HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-04, Page 8,ii; tv. ; 7/.. i1 *7 ? ‘j> t'' ■^7' r" V : :7''' ft & 1 t a •a ■I c ... ., y.‘". pi’ ’ €;r. ■< • . “WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS CENTS ' • ■ . ' • 1 3-' ■ ■;7.~ ■ K • % ______ • . • ’ '&?'■ 32 OZ. RASPBERRY JAM OZ. APRICOT JAM .. OZ. PLUM JAM ...... .V, 32 32 32 OZ. ORANGE MARMALADE .......... .... DRIED APRICOTS ............27c DRIED PEACHES 3 LBS. FIGS ............25c 2 LBS. PRUNES . MAPLE LEAF BAKING POWDER l..j.____...... MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 1 LB. TINS ......... ^GILLETTE LYE, 2 CANS ......... SODA BISCUITS, 2, 1-LB. BAGS ;. BROKEN SODA BISCUITS, FRESH, 2 LBS. CREAM FILLED CAKES, 2 LBS. . MEIHUM GI^APE FRUIT,"® FOR . ... ......'... . ..,.... T • f ‘. -,v ; ’• i . • *. • •• • t . • • »---- -VEGETABLES "ALWAYS QN HANDS ' •• 33c .. 33c .. 25c ,...25c ....19C ,...25c' ...,15c ....30c ...........23c_ 19c 29c 25c »■O t A FEET. NEAR- That will eliminate sore and aching AFTER FOLLOWING A TEAM ALL DAY, ARE YOU LY CRIPPLED WITH YOUR FEET? Why not Invest in a* Pair of these Outstanding Shoes assured of perfect foot comfort during spring seeding. • They come in Retan and Oiltan Leathers, s Good Year .Welted, with Double Sole running thru to the heel. PRICE $4.75 and be r» H. An Arch Corrective Shoe ■ with Orthopedic Keel, Good Year Welted double sole. Just the shoe for weak arches. ■ ‘ PRICE $5.50 Why do Our Customers buy these Shoes year after year. There must be a reason. ’’ / DathwellandReed A ■ , LADIES! Don’t miss tol see our New Coats of Tweed and Plain Materials. Our Dresses of Smartest Styles and Outstanding ShadesJand our BIouses in Attractive Styks are just the thing . , MEN! If yOu want the latest in your new .Spring, Suit, be sure 0 to see our stock at once. h , We also have: New, Boys and Youths’ Suits, which are moder-* Lately priced to suit everyone. See them! ’Phone 85 Pure Gold Flour made„ from selected hard spring wheat Friday and Saturday only /| g Special, cwt*^„ __ Hoyal Purple Garden Seeds, 1 pkgs. 250 BulkLawn Grass Seed, y per potind ,,..3.5c. .. Dutch Set QNIONS, 2 pounds 25c FULL SUPPLY OF NO. 1 CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS "V ' ■ . . ALWAYS ON HAND. FINLAYSON BROS t M /)'<* JtRE f Treatment Started In J WarbleFly Campaign Over 5000 Bruce County Cattle Own­ ers Are Treating 87000 Cattle- First ( Of .Three Treatments Will Be Practically Completed This Week—Infestation Quite Noticeable In Young' Cattle.. . LUCKNOW SENTINEL ; ■ ' -I. CENT-A-MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares: Adult 75c«: Child 40c.) (LOCAL and GEN ER aQ Did you get fooled on Monday ? Five thousand one hundred cattle owners' in Bruce? County have re­ ceived sufficient- Warble ..Fly Powder- • to treat 87.Q00 cattle reported by them through Key ■ Men and Munici- pal „ Councils thrpdghout' the county. Practically all will have applied the. firatdOOhre^ the end of the first week in. April. .; The powder was Supplied through* the co-operationLof the Bruce .County Council, all members of which nave shown a...keen, interest in the Cam-; paign. The packaging, labelling and delivery to carried out by the local Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricul­ ture from the office in r Walkerton. Agricultural Representative, Geo. R. Paterson reports that twenty five meetings have been held at various .points in the 'County at which the plan of campaign for Warble Control for Bruce was outlined to approxi­ mately one thousand farmers who at­ tended; If the interest shown in these meetings is any indication ~of ~ the; thoroughness with which the control measures are carried out, Bruce: farmers will go a long way this year in their efforts to stamp out the pest. Mr;.Paterson suggest also that ex­ amination of a number of herds dur­ ing the past two weeks would indicate a fairly large, crop of warbles’. It has .heenlfoundthat_infes.tation.Js__quite. noticeable in many of the younger animals at the present time and no doubt warbles Will be found oh many of the older cattle at later dates. The treatments given at the end of April and at the end of May, along with the treatment just' completed, should give excellent results if the instruc­ tions accompanying the. material are followed carefully. •“'p '' Did you get fooled on Mondayj, ■ Have you paid your subscription ? New Shoes, New Prices at W. J. LITTLE’S SHOE STORE. . New Overalls, Work' Pants, Work ^Shirts for Men and Boys. — THE MARKET STORE; MrsJ T. S. Reid'and' Eldon of Orillia have been spending the past week with Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Newton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam McNall and family of Goderich, visited .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs;«W. J. MeNall. Mrs. Mason of Wingham,; who. is bursirfg^MrS'rM'cNallFrisR over the Week erid with her mother at'Wing- hain. . \ Mr/ and Mfd? Wni." Webster arid family, spent a couple Of days last week visiting with friends in Clinton ;and^Brneefield;U*^^^^ New Spring Window ' Curtains— Plain Nets, Ruffled and new Notting­ ham Lace Sets. New low prices;— THE MARKET STORE.. The'Sacrament of the Loud’s Sup­ per will be dispensed in the United Church, at the morning service on Sunday,-April 7th. " . Miss May Menary of Sheppardton who has been pending the past week iwith her friends, Mrs. W. J. McNall and Mrs. V. S. Durnin, has returned home. ' Rev. C. H. MacDonald spent a couple of days in Toronto last week attending a. meeting of the Editorial Committee of the Presbyterian Pub­ lishing house. -^Messrs; J._W. Jovnt, Bill Porteous, "ft^Br-Anderson-and-riSfeil-TMcLennany motored to Toronto last Thursday to see the. Toronto Maple Leafs defeat the Boston Bruins by a score of. 3 to 0 in an N. H. L. playoff game. Miss Elizabeth Lyons, is consider­ ably improved in health arid able to be about' again, after being confined to. her r<>om for some two months with -a^e^erfe^^d-*st^bo®nPM®hesS^with'' erysipelas. . ■. \MISSIONARY ADDRESSES LUCKNOW CONGREGATION D Implements anil Seed LK,I^CQRM-ICK-DEEKING-rT.% . A.- . ,■ ““ . Cream Separators; Drills, Walking and Sulky Plows. , J. FLEURY & SONS— ' ' * " ' • ; . No. 13,_21and 77JV.alking Plows and Repairs, T,E. BISSELL CO— \ J',7 ' Disc, Harrows and Land Rollers . FROST STEEL & WIRE CO— • ' . r ■ ' .... Wire Fence, Coiled and BarbWire, Steel posts & Gates. TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEEDS— . ;s Government grades No. 1, ojf Alfalfa;, Alsikd, Red, , Mammoth, Yellow arid White Sweet Clovers & Orchard Grftss. * 1 n» 2) O® THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 -—r—*■ ’X...... .’ WITH EASTER Just- a few wacks away and Spring Fashions looming large, wef offer fresh metbh^ andise. .... . N?W Ties, Shirts, ' ■„ . Caps and Hats ' See thie’-ifew^StrjemJine^ for Men and Boys. Something new; Something' different. The Bobby Lee Caps for ' Small Boys ; / When you are wearing a Forsyth Shirt or Tie you know, you?are wearing the latest. ' ' ■ W , ' (Minimum FareR: Adult 75c.: Child 40c.) Sat. April 13 from LUCKNOW To TORONTO, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, unatnam, Sarnia, luonaon, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St.. Catharines, .*■ Niagara"Falls, and'all lntermediate Points." . ” " ALSOON FRIDAY, APRIL 12 - To Oshav/n, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton,-Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque.Brockvilie, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Stoufiville, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbell­ ford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allanriale, Collingwood, Meaford, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia, ’ Midland ^Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, HuntsVille, North Bay and all intermediate points. T® ^^Towns in New Ontario onlines of Temiskaiming & Northern Ontario Rly., ‘N'pusing Central :Rly. and on C. N. Blys, to Kapuskasing, Hearst, and Longlac ■. M.ning Fields.- , • „ , ... ■............,, ■ ■■ ■ ’ ■■■■■ "fares, ''tickets, Return Limits and Train Information from Agents. Ask for HaJidbilLtm A. W. HAMILTON, Depot Agent, ’Phone 2 Former. Holyrood Resident Laid To Rest Thursday Thomas Rathwell, Aged 87 Years, \ Passed Away Near Clinton Last ^tiesdagr;'. \. Variety Store - "V”XT-J-LuckfiOM^^- tiow'^^^iie^United; Church Was treated -io an interesting ’ address on Sunday morning by Mr. Storey, a returned missionary who has served many years in South Am­ erica, a country which is replacing Africa as the “Dark Continent’^ South America is peopled by many tribes and h Mr^-Btorey^s^-4Huminating-—-address. dealt largely^with/^he^ndian-rtribes- There is little change in the con­ dition of Mr. Will McLeod, who was -seized jwith-a-^udden—illness-On^-Sat=. -urday^evening^while=down=streets=He was removed to his home and for a time" “suffered considerable pain, but is now resting more comfortably. , . Mr. B. Weese, superintendent, and Mr. L. De Greer, construction boss, of the Goldie Construction Co., Tor­ onto, paid a flying .visit to the Village ^uesdair—eveningr- calling, on ! V. S. -BuTairiLandengaging-himto-~-com— At the. age-of eighty-seven years, death came to Thomas, Rathwell, at -thehome-of-his-daughter,Mrs.Ern- est Jtcozell . of nea;r Clintonji on Tues- day of last week._.-_____‘ The deceased, a former resident of this community, is an uncle of Mr. S. C: Rathwell of town, who , accom­ panied by Mrs. Rathwell and Gerald, attended the funeral on Thursdjiy^ frdm the home of Mrs. Rozell, coii- duct-ed -by'''R-ev.' ;C. ■ W;~Dr Gosens;-----r thb. last. survjiv-T SPECIAL THIS WEEK China Tea. Plate, each 6c Sherbett Plates,. 3 for . .. .25c Sherbett DishdSy^ for ... .25 c; New Neck Laces, Earrings* ......Bracelets- and Buttons Tartan Toa, lb: . ...............49c Call in and see our Other ^ Specials car near h^r home in Kincardine re­ cently, Marian is the daughter df Mr; "TL/iTww' *4-wit' • ' UTTLE Girt IlUURED .. ’’ Marian Hyde, 7 > years old, < hadjarid Mrs. .Herdy HySe bf1'Kincardine, three bones'‘broken wheri^tfuck by.-a he being formerly rif St? Heiehs. until failing health forced him to re­ turn to Canada. Mr. Storey’s address Was followed by a most interesting illustrated lecture in the school room of the United Church on Wednesday night. FORMERLY OF WAWANOSH DIES IN SASKATCHEWAN • • ' : ‘ T'' Word has been received1 by rela­ tives here of the death of Jdrs. Win. Lindsay, which occurred on Monday of last week, at her home in Elstdw/ Saak;, following a .period of illness and suffering of two months! Mrs; Lindsay was formOrly Miss Alice Miller, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs., Wm.. Miller, pioneer resi­ dents' of com 12, West Wawanoahj qn the farm now owhed by James T? Lyons. Miss Miller moved to the West some thirty years ago. During her long illness, Mrs. Lindsay was at­ tended by her younger Sister, Mrs. McKague (Maggie). HONORED BY FRIENDS ’ ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY .. A very pleasant time was spent atx the home of Mr* and. Mrs; Angus Graham, 4th con., on Friday evening* when a number of their Huron,friends- gathered to wish them happiness on the—oceasjOn of their silver wedding anniversary^ . Arrangements for .the event were made unknown to Mr. arid Mrs. Gra­ ham,, who were . taken completely by surprise as. Mrs. Graham hpd been invited for the day up to Mrs. Archie MacIntyre’s, and Mr. Graham , had gone out {to a neighbors for the evening. They were” both called home just as tlip guests, yrete arriving. Af^ ter a dainty lunch Was Served, Miss Blanche and. .Lloyd McDougall sang a pledsing duet. Mr, John^A. Mac- Murchy read an address and Mr: J., j. MacMurchy presented the coupje with a Well filled purse. The remain- der of the evening was spent socially ip gamds and'dancing then all/jofried in singing ,“.J*or they are jolly, good fellows’V whicij^ended the^ happy event ^^"'summ^’F'^Watibh.I;'.145=25 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie and .Grant who have spent the winter in Florida, arrived back to Ontario last week. Grant remained in London for a visit, while Mr. and Mrs. Mac­ Kenzie, accompanied by their daugh­ ter Jessie, student, nurse in London, continued . on to Lucknow,* arriving here Friday evening. . < An enjoyable time was spent at the euchre and . dance in. the Town Hall, Tuesday- night, under auspices ‘bf the - .Women’s Institute. While" not largely attended, the institute will realize, a small amount from the .uiidertaking, but not enough to swell We drinking fountain fund ..to .• ahy ^reat extent. ‘ The past w,eek has brought light snow falls..and flurries, arid while the prevailing winds, have been colder J than the previous week, the Weather is generally quite" agreeable for so early -in the spring. Roads haye dried 'up splendidly arid outside of being X bit rough, are comparable to pummer 'roads at their best. " * . ■ An Effective Way Of, Paying • ^■A; Dungannon .^subscriber ;:who bhs been taking,, the paper for nearly 2b years apd doesrii’t want to' miss it? is spaying Up arrears of over two years ■by regular monthly instalments of ;$1.00 each. Stich efforts to pay up, arb much appreciated and very ac­ ceptable to- tjie publisher., If you are in arrears and ; can’t pay the full ^moubt handily, try this above plaii. Condition Is Critical • „ f , , Little hope is held Out for the *e^- dovery of Mr. George Moffat,' 86- year-old Kirilbss, resident, whose' istiwgth Is rapidly waning as his heart weakens.. Mr. Moffat^ although ;in declining strength haS ’ remained remarkably activA and mentally alert., A week ago h$ was f breed .to bed at, the home of bis . son,« Foster Moffat arid Since then fie has bailed rapidly. Mr. Moffat had a long association - in Kinlpss municipal life Xhitt was' the efficient clerk for many years. A few years ago he retired* and was suc­ ceeded in office by Mr. X R. Lane. ren of the late John and Jane Ratlin; welL—pioneer„2settiers,.^ofGoderich Township, who came from Ireland, early in the last century. The de­ ceased, attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. James Little, just' a little more than tvyo months ago. Mrs. Little died on January 9th, at her home in Kinloss , within a week of her 94th birthday; - » When Thomas Rathwell grew HI manhood, he left fpr the gold fi’elds of Nevada, returning after five years when he'.took' upjfarming at Holyrood on the*farm now owned by ,Albert Thohfipsonj He married Mjss Sarafi Harper, a) daughter of Mr., and Mrs. •John Harper, one of- the families of that community.. Over thirty years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Rathwell moved to, near Clinton, and 20 years ,, ago re­ tired to that town, where five years ago, Mrs. Rathwell passed on.. Sitfce theri, Mr. Rathwell has been making' his home with his daughter/ Mrs. Rozell. ‘ ' Thjs aged gentleman is well arid favorably remembered by older resi­ dents of the. Holyrood district. Es­ teemed by. al! who. knew him^ he was a. fluiet and industrial' neighbor and al devoted member of the ’Methodist sandij later ,United Church. ■■ . •Fouj. daughters and two. sons sur­ vive: Mrs. Killing, Vancouver; Mrs. Appleby, Toronto; Miss Lolo Rathwell Weston; Mrs;/Rozejl, Clinton and' William, of California,-and'John in the Canadian West. ” ' ■' .............-...... • . ' I ’ * , Subscribers who have rehewed t- their subscription -or paid an amount on account, during the- > past several weefis, ' should note the date On the address label, to . Sed if the proper credit has,been ‘ *1 s .given. In case,.of drror, notify this office at^once. jj'--/4,' • 'If your Sentinel is. .in arrears,, or you have. as yet failed- to re­ new for 1935,' .kiriVlly attend .to this matter at your very earliest convenience,' , « . • sjsss /}■ 1- i SPRING IS HERE AND SO ' ■ IS OUR SPRING .• . .V—... : ■■ >.1 ■. ,, MERCHANDISE Boys’ Wear '■ SHIRTS, BLOUSES, . JERSEYS, SQX, CAPS^TC. j-_* ’ $The Streaniliiie Cajp IS HERE FOR BOYS AND*’ MEN. THEY ARE THE - NEATEST THING SHOWN 7 .IN ’'CAPS.' J < ' , ■ • X Men’s Weg|h • WE CAN DRESS A MAN ^FROM' HIS SOX .TO HIS HAT. EVERYTHING NEV? AND ^HlCED TO SELL ..... A. E. Buswell LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. -....... >.......i„ 4 ■ v 1 . • ; !BORN; < ■ * A I ■ A •a t I A ■ * y *5 ERRINGTON-On 'Sunday, March 31st, to Mr/and Mrs. EverettEn’ing- ton, pubgannofi/a daughter 5K / W tesw WWW W"?;' •»»»■** -zr;