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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-28, Page 4
V re ■ . 1 ■■ J . -■> ’j: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL •• t . Mil eeting will be.. held / 7 PAGEFOUR ' • - at the Motor shows KM THE MASTift J <-iS /* / / -p- J Z V A , « / X ■_/ ~ r "tr— / "X «'■ ■!>s' fflURSDA^V; FEBRUARY 28, 1935. X . x i I The 7 /. tllCKNOW ^EJNTINEU Published every Thursday_morning- .. At1 Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. I>. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell .Thompson—^Publisher Thursday, February 2», 1935. f . - -...........””XContinuation School ;eum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts 8_P.-M. : NEWCHEVROLET MASTER SIX... The Style Car of the tow price field. Beautifully stream- ' lined, withthe new Solid Steel/ ‘.’Turret Top" Body by Fisher. v . The wheelbase is longer and the body slung lower. Improved, - fully-enclosed Kxtee-Action S'ves a gliding ride. The per- cted Blue Flame engine gives finer, ‘‘snappier”' performance I with greatest economy of oil and gasoline. ? A dOh Bri • f ■ 7 :• NEW CHEVROLET STANDARD SIX. ..Chevrolet’s provedhigh ■/. quality at the lowest cost. Offers , .„■ :J the traditional Chevrolet styling 7 in higger, roomier Bodies by £ Fisher, Withbuilt-in ventilation, “i‘iv*/Iirtpr6yed"Blue Flame valve- in-head engine .^=A23% in crease iit power . . «■ The lowest operating and_upkebp costs of ' - My-cairv;;'^“Bigger ^dfmbii-e? ' powerful cable-controlled brakes for greatest safety. - , 4 field,, with the new Solid -^istshave heeri^sagrin^ and as Steel Avrurret Top,, Bodv bv Fishefr — tfiousands thronged Canada’s motorshows. i*HE NEW CHEVROLET STAN- / ‘‘ ~ "H - - - 7 ' actibn, as we1 khow you’ll agree when you —r—-j6ee^ese~two~iiiew^fines of Chevrolets in ’ &t/tw^low^st price ranges. '■ / THE NEW CHEVROLET MASTER „ .SIX is a bigger, jgddex.-longer- .«■ Steel-vrurretTop”BodybyFish<er. """ 7/77 x_— ’ DARD SIX is a car of proved Chevrolet '■ / qualityatlowestcostXIt costs you~Jess ‘ ~ to buy-^lessrfor gasoline and oil7*-less for upkeep! And it features 23^ mote power. • ,T Standardmodels are oh ' _________ . —-vr«xr—-—dispia^nowatourshbwrodms/Seethem . roomier and more comfortable interiors —and get full information about the rhau ever. And it sets an entirely new style , Master Chevrolets, coming soon! < Z „ Ig—^=1 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ; C-25CI CHEVROLET 7= I u m/ McKenzie-^ dungan^qn / / <?/.... .. CHEVROLET . . JFOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION i ' ■/ Thursday, FrM? y», Saturday Feb, March 1-2 “The Gift of Gab” •All Star Cast, Ed mil nd Lowe-------Gloria Stuart /^lice Wfiife —' — — Phil/BaW Ruth Ettirig.?- Sterling Hollway And 30 Ower Radio- Stars > ' ‘' ’*>. .',;.^sa '7 ' t - • ■ Two Comedy^- , „ . . , „ (___ OSWALD- CARTOON “ - ; ',AND FOX. NEWS, ” ; , - -------------- -------------r—--- - / ; —NEXT WEEK-re- WILL ROGERS But if the while I think on thee, dear, friend, •$' All losses are restored iand . sorrows’ . end. Shakespeare. . - : " LITERARY On Friday afternoon, an' open Lit erary -was, held in the ■T’own, Hall. The vice-president, Miss Peggy M'ac- iDon^ld acted as^chairman. The Glee Club sang an opening 'chioriis, fol;-, lowed by the reading kif the -minutes 7y_JDpjAglas.-_’Gla.r.ke.~ ^S^Z^fefe^ggW^-aiiirTKarion. Johnstone favoured 'with a vocal_duet£ Morris Pearlman gave., a reading and John Carter a violin solo. A series of short talks were then given by three students.; Win- nifred. Lane chose “Memories’/'/ as her subject, dealing with it in a very 'interestih'g manner, ibut ’ not* quite as we expected she ’would; Sara-Mc Auley told us “How to-be Neighbbur- ly”4 and John Martin humorously, described the terrors, enjoyed by amateurs when delivering that much dreaded speech. A piano instrumental .'was then given by Ted Buswell. IDr? R. J. Bowen was' the guest speaker' and . gave-a very timely talk to the /students,-' pointing out. that^yop get mnt”Of^life^ccTr(fing to your efforts, even in 'examinations. The speaker, advised that the best guide for living, is to abide by “The. Golden Rule’’ “Our success in life depends on' our ability to adjust ourselves to. circum stances, as we find them,” continue^ the speaker.’’ Hobbies; when pursued diligently, prove b'erieficiaT to the in-. .dividiLal^ajad'..^^ rThe speaker also pointed out .that it. is .wise- to’ definitely - decide .on' your College Course before entering that institution, thus saving time, worry and. -money. -‘You go . to . school 'to iearn how, to learn-after/you leave school,” said Dr. Bowen, “and most important- after leaving school^ do something/’ . . .. .. . The. closing number wa^ a .. chorus ' Jay7the--g4r4s-o^ ge"ClubTrThe meeting closedywith the National Anth,em. = -—^7^H.0-CKEy7:^—'' Our hockey^ team, afw.a*ys seeking new adventures, met the.,Walkerton' . ...HigL,.S.choro.L).pu7<^(?haseFs-iast~-Th'urs=-; day might on Walkerton ice. -Th^ locals were lostyn the ia/ge ice'.dur- : in^ the .first, two periods. However, they managed to find themselves in1 the last period and playing- the' off ensive, caused tense moments around the Walkerton net. An ,unfortunate/ acc/derrt/ -occurred during / the last three minutes, when, the ^alkerton- goal-tender received the black disc in the face,, wrecking ' several teetjfe and' requiring stitches in his lip. Tfie .final score' Was 5 0 in Walkerton’s favofer. An .exciting game is/’in store .for ;,the.:.fans-oh -Friday - of this week, when the return game will be played here and the locals will make a bet ter showing on “home ice. . , ' • The- following /is dedicated //o all hockey filacers who resisted.the plea ariri gave-their Jive®’foy dear old' E c's.. -' ; " • ■ - 7 . y,. . . A MAlbEN!S PLEA ' Ayid now .you would play hockey? That c’rufel game; Oh, dean Suppose', a left Ring’s steely .blade Should deVast your ear, t ’. m Or you might wreck your darling nosr In contact y/ith the ice, • Or split that (favorite smile of mine, Which makes you look so niee. ' Oh, do not play my darling I' love, you as you are. jj.Whi-'feel very, differently If you should , wear a scar. ' ’ 7 'J .. Colin C.: I don’t !get the idea Um . sun’s, perpetual motion. e ”, Jim IL: Just sit up s.o.me night and it -will . dawn .on you. 4th CON., KINLOSS " . _ __... J A arrived on.Saturday Jfebrua-r-y-^^-ar-tt^^ 5nd Mrs..'\y. Husk,. Fourth Cori.' Miss Atiina Kennedy is spending /n few weeks in Toronto. ; . ’ Mr. John Hamilton was a visitor on/the line' .Sund^iy. , / > The U’.F. W?O. meeting was', held on Thursday at. the home/of, Mrs - farnochan with a .good attendance ^fr. A. MeLcod was in Toronto laht M.:,ee.k > attending, 'the -‘Good . Rpad Convention”; ' s the death of Mr. Duncan braham ’of 'hn 2rid Con.., who died at his 'hnpK. on Sunday, after se'verai months of failing, health. The” funeral w,ris held - II-j-Laverne White., - -■ u j'm.. Wcdhesdayr— ^W••T6rcavrd■7imvc«", LeiiorG E, MacDonald. ^<! ^hmathy of'the, community. regular on .March’) 1st, 1935, at 7115 sharp., j '■. L7* • ; __j;...■/ rived last week-. There were not „enp.ug.h„to-.-.go-j.aroi,ma, - so more -will- be sent for. ■ 7* * /'■•- • < .' A Toast to Baden-JPawell- ■ Our Founder’s name /is pledged to night, „ ; By ’every loyal Scout, Around the world a loving chain, Toasts him „ with, boyish shout.T ' 1 - - Chorus— i ' The Chief! The Chief; Beloved Chief! ’ ’ ■ ’ I y .A toast to him we raise! / May happiness and health fee his For many sunny days? The worth, of his far dream of youth, ,The world iio longer doubts — A&, every scout (becomes a man And still remains a scout: , • • ' . ■ ' I The above was composed by. Mr. F. Leslie Sara and set to music by Dr. Nicholson; IScout Commissioner for Music of Imperial Headquarters. y ' * BOYS!—-In order that you may not .neglect—Scouts, * arid—thatr-you/~ma jr also attend other, attractions, the Scoutmaster has set the time forward to 7.15 p.m. If, however, therg~is. a rather busy Scout evening arid there is a fear: ofnot getting away iiflime then the necessary1 leave will be granted in order to allow ,.plenty of time tri take in the other events; Keep this in iriind and come to Scouts. RANGERRAMBLINGS .'.We", ^re glad to see more Ran gers 'M~tHe"~jm^ih'g Wednesday night. A week ago there was no meeting as not enough Rangers-were' present. When making plans/ for the Week'"don'T'fbfgat—Rarige^ day night. Plans were made for regarding the' patrol with the highest points. The patrol w|th lowest number will. en tertain the .other patrols by presenting a play;i the second lowest will pro vide the. lunch. The'1 patrol with The highest number of points. v^ill be the guests. ,z . /.- . If you’re not fond of entertaining you haff? better see your pairol and get after some of those points. Dqh’t forget, your, uniform will earh some for-ydisr " ’.•■/''/' ' ' / • We have,/heard; a rumor that a party isn’t' far distant; What’s thjs we hear about it-^a novelty/1 idea ? Kdh gkin,d> ■ 'fw* those'- hwrit/1 I KINLOUGH Miss JVyinhie Peycy, R.N. of Kin^ cardirie/ is visiting with her parents, Mr. Wm. 'Pinnell of Culross,- re newed old acquaintances heje on Sat urday. ' / A; ' Mr. and Mrs: Levi 7 Eckenswiller were recent visitors, at Mr. Sam Nes-4 bitt’s, south line; A . number from here attended the funeral of the late Charles Sheens ■ nt~BervieXo’rWThin^ay^a^7^nM sympathy is extended, to the berV ■ eaved family. ; ; Misses Annie and Isobel Colwell .were' Sunday visitors’ at . Mr;- W." Percy’^. •- - 7 The Women’s, Day. Prayer meeting will be held, in the Anglican Church March 8th, at'2zp.m. All ladies/are?. ■cordially. 4 invited/’ . Messrs/W/^Bc^le^and/JJert/McLean. attended' the Father and Son , Banque t at Bervie on ’Friday evening. „_.ML„S.am/-Haldenby - was ^HSunday visitor with frie/ids at Teeswater. ■ Mr.: and Mrs. Donald McFarlan were ‘ week end' visi.tors, -with the„latx— Ter’s~parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jories, of gBluevale. . ■ j' ,. Miss Evelyn McLean retufped hojfee after a week’s visit-, with Mrs. Bill •Bushell, London,. ' \eAngside' ijBluevale. BOUNDARY WEST ' ■ The Paramount .U.F.W.O. meeting • was held at the home of Mrs. Jas., T. Webster on, Tuesday,*February 19 th, ■ about eighto^„JadieS;Vb&i-ngwpiMi&mfe ■ The meeting was opened by . alT sing ing the Maple Leaf, followed I?y7;he minutes of the-last meeting, read by : - the secretary. The roll call was an swered'by a Valentine vers/1, follow ed by community singing. Mrs, E. C. Guyuitt’s, retiring president, address was read by the secretary, followed by an interesting reading given by Mrs. Jack Jamieson <5n the annua,! U. F. W. 0. convention at Toronto. An instrumental was given by - Mi's i , Ruby . Reid, followed bi7 papers given' by Mrs. John 'Hamilton, Mrs. /<ZR. Richards, and Mrs. J. T. Webster. An instrumental , was ' -given byn . Miss Grace Webster followed by a recita ■ ■ tion by .Miss Margie Nicholson.' Tho March meeting ■ is to fee .held /at, the Orange . Hall, in Luckpow. Mrs.. John Jamieson will be. the hostess. .The" roll call is 'to' be answered by an * Irish, joke. The meeting was closed • by singing the . National Anthem. - A lunch was served-by the hostes;^/ \ The ihariy friends of Mrs. Clair Irwin are pleased to know that she has recovered so f.ar as'.to .return to . her home from .the London hospital t>n Saturday last.' Mr. a^d Mrs.- j. |rwin and ^Etta Wawanosh Council West Wawanosh, Feb. ilth, 1935. Wawanosh council was held on the .present. The minutes of last meeting Vwgre read/and; accepted on motion of Councillors McQupIin and Smyth. A. communication from The Ontario' ♦» ■ " ’ * ‘ < femperarice Federation was ordered filed on Emotion of. Councillor^ Me- ^uilUn and Smyth. , On motion Councillors Smyth and Aitchison the Treasurer was instruc ted to consult the Township Solicitor re. certain arrears of taxes. , The .Auditors, Messrs. T. B. Taylor .xnd W. I. Miller, presented their re port, and-/ it was, accepted on motion ?f Councillors Smyth ,|nd Aitchison, Op motion of Councillor^. Smyth ind McQuillin',' Mr. John Mills was ippointed we^d inspector . for 1935. By-law No. 1 was given thirdread ng and passed on mbtion/of Coun cilors Aitchison. and -Gammie. ', -On motion of Councillors McQuillin, T^d Gammie, the Clerk was instructed “.o have 200. copies of the' AuditOfs^ ’eport printed. , The following ■ accounts were r^ad and ordered paid: ,W.. H. McClure, relief. supplies- $9.00; Lorne „ McKen zie, Dungannon street lightsy$22.10; Mae, of the 2nd con., spent Tuesday j The Municipal WorkC supplies $18.02; at the home of Mrs. Jas. T. W^bst'er.. C-. Alton, relief/supplies $9.01; T.‘ B. l9. ZMrS. 0. MacDonald is spending a Taylor, Auditors’ fees and postage, days with her daughter-, Mrs. $1Q.6.5; W. I. Miller, Auditor’s -fees,- Eldon H^nde^son. . ' » $10.00; W. A. Boyle, postage, tele-, " tained a few of their friends to. a. ^aw $1-00; W. Cranston, 2U cords of /progressive/euthre phr’ty on Friday-wO6"d“$f3f50. night last. Miss Elizabeth kobirison' ' Tfee Council adjourned to - - wpfthighest lady/ and i^af.ch llih,. at I.30/-p.m., ' Mr. J. MacDonald fis highest gept. ■/■ /. WHITB^URCH 7 BORN—On February 20th, to Mr. The regular meeting of, the West and Mrs. James Henderson, a daugh-party isn’t' far distant; What’s thjs we hear about it-^a novelty/1 idea ? What/a grand way to celebrate after all the, har.„. ___ _______ _ _ exams! If you haven’t, heard about it,? make sure you are at the Club Itouse .on time Wednesday and we’ll see what can /be done about letting ybtrjn on it tod. ■ Start saving yobr nickels . girls; we allT-owe-/some- money to the trea sury and the Sooner if is paid the sooner We will be able to have anej- 1 ther party. Try and pay up .this week Exams are starting at school soon > so plan to be at the. Club House i Wednesday/night. Its a/fine place to spend" an hopr . pr so bdfOre settling down for- an evening of hard study. - Gqdd luck to you girls in your exams . and just before any mOre .time speeds/ i by here’s Something to remember, Don’t wait until you’re thirsty beffere you dig a well”. ” • / z We ar© looking, for a full atten dance-next week; and you had tetter start working for those patrol points - at -On0e^_-t37^7T77ZZX 7“’’“// . • ' • 77 S. S. No. 5, Kinloss ... For January and February > Asterisk denotes absence' for an examination ' 'V—Grace Reynolds 75.59.%’ Sr. IV—Mary Reynolds 79; Kath^ ' leen 'Carruthers* 78;66; George Rob inson* 40.83.. .. ( • Jr. IV—-Grace MacLeod .73.28 and ;MunTdart Jr. Ill—Lillian ’Carruthers* $5.83; * i^r- ' ' I Mr,s. Emerson Austin of 'PowassaA Dan Martin and other relatives. ’ Mrs. Caution is nursing Mr. Fowler in Wingham. » —Mr. ;Bert~R^id attended* fhe funeral of- hi/ nephew, Mr. Marvin Reid of near Dupgannoh onJSaturday. We ex- tend our sympathy1 td the relatives. Marvin wa^ well known in this com munity, having driven the Maitland U. F. O. ci'eam truck of . Wingham for a few years before .he took sick. The Y. P, S. literary - ineeting of the Presbyterian church /will be-held on Friday evening at 7he home of Mrs. C. /Murray. « . Mr., Rintoui and Miss'Fern Thom of Wingham, visited on Sunday'with , the'latter’s aunt/ Mrs. John Craig. The United congregation are hav ing a banquet in their church on Fri day evening.. < - Mr. Peter McDonald and ’ Mrs. David Gillies, s/ent7 Sunday with the former’s parents, /Mr. arid Mrs...-Dun—: ’.an McDonald of St. Helens. y BRUCE S BIGGEST BURIAL ' ' ■ / It was .-indeed/fitting ythat at„ the 'funeral oh Monday forming 6f the yte Mr§. Joseph fErneweiri of Green- ock the size of the crowd should be in keeping jvith that 6f- the’ depart ed lady, who is said to have weighed ■upwards of 45Q I|os. and conceded to ^have been the h^e^’iesf~pcrs6n consigned to the tomb, in Bruce ........... ..... s County. It required the united efforts Arthur Wheeler* 76.5;VRobert Par£ meet nf ten sturdy y^omep tofeUnvey the 61***; Harry Carter*** <42. r ' reihains/to their final restjrig placg. y DURNIN PHILLIP^. Cleik. ; —Walkerton Hhrald-Times ; Z € ever ,4. r. ) Mr. and .Mrs.' George: Harkpess and Refea,. spent Saturday evening with Mr; and Mrs. Elmer Tiffin. . Mr,, and Mrs. . Harold ^Johnson' of , Lucknow, spent the Week end ' with Mr. and Mrs. Wm/Conn. , . » .f .Mr. 'and Mrs. Joe-Tiffin of White-" .church spent Wednesday and Thuts-, day., of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin., ' 7 , Mrs. Victor • Emerson spent Satu,r- 7ay afternoon with .Mrs. Ezra Sholtzu. of WhitechurcTri;----- Mr. Fred Tiffin attended the dance --at—the homq of Mr.' and Mrs. ^Watt t)a’y, 6th, con.; ^ulross, on Friday evening. 7/ ' - -j X'., " , Mr. George- Scott has stag'd' on his spring work oj sawing wbod wibh ; the - circular- saw-- and’- has” '"Already* completed a few jobs. The heavy "■■nowfall .however vpll delay the iyork for a few (Jays. ■ ■ 1 • The Whitechbrch United W. M. S. held their February meeting last , Wednesday afternoon with- the presi dent, Mrs. Emerson in the chair. * Prayers Were, offered by Mrs. W. I.ott arid Mrs. J.. D. Beecroft. The study hook was'completed by.. Mrs. Gibson' Gij/fespie. Mrs. Bert' Reid gave a'solo.; The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Albert Taylor. It was deci^eM; to do without the study ^00^^?!^ three months and have topics prepared ■hy iriehibers. ,The roll was called, the pPpCctjo.n. received and the1 beriecHction_j THycyirbWThe president. ’ : The Women’s Institute meets‘this Thursday afternoon at the home of i Mrs. J, G. Gillespie, as the hall has hoon “gi\ym to the men so they can ’j'iteri tp ah Address. “How to Control ty Warble Fly” on Thursday after- * noon. AH farmers are ’cordially favit- nd to attend: ‘ : ’ V ■'* The • Whitechurch United Y. P. S. are holding their banquet in .the base ment, of their church oh Friday‘ pv-_ _ .............. . ■ ' ' The - two weeks’ nursing, course t being held in the ' Whitechurch hall by’ the Women’s^ institute, begins March 4th at 2. p.^. Ajiyone.,whether -'. ;t-member or-not', mhy, receive this ■ instruction, For hon-membefs .thd' , price is 50c;.fy meffiberfl 25c* ■> of