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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-21, Page 8
T •f )• ■vt X. ■jftl I Templeton & Co. £ ’■ *' . U^jVUfUlVj 1AA£> OU; AWL , ICWYViCU VM repairs for grader-t0 |,e ouf; ggajn anj on pyij^y "si V I ‘ A & C WIDTHS /f .,4. d . 51 ■. i • I * z •*" 3 0 Ki® V. : ’ . : ?! 25c ,25 c Hi 7, 'a-- ,/ A U 5» ’ ■ i;<" V t ' •■, / thaia . : THOMPSONS WHERE Y0UR DOLLAR HAS.MORE CENTS T STRAPS, SANDALS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'V/ J'. ' ■ : ‘ • THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1935 *~ How to be popular — Never state , publicly what, you' think privately. BffR 1 V ’ A - “SUNWORTHWALLPAPERS—the original and best light-resist-ing papers— such as we are now . , showing are. the one medium that provides back- . grounds for yOur rooms that will' give entire satisfac tion. U . '■I' A' Attractive Surroundings are half the battle for home comfort. True roo^ beauty, however, lies in the walls. If the backgrog^Sr is unsightly, all else in the room fails to show its full value of beauty. . X>.’ : . . ■>...& - FANCY COOKINCr FIGS, 3 LBS. . 7..,,,....;,...;*.. .2$c. '('Fancy Dates, 3 lbs.. v..4,.25c; FancyApricots, 2 Iba. .,.49© Haney Large Prunes, 2 lbs. . 45c. *Fancy Med. Prunes, 21he£ 25c. * -CATSUP, 14 OZ. BOTTLE, 2 FOR .........;. .> .25c -0. & H. TOMA3&-Sflai^^ •2gci LARGE BOTTLE SWEET MIXED PICKLES ............ i . .25c -LAItGE BOTTLEJDILLl PICKLES .......; .. ..25c GALLON CANS- TOMATO JUICE .........................<..........:45c, SODA BISCUITS, ! LB BAG, 2} FOR .7.,25c .BROKEN SODA BISCUITS, 3 LBS. „.......... ......... .25c . maccaRoni, bulk 5 lbs. ..............,.... ,254 FANCY ROOKING BEANS 6 LBS^ ., . /...,.. <•....... .25c ■ TR Y OUR-^Oc TE A; 33c COFFEk. EXTRA LARGE, JUICY ORANGES, 6 FOR .. .\.; " EXTRA LARGE JUICY GRAPE FR0IT, 4 FOR : i Shoe For Wbmen-> “ ' ...................: We invite yoiu to inspect the, New -------SpringrPatterns“jnrBlue;;"Grey-, Brown— and Black. -Each shoe a distinctive .' pattern. TIES, THERE ARE STILL -A GREAT MANY EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN OUR """ ;....... Reducing Sale WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Rathwell and Reed Thos. Boyes’ Machine Shop Cockshut and Frost 4 Wood Agencies 7 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF REPAIR PARTS Welding and General'Machine Shop work done promptly and . - economically. , , Circular and Cross Cut Saws Gummed. Always a stock of rebuilt Farm Implements on hand at reason- ~~ able prices. . AUCTION SALE -of aboutr 20 Tons of Agricultural Lime . at the Lee Hotel Stable Saturday Afternoon March! 23rd MATT. GAYNOR, AUC. TEE LUCKNOW ..7 ASHF.IELD COUNCIL■ I____ ‘ I Council .To’ ?Re©Qgpa^ Bravery -Of'' , Sid Smith • , ' _ ' ■ .........• ( . . ' . . • N77 .T-i:w- -V;; , -March Tlth, 1935. Council met on above date; all ixienb" bers presept. Minutes of February meeting read and approved on motion pfShemoodandMcponald. -—- Notice froin Dr. Finlayson re med- jeal,treatment ef Cecil Dunford, filed. v Notice from A. Courtney re Berry account also filedi .. The clerk read the report of M. O. H. arid Sanitary Inspector which was adopted on motion of McDonald and "Frayne. ■ . ^The following bills were ordered* •paid on motion pf McDonald and Culbert: ' ■>.’ ■ ' r. ' 7' Drank Hamilton, rep. oil. and* snow $10.20; Jacob Hunter, rep. cul. and snow $8.80; T. A. Cameron, snow, $4,80; Charles Congram, rep. cul.' and snow,$3:00;AlbertMcGee,snow$2.00 Herb. P.entland, rep.-: cul. and snow $12.00; Jphn Bennett, snow; $6.60; John Quaid, rep, cul. and show $3:60; JohnForster,snow$3.60- Canada Ingot Iron Co.,. i $4.00; Wm. Clare, rep. washout $7.40; Herb Curran, salary. $13.80; Murdo Matheson, part salary $15.00; Samuel Sherwood, part salary $15.00; A, Mc Donald, part salary $15.00; G. Frayne,^-part salary $15.00; A, Cul bert, part, salary $15.00; C. E. Me-; Donagh, part salary $47.50, postage $5.50, $53.00; P. Hogan, bounty on shooting stray dog $5.00; Dr. Simp son, salary , as M.O.H. and Sanitary Inspector for 1934 $90.00; Hays arid Hays, legal advice $8.00; Kenneth Farrish, part salary $49.94. Moved by Sherwood and McDonald and carried, that -road—supt. attend cQnferenceJn_Lp.ndpnand_his„expens.es. be paid. Moved by McDonald that the Town ship buy enough preparation to des troy Warble fly to treat all the cattle in the township. Not seceded. Moved by Frayne and McDonald and carried that this Council take steps to reward Sidney Smith for-his/ heroic fete in sawing Miss Dorothy ^McQuillin from drowning last July 1st and thus express the Municipal-* ■■■ j„!.....U4—..<■ '.i,-.1,—.. ..j............................................ ( LOCALand GENERAL^ Mr. JW. J. Todid speht a couple of days last week in Wingham. Far fiiers! see MacD on aid’s work boots ad. elsewhere in this issue. Mrs. Howard Finlay of Wingham was a* visitor with Mrs. W. J. Todd 7nr(rK^4ay7~r r--~—- . - Mrs. 'F. S.' Ariristrpng of M^lfort, Sask., is a guest ot the home of Mrs and Mrs/ N. E. Bushell. . ■' * See the M®n’s Spring Hats, at BUiSWELI/S, Men’s Wear Store. The Biltmore Con|raster is a leader. y !' Mrs. Everett Harris an,d son of 1 Dungannon, js ^pending the week here at the home of her mother^ Mrs. ' Duncan McDonald. . i ■ ~7/Mrrand"MrsrRuss; Johnstone, Jane I and Bill and. Mr. W. J. Todd spent ). Hunday^witJh-/..Mr^ Johnston,/ Strathroy. , Mr. Wallace Twamley who has been quite ill for some time with stomach trouble; ’”has~sq~far—recovered^astp ■ ^WEEt-END SPECIALS-tN ; i';- /Foundation Garments GIRDLES,’TWO WAY STRETCH LASTEX, snug, smooth fiC ting. The twh^wa-y stretch does, not ride up on. your figur®. Bargain Price r • • • • : •• • $L49 1 / CORSET, ~/BACK LACED, peach colored coritir,..for average and~ stout 'figure. Reg. $1.50. for....«.'.T/.• ..*..••• $1.0Q”~ UP-LIFT BRASSlEREfback closing, white satin. Special 33e, I .i. "... -7 n; Pre.Easter Display of Ladies9 Coats and Dresses ’ Saturday* March 36th. Mrs.' McArthur of Toronto will bein charge. She is a saleslady . of city experience and will gix^vajluable assistance in the choice ■ of any garment, She i« well known to. many of our customers; rr V t - „ , ' . / H ' -P ■ ' -1 ■ ■ ’__________ -- ' _ ' ' - -- MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town ship of Huron in the County of Bruce Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage : which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Ford Garage, Lucknow, on Saturday, the sixth' day of April, A.D.1935, at two o’clock in the afternoon by Welling ton Henderson, Auctioneer, the “fol lowing property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or "tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Huron in the County of Bruce arid being composed of the north halves' jf lots, numbers Twenty-tjvo, Twenty -three and Twenty-four and the northerly ten acres of the south half of said Lot number Twerity-four, all in the First Concession of the said Township of Huron, containing one hundred and sixty acres more” or less. On the* premises is said to be an L-shaped, frame barn on stone foun dation, implement * shed and an 8- ity’s appreciation, and authorize the clerk of the Municipality to approp riate steps on behalf of Humane So ciety and -Municipality. 1 Collector reported outstanding taxes Moved by Culbert and McDonald collector be» given until March 26th to finish collecting. Carried. Moved by Frayne and .Sherwood .and resolved that in future no. funeral expenses be paid by this council for at least two months after a funeral, during which time council will ascer- tain whether or not it is absolutely necessary that Towship should bear 4his-dxpense.—__ _____________ Moved by Frayne and McDonald and resolved that Reeve and Treas urer be impowered to invest the sink ing fund as it accumulates from time to time/ ’ 1 ' Council then adjourned to meet April 8th^ C. E. McDonagh, Clerk. 5A made his first ti;ip down street. Robert Thompson went to Toronto; the latter part of the week where he will spend a visit and seek advise about a troublesome knee, that has kept him out of hockey practically the entire winter. ____ __ _ - Rev. Robert McConnell of Lochalsh conducted Sunday services in Lucknow and Dungannon Presbyterian churches while Rev. C, H. MacDonald had charge of the services in the Presby terian .Church, Ripley. Pontiac On Display <, Tl W. Smith, local "Toritiac; an<i ^Buick“'dealer, whose adyerfisenient- appears elsewhere in this issue, has one of the smart new 1935 POntiaes on display at the Central Garage. Floods that often accompany the spring thaws, were a minus quaritity in this locality . this . .year. Rivers, rose to. overflowing on a couple of occasions, but receded overnight, and did not rise to danger levels at any time. Qur New and up-to-date Spring Samples > of Qvercoating and Suits have arrived. Call and look them over. Walk upstairs and buy your Easter Suit and Overcoat. You will save money, $22.00 and up..— TEMPLE CLARKE, Merchant Tailor. Warm freezes the end of the week aided Old Sol in making the snow dis appear practically entirely except in some, shaded spots. Some ice. remains on the’ south side of the main street; but otherwise the pavement is dry and has received its first spring clean— ing. ____“ • ■ ' ■. . z; We are now offering “SUNWORTHY” at prices ——never-before-appro ached—in fact practically all our “““lowestpriced-papersare-of-this-desirable-quality.— -------- Let us show you our new papers at once. F. Nyal Quality Drug Store QiiicKestRelieffrom Stomach Troubles People who have suffered for years wfeh' Indigestion, Acid Stomach, Gas, Hearty Surn, etc. are amazed at the quick relief jhici KIRK’S 8TOMALKA giveB. A small dose toneBup everrtheTnost atttb- . born case of sour, add stomach, banishes , pain, revives appetite. Everyone is subject ’ ■ to occasional stomach troubles, sonever u be without a bottle in the home- At drug stores. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE Neighbor: Is this your ball, Tom? Tommy: Are there any windows broken? ' ’. Neighbor: No. Tommy: Yes, that’s my ball. roomed brick house. The farm is well Vendor's Solicitor. a ........ , .........■...... ....................... located, convenient to church and school and about five and one-half miles from Lucknow. There is an , ar tesian well on the property and the land is a Clay loam. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent, of the. purchasemoenyontheday of sale and" thev balance within* thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions, of sale will bd made known on the day of sale or may'be had on appli cation to the undersigned. DATED“at Wingham, Ontario,, this nineteenth day of..March A.D., 1935. WELLINGTON HENDERSON, Lucknow, Ontario, Auctioneer. •J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ont. ------AUeTIGN-SALE-------’ ,’t.......,o ■ VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certairi mortgage . * which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auctiori at the Office of R. S. HETHERINGTON, . Lucknow, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, the 3rd day of APRIL I^S^^atJthe hour bf 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon the followirig lands and premises- namely: , ' \ ,1 —“ALL.1AND SINGULAR that cer- . -T^the^ Matter—6f- -the—Estate—of. John J. Hackett, late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, RetirhdFarmer,~~decea^ '“7“ Notice is hereby given that all persons- having any claims or de mands against the said John J.- Hack- lett who died on or about the Third day of February A.D. 1935 at the Town of Walkerton in the County of Bruce, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the, under- sigried Administrator of I the,'estate arid effects of the said John J. Hack ett; their names and addresses and full particulars . in writing of their claims and statements of their ac-r counts and the nature of the securi ties, if any, held by them duly Veri fied by affidavit. Arid take notice that after the thirtieth day of March A.D. 1935 the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said, de ceased among the persons -entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said Admin istrator will not be liable for the said assets or hny part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then* have received notice. This notice is given pursuant. to the statute in that behalf. Dated ’at Lucknow, Ontario, this 5th day of March A.D. 1^5.. Joseph Agnew', Luckriow, Ontario, AdministratOj. of the estate of John T; Hackett, deceased. N - ■ , , ........... .uni 1 ■ » ,. .............. irrgmm.r L SERVER 15 MINUTES OF. 30-DAY TERM Today spring is officially here, but. for the past week little could be de sired as far as pleasant spring wea ther is concerned. Last -Friday and Saturday .were particularly mild, but Sunday brought lower temperatures and occasional' snow flurries, but bright, mild days returned again the first of 4he week. Miss . Vera Sherriff appeared in a. group photo in Saturday’s Free Press The groups were members of „ the Dorchester Junior Institute and°Junior Farmer organizations which had pre sented two plays in that village the previous evening. Vera was a member of the cast presenting the play, “Something in Butlers”. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacLennan, whb are boarding at the McGuire House; have .moved theif household effects from their former home at Cargill, in preparation for making their , home here, in the/.residence of the late’ Mrs. James Boyle, which at present is being renovated, Mr. Mac Lennan came here some weeks ago, to succeed Mr. * Oscar Casemore as buttermaker at Silverwood’s Creamery Mr. and Mrs. John Joyht left on Friday for a ten-day visit in Ottawa and other eastern cities; ^A visit to Ottawa while “The House”/ is in seg-j siori, will l)o doubt hold much interest for Mr; Joy nt. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Joynt plan to return in time to be present at the social evening sponsored by “the Church League, when, Mr. Joynt will donate the Joynt trophy to the cham pionship team. ' Evelyn Reed is the most recent Vic tim in a series of emergency appen dicitis operations which . have been performed updri residents of this community, chiefly young ladies, iri feednt weeks. Evelyn, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Reed, attends Con tinuation school here and, makes her. home with her grandmother, Mrs. Pauf Reed. Ari Acute Attack required an emergency operationHaStr Wed nesday night, from which the patient is making a satisfactory recovery. tain parcel of land and premises bei.ng - composed of the North half of Lot No. Fifteen (15) .in the; Second. Con cession of the Township of Huron in the County of Bruce, containing fifty — acres of land more or less.”. / The property is, in a good locality on a well-travelled road and, is com posed of good tillable soil'^and in every way an’ ideal piece of land suit able for mixed farming.. There are no buildings on the premises. • • TERMS: Ten per cent of the pur- p chase price to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- iions of sale apply to R. S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, etc., WINGHAM/Ontario, 1VELL. HENDERSON, Auctioneer, LUCKNOW. Ontario. FERTILIZER! FERTILIZER! Farmers buy your fertilizer from your orf company. Cost of materials necessary to make, up a fertilizer, approximately 2% nitrogen, ; 12%approximately 2% nitrogen, t 12% .available Phosphoric acid and 6% Potash' soluable in water is only $23.00 per ton at Lucknow to U. F. O. Club. members arid $24.00 to non-' members. - , Material for riiaking a 2-8-4 will* cost $19.00. „ Above prices include a limlefiner and mixing done. All our other brands at corresponding prices.. Other companies’ agents will tell you that' fertilizer needs curing or • ripening which is tirue of the mater ials they use*, but the materials we use do riot heed Curing .or riperiing, as vita u?e Ammonium Phosphate, where they1 use Superphosphate. Our materials have the approval of Dept, of Agriculture at Ottawa and also of » the Agricultural College, Guelph. The Bruce Co. District representative tells us there is nothing better thanour fertilizer on the market.Order early. . John Jamieson, Sec’y. of Lucknow Club; ’Phone, Dungannon 68-1. a® D □ I 0 s Our Ship Has Arrived . . . > Laden I With Newest Spring Merchandise j ' . Spring Coats & Suite Tweed .Coats and Suits are leading this year arid in our New Spring Stock are Tweeds of yarious pat terns and shades. Vou will want , the latest, so see our new Coats i AKu:e» Greece Men’s Spring Suits LADIES DRESSES ( * Every man wilj be able to choose Ladies Spring. Dresses in Flowered a .new Easter Suit from our out er Plain Colored SilR Materials, standing range of the latest shown, and in Latest styles. Priced in two ranges at ‘ $3.95 and $4.95 ♦ ■ * ■ 4 . • * We also have better ranges "■ Of Dresses in the Outstanding Styles and Smartest ShadeSPbf the season Store. and Suits. * Out Satin Tunic Blouses in Pastel Shades, are just the kind u^ed this season with Suits. PEA R L M AN’ S Ready-td-Wear ’Phone 85 Lucfenow, Ofit ♦’ B *r. * Don’t miss to riee our specials in Fine Shirts and Tiesu Your chance of saving tftphey on yonr &tat -4. & ceiving the best of value is at Our After serving only minutes of month’s term in the Walkerton jail for being drunkin a public c place, Willis Moore of Bervie was released from custody ori Tuesday of last week, when his friends Carrie Ho his' rescue arid put up the $15 and costs • imposed as the other alternative for ' the offence and secured his release. —Herald-Times.