HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-07, Page 3jv*»P^7, . . r and £e>tw <?orisen.tbd tp ptay, / and. > tain# showed tKat he was prepared to act LlAALL liA-wi/,' . Aff. tha ■ OFFSETS WINTER COLD Fills bodies with heat and enrgy.- • ’ foods these bitter days/' ; To- the, farthest north and highesl: ^^WUntains, chocolate is transported it. was used’ extensively? in Europe whe'ri. .the, armjes struggled -through 1 mud’and "cold . during the' Great War. That is because-'is brings • heatvand energy.quickly to the body/ - Such food value ought not to be -----omitted..from—the—diet- on .these—chill- days when all those, winter ailments j?. jn_ rnaAy .gdjnmunities. Chocolate is not, of course, confined to candy"~anB^5al<^7^It*^makes^ntQA. very attractive and easily "“digestible desserts. These satisfy the.. . sweet • tooth and give high nutritive value to'any menu.’’* “ Baked Chocolate custard is. always - good and is particularly fine’.for those justi recovering from the Var­ ieties oF^a from which Canadians --------" , - ' • ' .' ' ’ ' . 2 squhi^DJirsw^e-ned—-ciuholatg^. .cut in pieces . .: •' 1 quart cold milk “hWr-otB7-^ugaTW“saTr and™ pbpper. Cook until thoroughly, heated serve at once. -- . ■ s Glazed Onions It) medium sized onions' 44 cup sugar . • .....; - ,2. tablespoons melted butter - .. Peel the onions and" cook, whole 'until fairly’1 tender in salted boiling Water, from twenty to -.thirty min­ utes,. Mix „.the sugar and butter to- -gefeher;-^a-nd-~spread—over ■ the—sides- -and bottom of a baking dish or pan. "Drain 'tlie“dh^^'ahd~“pl;aee“~them,yin: the. pan. Bake in a moderate oven -=u-nt41-hrpw-n-,-4nereasiPg^the--heat-fo==: ward the last. Water cooks out of nrlre^ntofiTsr^wd,ra1h:e^br0.wning--pro^ cess is Sather slow? When finished-,- the onions should haveJOi^ MARY'S, LITTLE LA MB— COOKED Lamb, when . properly . prepared is ■one’of our choicest meats, . Wfien ■prepared in some Unusual form is 15ccmYre^~a~rcaWom<^-roa-n--dlsh — fit -£or the1 proverbial King". —— 4"-' e g^,_sJTgl^y^hca't en "~ %^ap^ sugar • 3A -teaspoon . salt . 1‘teaspoon vanilla'1 Add chocolate to milk in d^uhle boiler and heat. When . chocolate is melted, boat with rotary fegg beater until blended. -Combine eggs, sugar, ■ and -salt. Add chocolate mixture gradually, stirring ; until sugar "is vdissblfed,' Add, 'yanilla. Pouf into* custard cups, place '.thein/'n pan of" hot water, and bake ..in .slow oven.. (325s degrees F.) 4Q minutes, or until knife inserted comes out clean. Chill. Serves 8. \ ' Duchess Chocolate Pudding 1-3 cup confectioners’ sugar . % tablespoon flour ’ > / T%~ squares unsweetened- chocolate,. . melted j- \' 114 tablespoons better ----:___ 2 . eggs yolks, slightly .beaten / , —i-^^2-eg^whites,-sKflH^beatem^====^_ Few drops of vanilla —-7 -Dash -of-=sa 11 —1—.—■---—------N —.^—Gombi-ne-sug-ar—and-flou-r--and—add- to "chocolate in double: boiler. Blend. Remove from fire. Add butter and egg yolks. Fold in vanilla, egg whites and salt. , Turn into well- grerised mould,, filling 2-3 full. Cover tightly .and steam . thirty minutes. Serve ’ hot with Royal Chocolate Sauce. Serves 6. Royal Chocolate Sauce 1 square unsweetened chocolate, ' cut in pieces - 3 tablespoons water- 4. tablespoons sugar. - IV2 tablespoon melted butter Dash of salt Few drops of vanilla i ■ 'Combine chocolate, water, sugar, afid salt in dooble -boiler.. Heat and blend. Add hotter' and vanilla. Beat well. Makes 2-3 oup sauie.- I iMPROVING CANDY OR COFFEE When making candy at home- to avoid over-rickness, add a touch of salt to ifhe sugar. The candy will taste fetter and will not be too sweet. Many, confirmed coffee drink­ ers firidi that a pinch of salt in the coffee pot or percolater adds greatly ’ to the flavor'. . ■ / ---------- ’ ’ ‘ ECONOMY VEGETABLES Delicious difjhes may l>e .made from what we usually regard as “econ- ~ “ omy> vegetables”—such , as cabbage, ■■ onions;"-carrots and turnips. SfSgar; . added; to ■ the.-id.isU^s Wgested' in Recipes below, 'ih'fcreases the food value and actually brings out the ■ .flavor of the vegetables. ’ , ■ i Riced Carrots 6 large carrots , . * . 2 tablespoons butter'. . , % cup cream', . “ ■ 2-teaspoons stiggr, . . Salt .arid pepper , / , water until tender/ •Drai-p.^T’rSSS" through a coarse sieve.’M^t the bu,t4 ter ih„ a saucepan. Add < the cream. ---i.--------T-^a^-r-fTOq.-/..------- ---—~- 2 pounds. Jamb shoulder,, ground 1 cup bread crumbs 1 onion; minced % green pepper, minced 1 egg • 7 ■ . ' ’ 1 cup meat stock o.r rhilk . -Salt ' '? Pepper Mix “all the ingredients thorough- jslij^ht .pra^kufh M.tfr tlioJhands. this ^bellciyys” movem^nT; -rhythm..... ally not-more than six times-on end. Here is: something you can do as you walk down the street. Take in the air in four g^ood"snixs... m. time with four walking steps,', hold the breath for the next four .steps, then spiff it out to four and let your lungs remain empty-for another four, mak-< ing sixteen steps, in all. Go through this routine briskly>Tup to six times, ' The next exercise’forces- 7you To~ cle^r your nose, which is -a good • practice. Take a 'gentle, smooth, long, drawn-in breath through the right • nostril only, holding the' other closed. Getr‘the~fdeltrig 'you’ arb“"a- brallo'On filling-yourself with air an'd then “hold yourself inflated for three sec­ onds. -Next, .hi^s the air . out/slbwly through’.the left, nostril’ until you iriiagi’ne your lungs are as empty as ■ deflated. balloon. Do it again, but begin with the left nostfil this time. The-fast is a very- effective exer­ cise. Clasp the hands behind the neck and let the head and elbows hang *4’oosely-forward.—Start 'to.-bfeathe in. deeply and gradually, • at . the same : time forcing the -elbows hack and raising'the head and chest. ' ■ •- ™ ^^Deeg^Br e,a/tiAng= -N^ Hold your breath to four counts, * ^h’en’^penT/vou-r^riaouth'^hd^-a^p^F ' out, letting the head and elbows drop forward to— the starting /position.. ■ “a-ga-i-n-r—F-ou-r—times ’ pn end is' quite enough.. , . ’ ' ' : Always .imagine, when doing breathing exercises, that you are ■ takjng . air ’ in right '-down to your ■ ■ abdomen', otherwise your breathing may be shallow and .ineffective. Also; keep your movements as, elastic as - --noss.iffle., -r——'■——■:-"i-l-- ■. ~ly;’Tffid~sira?p^^^ ;e4“Tb'alvrn;g“dfehr~Pl’aceHn“a--m0dera?te- oven/ (350 degrees F.j and bake for 114 hours., . Lamb a la King ■ 2 cups cojd roast ’ Iamb, diced .4 tablespoons butter ■ . ’ 4 tablespoons flour' 1 . ' • 2-cups milk ■./.; /% cup small button mushrooms' ’ A4 cup celery, ^Ticed* " ; '"’/•" ..... Currant jelly Salt and pepper . Cut the cold roast lamb into- cubes. Cook the .celery until tender' in thqr - - I-mft,er—--Then..add the flour and -smooth.^Add _-the„^.milk.-..gradually,., stirring until the' sauce is, thickened. Then add the diced lamb; mushrooms . and seasoning. Heat* Serve on toast or in patty shells. Place a cube of currant jelly on top and garnish with‘ a sprig of crisp parsley. EXERCISES THAT WARD OFF ’ ‘ COLDS Your doctor will tell you that, as yet, there is no specific .cure for colds .and influenza, bpt that there is a good chance of your being able to ward them off. This is done .by /raising your. resistance; so that the germs that>are about you., (and they nearly aways 4re) .seldom get the upper hand. j There is ,no need to repeats in de­ tail certain .things advised by your doctor, such as gargling, a suitable dfeFtcF ’include plenty of vitamin “A food," taking a tonic, Wearing light, warm clothing and the avoidance of Wet feet and exposure to cold. But there is a further precaution that should make your resistance even mpre emphatic. . " Take definite steps to increase your intake of oxygen by doing cer­ tain special deep-breathing exercis­ es. The more oxygen you breathe in the puret; and healthier is your blood stream, which has everything to do witjh your resistance, or otherwise, to the?gei^^ Too Much Indoors We,are niuch-indo.ors in.the winter, and consequently do not get enough fresh air. unless we supplement it by exercises. There is no. need to make a burden of .them,, .Fit them in at any odd- time, to be'51 of great'value. Place this hands -lightly over the lower ribs in front and take a. 'good gulp of "air in through the nose, feeling the ribs through the mouth, helping the ribs to, collapse towards each other by RET-E.RWT-EA£kH£S_jrC). GENTILES Acts 10: 1-11: 18. • ^‘Of a .truth I. perceive.” Literally, to lay hold, wjth the mind.”v. It ,was not until Peter had crossed the threshold o£ the house of • Cornelius in the new. environment and...st^nd- jppjnt.tha^he se.es this new and great truth/ “That .God is no re.spe.ctbr o£ persons.” The word is’ compounded of ,two Greek -words, one meaning •$ace,” or, “person,” ‘and the other, “t,d take, to select,”", hence to” pay’ regard to.■ one’s ■ .looks, ^.or, ’ circum-. stances rather than to his intrinsic 1 character. , “B,ut 'in every nation’lie that fear-, eth • h-iniL. and. worketh righteousness.” ,Cf. Rom. f’fTO1? 1'17" 'Ijt is "liaTdly"' pos­ sible. to ebneeive of any . one being ■’referi-ed-“to'/rn-^Plris^p:hras'e==rivhp—-vv-as- a pure i fieitthe.n/ entirely . ignoran-t—of- ro“!l!s^aP6W^5 •.able to him’” ,-Db.es...Pie.ter .mean to' say that Cornelius is already in a state of grace,’ so -blraG-his si-ns are forgiven, and he is saved? In de­ claring h.iso.. perception that Corneli­ us is accepted-with God,, does Peter . ipean to teach that faith in Jesus is not' indispensable’ to salvation, but tliat tear of God, and-righteous works constitute’’t>he ground’ of sqivation?. this "is•-.as-iilog-i-eal ■a-s—i-t--is- -HEALTH SNAPS ■ A small teaspoonful of. bicarbon- , ate of soda, .takoh in water; night arid morning may serve to stave off a. cold. ’ . - To relieve a congestive headache, apply to the forehead a paste made of powdered ginger and .water. Ap­ ply spread on paper. Lmvoid“grea-s-y~-or—oi-l.y-r-app'l-iua-tio.ns—44^ dry antiseptic dressing is best, un­ lessrthere”iis' Tr^lf^infl^M^ton—ot~ s u p p u ratioriy*-w"hen-a--ho.t~f.omentation^ should .be applied. When the doctor orders egg and brandy, this is how to make it:.. — Beat up three eggs to a froth in ; %! cup- of cold -water, add a lump or two “of ’ su gar- and- -pour—i-n -44—cup- brandy. Give two or three ’.tea­ spoonfuls* at a time. dry antiseptic dressing is best, ,un- •7 ■ ■ ---------------------—- ' - ■ . -’ • X^n;sci1iT7t^ccl^^^a-LQ^IcZ31^h£r:5v^le=^n-ra^._&^&^ Women Want To Go _—Places—^MenCdntent To Stay At Home Georgetown,; British Guiana—The men and women of the Indian re­ serves in the northwest of British Guiana are riot seeing eye. to eye these days? It’s, another case of the .women wanting to go places while the men are content to stay at home, nad the Government is expected- - to; decide the issue. .- "T Claiming, the^ifight to live their own live’s^lTke other people of. the colony, . the women arid girls are preparing" a petition asking that they be allowed to7 come and go, marry and take jobs as they choose. .’ . ' Satisfied with the simple, ordered life,' they have known for,.years, the indignant men are preparing a , counter petition, according to word reaching the capital. Under . the Indian protection law, aboriginal Indians are placed under supervision of’ Government-appointed protectors* arid cannot leave the reserves with-' out consent. ^Employment, or mar­ riage outside also are subject to of­ ficial approval. The women claim these ’ restrict­ ions prevent tfi&m from getting good jobs or ‘husbands, if they are unwil­ ing to mate among their own peo­ ple, and they demand the right , to Work, and choose husbands wherever •‘Anything that dims the hope of reward reduces the willingness of indn to work, reduces • their willing­ ness to suffer privation and reduces their willingness 'to run risks,”— William P. Warburg. “Labor never receives an adequate share of the value in the creation of wliidh' it . is the ghief factor Sher- jgdod Eddy. ■ story is that Peter has been letj- to' see that a’ man like '’Cornelius-, is ac-. ceptable in God’s sight to. hear the gospel'. . > ' ■ • :------— ■ “The wort! which he sent unto the children of Israel.”. . The. fact qf „ a divine mes.sage is continually’ refer­ red to in this boog (e.g. 4: 31;. 8: 14/25; 13: 26; 14: 3;.. 16: 32). .It ■~^'S~^n’"r“fi’rst^o~I’sra-e'l"^("MattrJl--6-:- ^6-^5-^24^^uka^^ /32, 34; Jbhn, 1: 31; Acts 2:. 22, 36; 73 r L2;;7RomrTl-:“i-6-r-2::7-97-10)v- “Prea/ Lch.i.ng_g.ood AMings.,,_This^ ..translation of the Greek word gen­ erally translated “gospel?’ “Of peace by Jesus Christ. The, peace which we have in Christ-is a frequent and fundamental teaching of the —New -TegianmAt^wrlters^__/He-iS-Lord-oL all.’’ ' Peter spoke of Jesus -, the preacher; but lest Cornelius like Ni­ codemus might be misled into thirik- rin-g : -that"" Jesus was -sim-pl-y -a -great teacher op' pVophet sent of God to -inst-r-uetT^he^iasbrts—t-his-rstFiteing^par- Tehthesis; to assert and place in .the very forefront the truth that Jesus is both Lord and King. “That saying ye yourselves 'know. ?The Greek word rendered word here is not the same which is sb trans­ lated -in the previous verse. The former refers, to the whole message of salvation/through Christ, the lat- Aejt-toH^ird tidings/about Jesus which, 'had gone, abroad after-the preaching of John the Baptist. "Which was published throughout all Judaea, .be­ ginning frbm< Galilee, after the bap­ tism which John preached ‘ (sjlatt. 4 : 12; Mark 1’: 14). ' ' . “Even Jesus of ' lyazareth.’.' In ap­ position with saying in the preced-. ing verse, and hence—-that saying, that message, even Jesus/of Naza­ reth. This-is the only message Peter had. “How God anointed'hjm with the Holy Spirit.” Here Peter comes to the ’ very heart of. his message, and, in^chronbiogical order, briefly .Sketches the life of the Saviour. “And #with power.” Power (o Victory, for deeds, for teaching, for every ne.ed, for every moment. “Who went about doing good.” One of the most im­ portant biographical ^statements Con- cerning Jesus to be found in the New Testament. Thiese words of. Peter are an epitome of the. ministry of Christ. “And healing all that were oppress­ ed of the devil.” - A/.remarkable de­ scription of a profound and univer- ( > sal^tXxUlhwjeeg.aa;d.ing«^:aukM^. • ‘ ‘For God Was with him.” As Nicodemus .said, “No man. can do .these miracles that thou driest except God be with’ him”’ (John 3: 12)/ “And we are witnesses of all things ^hic’h he did?’ Christ had, appointed the disciples to be witnesses of these things (Luke 24: 48; Acts 1: 18)„ arid they repeatedly made it known that it was as srich that they derived their, authority fori speaking concerning £krisX,,a^Xhe)r../d^ country of the Jews, and, in Jerusa- ’ lem;'whom also they slew. The sanre ,- • ■ ■ r . -word was used by the Apostle in his sermon~~pn ’tile"'day : of ' Fentecost- (Acts- 2: 23). "Hanging him on a tree.” Only Peter uses this phrase, here, and in. 5: 30. A'similar ex­ pression occurs in his First .Eplstie (2: 24). ‘ :«$Him God raised up ..the third day, and gave him. to be- made manifest.” Christ was pot' openly showed,- but by many proofs it was made clear' ■: to....those who saw him that dt was yxp, same -body, even though-now glo­ rified,' which had r been wounded on •the qrogs/ aud; was alive again ' “Not to all the people.” The skep­ tical Jews would not have believed,, and Jesus was kept from open con­ tact with the'world of sin after his. Passidn. “But unto witnesses that were chosen before of’ God,, even” to us; who ate , and drank, with him af- "ter lie foseTrbm/t^^eaXXES^2^ ^^^^JiOsn^l^^j^LPeter’s Gen­ tile 'listeners- might wonder if the" resurrection" of Jesus from the dead was a true resurrection ' of Christ’s body"'and soul’“both, ’ or . only some spiritual, manifestation .of Christ, apd to confirm what he has announced he niches this very pointed reference to. the 'literalness of Christ’s physi­ cal' resurrection.1 < '“And he charged us to preach un­ to the people',”; < .The Apostle has now ‘■^o&'pl efed-'-h'is' ‘ hr let' ” sketch oi-rttre" ____ ,ASrznfc-t-he—-Eord-’s—life~-on- ■ earth, they, the disciples, were sQ._c.ohccrn- ed with, proclaiming" this stupendous 7 -message;—11 ‘That” "this—is—he-.who -4s- ordained of God to be the Judge of "the living and the dead (John-5: 22, 27;. Acts 17-: 31). This startling claim made by St. Peter with reference to .Jesus of Nazareth,- with whqm he had ^Iiv%d-~o-n~-t-erms-^f/clOsest^ntlmacyr _and^n_AKhoso^d£^Jhn^i^htj£^lL 4 have seen the- destruction of all' his -hopes,-is—a—furto^^evidenee-^Gf—"-Hie1 -change^"?whicfi'‘had passed over the Apostle. " “To him bear ail. the prophets witness.” ■ Here, particularly, .Peter, means they bear witness to the truth, he is abouttpj.deGlare;-naniely7 -a‘tha-t—t-hrough~his naine _ every— one that belie Veth on him shall receive remission of sins (Isa. 49: 6; Joel 2: 32)', Whosoever .is th.eL wordr which" -tells—out—the-meaning—of- the gospeL for a'lost, &nd; guilty world. —-"While—Peter-; •-yet—-spake-—thes . words." One of the- countless inci­ dents" in Holy Writ which evidence the omniscience of God 4n perfectly timing every manifestation of his power and grace and guiding love. “The Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard | the . word.’’/Often, spoken of as “tiie Gentile Pentecost” It did not come to .them by the laying on of hands, it came to them in the. very way in which it had/come to. the earliest disciples,,' without any human’ intervention, and made itself manifest in the very same way. “And they, of the circumcision that believed.” The six Jewish Chris­ tians who had .accompanied .the Ap­ ostle to Caesarea (ver. 23 and .11: 12)., “Were amazed, - as" many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was' poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit.”'The miracle proved what Peter had ’ said ..with a fullness of11 proof for which Peter himself perhaps was scarcely prepar­ ed. “For they heard them speak -With tongues, and magnify.God, CL 2: 4„ Probably nothing '.short of this vis­ ible” manifestation would have con­ vinced them that Qod was ‘indeed claiming these-Gentiles as his own. ' “Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid the water,., that thesb should not- be baptized, who, have received tfie Holy Spirit as well as jve? The comment on this verse by Professor A. T. Robertsonr one of the outstanding New Testament scholars' of this generation, and, him­ self .a .Baptist* is particularly signi­ ficant: .“It was. clear that they Were already- converted 'before the gift of the Holy Spirit came upon them/ ■though | regeneration iVself if the work off the Iloly' Spirit also?’ jj “And he commanded" them to be baptized 'in the name of Jesus Christ.” Paul*, usually him- ' self. “Thon prayed they him to tarry certain days,.” It Is probable4 that Satisfied -?Witti? •' ’■'"•/i’ "/ ..■■■■■■■ \ School - Ruling Stratford. — “That’s satisfactorjr ”;■> us,” Reeve J. F. Wand rick, chair­ man of the education committee of .^thp. Perth- Council,' remarked ' when dnformedz that the London Board of Education -had instructed, principal»^. _„ , dlf -collegiate institutes there that no - vmore students were to be accepted from Perth•• County. , The London board’s, action.was . taken as a result, of the failure of " the board and Perth County Council to reach ah .agreement on the cost of .tuition of Perth County -pupil* • attending the London schools; “Very few ratepayers of Perth . will be affected,”'^ Re^ve Vandrick stated. “I believe there are only onto dr two pupils from-thisWourity ^t- ' . tending, the London schools. tHi* A-’ year. We -would rather see them aV • tend collegiate ■ in either Stratford or, St. Marys. The cost of tuition in the -London colleg-iates. Ids—high,„.. .____ about, twice what it is in Stratford Distinguished Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every ’ Pattern . " 4 It’s a delightfully feminine tail’ ored type, so* smart 'now ’neath your winter wrap, in black and white thin wool crepe mixturd. Plain. . , white rough crepe silk is used for the clever vest arrangement that "has a cowl neck and button “on” at . the waistline. Inverted plaits lend freedom for walking to the slim-line paneled skirt? \ Black crinkly crepe silk with vivid green contrast is another very smart scheme.- Rough• “crepe, silk print that' re­ sembles a monotone j'n navy, blue arid white with . plain . white is ultra . | smart for spring wear,. . You’ll find it unbelievably easy to make, even if. it is your first tempt at sewing. Style No. 2776 is designed sizes 36, 38, ”40, 42, .44, 46 and inches bust. / Size 36 requires 4 3-8 yards of inch' material With 5-8 yard of 35- inch contrasting. ‘ . HOW TO ORDER'PATTERNS ■ •> Write your name and address plainly, giving number/ and size of such. patterns as you want. Enclose - 15c in stamps . or coin (coin prefer*j »»red““twr-ap‘‘wi4^^ai^fuMy*)^™tOKxu=<eaGiij number, and address,your order to Wilson Pattern ’Service, 73 'Wes^ -Adelaide St,.,. Toronto. : < MUTT AND JEFF at- HBImB L’