HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-21, Page 4STRAIGHT EIGHT Z4 :ZION LANGSIDE fit iis~' . J > \ \ \ vyexe acrvcu« /■ , .r ?.• Harold \ohnsob of i\ A\number of young ^4rt, m*em & 77 ever k 1 gra •e were .47 members I I with. Ca 'J J. Beaton was a visitor on the ;e of Clifford Crozier. • /and Mrs. Harry -Hall?of Goder- ___4 ......... ..................... ........................ ................j )tothe\, Mr^Mrindh and-Mrs/purnin. isAkavpig! for 'omlnd^r Sea- /nii friends I... . 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb and. held '.at the ho nd| Minnie Ree t\Th0\ f/to'ck hroughl -te w-s-br-i n gin g--froi !35\| with ' • J / •..... mF" ’ ‘ . .. MOTORSfez-4 4? HtODDCTS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. /. - ■ . ■* jUiJCKNOW Sentinev ' / • „ ■■.... Published every Thursday ’ mornirig at Lucknow/ Ontario; '/ \ * ’ <, ■ > ■ • i Mrs.. A< D; MacKenzie —Proprietor Campbel) Thompson—Publisher » ■ ______1 THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1935 ♦On the Straight Eight RANGER RAMBLINGS It looks as if some of the patrols are trying hard for those contest points. Did you notice the number of uniforms^oh Wednesday night? The attendance was also-a little better.? v Mrs. Bowen heafd some iridrertests. We are glad to see some of you making ari . effort ?to -get those tests off. We decided to have .enrollment at the^iiext" t wo meetings^----;...... Make - iaLSneciaL effprt_ ,girls; we. want everyone enrolled Within two weeks. As soon are we are all Ran­ gers, we will start hard work for our Ranger .Star. ■ Did you hear the treasurer’s rex­ port? Money does fly, doesn’t it ? We want to have enough to start work on the Club House in the Easter holidays, How much do you Owe? If you. don’t know see "the treasurer, arid p'ay up. ■ '. What Would the boy friend thipk, if he knew “you hadn’t paid for the party you took him to. No doubt yOur chafices“ for the monies worild" be? ore tty sliril. y THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1985 ' ? ■X—■< / : ■;. ...z...' Continuation School OH, THE SHAMROCK >Lll< Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM \ ' ■ • /«. Show Starts 8 P. M. - . • |l. ■ I1'"-,!. ■ J I . '• ■ ' ' There’s a big new value in the low tide characteristic, plus an impressive list of . price field! It’s a PONTIAC SIX improvements. Extra value features include smooth-looking, smooth- .scientific streamlining; solid-steel “Turret- . performing.... i the kind of car that Top” Bodies by. Fisher; Triple-Sealed \. will make hundreds of new friends for Pontiac. Hydraulic Brakes; Concealed Tire and Lug- ' i . .. . gage Compartment; Fisher No-Draft Ventila- Few automobiles have consistently given tion; and Double K-Y'Frame. greater measure per dollar than Pontiac, m As a competent judge of the points,by which , style and long, economical service. a fine automobile is recognized, we invite you quently, few cars have won an main its companion, the public goodwill as successfully as on a. straightEight. Better stfll, we suggest that you ------ - Th^ the 1935"'model~may“be-worthy to -drive them. -Let- actual experience.be.your_ carry on so favorable a reputation, General guide to the happiest selection you could mqke Motors has built into this Six every basic Pon- Iot your next car. ... s ns-fe T. W, SMITH,7 Central Garage ’Phone 148, Lucknow 1. 2ND CON., KlNfcbpS I 4 mu - i i! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Mbert "of There was-a dance held in the; ( n i.. I • Dungannon spent the week-end, Langside Forester’s Hall on .Friday-friehds Qn ............. evening. A1J report a good time. | Mr. and Mrs. Fr<k On Friday evening, the Whitechurch (tairied; /a few of their Women’s^ Institute held a St. pat-! Friday evening. ■ / ‘rick’s concert, and a box social in the | ^r- Clarence Irwin^f Hall, to which a good sized crowd friends in Brussels one. fortune to have his fbot/baldly cj/ush- 51 lately.; i^ntjlast week Thro’ Erin’s Isle, ' To Sport awhile, / * ' As love and* vplour wandered,. With Wit, the sprite, ' Whose quiyer bright (A thousand arrows squandered. Where’er they pass, A triple grass .•••••— ' u‘ Shoots qp,' with dew-drops streaming, •Ag^rsoftly green ' As emeralds , seen - Throu’ purest crystal gleaming. Oh the Shamrock, the grer Shamrock;; --- Ghosen; Teaf~7 i Of Bard and Chief, Old Erin’s- native' Shami We are looking for big meetings ___—-1_____' ’_j_ JJj___-I—-,_____■'____/ifrom now oh, for we’re sure everyone grants ^that trip to London in May; i immortal * /■ —Moore. Thursday. Friday. Saturday MarcK 21-22-23 Binnie Barnes and Frank Morgan In * ^here^s Always Tomorro^lrs A HUMAN DOWN TO EARTH ’ STORY OF FAMILY .LIFE. 'aJsP ■ 1 Two Reel Comedy— “GUS VAN & HIS NEIGHBORS" -AND FOX NEWS- , ’Isn’t it strange that princes ^ahd . kings, ■ ■ /. . • -«■ / Arid clowns who caper in sawdust rings, '••••■■' ' Arid common folks, like you and me. Are building for eternity? To each > is given a set of tools; A shapeless mass and. a book, of rules And each must build, ere life has ... > flownr■ ............ ......*■' — - We would like to know why so many students rush home right. after four to see if there is'not some household task they can perform. Why so many boys are helping mother dust and wash dishes. • We hope the marks froin their exams have .not effected their minds 4th Cort, KINLOSS . Mrs., Ross McMillan, who has been quite ill, is recovered sufficiently to -returnrto_the_hQme of her mother.■ ... 4 . . / ■ “ :—:—~ Mr. and Mrs/ Dan McKinnon, en­ tertained some /friends"on Thursday -night, --.......r..;■ -------------------7-... ■ Mrs. Ed. Pu/rvis of St. Helens visit- ed over the week-/end wMh Mrs. G. —NEXT WEEK— "Lady'For A Day H£RE ANDTHERE Miss Ada Burns of-—Hamilton is home for a visit with her parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burns. Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Moore of RockWood, visited over the week end with Mr. Moore’s mother at the station. . The B. & B. gang of carpenters and bridge builders are hewing and sizing up timbers at the station to erect a new railroad bridge at Angus Gra- ' came. " The nursing short course of two weeks put on by the W. I. came to a - close on Friday1 afternoon. Instruc­ tion was 'giv.en bn Hemorrhages, * Care of MbtherkhdrBaby^^a.king'bf ■ Dressings, Bandaging, Reading $ Thermometer, Taking ,of Pulse, Hot and Cold Pack, Washing of Patient in bed, Making of a ehajrtyf' Pillows to put a Person in. ,bed in_ a- sitting position. 'Each day for .15 minutes/ any member of the class was free to ask questions on home nursing! ' • This included, information on colds,/ Catarrh,. Eczema, How to build a rrin , down system, Hiccoughs,. What to do1 ' for persistent coughs, Nose bleeding, How to treat shock, poisoning etcpQne could not attend this class and hot be more efficient in preserving tee health < of the members of j^fite-home—and—the instruction fitted one to be prepared to meet any emergency intelligently and the proper treatment to give until -the arrival of a doctor..The instructor Miss Alexander of Toronto, did riot spareherself in any way.. She worked in the interests of, her class and an. nearly all cases g; struction and nevi entire class had g: being taught. Thete on the i’Pll and etery day there were ( Luckrtoxi visitors. The highc'-41 *< ■ ariy day was 51/ Through the course' 20 hew members Wete enrolled in the Institute. Any -Institute ’that has never had a. nursing course should apply for one as soon aS their mem- “••■“•■ber's-ffiel-thriy-hUve.-the>.ti.me.-tOxa,ttend~ I i Iler e lends • ' i sited last week. • Mr. Harold Stanley//hadtt the f ■ i . _ /j. .li­ ed whi,|e working, in t(p/ Mr^J Harry Lavis r parents, M^ fill.. MEI Elmer and F^ddile Smith Tiverton visited vf ! Mrs!' Frank Ias^ week. Mr. arid ILucknow sp'^ntVS^h Donald’s. Mrs. C ' at thb K Seaforth Mr? Jo forth, ea here las . 'J. I I 'le^ahde^’ as I 7 ■ MAFEKING, / it e, •; ■ ■ —1—- . s| -j .Mrs. T. H. Alton of Lucknow spei1 a few day's recently with her,niec< Mrs. Richard Johnston and Mr. John-, ston. .' : Mapjle syrup time again. Miss ’ Bernice Blake of” Lohdoi .spent the week end with her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. John. Blake. P ' ' J nr ' rr 1 Karn’s^ east of Lucknow. Mr. John Champion is ’ busy .cutting wood in our burg at present with his sawing, machine; cutting Mr. Thos. Burn’s wood on Saturday and Mr. Alex McDtarmid’s on Monday. ~ Miss Menary of Sheppardton-visited ^ ^ recently with Mrs; W;7JT“Mc:Nall. Mr. Richard Carter attended Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West as a delegate ’ from" L7'O7'Ia~428 at tlfe‘.......... Grand Orange Meet at St. Catharines, the week of March 18 to 21st. This composition was. taken from a topic on the Easter composition exam. “Caesary Attempts An., Invasion Of BfitairiWithHisTenthtegion—1935^ - The King sat at his iyory desk ar­ ranging the weather chart for the coming year, with his private secre- _taty_£abrieL___.... "Let there be rain over lbwer lakes and Georgian Bay region,. Wednesday, March 20, followed by— A silvery bell tinkled. "Come in," said Gabriel. "Well, Caesar,' and what brings you here, sir? Don’t you see his lordship is very busy?” "My l<j>rd, the wish-4.” "Oh yes, well, wish anything you Like, Caesar^ my son, and you shall have it?.’ ' —“Do-not -think ib-unseemlyy-sir-j- My one wish is ,to be allowed one day with. my (trusted Tenth Legiori, to conquer a country which always re­ sisted me—England. If you could lie so good to grant it^—’tis. all I want.’’. ■ "Very well, Caesar. A strange wish, truly, but I have promised. But, you know, all of your Tenth Legion are not here, so Gabriel shall fill the rariks with a few of those angels who lately have been a little restless.” "Very good, sir. And about the transportation, sir/?’1 /‘Oh, I’ll look after that. Just gather your/ legion out here in front of the office window.” It was done accordingly^ and, no sooner were all collected than each, a little breathless discovered himSelf clad in shining armour, . arid in a beautiful green field, with singing birds, and lovely flowers, surrounded by his pals of | the Tenth Legion. In front, Carisar, seated on a black chargbr, a little breathless and grasp- zing the horse’s/inane with both hands, (it was many a year since he had been on horseback) turned carefully far his saddle and commanded; "Jrifius' call the tOII." After all were found to be present, Caesar said, with a little of his old assurance returning to him—"For­ ward march!” >Every foot beat time, every left foot\was thrust forward when sud­ denly dim roar was hearti in the distance/ Caesar jufhped. His nerv.es werbri’t as good as they used to be. He insist Jrave more self control. But —what xvas this huge steel beetle that was apprdaehing/and growing larger every minute?/ Wh'at! still another appealed along jthe white ribbon rOad.. Oh, Well, what could you expect? These Britons had always beep a ha^i^/bunch toy conquer. A little re­ sistance Woulirjiust add to his holiday. ' 'What wds the matter? They all just pmo!e<J him by, without taking any ridticri! Afraid—that was it— rurinmg: aV tbe imposing sight of himwdf sifid/h'iw legion; But he would sBke to h/tjta . one of these chariots, w^ich yjoemed to be borne along on the w.ind,' for himselfr He’d stop one. Bratua/you and four of the guards capture;'one of these armed beetles, and bHng it to me as booty?’ That* whs strange. Druitts didn't Hamilton/and Mrs. R Martin: Miss Anna Kennedy returned .home after spending a few weeks in Tor- ".onto. . / .Mr. J. line l^st week. i. ’. .and Mirs. R. McDougal enter- f a hogt of friends on Tuesday nig'ht prior to the boys’ departure for the- /West. ■■ ;/Miss Mabie Ross spent Sunday at her^homA — P"7\. -A .' ■ CREWE / > Mrs. Wrii. Crozier and Colin spent Su'nday with the former’s parents, MrVand Mita. Wm. Campbell of Don­ nybrook. . - Mr. and Mrs. John Blake are Spend­ ing A few days with relatives, here. /Mr. Aldon Hasty of Auburn spent the week end with his, father and Lome! here. . 1 *«■ i'- ' ‘ Z ■ ’ s ' '. Mrs. Isaac Gauley who has been very ill has been taken to Goderich to the''home of her brother-in-law for treatment. ' A A number front) here attended. a party at \tjie home of Arthur Culbert’i on the AW con., on\ Friday evening. All re.pbrt\ a Very enjoyable time./ 4Th^ ; Y, D. S, held \their regular meeting on? Friday night/ Benson Shaj in: Mr. Murdo Matheson, reeve of Ashfield and Mr. Chas. McDonagh, are in London this week'attending .thie Convention of. the Good Roads Com. After spending the* past five months f in the camps in the vicinity of North Bay, Mr. Alf. Ritchie returned home on. Saturday as work was being dis- . ’ contyiued for the season. Mrs. John L. McKinnon of Tiverton visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter, last week. The young, folk of the Y. P. S. are busy practicing for a concert tb be held in the near future. Mrs. Jas. Webster, boundary, visit­ ed Zion friends on Thursday. last. Mrs. Jack Gardner spent Monday afternoon with Mr£. Clair Irwin, boundary' west. Mrs. W. G. Heed of Rapid City, visited her sister, Mrs. Will Gardner’''"'-" • on Friday last. answer, well, he should receive his just punishment, he would--—— Again Caesar Heard a dim drone growing louder and louder. He looked along the highway, and in the dis­ tance .he saw a black speck which was gradually—mb, it couldn’t ’be a bird making such a noise aS that,—any­ way it was gradually rising into the ' air, so it riiusCbe a^’Kird;- HbrdT^end:'^“ Romulus to^ see about' that., Romulus was no coward. - "Rbmulus, spear for tne that flying eagle.” . • His own voice shook a little, for truly it w,as a most ^astounding bird. Mmm-----stranger still?, Romulus did­ n’t answer. . Oh—he felt himsdlf grow cfold, the -bird -wris-divipg at him. lie his charger lovingly round tfie^nbek and whispered in its. ear in faltering tones, "Speed, Napoleon old pal> it looks, like dr vulture." But what was stranger than all else, the charger suddenly vanished, he felt4* a sinking, sensation in his heart, and heard air rushing in his ears—I' ■ . ' ■ ‘ "Oh, Gabriel,' bring Caesar to me, at once.” ' ., "Vety good, sir, but if I .might be So bold as to say it, sir,' Caesar /has begged a day of rest from your Gra­ cious Majesty, the horse-back tiding, sit, when he wasn’t used tb it -you uri'derstand ?" __ . \ •. Fbr one whole day, the weather chart was not touched,' and the Heav­ enly palace rang with laughter. Lois of St. Helens, visited ^Klr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson Sunday4, Mrs. Webb and Lois remained for a. few days. Miss Jean Anderson ^whp had been their guest’ for the week, end, returned home with them; I/' During the past month an/ejriuemicj. .o£’flu..has.visitedmost..-of;.^he/lomes. in this community. In sometpses the patients were confined to . bed /for a few days, a few required the-uzfoctor’s care and others had a mild^/ attack, but all agree that it has be/n an;un­ welcome guedt. , Mrs.v Paul Reed of Lupknow spent the week end at .the horpb of Mr. and ho'njri . .A ;irtg on Friday night, Benson _/kleton taking charge. The meet- JJnefct\ Friday night will be in ■charge of Gliffbrd Crozieri. ' —^Dri/and Mrs. Harry Hall?of Goder­ ich Spent Suhda^ with th^< latter’s hrothek Mr^Mriridh and .Mrs. 'Dumin. V Mr. Stanley? Drerinan and Carlyle M£IritosA of Windsor, spent Saterd^y1 at the home of tej^ir cousin, Mr. Wil­ fred Drennan. " y \ ' Miss Bernice Blake of\London ?Un\ iVersity, jbined with her barents here tbf‘the. Weakisjehd. ■ \- 1 \ '. TV ■ "1 V : NO -■ BRUCEITES ; r ' ' ’■ A \ JAIL® IN FEBRUARY Whether BruceitesX are beco^ihg better or riot has notybeen divulged by the abthttritieS, bttk Gaolet Vic. 'Belt, has ' stated that in making his report for thri, month of. February to- the 'provincial department, he was obliged /to' state that not ope resi­ dent of Bruce (“Jdtthty had\hrierii\giveri. into his care during the year’s short­ est month./ This is the first instanb^ that this has occurred since Gaoler Belt has b^fen on the job and oh.going hack or some time prior to his re- gfrpe he Jias been unable to, find a rnOrith ifi5 which not a single BtuceiU has been placed iri durance Vile at the county castie^suHeteid Times, Of "7tf’Mis> the- clo as a pejffcpn/ of Indi the claj that B __... with ar/\autograph [al^um\with \j of thei sing ‘ The el Mrs. Thps. Anderson. Miss . Nellie Cranston from Lucknow over Sunda^/ Th? Y. P. S. held, a’ SW Patriick^ social at the hall Saturday evening. \ Elmer Johnston was cop^ene/mf \the program which consisted bf dommiin- •ty singing; the topic given iby^^i^s Alice Shackleton; readings by |Mis^ \Alma Curran arid Elmer Johripton' and group games. Sandwiches,/da^e and 'Icoffefe vvere served/ ' / ' A nuniber of young mdn, members okthe^ip. s; gathered affhe haili {onk Afternoon 'recently ajid (built a\ \antrtri and. shelves.■Th^y'ha'Aj bought the lumber, arid the enctgeti^pre^i- iktold Webster, brought it frCjm on ^wn\ The whole, including the labor, i\gift to the meiribers of the 1/70- Mrom .$'40. meh’s /AsSdeiatipri,.. who appreciate. or. bn ifeweTl I Asked the tie ced her Tnlany lest attendance for Mrs. Wm. C Nearly^e'Ve m attended' the\s£le\of farm st^e'k an implements'. "Mis'scs/ Jerini Tuesday ks^ -O'0.0arid while they can have the privilege ,to .350;/arid yb^ngV'httle S&iAty sX^very ^much. their' thoughtfulness.