HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-28, Page 8* A *• 0* • <■ •** e • • > 'x^ f • Jr' £ .j ’ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Land GENERAL) s 32 OZ. JAR ORANGE MARMALADE ........ 82 OZ. JAR PLUM JAM ................. PURE CLQVER HONEY, 5* LBS.. ,..,..... CROSSE & B. 14 OZ. CATSUP, 2 BOTTLES „ CROSSE AR. TOMATO SOUP, 4 CANS . ”' TOMATOES, LARGE ;CAN .. ’’’' CQRN, LARGE ’ CAN- . PEAS) LARGE CAN .. /....... ~ ’TRESH-: gKOunO^ COFFEE ' '.BULK'. BLA(W TEA .. . ...., ’... - -COWAN’S-GOGOA, 1GR?" TlN“ BULK COCOA, LBS. > /-X..... GRAPE FRUIT, 5 t. :. LARGE. • ORANGES, ‘ 6, ...... J MACCARONI, BULK, 5 LBS. . T WHW DOLLAR HAS MQPB CENTS .. 25 c ....45c .. ;25c •;..25c .. . IQct ...10c .'X 13c ....33e 49 c 25c ,'S25c ,. 25c"'' ...<;25c \ Statement Of Auditors^Keport & ■I . . . / RECEIPTS . JF&n« lr, To Bulancc 31 ~ Resident Taxes of 1934 Resident Taxes of 1933 .....----— ' Arrears. in, Taxes ---------——- School Purposes .X——4--,—-™— License Premium on Taxes ---•-rx-DefrqntureX'Xzs^^ ; . •'"Interest -------—i.-------------- ,-----r^Miscellaneous’^..^ Drainage ----- - Highways -----i. Total —____ < •f . *r. ■■c"■"f|i!T..... ■. 1 Mrs. Thomas. H^ckleyibf Te^sv^ater- iS visitipg" ' fri^fids. ■ YOUMACHINE. re­ paired to perfect sewing at your fionie ’’Phone 35, Mrs. W. E. MacDonald is confined .to bed this week under the doctor’s care, as she is suffering from ^a heavy cold, Douglas’ MacDonald, student min­ ister at. Knox College, Toronto, spent the weekend hefe-With his parents;" Rev; and Mrs: C^JB. MacDonald.. _. - Miss EVelyn^Nixon will/atteridCihe Hairdressers’ Convention' in -Toronto from Monday until Friday, Which is being held in..the. .Royal York Hotel. ■— -Jja^een^maMn^ her home With Mr. and TOsr^WTYV^ Hill, and who has been quite ppoyly of late, was taken to Goderich Hos­ pital on Thursday.. _ | -407 98 . 19475 38 \ 6370 30 ) 387 29 83 07 103 50 10 00 97 23 543 10 . ■ 32 96 —157-15” 5511 71 225725 $35436 92 \ EXPENDITURES Dec. 31 By Provincial Election expences .—!— $ / By Salaries and Allowances ...............................* —By-Printing,postageand3tationery-^^^^^^. By Superintendence and Expenses —-. ____JBy JItP!ads__ ............................... .................. By Relief . By Schools -— ’ By, Debentures, Principal —-■■-■-•-y.. ....... By Debenture, Interest -------------------—J— By School- ^Debentures'^ ............. ........................ By School Debentures, Interest .X....... By Drainage---------—------—:— -----T . By Tile drainage ...........—— By Sheep and dogs —------- --------------?— T ’ By Board of ’Healt^ ----- By Miscellaneous --------:------- ------—;—.— ------ByCountyRates-^..—...................... By Telephone Rates..............................--....... . .. Total__L.: To Balance on hand ~ r’z •’ ’’ ASSETS ..................................... .......................Dec. 31 To Balance To Taxes - 40% On road expenditure '(approx.) ~. 50% on Su perint end encef approx.) _____ Interest on unpaid Taxes ((approx.) Taxes in County Treas. Office ~~--------- Total —; —__ __ _________ _ ■>. 1 " '!|||! '. LIABILITIES By t Drainage Debentures and Interest -— By Tile/Drain Coupons: By Black Creek Extension——'.—-...-—----- By Black Creek. -............... 75 85 798 22 238 42 63 25 523 17 12386 88 1101 07 ,/, -.- •------- - --' - 33778 08 _ | 1658 84 $ 35436 92 $ $ 10018 20 I 1407 56 176 66 846 75 J 363 88 Total -_____t.......................... Total Assets over Liabilities — j___•r. ■ ■ ___ _ , o Outstanding cheques ,..... —----— i,l .. ... ■ | 2794 85 $ 722335 t1 3747 64 2088 80' f Balance 1658 84 We, the '.undersigned Auditors, have examined the Treasurer’s books and Accounts and report th A same co; ect according to vouchers submitted ' Io us, and in accordance with the foregoing statement.; ___ February 6th, 1935'. \\ Mr. J. W. Henderson attended the Ontario Retail Lumbermen’s Conven­ tion held in the Royal York hotel at Toronto last week and spent the week end in London with his son, Donald. The Goderich Signal stated, last week that, six cases of the mump had been reported in the town and sev-. eral other cases in the district, al­ though authorities/ weje fearing an epidemic. > ‘ —-Miss-Hazel- Gulbert feaves--on~Sat^ urday morning for Toronto where she will spent the week and attend the Hairdressers’ Convention being held in the Royal York Hotel, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. J. C. MacDonald of Montreal assistant farm editor of the Family Herald and Weekly jStar, attended the -funeral—of—hisbrother~held—here“"on Tuesday.' Mr. George Bower of Kirk- land Lake, a nephew of Mr. Mac­ Donald, also attended the service, re­ turning Wednesday. . . The March meeting of the Women’s institute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. G. Agnew on Thursday, March 7th, at 2.30. Roll call answered by an Irish joke or story.. Auction vsaie of articles donated by members. Note^the^ change Tof day”ffbm-Friday, which is being observed as the Day of prayers— • Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alex Havens and! Mr. and Mrs. William Webster celebrated their respective wedding anniversar­ ies on Monday evening, by staging a social evening in the Orange Hall, when dancing wqs enjoyed to music by the Sepoy | Trio. Mr. and Mrs. Havens are nineteen years and Mr; and Mrs. Webster "ten, years married. Rebekah At Home .^Although counter attractions af­ fected the attendance, an enjoyable “At Home”. was held under Rebekah; auspices in the lodge room on Friday night. Euchre was played" with the prizes going to Mrs. James Johnston and Charles Steward. Consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Hazel Culbert and Archie McIntyre. Lunch was served and Cameron Geddes con­ tributed several fine solos, with- Miss Edith Smith as accompanist. Dancing to music by the Sepoy orchestra concluded the' evening. ‘ \ ■ ', . ■ . FgR^RLYjEJLftLQYED_JaEBE_ . DIES VERY SUDDENLY x WILLIAM STUART, ROBERT MALCPLM,Auditors. .......Ji, ... * r- ............... ....- ■■ wpf k “ITi'r ougfibw/lfe* are recommended for advun(^meni£&y/ • thfeir teachers, Ron. Dr., L. J". Simp- "■'>." «on,_Minister of Education^ announced Saturday. , ' , , • ■ Undbr the new scheme, which be~< tomes operaBye ’ this /yeaG Tsttidents ,may enter university without having « Written examinations, says The Globe ’’ ' Students who will be relieved front Written exam^ are those Who obtain ai standing of 66' per cent; or over, based oh class work arid tests during the various terms. ’ , , Arrangements , have been made whereby' teachers will make a’ de­ tailed report to the department re­ garding the'full yehr’s work and ao-. —eomplishments—ofy^h'e'^pupii'S—they recommend for promotion. ' - A- V.......’■.............. ■ I-,-,--.. ■ ■■ 7 Step-Child will be presented by In The THURSDAY, FEBRvXrV 28, 1935. ST. PETER’S DRAMATIC SOCIETY ThreenAct Comedy Drama by permission of the T. S. Dennison Co. > • L OBITUARYreaders. May their lyimbers increase. XX MpWCUtTlJRAL NOTES prayer by ' • - , - ■' r • VALUED ’ ASSISTANCE There isj pothing that i| inoreryreir) come to a new_spaper office, than friendly. subscriber ' who sends in a bit of news, either by pfipnipg, by letter, Or by droppifig ip at. the office. Dozens of incidents qgcur in tjie dis­ trict, that. are noteworthy *, and of generaL interest, blit these may not reach the paper until long after. o&- cprrence, or maybe noti at" all People come and gq throughout the com^ munity, bringing a! pleasant..little ripple in. social life, but too often no 7>ne troubles to notify the local news-, paper. Yet theseVlittle items are ap­ preciated by' the office, arid: read by' everybody., " It is impossible for a small news­ paper ^staff to j®Over, adequatelyany district without^ a little volunteef, haip—’And^ portunity to acknowledge the many" Volunteers scattered here and , there who say to themselves: “Perhaps the -Sentinel—wOUld“^iJc£^ that.” Whereupon they act. Many of the organizations of town and country have appointed a press correspondent to pass on’the news of club-activities; In many. instances the'^secretary as­ sumes this task. These are the organ­ izations whose names appear .fre­ quently in the pafier, giving a plea­ sant impression of briskness, social alertness and live community spirit. Other organizations, probably doing iust as useful work, fiever reach the printed page, and so far as the gen­ eral public knows, their little com­ munity has no social gatherings, no progressive ' groups, nor “up and coming” Spirit. We thank those many good friends of the' community who are kind enough to notify us “when things happen”; They are not only assisting ’ up an attractive picture for our~ outside Peath eame suddenly to William Dales, .manager of - the—“Mildmay Creamery, and son of ex-reeve Peter . • A .if. • ’’ " „ . ■ Dalefl and Mrs. Dales of Greenock township, just as Jhe was leaving the Bruce County Hospital on?■■'Sws- ‘ ‘ ■ ■ ;:dhy ■n«o,&ir^B-had"'recqvereU^Wffi^ r Templeton’s Celebrate their 3rd birthday for a bigger & busier store PAYS of VALUE GIVING ■■ 'innr jrriiririiiw,.........................■ ii'i!N!'I!! ...I!! ffi.. J WE ARE GIVIN^iO^ DISCOUNT ON ALL GOODS IN / ORDER TO GIVE QUR CUSTOMERS ■ BIGGER SAVINGS HELP US TO. HAVE TWO DA YR OUTSTANDING BUSINESS -! •FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY ), With every $5/00 purchase we will give 1 MEN’S STRIPE - BROADGLOTH SHIRT; Collar attachedr Size 14 - 15 ^ . / . Reg.- $1.1)0, For .,. ....... . ............. . .....?..... OR I RHIRT, 2 SEPERATE COLLARS. Size 15 to 10'A.. . Regular $1^50 For . ,</.........• i----- - • • r ' 'YOU- 'SAVE, ptf EVERY PURCHASE^AT THIS ■ SALE. ATTEND WINGHAM SERVICE ■ J ' ■' ' —■■■-• I Twenty-two members of the Young Men’s Class ofthe United Church,! motored to Wingham on Sunday! afternoon to attend the Century Sunday Service of the Triple V Bible! Class. The service is so; named, be-1 cause it . is the endeavor of the .class to have one hundred or/more in at- tendanceandanaudiencethat-num- Quickest Relief from Stomach Troubles People who have suffered for years' with Indigestion, Acid < StonuwjfcGas, Heart­ burn,. etc. are amazed aVsBe-quick relief . which KIRK’S STOMAnJKA gives. A small dose tones up even the most stub; .'■ bom case of sour, acid stomach, banishes pain, revives appetite. Everyone is subject to occasioned stomach troubles, so never be.Without a bottle in the home- At drug stores. Get KIRK’S STQMALKA at McKTM’S DRUG STORE bered about 150 listened attentively to i<~ an inspiring address by Mrj George Jefferson, principal^ of Clinton Public School. Mr. Jefferson is a native of. Donpybrook in, West Wawanosh twp. j- and is an able speaker, who had a I Worthwhile message for hid 'emigre-j gatiori of young ,mem . A special mpsicAUp.rQgram ■Was....,alsp.^jy.en,^_^. B THE ' Red-Headed “PLAIN PEOPLE’’ Four-iAct Comedy Drama by permission of the Danna J. Stebbins Co» Will be presented by “ Hackett’s Young People’s Society intheBasementofthe------ ORANGE HALL, BELFAST, £) FRIDAY, MARCH ISTH ;'■■.......’...8.15 p; M. ■ ' . Special Music Between Acts . Admission—Adults 25c Children 12 and under, 15e CHURCH NOTES United Y. P. S. ' : t Present Sacred Drama • s; The Y. P. S.’ of Lucknow United Church, under the leadership of: the Literary Group, - presented an excel­ lent program on Monday nightj After the "opening exercises, Mrs. Etarold Treleaven sang a solo. The society made1 its first attempt at presenting a. .Sacred Drama. entitled “He Passed Through Samaria” with Greg Leith as director. The east of characters was: Sanabasarus—Aa, wealthy land- owner^-Bill Hewat; Nnsor—a cobbler —Ivan Rawlings; Gortyna—a beaut­ iful young Woman' rearedHn^sinfrvun=“ dings Where virtue was Itpboo—Eun­ ice Newton; Sabta—wife of Nasor— Jean -McMillan. ——J-. -r The. scene throughout took place in the cobbler’s shop in,the Village of Dothan, about 29 A.-D., with the .story ^mewhat ^as- -follows:-----------r Nasort and Sanabasarus plan'to use the beautiful gortyna io fUrthey their plot' to steal the tax. money.of Jiudaea. Gortyna.. meets Jesus by chance and- iMMI. fiSg -pliysiciajcrto a waitrH^ ad^tB^n^-^cdi^^a^Ciur- ' vertfeing department- .-isk ouj* stpck\ih trade, to ask us to donate spee ds asking us to--g4ve-fi*eeT- thiii> which We have to sell to*>ihake?a living. l^.We^dStnate^columns of space during the' year to promoting community 3themes but we cannot pronipte mon­ ey-making schemes for all the org­ anizations . in the community., if)a. newspaper were subsidized by "the Governinent, this plight be done, but itr.isn’t. Here’s a rule to go. by when sending in news iteiris, if a fee is charged for afiy ^gathering an an-, nouricement regard same as- adver­ tising. ■ 7 ’I • 'A ’ . .»■ ‘ Son of the Sea: Well, I s’pose it’s all . right;-, but': wot. I „ Jez. JS—wM’s "'Mr. David S?wan spent the week- the gjodd of ’aving A ocean if yier enfi at Win. Bitchell’s in Winghaffi. flies riVer it? .-^ :... ; ..;JL_x iWnq^nriatant^ T..MxT>aleS5 "who? was -in his early thirties was born on the 8th Conces- sion of Greenock township. Ho is well and favorably remembered by many friends in Lucknow, he having been a former employee in Silv^r- WObd’s plant here, about seven years ago, going from here to Tees-, water to work. Some few months ago he was appointed manager of the Mildmay branch of Thompson Bros.' Creamery. Five years ago he marr­ ied Agnes Moyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moyer', of Cargill. He is survived by his Wife and three children. The remains were conveyed;. took place in the Chepstow Roman Catholic Cemeteiy. / _____ John and . George . Dales, well known residents" of. Cargill are bro­ thers. and’ twa daug^^^ Mks^^o^. -. x....v„.. <?V^^V-Jesu&v.afcvef-Si ' ISefe&pUns^^arid sotrfe and they look • ifo something fiber and’; iioplm 1 ~"Tffe'.cast >bjby^arL exc^jp^: tionally Well . and, deserve plenty of credit for their first attempt at re- Iigiofig, drama. The d^rama wa^ pre­ sented! in full costumes, which Were designed and ‘made by Miss Eva Greer Rresbyteriaiu Guild The Guild was in ■ charge of the Bible Class on Monday evening. The opening number w»s a ehdrus by a number of ladies. The Scripture les­ son Was read. by-Miss Willen^ Ches­ nut. The topic “Missionary W°^h in Central India, Jhansi,” was given by Mr. Stuart; Robertson. Miss Greta Campbell "'arid MfS^Eiorace Aitbhison gave ■ readings. Au vocal solo “My Task’? by Cameron Geddes was much -appreoi4ted7-as--was“a’-vocal‘-duef--by- Mrs. C. H. MacDonald arid Mrs. Daye Thompson. The Ladies’ chorus con­ tributed a -closing number^ -arid ' the meeting Was ncloSe<L by Revr G; fl. MacDoh^ld/ i WM. A. ABBOTT Mr. Wm. A, Abbott passed quietly <away, Tuesday morning, February : J2th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John A. MacDonald of Tees- water. Having had heart trouble for the - last six years, his condition becam^wof^’^iy'the last’few'days? f Born in Haldimond County in 1859, j he lived with his parents ■ until* the" age of eighteen, after which he fol­ lowed the occupation of cooking in construction camps for railroad companies. This work took him thru many. -provinces of Canada, at differ­ ent times being in British Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick * and Nova Scotia'. > After his marriage to Margaret Inglis Lees, Mr. Abbott, lived on his farm in Gteenock township, west of Riversdale, until fourteen years ago, when hd purchased another farm on the Durham Road, Kinloss township,' where he lived until four jmonths prior to his death. A short funeral service was con­ ducted by . Rev.- Mr. Monteith ..and Rev. Mr. Allan, at the homd of Mr. John A. MacDonald. The remains were then taken to Riyersdale church of which ’ Mr.", Abbott had been a member, for the greater part of'his TifeJ Here the servicd Was ‘conducted ; Rev.. Mxr- loss United Cfiufch, assisted by ReV. Mr. an<l Rev.; Mr. -Monteith. The pallbearers were neighbors from ILinloss and Riversdaje, George Col­ well, James "Huston, John' Bonnetts, Dphcan Campbell, William Br,own and James Symons. : Besides his widow, there* is‘left to mourn his loss, on don, Roy, of De- maxedtville, Prince. Edward. County, . ^e:s^a^^aisr->^|WSi- j 2pi^^^g^g.ghilflfen77 • ; -Q^Manitt>wapibg) ^OrSrfo,.' :of Sheguia#dah-L Orifario, Lorenzi of Bowman ville, Oufdrio an3 Carriian “of .. Carman, Ma^^ar^- . -Li. . . X -TOWN HALE, LUCKNOW Friday, March 1st. 8.15 P.M. .■' ■. i 1 ' ' . ‘ ■ CAMERON GEDDES, Soloist Presbyterian Orchestra In - Attendance ADMISSION 25c The- Ontario Horticultural Asso­ ciation has 272 societies ’ iii Ontario-; zwith an approximate membership of 30,000. This; means that a vast num­ ber of public spirited men and women a If over the province a're giving their time and money to make 'Ontario, (which we all love) a better and more beautiful; place to live in. Are the. citizens ' of’ Lucknow1 and sur­ rounding townships interested enough to’ become members of the Lucknow Society? • Please let us have your membership and orders as ‘ early as -pq^iblertJEsn^y'“’"6Tders meqps better service. For information, ask Mr, Geo. Smith, Mr. Alex Hamilton,- Mr. -Robt. Rishpr,..« Sec’y.;" - Mr. Rdbef’f Thompson, or the president,? Mr. S. C; "RathwelT. J. H. MEDD, V.£. . j DIES IN WAWANOSH After a lengthy illness the death of John Henry Medd, V.S., occurred on Friday at his home in West Wa­ wanosh, near . Auburn. Mr. Medd was in his. 78th year. ..After graduating, asa veterinary doctor^ he practised at Auburn and’ for more than a score of years at ^Dungannon. -His wjdow,-formerlyJHannabMills, arid Mrs. -F. Rouse, Goderich,!"'' and two sons, Roy of Detroit and Stephen . of /Woodstock,-survive. - . '■ The funefrab service was. hteld . on Sunday in the' Anglican. Church; Auburn, with interment Ball’s' ’ cemetery/- ------------------.-^3 \ ■ ' ■ ”1rT“------~—% .- DUNCANNON.■ NATIVE, ' . * basses', • following., a . ^healtliT . ianfi Mrs.^Henry / Bfcklgr -reee^ving-^1 his "' education^ at Dbnganhoh, .rarid,“:~ where he learned-the harnesfe-makirig; . Later he became ‘associated With* the broom fifm of West, Taylor & -Bickle, ' taking up Residence in HamU^]|gfeJffe has always been .a freque^wW^tor-r^ 'to/'the pjdde,lo‘f his^irth. Hig widow yrfd"mie! "sbin' Eagar, surviyeT^as well » as a brothef, Hepry of Manitoba and a sister, Mrs. Frank - Johnston of ’Oshawa. Two ‘brothers,; • William fickle and Alex Bp .Pentland, arid a sister, Mrs. George Anderson, all predeceased Kirin Mr. Rickie was laid to rest in' Hamilton ori Tuesday of last Week, the pallbeavers being, Wilfred An­ derson, Lucknow; “ Frarikj Peritland, Dungannon; Murray j.ohstone, Harry ' Bickle, Lloyd Hamlin ^nd " William Anderson. y Miss Isabel McCharles spent the week end at Mt., and "Mrs. Jhmes . \ FrirSter’s,