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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-07, Page 5
THURSDAY, MA^CH 7th, 1935 '33. '1/...........................■-1' •; ■ '-.THE!” LUCKNOW SENTINEL ' —™ terrans I Win ''"First PI ••■'7A.'' i.i:;. ‘ : .G.aiiie'd; By'-:Pr| teVians: .fig First ’ Game Of League Playoff Series For i Joynt Trophy -X' Mild • -.Weather 'Fdjrces, Postponement Of Second- Game. Before sojne two hundred enthus iastic .and. ip some cases rabid fans, the Presbyterian and United' Church hockey .teams; commenced on Thurs- , -day night, the playoff series for the . Joynt, trophy,x>ep^>lematic of thie /.Church League chaippions, 3 ■ I Presbyterian sextet coped a v 3 \td 0 verdict inp'thq opener, in as X, interesting afid speedy a tussle as, has’been witnessed here1 this1 winter. One’ more victory in this best two- ■ out-of-three series, and Cam. Mac Donald’s black, jerseyed squad will — ^-ha-ve__the__trop.hV in the bag.___/_ ___iSpeetacUlar gofil tending by;. Bill Reed and Elwood ’Solomon, was a feature of the game, in which play was evenly divided and in which the “breaks” were afi important ^.factor in determining the outcome accord ing to foe opinion of 'unbiased supr- porters of bgtli teams. Close ch€£^ing marked the game which was comparatively clean, in . spite of. a dozen penalties that were for minor or ;ac- cidental offences, ~'wi'fK eacK^^Wam81 drawing an,even half dozen 2 minute rests in the, penalty pen; » ’ Early in the first period, Leonard McDonald bagged the fir'st*~Presby-' terian marker, that turned out to be v . the lone goaf necessary to give them a victory, as the United team hamhi- ered , away for 3 periods unable to —^bulge-—the—4-twine—-behind Reed. ~'~~“McDonald’s"goal~resulted'from-a-de~ . fleeted, shot, from the blue line. DunC.. McDonald served .a , .pair of penalties arid, Stewart Cameron and Gordy Fisher,, one each during the period., . \ '7 « . “The' second x^eriod | went scoreless but not through lack of trying by both teams. N. Wilson, H. Greer, :C, ■ Thompson, B. Henderson and G. Fish- \ '.'er served two minutes each during. the period. ' v ■/ « .' .■ ■. The Presbyterians first goal " in the third period came when Gordy Fisher- hoisted, a long shot, from defense that 1 struck a beam and dropped down in : front of Bill Henderson, who was in, a ■scoring?' position near- -t-he-Uhited, net. Solomon didn’t have a change to save. “Stew” Cameron was serv- ~ ing a penalty at the time.; Past ■ the half-way mark, Charlie Jewitt got? goal ‘ number three for the winfiers and the one really neat . goal of the evening. Charlie wiggled through the "United defense, and car ried the puck well in on Solomon be fore0 flipping it in. Harold Treleaven and Jewitt drew the other two penal ties of tfie period. . .. Presbyterians—Goal, B. Reed; De- . fense, H. Agnew, G. Fisher; Centre, J. Fisher; "Wings, B: Henderson, L. McDonald; Alternates? C. Jewitt, Dune. McDonald, Bill McKenzie, Jim Henderson, Fred Steward. United—(Goal, E. Solomon; Defense R. Wilson, C. Thompson; Centre, T. Collyer; Wings, S. Cameron, H. Greer Alternates, S. Decker,. H. Treleaven, H„ Ritchie, G. Gibbons. ‘ Referree—Wellington McCoy.’ the period I SECOND GAME POSTPONED TO BE PLAYED TONIGHT * * ”The second game |of the best two- out-of-three series between the Pres byterian and United Church teams, billed for Tuesday night, had to be postponed, due to^very mild weather which prevailed that day. The postponement, announced by ®«nwtthe».jeague. executive, was hot accom panied by a-stated date as to when the game will be played, which nat urally will be run off at the very • earliest1 dat§" and with the. 'Weather “man forecasting lower temperature, 7 the fixture has since been billed to ibe played tonight (Thursday). - „ ,,7; 7 A win. for the' Presbyterians Will giyj^hem the trophy, while a Win ^^.,fofe4^e.Mttiteds-.w^ Into three~"gam^T’'''™”"“'"'*'^ —.......... ' 1 'm 1 EASTER SUNDAY LATEST IN PAST THIRTEEN YEARS '■ . . ... Mr. and Mrs. John Blake -ate f Albert' . -if"1- ' , 7 X- 7?? .:•"7T ;’A foW: ; Triet stored, a quantity of ice ■ last x?/-:.;/'.77- /■■.-? /The Taylor brothers pf^^iv^osh,, visited wjth their uncle, Mr. Gilbert Vint on Sunday. . . Mr. Leslie Alton,; visited Mr. and Mr.s. Graham " at Port Albert . on Sunday. . , Mrs:. Ida Hackett of Lucknow is spending-a few days with her daugh ter here. z, Mr., and .Mrs.' Melvin Raypard, visited? recently with Mr. and Mrs. Waitdr Alton/ \’3 '■ x- ] ^/_Mr.; Roy Irwin made a -business, trip to Wingham one^day^iasV wdekV Mrs. G. Vint and Miss Elsie spent Sunday with relatives in Wawanosh. . Mrs. (Sam Shor w ood |visited with Jier../-daughter,_.Mrs.-..Andre.w..Gaunt. ~of.-St._-Hel.ens__7.—........■ ....' : /-x./'-h Mr. Sam Alton was in Goderich a' few days last week on the jury.. Mr. Tom and Miss Violet Twamley' motored te Wingham on Saturday. .' Mr. and Msh T. A. Cameron, visit ed a few' days with friends at White-* church. ■ 7 . " . ■ Mr;- and Mrs. Dynes .Campbell, visited Mr., and MrS. Johjri Johnston, 12th- con. ,on Sunday last ' /; ' A very enjoyable evening .w'as .spent- Irv__evervQnexwfio"v7as present . last Thursday night, when Hackett’s Young People had as their guests, Zion Y. P. S. The visiting members ■h, provided the program, which con- sisted of Scripture lessOn by John Ritchie; Mr.' Sidney Smith; who at tended the Ontario Temperance< Fed erationin Toronto, gave a very inter- jesting talk on it. _ The Hackett’s “YOung People' thWr~pr<^^^ games; -and contest that ... followed, after , which' lunch was served. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and Mrs. Hasty, spent Sunday . evening at Mr, Wallace Twamley’s Lucknow. ,’ Mr, and Mrs. Roy Alton spent one day last. week*5* with Mp. and MrS.i. ..Samuel Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt of . St. Helens spent Sunday at the home of. ■Mr^Jnjru^__' y-----1- • Plan to come; and; 'see /“Plain People” on Friday, March 15th, in Belfast Orange Hall, sponsored * by the Hackett’s Y. P. S. " . Miss Maizie Hackett spent the -week-end-with-TheF-aunL-Mrsv-’Ewart- Taylor, Lucknow. '-.An R..J MAFEKING ; . “ I ; Miss Pearl Irvin of London, spent the week end at the home of her brother, Mr., Will Irvin and Mrs. Irvin. " , Miss Sara Mallopgh Was the guest of her neice, Mrs. Richard Johfiston, last.-week. ' " ■ Mrs. Norman Long, who was under the Drls. care last week, is consider ably improved in .health. * ‘ * The many friends .of Miss Sara Saunders will be pleased to know that she is-, making a good recovery. . We are delighted to welcome back to their farffi-home in this community Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, who for the past six years have resided "in Wingham. Miss Bernice Biake, w<ho on graduating from Wingham High -Sch.oq] last year, won a scholarship, is a first year student at Western University, London. - The February meeting of the U, ; F. W. O,?waS“ hdld at the Write ,'S ■ Carnophari,, Lucknfiw, wifh^' -&’ood-; - ;atEendanc.e. /j 4!Mrs.. McKinp w presided. The meeting opened 7^^ singing the opening song. The <Ldjfdikj ■^.rayeh/.y?|.s repeated in unisoh/^oi^ lowed by J t^'q'; 'Qree^ ■ -After _• cOmnrumty Vipging, the rf>H /eall wks responded to bj£ V“xyhat' - contributions j. cmi \I make 4o our organization}” Wrp.nnc-' Donald- read the minutes of last meeting. There were also letters of thanks from people helped; through' fhp Club, After, the business was dis cussed, . a splendid•’ progi|am ' followed. Miss Mary McLeod gaveTaruiniere^t- ing .paper ,on"Current events. Kather ine’1 Campbell gave/ a reading : “Tlie Inventor’s Wife’> which, was much u enjoyed. Katherine MqKenzie favored with a solo’, playing her own accom paniment on the guitar. Miss Greta Campbell gave a reading in her usual TTreasfng~"manner”-~'Mrs7--Garruthers- gaveran- instrumental. Dr; Johnstone was present and gave a very helpful talk on the “Common Cold” which everyone present should benefit great ly by. Mr. J. Jamieson gave the7r©T4 port/of'the convention of. the U; F- U- which was yery interesting. Xguess?- ing contest brought the program to a close, the winner-for ..the prize being Mts. N. McCallum. After singing- the National Anthem; refreshments were MatelUTneeting-^ill-be^at--the—home- of Mrs. C. Robb.!' - Mr. Russell McDougal and Clair -are -spending ,a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Husk of Paisley, is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. W. Husk, 4th ,<;;con, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton spent Sunday at Mr. A.^* Graham’s, boundary. ' . . Mrs. B. Sangster' *of'‘Toronto-, —ahd- brother Neil,-wfere ' up fo attend the funeral'of their father, the; late Mr. Duncan Graham. 7T7 7 — Miss Annie Hughes, who has been ill, is improving, we are glad to say. WHITECHURCH ASHFIELD NOTES ,' r ' , • ---- ------ Miss Margaret Simpson of Strat ford spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. John MacRae is home after visiting in Toronto. While tfidre she attended the Golden- Wedding of Mr. and MrSr Neil MacKenzie. Mrs. .Mac-. Kenzie is a sister of Mrs., MacRae’s. The. W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church, met last week at the ho^ie of Mrs. John Cowan. Mrs. Neil Mac Donald occupied the .chair. This week on. Friday, the society will observe the World’s Day. of Prayer; when the meetihg^will be held in the church/. > The Kintail Womens’. Institute met The ^girls’ sewing class met on Thurs day at the home of Miss Betty BiSi- setti ■ '■■■.. . ' -aJ Death of James Stein ? 7 . Woi’d was received here ~ of the death of Mr, . Jas. Stein of Regina, on Thursday, Feb. 21st. Besides' his wif^e, who was formerly Miss Maggie Phillips of Fordyce, he leaves three married daughters and two sons,, also, three brothers, John of Wheatley; Andrew pf Huro^ Township; Albert of Aylesbury, Sask.; and two sisters, Mrs. Jas. Pardon of fit. Helens and Mrs.' Wm. Pardon or this community..■ ' , ■ *---■ r ■■ ■ \BORN—Qn February 27tlt to Mr. and vMrs. John Weeks (formerly Miss Annie McMillan) a daughter. Mrs. -Wocks is: staying at the home of her brother, Mr. -Patrick McMillan Mrs. Duncan ' McDonald of St. Helens; is nursing Mrs. ^ohn Wocks. The World’s . Day of Prayer will be"held on Friday at 2.30 p.mJiri the. Presbyterian. Church, when all the women of the United Church are in-r vited to attend." » Mrs. Harry Tichborne, of Goderich, spent a few days 'this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy. fo"e congratulate ■ Mrs. Leonard Knight, who received first class honors in a Prirfiary Theory exam ination in music in Toronto recently. Beans Lodge in Lung Little Roberta Mobray, two year old daughter of Mr; and. Mrs. Robert Mobray, swallowed two beans last Wednesday, which lodged in her lung. They called the doctor, who sent Ro berta. to Toronto, where she under went ap operation to have them re moved. . ' ,t 1 i -■■■■'..... RIPLEY i Rural Schobl Reports ? i-r ■ ■ ' ■i7l7/Jvr7Kx.. - !'!//■. |1’.T ’. " '' S...-S. Npi.#;,AmW'; 7 V' '■g’..p g ' '■ -J1' g " Foi- Jafiitery and February w- ’ ■. ‘■V^rJean]Nelson, 68%. , g?1 , Jr„ IV—Cecilia Watt 77; .Grace ' I Campbell 75; Bob- Farrjsh 59. ■ 1 • '(Sr.' III^-*Pearl ..J<aifites?ng7'f; -Louise, Campbell' 59. Jr. IU^JdiixA.usrin 73; “Dorothy pday' Drennan 63; Grpnt'^arrisfigSgf Vin-- „ accent?Austin 5a;<*jllvin. Drepnafi.x.<4^ , . - . ) II?—Hon.-r-gWarren Zipn, (Evelyn. ■ Mf.and^MrSV John Barr, and'family Little.0' . ■ g - Sr. I-—H.bn.—Marguerite„Jamieson, ’ Ter^ag]^^ j ■ ; Pr—Hon.—Clarke Zinn, Elwoo^i . Miller; Pass—Elaine Little, Farrish. . •No.,1 on fell 20: * , ? ■Those marked ♦ missed one test.. 'te S M. G,. MacDonald. S. S. No. 4, West Wawanosh For* Month oT February ' (Junior Room) ? Test Marks “Sr. Ill—Doris Wilkinson 87%; Malcolm Buchanan 79. ’ Jr. Ill—Helen McDonald, Mae Mc Donald (ties) 85;-Margaret Aitchisbn 71; Ross Gammie 62; Allan Cranston 52; Marie Sw$n„46. II—-Dorothy Webb, Marie Aitchi- son (ties) 83; Murray Wilkinson 81; Phyllis Gaynor* 27. . '■ Dai^Mayi^^ IL—Dorothy Webb 454; Marie Ait-, ^hison—379^Mur-r-ay-.-Wilkinson^374; ■Phyllis-Gaynbr-eTr-;-1^—----- I—Shirley Buchanan -1103; \ Earl McDonald 995. v Pr.—Helen Ganimie 681; Wilma Gaynor 222. ,(J - g Those marked * missed. °ne or .at her home liere. more^examsy-^—Beatrice—McQuilK^ S. S. No. 11, Huron iSr. ~ V—Louisa..... Congram 85%; Donalda .MacCharles 78; Gordon. Mc- Guire 75. ■ .. ?. ' 7 L.' Jr. IV—Gordon Brooks 75;. Sandy MacCharles Mae Barkwell 71; Mary ^cGiJr® 69;\Charlie Roulston sftern<)()p rf' this week. AU 68; Jack Roulston 65; Eileen Griffin ^nd 58.— '...—................. a__ .............. —Ste^rHH=Gordon—Irwin^BO^*-?-: ' Jr. ID—Arnold McGuire' 7?;' Eve lyn Jrwin 60; Frank Barkwell 54. . II—Rae Cooke (absent); Mary Cooke (absent). Sr? I—-Roddie MacCharles, 79; Jack Barkwe!L“76j~Margaret MacCharles 75. '. _ •/ ; • /. .. .’ Pr.—Leonard Griffin; Virene Fin layson and Jack McGuire (equal); Lovell McGuire. Jr. Pr.—Ross Cooke (absent), denotes absence for examination. On roll 24. Aye. att. 20. 1 M. E. Campbell. Mr. arixf’ Mrs. ;Geb'lr^6> CoBvell an<l babe were Friday guests at “ Mr, G. Uofe^lri .Uuftiam. 0471/7/7 7' K "and Mrs.v Wm? Eadie, Doris^aild Ubrne were the guests at MrsARa<?heI‘ Miss Helen Thompson, daughter ol We.sjey-'Thompson, L“ Donald McPnqrson wefg. the' *j^ni at the Frogte^sjye euchre, on^Fri evening. JCongratuJatiohs to Helen as she is onr of our beginnets.-^. Council . Endoees Resolution Of Local ' Tempemnee Forces. Opposing Gran- 44, ting ' Of /i&BeF-' 2S&' ■ Council Kinlpugh and Mr; e, the',pinners ’ were visiters at Mr / RcffitL MaeD Oii- ald’s on Sunday. Miss Ellen McBride of Stratford, spent the week end at her A*?me?.i0th con.' • She had as guests on Bunday, Miss^ Annie: artd Mr. > Robf/? Wall? and Misses Ina, Verna and Irene Johnston Sorry to hear of the illness’ of Mr. Alfonso Murray’s father. We hoipe for a speedy recovery. , 1 ' ,,4. LAN GSfo'E . Mr. Patterson,,- the. Agricultural ^representative of. Bruce,, will 7give a lecture on—-“Control- of./the. .Warble Fly in Bruce” on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Institute Hall. lecture, was to have- been given Feb. 28th,'but owing to the condition of' the roads, MrJ Pqf tef son " could not come, and has chosen M'arEff^fh7T!^^ : Mr. and’ Mrs.- Orville Tiffin, Joe and” Dan, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. ___ Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes, George and John, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Tiffin. Mf. Bert Cullimore and Mrs. A. Emerson of . W; Wawanosh, .spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. ^ZZEmfi-rsoh?-.-7/7?/?;„7_::?TXZZZZT™ V Mrs?? R. Tiffin"*and Charlie, spent the’week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-; ■Sei—Ritchie of St. Helens. • The. United Church, Whitechurch, was a lovely sight on the occasion of their first Yi P. S,. banquet, wh|ich was brilliantly lighted and hung with streamers of yellow and green,’"with vases' of daffodils and other spring flowers^ -It gave one /the feeling x of happiiressTalid7.that~spring7was°in”the' air., A splendid supper was served to over 100 guests; The program con sisted of a piano duet by Misses Susie Carrick and Mae Wightman; piano .solos,_.rMae-/Wightman; Clarence Mc- Cleneghan; _s_axaphone . solo, Jack* Gillespie; clarinet, solo, Garnet /Far/ rier; saxaphqne duet, Garnet and Russel Farrier; readings, Miss Muriel Watt and Mrs. Victor Emerson; solos Jack Reavie of Wingham. Toasts were given as follows: Rev. Wilkinson gave the -toast to , the king, and all replied by singing “God Save the £ing”.'.’Mr. Clarence McClenaghan gave the toast to the Church. and its Young People. Mrs. Charlie Gillespie replied. The toast to the ladies was given by Bert Cullim°re and. replied to by Mrs. J., D. Beecroft. Miss Mur iel Watt, on behalf of the Y. P. S., presented Mrs, WilkifiSon with a bouquet of carnations, because of her interest in their society. Mrs. Wil kinson thanl^qd the , Y. P.' iS. very milch for the gift. The guest speaker was Mr. Alex Smith of Lucknow, who spoke on “the place the Young People take in the world , today”. The sing ing of Blest be the Tie that Binds, brought to a close an event in the histbry of Whitechprch United church. Mr. and'Mrs. John‘Mclnnes enter tained their friends and neighbors with a dance last Friday evening; All report they had a lovely time. The Whitechurch Women’s Insti tute hqjj}’ their March meeting on Feb. 28th, with the president, Mrs. Thos. Gaunt in the chair. The roll call was. answered by Irish jokes, to -'^sira'.Ti.TKc.raemt-^whiGh.^aiw.iiunilj.ej' replied. The- topic, 1 Mrs. Shir! Bowers, Misses Marg aret and Edna Campbell, took ad vantage of the week end excursion to Toronto. . • Huron Star Rebekah Lodge, held their sixth,, annual birthday party. on Friday evening, March 1st. Progres- sive euchre „was—en.iUv.edt-there„being.•J^rida^'O Easter Sunday1 this year falls oh the latest date on which it has oc curred iti, at least the, past thirteen „ years, and .it is possibly the ' West oveiPa ^rdod^<rf^any-year-S.--EaiHiig_ * on April, 21, the Easter parade of spring. garments./ will '.come a full month after' spring is officially here. Easter can nevetj^Ml- later than ----around '.-86 - days after ...the. . ., s.p.ti.ng„ epuihoitv,'and "this yesr only a few dayfi- separate E-'aster froth the latest ,■ • date- ah.^Mch:A^''can' any INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY AT LOW EBB IN SOUTHAMPTON Industrialactivity is atja jower ebb in Soutlfampton now~~lhan Alias' hkon the case for sopie months. The plants of the Beil Furniture’Company and “Plywoods, Limited, are, operating with reduced staffs and .at short houi^rTho Tack“pf'e^ reflected In the increased number of families finding it‘necessary to apply, ■fO'i1' • Friday ^venih^ ■ thirty tables. The. winner <of highest score, for ladies was Miss Margaret Campbell1, and Ifor gentlemen, Mr. Harvey Scott: '• , Mr. Clifford Wylds, Misses, Annie Bowers and Margaret McLay, who are attending Kincardine, High School spent the . y/eek . end/at their rospec- ,tive ebonies here;,/, < ' ■ 1 7 ^Ripley <cititen'!j. sympathize with"’ Mr. and Mrs,, Ivan Pollock in; the loss 'of tteif Rome? by fire last week. This house was built just thi’ee. 'yefitS ago. The members ,df the A?Y.P.A.j« of tW Anglican CRutch Ripleyr ar<? pre senting their play “The , Trials [ of .Grandpa’’ ffi the; Township 'Ha^/fon x- "the homely potato’’ was given* by Mrs/Thos. Moore. Mrs. Erank Henry gave a reading "St. Patrick/” A St. Patrick’s contest'was given ;by Miss Grace Richardson. It was decided to hold a box social on March 15th and on March 29th to hold on At Honje for members and family. f The short course8 given by the Whitechurch Institute, op Monday had a dasF^^STa^’WmTWeTetetilL to come.. , . ' The Day of Prayer is being held, on Friday at 2 pith, in Chalmer*S Presbyterian Church. • The United W, M. S? has' been- asked to. join the Presbyterian W. M, &. in worship. I ' .....- ■ -.....- ‘ —L. * No. ■Council "met oh gahoye . date, -all members .pre^epL 'Minute^ of.' '. meeting' read- and .adopted on inbtidn by Sherwood and McDonald. Notice of th® Ontario Municipal Associatibn and thie Ontario" A3B0- »5 Ration of Rural Municipalities also , ■^/^'^nthrio ' Temperance Federation, ---A^delegatioh^-Qf^the-^te , forces? &f The :T°wnship waited ^ bn -J ■ ^7^ eounciT regafoing granting any beer . - - and wipe parlors - ip tjie township... A i++ fo Moved;.by <SherW:oodteM.UoteO/fo'ahd< Ve" ® carried] fhajt this Council endorse the resolution.' ( J ..... .The auditors j gave their report which was received On mdtiohfo^ . Donald and Frayne. / ■"'~Tlie*TfonwiW"~’a6foifote^weYe ord?^ ered paid” on motion of* Sherwood and Culbert: ■ . . Frank Hamilton, rep. bridge and snowfence $5^80; Herbert Cufiran, salary $7.50;,;Local Board of Health, first meeting: $12.50; W. P. Reed, stamps $31.56, refit of safety box $5., $36.56; Lorne McKenzie, bulbs for street lights $14.30; Municipal World, supplies $42:65; Wilfred McCarthy,■ — sal. as auditor $12.50; Leo,: Clare, Sal. as auditor $12.50; Johnstone Bros. JiffiigAniTJuneraLSAO/OOr 3 r“ Council adjourned bfi~ mofion^ofo^?^ Sherwood and McDonald. 4 All filed. ; ■G E<-McDonagh,J31erk, RINLQUGH i Miss Winnie, Percy, R.N., is visiting —Mrs.._JLevL-_Eckenswilier and Miss , KathleefiGraham, spent ;the"We?gk “endw with their sister, Mrs. M7 Johnstone of Listowel. Mr. Jas. Percy of Kincardine re newed old acquaintances here, on Saturday. . . . : . • The . Women’s Day of Prayer will be held in the Anglican Church oh S. S. No. 4. Kinloss For January and February Second Form—Annie Marie Cor rigan 73%. V Sr. IV—Howard Legge 76.4; Orville Elliott 76; Everette Jehngton' 73; Bassilia Cassidy 67. , | Jr. IV—Edward Cassidy 64; Ches ter Robb 63. Sr. Ill—Mary Johnston 77; Lloyd Ackert 75; Doris Eadie 74; Jack Ac- kert 69; Lillian Doyle 67; Donelda Valad 66. - Jr. Ill—Helen Valad 70; . Lome Eadie 66; Audrieane Cassidy 63. 11 Class—Patrick Cassidy 70; Leonard Lfegge 66. 1 Class—Doris . Johnston 83; David Robb 74; Daniel Cassidy 73; Ellwood Elliott 72; Jimmie Houston 50. No. on roll 24. K.^ Robertson. Londoner—>c[ went bgld, so I spent? warms the lfo0(T” a-small fortune on hair restorer. . | “He must be right. I’ve heard Aberdonian—“When I went bald I singing that, has made my blood sold my brush and coinb.” boil.” . ' HTnr-: ........11 ■■Iiwmciirahwraw—mra—■!! ’ r'l ' 1.' ’ - imri'n ' - n---- — g Mr. and Mfs.- Jas. Hodgins27 were Sunday visitors at Mr. C. Gillespie’s, Whitechurch. >' ’ 1 ;; The regular meeting of the- Kin- lough Church Society' was held? on Monday evening. Miss Nellie Mal- calnu president, bad charge, The meeting, opened in' the usual ?way „with hymn and prayer, after which Edbert Bushell read the Scripture Slesson. Clara MacDonald took charge of the discussiofi, ■ "Is a Roman’s place in the home and should she hold public office”? Current .^vents by Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, papers on 25 , years from now were given—Mr. George Ilald- ;efiby on Education; Mrs. Burgess on' Fashion and Mr. Robt. Malcolm on. s- farming; as well as ,a newspaper, qp Kinjqugfi in 25 years. All of these were humorous as well as interesting. Solos | were given by Fred Jackson arid niusical numbers by Wm. Jackson bones; John McFarlan^ violin; Orland McFarlan, mouth organ arid May Boyle, guitari The benediction by Rev. Mr. Burgess brought the meeting to a. close. Thb next meetifig, March 18, will be an Irish night. , Mr. Harold Griffith has purchased the farm of Mr. Jpo. Colwell’s ofi the North Line, Kincardine Twp. Little Carman Johnstone, ■ son of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Johnstone, 10th con., has been quite sick. 1 ■" ■ * A Scientific Discovery "I read in the. paper that a scien- tist has -discovered^ that singing ... ' ' ■ '. A WESTERNER’S APPRECIATION IN VERSE I. have read your paper in the morning and ajso in the night And I have perused its pages “with very much! delight, ' 7 The news is very spicy and the composition grand And I doubt if it is equalled by any other weekly in the land. It has stood the test of Critics for many ages past, And with continued fairness its circulation is sure? to lajst,: ' —Yl-have-read-it- as-a-boy-fout- todaylambaldand-gray,.______ _____ ^"^nff'te^opT^'dear^eadSLfok^m^advice and your subscription pay. Some people take the paper and think the editor TF2wWthy?»’^^.«»w.^ But it is the lack of pajfing.. subscribers that makes him financially : unhealthy, If for, lack of patronage the local paper should cease I am sure the popularity of the district would very soon decrease. ’Getting out a paper was different, many years ago, Because you had to turn drank to make fofi/papers/flow; ^~Jbck--Adams^was the handy man for ibis particular work, f And in his devotion to duTjr wXs n“ever'known-^-t __ f TSd’^y7thd is, operate^ by electric power, Afid^yhat used .te take about half a day, now ofily'takes- an’hour. /' Why subscfiptiqus cost more fibiwl is hard td pfiddrstarid. • 7... /..'If J ....... ....1—--------------------------- ’$£! ftXJ,'?.'■:-7;-■?.! .’.Al/'"- ■ ........ “^AGED^AUBUR-N^MA-N-DiES^J A ’Ye'Md’Cnt M. years, during? mp«t‘of ^'hich tim^ he followed tlie occupation ,of a 'carpen- .ter.,; Wllriani.:'Ra^tex<bh:' died Op .*TueS dpy Wsttin his'8^tjt?year. Thio*funera$ I/Wa . on^Thursday.. A . hiXAvidow Let, us “blame the? matchof progress that has developed in the l^nd .. , \ .t ..,/**'*’"* r u-'-‘I. ‘ • * * • ’ ,1‘f ’fe/u ’ . ' ...... (..............---Xii ' WWERN-EIL