HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 1" St . ■* •• $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCEr. $2.50' OTHERWISE HARDWOOdLfOR SALE—Apply at Sentinel Office. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1935 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS *?•**«. •; BUYING;, AJSD- SHIPPjNG H.OGS, at Lucknow and Ripley every Satur­ day.—Ernest. & HarveyAckert. —■X- r /■ '. , / ■ ,, 1 5>4upTiON SALE—of stable effects of the late Dr. Geddes, at the family residence, Lucknow on Saturday, Feb. ,2nid/ Well!. Henderson, ( Auc. Mrs. D. Geddes, Prop. WANTED—Experienced farm help either married couple, no childrpp, or a farm hand and ■ also a house/ "'keeper; Will" hire by year.-^Appiy at -Sentinel Office. SEED CLEANING—We are now prepared- to do any class—of-—seed cleanipg; small seeds or course grain. -•^S. E? Robertson, 1 , f^Phone 60-W, Lucknfrw., NOTICE^ RE~LOGS Our log yard is now open. We would like to' have all logs in by February 26thi. Please: bring them in as soon as possible. 'Signed THE LUCKNOW TABLE CO., LTD.. JOINT U. F. O. ANNUAL The annnal. meeting of- the Luck­ now U. F.O, Joint Club will be held in the Orange Hall, Lucknow, on Saturday; February 2nd at 2.30 o’clock. . • • ’ COUNTY MEETING L. O. L. County meeting of West Bruce will be held in the Orange Hall Lucknow on Tuesday, February 5th,. at 2.30 o’clock, followed by a .social iri the evening, commencing at 8.30 o’clock* All Brethren are cordially' invited. 1 . BACK HOME Wearing-a support; on her leg-and- knee, but able to get around remark- ablyv well,/ Miss Uatharine Ross has returned to her home in Kinloss. It will be recalled that a year ago, Miss Ross, who is over seventy: years of /ager/and who resided? alone oh her farm; suffered a leg ; fracture while working -in the barm There she lay •for 'three 'days’ arid nights" 'througlii' severe weather, her only warmth -being what hay she could reach-and- -draw-aver-her—and-her-bnly-compan— ion, her faithful dog. On the fourth day, Herb McQuillin mail driver, believed southing was wrong and notified nei found Miss Ross, and Who bad her removed to Wingham Hospital., After h slow .but plucky fight to get well, Miss Ross now is Jible to return to her farm and home which she loyes so welt ibors who Church, League Hockey .;i Arouses Enthusiasm Regulations Approved? Of Tuesday Evening—Schedule Opens -Friday Night TropKy PAST WEEK A COLD ONE yyhen ■ Presbyterian And Teams Clash—John Joynt For Champions., venture in sporting circles, church .A new the formation of a local? hockey league, is^ being greeted with .mbre^riHmsiSsm than any sporting: ^actiyitV2*has ,,j?eceived-im reieent -.ygarSr —that is as far ..as attendance at a meeting is concerned, toy on/ Tues­ day night more than twenty-five rep­ resentatives of: the~various churches’ gathered in the Council Chariiber~to draw up regulations,-governing this newly formed group. *• ' Keenly contested games. are antic­ ipated, in the battle for the trophy donated by Mr. John Joynt. A/singlh schedule^has.Abeen drawn up with the.; .opening game thjs Friday night be­ tween the Presbyterian arid United church teams. ' ■' . With Capieron MacDonald presid­ ing the following Officers were elect­ ed: Hon. Pres., Mr. John Joynt; Pies. Dr. W. V. Johnston; 1st Vice Pres., Rev. J. L. Burgess; Slec’y.-Treas., Ivan Rawlings. An organizing committee was ap­ pointed for. the purpose of selecting Hi© . 7 managers of/.the .teams. This committee is as follows: Anglican,, Bill Hewat; 7 United, Sid Decker; South Kinlossj Leonard Me— Innes; Presbyterian, Morgan Hender^- soti. ‘ The managers of each team and the president- will determine the members of/the teams, with'a /view to balancing them up to a compara- tive strength^as nearly^ as possible? The admission fee was set at 15c -and-lOc-with-each^erim-having— a-free •practise weekly, all "teams" to " prac­ tise the same evening. Wellington McCoy was appoii^ecTqfficiar referee? Playoff dates will be arranged at the. 'Conclusion of the scheduled games. . . ’ The., following schedule was adopn- ted:. • Feb. Iv-United v.s. Presbyterians.' 'Feb. ?5;—Anglicans^ vs. /South Kiriloss Feb. ii-^-South Kinloss vs. United. Feb^...l5=^Pxesby.tet:ian vs.- Anglicans. -Feb—llk^United--vST—Anglicans;---"-— Feb. 22—Presbyterians vs. South Kinloss. ' */. Decidedly cold in this locality hafi been the/'prevailing- weather during the., past week with the lowest tem-t p^ratrire qf the present winter roe*/ corded on Sunday. During Saturday night and early. Sunday the mqteufy zoomed down to ; 18.6 degrees beiow zrirri according to J. M? Greer, official weafher observer' and all day .Sunday continued cold -with the temperature /never'rising higher than two' above zero. ; — The cold snap -started—in earnest last Tuesday night when the temjH; erature a couple of degrees lower during the night, " Wednesday. Thursday, night the lowest was, ten above, but Friday brought-a -storm -and—lower—temper-; ature and those who took in Burns’ dance that night ’ returned home; / early Saturday morning in a 1-below zero temperature. iSaturday night and Sunday morn­ ing then brought the record low mark for thri -winter, while-. Sunday and ■ Monday riights’_tlie temperature-hung around <zero. Tuesday was bright blit cold and during the night, local ther­ mometers registered as; low as about 20 below and it may be that'it ex­ cluded Sunday’s record, although we- are unable to, get the official figure before going to press. Sunday’s temperature was the low­ est since February 9th of last year whten-the mercury dropped „t.o 3^"be- rlbW’^eTd^b^cre^^heyiSWst-poifit" ■ever recorded >in the official weath^. records of this locality over a period of upwards to 50 years. v • / Bruce County Council Concludes Winter Session Initial Sessionx0fs“T9?5 Bruce County Council; Held Jnl Walkerton, A" Busy \. One-rr Important Matters Dealt With. The Bread of HealtlT QUALITY 1 The Bread of Health f / Annual Vestry Meeting Of St. Peter’s Church Anglican Congregation Reviews Most Successful Year In AU Departments :,/' /. —. On Wednesday evening, J,an. 22nd, the annual Vestry meeting of St. Peter’s Church was/field with the rector, Rev. J. H. Geoghegan in the chair. After the devotions were con­ ducted by Mr. Geoghegan, he gave his annual report of the general church conditions, pointing out that the congregation had d real cause for rejoicing, as the average atten­ dance had7shown an increase. Over the previous year and also that the com- muriicants h^d shown a great in­ crease-^ tfie largest;' for many' .years. Mr. S. Whaley was appointed Vestry, clerk and read the minutes Of the previous annual meeting . which were, adopted as- read. The secretary­ treasurer’s audited. report was read and to the joy ?of all showed the church to be .in a myeh better, finan­ cial position with all outstanding in­ debtedness jpaid there was a small balance off hand. T/he mission givings had increased over the previous' year also. Mis£ McCluskey read the Wo­ men’s’ Guild repoft which showed that the women had raided $22041 and had a balance of $36.77 on hand. Tlie A.Y.P.A. l'-epont read by Miss Maud , .J.—.........___'. RJPLEY TRIMS KINCARDINE ?Ripley Redmen, showed plenty, of fight 2oh Tuesday bight, when they came from behind to beat Kincardine in . ten m.intes’ overtime by a score jpf 9 fo 8. This win avenged a lacing the Red|ggg?tdok in Kincardine re­ cently. / ■ Ripley plays in Lucknow tonight and a win for the....locals will iriake it a mighty^ close run for' group leadership. ' REMEMBRANCE DAY LEGALLY MUST BE OBSERVED The House.of CommohS at'Ottawa has. made it doubly sure, that Cana­ dians should observe Remembrance /Day. as a public holiday. It passed a. bill, sponsored by Minister , of Justice, Hugh Guthrie, . which included the definition of Remembrance Day in the .gefcrffOV'.terpretation act along, with'WLptH'L *' public holidays. • 1 In 1931 a separate act was passed mak­ ing Remembrance Day a holiday. The ?biir .places Remembrance Day __.m._ _ t. .-_ ___ „„ ___ under the^public holidays listed ftrUobk proVed^hri^mt-mt-y—of—this—so^ the Interpretation Act, which legally --"-l- priust /be observed. * , ft EYE' STRAIN • CAUSES ; TIREDNESS •Strained eyes Are/a" frequent - cause of .tiredness early in the day. Listiessness and eye strain are a common combination. When the strain, is overcome energy *' is increased application and . concentraijion stimulated — by , which means greater success - is attained'. This thought/ should' re­ ceive* the consideration of all*-. AttMSWNW ,Weight 'Service cicty, they haying raised $2,48:15 with a balance if $1^9.73 in the treasury. The Sunday Schoo) report given by R/ev. Geoghegan, showed that this branch/of the .Church life had paid all its expanses in full arid that there Was -an- increase itf the attendance during the year. These reports were adopted with expressions’" of deep eppreciation to each branch reporting ,. The, election of officials then fol­ lowed and resulted.as follows: Rec­ tor’s Wrirdch, E. Hollyman; Peoples’ Wmjderi,0 Geo. 4§f.'Smith; Vestry Clqrik S. AW'haioy^Xay Delegate, J. McQuil- lin* T., Clarke; Organist, Miss D. Ho VIS AND ‘ SERVICES? OUR MOTTp » LAYER CAKES /JELLY ROLLS DATE SQUARES * jl 4 -v According Reeve; Duncan , Munn of, Ripley the cpmplim^nt. of election to_ the Warden's • chair without opppsi-v tion, the Bruce County Council opened their initial session in Walkerton last week; during which various' matters ’ ,of-impP.rtanceAp_theLratepayers^w"ere_ dealt with. ... The honor of being the 62nd War­ den of Bruce County comes to . Mr.. Munri in his 62ri3 year? arid he brings to the ' office municipar and“;business. experience /extending ...over \ jnany ’years. Mr. Munn was elected to Ripley’s first council when the vil­ lage was incorporated in 1925. The following year he was elected Reeve aiid since then lias received nine ac­ clamations. _ . When County Clerk Forrester call- edJ for^ nominations “for Warden theA following eight names were proposed namely: Reeves W. B. Ard of Ama­ bel, Roy Vandusen of Tara,' John Logie of Paisley, Major Tolmie of Southampton, Henry Lantz of Carrick Duncan - Munn of Ripley, Frank -Schmidt of Mildmay and Lawrence Stirling of Kincardine Twp. All iwithdrew^ ., _ ...A . Financial Standing. — ■ . County Treasurer -Nelson -reported that" the cash balance at’ the end. of '1934 rWas $28,899.81, a small portion of which, viz. $398.58 belongs to the highway account? whereas . highway loans carried over are- but $65,000.00 and subsidy expected on 1934 County highway expenditure is approximate- ly^$'81?00’0?0"0. ? ----- This levy this year for expenditure rWELL-ATTEND^^*°h--King-s—highway-.account==in=-1934: i s^ $48^37T02 ^^s;Hagainst“ ar levy- of- $3005.85 in 1934, being „£he 20z% due "the Province oh constfuctlon "and” maintenance,”^, said Mr. Nelson. . “You .are no doubt interested in knowing that in. the past eleven years no debentures ?have been issued in the County and that in those /years the debenture -debt of the County has. geen. ■.$2'097988,"84 "td; $30,860:40. '; i In view of the comfortable balance -we-have-carried—over-and-the-excess-' •'•■’.S' 5of..highway subsidy over highway loans upaid I am of the opinion that our general may not greatly exceed that of- 1934. 1^. 1 With ri view to economy I would suggest that this County Coupcil request jthe Inspector of ^Prisons ,to Continued on Page 5> ' .• i • • DOUGHNUTS CHELSEA BUNS PINEAPPLE BUNS OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 100% WHOLE WHEAT ? DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL « J HOLLYMAJS*S QUALITY BAKERY " Phone 36 = _ _X--—- - Lucknow - / ■------------------------------------------------ <r W. O H. A. SBNJOR SERIES Hockey Match LUCKNOW Thursday, January 31 [TO-NIGHT] RIPLEY vs.’ LUCKNOW THESISTWO TEAMS PLAYED AN OVERTIME GAME IN', - THEIR?LAST ENCOUNTER AND-THE LOCALS ARE OUT TO— HANG UP A VICTORY TONIGHT. i New Blankets of Fine Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Bed Covers.-— THfc MARKET STORE. TURNS’ DANCE WAS ,j // The 176th anniversary of the birth of "Robert" Burns; was observed here' crii Friday night by the., staging of that popular annual event—Bobby Burns’ Ball, under auspices of the Fir©, Company. .....? The event, so often accompanied by severe weather; was this -j^ear. true to form, Tor'the -day became-blustery' and early in. the evening a real/blow Jwasr/.on./.As„theT-night—wore on- the -w-ind-calmed-somewhat, but the mer­ cury slipped one degree below the ’ zero mark.- .. ' The storm of ’ Cold, did not appear to effect/the crowd to a great extent although it wds not as large as crowds of a few years ago, ^Phen standing room, was at a ■ premium; A severi-piece local orchestra pro­ vided fine .music /or the dance, with W. J. " Davison acting as master of ceremonies^ arid Roy McCreight as . chief caller-off. Lome MacDonald was there wi’ his pipes and his las­ sies—Etta Belle and ' Helen Mac­ Donald, Jane Hornell and' Muriel Patterson, $ho danced ^cotch dances. A splendid lunch was "served? and dancing resumed until the early hours of the morning. ■ Z • - ■■ WLW MUST CUT POWER v /. FOR> NIGHT BROADCAST .The federal .communications com­ mission of Washington has ordered the giant/500,000-watt Crosley radio station,;. WLW at Cjncinnkto, O., re-" stricted to the use of 50,000 watts of power for night' transmission. WLW -will ^ontihUe to use. 500,000 watts for daytime broadcasting. " , This restriction becomes effective to-morrow .night? Friday, February lfet, and-was, ordered because of pro­ tests from Canada that WLW’s tre­ mendous output interfered A^ith, Canadian stations. . : . - ‘ WLW’s interference with Toronto programs and especially the General MotSf’s broadcast of Toronto’ Maple -Leaf -h6ckev?game_-has been 'protested’, by hockey fans generally, who: will Welcome .the announcement of /the restriction on this American station which will,nd ’doubt permit an im­ proved ' night reception * of Toronto programs. ...................... ■/. ,....../ ' ■ 1 -f \ ~ ' ’/ Dduglas; "Sexton, J. Heyworth; Sun- .(lay School Supt., Mrs. Hassall. Vrites of thariks were extended/'Mt; 67.Smith for flowers, to/the offi-. cials and societies and' to the rector, ■..................._ , . ; • v K ; 4' for his excellent work; these virere carried enthusiastically/The meeting adjourned with prayer /by Rev. Go^S- lirigan. ?' ■ '1 t 'I / Institute ”At Honie” Enjoyable Social Event Varied Program . Entertains ‘ Large ..Gathering — Continuation School Students Present Play. "^he annual “at home” of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening and/ with an attendance of 7 upwards of 200, y the . event was one df the most delightful functions of the/ season. Institute members, their families and friends formed the gathering. Reeve A. W. Hamilton presided for the program, which opened with the Institute, members grouping on the platform to sing their ^Ode” and ‘pRally Son^”/ Jenny . pearlman ^con- , tributed -.a piarib solo and a quar­ tette by Morion Johriston, Arlene Jewitt, Verna Steward ai^d -Winnie fred Johnston , was • inuch ^enjoyed. , Cameron Geddbs delighted the au­ dience with Various numbers. This play “The Bishop’s Candlesticks” wa® well presented by thfe-following stiw dents of the Continuation School, ^tbyart Cbll'yei*,. Peggy MacDonald, Jessie Henderson, Ted, Buswell, John Martin, Charlie : Jewitt and -Gordon Miller. : . ’’ A spelling match with Mrs. J. W. joynt. and Mrs. D. M. Thompson as * captains. proved most amusing. /Mrs. Clarke hurled the words at the' spellers with “milie.nriium” proving .a real stickbr. A winper was hot declared however. “ ... Stewart Collyer won the prize with thq nearest estimate in , the bean guessirig $ohtest.* A bountiful»lunqh was A'brved and the enjoyment of the evening was Concluded with, a.darice . fqr .wji|ch the .Sepoy Trio Supplied ,muSiA *.',/■ yr '. ' ' . • ; " ' ' ' ' Wat clies, Clocks; Jewelery/ ai Silverware COMMENCING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL LINES ' ■.•■■■PRiESENTATION .7GWTS5rGIVEN/:SPEGW'^TTEN®lQN-.. ,’/ ? e‘ " ■ ' ' SEE OUR 26-PIECE CABINETS OF ..KNIVES, FORKS _ AND „ SPOONS, ^ROM ' ‘ J ■ ■ $5.00up i 3-PIECE TEA SETS, “TEA POT, SUGAR AND CREAM”, ■ $9.00up - WRIST WATCHES OF ALL KINDS /■/. " '$3.25 up7 . .?■ ?/,'. POCKET WATCHES ? !./• . $1.25 up ALL SPECIALLY' PRICED FOR FEBRUARY SALE. <2. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST THAT XMAS MONEY/ 7 ?/ F. T. A R|4 S T R 0 N G / Jeweler ‘ . 1 ... • ; ‘ / ASSESSORS TO BEGIN. ROUNDS Village v Offers 5% Per Annum Dis­ count For Pre-Payment Of Taxes Nd sooner-does one get the tak bill receipted than assessors in the var­ ious-municipalities compience.. their duties ,'to determine , the assessment upin which, the?current1 year’s levy; will be based. , The past couple of wdeks these -notices for the village and surround- ROBERT JOHNSTON ASSUMES1 COMBINED HURON" OFFICES Former Luciknoiy^ Resident Takes : -* ; Over Duties Of Sheriff. A despatch from Goderich state's that On February; 1st, the offices of j sheriff and/cle/rk of the Gqrinty Court of Huron :ill be amalgamated with' Clerk Robert/ Johnston assuming both positions? ; ' . ’ Sheriff G. C. Middeton, who retires-nonces, ior me village ana surrvuiiu- . . • , . -i- .tag municipalities have teen printed, was ,»Pi>o>nted in 1927, He. is a sue- and ..assessors will shortly be con/«*s nvear f3”?-; mencing 1^.41*00./ -.. /:.;^ **' aboI,s’,ed ' The Village this year offers a 5% j the "ew ai*«ngemeht and a per annpm . discount for prepay^ “W PMd ■ Aent of taxes- Advance, payments a substaritml may be niade between the 1st of May . sa.y'n£* '. ' . 1. and June 14th.-up to 75% 6f i thi l Mr. Johnstonjs .add.tional w^poul^' tetsd taxes-i»id in 1934/She’ so prepaid dr^vs interest froni. the f™n(]s hete., "Bob; is-Super­ date Of paymeht tb, December 14th, Iior Court Clerk and Registrar of the whebtUxes become'due. JlSurrogate^Court,,_jm appointment The 5% discount is a reduction ofi™1?iB’; :ca“sM. the'-removal of he ,and 1%, in keeping With lower interest lj>» • faW .J»om the village a few ^ati'idii both deposited and borrowed®nd ,meant «“ *•“ * ona money . °f village’s most energetic and Card Of Thanks .Mrs'i. Robert Drennan and family gratefully acknowledge the many kind public spirited citizens arid’ long time reeve: ,o ' • ' ,t ’ • /.....■.... . < ' BORN ( ’ -GLUTTON—on Thursday, January acts arid sympathy extended to them j 24th, 1935, to Mt. and Mrs. Hamilton j‘ - — tlieir recent sad" "bereavement.. ... 1 ’.. . '; by theiri friends and neighbors during rClutton (nee Isohel Cheshut) a son, I Congratulations.