEDDS TE5I ! YEARS' fV’lretivp Breeding. Oitn, of (Canada's <-?t ’^'largest. Fr^c .catalogue, fcehpfy Breeding Farms, Box II ment with powdered-buttermilk.1 —J. UH. Christ’s \ ascension. ' “And gave unto him th# name which is above every "name.”' Christ has an exalted place, . '.~i WILL SH'IJ? i.du MY BEST BLOOD ‘ tested'Barred Ttocks dr White Deg- 'horns for- Sc, Send JOH,e- cent per Chick , deposit. . -Balaneo ^'t'.O.tK -lOO %. live de livery gu-fivitn-teed.- Andy - Anderson, Box WP, Eksox, Ont. ■■ A '7£T'A CHICKS ESSEX BBED good sense, your wardrobe may b< a disastrous affair! “~\Be7‘vefy~Tirm with!' yourself* oveF colors." If you have just invested ill -0-0 ♦ > 0^0- 1 . . ■ • « at Anpapolis, Md?; .pictured- in Season ” ~ / •> .LESSON, II—April 14. ‘ J ii" CHRI.ST THE, SAVIpMR—John 3: 14-17;-Romans-5: 6-10; "Philippians; 2: 5-11. Golden Text.^-Fop God ■ so loved the; world, that he gave? his' only begotten Son that- whosoever belleveth on him should-' not per ish, but have eternal life. John 3>: ■ -| Q Ji Mr , •>- E'SSpN' i,.N. ITS SETTING. ’’ " Time ahd Place.-—The- events of ■ the second chapter/ •'of' Luke i__/( s in the whiter. Of ^.C" 5.-4,' "arid•• 3$Kevents of .these eight yerses, near , Betlil,ehem - and in"-' J.en;salem'. The ~ ...Jiarable^Tecorded "in Luke 15:”" given by Christ'.dufiiig_7ris_JR-er-ea-n ministi-jL^amu^^ John 3:. . . -WT^falls in_.Ap.ri.l; ,A.p. J7,vin^Jeru salem; flip tenth criapter of John"be longs in the . Perean". ministry.-'' of pf^AcjLa^£o.UtLws^ Christ, Novgnibei'-pe’cemb.er, A.-D. 29,( _ .the, third, chapter __. ____ _ ■ shortly after Pentecost i'n toe'sum- , mer of A.*D. 30 or 31.-For. the Epistle to t'lie Romans, see the preceding, let- ■ . ter; the EpiSt’le_JlD_d.liG P.hrlippians was written approximately four years aftdr the Epistle to trie; Romans from Rbme. 2 Timothy was! tlie last . Epis tle Pau] ever wrote, about 66 A.D., from hi^loman prison. “And ^FHIcses’ lifted up . tlfe serp ent in the wilderness” (Num. 21:”5- ■ ■ 7.J ■ .9).., The. Israelites had’ djittej.Jy<com- plained against toe leader, Moses, .whom God had given them; murmur bed against-the leading of God!;, re belled against eating- manna. The. Lord .sent fiery serpents into their" midst whose bite wfts fatal, causing many tb die. j,.. “Even so. must0the Son of man be lifted up.” So also 8:’ 28^ 12: 32-34, 7 “That whoedev&r-belieyeth.” The. took J^vprd ■ “believe”- may,,7.bi7^ca,Ued7. key-word "of John’s Gospel, occurring therein 99 times.,, “May- in Him have, eternal life! Eternal life-is-not mere- ly everlasting.* life,. which has. only-a ■ 'trine- .element' 'characterizing it, but it is' the very life that God ppsse,s.se's7 -Characterized-hy divine-, qualities.—~- ■ “For God so. loved the wc/rld.” Un doubtedly tlie‘ best-known, thq most comprehensive, the most encouraging' Jthe... .si.mnIestL.and ...at.,, theJsame. time. the most inexhaustible single sent-. ‘ ence in the- Bible.. “Tjrht-. he gave his only begotten Son.” .Love longs to ■ give.' ' “That whosoever ,believ%th in him.” There is by.t one ' tiling God asks of a sinner—to- believe. “Should not perish.” This' terrible word, “perish,” is almost always. forgotten when this beautiful verse. is thought of, or recited; but..the .real value of the entire declaration can. never be. discovered qntil this word Is...under stood. .* , “For God sent not to© Son Into the^ world to judge the w;orld.” Christ is thd Judge of th© World, and .sbnje day will truly bring th© nations and the unsaved .of the world before him for judgment (Acts .17:, 31J Rev. 20: ll^jC.,jejLc). “But toat the .world shahid- Ije saved dh^g^kh-TJie diving^.puhpose"is, like - the divine TSve, .without any'liinitaton. “For while |we.w.erg yet! weak?” Im potent to deliver ourselves from, sin and • judgjnent. Trie, words f are rin contrast to the might of the Deliver er; “In due" season.”, Christ came at' the time . appointed by- the Father, wLicri Av as when mankind ihOst des-' pergtely needed the advent of a Sjaviour. “Christ died, for' the un godly.” That God should love good, the rigriteous, the pure, the ,godly,, is7 wliat. we- can understand;-. but, that the ..infinitely Holy, should. Idve the- unholy,’ and®?give his ..Son for trieir. redemption^- is .-theiW.qndeR,. ■oU gif Tkypgfier-s-'----- ^jJiFbf^scarcely for a righteous mail will , one die.: for perhdventure for -the—good man-some one would even- dare to die.” See, trien, how hard in -some..exceedingly—rare'. cases, the de votion O'f niah in its sublimes! mani-, ^festations^-Gan^risey- “But God commepdeto his own -love, td'ward us.’i The verb literally means,, to place together,, and hence, to teach by-, combining ’and' ccxmpar-', ing,” and so, to prove, establish, ex hibit. “In that, wrii.le we . were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Weriook at the Cross, or.rather, we look at the crucified Lord Jesus in,his Res urrection; we' rfead at his .feet theie . words of his apostle; and we go away , lo take God at his assurance toat we, unlovely, lire beloved. “!Muph more then, being" now jus tified by: tbl*x blood.” We aro justi fied not b^Jour works, nor. 6ur'.faitth, . nor . our new, ou.edlence, nor the work of Christ in us/but what rie has done for us. "Shall Aye,"be saved from the wrath of .God, through him// ; ers raTe ^r^V'er'yl'PIfverefi froni Jsucri a judgment (Jbhn. 5: 24). • “For if, while we'yyere enemies, we were reconciled1 to" "Gb‘d ' through, the death of his Son, much more’, 'being reconciled, shall we by saved by his life.” /The Apdistre’s .thought is/sim- jply this.: If, when yve lay under Jhe divine Condemnation,--the. work of our • vecGweiliation . to God was achieved by " him through the deatri - of- His Son, much more shall the love which- wrought so incredibly for us in our extiemity carry out our salvation, to the end., .. ■ '“Have this mind'in you, which w'a ' also in Christ .Jesus/’ When we have «the-Mind^i£^fi^th-ing-^e-rSk :ai:e---th.e.. ..very' springs of their- being. . ... “Who, existing in the form of God.” ■ Form implies essential attributes. “'Counted-not the being on -ap-eq-ua-L ity with ,God a thing to be grasped.-” The paraphrase ef . J.-B.. . Lightfofit-xis,. helpful: -"Though he pre-existed ' in ^toe^oFm^ot-God^-^yet-he-did-not«lo.olfe upon equality with God. as a prize ..which rnust^ not slip from'1 hig grasp, but lie— “But -emptied- himself.” No doubt there was more .in this emptying of himself than w.e can. think or say., "Taking the form of a servant.’’ By form is meant .not .the external semb lance on-ly, but the characteristic atr . tributes.-- "Being ipade in the like ness of men.” So truly human, as FREE # Advisory Service • To Reader® °F This Issue. Do ,You Know How To Cope With ■ ,, White Diarrhea;? . '■ ■ ■„ ■ 7 ■ Symptoms:— . WHITE DIARRHEA, Symptoms — Chicks appear stupid . and inactive. .Feathers rough, wings dropping. No appetite. Bodies become emaciated. Bovvel discharge cream ’ colored ana mixed with brown and sticky plug ging or pasting up the vent. Chicks peeprahrilly,-- -Abdomen-—'abnormally- enlarged. Diagnosis can oqly be iniade~'di<rcurate'fr'iyy‘’p‘atiTOlo-gi'st:''''r""“'‘* BROODER PNEUMONI-A, Symptoms -—Slight- catarrh, quick—breathing-.— becomes weak, diarrhea. - - LEO WEAKNESS, Symptoms:' Chicks wobbly oh legs or unable toi stand, otherwise seem all right. I GAPE WORMS, Symptoms — Fre- quent sneezing, cougfiing, discharge 0 f iu uco us. Uad cra'ses^ gasp tor- .breath^ May die from s.iiffdcatton as worms, accumulate. —ADVICE^regarding—treatment.. of- above diseases., may, be had ab« solutely free by .our special arrange- irient. ‘" Write T. , B! Glgavp,. 61- Pelham Ave., Toronto. Yoy ailso" have the privilege of a FREE , post mortem examination <jf any bird you send prepaid to above address. Just ', mention this offer .when shipping and' particulars as to'symptoms and your .feeding; THISfeAURA WHEELER HANGING IS FUN TO DO . That dainty bit of crochet,'the lacy glove is to be all tne rage » this Spring and Summer, according io the fashion .'forecast. If you • envied someone their dainty beauty.,last summer,- you'shpuld....quickly ! get started, on" your pair now and be all ready to show them, off at ' Easter time. This pair,is especially lovely, the simplicity of its'design . making -the.work progress rapidly, as well a giving them.smartness. ■ The cuff is. especially attractive because of the daipty crocheted roses that stui;! it.. Incidentally, that cuff design would make a delightful .>* " Pattern 778 comes to you with complete directions for. .making the-gloves in-a small, medium and large size’;, illustrations of the—... gloves as shown and of all stitches used, as well as material require ment's.. - -e . Send twenty cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for .this - pattern to Needlecraft Dept'., Wilson Publishing Company, 73 , /Adelaide Street West, Toronto, . . ' '» • . . ‘ Milk and Watery ,*• WATER. For real success -with poultry plenty of fresh water is absolutely necessary; The fact that the body of a hen contains from 55^ to 60% -and the egg about 65% of water indicates its necessity. Chicks gain in weight very rapidly and much of this gain is due to the increase in. wa!ter in .£heir make up, hence an adequate supply. of water is of su preme -importance in poultry feed-, ing’. Lack of' watejc- sbori. Jesuits Jin. WHERE AND WHAT TO BUY OHICK3 eob SAXE . ’ JWEfiDS . CHICKS, 8 CENTS; pullets 30c. Complete catalogue* mailed. St.- Agatha Hatchery,' • St! Agatha, Ontario.a '**'' ■* ■ . * . A _____■ - , CHICKS e ■ . ........ MEUHAUS’EK. CHldKS, CHATHAM ■ Ontario. THE BEST KNOWN — KNOWN AS THE BEST. Send for catalogue jmd, price list. V \ AHJ3Y AHDEBSpH’S CHICKS lack of water will'! cause disease and death equally .as fast as starvation! Water helps to regulate the body' temperature by evaporation through the lungs and air sacs; Just here I might remind the reader of the fact1 that neither chicks nor laying hens relish Ice ‘ Cream or Cold Drinks- Ice cold water lowers the tempera ture of the body, it chills and tends to hold up egg production. The in telligent dairy farmer does not give his milkers ice cold water,., neither does a kindly spirited fellow give his horse in the morning a bit frost- filled, no, he plunges it in . water first. Why then give your hens ic® cold drinks and quench the laying incentive. Let them enjoy plenty of fresh-tepid .water: ° ( MILK. ” •? -,Continued, investigation and’ ex periments have shown that there are certain unknown, quantities, in feeds 4 which give them the power to make s.tho young animal grow. These Ob-, scure properties have been termed- vitamins', and what is .of special In- ^teresvtp all poultry feeders is the fact that they are found in the' yolks of eggs, in the green leafy' part of plants and In Milk. These vitamins are designated by the letters of the Alphabet: A. B. C. D.^E. Vitamin A 4ias—heen—termed~the—growth—pro^ <moter.~"Youngchicksdeprivedof vitamin A -fail to grow. The lack of- it in matured fowl results in low ered J egg production and hatch ability.. It* is extremely fortunate for the farmer that Milk is one of the easily accessible sources of vitamins. Vita min A in a given volufne of milk is" about equally divided between .the fat .globules and the • ia^ueous—pjor-.. tions- This means that skimmed milk contains about half as much vitamin' yhird^as^'ch^Tn’WitaminrAraW^bvV1” ter fat. Thus skimmed”*milk is an important source of, vitamin A. Dried milk- is <alsoan important source of .vitamin A. During the first eighteen hours in tbe brooder keep a constant supply of sour skim milk before your chicks. The second ddy in the’brooder continue with the sbur. skim milk and from the third day to.'the seventh begin keep ing a fresh water supply before them. Continue this until the' mid dle, of the third week,' yes, and throughout the whole of the rearing period the skim milk is most bene ficial. Buttermilk, if available, is., probably as good- and, if neither skim milk nor buttermilk t is avail able, milk products such as .milk al bumin, milk, powder or what is ^called somi-solid butter-milk may be Used. .' , " ~ . ... Semi-solid buttermilk is butter milk dried to ’the consistency of creanfi which Is diluted with water when used-. -.........- Of course young chicks relish the • liquid milk; it stimulates their ap petites and they growl Experiments have, proven the sour milk preferable as it' is more easily digested and containing, lactic acid is somewhat. ► more palatable; it’ acts! also' as an internal disinfectant. ' • One who knows,* says: . “Feed milk liberally as a beverage and supple ment. with nnwrlprorl- hnttermillr ” Keep the c^cks- In the ' shipping boxes in a room free from draughts, or. extremes of .heat and cold-uhtilt the- evening of the day they-arrive. Do not.’.put the chicks under the brooder until after dark,;and handle carefully to avoid injury. By waiting till evening they will remain quiet over night and by morning will be -aeeustomed to their new—quarteray- .whereas if placed under the brooder ■ during the. day they"£ecoftie nervous and excited apd often crowd Vi t!hie corners and are" crushed to death, .:MaJllt^n^ejnperature,,dT,..tS,5,:.dOgr.eesJ —for—a—few— days,^t-h4n—reduce—grad ually. ’I A FEWT>ON,TS,; Do. not feed- chicks at all until the ehjeks are at least 48 hours old. Do. not feed any table scraps or —meat—scrapg^to-ehicks,—------- -----— Do not feed hard boiled eggs. . Do ndt overfeed chlCk ^Bcratch-. Do not use m^tal containers when feeding, milk. - • Wfieri^cKicka are; .4'8 lipurs old give them warm water in drinking f oun-. tains and. spFinkle a Tittle1 dean bird sand or. chick grit .on. papers or boards. Make sure each chick gets a drink. Keep them, warm and comfortable. Protect from disturb ance and draught. * ' „ . Walt 4 to 6 hours after giving the water ahd. sahd,. then place Blatchford’s Chick Maeh before, the birds,|-t-~ —Tha:Abover-by-Courtesy--------- j . BLATCHFORD CALF MEAL • IV...... ' ' coy./ •; 7 not only to be but to seem man, ac cepting all the conditions Involved in ’Bar^truly^hurhan <exteflorr preased as man with men to appear. --“Andvbei'Ug---found-in—fa-shion-'as-a- man.” The verdict otf fclM,-fellow-- . creatures, upon. him. “He humbled! - hlmself?'7u"Tfie_nature of this humlli-. ation the rest pf theJ^er&ST'Ifidl cites. "Becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of toei cross.” As .obedient,-he-gav0-him&edf—whollyunr to his Father’s yvdll and. the course of followingtoat l will lead as far as death Ttseii, ho ordinary death, but ! a death of-'sha-me and sufferingv--- - “Wherefore also Qod highly exalt- .a glory, a nre-emlnerit honor that no 1 created being will ever possess. “That in the name of-Jesus every ’ knee should bow. < % To bow "the knee In the name of Jesus is to pay ad? .oration in that sphere of authority, •j grace, arid glory for which toe 'name stands. “Of things In heaven and things on earth and things -under the 1 earth.” The Wkole universe, wheth- ! er anilmate or inamlnate, bends the ^-knee-in-homaga . and . raises .i.ts voice in praise.; ■ ■ ■ ■ - • ■ '....... j “And that every tongue should con- THOSE WHO KNOW FEED LINES LiMITEtX 4 BUYERS POULTRY—BUTTE Rr—EGGS ’■! Quotation* furnished weekly &n request. - .St. Lawrence Mkt., Toronto 41 y. J?'. Haneiuaji, Phone i , , ' '. Pres........ . MXi, 6444 s ‘'Quality With a Purpose 1 * * ' - Feeds . If your local dealer cannot supply you. please writs toi Blatchford^ West Toronto-r nt 8 weeks TradfiMtftk I COM OCQ THE. HIGHEST QUALITY^ COD LIVER OIL s Thoroughly Tested „ THE COMMERCIAL CilL CO, LIMITED , Hamilton Ont. FtoiS Flee Dtck.CrPwtnJ Battery for. birds - ■ from 5 io -7 4 weeks old. FROST BATTERY EQUIPMENT ' Now4you can afford the -advantage®, of Modern Poultry Equipment. ' - Jn-tiid.,8trohgly--buii4-!|^rOwing-Bat-- -- tery shown, broil ers carl be finished • off and pullets raised until they hre ■ready to be transferred to-the - in- • dividjial laying cages. , .Return the coupon-for details of" new. Starting, Growing and Laying' Batteries at prices well within your reach.J, 4• • . ......— gej pouLtry Booklet free -— Frost Steel and Wiro Co., Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario , . !■ ‘ ; Send me a copy of "Tbe,Modern Egg Factory”, explaining battery methods,' with prices of FrOst Battery Equipment* Ndrno. Address '■a""gTey“"frock;^you“must—not/how^ ever fetching you look in It, fall fof, a browta„ coat._...; ""You must stick to one predomih-'- ant color and your wardrobe mui( tone with it. It is best to choose* < basic color such as* dark blue, browntf "gr^y/Ty^^ Everything yaw buy should either be ..a foil t<r that” color or - definitely tone in withit< . Don’t find yourself with four aw ’ternoon'“frocks;-all in crepe de Chint — 1 Cor. 12: 3; 8: 6; Rom. 10; 0)'. The whole. purpose of .the working out of salvation is the glory of God the Fath er. Dressing Well On A ^ Small Allowance „ You, may be a good manager, but If you, have-to dress oh a small al lowance and you haven’t used your Don’t for pity’s sake, go all coun*< trified and invest in heather euitt( and sensible hats and brogues galore arid then~*calmly imagine that a towgj ensemble will.. fall-from the skfei( just when you want jt. . In the autumn‘buy with a view td real winter and not to the -seasoq behind you. If you buy a too thiW frock in autumn it inay he right out of fashion before it is warm eriougn to wear i,t again. " In the late wiiM ter remember that spring is coming and that suits must soon be the son '• thai'-are- smartenought owear-wits^J ■ but a coat. ..■'' 7 —7 r JDOn’t the outmodishly modish, ^^^y^theyhXmhriU-:---- are far more easily recognized. ( Adapt a fashion until it is suU- agle to you. . • j Realise that most things can bii , dres^made into something quit Terent. You! must buy . your froeta( with this “sea-change” in view, to choose styles that your petdri maker won’t ‘find to.o> ■’Cut up whetJ^ she comes to unpick them. 1 Plan ahead — and have a lftti< “horse-sense.” , The Navy Gets Back Into The Shell Gaine River.