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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-07, Page 1
4* SV ’F’ ♦ 4 G/ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service ■ o E. arid been v it. te - Troy7Wbdemt^^hip^ O'f^-Synchf&Off. ' -WttW' -loc^^^arpe^nt^rjS^^ptiuteWI^^W^^ Jprfe:^d®g;''’ "^^^lancf 5SSHI ■MB Card - Of Thanks_ .............. ... • 4-..,Mts. Duncan Graham arid'.family acknowledge with Sincere ripprecia- - ‘-i <’ Fhi •V’ iMi £2JMF PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE . •Bess” in~spiteof Mrs. Russell’s deavdr to make het over to the date Elizabeth. Bess delighted audience with her portrayal of character of this open hearted, tutored girl, raised on the ranch where DANCE1 AT LANGSIt)E There will -be a. dance in. the For ester’s Hall at Langside On Friday, March 15th.' Good music and.a good time. Admission- Ge’hts 25c. ' ■’ any. peVson whose claim • he *shali.'not’then have: received nfe.’’' i, realizing that she’ ^haSr istrator ' will' WANTED—One cow to freshen in April.-Apply pt Sentinel Office*- \ GANbERJEOR SALE—or wilkex- change ,Tor'a, goose.—4 ' Jpbillip McMillan, Lucknow, ... . .HAY. FOR-SALE^-A quantity, of Ti-m<^M|fcpnd -’Alfalfa mixefl, also’ 2nd cut AW|lfa. Applyto Fred Webb’, .. • .*R.! 1', Lucknow; ■ " HOUSE FOR SALE —T.wp-storey /' frame house on* Ross St,rLucknowj in ~ excelient~~repair—Hard- and softr waterr ~ ^'^a'cre_TrropTepty?-U^-----f'* . Apply at Sentinel Office.... ■ .. . ' . - : PROPERTY FOR $ALE--9 acres, "good .frame hoyse with stone cellar, cement stable. Close1 to school and > .. -church'. • 1 ‘A miles north;.of Lucknow. Peter T. Carter, R. R 6, LucknOw. '<) (21—3—c.) r CLEARING AUCTION SALE of stock, implements, etc. at Lot 34, Con. 5, Culros/^pn Tuesday, March 12th, See bills/for terms and list. No. reserve. Minnie & Jennie Jleid. 0 Well, Henderson, Auc. Prop. ■ ■ • :-FA.R-M—FOR— SALE—--100-acres, being. N.- H. of Lot 5, Con. 10, E. D., Ashfield, near Lanesville. For particu lars apply, to Mrs. E. Congram,. Lucknow P. 0. (14^4A-pQ IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE—Seed Drill, set Harrows, Disc Harrow, Wagon and . Rack,, Fanning Mill. Limited Yquantftjr~”of“riats arid""" seed • barley. Apply to Mrs,: Wesley Hudson R. 5,, Lucknow. FERTILIZER Farmers, buy your fertilizer from your own Company which has reduced the price on an average of $10. per ton.. Get prices on the brands you require from John Jamieson, .0 Sec’y. of Lucknow Club. --- -(-28—3—tL) --1—1^---- ~ MURPHY’S MINERAL 7 MurphyVnBlue SealMineral for all kinds of stock. Do not allow yo.ur hogs to become crippled or your ; cattle tp get rheumatism, or any of several other ailments which this mineral prevents and cures and which ailments are due to the lack of min eral in the systems of the animals. Call and see WELL. HENDERSON, Auc., Lucknow , Also a number of farms for sale or rent, \ . , ,(14—4—c.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS > . In the Matter of the. Estate of John J. Hackett, late of the Village of Lucknow in the-County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased. . < Notice is hereby ; given that 'ail ■ . persons having any claims Or de- . * mands against the said John J. Hack- • ett who died; on or about the Third day of February A.D. 1935 at’ the ..Town of'Walkerton in the County of LUCKNOW, ONT,, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1335 ‘ .I*......... t ... . ' ‘ Relief To^Be Stopped * Last Of This Month Principally February Accounts Passed , At March Meeting Total • Approxi mately $150.00. ■Relief will Be cift off the end , of' March : was/the (announcement, at the Council Board on Tuesday night,' when the perusual pF a sheaf of relief ac counts oecuj^e7d^her~greater part of -A~close scrutiny of the bills and~voucHefs/7led~to-^frhe- !bpim dn" Waf^ip"^me”Wses ‘ ” rhei pi ent's' of relief were “liying like kings’’”. •Council emphasized that with the discontinuance of relief all bills must be’1 presented for payment by April 1st, or if later presented will, go un paid, as Council requires that all re lief, costs be definitely, known so that’ the 2-3 share paid jointly by the Provincial artel Federal'governments ■can be collected. Relief. accounts passed on Tuesday night, chiefly February supplies, came to an approximate total of . $150., with bills for medical and nurse services laid over and not included in the above total.' ■ Of the $150.00, previously unpaid January bills amounted to about $1*8.00, and transients’ meals and beds in February cost $15.00. .February saw the greatest influx of these nOp- payirig"guests so far/this“~winter''tT the extent of 30 meals and _15 beds. Expenditures were as- follows: Groceries and bread $69.06;- Meat and Milk $28.94; Fuel ’and Coal oil, $13.07; Dry goods $6.55; Drugs,. 60c; Dentistry $1.50; Water and Hydro, $-14,80. ; iSO’nie: of this amount will be billed back to other municipalities as .the recipients have not been long enough residents' of“tTi*e^~village "to qualify'for local assistance. prepaid or to deliver to the under- . signed Administrator of, the estate^ and effects of the said John J. Hack-*- ett, their names and addresses' and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements' of their ac- ■ countS'-and the nature of Jthe securi- 1. ties, if anyj*held by them duly veri fied by affidavit. 1 ' And take notice that after the ^.^..'^2Ihirtieth day;./qf March A.D. 1935 the ^saiff"assets or ,any jpart. . ’not then have : received notice. ’ ; ■This notice is given pursuant to. . the statute in that behalf. .■ ■ bdt^^sht LuckftoW, Ontario, this' -^gy^-^an.c}1-:ATD77T9&5"1 7 Joseph Agnew, Ludknow, Ontario, / ' Administrator of the ..estate of John J, Hapkett, deceased. SINGLE COPIES S CENTS I • , I . v •• ’ ./ > VETERINARY DOCTOR TO COMMENCE PRACTISE HERE . ■ . ... • ' «»■ v Dr.~H. Malloy, ,.a veterinary surgeom of thirty yeats’ experience 'andt a graduate of the ^Ontario Veterinary College, will/commence a pi’Actisp in Lucknow, to fill a„ vacancy in this profession, caused by -..the* death of Dr.. Dan Geddes.- .; , ' J Dr. Malloy comes Trom St. Thomas' and will assume his duties in Luck- ri o w on M b n d ay who n~h e ^cn mitten c e s; his; permanent arid full time practise.- —■n°t move ■ to "Lucknow for^someTR'tlri^timer'—- “—: Family From Far mm ‘ . . .'*>■. North Visit In Ashfield Fbrm.eri Ash field Girl Makes. Her Home With Her. Husband And Two Children Near Churchill. Arid Ip ,Aj District CJuefiy Populated By '■ Indian^, v1--- Work On Secondary - Well To Commence By Middle of Month \ ■ ’ . ’ ___•' • ' ‘ * In Fulfilment Of Guarantee Canadian Surety . Co. To Sink Second Well To Make Good The Deficiency In The Quantity Of Water Supplied By Present Well. 7""~ 7 ’' ' -.....■ J' . backed Hall Greets St. Peter’s Play ' r .. O St. Peter’s Dramatic Club Presented Fine Play To - Capacity Audience Hriday Night. . | A comedy-drama of unusually high merit was presented fey St, • Peter’s. Dramatic Club in the Town Hall to a capacity hofise on Friday evening last. • From' the moment the curtain was drawn showing a magnificent' stage setting, until the closing words the entire ■'audience were well pleased as shown by the applafese which re sounded tiine and time again. The scene of the- play was- the beautiful home of: Mr. arid Mrs. Rich ard Russell, in the city' of Lucknow, where the usual events of that home were shattered by the arrival of “"^Uld. Bess”;uFrom facts gleaned. - by th©• intiifiate' ’ and* inqtrisr'fiVdf society friends of’ Mrs.. Russell, played . by Mrs.. Geoghegari as Mrs. Woodruff and Mjss M. ’Cook portraying the. character* of Mrs. Scott, it wgs learn ed that Richard Russell, Rev. J. H.‘ Geoghegan, liad. befen raided in Man itoba and tfidreHiad/’Iriarfied^ his wife dying leading ohe daughter, Elizabeth who had been .raised On a rarich by . “tlricle ■ Charlib” and Aunt Emily. Richard Russel had come to, Mficltimw^and^ri®^ed -a'gainj“his' wife ;be.ing plgyed^lg^O? E, D, sHas§all. tw^efiildrett- were born - ‘ The Lucknow Domestic Water Sys tem. is to have a secondary well arid pumping equipment at no expense to the village. The completed secondary water supply system will be^turned' over to the village upon completion, quite likely early this spring, by the Uajj^iKBTSii^^^ the bond they assumed, in guarantee ing thje Water supply, of the present well, Aand which has dropped in vol ume over 40 gallons a miriute from the original .flow. The agreement states th at .the work will start not- later than sMarch 15th and wiiL be “diligently carried on to completion.” The agreement, arrived at ' last. \vOekbctween“theVill'age^Council“a'nd“ the (Surety Co, through D. H. Flem ing,” consulting^engfneer^—bring§“~to^ a-h end a long drawn out series of negotiations, before the village coun cil, by a majority vote,- expressed1 satisfaction in the Surety Company’s terms of settlement in fulfilling their guarantee. . The Surety Company is surety -on the bond issued on behalf of the Layne Canadian Water Supply Co., now. in liquidation, and which' Com pany-had' the contract for the con struction of the original deep water well. ■ ' The Surety Company agrees . to construct a rock well, eight- inches^ ‘itt diameter, cased to rfeck, and drilled into the rock a 'sufficient distance to obtain the require(d amount of . wafer. The well is tro be located where mutually" agreed ifpori by the Council and the Surety Company with the supply being - piped to the nearest point, on the. pipe line between the present pump house and: standpipe and will be connected with.th,d proper ings. . - .- ' The.capacity of . the well shall not t be .less than 50 gallons a minute and will be equipped to handle a maxi- inum capacity of 100 gallons a "min ute against a nearly full standpipe.' This 50-gallon a ininute 'Supply will undergo a seven-day twenty-two hour test, and- the well as, specified shall ,nOt effect the present well. The ’ water quality must meet with the apptoval of the Ontario Depart- irien't of Bufelic-Health, both from , chemical, and bacteriological tesits as . for domestic use; . ’ ■ • a . [The well:-will S^^uippea witlF a Mr-•' and-Mr.s^.^N_H..JD.evenqy (pee . Miss Hannah Hogan) and their two ' young sons, Murray -and Neil, spent a week’s visit with. Mrs. Devenny’s - -mo.th.er, Mrs, P. Hogan of; AshfieTd, leaving l^istwreek^for-T^Srs^~Olf^Jecr where they will: visit- with. Mr.. Dev-- enny’s parents,; before making their return journey to their home in that bleak wilderness -of-~Nor-t-herh* -Sas katchewan, about 150 miles from Churchill, where ■ Indians comprise chiefly the sparse population. Mr. Devenny is a dispatcher, on the C; N. R. at a little flag station about ,350 .miles norths,west of The Pas and where during the winter moyths-there rarn-ves-a-train-but-once.inAwo~w.eeks... The Devenny family’s visit here follows closely an appendicitis oper ation' which Mr, Devenny underwent. Isolated as they are and 350 miles from<,a doctor, when Mr. Devepny- was seized with-the attack, a C.N.R. engine, arid caboose was rushed., in to hurry him away to a far distant op- erating room. __■ ' The Devenny children,arerfour arid five years of age - and shortly Mrs. Devenny and the two young chaps will .have to 'desert the far north, so the boys carii commence • their educar- tion, which, they are unabfe'to re ceive where they, are now 1 living. However Mr. Devenny’s appointment) to this northern ’outpost ' is for a limited period only, we understand. TREACHEROUS WALKING Early Monday morning,1 a rain that froze as it fell, made (walking ex- tremelyv difficult and hazardous. .Only those who had to,, ventured- out on the sleet covered < streets; and while tumbles, w’ere numerous, no severe injuries or fractures have been learn ed Off. i The condition of the roads and streets had ■ a noticeable effect on the attendance at school : in the first room, as parents feared to let the littld. tots attempt to reach school. By shortly after the noon hour, the streets- had .thawed, to the relief of the slithering,, sliding public, whose critics were really funny, in spite of the danger involved in getting about. A heavy i;ain on Tuesday achieved results in assisting the snow to vanish which* left in its stead, an underly ing sheet of ice on the roads, that is about the equal of the sleet for sljp- neriness. ■ TThe sidewalks On main street however, are . practically ail bear of ice. . ‘ I . 1 ■ - - - _ CASE DISMISSED • Haryy Lem,lc|cal restaurant keeper; was dismissed when Be appeared' be--, fore Magistrate Walker in Walker-, ton, the latter part of February, charged with illegally keeping liquor for sale in Lucknow, under the pro visions of J the. Ls C. A. The charge was laid following a raid made . on Lem’s premises ’by Constable Moorei, late im t’he fall/, at which -time a quantity of 4.4 and Gpvernment beer was confiscated: The Bread fj — V / IO Bread of Heal th Tl O V IO of Heal th QUALITY AND. SERVICE OUR MOTTO : doughnuts - ^4yer Dakes ./.• CHELSEA ;.B-UNS' ; ,- . . JELLY ROLLS' ’ ' PINEAPPLE.'BUNS-^:/ ;;-DATE;'EQUAREH - OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 1§ 100% WHOLE'WHEAT. DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Lucknow H OCKEY ..... A ■ ' . Church League Playoff Series, 2nd Game PRESBYTERIANSvs.UNITED IN LUCKNOW: TONIGHT Thursday, March 7th WEATHER PERMITTING A VICTORY FOR THE PRESBYTERIAN TEAM WILL WIN THEM THElFROWY^TZWSSrTWIE^MAKE^A —THTRD .GAME .NECESSARY. ..... ‘ ADMISSION 15c and 10c.1 MacDonald Bros. - Opening Shoe Store Modernly Equipped And Furnished, Attractively Decorated And Bril-J .liantly Lighted, New- > Business House Opens Its Doors In Lucknow On Saturday. . . • . 9 ■ . Dr. H. Malloy -VETERINARY SURGEON. . Will Open A Practise' in Lucknow On Monday, March 11th MacDonald Bros., Lome and Gar field, are -attending to (last minute details this week in preparation for the opening of their shoe store in Lucknow, on. Saturday, a, 'business venture that will add a modern store* to the fine array of business houses^ of which this village can boast. MacDonald Bros, store is • located in the west wing of Murdie’s Hard ware store, where for the past sever al \ weeks, work has gone on a.pace, and on Saturday when this neU store opens ’its doors, an entirely new building, so it will appear, will be revealed tp an amazed public. The previous1 sblid cement wall Has ' " ~ been knocked out and replaced with VENISON ENJOYED - . an entrarice flanked by two brilliantly , MANY HOMES [ • • ... - ‘ * ’ number of village homes over the week end, as the result of the instruc tions received by Constable Moore1- from the Department of. Game re garding disposition of the carcass of ,a fine young deer. • - Jack Garniss “dressed” the' animal last Thursday and cut it up into comparatively small cuts which were distributed, as advised, among de serving and, jn some cases needy families in the community. ,The an imal was shot the week previous when it was discovered with a. broken . legi The lalt of the Venison was djs- trfi^^^' on Tuesday inorning, '---------- ---- <i ; .WAiTLAND-'FRESEYTm^' < SUCCESS IN YOUTH If a young person hopes to * succeed he riiust be free' from any handicap his eyes may be to him. He will advance faster — have more .energy and enthusiasm— more zest for studies—closer ap plication—if he? is not; compelled to combat - eye strain. Is it pos sible that the above MIGHT apply to you or someone you vknow? of the fahfiljf view' WiW dismayvlrar1 appea’rarice, , '* ' _ not had\ the same 'social,’ training. Dudley about seventeen is very -en thusiastic arid in trying to describe - her, uses slang which shocks his atisr. tocratic mother—and when Boss, por trayed by Eileen Johnston, does ar rive, she lives up to her name “Wild. en-- Se tlie the' un HARD-TIME IRISH DANCE :ii^b^gtvCn^O-;the‘^-ady-a;n d- ■ v, gentleman in the >begt hard time Tris)7 costume, at the Lr O. L» dance' in the Orange Hall, Thursday, March' 14th. Gents. 25c; Ladies bring lunch •'or' ldc, Everybody ’weTcbme. New lines Of Men’s Work Clothing --—■Sox, Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Un-, auspices. Dance after. ;General ad derwear) etd. THE MARKET STORE mission 25c, x PLAY AND DANCE. Don’t forget “The Ci'imsori “ jEye- brows”, a musical comedy to ‘fee pre- rented fey the,Tees water. PteSbyterian Choir, in the Town. Hall, Friday, /March Bfi, under • JoTfiTTLKO.- CM -over „the-.f accordance, with their. rgquiremeriS, ” ^towards the cost"FfTwlnch the Surety Company will, pay the" Municipality $200.00, ' ■ The Village Council, in accepting the agreement' and specifications of the Surety Company, by a majority vote, expressed satisfaction that the besjt interests of the Village had been prote.cted arid that tfid domestic water system, With-an Auxiliary and fully equippecl' secondaryAvater supply sys - tern, whs anjpiy to supply the domes- ti^ ■ sure ademjaLe 'fire pi'otection .in any cdhtlfrg'CT^y. ;.......... ■ 7 >/.' _ Dorn . - PITCHER—-At’ Kirk'lanfi Lake, Ont.' on'FebT^ and MM Albert'Th' pitcher, (formerly Dora Mitchell) a son. est son, Kenneth Alexan^f/‘;wW passed , away last Wednesday mbrh-' ing at the age'of three years eleven ' months. The child had ill. since last summer^, ; Dr. Barnby is an Ash field lighted • and attractively panelled •^sli’OacW’ ——7- ■ .. > ■ Inside, .the floor is of hardwood and; the low-slung shelves all finished in walnut with the upper wall back grounded in a mottled hue and panelled. Display tables^ a wrapp ing counter and arm qhairs will be Centred on the flpof, ---- The store is s.aid to be one of the most modern shoe stores outside the large cities and the work and equip ment from beginning to end was done in Lucknow and by Lucknow work men.’.Lome, who has been instru mental in recent years, in . opening four different stores,, states that he has been unable to get the entire- Work /done iiri the particular^ centre^ with fblm^xcep^iEW^fi-Xucknow.' ■ ' The.- fixtrims; 'Hev. of -------- tfed0csi®&iture^W<»L ..... ,__ ______... ...... __ ... bbrii boy, the son of Mr. James Barnfey, Con. il2, Ashfield. Mrs. Barnby, -was formerly Minerva McPhee of con. 8, Colborne Township, in which com munity her . husband /aught'. school before entering medical college. •'-'“"As-wvoll--as--th e^ cuts, Kenneth is survived by an older' brother .and.-sister, gfcurirt and .Mat- iom Kenneth, who 'visited th-Ashfield, with hisA'parents ’before his illness, was a bright and likeable -little chap, ’ The funeral sermon was*' held on Friday at the parental howlieii’in Ham ilton. renovation operations. r~~ By this partnership, two well- known Lucknow boys enter the busi- riesslife of the village. Lome has had a vvide experience in the. shoe business, which he commenced fifteen years ago with Cameron and Mur doch. For a number,of years he was with ^N/ilis in Peterborough, the largest retail concern for shoes alone, in Canada. ‘ Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on Tuesday, fbr the March meeting. A period of prayer was observed for the recovery of Rev. R. M. Hannah of Ripley* who was absent through illness. < .Rev. ,C, H. MacDonald Wafc the Presbytery’s choiqp for the Moder - atQrship. of the Synod of Hamilton and. London, and as well the Presby- ; tery indorsed the nomination of Dr. DrTrTr’M^’iTdi^^ erator of the Ft^sbyterian Church in Canada. ~ • __ ''',’Rev/’Rrank”'''Rriftre, Whs''‘fi‘b'hainat6fl’'“'-tl :tibn^the many acts, of kindness .and for the chair of Church Histdrjr 'in expressions of-.Sympathy -extended"the '■W^^^rlc^-'UoR^ge isthem during the., illness and at the where1 he has been a' lecturer for tiffie of the death of Mr. Graham.some twO' years.