HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL
.with. Mr.
R.N., has
of West-.
Robert Fitzgerald; Father Of Mrs.
James. ...Culbert of Lucknow,
-To.-Rest" Saturday."' "
The annual meeti
greg^tiop was held last*1.. Thursday
HurOn County Council, convening
4ri Goderich last, week, concluded the
January session on ’Fr iday rtf noon“a
half day earlier than usual. A good,
k,««-dealjTOf'routine business-srwas’ trans"
MaUieeOn Chairmani Of Finance
Committee. . . • ... *
quickly relieved
You are sick and miserable when you have
Indigestion, Gras, Heartburn, Pains after
Eating, Bloating and Belching. Saveyour-
•elf .'many days of'.Buffering by getting
KIRK'S STOMALKA, a remedy you will
never be without once you try it. Economi
cal, and never fails to bring quick, sure
, relief in even most stubborn cases of bout,
add stomach.. At drug stores.
Get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA at
Guild staged, an
party. The Citi- afternoon, after a postponement di
attendance to en- 1
which concluded
at the rink, - of
New Wools and Knitting. Yarns.
Books op knitting and Needles.-^-
(Minimum Fares: Adults 75c; Children 40c.)
To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris,
' Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls; and^all
*' . Intermediate Points. ...L...................
.... .-r-. Ai-iso ON FRIDAY, FEB. 8 .
To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton. Belleville, Kingston. Gartanoque, 1
Brookville, Prescott, Morrisbuig, Copiwall, Stouffville, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterborb,
O.mphwnfnrS, Na wmarket. Allandal e. Collingwood. Meaford.Penetang, Barrie. Orillia. .
Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points.
ALSOTO Ailfowne in New Ontario onlines ofTemiskaming&Northern Ontario Riy..
Nipissing Central Bly* add on C.N. Blys, to Kapuskasing, Hearst, and Lonfdac
Mining Fields. . . ■ ■ < 7 ■ ' ~:7
Foret, Tickettj Return Limits and Train Information from Agents Atk forHandbill, tu* .
A. W. HAMILTON, Lucknow, Depot Agent; ’Phrtne -2.
to the entire congregation,
jvill be
Clerk And Treasurer Get increases
Of $300 Each—Council Favors Pro-
▼inceSupplyingMoney Net-ds—
in Sudbury.' He left /Tees-
. . .. . - . siT)ce ; Keen, conducting a clothing
idencc Sunday ,evening, Rev. F. W. badness in.
AMBER HONEY, 5 LBS. .:,......
Prunes, MEpiuM size, 2 lbs.
apricots, fancy; 1 Lp. \
COOKING FIGS, 3 LBS; ......i
MAPLE BUTTER, 1 LB. . . ? . . .
i*AN€Y RICE, 4 LBSj ...... •. L • . .5
MACCARONT,.-5 LBS, •<. .• • • • • • - • ,7 . 4
JELLY. RCWDERS; 6 PK GS.- ■........ .........
‘v s>
-■yrr-r------------------:--------- -----------■----
Huron County Increases
Salaries Of Officials
After a long illness,' Robert .Dren
nanof—Ashfield, passed away at his
honie, Lakeshore Rd., on Monday,
January 21st. A man of sterling
qualities,; he whs highly thought Of
in the community? He' belonged- to a
pioneer family of this district, being
born here seventy-five years-ago, his
parents being George Drennan and
Agnes Baird, natives of Scotland.
He .left to mourn his loss, liis
widow,; also three, sons and four
daughters, namely: Gordon, Ellwood,
Stanley and Mrs. Colin MacGregor.
Ashfi'eTd Twp?: Mrs. Douglas-Harton,
Alta.f- Mrs; Norman'Patterson, Mon-
-trealp-and -four -brotheTS”arid two
sisters, John, Duluth; George, James
and Thomas, Ashfield Twp.; . Mrs.
Mrs. Frank. Macintosh of Windsor..
Interment ..took, place at'KiniaiY
cemetery on Wednesday, January 23.
The pallbearers, all lifelong-neigh
bors were: Chas. Stewart, Wm. John-
^ton^Hu gh^-MacMwrcliy^^ Mac
Gregor; Duncan MacIntyre and Neil
MacDOnaid. ,__ . { . -
The service was conducted by the
Rev.' J. K. MacGillivray of Ashfield;
Presbyteriim Church, who spoke from
the text “Wherefore comfort one
another , with these wrds.” • .
Have y6u paid -your subscription ?
Misses Fern and Tda Reid visited
last week in London. J
Miss Martha. McCallum spent the
week end in Toronto.
"Mr. ahd Mrs. Rrobt. Scottr, Ashfield
.visited with Mrs. B.. Chesnut this
week.^ ■
-Mrs, Geo, . Shirley o^-Toronto spent
■theXjv'eek, enA-Jwith-^^
Harvey Webster. ) . . /
.; Miss Evelyn Little of Port Hope
is a guest at the’home of Mr?and
"Mrs. W. J. Little. ■■■,' .. .
Mr. Joseph A. -Mallough returned
home on Saturday, feeling’qmuch
improved in.health.
Adam Bowman had the misfortune-
TasFweek to fracture', his wrist,•> as
the result of a fall.
__Bot>. and . “Bud”.—Thofiipson -spent1
the week-end in Toronto
and Mrs. P. J. Naylor.
Miss. Marion, McDiarmid,
been accepted on the staff
minister - Hospital, London^
Young Richard Turner underwent
an operation at his home here last
week for the removal of tonsils .
Mrs. Phillip Parfitt and her ^bn
of—Timniins—afe -vimfiug^YtTth^TeF
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moorehouse
Mr.. Richard Webster, who was
taken quite seriously ill suddenly last
weeik, is still confined ’ to bed, altho
somewhat improved. ,
New Pfrints, Ginghams,. White
Cotton, . .Factory Cotton,' ^Sheeting
artd Pillow Cotton. New Low" Prices.
Mrs. -H..' Gannet , and daughter,
Clara Ann of Toronto,, were” week
end guests of the former’s parents,
Mr and Mrs. Oliver Johnston.'•
Mr. Harry Anderson, who has been
off work for a lengthy- period due to
stomach trouble,, is.much improved in
health and has resumed his duties at
Silverwood’s ‘‘down-town’’., office.
Turban’’; They are ea§y to have if
you_i|follo.w—the—illustrated" -instruct'
tiort appearing this week in the; Sen
tinel. (
=^t¥e^r-7rqaus ■during -Monday tilled
in to the extent that they .became..
practically >-.-4mpassable.'.•'TdeSffrty?
snowplows .opened the roads from the
village to Wirtgham and north. to
Blackhorse’. ' , , '; :
. We desired to. thank all sub-
scribers, who during recent weeks
have renewed their subscription
or paid up arrears. There are
Still a number, who have not re-
. new^d their Sentinel for 1935,
• and if it expired the end of the
year,, payment must be made by
the end of this week, if sub
scribers wish to take advantage
of the 50c saving for prompt re
newal oX<apai<$4W'ftdyrtjnc^?iSub^.
/scriptipns. , ■
, Again we urge those in arrears
to co-operate, with us by, a, com-.’
plete or partial settlement at art
early date .or otherwise we will
be forced to. resort io 1 collection
of these accounts'.
-“"SpaT^s YiWT^a^iW^trtrch used to
thaw, ice, ignited straw, which caused
Walter Walden, Huron Township
farmer, an- estimated, loss of $5,00(1
as a fine barn was .-consumed by
flames on Thursday. Efforts, to save
live stbck and machinery were only
partly successful, . several head of
Stock and numerous farm implements
and• crops being destroyed.-. The loss
.is partly, covered by. insurance. - ■
Esteemed Ashfield ’ ■— t
Resident, Passes
J ’
Ashfield Presbyterian
Congregational Meeting
the cort-
one week on account; of a_< severe •_
storm"; the weather was equally for
bidding on the second date; but it
was decided to go ahead with the
iheeting. The attendance of members
was riot large, but there was a deep
and lively irtterest in the proceedings
and much important business was
transacted. The minister moderated 7
the meeting, opening it with devot
ional services. Mr. Donald „ McLean
acted as secretary of'the meeting.
Satisfactory reports were present
ed. and approved as follows: The-
Session, The Bible School, The Wo- -4
men’s Missionary Society, The young
People’s Society, The Board of Mana
gers, The. Building: Committee, The: -
Financial Secretaries, The Treasure
efofTtheRevenue,_witH"a favorable___
i’eport of the 'AuditbSr There was
no report from the Mary Hardie *._*
"MissioriJBahd, nor from the; Mission
ary Budget Committee,-as the con-j-
tributions had not .all .been Ayet-re-
eiy€d”. There is
that the congregation will “go oyer . ®
the - top’* ?of„ thg’--allocation as they’did. •
last year. The Committee was direc
ted t0 make their full report later
■to the . Session, ■ ■,’ . • .,'■ -■
J~~Messrsc ..Hgnr,v:. jMacKenzie-. Thos.
MacDonald and Charles Wiley were
elected ^s members of “the Board of
Manager^ for the coming three years.
Mr. Harry MacDonald and Mr. D.
A. MacLeari were appointed. Auditors-.
for next year. ' The other officers and ■
cpmfffiffee members remain the same
as last year. . ; ' .
The reports wer^all very encour-
\ Guild Skating Party
- ■ There, was a large and jolly' crowd
at 'the rink on Monday , night when
the Presbyterian
enjoyable skating.
zensr Band was, in
liven tlie- evening
with the serving,:-
sandwiches and coffee following rt-
couple' of hours skating.^ .<
St.' Peter’s A. Y? P. A. ' ' ~
■ The- members of the A.Y.P.A, of
St.... Peter’s Church numbering 35,
gathered for ’ a: Scotch social on
Monday evening at the home of . Mr.
and Mrs. Herb McQuillin. The meet
ing was in charge of Miss L. Mit
chell, Mrs. Herb McQuillin and Geo.
Hassall. The evening was spent in
progressive, games and while indulg
ing in these, suddenly the strains of
the bagpipes/ sounded and the door
opened to admit Mr. Lome MacDon
ald, who rendered several selections,
to - the delight of'all. Prizes for the
/5ton-and._Rev., -Geoghegan.-A—special
prize for regularity in attendance,
_dpnated--by- membersoftheGuiid,
was- also wop by Rev. Geoghegan. A
dainty lunch was- served by the com
mittee in charge, which brought to
"a'ciose™^=very enjoyable evening. A
■vote A-of-'-thanks-r waa'trtxtehded? to >$10:
committee. ' *
.. .. (Mafeking t News)
Following a lengthly illnes,
with patience,„ there passed away at
his home in Ashfield—-on~~fhursday,
Ro.beft Fitzgerald, in his 74th year.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the funeral, which took place Sat
urday afternoon, from h’is late resi-;
dertce on. the- 7th Con. of Ashfield.
Deceased formerly owned the farm
now occupied by Mr,_WilLL-Cook- an<l-
-also-'Oxvne'd^aFd7’ operated the mill
FWhirw^HF^piR^lftF^of Mr.
Herman Phillips., As a resident of
d;his'’com’muhity‘7in which his family
.of three daughter's and Jone son grew?
up, the late Mr. Fitzgerald was . held
peighbor, a diligent workman ...and?
; WXtR...1' .his; >'-family whs ‘ ’"seldom'' absent'
from -the church■ services. “ He ■ was'
predeceased by his wife and later
mrtrried Mrs. H. ^Caesar, who snr=..
Culbert,. T.ucknow, Mrs. Bert- Finni
gan, Ashfield, Mrs.' Aubrey Teeft of
Canboi’o and- Wil! of Detroit, were
home for"the 'funeral. The. sympathy
rtf this community is. extended to
the bereaved "family., 1 /
..The service was conducted by Rev.
W. j.’~ Patton,, assisted by Rev. J. H.
Geoghegan, due. to- the enforced.ab
sence. through illness ’ of his prtstor,
Rev. D. A. McMillan. L
Interfile,nt was in Greenhill Cent?
etery WiGvthe pallbearers, six neigh
bors as follows', William Petrie, Wil
liam Mole, Charles Fowler, William
Caesar, James JSherwood and G« 0/
Treleavgn.' . . ■ , '*
Miss Margaret Mallough of Luck
now,' who had spent a foltnightjvith
relatives here, returned home Friday,.
Miss - Olive Anderson entertained
the girls’ and" bbys’ Sunday School
classes at her home, Saturday even
ing. ’A. unique “Bookland” program
was carried out, which provided plen
ty. of fun? JerrjA Cranstpn brought
the merry- party in his sleigh.
The,Blake Ladies’ Aid plan to hold,
a box social in the .hall in the'Pear
'future. 9
. . i
United Church Y. P.
meeting On, Monday night was ' in
charge, of the Literary Group,, wjth
Rexford Ostraride^ presiding for the
program part of the meeting. . The
Scripture reading. was , taken by
Chester Tvvamley and— •"•Eva - Greer
read the 9th chapter from “Trans-
fbrming Friendship”. Willard. Thomp
son contributed a solo, A letter from .
the stricken area' in Saskatchewan-
was read by Eunice Newton, which
conveyed thanks to the young people
who had contributed in any way.
Three, short poems were read by
i Winnifred Lane, Helen Hamilton and
Margaret Ritchie and “My Task”, was'
a pleasing duet by Eunice. -Newton
; and ? Joy Henderson. . Miss Yourex
gave an excellent address on Cana
dian' fiction, which was followed by
" the ; closing exercises.
Ne5ct Monday night a skating:
party has been planned. This- is. Open
i / ’
served afterwards at
oL last week in a Jewish Cemetery.
^Your local print shop is. an indus
try paying weekly wages to workmen.
Purchase . your. printing locally. If
you are in need of anything1 in the
printing line *phone 35, /The Sentinel
.Office.' , : \ . <
“Dad,’’ said his extravagant son,
“do you think they will ever find a
substitute for gasoline?”
“They have one now, son, and I
wish you’d give it a trial.”
' “Oh ? queried the son incredulous
ly. “I’ve pever heard of it. What
is it, anyway?” • ’
“Shoe Leather.” ; ,
“I hear you advertised for a wife.
Any results?’’ •
“Yes. Hundreds of replies. Each
one said you can have- mine.”
one, whicff .iSfl per cent. .
Committee appointments were as
follows: ' '
Executive committee—G. . McNall,
F. Bryans, R. J. Bowman’,. D. Heirt-
ihgway, T. Loveij. _
Legislative-^-P, W. Scott; R. Grain
G. Westcott; H. Mogridge, S. Sher^1
Wood-; ' .
Finance-r-M. Matheson;* M. Hartley,
F. Davidson, -C. McWhinney,^ J.,
. Education—W. Archibald, T. pryde
H. Mogridge, H. Keys, tV. J. Jones.
. Property—-G. H. Elliott, A. Mellick
House of Refuge—R. J. Bowman,
M. Hartley, J; Moser, F. Davidson, _ C.
Children’s Shelter—R. Turner,
T. Jones, W. Sweitzer. •
Agricultural—0. Hemingway,
W; Scott, W. Stewart, H. Keys,
Feagan. -
. Good Road§—W. Haacke, ;.T.
Cardiff, J. Eckert.
^"1^ migKt bo the atten
tion of. our readers and "'especially
students to. the illustrated serial of
David. Copperfield, baoed -orrthe. riovel
by Charles Dickens, which appears"
ij'weekly in the Sentinel.
’ Our request last week for a few
issues of' the Sentinel of. the previous
week, brought- in a flood of copies,
that .far exceeded ‘pur^ requirements
’ one ‘ Sentinel being forwarded from
Toronto^ Werthank..these subscribers
for their , kind response.
The village Council last week sent
Murray Murdoch of the New York
Ranger hockey team ’a -message of
congratulations upop his achievement'
of the notable record.-of playing 450
consecutive games with that club/
So "far ho reply has been received
frofii Murray.
Miss- Margaret McQuillin left on
.Monday for Niagara , Falls where,
after spending a couple of days at
Guelph,‘ she Will resume ,herf "duties,
as a studept nurse.' Margaret has
beeh home, for the past several Weeks
due to an outbreak of eczema effect
ing; her .hands.
My. and Mrs. ElweiL Webster (nee
Grace Lockhart)' of Wingham, are
spending the Winter at Miami; J^lorU
da, and in a letter to the Advance^
Times, last week, told of their trip’
south and some of their, activities in.
ut.The* Land of’ Flowers’.” all of which
is makings their: holiday an enjoyable
dhe.. \ i, '
Rev. J.. H.. Geoghegan to gdt his
car out of sifbw ruts near Belfast to
avoid what appeared likely to be a
jcpllisLOn—v4th?Bi 1 PH-ewa ty^ererti^
thari rewarded,' for when the Geog
hegan car. got out of the- ruts it
no^ed hurriedlya into a snov) filled'
ditch from where-it was .extricated
by hbrses1’, without-damage. -
Haa Gone Irit<> jMfeait Business
Mr. E. A. Palmer of Kincardine
js discontinuing -the sale^of' groceries
and ,has gone into the meat business
exclusively. Mr. ‘ Palmar, ’ who* .forth-
Wy conducted a dry goods and a
grocery business, ip. Lucknow, has
for SoBe years (..past heOfi >in the -gr&K
eery /business in Kincardine. .Some
time ago he added.a meat .depart
ment, to KiS store, which he ' found
him to discontinue the. grocery de
partment. ■ •'
Canada Handbook Available ,
The' —edition—pf—the^^flkrtri*
Handbook :of Canada, is now available.
-The Handbook describes the present
economic condition of. the Domiriiori,
dealing with all phases of the coun
try’s . economic organization,
■ The-price df ' thrt pufelicatFoh is .2'5c
With a special price concession-of 10c
in the ca$es pf.^ teachers, Kona' fide
students rind ministers, whd make,
considerable use of 'this book for
educational, purposes. Copies may be
received fijom the King’s Printer,
Government Printing Bureau., Ottawa
■Gan ad a. -... .
Robert Russell, a ' Fenian Raid
veteran, died in Goderich on Saturday
in his 92nd year, after a short illness.
After serving in -the Fenian Raid
.under Col. A. M. Ross,; he attended
military college in Toronto and later j
took up- land in Greenock Township;
Bruce .County, where he farmed, suc-
to Goderich nearly terr years ago.. -
Mr; Russell was twice married.
Children of "the first union Surviving
aging and showed a gratifying pro
gress both temporally and spiritually
during the past yean The finances
are in good shape; and there were,
eleven additions to. the full c0mmun7*. '?
ion - membership of the church, the
net membership how being 172, and
the .number of. families 120. <
,l^r several Sundays recently, the <
minister "was necessarily absent on
account, of the serious illness of his
wife, necessitating a critical surgical
operation atja hospital in. Detroit.
Mrs. MacGillivray is now fconvalesc- ’
ing satisfactorily, but the recovery,
is. of course, slow. We were very for
tunate is securing the services of ’
Rev; R. A. McConnell,' who. most
acceptably .filled the pulpit during
the minister’s absence, and Js now
'doing a? similar service for Rev. R.
M; Hanna of Ripley.
Mr. MacGillivray is now delivering ‘
[a series of discourses in'the mopping,
Services of the Church oh the general
theme “In the School, of Christ with
the Apostle- Peter”.
Percy, Torgov, a former well-
.. k«°Xri -clothing and fur dealer nf_
a.re Of Pinkcrtom-Mr-s^JeeS;waterr--gTm"'wh^'7pfifi1P/i
"W alter'Kaake of R;inloss, Mrs. Henry several years in this part of the
Stanley, Portage la Prairie, Mrs.'county, and being by birth. a Russian
Andrew-Skeete in Manitoba’and one Jew became fluent in seven different
son, 'Ogle RusYelF of Greenock' Twp. languages, died, inja Toronto hbSpU
Other survivors are his. widow,, form- 'tai last Tuesday as a.{result1 of art'
orLycMiss7 Anrta. SwaRwel’f of ^Bcar-'operation' performed the previous
dinh Township; one son,, Alfred of Thursday for acute appendicitis; ■ ‘
Alberta artd one daughter, Mrs. Allan'.' Percy, who was in his early 30‘s
Robinson . of Kincardine. Township.' was unmarried and leaves an Only
Another, soh> Wendell was killed in brother —'Z“v,
the Great War. ’ . . | Water’ >bbu,t a 'year ago and has
.. Service was held at the family res- smco,- been, conducting a clothing
idence Sunday ■ evening, Rev. F; W, business in’. Toronto, at whicF W
i,;Cr.ai:k offuikting. Interment tbbk pTace he Was buried on Wednesday mOrnirtn.
Jat Cargill. Mtraitf. , of.last week in a Jewish eemeterv^