HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-04, Page 4s /i '■/ </ KINLOUGH FLEr McLEANr (Trinc.> FORM I i 4 tt / ■ ■ 42? 58 40 51 65 36 4 a \ • r ! ZION4 71 ■ 49 42 ab fl • * 51 ,Ji 48 02 64 69 50 50 ;83 67 73 70 0 51 59 J 17 57 57 . 74 57 ’61 .61 32 55 0 . 44 . 58 / C‘ 4 ■>>v I'’ co s ''S ,.*U - . . s a ab ’’ ’ • ?£ 74 66 54 - 66 66 N ab 50 85 44 77* 89 tress, Edbert Busbell; Sergeant al Arms, Isaac Finnell. _ . ___ .. ing up the collection, Mr. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayier. * * * *. . ,r Thursday/ april 4th, 1935 ... r3 r ■ 58 58 46 ' ; 58 ’ 71 30 71 22 45 51 T " 51 ,43 54 58 27 33 28 *32 48 -a The LUCKNOW SENTINEL ... ■ -If . I ; ‘ ‘ 11 " Ji Lyceum Theatri WINGHAM ■ ' Show* Starts 8 R. M; - ■ . ■- i j£L Thuraday, Friday, Saturday '/ APfHL\ 4-5-6. * 4 6357 59 71 50 41 46 I 61 40 62 66 77 37 61 25 62 49 67 53 54 26 621 59 z 31 20 68 "" 64 40 13 35 50 __ 36 51 70 5'4 21 65 63 \52 61 68 77 65 69 .52 54 A'” ? ■''?'? FAGEFOUR s K0poOf School for March 19S5 Rg TOW Honor”'. -the ‘’subject.™-^*..’-,^......^^'-^*. Aitcmson Alton, B Alton, D Anderson Andrew, E. Burns, J. X Campbell, M. Carter, J. — Carter, M. -. Collyer, J, Colwell, C. —. f Cooke; E. —- Cooke, R- —-■ Cranston, M. Farrish, Alex Farrish, Anna i Finlayson, A. r Gardner, L. ........ Garniss, M. Graham, D. --^Mackett’,-^!.;™ - Hamilton, Hi Hamilton, L. Hamilton, M. Hamilton, R. Henderson, J. Inglis, J; -X. Jewitt, A. Jamieson, I. ■. Jewittr-B. Johnstone, H. Lee, . F. ±.x— ^MacDonaldr-E.-.B MacMillan, B. BIcLeod, G. .............. McLeod,x J. . McNall, C----------—61 McNall, L. —L------- : Morrison, J.-~.~-.—« Morrison, - M. —-£.— Paterson, M. >..^...^75 Patton; J. —— Pearlman, J.____—- , Reid; J. ----—55 ""RwhaHsTRr^±^^70 “- . Steward; - Z. —; Solomon, M. ...~------ - --'StrutherSrrM^—*-.— Rrwifhorq, -T ■ Thomson, W. ——155 . _ Twamley. C^,-^-57 Weatherhead,. N. Gilmore, H 67. ,. 63 ' ,- AndersOi|, .Gordon —69 i Aitchison, Aylmer —50 ? Bus well? Edwin ?zzz?74' 81— i j Collyer, June ———67 i ■ Cook, Eliza .—L—. Cook, <Edna 1— ------£9 Colwell, Currie ——44 « Campbell, Ina 1------— Fisher, Maudie -------72 • Farrish, Anna Mae -71 Graham, Dorothy —54 Gilmore, Helen —43 , Jewitt; - Arlene —L—-54 • Johnstone, Howard -31 6 Hamilton, Rpymond'i 41 Hamilton, _ Laura -— Hamilton; Marion- —53 Havens, Christine __50 ” , . Hewat, William Hunter,- Kalheripe — .? Henderson, Joy ............... . Hackett, Irlma ------- Henderson, Jessie_ ■ „ Inglis, Jack ■——.~— \»Joynt, George — Lane, Hilda ’ MacKinnon, Donald’ 52- > MacLeod, Leopard. „ McLeod, Jack.. ?.... McLeodv Grace 2 'Morrison, June - Morrison, Melvin McNali, Lloyd _ Macintosh,'.Kathleen ^1 MacKenzie,, Robert - Pearlman, Jennie Ostrander, Rexford ’«• Paterson, Orland Ritchie, Harold ? Ritchie, Mildred Ritchie, Dorils Sherriff, Graham __ _ Struthers, Mary ^..-..„.68 ; Struthers, Jean -—.58 Solomon, Muriel -;-^75 Steward? Zylyda .—64 Thompson, Harold ....._ MacKenzie, Betty ...... Blake, Muriel.—------72. Campbell, Marion —61 Ackert, R. — Anderson, G. Armstrong, F ’ Berry; D? -. Campbell, I. Cook, Edna jCjttIberj>,-jL . Douglas, 1. 37 62 59 48 53 76 FORM n 76 51. 56 53 58 ' 44 50 62 ' • 48- 59 47 56 » 38 11 ' ■ 7’ ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie o| Whitechurch, were Sunday visitors at Jas. Hodgins’. * Mr. Jack Graham and Mr, -G?. Herzog of Ann* Arbour, Mich., spent the week end with the former’s par- ents, Mr. andMrs.Herb;Graham. -^Mr^Sam—Hald0nby-. retu wd-home» from Toronto where he spent the w<Uk end, . • ' ’ A number from here attended the funeral of the. late Jas. Walsh of Huron -:on—Saturday - afternoon.^We. extend, sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mr. ’ The •• / XiUCknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. ■ Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor > Caihpbe.ll Thompson—Publisher . ' THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 ~ Mr; and Mrs. Fred Thompson Qf Toronto are visiting wttb Mri .«nd Mrs, Joe Tiffin, ,4.; f '' ''.f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson; and family-^^o^Pagamount^ristte^li^. Wednesday with her brother, Mr. James and Mrs. Mclnnes. Miss Dorothy Knight of Lpndop is visiting her sisterniUHlaw, Mrs. Leonard Knight. , * . ' x Mr?.Wm. J. Fisher'’ has engaged 'MF^lfBd"DalfW bf Crew^e^iiiFWojrk" for him., " .■"?■ * Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy and Miss Jacqueline Larkin of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy. , Mr. David Jamieson of Toronto at— tende^ the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Henderson.^ . Mr. Robert Purdon was kicked on the leg by a horse one day last week, No bones were broken, but he was going" around? on~ crutches. . -. ;— Mr. Alex Purvis is in this com­ munity with his circular saw Cutting wood. .. v Mr. Beth Gaunt who has been work­ ing for Mrs: Wm. J. Fisher for sev- eraT weeks, has engaged to .work for Mr, Rod. MacDougall of near Lucknow The community Was saddened last’ Wednesday when they heard of the death^ofMf3.Thog.Henderson, who- was a comparatively “young woman and lived all her life in this commun­ ity; She was in failing health for a few ■ years. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and six sons, Hugh David, Robert, James, Charles, Law­ rence and Andrew, also ■ one sister,. ■Mps. Wm. ’Dawson, and four brothers, Mr. Robert. Henry Purdtm of^thF west-and- -Messrs._William, AlCx E, of this community and1 James Purdon of St. Helens. The funeral was held fronr-the-Presbyterian-Ghurch—which: Was very largely attended lnterment was made in Wingham cemetery. w Irene Duniw — J •nd Richard Dix In “STINGAREE” ^PICTURE-’ThaM^lfcL-HLEASE- .- ...1 “also. ""' <■" Two Reel’Comedy— “GRIN AND BEAR IT” ? With Edgar Kennedy : AND FOX NEWS . and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, and family were Sunday visitors at Wes­ ley Guests’. Mi8sWinniePercy,;R.N.,hasre- turned to Kincardine to resume her duties there. Mr. Jno. Culbert of Ripley renewed old acquaintances here on Sunday.. The Church Society met on Monday evening, April 1st, in the Anglican basement. The program was.; as fol­ lows; Hymn 783. Bert McLean read the. scripture lesson and gave the ex- .3 planationJ of it. Mr. Burgess, lead, in 9 17 19 63 62 42 45 ■ 58 27 56 '31- f * 63 52 43 . 22 prayer. A religious “ diarogiie ' was given by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ecken- swilier and Fred Jackson. Mr. Wm. Cox had charge of the current events. Music was "given by the orchestra; Jno., McFarlan, violin,. Orland Mc­ Farlan, -mouth 1 organ,.. May Boyle; guitar and Wm. Jackson, bones). A quartette (Mr. and MrS. Eckenswiller Art=Graham=ahd-FredJackson)gave humdrpus numbers., after.; which Ernie Pullen and Jimmie Hodge sang a song. Mr. Burgess had charge of a skit “The gathering of the nuts.” Fred Jackson lead community singing, which was followed by .the Mock Parliament. Those, taking part were— Speaker, Leri Boyle; Governor Gen- eral^W^Bayle^qn^JB^^^^n^ Rev. McRitchie; His Cabinet, Bert McI^ahTWmrHaTdenbyrArt-Graham^ Jack Hodgins; Hon. McKenzie King; Rev. Burgess; His Cabinet; Clara MacDonald. HazeKPercy, Mrs.?Bur- CHURCHNOTES . —A".*. ■ ...- ; United Church Y. P; S. The Y,. P, S. on Monday evening ent;ertmned the members of the Young People’s .Societies of Bethel and Pine River. The visiting societies put on jhe program with, an instructive wor­ ship period and duet, followed by a "shbrt^l^^ct~play~“April-"FOol?!--;-A-- socialTdialfThOur-^^^ “NfexF Monday night, tlie •-¥. P. Sf. will' present a^ain the sabred drama, ?He .passed .thru Samaria” Everyone ’ welcome..;' ' . :? Presbyterian Y? W.’ A. •' The Y- W A. met at the home of Mrs; W. J. Spindler on Thursday evening, with Miss McGill in’the chair After the-;,openirig exercises the Bible, study was . taken by Mrs. Ewan Mc- Kenzie, who^gave7 a^plindidtalk "bn " “Christ as Our Master,” The topic ‘‘Frontier Work in Alberta”, was taken -by’ Miss Greta ‘Campbell, Mis­ ses' Peggy, Marian and Helen Mac­ Donald ‘contributed a vocal trio. A , reading j>y Mrs. Duncan MacDonald was much enjoyed. After the singing of a hymn, the meeting ■ closed with prayer by Miss Evelyn McLeod. Sunshine Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Band met on April 1st, The meeting opened with the singing of hymn 406 and the re­ peating of the Lord’s prayer. Jean Struthers read the scripture lesson. Collection was then taken and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. . Doris Wylds sang a pleasing solo and Helen Buswell redd an -Easter-storv.L-Mrs. Brack took the topic", after which Alma SoIoman-gave a recitatioii. The roll was called and with the singing of hymn 432 and the repeating, of the Mizpah benediction the meeting was brought to a close.^ Sec’y. . ‘ : •' - : ?■ .j . - —p'rjLS,.y.-|ji—nT7.T;~“”,g| ■;. Presbyterian Guild . There was a good attendance at The Guild Monday evening, when~a' splendid, program was given by the Lookout com. Norman Taylor read _the Scripture lesson, which was fol- lowed by | a chorus by Winifred John- ‘Ston’s class of.girls and boys. Isabel Douglas gave a reading “The Last Hymn” in which Mr- Horace Aitchi- 80n: sang “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” A quartette was sung by Frank Mac­ Kenzie, Charlie Jewitt, Leonard Mc­ Donald and Aylmer Aitchisdn. Miss ^jth-^i-Rustrated-4Hde^ —NEXT WEEK— , George O'Brien '; ? ' In ' ? "THE PUDE RANGER” -72—-71—L 33 —=41. 71—71._92 , „81 49 56 67 57 69 60 46 »31 48 51 56 60 36 36 44 61 67 80 64 66 , 44 ^i8.' 42 51 30 66 44 55 *51’59 29 21 .^3 164 40 29 46. 52 34 33 . 30 ’56 (r 67 >59 49 50 61 52 *63 65 50 32?38 50 57’46 52 20^26 51 31 ■ V 76 72 58 50 60 60 52.36 39 39 <50 ’M4_57 f •66 ' ,86 56“35 ' 63 57 11 -52 37 62 56 36 54 % 64 57 42 70 < 73 "69 74 60 53,,59.71 .82 58 78 . *61 >• ■ ■>60 53 .24 48 50 '29 . 50 41 50 47 S 34 KO, 42 KO 62 ?op 06 61 62 Home, A. -------—— Hunter, E.~..’ ■ »■ Hunter, K. — ----- -—24 53 ? Jewitt,. C. ".......i . ■■■■...•...^■—45 32 67 Johnston, M. -x——.......... .^Johnstone, E.~ -62 35 —J^hhsfoneyJW., —Jovnt.-Gw—.. ____41 ' MacCrostie, H........-...-~55 55 21 ..MacDonald, J. » :.-£34 58 27 • MpcDOnald, M. ------___64 65 69~ MacKenzie, Betty ------- - ; 39 19’ MabKenzie, F. :—~.T-------- . MadKenzie, Rob. —;------40 58 61 MacKenzie, W. ,-i——----- MacKinnon, B.1 ——_^_,67 39 Macintosh, A. ----------33 MacLeod, L. ......... —37 MacMillan, J. ----- McKim, M. ——--------—67 McNall, L. -------------------- ' Miller; G. .........,,^...^.--.59 Miller, L,----- ----._____53 Newton, E. —j------- Nixon, D. ----------—------‘ Ostrander, R. -.....y?—,—,33 ■ Parker, R.--------------—— Patterson, A. _™_——-^.42 Ritchie, H. ------------———42 Ritchie', V; —------66 Sherriff, G. ------------------62 Thom, J. ——ju-------- -.13 Thompson, H. —i———56 Treleaven, A. -----1-----:----69 Twamley, H. .....——53 Weather head,, N. —.50 Reed, E. ...... —....44 FORM III 1 m a ' • eP a 5 E ■W ■ si Im fl <U H bfi Q -rf >»■ e <5 u i f5 b«x 6 u 3 &£ 29 ab 56 29 28 85 72 - .* 28 27 34 49 v 504044 62 31 29 30 — 43 48 59 66 67 47 Farrish/' Margaret — Farrish",' Muriel -^3--66-K.... 40 • 41 62~ — x?2 —----?44„„41— Finlayson, Cameron Finlayson, Christine —- 6i, 40 .20 ’ —A v.\ 48 Fisher, M. __—21 V Fletcher, J. ^—^^—^56 55 -57 62 46 55 Graham* J. —...44 50 72 39 29 Graham, M. —-—79 65 79 Hamilton, ^1. . .£6 Hendersori, Jessie^ .^.....—...22 47 34 53 46 < 50 50; < Hewat;J3<47^55 ffil x x r. J ' ' ' ’■ '■ \ ,f • V s . a 73 68 12 45 29 51 40 T5 •. a- , 0 10 17 $2 50 36 18 44 67 53 - 17 37 26 25 ; form nr 27 - 55 . 13 , 38 75 - .42 43 50 92 t 5(H~r—56-7 -70—78—70-.- 80 ■ a 16 34 42 35 50 60 ,0 37 54 50 43 64 53 - 48 0 31 36 49 43 '( 85 86 62 75 32 33 44 ' 37 51 32 31 61 53. a x"22 ' 35/r - 74 71 " 53 32 64 34 51 62 52 73 59 48 14 • 64' ■ g .f t£. tn ■ O ’6 o 5 9 ' *ti '• $t® a, W. . Q u 1 ’ 57 —60 46 52 71 Anderson, ’Jeans '--j—— Armstrong,. Frances*- . Berfy, Dorothy Blake, ^Kihnifred Clarke, Douglas—-- Collyer, Stuart Cfbzier, Colin -x-—- Douglas, Isabel m •-Parrishr Margaret. X—.55 t Finlayson, Cameron _^^53 Finlayson, Christine y.-—58 Graham, Myrtle —-^.-70 Hsimiiton, Catherine . Hendersop,. James Hewat, Bill ^~m^45 Horne? Audrey —58 Hunter, Elleda 65 Johnston, Keith ' Johnston, Marion ~^_™.__73 Johhstone, Winnifred Lane, Winnifred 'Martin; John D1. -_ Miller, Dorothy __^.55 MacAuley, Sara *---- - •MacDonald, Margaret —» MacKenzie, Bob. MacKenzig, • William 55 „mckjjm&ft,^eth^^.c;..~-..„______ MacMillan, Jean ......J.^.63 v 57 MaNail, James —^«48' 57 Newton, Eunice ....^~x.„^77 70 Nixon, Dbrbthy Parker, Ruth Smith, Edith Thompson, Robert I Todd, Neely??— Macintosh, Alex 57 . 59" ,60 66 72 50, , 52 INDIGESTION ------jfaiLklyrelieved Indignation, Gas, Heartburn, Paine after Eating. Bloating and Belching. 8aveyoar- -eelf many£daye- ot Buffering by_.getting..,. KICK’S 8TOMALKA, a. remedy yon will never be without once you try it. Economi­ cal, and, never fails to bring quick, sure , ' relief in ’even most stubborn cases of sour, acid stomach. At drug stores. Get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE ^Mr^-^eorgeJSimeweuL. of Holyrood, . Toltoh of town to manage his farm on the South Line, Brant, for the- coming year. — Walkerton Herald- Times, ' . . ?\ PARAMOUNT ' Mrs. James MacDonald and Miss Arine spent the week end in Goderich. , Miss Jean MacAuley is risking with Mr., and Mrs. Earlc Swab, 9th con.. ' - ' ■. ' fjMiss Margaret Murray, entertained op Friday and Monday evefiings with euchre arid dancing. Mr. Frank Ketchabaw, Mr. and Mrs.- Oliver Cudney and family, Galt spent the week end, with their mother Mrs. Ketchabaw? B Mr. Charlie. Morrisdn is at . Mr. William MacGill’s , for a few weeks. Mr. arid* Mrs. Jack McIntosh and Mr. and-Mrs. Art Cook and Cameron attended the silver. wedding celebra­ tion at Mr. and Mrs. Angus Graham’s 4th concession. Mrs. Elliott Sandy spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Art'Cook. 60 . 72 0 58 72 72 85 . 53 33 >55 40 SO1 75 1 56 50 57 ^42 A 54 >-0 28 *ab , 68 ab 74 79 75 62 44 ab 64 32 0 ‘77 68 35 44 28 ab 53?46.26 45 Mr. . David Anderson of Dunjop, spent' the week end with his parents. A special Communion and Reception service was observed, in..Zion Church on Sunday morning, when Mr. Charlie Anderson, Mb. Sid Smith; Mr.-Lloyd Hunter and Miss Tillie Ritchie were received into Church ' membership. •> Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and Charlie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman on Sunday. . ■ • ‘ The concert Sponsored by the Y. P., S. was presented in the hall on Wed­ nesday riight last, to-a large -and ap­ preciative audience.Featuring thb program Wpre, a ’farce “Ejm’t LaUgh” vocal and instrumental nuinbk by uthe^chool~chiJdrmi^and*the*yOungArteh and recitations by * Joe and Tom Pat- lobr—?•— Mr. rind Mrs; Fred Anderson and Mrs.. Maggie McKay spent „ Monday with Mafeking friends. ' Mrs. Ernest s Gdrdn^r .and. Cecil, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig; St Augustine, WAWANOSH^COUNCIL f ' . ' March 11th, 1935. |! The Council of West Wawanosh held the regular meeting on the above date' with Reeve Stewart presiding. The minutes of Jhe February meeting were read and accepted on motion of Councillors Gammie and McQuillin. A representative from The Hydro Electric Power Commission was pro- • sent and the by-law, sanctioning five year contracts, was passed on motion- of Councillors Smyth and'McQuillin. On motion of Councillors Gammie and Smyth a by-law, authorizing the Reeve arid Treasurer to borrow suffi-’ cient money for current expenditure, Was passed. The Road superintendent was instructed to advertise for ten- dera for the crushing and hauling" of * gravel. The following accounts were read and ordered paid. ? W. H. McClure, relief supbhes, $12.50; C. Asquith, bridge lights, $4.001 Lawrence Reid, fence posts, $17M - ’ < ■• The eouhrii ^adjoriffiod"' to jmieiii----- April 8th, at 1.30 p.m. « Durbin Phiilijps, Clerk. ■' ' S' ■ , ••' •; 60 60 ( -72 51 - 51 '56 ' ’. .75 0 * 48 s . f — 52 10 37 *1 61 <■ . 29 'i < ' 70 '69' O'<»: 57 < 54 8 a '6<i 60 AO LUCKNOW GIRLS IN TORONTO CHURCH p PLAY Last Thursday's Toronto Star car-"" ried the pictures of Willamine and Edna Agar, former Lucknow yOung’.'. ladies, now Of Toronto and daughters of Mr. ahd Mrs.. Alesc Agar. The Agar sisters were two, of a quartette of members of the choir of Grace United ^hutcli^pr^sentin^a^n^^^^ —- ‘The Quilting BOe at Bascombs” aA A feature of a church entertainment ‘ last Week. . “ The setting of the play was a small Main village jn the gay nineties, and . ’ tho four young ladies wore in cosf tame typical:-to that-period. 1 .