HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-21, Page 1T . DROWNED IN B.qC. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS Ibuner^I Qjf Afex McLeod Held Today “'^“iXOuirg“fTM^ Death In Drowning Accident In .■ ■ Vancouver^. |j „ . ® v, ■ . ■ ",1 T . ’ . , ( J i ' i 1'(?, ’ \ l! ■' ' ».L < Sample at Sentinel LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1955 ?" :■.■./■>? '■A’v ; -■ ■ .. . '’-v ‘:______• CUSTOM HAT(5HiNGi—Apply. to Walter .Alton, 67-15,' Dungannon. -•-“-FOR ^ALE^LaureLJHull.ess„_.OAts good yielders. Apply to Bill Kempton “ or to Melvin Irwin. . • 1<— ■ ■ '■ \ 1 ........;.... ;' ' n (Jn®H;4l>AGUE :'“MELON”““" XSPLIT FOUR WAYS Each Teain Mariager Receives Check r.Fqr $ 12.80—Season A Profitable . One. •? FORSALE—Quantity of good clean oats; 20th-Century Variety:—° to, Fred Webb, R. 1, Lucknow. FOR' SALE—A quantity of Duram Seed Wheat. Sample at Sentinel .Qfficg.—.... .. GranL McDiahmid, ’Phone 68-4, Durtgannon. ___, FOR SALE—Good Shorthorn Bull, ?.. -/.-a show -animal.- 4;: years- old, q.r wil.i , exchange for one. " . James Forster, R. 1, Lucknow. FOR SALE—Small stack mixed hay-, set harrows and 'steel /hrirrow cart, 2-year-old driving colt and a good kitchen table.— . Franfc. Miller, R. 6, Lucknow, ■■■ ' ■' 7' ' ' ' • AUCTION SALE—oj^ stock,, imple- inents, ^rain,. hay at E. H. Lot 1, —7-Con.- 8.1A.shfield. —Tuesday/ March] 26? . See bills for list and terms. — Matt. Gaynor, Auc., Peter Glazier, Prop; IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE—Wag­ gon, set .(Scales, 2000 lbs., Cultivator, Seed Drill? 3 drum Land Roller/Hay Fork Car, Rope and Pulleys. \ Apply to Sam’ Carnochan, Lucknow FOR ^ALH^Lau^el Hulless S'e^T Oats $1J)O per; bushel. See sampleTaF Sentinel Office or at ^Robertson's Egg Store. ■ : George Kennedy, . . ' \ IR-. 1, Lucknow'. ' PROPERTY FOR SALE—9 acres, good frame house with stBne cellar, ^^cement—stable.—JClose-to—schooL_and. chprch. 1% miles- north of LucknoW. Peter; T. Carter, R. R 6, Lucknow. k (21—3—c.) '. ■ <». AUCTION SALE—of stock, imple- ’ merits and furniture at E. H. Lot 26, Con. 9, West. Wawanosh, v Friday, , March 29th, See bills. Matti Gaynor;' Auc.; Dan. Maclnriis, Prop, i „ IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE—Seed „ Drill, set Harrows, Disc Harrow, Wagon * and ,Rack, Fanning Mill. Limited quantify of- oats arid seed barley. Apply to Mrs. Wesley Hudson R. 5, Lucknow, * ——— . ... When the managers of the four Church League, teams met last week to arrange.’ for the presentation of the’tropH^y each was presented by-the secr.etary.?i.reasureij, Ivan, Rawlings,: with a check for $12.80, representing individual shares in the- four-ways, split of net proceeds of the Church I,eague rtnfelon”7"~------ "The season proved a financially ■'sUccessfu-Uone’*for “this*"new~ venture- in inter-church competition. Receiving .25.% of the gate receipts during the scheduled games and 40% of the spates during the three playoff games, the league treasury swelled to a grand total of $59.16—and this at an ad­ mission fee of 15c and 10c. Expenses of' $7.90 left $51.20 Hto be divided among thft 4 teaftis.. • ’ ; . The leagues share of gate receipts -throughout the" six scheduled, grimes ^d^hree^playbff1 games was-as -fol­ lows: 1 Presbyterians & United —$ 2 89 Anglican & South Kinloss ..... 5 01 Presbyterian & Anglican’......— 2.35 United & South Kinloss ....u...:.. .4 85 Anglican & United 5 55 Presbyterian & South Kinloss 4 00 Playoffs, lg.t game ...x........x.... *8 30 rPlayoffsT-?2-nd~g-ariie-^n^.wiT..^:—10^20. ■piayoffr,“~3Fd“gam^‘.T/.^^ r ' . • ■’•'■' -'■■■ ~ ” Total ................;__ _______;x.....$ 59 10 Presbyterian Guild ■ $ JjThere was. supposed to be a sleigh 2?ding party' Monday.- evening, owing..;to?the absence of snaw,-an-4m-- promptu program was ..given,.: con-,. sistirig off. a duet by 'Mn. and Mrs. Horace Aitchisdn,. arid Rev/ C/Hr MacDonald took the topic ■pictures­ quely describing the vine-yard and growing of figs and olives in Pales­ tine and in an interesting./manner explained the parable of the vine­ yard and of the fig tree. Several hymns were sung which were enjoyed by all present;' after, which Rev. C.- H. MacDonald closed in prayer. but FARMERS’ ATTENTIQN! Lucknow Joint Club U. F. O? ,has , < secured the Robertson' warehouse at the C. N. R. depot and will iristali machinery at an early date, that will .enable them:to deliver fertilizer next - week. ' John Jamieson, Sec’y. TWO FARMS FOR RENT—being Lot 23, Con, 11, West Wawanosh, V/2 miles east of St. Helens; also lot 74, Con. 2, Kinloss, about 2% miles from Lucknow. Both farms contain 50 acres, good water and buildings.’ 7 7 Apply at the residerice of the late Jacob Millei^ Havelock St., Luckripw. -----------!■■■- ■' . ’--—-- -------;---------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter lof the estate of Jacob Miller,- late of the Village of Lucknow, in: the County of BruGe, Retired Farrner, deceased, and in the ^Matter oT the estate of Eliza Marg­ aret Millbr, Irite of the said Village of Lucknow, Widow, deceased. .V s Notice is hereby given that all per- sons haying any claims or demands United Church ?Y. P. S. "■~T^^sih>iirg^f^ymn 225 and the 'repeating- of the Lord’s prayer opened the Monday evening Y. P. S. meeting. Helen McLeod read the Scripture* lesson and’ Elya Johnston took, the topic, giving a synopsis of a chap-: ter from the mission study book, “Tales and Trails of the. Northland”. A bit of Old Erin was weaved ilnto the remainder bf t the program with. Mrs. Joynt conducting a sing-song of Trish melodies. Martha* 'MacCallum gave a reading on the life- of St. Patrick and Mrs. Joynt sang “Ddar Little Shamrock”, followed by the closing exercises. -. 1 ■ ' f A NATURAL MISTAKE . ' “I can see as well aS I ever could” is a common answer to a , question as to how a person sees. Reply to such an answer this way—“Are you sure you EVER ■ ' saw as you Should?” No one c"anr . answ;er that questiqn, accurately , unless -the eyes have been exam­ ined. So individuals everywhere, ■ of all ages and both sexes, require “^ir-eyft^seiwrce—without—realising— their' need. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service jtr ,____auuo U<*/V Liauiw vjl ***«-* against the late Jacob~Miller who died on or about . the tw,enty-first day of February A.D. 1934 at the Village of LUcknow in the County of Bruce, and, Eliza Margaret Miller, late of the said Village of Lucknow, . his Widow, . dr ' either of them, are re-» quired to sendjby post prepaid or to deliver to, the .undersigned, their , •.names and addresses and full particu­ lars in^Writing of their claims and -stateineii^^o^ nature of the securities, if any, held by them duly verified by affidavit. And'take notice rifter the fifteenth . .day of April A.t). 1935, the assets of the said estates will be distributed among the persons entitled . thereto having regard ,only to the claims of which notice shall have beeri given ’• and that the executors of the said estates will not be liable for the said assets ojf any part thereof th any person of whose claim notice shall ■ not then have been received.. ' Dated at Lucknow, .Ontario, this Nineteenth day ^Of M-archr A.D; 1935. • Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont. .... _ ■ New Hose, Gloves, Silk Undergar- ■ meats, etc?—THE MARKET STORE, drinking fountain fund. " STILLtSTEALING THE^SHOW-l,pLATIVE OF LOCHALSH A couple, that as infantri were rival contestants xn .a baby.- show and in.^ ‘eid^tally“i"^5p^,~‘‘lirs^"'aftd‘^"'s.econd- prize, joined, forces twenty years Hence and on Friday night, w;altzed Qx fox-trotted off /with;-the prize* at* the Rebekah d'apce. ■ ’ The lady was Miss Margaret Bell pf Ripley and; the 7*ent Dave <;CarrUthers of Kinloss. . Twenty ypars-'.ago last fall, Marg­ aret and Dave were; rivals in a baby show, at the Ripley Fall Fair, with the youthfuTmiss Winning-firsteprize; w,hile her male contestant had, to be satisfied, with second""place. —L Last Friday night it was different however, and the young couple^j'dined forces. fo win the special prize awaraded the most graceful dancers, in" which competition; personal neat- riess and attractiveness was also ri ’consideration. -So it appears , that Margaret and Dave have still retained that-infant charm that enables, them to continue stealing the show. WILL PRESENT TROPHY v ■ . ■ AT SOCIAL^EVENiNG Managers Of Three Losing, Church League Teams Arie Arranging Social Evening And Pariice For Friday, March 29th Official recognition of th”e /success of the United Church hockey team in coping the Church League chaffipion- shiprw411/)^e“niad^?^^^^ tiori of. the attractive trophy donated by Mr. John. Joynt and who will make fhe ■presentation at .a sQciab evening to be held in the Town Hall on Friday^ March 29th. ' '' This social evening, lunch - rind .a -drince; was-ag-reed—upon-at_a_meeting. of “ the’?" feargtRFT'axecutiwTriritl managers held last- Wednesday night. A short program, the presentation of features that promises to make this, an enjoyable evening.. , : ■ The event is to be an - invitation­ affair, with each hocldey player given four" tickets, to be sold at 15c, or two for 25c.* The members of the/wijming team receive two free tickets each. The invitations are to be provided through the kindness of the Rink Management, and will be distributed by the various members of the teams. The event is open only to those in possession . of invitations-, - which- w-i-11- be presented at the. wicket. Anyone wishing .to.attend and jwho has not been presented with an invitation, may receive one- from-members-of-t-he- executive. ■ To his brothers , rind sisters, and ^specially to his aged and invalided-' tnofher, came the shocking word of' the’tragic death of Alex McLeod.'The funeral is being.held today from’his former home at LochaTsh. * _ Alex, who was 37 years of; age, has been in the West for a number r '........ ■,/.?-» . ’ * of years, and while ^employed at the docks in the city of Vancouver met accidental death by drowning -on Tuesday of last week. » Alex, a spp of Mrs. McLeod arid the late John McLeod, was borne in .Huron Township,, just west of Loch- alsh, from where tjje funeral is being held to Lochalsh eemetery. The re­ mains arrived at Ripley on Wednes- "day:, '■ "Besides- .his- bereaved^riiother.,- Alex, is survived by John and Kenneth of Lochalsh and Dr. W. I. McLeod of Ripley and: two other brothers in the West,—-and one sister, Margaret of Toronto;/ • ■■ • ■ .. / • ■ ■ . New Seasons Prints, Ginghams^ WaSh Goods, Etc. Fresh„as the spring flowers.—THE MARKET STORE.. 1 ' ’ ‘ ' 1 - ‘‘ j;' \ -- ", ‘ - The ■of/Health j Flo V 1O of Health QUALIFY AND SERVICE QUR* M OTTO / -*....... ;---............................X...._____ _ .x ........ .. t . '\j.< U. ■ : •' .. -"-xxS: . DOUGHNUTS LAYER CARES ' CHELSEA BUNS \ \ . JELLY ROLLS PINEAPPLE BUNS DATE SQUARES OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD* IS 100% WHOLE WHEAT ' '■'* . DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL, HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 . Lucknow- AN ALLJTALKING PICTURE PROGRAM Featuring JACK HOXIE, in Via Express” A THRILLING DRAMA OF PIONEER DAYS ? '■ •Wr S- at 8 PJ M., oh-" ■' Wednesday, Ma r. 27 ■■ DANCE Mildmay Night Owls Orchestra will play for a dance in the T°wn Hall, Lucknow, on. Friday, March 22nd, under auspices of Lucknow Joint Club U. F. O. Admission . 25c. Everybody welcome. . ... . J, ' : ’anniversary social . •Rebekahs, their husbands rind friends, and Oddfellows and their wives or lady friends, .are invited to the 10th Birtfiday? .Anniversary of Jewel Rebekah Lodge in the; lodge room on Tuesday, March 26th. Cards, program and dance, lunch, - ,. : . EUCHRE AND ; Under auspices of Ladies 'bri^g 1 DANCE? the Women’s Institute in the Town Hall, Lucknow, Tuesday, April 2fid. Cards-at 8 sharp, lunch, dancing. Sepoy Trio Orchestra; Good prizes’?(general., admission 25c. Everybody •‘“‘welcome. Procee^s“^~f'OT MARRIED IN LUCKNOW Henderson—young? '0 , ' • ' . ■' ; ’ ' A quiet, but pretty Wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March six­ teenth, when Charlotte Agnes, third daughter, of M^- and Mrs. John B. Young, con. 5, West Wawanosh, be­ came the bride of Robert Purdon Henderson, second son of ‘ Mr« ' and Mrs. Thos. Henderson of Whitechurch. The ceremony was perfowned at the manse, Lucknow, by Rey. C. H. Mac­ Donald, pastor of Lucknow arid Dun­ gannon Presbyterian churches. The bride wore a becoming gown of white silk cfepe, and was attended by her sister, Miss Amy Yoyng, while the bridegroom was supported by his brother, David Henderson of White­ church. Following the wedding cere- 'm'ony/’the"’ bri'dal- party-’drove-tex-the- home df the bride’s parents, Home­ wood Farm, two miles east of Dun­ gannon, where a wedding dinner was served,'only immediate relatives |jeing present. Thg dining room was prettily decorated, the color scheme being blue and^wite, with . streamers and white wedding bells.' The table ‘was centred with the wedding cake. ■ FRUIT ^ROWER’S MEETING Arrapgemerits have been made to hold the annual meeting of the Huron County Fruit Growers’ Association,in the . Board Roorii of the Agricultural office, Clinton on 'Saturday afternoon, March 23rd ‘at 2.00 P.M; Theite will Be two speakers in at­ tendance, Mr., Gr H. Dickspn; Horti- cultu^l Experimental Station', Vine­ land, and Frof. Lawson Caesar,- Q. A. College, Guelph, Mr. Dickson will give' an address dn Genital Orchard Prac­ tices', arid Professor Caesar will speak on the Control of Insect Pests in the Orchard. : 7 ■ All orchard m.en arid other interest- -^“’"p-aHiesu are “ erii’dially ^dn-vitfed 4.. to; attend.1 IRISH EVENING ENDS TRIO OF CHURCH SOCIALS A St. Patrick’s program presented %y~-R€>beFtxRae’s—group-of—the—United- :Chu“rch7 on 'Fnday““everii^ third .and ...concluding.. ; entertainment of a series that have beeri presented aFinfervair==3^ingnnie”Wint®"m'onths; with marked success. ..... Following, the devotional exercises ?Mr.'Murdie^as^hairman7TspGke-br4cfl-yv- An opening group- chorus was follow­ ed by a five-Hminute talk on “Ireland” by Dr. G. A. ^Newton. A chdrus ' by small boys and girls was followed by a recitation by iRjchard Turner and a _reading by Jack Leith. Lois and Ross Henderson sang a duet, Mrs. Turner gave a reading $pd Lloyd Wylds' a horn solo. A pageant “The ’Seasons” was--int-eresting-ly-and-pleaSri. ingly presented by a” group of young folk/ and besides - groqp songs arid recitations, included solos by Marg- ’'aTet^Rare“"amfi™WTliaTd;-^hompsom-An-’ Irish skit.was given by Lorna Uamp-. bell and Greg. Leith. A young men’s chorus with solos by Joe Bartlett and Harold Button Was- followed by'a siolo by W- B. Anderson. The conciud- number wds a medley of, Irish airs. Lunch >5yas served. -1 Bargains in Men’s arid Boys’ Work Clothing, Sox, etc.—THE MARKET STORE. ' S>. <1 present. Thg dining room was prettily tote, with - streamers and ) Al^p7€artooi^ Arthur Tracey-‘‘The Street SingeF’-and other reels~“ 7^ AUSPICES OF LUCKNOW H^ ---- v Non-Inflamable Film Adults 29c: Children under 18—15c. / LIFE^MiSTSW^OF TgE^-^^ SENTINEL IN’BRIEF ~“FrdnrT’^py~^^ issue of August 11th, 1910, which he has in his possession, Mr. E. F. PLA Y'TLAIN PEOPLE” LARGE CROWD ENJOYS L . SEASON’S SMARTEST DANCE 1 <*.- ■■ ■ ■ • ■' . Jewel Rebekah. Lodge sponsored a7 novelty dance on Friday evening, that Was largely attended, proving profit­ able for the spohsorers qnd the smar­ test dance event of the season. : ’ Falon Bros. Orchestra of ' London pleased the dancers. Greeri and white ^streamerS"were-hung-a3bout the stage; tl\gt ridded an Irish touch to the sea­ sonable event. Special lighting effe.cts also added .to the attractiveness of the stage settings. * Novelty dances were* a part of the program aAd to Miss Margaret Bell of Ripley' and. Dave Carruthers went the prizes awarded the most grace­ ful dancers with neatness ojf appear­ ance a. consideration. The judges were Miss Agnes McQuaig and Mrs* (Dr.) Balfour arid Cameron McDonald. Arabelle . Cameron, .Mrs. Walter Hamilton and Hazel Culbert comprised the committee in charge of the ftmc- tion. • x • , Odium takes an interesting article bri the life history of the Sentinel up to the time-when it was taken over by the late A. D. MacKenzie at the close of the year 1909. 1 ‘/’Wi-thu 1|74 The Seritinel was born, the initial number having been* issued’ the first week in January of that year. The founders were two enterprising y’oung^ ’ men, - - themselves1 practical- printers, who came to Lucknow from Kincardine—Messrs. Bowers and Hunt The office was first located in Mr. Graham’s Block on Campbell- St. The ftevF"" enterprise appears; to' have met with a favorable ( reception, Mr. Ro-brirt Graham and others-taking an active part in promoting a circulation. In its first form the Sentinel . was a modest five- column* four-page sheet/ and dike., all beginners of that day, was. printed on a Washingtbn presS? “The; founders did not long remain . 'in. possession, the - business passing, after 'a year or more, into the hands of Mr. D. B. 'Boyd/Mt. Boyd moved’ the plant Across the street into a frame building which it was destined to occupy for three decades. In the i third year after taking possession, Mr. Boyd died. His Vrijd°w however, continued the business until her mar­ riage to Mr. James Bryan, who had been in charge of the mechanical de­ partment. Mr. Bryan’s connection with The. Sentinel, as editor arid pro-^ prietor' lasted above a quarter of a century/ until October of 1906, when, he sold out t<^ the late Mr. J. Albert MacGregor. He had enlarged the paper to eight \pageb with six columns | to practise in Walkerton Aft announcement in last week’s Walkerton paper stated that Dr. H. G; Malloy, veterinary surgeon of St* Thoma's, was.-to open a practise in Walkerton on Monday of‘ this week. Dr. Malloy had previously announ­ ced that he would commence practis­ ing liri Lucknow, but "last-Week advised. a local party, by letter that, he had changed his plan^. , .changed his ' DRAWS LARGE CROWD ~-“Plain^People^yAs_an_enjoy^e__,_ 4-act comedy drama presented by the young people of Hackett’s Y. P. 8. 7in-“the-Orange-HalVBelfasteon'-FridayL7^ evening to a large audience, who en­ joyed the play very. much. • Mr. D. C. McMorran, Messrs./Alex Hackett, Tom Twamley and George Henry very ably supplied instrumen- . tai numbers and Mr* Roger Worsley a ’’Belfast BQy” from Winnipeg, ten­ dered two appropriate,'.solos.“7""r“?*"/"“"" “ The cast for. the play was as fol- lowsj Ezra Bromley, played by Keith Cameron; Mrs. Ezra Bromley, by “ Maizie Hackett; Jasper Bromley by George’Alton;' Liza Liz” Hankins, by Ina-'Gampbell;-Judge~MarIey~byAlex~ Hackett;, Melissy Watkins by Janey Alton; Jonas Jarrock by Blake Alton; . Belindy Jarrock by Vera Little; Hiram Curtis Peck by Wm. Waring; April Blossom by Elsie Vint;, and our Y. P. S. president, Gordon Johnstone, who . very ably acted as promote^ thru . all the practises, deserves mueh credit. r •■ LOCAL JUNIORS DRUB WINGHAM HOCKEY TEAM With spring in the air, still hockey seems to have lost rione of its allure­ ment for the. Junior players and dur­ ing tho past weeks, two games have been played with a Wingham team, that fell easy Victim^ to. _the.. locals . fast, smooth style . of play, effectivd checking and hard shotting. The first game in Wingham, which Was featured by fisticuff^, ended 7 to 2v'for the Lucknow squad1, who by the way appeared.to be able to lobk Sifter themselves when necessity arose.. llJLaVVJi • AAV **UU V**4*AX^VU v**v J ■ , , . , papefr to eight faageb with six columnsJ Xeturn; game in the local rink to the page, arid improved the plant on Monday night, resulted in a 19 to by. the addition of a Campbell cylinder press. Mr. MacGregor moved the plant to the ■ promises which it. now oc­ cupies opthe corner of Campbell arid Wheeler streets. In the summer of 1908, Mr.'ril. L. J^aylor, B.A., became proprietor, biot being a practical printer],' Mr. Naylor gave more atten­ tion to the literary side of 'the busi­ ness than had: any of his predecessors apd a marked improvement Was the result. He., had also enlarged the page to seven coluffins. But Mr? Naylor did ■not take kindly to the various vexa­ tions affir worries of a newspaper publisher and with the close of 1909 terminated fiis journalistic carter, by selling the paper to the present pub­ lisher whois also proprietor of'The Te.eswat^r News, Being .occupied with the-Teeswater business, Mt*. McKenzie has delegated in large measure the editing of the Sentinel and thecon- 2. win for the locals, who scored at radnom. The ‘fixture outside .of a good practise for the players, was a dis­ appointment to a good sized turnout of fans. This junior squad has been working out under the tutorship of “Pete'*’ Agnew, and the village’can boast of . a grist of young fellows, who show_ promise of becoming the most for­ midable juhiOT Im etip that this town has been able to muster in many a Season. .Practically ail are eligible for at leas£_ another season and we wouldn’t wonder. but what Lucknow wilt be ' hoard-^fronux^ * ,,, next winter. ........... - , .: ‘'Mofi’d,ay6iriight’s-'.linetip was as fol­ lows:.. x ’ .4 Goal—Solomon; Defense, Bill Hew- rit, Jim Henderson and Gorddn Miller; Cemjtre, Jack ’Fishery Wings, Doug Clark, Harold Greer; Alternates; . \ v* v**v KjuirviHvir vnv vvj* y x . wj,.. ? „ ■ • ducting of the business generally to Charlie Jewitt, Neely Tod^ and Stew- — •— ------------7:art.c,an;eron.....-A.