HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 513 * ft coining THE LUCKNOW SENTmEL 0 ■ 7 > £ r by •it •spn; . ... jacksoffi Meeting closedWe tope for ™p«>veft,tol J .. TBBMSPAX. JANUARY 31st; When the long evenings away from home ^^t you down . . \ and your favourite movie seems insipid . . . and the $ound of a familiar voice would be music , Make for the nearest telephone. Ari inexpen-'' .iiye^jcKaf with the home folks. “ will banish the blues. fi,■ ,' f • Wherever you may be, you can join the family at a moment’s notice. For as little as. 30 cents you can talk 100 miles or so. ZJON ? The members of L. O. L.T Avill be •“At Home” to their friends of this community on Friday evening,; Feb. 1st. A hearty , invitation is . extended to all to attend.^Progressive games, "program etc. Mrs. Chas. Ritchie ,has been laid “'-.up for the past week with neuritis, but—is—improving-qf'TateH-~ Commiericing Sunday, -Feb, dtd -^publicxserviceJwJUFbegin^at A0,30L.a.. m., with ,S. S. immediately after the service;-----——— ------——------- (Intended foE last week) Following a well attended Com-;’ -munity Tea, sponsored , by the mem­ bers- of the- ■’W. M.iS. on . Wednesday evening^ the annual congregational ..' ^^mbbtir^LWs^h'bld<--Bey-' W* J; Patf on j "presidirig. Encouraging reports were presented by representatives of the various L organizations.—Officers__elecA ’ n ted for 1935 as JfollbwS| Stewards— — Messrs. "C E, McDonagh, F. Andet— '/ t son, Thos. Hackett, Robt. Ritchie. „ Stewards’. Treas.—jC. E* 'McDonagh..- Ass’t. S. Treas.-^Will Helm. Meni- bers of? Session—Mr. Albert Helm wtjs, elected .to. fill the vacancy oc­ casioned by death of Mr. Jno. Helm. Clbrk"Sf ••’Session" and “Cong. Sec’y.— W. T. Gardner. Trustees—Messrs. F. Anderson, GeoF Hunter, Thos. Hack- - ett, Boden Ritchie, Wesley Ritchie, *■' Trustees* Rep. to Parsonage Board— T. Hackett and ,Wes. Ritchie. Ushers -/-Frank Ritchie,.- Jnb. McDopagh, Cecil Gardner; Andy. Ritchie, Pete Cook, Harold Gardner. Auditors-- Albert Helm . and W. T. Gardner. Organist—Miss Ada Helm. Ass^fc. Organist—Misg Jessie Andrew1 1 and . , Mrs.. Weste^ (Ritchie. ' , - Sunday School" officers elected— ! Sqpt.—Will Hunter. .Ass’t. Supt.— .Harold Gardner. . Sec’y.-^Lloyd' Hun­ ter.- Ass’t. Sec’y.—Charlib^ Anderson, 'f’reas,—-Jno. Ritchie. Organist—Mrs. Wes. Ritchie, Ass’t. . Organist—Jessie' Andreyv. TqAchjers appointed—Y. M. B.C^-Mrs, Wes. Ritchie; Ass^t.— . Mr. Will Iluntdr. Y. L. B. CL-Miss Myrtle (Ratcfaie; Assl’t.—Mrs. C. E. 1. McDonagh. Gitls—Mrs. Geo. Huntei ;. Ass’t.—Jessie Andrew. Boys—Jack Ritchie; Ass’t.—<Sid Smith.-Prim ary —Mrs. ,E. Gardner; Ass’t?—EUeda ; , Hunter^ Cradle . Roll Sec’y<—Irlma „ ,Hacket.wUi4^apefance Supt. — Ada ? ‘F. WebsfeE""M^ W7 T. < Gardner, __ ___ It was decided to hold Y. P, 7%. meetings .firing the winter months At the conclusion of Church service' on,Sunday evenings, church service to comuience at 7 p.ni. iristead of 7.30 ■ < ■ ' Mrs. Jno? Helm. visited at Nile' oir, ' Monday (With- ■ ' . is suffering from a severe a.ttack of. lumbago. Miss., Finnegan of Dungan­ non is supplying for MisS) Helm this ' ■''■’week/ »’ -Mrs. Ralph Nixon - has boon oten-, fitted to her room for some time re- ffinsic , 'Ciently. KINLOlKiH . orihe Scott of Stratford is visiting with friends ..here. - . Mr. and 'Mis.. Bert McLean motored to’London on Sunday to be with Mrs. Slessor, who we.-are glad to report is much', improved.' . 'Miss K. Farrell and Mrs. Harold Thompson., of .Kinloss were Saturday, visitors at ,W?'~Bbyle’s. •• ■' ‘La ■ uMiss-. Evelyn McLean, is visiting with friends at Whitechurch. ------ - - The-KinIougF'0 meet on ■ Monday next in the.. base­ ment of' TheF Anglicau”(ChiffcH’.'Jwe'nt~Ff ~The chief feature of the program is to be “a debate' “Resolved that the ' Irish have done, more for Canada than, the "Scotch.” Affirmative—Miss Gladys Mills and Mr. Wm. Stutters. Negative - Miss" TTazol Percy and Mr. ‘ Wm,. Haldenhy. .Everybody- welcome . ' Miss . Edna Boyle is not as. well as( her many friends wish to sen her.— HOLYROOD Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ^MacDonald and Son Jack „were the guests df Mr. and Mrs. John fearr on -Tuesday evening. ^ A'‘humber on this (line attended tiTg“KhTishea* Burns’ Ball at Holyrood on Thursday evening. "All report a splendid time, good crowd and good "lunch-.. • \ Mr. Richard Elliott returned from County Council on Frday. , ‘ ' Mr.- HarVey Robb of Amberley spent the past week 'at Mr. Richard Elliotf’s. : ' " . ' Mrs. Chas. Cong.ram spent Friday at Mr. Ernest, Ackert’s.' Mrs. John Colwell is visiting this week-with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bush­ ell Of Ripley, • Miss Gladys Mills ..spent the wOek olid at,her 'home at Clark’s. s . •* o '- Mr. and Mrs. . Harvey Aickert and son Clarence- of Lucknow were the guests at jMr. • Ernest Ackert’s oii Sunday. ’ . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris, and’ Mrs. Thos. Harris were recent visit­ ors at Mr. Wm. Eadie’s. ,. We wish to extend our congratu­ lations to Mr. Duncan M’dmi of RiPy ley our n<?h Wafderi. ■■■■.. The ti,for,ary wgS^.held on Monday. evening in place of .last Friday evem- ing, owing to the cold weather. ' A splendid program was presented' u-ndof tfie direction of Miss yMaa .Boyle,. Mrs.1 Wesl’ey. Thompson . and V r. . Levi Hckcnswilier. Opehihg chorus?, .reading—Kathleen Grahamj instruniontal duet—Mrs. Eldon EclT onswiller ' and • Mr. ■ Wm. Jackson; ffialogtie—Morning Caller;- reading— Miss Annie1 Colwell; sold—~Mr. ^Fj^ddj ?f?tc.ksnn; monologue—Mr, Levi' Eck- ;ons.willer; • vjp'liii' so.10—Miss Alice- Wall * accompanied ■' by MisS Ethel Wall; journal—-Mrs. Wbsley Thompj- •son; .dialogue—Wanted—A' Nurse;' Eckenstyiller and singitig RIPLEY’S REJJVE IS 62ND BRUCE WARDEN > . ; ■ * *?■■■■■-!"'»'■''> .9 ■" (Continued from fcage 1) - allow- the Caretaker the privilege of taking out prisoners to assist in work about the buildings and ground^'as in -the pastJ’ <■ C, A. S. Commended A vote bf thanks and appreciation Was extended to the. BOard of. the Children’s -Aid Society for. the cane^-. ful attention shown by th.em to..th^ work pf the Children’s. Shelter and “to" egress' "(our full ~ confidence • in their''ability-.to™prpperlyn^o work in the future,” ■ - s . Reeves W- B. ’Ard and <J;. A, Logie were re-appointed^ members of the .County Cemetery7' Commission and Reeve Roy VanDusen of Tara and County Treasurer A. Nelson / were appointed members of the. Board of Criminal Audit for 1935. School.Trustees Appointed The following were appointed High School Board Trustees: Messrs.. Fred ^aeklin,^Ghe^ley^dMI^R?^H^ Kincardine; Ralph J. Pequegnat; "Port Elgin; William T’ulloteh, Walkerton and (Sir. James Flett a member of the Board Lof Education at Wiarton. Each was: elected for a three-year term. . " ' No Change In Salaries A report of the Equalization and iSalaries Committee, making no changes, for 1935 in officials’ salaries discussion. This means a 20 per cent, reduction in all salaries over $1,000 and 15 per cent, reduction in . salaries under $1,000. Sessional al­ lowances of Reaves will be the same as in ‘1934. ■■,. ■■ ■. ... 1 Owe $48,837 For Highways' . The ratepayers 6$ Bruce through their County Council^ have been billed' by the Highways Department fot $48,837.02, which is 20 per cent, of the cost of work done on the Provin­ cial Highways in this County last year. This Has been customary. While maintenance is taken into- considera­ tion, most of this amount relates to the pavements constructed between. : Hanover and Walkerton and on High­ way No. 9, from the Kinloss .ebrnef about four miles easterly. "^Fw^rlFbe-seemtha^t'TH^bew^Gov^ / ernment’s policy of having the pro- : vincial treasury bear jthe entire cost j of work on the King’s highways fs - J2fit_.to.Jba retroactively applied.-These two construction jobs in Bruce were ] 'campaign. ' ’ ■ (: ' '' . .A ] Saving Council’s .Time Tuesday ; evening, when the mem- ■bers of the! 1935 (Bruce .CquntyyjCpdriT-'. \ eil had ■ barely commenced to . deal with the business of their first ses- sion, two of the Reeves advanced a J (proposal that took their associates. i by 'surprise*—Major-^the’-RevA —J? < C. Tolmie and Mr. J. J, Tyson, South­ ampton’s and Wiartoh’s representa­ tives on the county governing board, respectively, felt that it. is to outside the realm, of pbssibility to reduce the time spent at the sessions, and, con­ sequently, the expense. The 31 Reeves and two Deputy Reeves, arrive in Walkerton usually on the ..Monday (each January on "Tuesday) for' thp opening of the session that ttight. Thte opening day, part jjf which is spent in travelling, is taken into ac­ count When reckoning the amount of the per diem allowance; ($5 less 20 per cent.) paid to each member. Us­ ually a session lasts four days, the Reeves returning to their homeg af­ ter morning adjournment. Last De- cemtfer the session text-ended over five days. Although Bruce County Council cannot be charged with being off­ enders in this respect, Messrs. Tol­ mie and Tyson contended that it is possible, to shorten the average ses­ sion, a’nd when' the former spoke of setting" a certain sum as a member’s indemnity for a session,; regardless of how long it lasted, It was natur­ al that opposition would develop im­ mediately. , „ ?A cqminittee,_ cqmprised .of Messrs,. Hamilton, Tolmie, Clancy; David Mc­ Donald and Logic, (appointed by. the Warden, consulted with the Warden and County Clerk' Forrester.. and made recommendations to this,. endf which were adopted,__ . Cpnn.cilL. is. tq me„et promptly at the Hour, announc­ ed at time 'of adjournment* chair­ men aije to stafe time of their meet« ings before adjournment of sittings; accounts are to be’in the hands, of the Clerk by noon of the seebnd day pfr the session; pirculafs^calling;. ‘tention to important items of proce­ dure are tb be distributed to faiem- hers at the Opening session Of the year, and tpe bighth recommendation was: '“At the conclusion of our ses­ sion when the Natibnal Anthem is being sung members (standi at atten­ tion’*;? J " * Minor Accident A ■ ’ minor accident occurred main street on Monday, afternoon. As Norman. Wilson was driving up the street, Harry Champion’s coupe was backed put from In front of Rae &, PorteOus’ store‘into the path of thie car” driven by _ Norman,. which was. undamaged in the collision, while Champion’s cp.upe received a broken, rear whedl, which was soon replaced, and was the extent, of the damage done. . y Warble Fly Campaign At the request of the Warden, Mr, G. R. Paterson, Agricultural (Repre­ sentative in Bruce County, address­ ed the Council, outlining some of the activities of hi^ 'department since he took qharge,- , _r The ' report' of the Agricultural Committee was as .foliows in respect, to the County Warble Fly Campaign; “The matter! of organization was discussed and it is recommend.ed( that the Reeve .of each rural municipal­ ity act as chairman of the organiza­ tion. \fpr his niunicipality. It is. fui^. ther recommended, that , each 'rural reeve discuss’ the matter with his Council at their next session and that lie.. arrange for' one key man im e^ch school section in his municipal­ ity to take a census of all “cattle in each school section as. well gw? the numbgr_ of cattle that will require treatment, and that this be done in order to-facilitate thp diSfriWtiorfpf• ( the jnaterial _and Ihat jfhe. canvassEbef. made and the reports' sent in to the7 Agricultural Representative fdr! each rural municipality by Feb? 15th; It is further recommended * that the_; rural freeves Arrange for the "holding of from two to four meetings in their .municipalities, said meetings to be held during the latter part of Feb-. * ruary or early in March, principally for the purpose of discussing with cattle owners the Warble FIv • Cam- rpaign to 'follow,1 the.jmeetings’ ':tp. be attended by the Agricultural Repre­ sentative or his assistant in each case.. It is further, recommended that the matter of purchase of Warble Fly powder and the manner in which, it should' be distributed to each, of the rural reeves, be left-in the hands of. the Agricultural Representative.” -7 Th“e. report of- the 1 Agricultural ^oifinfittee,7 of wlfich Reeve J. H. Howe is chairman, and which was adopted, recommended (that, a grant of $50 be made toward -the Ontario Agricultural Council and th^t the County , Council’s delegates to 'the annual. convention in Toronto of this body be Messrs. Howe • and W, D. White, each to be allowed $20 to­ wards his expenses. .K Further j-“The question of: variety “tests pF grain as conducted Tast year in the , county was discussed. Our ;cdnmitteeTTecomml6ndsLi7that—'three- variety tests be laid down this year similar-in-nature" terthose 'conducted last “year and that they be placed -at -advantage®-as--p&ifff^v{rr-;trre-"county' and that a. sum not.to. exceed $30. bp allowed-for the purpose of pur-, ceasing the samples of grain, used' id therr.tes'-ts'’’.' ...;• County Highways Matters A . rate of 2.5. mill's—was-struck—for' the^requirements-^ofr-Gbunty-—-high--; ways during. 1935. This in one-tenth oTa"nj^ last" year? The suih of $151,509.87 was ex­ pended upon the County- Highways System during 1934 and the Council' applied to the Government for the statutory grant on that amount. Reeve Donald Cameron of Tiverton was elected a. member of the High ­ ways’ Committe for a three-year term, to replace the late Mr. Wm. Gillies of Hepworth. The other mem­ ber of Council ribminated for this post iXras Reeve Tyson of. Wiarton. Mr. Cameron received 20 votes add Mr. Tyson 13. / Council, on the recommendation of the Highways Committee, supported a, resolution sponsored by the Coun­ ty’ Council of Perth; requesting the Department of Public Highways to “clear a wider portion of the high­ ways of snow to • ensure greater, safety to persons travelling. in horse drawn vehicles.” • ’ (Regarding the snow plowing pro­ gram, the Highways Committe re­ ported: “Instead of purchasing two snow plow's, as suggested at-the June Session,. we were able to get - two. from the Department of Highways. At~ the north end of the CoAuty we decided to keep the road^ open from Port Elgin . to Owen Sound and nor-th-along-the^ounty- line to-Wiai’- ton add thence to Eion’s Head. To ass^t. in'idPing so,we,,got; donations? .fromvpeople-J.using-the-^ road-and—fhe- City of Owen Soupd amounting to about, $66Q.OO. The total cost .to date (has beep approximately’ $1200.00 and net cost $600. For the above roads xVe refated a truck and put op .a plq^ that was used in Wiarton for tffie past two years'. “In the south end of the County’ the Department ,put a> plow on out Aruck.-We “,0^ina^Y-^ntbndad-to^keep- the'toad open for the Department from Durham to Kincardine, put we were lathr asked to keep it fope^ from the Durham Road "Ito Clinton. Fbi' the " above work we are paid $4.00 per* day. whether the plow' is use^ or not and $4.00 additional peh, hour while it is working. 'A . .'■ AMOONT; - 'Mr/1 Ronald . Hpnderson, White- chuych, spent the wegk end with his parents, Mr, and. Mrs,. 'Jack Hander7 son., - ■ ■ . v (Miss Mary Cook, R. N., is home? after , spending the . past few- weeks nursing in Wingham :> Mrs. Wm. MacGill spent a few: days last' week nursing uher mother, JMrs. (Morrison, in LuMc.no,w.^..wh;O. jhar. been on the- sick. list; . . : . 2^MIs!s'1EtirejVMWtiir'spphf(M^ near Ripley ^visiting with Mr'.', and Mrs. Eldofa Lowry and' Mr. and Mrs. (Wesley Osborne. ■ 1 ATr-organizalJibn . meeti n g of: Paramount Ball Club was held -01; Monday evening. ".Officers elected wer‘e Manager, Mr. Robt.: Hamilton; See.--.? Jr.eas., Mr. Wm. Kempton; Captain. Mr. Garnet Hamilton. . :Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Martin, Fred and 'Ethel spent Tuesday ■ .evening with-Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, 4th con. . ,“Re county roads at the south end of the County, t^e road, is kept open continuously to Formosa as. they, have no - railroad and we- are also keeping open more or less ,satisfac- torily the roads from Kincardine to Port Elgin, from the. Durham Road ' to Ripleyyand Lucknow,, Allqpford Io Tara, and from Paisley .to. Walkerton We have also opened up the road from GJamis "to Black H°r-se " and Paisley to Port Elgin.1 The cnst of .the above work at ;the south- end of The County fo date is approximately •$55Q?00/ assuming we rented . our. plow, and- the receipts , from the Province after paying expenses to ;MSfe’sHpuld' amount to ^abouT $800.00. These latter roads, ‘which ',have ; been: ^keptMKpen-rparh-t-ime-will--be—easy ,t=®: ojfbn -in the-spring and should . be -bpen-*two-^eel«"*to-^---n^ than roads* not'plowed. Our present -equ-fpirrentr will open all our roads in the. spring cheaper than out methods in the past. ’ • ,.' ‘‘Some difficulty may . have I arisen rat ro-advintersecti ops - but our',patrol men have been aSlted to makes these . intersections safe,; also to dig but 'entr'ance§^n~Tr^^ and "cliufchFs,;^hich’"i¥?the^policy"~of the Provincial Highways. The Depart­ ment considers it is cheaper for private owners to. provide for their own mail boxes and-entrances than to pay for it in taxes. We also try to' gbt the operators of' tHe plows to leave enough snoyv.op th® roads for (sleighing. Except after a., thaw when, there is neither sleighing or wheeling on side roads, this has been pretty well provided for.- . “It appears as though the? cost .of keeping open roads continuously in^ eluding rent of trucks, etc., will be about $16.00 per mile per month: When we consider that the cost of maintenance of our heavier travell­ ed. gravel roads is-1|$40.00 to $50.00 per month, you can arrive at a Con­ clusion as to whether or not it is (advisable to keep the above roads open.” . 1 / Action Delayed , With a view to ascertaining the policies to be followed- by the De­ partment of Public Highways, the County Highways Committee rCcOm-. mended .that five matters 'be dealt ■ with at the June, session. Three- of these motions werO Introduced at the .Novernjber' session -— that the woad •^Tom^tli'e—horth—b®un da-ry*’—©L t Lion’s. Head to Ferndale be paved with retread in 1935; that ’the bridg^ ’ <hown as’Doubt’s Bridge on the It I? and ,8th 'Concessions of Amabel be“ t^KS'n - overlap a 'Cbunt^bTi'dge'j that ’ T road running west from Pine river'’to the lake on the' 8th Conces­ sion of Huron be taken over b'y thp Courityr The others1---were - -brought forward' at 'the January' Session. The "first, spopsored ;by Reeves „ .'Lantz and Chisholm, ;.asks that the Elora road from the northerly- limit, of MildmUy. to Provincial Highway No. 9 at Giintz’s Corner ibe absorbed into " ‘^Ke"”‘T^'nfy‘'''Kr^wTyS’""'system;’ the Other motion by. Reeves 'Cameron and Howe, requests that authority be granted for the resurfacing with re­ tread of fke' conhecting link running through the village of Tiverton, the work to' be done-' during the "' summer, ........■ ' ST. HELENS Miss Ruth Ramage, convener the' social committed of the presided lover an enjoyable ?• Scotch social on JFridqy, evening. Readings were ,gi.ven on “The Life of Harry .Lauder”; by Mac Ramage; Bufn*ss .“Man was made to Mourn” by Mis? Greta Webb; another of His poema, -‘The "Farmer” by Dick Weatherhead and' oh “Breather”' by Harry Swan, Several Scotch songs were Sung by . "members of the Missionary com., with their convener, Mrs. ^Gordon. ■ Splendidmusical numbers were futn-; ’ 'Tshe^-by1 Messrs? Alvjn and Eldon--. • Miller on "the" violin, accompanied by Miss Margaret Miller, .'on the piano ■ and 'by Mr;. Gordon McRherspn on the. ban j'og Many ^Scotch" jokes? were read, , • by Mr? W? A. Miller.. An interesting . ,,contest “A Motor/Romance” was ar- -anged by Miss Dorothy, Miller; an . “Age” contest by Miss Greta Webb; and an ‘‘Observation”' one by Mrs;. - W; 7A-.--r, Miller....The journal • ‘‘The, Young People’s* Oracle’’ read by Miss ’ . ' Rutl^Kar^^ and7 ' affiusirig.;'For lunch, which consisted of scones and oatcakes, the piembers were, grouped together* in the " diff- a" erent committees and the program ~ for the coming month -arranged. The meeting ’was .closed, with the proper singing of...“Au.Td Lang, Syne” direct- »• <?d by Mrs. Wilkinson. . •’ . ■ Mrs, Campbell , of Brucefield is the guest of her sister; Mrs. Robinson. L..„ 'Woods.. .The February meeting of the Wo­ men’s - Institute will be held at Mrs. R. K. Miller’s, on February 7th. Roll call;‘‘How to keep Friends” will,'-be “The Beauties'of Friendship” will be J.aken by .Miss.'Greta Webb.-.Hostesses- Mrs. Jas. .Dprnin, Mrs.-R. . Woods. ’ ' “Orientals- in' Canada” was the ' subject, of. an interesting lantern Iec- .ture,at the. meeting of the. Y. P. S.' .. :.'Qh;.jSnhday ^evening. Mri- Stanley.’-Todd- -g— read" the lectured The Scripture les- son Was read by Murray Wilkinson. • Mr. Stanley Todd is'at Stratford this, week: attending.; : the . London- Hamilton 'C.onfere'rice Young Peoples’ Winter .School. . IL F. 0. Club Organizes ■At a re-organization meeting of _fhe—U.E..O..---held-recently-the—follo^v-A—_>_ ing- .officers were elected: . Pres.,L -LoVh-'e-^^ V -'rford; Sec..-Treas., W. A7 Humphrey,( At-thr.eg^lar meeting held in the, , Forester’s.- Hall on Monday evening, with a good attendance, Mr., Lome. ' Woods presided.. Mr.~"~Mac Ramage ( gave an interesting ’paper on the steel, industry and Mi^JL D(. Anderson told of his experiences a& a moulder in a .-Ai^ndry--m -Gait'some years agoi "The. ■ next meeting will be held on Monday, February filth, when, the . speakers^. , jvillJb.e:.Me5srs;.WiKJintherford,-Mat^— thew' Gaynori and Harold’7 Gaunt. ■' XANG'SIEe - . ’The Women’s_Iiistitute 1 held their celebration of Burns’ anniversary last Wednesday evening. Mr. Lance Grain was chairman and called oil the fol­ lowing'numbers:: Mt. Bert Cullimofce, piano instrumental; Mr. George Cam-' eron, a 'solo, accompanied, by Scott Paterson on the guitar; . Mrs. .‘J. D. . Beecroft,. reading, Burns and High­ land Mary; ^Mrs. R. Ross" and Jas. _• Wilson,-a duet, “LPch Lomond”, ac­ companied . by Miss* Mierle-. Wjlson;j- . Fred Lott, mouth organ, accompanied by Mrs. W. Lott;”’”Mrs. E. Sholtz, solo, ’Mary of Argyle, accompanied by . Miss Susie Carrick; McKenzie Mo- ,' bray and Gordon Leggatt, violin duet accompanied by.. Miss Leila Leggatt; Mt. R. Carrick, accordian-; Mr. Cam­ eron; ’ recitation; Scott Paterson (in ( costume to represent -Mickey Mouse) solo “A Thousand .Tinies Nd;” Misses - Nellie and Jean McCallum and Mar­ garet and Mary McIntyre, Scotch red accompanied’ by’ Neil McCallum with-) the mouthorgan; Mrs. Mowbray, read Ing; Misses ’ Anna Mae and Susie Carrick,. J. D. Beecroft and Charlie ••• MWiTfr§angr'‘'‘Aifhio«Laurie’’; James Wilson, sd!lo_, ‘‘Standard on «the Braes " of Mars” accompanied by Miss Merle Wilsofa. ' ^fr; and Mrs. George.'Scott . and- g /hild-r-en-spent;-^^^ Mr. and Mrs. wGeor‘gq Harkness. { • Mr. Victor .Emerson 'spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A.\ Eiperson, .' wlfo idfnqt" very well? • Mr.. Fred Tiffin had the misrortune oil Saturday to cut a gash in his fobt-" while splitting wpbd iiV the bush that - required', four Stif ebb's' to close. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas’ Hockley and -Brnrrh?' spent -‘Friday eyeiitifg^ with" Mr. and Mrs.,, George Harkness. Miss Grace Richardson is spending a few days with Mrs. ‘Tames Wilson . of Whi to church. . • ' Mr. Jarnos Richardson who is as­ sisting Mr. James McTnnes with'fvood . 'cutting gpfent the' terete en$ at -home. ’ i.