HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL CAUSE $5,000 BARN FIRE .with. Mr. CHURCH NOTES - Laid J An born R.N., has of West-. Robert Fitzgerald; Father Of Mrs. James. ...Culbert of Lucknow, -To.-Rest" Saturday."' " The annual meeti greg^tiop was held last*1.. Thursday HurOn County Council, convening 4ri Goderich last, week, concluded the January session on ’Fr iday rtf noon“a half day earlier than usual. A good, k,««-dealjTOf'routine business-srwas’ trans" MaUieeOn Chairmani Of Finance Committee. . . • ... * INDIGESTION quickly relieved You are sick and miserable when you have Indigestion, Gras, Heartburn, Pains after Eating, Bloating and Belching. Saveyour- •elf .'many days of'.Buffering by getting KIRK'S STOMALKA, a remedy you will never be without once you try it. Economi­ cal, and never fails to bring quick, sure , relief in even most stubborn cases of bout, add stomach.. At drug stores. Get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA at •/ McKIM’S DRUG STORE Guild staged, an party. The Citi- afternoon, after a postponement di attendance to en- 1 which concluded at the rink, - of ...... New Wools and Knitting. Yarns. Books op knitting and Needles.-^- TJIE MARKET STORE..- . ■ SPARKSTTtOArBiro W-TORCH CENTAMILEROUNDTRIPBARGAINFARES (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c; Children 40c.) Sat.FEB.9fromLUCKN0W To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, ' Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls; and^all *' . Intermediate Points. ...L................... .... .-r-. Ai-iso ON FRIDAY, FEB. 8 . To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton. Belleville, Kingston. Gartanoque, 1 Brookville, Prescott, Morrisbuig, Copiwall, Stouffville, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterborb, O.mphwnfnrS, Na wmarket. Allandal e. Collingwood. Meaford.Penetang, Barrie. Orillia. . Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points. ALSOTO Ailfowne in New Ontario onlines ofTemiskaming&Northern Ontario Riy.. Nipissing Central Bly* add on C.N. Blys, to Kapuskasing, Hearst, and Lonfdac Mining Fields. . . ■ ■ < 7 ■ ' ~:7 Foret, Tickettj Return Limits and Train Information from Agents Atk forHandbill, tu* . A. W. HAMILTON, Lucknow, Depot Agent; ’Phrtne -2. to the entire congregation, jvill be church.HL Clerk And Treasurer Get increases Of $300 Each—Council Favors Pro- ▼inceSupplyingMoney Net-ds— in Sudbury.' He left /Tees- . . .. . - . siT)ce ; Keen, conducting a clothing idencc Sunday ,evening, Rev. F. W. badness in. ■ThUWICiN’S' WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS i,... PURE CLOVER HONED, 5 LBS. AMBER HONEY, 5 LBS. .:,...... Prunes, MEpiuM size, 2 lbs. apricots, fancy; 1 Lp. \ COOKING FIGS, 3 LBS; ......i MAPLE BUTTER, 1 LB. . . ? . . . HPEANliT BUTTER,- 26 OZ. JAR CAN F. C.;B. POWDER, WATER GLASS . v.” MAPLE LEAF-BAKING POWDER, 16 OZ? Y:AL.UtAIsiNSK-^LB^ i*AN€Y RICE, 4 LBSj ...... •. L • . .5 MACCARONT,.-5 LBS, •<. .• • • • • • - • ,7 . 4 JELLY. RCWDERS; 6 PK GS.- ■........ ......... FRESH VEGETABLES “ ALWAYS ON HAND ‘v s> -■yrr-r------------------:--------- -----------■---- Huron County Increases Salaries Of Officials OBITUARY : ROBERT DBENNAN- After a long illness,' Robert .Dren­ nanof—Ashfield, passed away at his honie, Lakeshore Rd., on Monday, January 21st. A man of sterling qualities,; he whs highly thought Of in the community? He' belonged- to a pioneer family of this district, being born here seventy-five years-ago, his parents being George Drennan and Agnes Baird, natives of Scotland. He .left to mourn his loss, liis widow,; also three, sons and four daughters, namely: Gordon, Ellwood, Stanley and Mrs. Colin MacGregor. Ashfi'eTd Twp?: Mrs. Douglas-Harton, ^ox^tn;dM^;?Hairpld^vart^F^e^ Alta.f- Mrs; Norman'Patterson, Mon- -trealp-and -four -brotheTS”arid two sisters, John, Duluth; George, James and Thomas, Ashfield Twp.; . Mrs. Mrs. Frank. Macintosh of Windsor.. Interment ..took, place at'KiniaiY cemetery on Wednesday, January 23. The pallbearers, all lifelong-neigh­ bors were: Chas. Stewart, Wm. John- ^ton^Hu gh^-MacMwrcliy^^ Mac­ Gregor; Duncan MacIntyre and Neil MacDOnaid. ,__ . { . - The service was conducted by the Rev.' J. K. MacGillivray of Ashfield; Presbyteriim Church, who spoke from the text “Wherefore comfort one another , with these wrds.” • . ClQCAL and GENERAL) Have y6u paid -your subscription ? Misses Fern and Tda Reid visited last week in London. J Miss Martha. McCallum spent the week end in Toronto. "Mr. ahd Mrs. Rrobt. Scottr, Ashfield .visited with Mrs. B.. Chesnut this week.^ ■ -Mrs, Geo, . Shirley o^-Toronto spent ■theXjv'eek, enA-Jwith-^^ Harvey Webster. ) . . / .; Miss Evelyn Little of Port Hope is a guest at the’home of Mr?and "Mrs. W. J. Little. ■■■,' .. . Mr. Joseph A. -Mallough returned home on Saturday, feeling’qmuch improved in.health. Adam Bowman had the misfortune- TasFweek to fracture', his wrist,•> as the result of a fall. __Bot>. and . “Bud”.—Thofiipson -spent1 the week-end in Toronto and Mrs. P. J. Naylor. Miss. Marion, McDiarmid, been accepted on the staff minister - Hospital, London^ Young Richard Turner underwent an operation at his home here last week for the removal of tonsils . Mrs. Phillip Parfitt and her ^bn of—Timniins—afe -vimfiug^YtTth^TeF parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moorehouse Mitchell. Mr.. Richard Webster, who was taken quite seriously ill suddenly last weeik, is still confined ’ to bed, altho somewhat improved. , New Pfrints, Ginghams,. White Cotton, . .Factory Cotton,' ^Sheeting artd Pillow Cotton. New Low" Prices. THE MARKET STORE. ' Mrs. -H..' Gannet , and daughter, Clara Ann of Toronto,, were” week­ end guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Oliver Johnston.'• Mr. Harry Anderson, who has been off work for a lengthy- period due to stomach trouble,, is.much improved in health and has resumed his duties at Silverwood’s ‘‘down-town’’., office. —Ther'e'"are"a'lof__of^voung-ladies whomwewagerMo^ Turban’’; They are ea§y to have if you_i|follo.w—the—illustrated" -instruct' tiort appearing this week in the; Sen­ tinel. ( =^t¥e^r-7rqaus ■during -Monday tilled in to the extent that they .became.. practically >-.-4mpassable.'.•'TdeSffrty? snowplows .opened the roads from the village to Wirtgham and north. to Blackhorse’. ' , , '; : HAVE YOU RENEWED YET? . We desired to. thank all sub- scribers, who during recent weeks have renewed their subscription or paid up arrears. There are Still a number, who have not re- . new^d their Sentinel for 1935, • and if it expired the end of the year,, payment must be made by the end of this week, if sub­ scribers wish to take advantage of the 50c saving for prompt re­ newal oX<apai<$4W'ftdyrtjnc^?iSub^. /scriptipns. , ■ , Again we urge those in arrears to co-operate, with us by, a, com-.’ plete or partial settlement at art early date .or otherwise we will be forced to. resort io 1 collection of these accounts'. -“"SpaT^s YiWT^a^iW^trtrch used to thaw, ice, ignited straw, which caused Walter Walden, Huron Township farmer, an- estimated, loss of $5,00(1 as a fine barn was .-consumed by flames on Thursday. Efforts, to save live stbck and machinery were only partly successful, . several head of Stock and numerous farm implements and• crops being destroyed.-. The loss .is partly, covered by. insurance. - ■ Esteemed Ashfield ’ ■— t Resident, Passes THURSDAY, JANUARY J ’ Ashfield Presbyterian Congregational Meeting the cort- one week on account; of a_< severe •_ storm"; the weather was equally for­ bidding on the second date; but it was decided to go ahead with the iheeting. The attendance of members was riot large, but there was a deep and lively irtterest in the proceedings and much important business was transacted. The minister moderated 7 the meeting, opening it with devot­ ional services. Mr. Donald „ McLean acted as secretary of'the meeting. Satisfactory reports were present­ ed. and approved as follows: The- Session, The Bible School, The Wo- -4 men’s Missionary Society, The young People’s Society, The Board of Mana­ gers, The. Building: Committee, The: - Financial Secretaries, The Treasure efofTtheRevenue,_witH"a favorable___ i’eport of the 'AuditbSr There was no report from the Mary Hardie *._* "MissioriJBahd, nor from the; Mission­ ary Budget Committee,-as the con-j- tributions had not .all .been Ayet-re- eiy€d”. There is that the congregation will “go oyer . ® the - top’* ?of„ thg’--allocation as they’did. • last year. The Committee was direc­ ted t0 make their full report later ■to the . Session, ■ ■,’ . • .,'■ -■ J~~Messrsc ..Hgnr,v:. jMacKenzie-. Thos. MacDonald and Charles Wiley were elected ^s members of “the Board of Manager^ for the coming three years. Mr. Harry MacDonald and Mr. D. A. MacLeari were appointed. Auditors-. for next year. ' The other officers and ■ cpmfffiffee members remain the same as last year. . ; ' . The reports wer^all very encour- \ Guild Skating Party - ■ There, was a large and jolly' crowd at 'the rink on Monday , night when the Presbyterian enjoyable skating. zensr Band was, in liven tlie- evening with the serving,:- sandwiches and coffee following rt- couple' of hours skating.^ .< St.' Peter’s A. Y? P. A. ' ' ~ ■ The- members of the A.Y.P.A, of St.... Peter’s Church numbering 35, gathered for ’ a: Scotch social on Monday evening at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Herb McQuillin. The meet­ ing was in charge of Miss L. Mit­ chell, Mrs. Herb McQuillin and Geo. Hassall. The evening was spent in progressive, games and while indulg­ ing in these, suddenly the strains of the bagpipes/ sounded and the door opened to admit Mr. Lome MacDon­ ald, who rendered several selections, to - the delight of'all. Prizes for the ^eriiing^rwcr-e^nn—by—EileeTrtJohfi^ /5ton-and._Rev., -Geoghegan.-A—special prize for regularity in attendance, _dpnated--by- membersoftheGuiid, was- also wop by Rev. Geoghegan. A dainty lunch was- served by the com­ mittee in charge, which brought to "a'ciose™^=very enjoyable evening. A ■vote A-of-'-thanks-r waa'trtxtehded? to >$10: committee. ' * .. .. (Mafeking t News) Following a lengthly illnes, with patience,„ there passed away at his home in Ashfield—-on~~fhursday, Ro.beft Fitzgerald, in his 74th year. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral, which took place Sat­ urday afternoon, from h’is late resi-; dertce on. the- 7th Con. of Ashfield. Deceased formerly owned the farm now occupied by Mr,_WilLL-Cook- an<l- -also-'Oxvne'd^aFd7’ operated the mill FWhirw^HF^piR^lftF^of Mr. Herman Phillips., As a resident of d;his'’com’muhity‘7in which his family .of three daughter's and Jone son grew? up, the late Mr. Fitzgerald was . held peighbor, a diligent workman ...and? ; WXtR...1' .his; >'-family whs ‘ ’"seldom'' absent' from -the church■ services. “ He ■ was' predeceased by his wife and later mrtrried Mrs. H. ^Caesar, who snr=.. ^vivesphim—U-ik~-familyr7MrJsrLjames' Culbert,. T.ucknow, Mrs. Bert- Finni­ gan, Ashfield, Mrs.' Aubrey Teeft of Canboi’o and- Wil! of Detroit, were home for"the 'funeral. The. sympathy rtf this community is. extended to the bereaved "family., 1 / ..The service was conducted by Rev. W. j.’~ Patton,, assisted by Rev. J. H. Geoghegan, due. to- the enforced.ab­ sence. through illness ’ of his prtstor, Rev. D. A. McMillan. L Interfile,nt was in Greenhill Cent? etery WiGvthe pallbearers, six neigh­ bors as follows', William Petrie, Wil­ liam Mole, Charles Fowler, William Caesar, James JSherwood and G« 0/ Treleavgn.' . . ■ , '* Miss Margaret Mallough of Luck­ now,' who had spent a foltnightjvith relatives here, returned home Friday,. Miss - Olive Anderson entertained the girls’ and" bbys’ Sunday School classes at her home, Saturday even­ ing. ’A. unique “Bookland” program was carried out, which provided plen­ ty. of fun? JerrjA Cranstpn brought the merry- party in his sleigh. The,Blake Ladies’ Aid plan to hold, a box social in the .hall in the'Pear 'future. 9 . . i United Church Y. P. _iriter-est-ing7r-¥oung—BeOplert' meeting On, Monday night was ' in charge, of the Literary Group,, wjth Rexford Ostraride^ presiding for the program part of the meeting. . The Scripture reading. was , taken by Chester Tvvamley and— •"•Eva - Greer read the 9th chapter from “Trans- fbrming Friendship”. Willard. Thomp­ son contributed a solo, A letter from . the stricken area' in Saskatchewan- was read by Eunice Newton, which conveyed thanks to the young people who had contributed in any way. Three, short poems were read by i Winnifred Lane, Helen Hamilton and Margaret Ritchie and “My Task”, was' a pleasing duet by Eunice. -Newton ; and ? Joy Henderson. . Miss Yourex gave an excellent address on Cana­ dian' fiction, which was followed by " the ; closing exercises. Ne5ct Monday night a skating: party has been planned. This- is. Open Lunch the i / ’ wt 5 served afterwards at FENIAN RAID VETERAN ; PASSES AT GODERICH oL last week in a Jewish Cemetery. J 11 ^Your local print shop is. an indus­ try paying weekly wages to workmen. Purchase . your. printing locally. If you are in need of anything1 in the printing line *phone 35, /The Sentinel .Office.' , : \ . < “Dad,’’ said his extravagant son, “do you think they will ever find a substitute for gasoline?” “They have one now, son, and I wish you’d give it a trial.” ' “Oh ? queried the son incredulous­ ly. “I’ve pever heard of it. What is it, anyway?” • ’ “Shoe Leather.” ; , “I hear you advertised for a wife. Any results?’’ • “Yes. Hundreds of replies. Each one said you can have- mine.” one, whicff .iSfl per cent. . Committee appointments were as follows: ' ' Executive committee—G. . McNall, F. Bryans, R. J. Bowman’,. D. Heirt- ihgway, T. Loveij. _ Legislative-^-P, W. Scott; R. Grain G. Westcott; H. Mogridge, S. Sher^1 Wood-; ' . Finance-r-M. Matheson;* M. Hartley, F. Davidson, -C. McWhinney,^ J., . Education—W. Archibald, T. pryde H. Mogridge, H. Keys, tV. J. Jones. . Property—-G. H. Elliott, A. Mellick A^^CroSier^W.-Archibaldy-Gr-McNalh House of Refuge—R. J. Bowman, M. Hartley, J; Moser, F. Davidson, _ C. McWhinney.. Children’s Shelter—R. Turner, T. Jones, W. Sweitzer. • Agricultural—0. Hemingway, W; Scott, W. Stewart, H. Keys, Feagan. - . Good Road§—W. Haacke, ;.T. Cardiff, J. Eckert. ^"1^ migKt bo the atten­ tion of. our readers and "'especially students to. the illustrated serial of David. Copperfield, baoed -orrthe. riovel by Charles Dickens, which appears" ij'weekly in the Sentinel. ’ Our request last week for a few issues of' the Sentinel of. the previous week, brought- in a flood of copies, that .far exceeded ‘pur^ requirements ’ one ‘ Sentinel being forwarded from Toronto^ Werthank..these subscribers for their , kind response. The village Council last week sent Murray Murdoch of the New York Ranger hockey team ’a -message of congratulations upop his achievement' of the notable record.-of playing 450 consecutive games with that club/ So "far ho reply has been received frofii Murray. Miss- Margaret McQuillin left on .Monday for Niagara , Falls where, after spending a couple of days at Guelph,‘ she Will resume ,herf "duties, as a studept nurse.' Margaret has beeh home, for the past several Weeks due to an outbreak of eczema effect­ ing; her .hands. My. and Mrs. ElweiL Webster (nee Grace Lockhart)' of Wingham, are spending the Winter at Miami; J^lorU da, and in a letter to the Advance^ Times, last week, told of their trip’ south and some of their, activities in. ut.The* Land of’ Flowers’.” all of which is makings their: holiday an enjoyable dhe.. \ i, ' Rev. J.. H.. Geoghegan to gdt his car out of sifbw ruts near Belfast to avoid what appeared likely to be a jcpllisLOn—v4th?Bi 1 PH-ewa ty^ererti^ thari rewarded,' for when the Geog­ hegan car. got out of the- ruts it no^ed hurriedlya into a snov) filled' ditch from where-it was .extricated by hbrses1’, without-damage. - Haa Gone Irit<> jMfeait Business Mr. E. A. Palmer of Kincardine js discontinuing -the sale^of' groceries and ,has gone into the meat business exclusively. Mr. ‘ Palmar, ’ who* .forth- Wy conducted a dry goods and a grocery business, ip. Lucknow, has for SoBe years (..past heOfi >in the -gr&K eery /business in Kincardine. .Some time ago he added.a meat .depart­ ment, to KiS store, which he ' found him to discontinue the. grocery de­ partment. ■ •' Canada Handbook Available , The' —edition—pf—the^^flkrtri* Handbook :of Canada, is now available. -The Handbook describes the present economic condition of. the Domiriiori, dealing with all phases of the coun­ try’s . economic organization, ■ The-price df ' thrt pufelicatFoh is .2'5c With a special price concession-of 10c in the ca$es pf.^ teachers, Kona' fide students rind ministers, whd make, considerable use of 'this book for educational, purposes. Copies may be received fijom the King’s Printer, Government Printing Bureau., Ottawa ■Gan ad a. -... . Robert Russell, a ' Fenian Raid veteran, died in Goderich on Saturday in his 92nd year, after a short illness. After serving in -the Fenian Raid .under Col. A. M. Ross,; he attended military college in Toronto and later j took up- land in Greenock Township; Bruce .County, where he farmed, suc- -CUSgfully—fbr^ha-lf—a-certtury^rfefi^-h^ to Goderich nearly terr years ago.. - Mr; Russell was twice married. Children of "the first union Surviving aging and showed a gratifying pro­ gress both temporally and spiritually during the past yean The finances are in good shape; and there were, eleven additions to. the full c0mmun7*. '? ion - membership of the church, the net membership how being 172, and the .number of. families 120. < ,l^r several Sundays recently, the < minister "was necessarily absent on account, of the serious illness of his wife, necessitating a critical surgical operation atja hospital in. Detroit. Mrs. MacGillivray is now fconvalesc- ’ ing satisfactorily, but the recovery, is. of course, slow. We were very for­ tunate is securing the services of ’ Rev; R. A. McConnell,' who. most acceptably .filled the pulpit during the minister’s absence, and Js now 'doing a? similar service for Rev. R. M; Hanna of Ripley. Mr. MacGillivray is now delivering ‘ [a series of discourses in'the mopping, Services of the Church oh the general theme “In the School, of Christ with the Apostle- Peter”. Percy, Torgov, a former well- .. k«°Xri -clothing and fur dealer nf_ a.re Of Pinkcrtom-Mr-s^JeeS;waterr--gTm"'wh^'7pfifi1P/i "W alter'Kaake of R;inloss, Mrs. Henry several years in this part of the Stanley, Portage la Prairie, Mrs.'county, and being by birth. a Russian Andrew-Skeete in Manitoba’and one Jew became fluent in seven different son, 'Ogle RusYelF of Greenock' Twp. languages, died, inja Toronto hbSpU Other survivors are his. widow,, form- 'tai last Tuesday as a.{result1 of art' orLycMiss7 Anrta. SwaRwel’f of ^Bcar-'operation' performed the previous dinh Township; one son,, Alfred of Thursday for acute appendicitis; ■ ‘ Alberta artd one daughter, Mrs. Allan'.' Percy, who was in his early 30‘s Robinson . of Kincardine. Township.' was unmarried and leaves an Only Another, soh> Wendell was killed in brother —'Z“v, the Great War. ’ . . | Water’ >bbu,t a 'year ago and has .. Service was held at the family res- smco,- been, conducting a clothing idence Sunday ■ evening, Rev. F; W, business in’. Toronto, at whicF W i,;Cr.ai:k offuikting. Interment tbbk pTace he Was buried on Wednesday mOrnirtn. Jat Cargill. Mtraitf. , of.last week in a Jewish eemeterv^