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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-21, Page 3
by the first unexpected resistance of PATENTS . BE A CONQUERING HERO! ' addressing the annual convention of V, fr- < | manufactured by the makers of Cam- nina’e Italian Balm. In 86 years I %' 9 Feel That They’re Slipping LosingTheir“Grip” onlhings Relieves Congestion aX-WFER, to every inventor. -^-List~o.f_-.wantecl inventioqs and full information sent fre^~~~The:—-EamSay__..— Company, World Patent Ay.oKD.eys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. , . Tear Off and Mail Today CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED SALT DIVISION ... . .. WINDSOR, ONT. Without obligation please send special Children’s Booklet, 5'SALT all over the r World.” Name ~__ 1 Addt •essL _ GOLD i Keeps Free Of It With KruacheS There can be no doubt about the effectiveness of the remedy this man uses against lumbago. Read bis jet- ter:— ’ ’ , ' 1 ,t •' / ' " About tour years ago, T had a bad kttackof lumbago; After being In .ikoBpltai for two. weeks taking heat iteeatment, I started taking Kruschen Balts/Slnce then, .1 am happy to say, 1 have not been troubled with lum bago. I shall still continue taking Kruschen to' be sure the lumbago Won’t, come back.A. C* C. ,. Why la it that' Kruschen is; so ef fective ffi keeping lumbago at bay?' Simply iro&use. it goes right down to the root opthe trouble, and removes the cause,’ which is an impure bipod stream/ The 'six salts in Krusohen keep the bloodstream pure and vigor ous by promoting a clockwork regu larity of ail the organs' of elimina tion. By Gordori L. Smith '' • . ' 1 ' '-.A “ I care and training they are receiving J today... ‘ ‘ (A series of these particles will ap- peaf~~w-eekdy in this paper. " Next week: ‘‘The Child’s Physician ,SWEET PEAS. Sweet Peas ,jnust be planted^ Just- as soon as it.' is possibly to K0 . a spade in the ground. There are'usual,- ly one or two days in early.. April when it is possible to work up the soil in the warmest part of the, gar-, .den, and this is the. time, and place for thesq flowers. They have best i results, in -a- climate where; the sum mer nights are inclined' to be cool;., They must have extra water during dry weather. Tt is advisable to sotw In a trench and” support on brush, strings- or poultry petting. The. trench should be dug a foot ■ deep ?a’nd In it put three or four inches of well- rqtted leaves,- ,or. manure. This, In addition to plant food provides open ’^S^thfiaFln" Tvhlch a -"d0ep- -robt .sys^ tom can be developed. On top will be three Inches; of fine garden soil and place in this the seed, about two Inches-apart- -the„saine_ deep. ‘Gradu ally the spring and summer rains (abrogates fundamental American | will fill in the remainder of the ,trench assuring stout stems and ab undant deep roots. If the, flowers are .picked daily, they yziu bloom from early July until frost. , « STARTING plants in beds. Where, many plants are wanted; ’Ttbe^bSsV-arrangement—for- starting.. seed indoors is a hot bed, though, where only a few plants are requir ed, a shallow box in a sunny window Will be sufficient.- A hot bed simply consists of ah old window assh laid- on a wooden framework about 18 Inches “’high, which contains two in* ches of fine garden/soil on a layer sof fresh, slightly, strawyhorse manure. In an open . place and facing south, - -dig-a—nit-of-the-same dimensions as the window frame -and about' a fobt deep. Into this put the manure, (If frost prevents digging, simply , pile on top of the ground.) When well press- ed down, the layer of manure should be^Sbout^I8"”ihchB^ is^held; »jg^l^c-e~ky t^ th e -pit and the frame. On top is placed two in ches of light garden soil, preferably mixed with a little safid. The-window is fitted snugly into place on top and should be about 15 inches above the ■Wn~kt~the~baek—and-9-inches_,at,tlie front to allow rain to run off and also .to catch the. -fuli ray's of the "sun. At first the’soil will heat rapidly but in about three days It will have cool-"' ed to. ground 80 degrees, which is th© tpjroper temperature. The seed is planted in rows about two inches apart, and the bed watered frequen* tly. On warin’ days it wiR be neces- sary to, ventilate by raising the win dow frame an* inch or so. When the second' set "of leaves develop thin. The seedlings are transplanted to a cold frame, which is the same as a _hbt_bed__only . without the heating manure., about three weeks before going, outside. Here they are hard- ■:erfed''thoroughlyzbefore~being--set-out- -in ’ their .. permanent quarters. No heating material is needed in the house, otherwise the procedure is Whatever, violates,: Infringes, or i _. - . - . . --------- . —. liberty violates the life principles of ■ America as a paj^on/’ — Herbert, I Hoover. ' .. “Many people feel perplexed be cause . of the .municipality of church- ____es and the conflict qf their claims.” —John Dewey? ~ J" “The U. S. Constitution was not designed to establish tor all time any particular economic theory, whether, of the organic relationship of the in dividual to the state or . of laissez- faire.” 1 ■ : '■ , ■ • ?■ ' '."‘Si .. “If we^omldn^ftf^by^fi^fgR"of reason, We must let our minds be ^uld7”'^^I^uis“D—Brandelsj-——.... “Religion Is not a narrow, bigoted . ‘ unreasonable thing, any more than is —___art or poetry, to which it is akin.”— ^herwb'od—Eddy.—:—,'j Many people 'round 40 think they’re ^^■■_^*groWing„old.” They feel tired a lot ... “weak.” Have neadaches, dizzP ness, stomach upsets. / Well, scientists say the cause of all this, in a great many cases, is simply an acid condition of the stomach. Nothing more. . . . All you have to do is to neutralize the excess stomach.acidity. - When you have one of these acid stqmach upsets, take Phillips’ Milk oi . Magnesia after meals and before going to bed; That’s all! ; . ' Try this. Soon you’ll feel like another person! Take hither the familiar liquid “PHILLIPS’ ” or the convenient new Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia TaWefs. Made in Canada. 4LSO IN TABLET. FORMt Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tab- fota are now on sale at all drug . ■tores everywhere. Each tiny tab- [ let la the equivalent of ' a tMspoontul of Gen- atne Phillipa Milk of ; Magnesia. ftilLLlPS’" •‘MADE IN CANADA" .. 'i. practically .^the; ;aame. Boxes about three, inched deep are. filled" with’ a -mixture df -sand- and -liglit 'so^l .and.. placed" in a “bright wfridow, where, preferably, v there is a dbuble glass, to prevent cold droughts at night. Reginald Hh; Wlgglha, M.P., C-M4 L.M.C.C. i Wise Precautions and P$Frtipt Treatment May K^ep You From. This Disabling Af fliction. < - ' . “Child’ training is the most impor tant problem before the nation to day.”—Frank R. Cheley. " 'Upon" the' proper-care and-adequate training of our childreir today de pends the peace and wder of our homes; the character, ability '’’and personaHfy of our citizenship to ■ come, and the future^of the race-. —... So that Canadian, mothers end fa thers might have the requisite up-to- date information of the rearing and; training of 'their children,, thesq^,ar ticles are appearing in the press. '■ \ \ Thfi press is the most , effective means of making '■ this, knowledge available to those who need it. 7 "Mothers"' always—and—increasingly, fathers too—are showing more and even mpre interest in this vital pro- jukir. Lt:; There fire! still* many illnesses th« causes of which remain ..unknown^ writes aj doctor. Throughout, the World'research is going on day after day in the hope that the cause and cure of these conditions may be dis covered. ;, pne, of these’ ie influenza. But; although its actual cause; re- mains~a- secret, there is .nQW.nQt .the. slightest doubt that it is due to a germ which is too ^snTall to be seen. It is so tiny that it can pass through a close filter tyhich would stop the passages of many organisms. , . , Experiments have so far progress ed that It is " now only a matter of time for it to be possible to isolate this germ and • probably produce an ..hnti^bte, . Meanwhile; we can -.onjy ‘/dp what we can to prevent this dis- ab'ling,infection from leading'to com plications, and'to cut .short its at tacks as soon as ■we’ are able?;” In the first place it is well to re- membePtEafTnfliieirz'a^^infectious^ It can be passed from one .individual blem. Mothers .of young children-; j'to another. Anything which tends, young mothers-surprised and baffled , to' lower the .powers of rhsistenCe .Kw nnnvnnntn/1 vtzi.axcs f‘.*x nnzi' via aI/ao fincYflV - 'fnv { 1 on a small infant to authority; older mothers unable to adapt their meth- _dds_of ■ child training (apparently suc cessful! . with one chil(iy~t'o~"t'h''S*'''va'i'y^ ■ ing needs of their several children. ~Mothers^and fathers of adolescent boys' and girls; fathers who really desire to know the nature and needs, of their growing boys; grandmothers' who find "their own tried methods of discipline ineffectual and in conflict. with-those of their children and their grand-children—^ll these desire some, up-to-date and sound fid vice on the care and training, of-children and are demanding it. . -As_jwe.,all^knp^ in the world today are-not satisfactory.'For -t-h48~staterdf-afEairs,^wc,axe^ THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco “I made up my., mind years ago that, nobody knows much about polit- ical ecqnomy, including the so-called economists.” — Bruce Barton. '* ( “Sooner or; later the disturbing realizatiion comes-t i ua—that ^even T;Ifgf*"Which”-we-—cannot—understand, may be true.”—SWB1' Purant. Earning Capacity : Determines Fare Paid Earning capacity and - social sta tus will determine how much h man pays for his fare on the Hamburg (Germany) Elevated* Railway under new fare scales just introduced. Bachelors earning less than 100 marks (£5 at par) a month, and fathers of familes earning, less than 150 marks a month will pay only 10 pfennigs (Id) for each journey on the municipally-owned lines. People who are better off . will pay 20 pfennigs." Students will continue -to. pay only 10 pfennigs. j’iia fly y T1" Xr J makes it easier for infection to take place. Two factors seeip to be worth, considering; . .the -.first of these is fear.. Although^at this season-of the '7^af'^there“aTe^usuatiy--^—the—air.., seeds qf influenza, it-is asking for trouble, to go- about in fear of catch ing it. When ydu a.re al'rard7"your general health suffers and you are less likely to resist infection. There is little tp be afraid of if you do -catch^--it.— Pro_vided treatment is prompt and your- general health’ is good you 'stand an excellent .chance. of making an uninterrupted recov? ery; The second factor again con cerns these same powers. of' resist- - »■ ance which nrc definitely lowere’d by strength to carry on with my duties.’ ..wit*.' . V ’• v "■' ‘ ’ •••”‘■7' ‘7'‘ niFC- 5the bad habit some people have ac- j ! ‘^Mred“ofrasetting’?’out—in—the—cold. w mornings of winter without ’ any I ~* breakfast. . . . Late nights, hot stuffy atmqs-' phere and fatigue also lower resist ance.' 1 ' WOMArsWBT^ Mrs. Mary C. Kilby of . 148 Main St., Woodstock, Ont., -pays,: “I waa_in a -rundown-condition, I had no rest at night, felt— completely exh ails ted. , ■"fnosf'oftheytimeandhad. ' frequent headaches. It re* Suired only oni bottle of ' >r. Pierce’s 1 Favorite Prescription tp give me ■ with mw ‘ AIT druggists.-New--siie,T'5tablets 50 ctf., liquid $1.00. Large size, tabs, or liquid, $1.35. Write Dr. Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo,- Y. Color Renaissance " In Men’s Clothes ■ A color renaissance in men’s wear is predicted by Raymond Twyeffort, New York tailor, for, the swdnky. “We are sick of gloom and black/’ he said ’ - - - ■ ' . . : the National Shoe. Retailer’s Associa tion. Color, is the necessary vitamin to ■^tiinUlMe“'Tnen*s~-desiresT’ Twyef- fort displayed "a~dafk blue cutaway coat and tailcoat with gold fixings on the lapels. He also displayed a red velvet coat for home wear, a brown cocktail-hour suit and plenty of brilllantly-check vests. ....:.......... TTOW the faithful slave girl. saved her master’s life- how the robber was foiled through a great eastern cus tom regarding Salt—is told in picture and story in new book for Children! Yours free! Send coupon how for ” Salt all over the World”. Strange, ° engagin g Salt customs ih many lands. Every r Your Mouthwath home should WINDSOR SALT hav,e this CHEST - COLDS MECCA O,MAH°nP MUJTARP POUNCE Apartments are-inconvenient; They...- have .no attics in which to-hide the gifts you are afraid .to throw away. Classified Advertising ' : ' GOOD hUCK CHICKS > „ 4 4 0^ increase over 11)34 business* . 11Z/ Answer is “SATISFIED CUS TOMERS.’ Write. for catalogue— -dCMthain, Ontario. ' 1 ; ■ BEAUTY'. PABEbBECBSAEE—- Beauty pa^6r^^^s^le-~in=^--. .Toronto. Good locality. $1600’.00 Box 8, 73 Adelaide St. W.; Toronto. •; The ‘Tift" and Energy of Cod Liver Oil PLUS GREATER EFFICIENCY (FIGHT OERMS^ fM VITAMIN A. v PEOPLE 4 b MeCOME •VERY. Vitamins A and D» abundantly found in Scott*s Emulsion* bolster up tired, Winter-worn bodies, ; restoring vitality and strength. But Scott’s FfldSWion gives you more: Emulsification-—the minute. Breaking up of the partidcB-—making for quicker assimilation, easier digestibility: Yqt none of the virtues of pure cod liver oil are lost. One of the PLUS Values you get only in Scott's Emulsion. I 6UILD BONES, |*M VITAMIN O. HEALTH £ STRENGTH DEPEND r ON ME/ lands. Every 1______'___□ hav,e this book I Sendoi water muu, .pleasant, effective and COUpOIl nOW I harmless. Hagai Table Salt l(Fre« Running) A Windsor Salt Pro duct. For.table, cook ing and .Oral Health; Uniformly pure — maintained ao by Chemical control. WINDSOR 5ALT W •— Does Not' Blister At first sign of a cold on the chest apply a Mecca Poultice with the; addition of mustard. The warmth in combination with marvellous healing properties of Mecca Ointment will give quick relief. Full directions in each package, 38 New Map and 20 page Booklet STURGEON RIVER Writ* to-tfay for Iru copy of new io Mie llloetratH folder—Stergeon Hirer, ill, Syndleitee and Companies. Inclodes latest aithentic larpf snap. Prepared after much research and expense. Copter artllafile llmlte'd. Write to-day , hefore aapply exhausted. " No “obfloatlon. NATURAL resources agency, 920 Refold Building, Toronto, Canada HEALTH MEANS CHARM AND HAPPINESS Sparkling eyes ana smiling lips -speak-of—health.. and vitality. Clear skin attracts. The healthy active girl is both Happy and i popular. . Perhaps you are not really ill yet when the day’s work is done you are too tired to enter into the good times that - ..Qther„women enjoy. For extra energy, r try Lydia E. PfrSKam^ Vegetable - Compound. It tones up your general health. Gives you more pep—more charm.’ I Remember that 98 out of 100 women report benefit. Let it help you too; * z ,1■ ■■ ............., - ----- DANISH fear, worry - and __Overcome? inferiority ■ com- • plex. Live sUpc^ssfiHIK^Stitute—of— Practical ■ Psychology, 909^ Confeder- ''atlon - Building, Montreal. P-. Q POULTRY RAISERS Check ROUP ....... • ' (Bronchial'Flu) With a Few Drops of Tested Eczema Remedy | Is Prescription of Doctor ' l . Your skin trouble—whether it is eo- sema, acne, hives,, dandruff, ringworm infeotion or pimples and blotches—will i be positively benefifcted by D.D.D.. !„ because D.D.D. is a tried and tested Physician’s Prescription.. D.D.D. waa ; developed originally for his own pa- , tients by Dr. D. D. Dennis. It is now , j manufactured by the makers of Cam- Bina’s Italian Balm. In 86 years .D.D. has brought clear, healthful skins to millions. At drugglata. Trial aha 80<>. Guaraatatd to giva ioaianl rallaf or moaay Mfunded. Growing Deaf With Head Noises? Try This If you are growing hard of hearing, and fear catarrhal deafness, or If yot have roaring, rumbling, hissing nota- en in your ears, go to your druggist and x get 1 ok. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it U pint of ho< water and a little, auger. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head. nolaee. . Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing become easy , and the mucoua stop dropping into the throat. It to easy to take. Anyone who la threat ened with catarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this pr® scriptipn a trial. Don’t expect your boss to pay you a dollar an hour for your working hours’ when you use your leisure hours as though they were not worth five cents a dozen. ROSS' HEIGHT' : : ?:8H2Eb mrmmi* ««« w«M umlsAm. nwt> faUra* atf IMtawnMl at war ab'awt* Fae/$10.00 complete. Detail* Free. . Write Now MALCOLM ROSS Height Specialist, Scarborough, Sag. ■Save That Sick Animal With OR. BELL, VETERINARY MEDICAL WONDER ' 5,1 ■ —r The Animal Life jSaveir -r ’ Dose by Drops—FIRST AID.,H0ME TREATMENT—No Drenching Quick relief for Preliminary Coughs, Colds, Chills, Colic, Fever, Distemper, Scours. .. Dr. BclEfi Condition Powders-—The Body Builder. ,<5 Dr. Bell’s Cattle Cathartic—The Guaranteed Purgative.- Dr. Bell’a Kidney & Blood Powder*—The Blood Purifier. — Sold Wherever Drugs Are Sold — Booklet ~F‘ret Sick Animals— £>k. bell wonder Medicine co. ’ Kingston, Ont. —‘ Winnipeg, Man. — Alexandria Bay, N.Y. ’ Be kute Dr. (Doctor) is In front of1the Beil. iuU_liJfcr. -- ------------------ ----(,,, _ 7"77 X .... ......... u