The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-21, Page 7.lest an inconspicuous , bit PrinCess-Line CONp DAY M^ALS ,. . At“"thTS---period---of-“-the—year—the- family appetite is likely to be more 'critical of second.- and third day forms of the Sunday ma.n ^-course '• meat -or fowl. Even, a slight touch of, -inmgiriatiori that ■ lends novelty or "variety £o the second or third day -V'me.nu,. will be hailed.' with acclaim' ■ ,..and blessings!-. \ • There‘are many' ways of. varying and extending the - meat flavor 1. -througha considerable quantity of material which otherwise, would'The‘ ~ quite- lacki ng—4n-™-distHic.t.ive2„taste.; i For oxample, the meat may be serv- -ed:^wi.th . light,, delicious/ dump 1 ings, preferably in the same dish with it? It may be blended with light, flaky crusts as in meat pies, or meat roils, or served on .crisp toast or hot bis- . CUitS; ■ With a special' sauce over, it,: the meat may be .served’ up as. a most interesting centre for borders of steaming^j|ace or mashed ^.potatoes, • yyithi. pen^B’la sprig or two-of par's- [| ley here and. there for, a dash of color.../, Vegetables -borders, offer end- —;-_jess pOssibi)ities. for?,interesting • and Jngeiiious.. dishes. , . ISalads should "be chosen, foi- their lightness,;color contrast,- and vitamin ‘ .possibilities,, in menus for. ' “in-be- tweeri” meals; Much the same test should be used for. selection of des­ serts. - Quick appeal to tfie eye is, important at this seasop of the year, . and psychology becomes as necessary __-as salt! , ■.. Twelve~<ff’crdck’~Pie~~~^““ —^Rh&u.lder-^'f_.-niutton.^.carro t s, ori- ion, 1 cup mashed potato, ,5 potatoes, 1 teaspoon baking, powder, salt and . pepper, 10 tablespoons' flour. Boil shoulder of mutton, with ‘rotland onion; then.cut up; then add potatoes, 1 separately boiled and cut, up; and put all Into a baking dish. At2?_Make_crust7by mixing smoothly the car- mashed potato To~~ which a tabled- - spoon of shortening has been added plus• the flour which has been sifted with baking powder and seasoning^ Jlakri^about^Lw.entv_. minutes in a hot oven. This may be serVed the first day^as~~l:a-mb-&tew,—withou.t._pjitatm ■crust -and made- over the second day as a pie. Tomatoe Cardinal ' This dish represents ail excellent way of. usirig: Up small quantities of mutton or. beef. Canned . or fresh - -tomatoes may be used, if fresbthey are skinned land sliced, if canned just drain oft liquid. .' Place a layer of tomato in a bak­ ing dish, then a layer of sliced meat and a little chopped onion and -over this dredge -flourr salt.and.pepper^ Repeat until the dish is nearly 'full, then put in an extra layer of tomato "Ran^^ pastry, bread crumbs,- or cracker .crumb's, , /• '■ . When the. quantity .of .meat is Bniali it may be “helped out” by boil'-’" 1 ed potatoes or other suitable vege- ■ tables. A few oysters or mushrooms Improve the flavor*. Bake in a mod­ erate oven about forty-five minutes. Sussex Stew Free cold roast meat from fat, gristle and bones, cut in smai-1 pieces, - slightly salted, and put into a Kettle With left-over gravy or water or both —enough £o. Cover it/ It should sim­ mer .until almost ready to break in pieces,, theft onions and raw potatoes,, peeled and * quartered.' should be added. Cook until the potatoes tire done, then thicken the gravy with ' flour; Serve on slices of toast of with dumplings. ■ Dumplings TsA^hpc flour, 4 teaspoons baking, powder, 2-3 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter, salt and pepper. .Mix and sift dry ingredients. Work dn the butter, add milk gradually. .Roll out to a thickness of %• inch and cut with biscuit cutter. Put in a buttered .stehme-r or drop on top of stew and steam for twelve to fifteen minuses. , - ’ If the stew is prepared from» Be Married In March chicken or .veal ?he .dish is called a ■ -Tideas-see?—-■-———-— ----- Be'ef in Cabbage Leaves • .Two cups, beef, chopped, salt ;and pepper .to taste,,^,1 small onion., chop­ ped, W cup. cooked rice,' 2 large- ■•■tomatoes,.. 2. . ta'b.lesp.o.ons vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 8 large leaves cabbage. .: •• ,• - - ' '? Season meat highly with' salt' arid .'.pepper arid onio ft;'.ij d-d rice;." Soak-., cabbage leaves in hot wate'r a few, minutes to", make them less brittle. -Roll- a portion of “the nieat"niixturg"in .each leaf. Place . them in a kettle with tKe .rest of tHe"'’ingfeaiefi'ts.”’add~ . a./little .water and let simmer dnd stew untiT caffl5a^cls^endW"an*d^etF browned. ’ ; . Beef Loaf Two cups beef, chopped, 1;teaspoon chopped onion, salt and pepper, ' cup bread crumbs,. cuip cold water. Mix all ingredients together, then form into; a roll about' six inches 1-ong; ’lay strips of bacon over the top^ or coyer yvith, buttered paper. Place in a baking pan and bake in a“- quick oven about 30 -minutes; if bacon i's omifted baste every 5 min- utaes with W . cup fat drippings meltecT in, T" cu^^irin^water“Serve7 plairi or with brow'n mushroom sauce poured around it.< ■ ;; Meat Pie - Use left-oyefr meat from roast," (veal, jamb, pork'or beef) cuttirig it' in 1% inch, pieces. . He.ait in left-over gravy adding, some sliced onions and -any~-otber—lef-t--ov-er----w-e;g-e.table^,vyQji; may happen to have. J?our into bak- ing pan lined with pi© crust, fifttsh; off with. top crust ■ pricked with fork “to alldw^teanrrt©^scapeT77“Bnke-tilih .nicely browned. - ‘ A, top. potato crust may be put on this kind of pie isteat of pastry, crust. ( ‘.. . Mexican Beet ....... _ . —^S-lice-beef—and-reheat-i-mthe-f-ollow-- ing sauce: .,Cook an .onion, finely chopped,. in 2 tablespoons* butter 5 minutes. Add 1 red pepper, 1 green pepper and 1 clove of garlic, each finely clTop^d? arffl’72TTdnrato'es“ pecl~ ed and cut in pieces. Cook.,15 min­ utes. Add- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire; Sauce, % teaspoon celery salt and salt to taste. ' ‘ . " Cor ned Beef - Hasft-— ‘ Remove skin. and gristle’ from cooked Corned beef, then chop meat. When meat is very fat, discard, most of the f^t. "To choppedcmeat, add an equal quantity cold boiled chopped potato. Season .with salt and pepper, put intt a hot buttered: frying "pan moisten with milk or cream, stir well until '.mixed,. spread, evenly, then brown slowly underneath.. Turn ,and. fold on hot platter. \ ......----—_— Remove dry pieces of skin and" gristle front' .remnants of cold roast -lamb,.then chop.meats .Heat in. well- buttered frying pan, season with salt, pepper and celery salt and moisten with a ■ little hot water or stock. Or, after seasoning, dredge well .with flour, stir and add enough stock -To make thin gravy. Pour over small slices buttered toast. Veal, -may be used .instead of lamb in this‘recipe.' Scalloped Lamb Remove skin and fat ' from thin slices’ cold roast lamb apd sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover bottom of buttered, baking dish with butter­ ed cracker , crumbs; cover meat with boiled macaroni, add another layer of meat and macaroni. 'Pour over torftato "sauce", and coyer with but­ tered Cracker crumbs.. Bake in '‘hot oven till ertimbs are brown. Boiled rice may be substituted for macaroni, and cold, roast pork, beef, or ham used instead of lamb. Blanquette of Veal . Reheat 2: cups cold roast Veal cut in small strips ixi cupiJ -white* sauce. Se.rve in a potato border and sprinkle over all’finely chopped par-- sley; , 13 WASHING WOOLLENS REALLY SIMPLE TASK ? From the point of view of general .utility , a- -sweater .^answers more questions,- more • satisfactorily, than any item of clothing that a woman wears . -. and what" is equally im­ portant, fits so comfortably-into‘even 1 the slim met .'budge ts, Yet how, often, : when "the frilly' yellow .sweater, . or the,, j&d;e g^epru^tWin set,” or the • '-blue pullover is the "only thing that could possibly- match your accesspr- •"^'tey-you-spull. it^jout _o^.,_th£. and, find an ©nnoyirig stain—^"r "that; ■certain gray ■dinginess -.that comes so quickly after a few wearings. The solut:on_to this irritating. state^ of affairs is sb 'easy“and sp ' econ­ omical. ’With a pure, fine soap — lukewar^ water — and a little ord­ inary care you. can’ whisk your ' sweaters back to' them ■ original ■ love-" liness in' only -a few seconds. Here . :are a few simple ‘ rules • which will help., you: . 1.. Always test “new" colored wool- liens in .lukewarm1 water before .Wash-, ing for. the first time. If you’re was-h'ng. a.- handmade ..sweater, test the. wool you ■ made , it., front;. if not, .lest an inconspicuous bit of' the garment such as tli©_endyo-f’—the—be,lt,._ ^-^2^;Refoxe j^^ipg/lay sweater, or any other knitted garftient, on— piece of fairly stiff paper—and draw "a pencil outline. This, is ^ unques­ tionably the best guide for reshaping sweater while drying. If ..this is, not practicable, measure the garment carefully. — noting sleeve 'lengths, width and depth. 3. Use lukewarm water. ■ ■ 4. Woollens use up a. lot of suds;. Don’t hesitate to' make more if. needed.' . - 5. Woollens must never be rubbed -—or they.will.terid _to....mat. turn the garment •■ inside out arid squeeze suds gently through, and through. 1 . ' ' 6."Rinse thoroughly in three luke­ warm or even cool 'Waters-. _ 7; After rinsing- roll wd.bllens in -a dry Turkish towel.- Remove excess moisture by. gentle kneading. «„-Pince: your outline on a firm .surface (a rug 'or carpet; serves very- ~'"Mtsy^oan--A-Hce--R-eeb-.~-daug-h-ter-'o.f_.Mr, and Mrs. Fred J. Reeb, ,of Port Cplborne, Ont., and Mr. Paul_J).^Mampntt.spLn^pf Hon. Dr. R. Ji Manion, Minister of ‘Railway©"grid'"Canais7^mdHVl-rs~-Manianr--of-— Ottawa, whose ehg'agemenV’was‘''Sftn^Gfi'>c"ea";T:W"xnf'arriage-"tO”-take--pla.-ce'--i-n---MaYc-h»-»“ Well.) and carefully ease your gar- .ineht' back to .its original' measure­ ments, pinning'.it firmly to the-out­ line. ; Never hang knitted woollens , on a line, they quickly pull" out - of shape. And never allow them to dry on a radiator or in the sun. Excessive temperatures, whether , of -heat or I cold,, are very bad for woollens.- 9. When dry, pin marks may , be removed“T5y''"pressing' with " a - damp cloth and a moderate iron. This is really■ all you should .know about- wm ng sweaters and. other woollens. If you follow these direc­ tions,, and use a pure, safe soap,- even bab’y finest things —'■ or the most colorful sweater, '.Will re- .s-po.nd in the' required manner arid - a -X. ness^in the thought of the omnis­ cience of God. • He knew * all, and would reuire it. “And his ears unto their supplication." James 5:16 speaks of the . relationship between right- . eous conduct and answered prayer. “■But the fact/of the Lord is upon them that do evil.” In the Psalm from which this is quoted this phase is followed by, .to cut off the’ remem- '■ brance of ’them from the earth (Ps? 34:16)7 but Peter ist-ops' short arid leaves room for rep'entence. . "And;, who. is - he ' that ;will -harm you.” The . verb'Is .used elsWhere tb ■ describe the ‘treatment , suffered, by Israel..when' in bondage "in Egypt (Acts 7:6, 10), and ' in ■ speaking of, Herod’s persecution of, the Church (Acts'12:1).'“If ye be zealous of that' which is good.” Set? .the good .firmly before you! Then be zealousF -Suxrh-is^he—s.tF.orig,_^d£finU.e^LrAufi_ which-is t-he fruit -of- the’sanctified life. ■' , ."' / ' ■- _ ■ “But even - if - ye • should, suffer for righteousness’ sake. As many have done;' and as ,eVen some of these early- Christians iVere to do before theiri race, was finished, PeteY does not say if t^man lives blamelessly he Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern 'r MUTT AND JEFF- jeFftVoURE A PRETTY | LUe KY -Boy TO "BE bAR ■MOireTAiRYS'-OpFVC& Boy'll iYEHxBuri t>ONT WANT TO ee AN ' OFFICE BOY, I . wArrrto^epf - tAYSfeLF! ._ .. . V - ' ' . PETE R D ESC RIB ES““TH E" CH RIBT^7RonirT^T7q^-L- ■ Tiidss-.^>l-5^-i^-echO,.. :i— . _ . —- Qj, tjle Spirj.|. of t&e teaching of Matt. ■"hT39:FA?s^tliiwTl^use—forbids^reta-lia-;- tion in act, so that which follows for-, bids retaliation in words. ?.. ■ _ ?Or reviling for, reviling.” Christ : was reviled (John 9:28)V^FufT©^rd=r 7 Viled not again (1 Pet,. 2:23). /‘But contrawise blessing J’ Qur conduct to­ ward others is .never to be a nega­ tive refraining from doing harrri, But a positive bestowal of real’ blessing. “For' hereunto were ye called, that ye should inherit a blessing.”' The consciousness that we, as Christians, . are called . to .obtain -a blessing, ihcTteriien t ' 'to US’"tor - XL IAN LIFE — 1 Peter 3:8-18; GOLD- EN TEXT. — Sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord.. '1 "Peter 3: ' 15- ■ ■ . : [THE LESSON IN ITS SETT-ING TIME. — The date of ..the EpisQes.- of Peter cannot be absolutely deter­ mined. It is commonly understood ■that fils first Epistle was written, p'robablyi in 60 A.D. , ; PLACE. — Some believe that the reference to Babylon in 5:13 is to the a’ctual city of Babylon on the Eur- phrates River, but it is more gener- ally bellevefflffiat' j't refers to the; city of Rome', —'aFina41-y?^-The-~apostle^-«Jms™.bceP, speaking especially of the relation­ ship between husband and wife, and -now comes to instruction, that has to do with Christians; “Be ye all like­ minded.” The adjective implies like the . corresponding verb in Rom. 12: 16; 15:5, and elsewherd? unity of. aim and purpose. “Compassionate.” The Greek adjective is sumpathes, from which comes our word sympathy. It means, literally,....sttffterfngTT.wltli,“an” other. ' . . : • “Loving as brethren.’^ See also 1 Pet. 1: 22. It is St. John who most fully develops this virtue (1 ’John 2: ^11; 3:10-17; 4:20, 21)? “Tender­ hearted.” Also in Eph. 4:32. The his­ tory of the word affords an interest­ ing illustration of the influence'of Christian thought. ’ It -was used by the Greek writers^ especially Greek medical writers, to describe what we should call the sanguine or Courag­ eous teinperament,’ By. St. Peter and St. Paul it is‘used for the emotional temper which shews Itself' in pity and affection. VHunrblemirided.” Hu-, mflity before. God r(-Acts. 20:19), and toward -.our - oieighbdr (1 'Pet. 5:5; Phil. 2:3). ' -----------r-------------- “Not rendering evil for evil;” A verbal reproduction of the precept of should be an bring blessing'to. others. ■ ’For:u-*Th-e's©~-ne-x-t—th-Feei-ve-Fses-a-re- quoted from the - Septuagint version of Psalm .34:12-16. “He that would love life.” Literally, he that willetlj • to love life. “And see good days.”" Not necessarily In biit'ward prosperi­ ty, but in the favor, of God; days of suffering /may bd , good days in the .■truest sense;’.“Let him refrain his tongue' from evil.” There is probably JUQ?aspect, of life so continuously em- - phasized by all writers. in the Nbw Testament,; aside from faith" in .the Lord. Jesus Christ, as that of theTer- rible dangers and sinfulness of evil speaking, '-And his lips - that they speak no guile.” The word translated gull© originally ' meant a bait,, by which fish were caught, and from this it came to mean any lure, or snare? and, finally, eraft, deceft. This is-a Word that can be lapplied to pro­ moters of- worthless stock, to deal­ ers in valueless real estate, and .‘many others in our modern’life, , by whom so many thousands of people have lost their life-savings. “And Hfet” h'im< turn away fi'om%vil, and do -good,.'.’.. For slmila? instruc­ tion,- see Ps. 37:27;' Rom. 12:9, 2JL. vrFor tlrp—eyes of- the- l/ord- are-upon- the rifhteous.” The disciples of Christ were. ;to find peace and calm- f rtgRGTtAEV 1W3 br n. O r 1i»J Onui «Hul» Wrtti «vU. w.•* ' ; •'•. -\rfp •*** V. X v 53«*V ment;. “Blessed are ye” They are bless;e.d who^so suffer, because theirs is the kingdom-of heaven. • • .. •*- \__“And fear not their fear, neither be "troubled?’“See Isa. 8:12, 1V Th© „CQ-nuriaKd__amo„un_tsJto this, be not af- Ifected in’ heart by the fear wEich they strive to inspire .into you. “But sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord." One of the most beautiful, profound,, and' yet practical, phases in' the entire Scriptures. We' sanctify dr hallow one who is .holy' . already, when we'recognise', the holiness, and. •honor what we recognize. “Being, ready' always to give ans­ wer..,to every man that asketli you a reason concerning the hope that is in you.” We .might read-it; be ye ready Strays to giye justification to any­ one who tfbul-d require you “to" JilstF" fy the hope that is you. The hope •th-a-t^'S“Tn“~us'“Ys~The™ehTistia-n^ “Yet with meekness and fear. This fear is not the fear of God exclus­ ively, nor .rl?hat of men, but the .aspect of the mind as' regards both: proper respect for- man, and humble rever­ ence of God “Having a good conscience; that, whdrein ye are spoken against, they may be put to shame who revile your good manner of life in* Christ.” Such a conscience is a good companion for our days, and a good bedfhllow for oiir nights. . '. - .“-For it Is better," if . the will of God should so will,, that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing.” A fifth ‘reason for our patiently endur­ ing wrong, and persecution. This con­ solation Is understood jather by se­ cret meditation, than by .mapy wo^ds. 1-f we suffer unjustly, it I.s not. by chance, but according to the divine will. God ■ wills, nobbing or appoints .nothing but for the best reason. . A map of the moon, indicating..its mountains . and prairies and1 all the other- features , on its surface,-is be­ ing mafle 'in Washington from plio- .togranfis' taken from about "239.000 miles-f-the distance ,o£ the earth from the moon'. . , <s-* _ ■ . ISTH AT BOY GETTING | HAVEYQU6oT I HAVE YOU \ ' ------- AMY PARENTS?/ a GUARDIAN?-ithg proper EDUCATIOM? OKA^JE^V, W g TAKE-M. AWAY! 1 -1ijl 81 ‘ 1 * ill "■ X ■ / ’Mi -■.,JThe^ua,tferial.' u.sed-....f-or-_.thi3^,_„ tinctive dress is rough crep© silk print that resembles a monontono,. It is an ad^anred spring idea that ‘ smart women" are wearing now to freshen their .winter wardrobe? Tha original was periwinkle ’ blue. A,' navy blue ruffle adorned the neck, a most pleasing combination.' , . Another very liked idea is black crinkly .crepe silk with lingerie neck ruffle of white or pastel shad« starched lace.; . ’ Almond green woolen with browq taffeta neck trim • is still another lovely scheme. • " Style No. 2788 is designed, for sizes 14, 16, 18 years, 36> 38 and 40- in ches bd st. . • Size 16'requires 8 1-8 yards of 8O< inch material with 3-8 yard of ■35’" ■ inch contrasting. , • ■HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS ' Write your name - and addresi plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclosi loc in stamps or coin (coin-prefer.. . red-wrap it carefully) for . each • number, and address yoiit order -tt Wilson ■ Pattcrn^ervide, 13 Weal ■ Adelaide, St.-, Toronto.' By BUD FISHER •WS-.- Z«^Z.<iZZ BPHANAGE