HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 4I ----"BOUNDARY—WEST hospital ° Saturday. - She is critical; condition? Teacher: Ediths give me what you have in. your moqth. Edith. S.:‘ I wish' I could, it’s the toothache. __Master Biilip-JJcKinnon, ; who has be*eri’~very^ll~^he*Tast~few~ weeks-is- able to be out again. ... ' Continuation School ESTABLISHED 1817 HEADOFFLpEWdONTREAL liANKING SERVICE... . the Outcome of 4th CON., KINLOSS t /: MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKIN-------------- ... 117 Yearn’ Successful Operation IjWJ£NOW--®mTlN!EL> Published every Thursday morning at. Lucknow, Ontario, . Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie—: Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher Thursday, January 31st, 1935 '■ THUltSDAY. JAXUAliY 3Ut. 1935 V ‘ Mrs. Wm. Purdon is" sick ; and under the doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recovery. last week with Mrs. David Gillies. Miss Olive Terr iff, R.N.' returned- from Toronto:.last week after spend­ ing a few weeks nursing there. Mr. Fred Tiffin had thb misfortune to qut “his. foot badly one day last week. »• ' • Mrs. Thos. Henderson was taken to Wingham in: a very Mrs; A. Emmerson is suffering with neuralgia, car<$ THE FIRST) REAL CANADIAN MONEY History relates that CariSda, in 1817, "was too poor to afford the luxury of a metallic circulating medium; and the .. development of trade and agriculture was hanipered by '/ the lack of facilities for exchange.” - American money, also British and French and some Span* -iShandPortuguese,wasused~allsubject-tO-fluctuating._.. ,. rates of exchange arid causing monetary confusion. There was no Canadian money, either coin or paper. But in 1817, when tiw Bank- of Montreal was started, its ^irtyrnrs—-merchants- who knew, what Canadian business ' urgently needed—-immediately provided a papier currency (the Bank’s own bills in small denominations) and laiter copper coins. These Bank of Montreal issues were die first real Canadian money. ' Through 117 yetrj since then, the Bank of Montreal’s notes hay£ performed a useful function,'as Canadian busi­ ness has grown, ftom small beginnings to its present ex­ tensive proportions. These notes have: provided a sound, dewndable and elastic currency, their volume, automati­ callyexpanding and contracting with the changing demands oftrtde. — --------------z,— Notes of the Bank ricw ;m $33,000,000, or about one-fourth of the entire com- . m'erdal bank note currency of Canada. The Bank’s resources ($759,000,000) are likewise about one-fourth of the total rcsources-of the Canadian commer­ cial banka. These figures iridicate the extent to which the Bank ofMontreal participates in Canadian business activity. BANK OF MONTREAL Lucknow Branch; S. D. WHALEY, Manager , SSIWnCFCHURCH IH JAPAN Hugh McMillan Impressed By Jap­ anese Church Service, But A Little i - Disappointed That-It- Was Conduct­ ed Sb Western-Like. The ^following letter from Rev. _ HughJMa.cMilIan_j^ -i-fiSe-Ghurch-service-which.he_attendecL »n September 30th. The letter; how­ ever was hot written'until December Bth and reached us early in ~ihe New Year. . ' ' . Kobe, Japan, Sept. 30th, 1934. Dear Sentinel Friends; „ . This morning X. went sto church in Khibe. The nearest Presbyterian Church' ’ to wherb we Jive is the Shinko Church aof jCthrist in Japan. “.Church of* Christ in Japan,’’ is the name by which the Presbyterian Church: is known an this country. . riendly looking little printed "Leaflets oh the talkie in the vestibule nounced the order of service for rning and evening. In, the church iiditoriunl itself, a wide choice of //s^rts, cushioned at that, gave unan- ^pus.. invitation. No matter how few, md, the service is formally con-•1 -ducted from beginning , to end. As a Westerner in th$t audience, - onij didn’t feel strange. All the men, at. least, wore European clothes. With the women it was different. Only seven wore, foreign clothes and those ail were teen-age girls or young I women accustomed to,’skirts and middies from their school ,■> uniform lays. There were twenty-seven wo- jihen and thirty meh’present. They were an able, intelligent- looking "'group-of people. Not a child was present, Children have their own Bunday School at another hour.’ True to Japanese services we read Bbo«t7^fiiF^fe~was Fartiie'd" though” with pleasing formality from be­ ginning to end^' Brief moments of _sitenee^were -L01oq^entiv^Jmpi^sLvje^ The Japanese:' have a genitfs -for silence. Our Western world . ftejl learn something ofi-their secret. ^Unfortunately, however', the lemon of .the modern age is aally trimming down.' the moments | -for silence-: arid reflection - to bare "brevity itself. y Hymfi singing iVas -cautious but quite hArmonioiis. A young woman in , school uniform was at the-small pipe ‘ organ. 11 woman could speed grad^- At least one man seetned. self-elected and , one to keep up the volume ana the time m their- respective sides. The Lord’s prayer was repeated rather rapidly to allow for much thought about its meaning, but everybody seemed to enjoy the, rhythm of it; On the Whole the ser­ vice waS enjoyable but for a little dipappointment that it should all be so much like home,-so Western, with little -bf The’/Oriehb in-4V . ■■■There’ is ih the Japanese spirit something .which,, one., feels,.. jc.ohld haye__. great Jied.pe_fbr_dev.elopmenf-jn-Christianity- but in this service there seemed 1 to be a tendency toward, general con­ formity to the formalism of the church in the Western world. * An elder'took charge of the service Th^pastor took only two parts; the sermon apd the benediction. This, seems to be the custom in Japan and is in keeping" with the Presbyterian eldership', tradition. The minister is a young man of about thirty to- thirty-five.. He is tall and scholarly in appearance. He wore a morning suit with ordinary collar and tie, the customary men’s ,dress- up -style for all occasions in this country. His sermon bore eloquent marks of careful work with pen and*' paper. He spoke for twenty-five minutes. Six times during his dis­ course he referred to scripture A pas­ sages." Each reference passage was quoted but the quoting was made an oratorical occasion for reaching for and opening his bible.. Usually he had finshed the quotation before/find- ing the/place, but the little gesture had the effect of encouraging his listeners to likewise turn the pages of their own books. About half of the sermon was expressed in rather . technical philosophical or theological language. The other half was made up of homely, ba'ck-yard or undress­ ed up language. In every thought ex­ pressed, this young minister, seemed to .have an attentive congregation. “" "Collecti on-taking and anhounce- ment making were carried through as smoothly as they would be in a. well-accustomed; congregationJanv^ where. Two men an j, two women dea­ cons, received the offering on their respective tfgfdes of the church. They used green plush pockets attached to handles with good -long reaches. This little Japanese touch makes for an ..added ceremonial .effect. It also pre­ vents intrusion into the sacred silence of noisy contributors who clap their pennies on tin or wooden plates. The announcements were madeajso /y an elder. The informality of his little five-minute talk was refreshing. Life laughed and moved on unsubdued I saw that Old succumbed, by Young: ,’Twas Well.’ My too regre^ul mood Died on - my tongue. “ - Thomas Hardy. and is, under the doctor’s . o .. . ® b • Mr.- and * Mrs. David Farrier are spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw, on. the farm. The Scotch social of the Y.P.S. of the Presbyterian church which ■•wa’s held on Tuesday, January 22nd, was a decided success. A good program was given and there was a Scotch lunch- served, -consisting—^f^scones,- oatmeal cakes and tea. ; Everybody enjoyed themselves. The Literary meeting -of Jan,. 2£, opened -with - the entire - school .bp.dy_, sjngijig “(YCaada”. The report of-the last meeting^^waV’tlieh^givSh W fha* secretary Douglas .Clarke; A.wgroup* of. girls from the Glee Club presented, two'.choruses: and a trio of-bays,- G. JOynt, R. ^acKdii-zie . and . F., Mac­ kenzie Sang ‘‘Rain’’.' June Morrison gave a violin selection. Then ' came the debate with the subject“’Resolved that Co-operation has done more for' the world thari- Competition.” The affirmative was upheld by Jean Mac­ Millan and Gordon* Miller. John Martin and -Marion Johnston had the negative side. The points were evenly divided between the sides and it was had to say "‘which side would! get the. preference. While the judges Mrs. Johnston, Sarah McCauley and Cam­ eron Finlayson were reaching their decision, musical numbers by different students were given. A group of boys sang a chorus, Jennie Pearlman played a piano solo and. Margaret Raesang^a-^pleasin g~so lo ~-The-jud ges- -gave- their * decision/which • was- in- favor of the negative side. The meet­ ing closed with God Save the King. Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts 8 P. M. , .... . . Thursday, Fridzy, Saturday . J an . 31 •. F eb* 1^2. 4 Lew Ayres ? and Alice Faye ‘‘SHE LEARIIED ? ABOUT SAILORS^ A COMEDY DRAMA ? also “A Also Two Reel Musical NIGHT IN A NI(£HT CLUB’’ 4„.... AND F0X news-- -■ ■ ■■ - ■ - Thesocialeveningundertheaus- pices of the Lucknow Joint U. F. O. Cluib in the Orange Hall, Lucknow,, proved a great success. The hall. was well filled; The program consisted of a recitation by Miss Margaret Nich­ olson, duet by Messrs. Charlie Ander­ son and;:Sid;.Sm.ithj,.. an addressJj^Mr. George . Kennedy, and a splendid report of : the U. F. O. . annual con-; vatiW^in^Tbrbntogiven" by MrJohn “Jamieson, who was a delegate. The Sepoy orchestra furnished excellent music for the dance folldwing^' Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson spent Thursday in London, suddenly called there owing to the serious ill­ ness of Mrs. (Henderson’s sister, Miss, Jessie. McDonald •'of Zurich. . Her mother Mrs; C. McDonald, and Mr. Murdoch McDonald accompanied them Mr. Clare Irwn/spent the week end with Mrs. Irwin in Lohidon Hospital, who her many friends are glad to hear iss progressing favorably. .! Mrs; Thos. Irwin spent last week a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Hackett. ‘ «^-Mr. Jas. T. Webster and Miss Grace visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNain, Amberley, recently. The next meeting of the Scouts will be held in the Scout Hall on February 1st, 1935. The Tenderfoot Tests will be finished next meeting. Second Class Scout As soon as the boys have finished the Tenderfoot Tests, they will enter upon an entirely new and useful phaseof-Scouting.-TheTenderf oot is taught. First Aid, Signalling, MorseCode,andsucfithingsasmako hint a useful person, in the world. “TherTenderfobt; as hobn as~he~has •/jiir . passed his primary tests is enrolled and he becomes a Scout. To be en­ rolled,-.he must give the Scout Pro­ mise, which goes as follows: - On rriy honor I promise that I will do my best, T&;4qr.i^ To help other people at alt times.' And to obey the Scout Law. After his ''invesfure, the Scout may wear the uniform and buttonhole set aside for the use of Scouts only. The uniform comprises a khaki, col­ ored hat, khalci shirt, blue shorts and blue socks With colored cuff. This suit, as it may be termed, stands for everything right in life—truth' use­ fulness and cleanliness. All .this being^ a Second Class Scout. RANGER RAMBLIHGS is Sand: Anyone would- thinkMrs. Sand: Anyone would- think I was nothing -ibut a "cook in thiS house. Mr. Sand: Not after a couple of meals. ||n 4 0 One ■ felt' the' warm interest of the congregation in absent ones at home, or' sick ones ih the hospital, aS well as^the cottage- prayer-meetings to ibe held here and there in several/Sec- tidns of the community during the week. Through his prayer at the dlose of his announcements one felt, tjie, -congregation’s wider; interests; in .the meeting, for all Japan, of the Synod next week, and the Christian cause internationally. A Verse of a closing hymn and the benedictiorr . brQught__the__ser.yice__to—an/end..„while. the clock ini a neighboring watch­ -maker’s- shop was striking eleven. Morning worship had lasted an hour. . As we sat a moment, before ’leaving our .^qats I couldh’t help wondering ajbput'the future of Christianity, iri .Japan, , in other ..words-what likeli­ hood there is of this congregation becoming a vital force in the lives of thousands living withing a. stone’s throw of the dhurdh. » ? / Yours sincerely, Hugh McMillan. " ■ ' . / (Betty Mac.: I think I have insom­ nia. C. Aud,H.: What makes you think so7 I Betty: , i woke up twice in the ^English period. 1 X . t?! ■, Keith J.: (half awake) May. I leave the room?" . r Mr. Calvert: (exasperated). You might as well. . Ashfield Coimeil .. Ash field . council held first session for .1935, all members ‘ present, and took the oath of office. Short addres- ses by lieeve, Deputy Reeve and * Councillors were then in order, after which the!' clerk declared the council duly .copstitiited for the year 1935. - The minutes of December meeting were read 'and approved on motion by Sherwood and Frayne. Moved by MacDonald and Culbert that indigent funerals be paid “forty . dollars for each funeral^ and clerk ■pitepare by-law confirming same. Carried. ___' / ■______ _ " -Moved by Sherwood and Frayne _ and carried that council petition the.* Government for grant on $8565.14 expenditure on highways in '193.4. The following bills and accounts' were ordered paid on motion by Mc­ Donald arid -Frayne: Canada Ingot Iron Co., snow fence, $17.59;*"freight on same $2-44; Herbert. Curran, sal- ary $9.30; W. J, Davison, indigent Mr. and Mrs. Dan ; McDonald en­ tertained a number of their friends at a party recently. . Miss Ethel Buckton, who has been visiting .* with her sister, -returned to her home in Toronto., A There was a good attendance’, at the • -Prayer'; meeting'' on' -Wednesday: night, at the home of Mr. John Mc- .I..eod,..c.onducted_by—Rev. Mr-. Burgess.. —Mr..—Ed.—Little-is-under-the-doctoi^s- car& at present. ■ Mrs. W. McKenzie, wh.o KaJ been' a patient in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, is able to leave the hospital and -is Staying for a. few"7weeks ar the home of Dr. A. and Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, Toronto. ON BUYING AT HOME i if / Owing to the fact that we hold our meetings. Wednesday evening, our column is too late for* the Thurs­ day edition. We hope, however, thru this column to keep the public in touch with j our activities.,In this our first column we wish to thank the publisher for so kindly giving us this space. We trust these weekly reports will stimulate interest in our meet­ ings and will also be of some interest to readers of the iSentinel. ■ With .the mercury hovering around zero Wednesday, January 23, about nineteen Rangers met at the Club House. How about the-rest of you:—afraid of the.cold?’ ' • ' • • ,..No nepd to-worry girls,* we are our" own firemen now, and as soon as . wc s,quelsh ‘‘Myrt’s’’ idea of bursting the stove" we’ll have it cosy" for you. We’ll be looking. for you all. next Wednesday, _______1___________ ■ Don’t forget girls—uniforms mean points for your patrol. „ , !» , . • ■!.........—» ■ ■ • . .....—— We have been trying to secure the rink for a skating party, but s0 far nd definite date has been set., *. v , ■ ♦ * * We will /have to step lively how. Wednesday bight Christifie Finlay­ son was - appointed our athleticpleader and already ^ she has-'gfreat. ideas. Let’s give her some encouragement­ girls! , - . The value "of the home toxvn merchant depends upon twO things, first the .quality and the. • quantity of the merchandise he . has for, sale; second, the.- vigor and manner in which, he tells the home town folks about/ it. In these days o>f fast motor transportation, people are often hard put to; keep, loyal to the home, town merchant, especially if they live near .the large citiefe..' The best way for any Ideal mer­ chant, no matter where fie is, to compete with larger centres of trade, is to keep telling the people of his community about his wares. While this statement published in a paper that de- pends upon advertising /or. its chief , revenue, may se.em a little out of. place, it is, nevertheless, the absolute truth. ■ ' •Every /time the local . paper goes, to .press without 'the ad- ’ vertisefnents of some' local busU ness that has something to sell ’ funeral. $40.00; Registrar of .Births, -Marriages—and—Deaths—$14i50<~——- MoVed.by"Sh"er"wood ~ aW=M^WS3’^"" and resolved that treasurer pay the> outstanding grain notes'in Goderich. The matter of tr^es on the road was left until February meeting. By­ laws number- 1, 2 and 3 were duly passed on motion of Sherwood and Culbert., ’ * * ^Resolution authorizing, ^hg ,$st-nk to pay the .coupons of the railway bonds as they are presented, was passed „ on motion~of-McDonald and Frayne; —Moved’-teyTCulbert'antl" ^Sherwood" and carried that council meet second Monday-in month. » Council then adjourned on motion by Culbert and Frayne. /. C? E. McDonagh, clerk'. The following are the 'officers for - the year: Clerk, C. E. McDonagh; Collector, G. C. Treleaven:; Treasur­ er, W. P. Reed; Assessor, Kenneth Farrish; Auditors, Ljeo Clajje and Wilfred McCarthy;. Medical Officer of Health, Dr. A. A; J. Simpson; mein-; her local board health, Wm. B.-Haw­ kins; Weed inspector, Herman Phil­ lips; Sheep valuators,Robt. F. An­ drew, James Johnston, Thos. Garvey, Kertneth Farrish, John Courtn^ Samuel’Kilpatrick and Archie John- . ston; Pound Keepers, Thos. Park, 1 Neil G. MacKenzie,’ Frank CMogan: John Tigert; George J. DrehAan *and ■ ; Thos. Hackett. Fence viewers: Bert ’ McWhinney, Robt. Davidson, George Lane, Thos. Dickson, Duncan Fin­ layson, Jas. • Crawford, John McLeod, . Tames Keane, D:. A. McLean, W. J. Petnie, William Helm and George / Richardson. School Attendance officer Roy Alton. • FORMER HURON TWP. < ’ FARMER DIES IN GODERICH A native of Guelph; but for the greater ..part his life a farmer in Huron Township, B^uce Cdunty, . • / meeting next ♦ Dop’t forget the. Wednesday night ih the Club House. * • s ' .. . ' • ' ■ /. 3 that-localjbu.siness is not co—Op-!, •erating with other . advertisers in the common effort t0 keep ' —citizcjis^bihyu-ng—a-t—-homer*^~dvcT::— tisjng is merely telling about a thing. Some businesses need ' to tell often, and loudly, others may use softer voices; it .depends,upon the'type of-business. 'The.mer­ chant that wins success is one .ti?at stocks...his^shelves- with what: - ~ -people want and need, and then tells about it on bvery possible occasion. The people need f/be told where and what to btfy,,and they will d;o -their part if the merchant'keep? teljifig them thru’ -Druce L/OunLy^ . Henry Reid, 77, died erich on Saturday. . He was 'a successful farmer,, spec- ializing in pure ” bred Holstems, a 'te;boral“"in politics and an active United Church wprker. Sixteen years ago he retired to Goderich. There survive his widow, formerly Mary Jane Pollock,, five sons, 'John, and Lorne -of Huron Township; .Wil­ liam of Arborg, Man.; Stanley and esley <yf Toronto and two daugh­ ters, -Mr^. Walter Walden of Huron Township and Mrs. E. C. Pridham of Goderich'. A brethe^ Brock, te- ^ic es at Seattle and there are eigh­ teen grandchildren The fui, Maitland Cemetery.5 ”