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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-31, Page 1
" St . ■* •• $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCEr. $2.50' OTHERWISE HARDWOOdLfOR SALE—Apply at Sentinel Office. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1935 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS *?•**«. •; BUYING;, AJSD- SHIPPjNG H.OGS, at Lucknow and Ripley every Satur day.—Ernest. & HarveyAckert. —■X- r /■ '. , / ■ ,, 1 5>4upTiON SALE—of stable effects of the late Dr. Geddes, at the family residence, Lucknow on Saturday, Feb. ,2nid/ Well!. Henderson, ( Auc. Mrs. D. Geddes, Prop. WANTED—Experienced farm help either married couple, no childrpp, or a farm hand and ■ also a house/ "'keeper; Will" hire by year.-^Appiy at -Sentinel Office. SEED CLEANING—We are now prepared- to do any class—of-—seed cleanipg; small seeds or course grain. -•^S. E? Robertson, 1 , f^Phone 60-W, Lucknfrw., NOTICE^ RE~LOGS Our log yard is now open. We would like to' have all logs in by February 26thi. Please: bring them in as soon as possible. 'Signed THE LUCKNOW TABLE CO., LTD.. JOINT U. F. O. ANNUAL The annnal. meeting of- the Luck now U. F.O, Joint Club will be held in the Orange Hall, Lucknow, on Saturday; February 2nd at 2.30 o’clock. . • • ’ COUNTY MEETING L. O. L. County meeting of West Bruce will be held in the Orange Hall Lucknow on Tuesday, February 5th,. at 2.30 o’clock, followed by a .social iri the evening, commencing at 8.30 o’clock* All Brethren are cordially' invited. 1 . BACK HOME Wearing-a support; on her leg-and- knee, but able to get around remark- ablyv well,/ Miss Uatharine Ross has returned to her home in Kinloss. It will be recalled that a year ago, Miss Ross, who is over seventy: years of /ager/and who resided? alone oh her farm; suffered a leg ; fracture while working -in the barm There she lay •for 'three 'days’ arid nights" 'througlii' severe weather, her only warmth -being what hay she could reach-and- -draw-aver-her—and-her-bnly-compan— ion, her faithful dog. On the fourth day, Herb McQuillin mail driver, believed southing was wrong and notified nei found Miss Ross, and Who bad her removed to Wingham Hospital., After h slow .but plucky fight to get well, Miss Ross now is Jible to return to her farm and home which she loyes so welt ibors who Church, League Hockey .;i Arouses Enthusiasm Regulations Approved? Of Tuesday Evening—Schedule Opens -Friday Night TropKy PAST WEEK A COLD ONE yyhen ■ Presbyterian And Teams Clash—John Joynt For Champions., venture in sporting circles, church .A new the formation of a local? hockey league, is^ being greeted with .mbre^riHmsiSsm than any sporting: ^actiyitV2*has ,,j?eceived-im reieent -.ygarSr —that is as far ..as attendance at a meeting is concerned, toy on/ Tues day night more than twenty-five rep resentatives of: the~various churches’ gathered in the Council Chariiber~to draw up regulations,-governing this newly formed group. *• ' Keenly contested games. are antic ipated, in the battle for the trophy donated by Mr. John Joynt. A/singlh schedule^has.Abeen drawn up with the.; .opening game thjs Friday night be tween the Presbyterian arid United church teams. ' ■' . With Capieron MacDonald presid ing the following Officers were elect ed: Hon. Pres., Mr. John Joynt; Pies. Dr. W. V. Johnston; 1st Vice Pres., Rev. J. L. Burgess; Slec’y.-Treas., Ivan Rawlings. An organizing committee was ap pointed for. the purpose of selecting Hi© . 7 managers of/.the .teams. This committee is as follows: Anglican,, Bill Hewat; 7 United, Sid Decker; South Kinlossj Leonard Me— Innes; Presbyterian, Morgan Hender^- soti. ‘ The managers of each team and the president- will determine the members of/the teams, with'a /view to balancing them up to a compara- tive strength^as nearly^ as possible? The admission fee was set at 15c -and-lOc-with-each^erim-having— a-free •practise weekly, all "teams" to " prac tise the same evening. Wellington McCoy was appoii^ecTqfficiar referee? Playoff dates will be arranged at the. 'Conclusion of the scheduled games. . . ’ The., following schedule was adopn- ted:. • Feb. Iv-United v.s. Presbyterians.' 'Feb. ?5;—Anglicans^ vs. /South Kiriloss Feb. ii-^-South Kinloss vs. United. Feb^...l5=^Pxesby.tet:ian vs.- Anglicans. -Feb—llk^United--vST—Anglicans;---"-— Feb. 22—Presbyterians vs. South Kinloss. ' */. Decidedly cold in this locality hafi been the/'prevailing- weather during the., past week with the lowest tem-t p^ratrire qf the present winter roe*/ corded on Sunday. During Saturday night and early. Sunday the mqteufy zoomed down to ; 18.6 degrees beiow zrirri according to J. M? Greer, official weafher observer' and all day .Sunday continued cold -with the temperature /never'rising higher than two' above zero. ; — The cold snap -started—in earnest last Tuesday night when the temjH; erature a couple of degrees lower during the night, " Wednesday. Thursday, night the lowest was, ten above, but Friday brought-a -storm -and—lower—temper-; ature and those who took in Burns’ dance that night ’ returned home; / early Saturday morning in a 1-below zero temperature. iSaturday night and Sunday morn ing then brought the record low mark for thri -winter, while-. Sunday and ■ Monday riights’_tlie temperature-hung around <zero. Tuesday was bright blit cold and during the night, local ther mometers registered as; low as about 20 below and it may be that'it ex cluded Sunday’s record, although we- are unable to, get the official figure before going to press. Sunday’s temperature was the low est since February 9th of last year whten-the mercury dropped „t.o 3^"be- rlbW’^eTd^b^cre^^heyiSWst-poifit" ■ever recorded >in the official weath^. records of this locality over a period of upwards to 50 years. v • / Bruce County Council Concludes Winter Session Initial Sessionx0fs“T9?5 Bruce County Council; Held Jnl Walkerton, A" Busy \. One-rr Important Matters Dealt With. The Bread of HealtlT QUALITY 1 The Bread of Health f / Annual Vestry Meeting Of St. Peter’s Church Anglican Congregation Reviews Most Successful Year In AU Departments :,/' /. —. On Wednesday evening, J,an. 22nd, the annual Vestry meeting of St. Peter’s Church was/field with the rector, Rev. J. H. Geoghegan in the chair. After the devotions were con ducted by Mr. Geoghegan, he gave his annual report of the general church conditions, pointing out that the congregation had d real cause for rejoicing, as the average atten dance had7shown an increase. Over the previous year and also that the com- muriicants h^d shown a great in crease-^ tfie largest;' for many' .years. Mr. S. Whaley was appointed Vestry, clerk and read the minutes Of the previous annual meeting . which were, adopted as- read. The secretary treasurer’s audited. report was read and to the joy ?of all showed the church to be .in a myeh better, finan cial position with all outstanding in debtedness jpaid there was a small balance off hand. T/he mission givings had increased over the previous' year also. Mis£ McCluskey read the Wo men’s’ Guild repoft which showed that the women had raided $22041 and had a balance of $36.77 on hand. Tlie A.Y.P.A. l'-epont read by Miss Maud , .J.—.........___'. RJPLEY TRIMS KINCARDINE ?Ripley Redmen, showed plenty, of fight 2oh Tuesday bight, when they came from behind to beat Kincardine in . ten m.intes’ overtime by a score jpf 9 fo 8. This win avenged a lacing the Red|ggg?tdok in Kincardine re cently. / ■ Ripley plays in Lucknow tonight and a win for the....locals will iriake it a mighty^ close run for' group leadership. ' REMEMBRANCE DAY LEGALLY MUST BE OBSERVED The House.of CommohS at'Ottawa has. made it doubly sure, that Cana dians should observe Remembrance /Day. as a public holiday. It passed a. bill, sponsored by Minister , of Justice, Hugh Guthrie, . which included the definition of Remembrance Day in the .gefcrffOV'.terpretation act along, with'WLptH'L *' public holidays. • 1 In 1931 a separate act was passed mak ing Remembrance Day a holiday. The ?biir .places Remembrance Day __.m._ _ t. .-_ ___ „„ ___ under the^public holidays listed ftrUobk proVed^hri^mt-mt-y—of—this—so^ the Interpretation Act, which legally --"-l- priust /be observed. * , ft EYE' STRAIN • CAUSES ; TIREDNESS •Strained eyes Are/a" frequent - cause of .tiredness early in the day. Listiessness and eye strain are a common combination. When the strain, is overcome energy *' is increased application and . concentraijion stimulated — by , which means greater success - is attained'. This thought/ should' re ceive* the consideration of all*-. AttMSWNW ,Weight 'Service cicty, they haying raised $2,48:15 with a balance if $1^9.73 in the treasury. The Sunday Schoo) report given by R/ev. Geoghegan, showed that this branch/of the .Church life had paid all its expanses in full arid that there Was -an- increase itf the attendance during the year. These reports were adopted with expressions’" of deep eppreciation to each branch reporting ,. The, election of officials then fol lowed and resulted.as follows: Rec tor’s Wrirdch, E. Hollyman; Peoples’ Wmjderi,0 Geo. 4§f.'Smith; Vestry Clqrik S. AW'haioy^Xay Delegate, J. McQuil- lin* T., Clarke; Organist, Miss D. Ho VIS AND ‘ SERVICES? OUR MOTTp » LAYER CAKES /JELLY ROLLS DATE SQUARES * jl 4 -v According Reeve; Duncan , Munn of, Ripley the cpmplim^nt. of election to_ the Warden's • chair without opppsi-v tion, the Bruce County Council opened their initial session in Walkerton last week; during which various' matters ’ ,of-impP.rtanceAp_theLratepayers^w"ere_ dealt with. ... The honor of being the 62nd War den of Bruce County comes to . Mr.. Munri in his 62ri3 year? arid he brings to the ' office municipar and“;business. experience /extending ...over \ jnany ’years. Mr. Munn was elected to Ripley’s first council when the vil lage was incorporated in 1925. The following year he was elected Reeve aiid since then lias received nine ac clamations. _ . When County Clerk Forrester call- edJ for^ nominations “for Warden theA following eight names were proposed namely: Reeves W. B. Ard of Ama bel, Roy Vandusen of Tara,' John Logie of Paisley, Major Tolmie of Southampton, Henry Lantz of Carrick Duncan - Munn of Ripley, Frank -Schmidt of Mildmay and Lawrence Stirling of Kincardine Twp. All iwithdrew^ ., _ ...A . Financial Standing. — ■ . County Treasurer -Nelson -reported that" the cash balance at’ the end. of '1934 rWas $28,899.81, a small portion of which, viz. $398.58 belongs to the highway account? whereas . highway loans carried over are- but $65,000.00 and subsidy expected on 1934 County highway expenditure is approximate- ly^$'81?00’0?0"0. ? ----- This levy this year for expenditure rWELL-ATTEND^^*°h--King-s—highway-.account==in=-1934: i s^ $48^37T02 ^^s;Hagainst“ ar levy- of- $3005.85 in 1934, being „£he 20z% due "the Province oh constfuctlon "and” maintenance,”^, said Mr. Nelson. . “You .are no doubt interested in knowing that in. the past eleven years no debentures ?have been issued in the County and that in those /years the debenture -debt of the County has. geen. ■.$2'097988,"84 "td; $30,860:40. '; i In view of the comfortable balance -we-have-carried—over-and-the-excess-' •'•■’.S' 5of..highway subsidy over highway loans upaid I am of the opinion that our general may not greatly exceed that of- 1934. 1^. 1 With ri view to economy I would suggest that this County Coupcil request jthe Inspector of ^Prisons ,to Continued on Page 5> ' .• i • • DOUGHNUTS CHELSEA BUNS PINEAPPLE BUNS OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 100% WHOLE WHEAT ? DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL « J HOLLYMAJS*S QUALITY BAKERY " Phone 36 = _ _X--—- - Lucknow - / ■------------------------------------------------ <r W. O H. A. SBNJOR SERIES Hockey Match LUCKNOW Thursday, January 31 [TO-NIGHT] RIPLEY vs.’ LUCKNOW THESISTWO TEAMS PLAYED AN OVERTIME GAME IN', - THEIR?LAST ENCOUNTER AND-THE LOCALS ARE OUT TO— HANG UP A VICTORY TONIGHT. i New Blankets of Fine Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Bed Covers.-— THfc MARKET STORE. TURNS’ DANCE WAS ,j // The 176th anniversary of the birth of "Robert" Burns; was observed here' crii Friday night by the., staging of that popular annual event—Bobby Burns’ Ball, under auspices of the Fir©, Company. .....? The event, so often accompanied by severe weather; was this -j^ear. true to form, Tor'the -day became-blustery' and early in. the evening a real/blow Jwasr/.on./.As„theT-night—wore on- the -w-ind-calmed-somewhat, but the mer cury slipped one degree below the ’ zero mark.- .. ' The storm of ’ Cold, did not appear to effect/the crowd to a great extent although it wds not as large as crowds of a few years ago, ^Phen standing room, was at a ■ premium; A severi-piece local orchestra pro vided fine .music /or the dance, with W. J. " Davison acting as master of ceremonies^ arid Roy McCreight as . chief caller-off. Lome MacDonald was there wi’ his pipes and his las sies—Etta Belle and ' Helen Mac Donald, Jane Hornell and' Muriel Patterson, $ho danced ^cotch dances. A splendid lunch was "served? and dancing resumed until the early hours of the morning. ■ Z • - ■■ WLW MUST CUT POWER v /. FOR> NIGHT BROADCAST .The federal .communications com mission of Washington has ordered the giant/500,000-watt Crosley radio station,;. WLW at Cjncinnkto, O., re-" stricted to the use of 50,000 watts of power for night' transmission. WLW -will ^ontihUe to use. 500,000 watts for daytime broadcasting. " , This restriction becomes effective to-morrow .night? Friday, February lfet, and-was, ordered because of pro tests from Canada that WLW’s tre mendous output interfered A^ith, Canadian stations. . : . - ‘ WLW’s interference with Toronto programs and especially the General MotSf’s broadcast of Toronto’ Maple -Leaf -h6ckev?game_-has been 'protested’, by hockey fans generally, who: will Welcome .the announcement of /the restriction on this American station which will,nd ’doubt permit an im proved ' night reception * of Toronto programs. ...................... ■/. ,....../ ' ■ 1 -f \ ~ ' ’/ Dduglas; "Sexton, J. Heyworth; Sun- .(lay School Supt., Mrs. Hassall. Vrites of thariks were extended/'Mt; 67.Smith for flowers, to/the offi-. cials and societies and' to the rector, ■..................._ , . ; • v K ; 4' for his excellent work; these virere carried enthusiastically/The meeting adjourned with prayer /by Rev. Go^S- lirigan. ?' ■ '1 t 'I / Institute ”At Honie” Enjoyable Social Event Varied Program . Entertains ‘ Large ..Gathering — Continuation School Students Present Play. "^he annual “at home” of the Wo men’s Institute was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening and/ with an attendance of 7 upwards of 200, y the . event was one df the most delightful functions of the/ season. Institute members, their families and friends formed the gathering. Reeve A. W. Hamilton presided for the program, which opened with the Institute, members grouping on the platform to sing their ^Ode” and ‘pRally Son^”/ Jenny . pearlman ^con- , tributed -.a piarib solo and a quar tette by Morion Johriston, Arlene Jewitt, Verna Steward ai^d -Winnie fred Johnston , was • inuch ^enjoyed. , Cameron Geddbs delighted the au dience with Various numbers. This play “The Bishop’s Candlesticks” wa® well presented by thfe-following stiw dents of the Continuation School, ^tbyart Cbll'yei*,. Peggy MacDonald, Jessie Henderson, Ted, Buswell, John Martin, Charlie : Jewitt and -Gordon Miller. : . ’’ A spelling match with Mrs. J. W. joynt. and Mrs. D. M. Thompson as * captains. proved most amusing. /Mrs. Clarke hurled the words at the' spellers with “milie.nriium” proving .a real stickbr. A winper was hot declared however. “ ... Stewart Collyer won the prize with thq nearest estimate in , the bean guessirig $ohtest.* A bountiful»lunqh was A'brved and the enjoyment of the evening was Concluded with, a.darice . fqr .wji|ch the .Sepoy Trio Supplied ,muSiA *.',/■ yr '. ' ' . • ; " ' ' ' ' Wat clies, Clocks; Jewelery/ ai Silverware COMMENCING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL LINES ' ■.•■■■PRiESENTATION .7GWTS5rGIVEN/:SPEGW'^TTEN®lQN-.. ,’/ ? e‘ " ■ ' ' SEE OUR 26-PIECE CABINETS OF ..KNIVES, FORKS _ AND „ SPOONS, ^ROM ' ‘ J ■ ■ $5.00up i 3-PIECE TEA SETS, “TEA POT, SUGAR AND CREAM”, ■ $9.00up - WRIST WATCHES OF ALL KINDS /■/. " '$3.25 up7 . .?■ ?/,'. POCKET WATCHES ? !./• . $1.25 up ALL SPECIALLY' PRICED FOR FEBRUARY SALE. <2. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST THAT XMAS MONEY/ 7 ?/ F. T. A R|4 S T R 0 N G / Jeweler ‘ . 1 ... • ; ‘ / ASSESSORS TO BEGIN. ROUNDS Village v Offers 5% Per Annum Dis count For Pre-Payment Of Taxes Nd sooner-does one get the tak bill receipted than assessors in the var ious-municipalities compience.. their duties ,'to determine , the assessment upin which, the?current1 year’s levy; will be based. , The past couple of wdeks these -notices for the village and surround- ROBERT JOHNSTON ASSUMES1 COMBINED HURON" OFFICES Former Luciknoiy^ Resident Takes : -* ; Over Duties Of Sheriff. A despatch from Goderich state's that On February; 1st, the offices of j sheriff and/cle/rk of the Gqrinty Court of Huron :ill be amalgamated with' Clerk Robert/ Johnston assuming both positions? ; ' . ’ Sheriff G. C. Middeton, who retires-nonces, ior me village ana surrvuiiu- . . • , . -i- .tag municipalities have teen printed, was ,»Pi>o>nted in 1927, He. is a sue- and ..assessors will shortly be con/«*s nvear f3”?-; mencing 1^.41*00./ -.. /:.;^ **' aboI,s’,ed ' The Village this year offers a 5% j the "ew ai*«ngemeht and a per annpm . discount for prepay^ “W PMd ■ Aent of taxes- Advance, payments a substaritml may be niade between the 1st of May . sa.y'n£* '. ' . 1. and June 14th.-up to 75% 6f i thi l Mr. Johnstonjs .add.tional w^poul^' tetsd taxes-i»id in 1934/She’ so prepaid dr^vs interest froni. the f™n(]s hete., "Bob; is-Super date Of paymeht tb, December 14th, Iior Court Clerk and Registrar of the whebtUxes become'due. JlSurrogate^Court,,_jm appointment The 5% discount is a reduction ofi™1?iB’; :ca“sM. the'-removal of he ,and 1%, in keeping With lower interest lj>» • faW .J»om the village a few ^ati'idii both deposited and borrowed®nd ,meant «“ *•“ * ona money . °f village’s most energetic and Card Of Thanks .Mrs'i. Robert Drennan and family gratefully acknowledge the many kind public spirited citizens arid’ long time reeve: ,o ' • ' ,t ’ • /.....■.... . < ' BORN ( ’ -GLUTTON—on Thursday, January acts arid sympathy extended to them j 24th, 1935, to Mt. and Mrs. Hamilton j‘ - — tlieir recent sad" "bereavement.. ... 1 ’.. . '; by theiri friends and neighbors during rClutton (nee Isohel Cheshut) a son, I Congratulations.