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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-24, Page 8
- V ■■ 7 7 '.’ •■lnl $5 ? . *'V-' ffeWWfe <-rMCE EIGHT ■/' j '■ 7 LUCKNOW .SENTINEL.TMERSQAY; JANUARY M. ’1 • ■• w MURRAY MURDOCH ATTRIBUTE^ WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS i£,&Xg!. soap, 5 bars. ..................... 7.. CASTILE SOAP, 2 BARS .,J............ .;t?...................... SQUARE DEEL CLEANSOR PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 BARS CROSSE CROSSE RECORD - BORN IH LUCKNOW ■V CASTILE SOAP, 2 BARS .................. WEEN’S ENGLISH CARBOLIC SQAPFEAR . ........... 5c- SQUARE DEEL CLEANSOR 7. 5c . <.'. «■,..,.i4c' ■ BLACKWEtL’S CATSUP ... <.,,,........’.... .17c & bla<ckwell:s tomatq juice, 2 cans ...is© CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S TQMATO SOUP 2 CANS .....15c /FCRQSISE ■&•'■DLAGKW^WS 40 Oz; O.: MARMALADE, ....33c & BLACKWELL’S 32 Oz. STRAW. JAM ....... 39c ..... ;25c ’-7 .-..f .19c---, ■;■'•25d & CROSSE ■ CROSSE ............... .. .............. GOOD COOKING RICE, 4 LBS. MACCARONI, 5 LBS. .............71.7./... BROKEN SODA BISCUITS, 2 LBS........... BULK COCOA, 2 LBS. 7. 7 7.7'-' ‘j FRESH VEGETABLES ALWAYS 0N HAND ')■> E. F. Odium Writes ‘ - ./„..7 is daiigefous - ■; Many people foolishly neglect an acid condition ofthe stomach until it develops into severe indigestion. If yput suffer with Gas, Pains after Eating. Bloiding, Belch ing, Heartb»rn.Nausea,you_musttone up your stomach at once. For. Quickest, surest’ ------results get KIRK’S STOMALKA, analka- line remedy of proven value. Economical, ■■wy to tolra. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE • THIS IS THE WEATHER 7 ■' EpR 7/L7 Warmer UNDERWEAR SHIRT^ ^DRAWERS, EACH -7 reAVY-ELASTIC7RIB^ SHIRTS & DRAWERS, EACH 95c ■■■■ : 77. t A&L WOOL HEAVY WEIGHT SHIRTS & DRAWERS, EACH ’ COMBINATIONS, SIZES. ’ 36, 38, 40, 42 AT PER SUIT 1?7 ELASTIC RIB' COMBINATION:: SIZES 38, ' ■■ ' 40, 42 AT\ PER SUIT < '•. All priced to sell -t. * FATHER AND SON CONDUCTL IMPRESSIVE SERVICE^ A. E. Buswell LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; -7-.■....77 7;..'....v,-7'LLLLLLLL./L.7;/L7/.. /^ BARGAIN BRIEFS/ SUEMUIHE SAVIH6S on tHlw you HEEP HOW NJ ...... 1 ........... . 1 -r- - ■' ■ -- ■■ ""“ 1 ' LAQIES’ GASHMRRE HOSE,; full faaMrined. All new Dh«dea ; ‘ in BrwiwTagipe Beige, Shadea that look well with eithe^. brow or bIack. Reg. 75c, for Per. Pair . • •• •«W® SWEATERS at bargain prices Men’s iRftrel Wook Pullover*/ zipper 'fastener. Reg.7S2.75. Special ....... ... •; ; j CHILDREN’S SWEATERS, in Elue or Green only. Long sleeves, y neck/heayjr weight. Sizes 22, 24, 26. Reg. 79c for . ..... f CHILDREN’S HEAVY* UNDERWEAR, Shirts and Drawers v/'L/L HAIF -PRICE 7 .7.. ’ • Boy’s- All Wool Worsted GOLF HOSi ..... .^<7. .‘35c LTW$ED.:HLQbMERB - „ CORDUROY BREECHES, Lfeathbr Knees, double seat. Cut (SbAd/ .. full ■Lsi*e.-.7 .••«. $L69 Templeton & Co. Thpbughout: the daily presA of United States and Canada, Lucknow ’ JiatS^Jtoeai^JKide^ through the statement of Murray MurdPcli, who attributes his Remarkable hockey record to the fact that he was born in this rillago a significant name as Lucknow. - . * Murray, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murdoch, foriner 7 Residents of Lucknow, ."Who ribw reside in the . WAst. Murray was borp here,leaving Luckhow7Mth his parents', when five years of age. 77 L'_' J^urray has. beenT^a valued player of the* New York Ranger hockey team for nine seasons and on Sunday night A'e competed .in hia 450th consecutive ?ame, with this club, when . they Jiarided-Mojitreal * Canadiens -A^■ o ~17 i dirabibing. In recognition of Murdoch’s endur ance feat he was presented with , a wrist wratch by the New York hockey writers. . I Lucknow is proud of Murray and /wishes, him , continued success and /good fortune that- he .may at least reach the 500 mark of consecutive 'games played. ■ . . 7 .■ ' 7 7“ 7 “j^r New “ Yorkr^Aispatdt -reads follows: “Murray ... Murdoch^-major league hockey’s “iron man’1-—with 450 consecutive games behind him-at- tributed his unbroken . String of; competition today to luck and spec ifically to the fact that^he^was from Lucknoiw, Ont. < . “Why shouldn’t I be lucky after having been born in a town with a name like Lucknow ? ” asked the vet - eran New York Ranger rfUriwrird,/ blue-shirted puck chasers. Lester ’ Patrick, wily, silver-haired manager coach of the Rarigets, hitch ed a chair close; to Murdoch’s, and seconded the player’s explanation. “That, means luck, now and for ever,” said Patrick. “If 'it’s beeg luck Afartta kept Murdoch going all these ^MBR-then—it-has-been-Juck..for^.the_ Rangers' too. ”Murray“ish’t a super- . star, but he’s a master workman;. He not only does- his. job in a wopk- iLmanlike manner but Ke-has furnished ■the~club-with-some-good-ideas-nri-n&w- ' .plays.’” . ■■ ■ , ' i ' When he was a stripling of 21 years; after he had been graduated from the University of Manitoba where he Specialized in^mathematics, Murdoch joined the Rangers at - the L .same.;.time /as' "the Cook" brothers, /Frank Boucher and Ching Johnson. He’s appeared dn every league, play-t olf Land -exlfilBitibnfame/ getting-by witli7 only minor injuries? “ L System Changed' , “~r' been blessed with a „■ sturdy pair of legs,” smiled Murdoch. “I’ve never so much as had a sppained ankle op had a charleyhorse during a season. I was badly hurt once, in the final game of my first season, wheu I’ collided with Frank Freder-; jcksqn; of Boston. I wrenched my shoulder badly., and was laid up for -three wefeks, but the ’season was over. “Another reason for my record is that during niy first; couple of sea sons with the club my job didn’t tall for sorties into the vicinity of the enemy’s goal. I’ve always been in the 'second line and my job then was to try and protect the lead’set up by the Cooks arid Boucher, who were almost sure bets to score. . “It’s a. little different today, we have three .lines and with our vet-? erah<3rio agiri^ a" bit we all, have to take |ja drack at the scoring. t ' Hotkey’s “iron man” doesn’t par ticipate in~eonditioning exercise dur-' trig' the'off season. With Mrs. Murdoch and their ‘young daughter he?lives in Flushing1, LT.I./ arief iti the eumpmer he Work? in the actuarial department of^ a large insurance concern.- “I get plenty Of- exercise during the Season,” he said; “although a Couple’of summers ago I . coached an amateur baseball team in Winnipeg;. I want -to sticlc at the game for A couple/ of yeAVs more qrid "the only way I can'do it is to save myself when rrii pot „plhying.” ; ■. *CLOCMandGENFR10 . Helen MacDonald spent |he ^eek^ end in Mt. Forest, the guest of Mrs. R. Robertson. . . , : - 7 • < Mrs. Newton is still confined to her home due /to A~hip. injury received, in a fail more thari two weeks’: agri. The condition of Mrs,? Wm.-McNall is causing grave .concern at present. 'Mrs. McNall is suffering from a pafnr fuj heart' condition. ■ ' Mjiss/ Jesrie' Wilkins .ofv,. 'Raisley; spent the^past' wAek As the gqeSts oif; Mr. and Mrs; Walter Alton. « After several weeks in bed; of an extended rest cure, Miss Roszella Mullin is responding - satisfactorily tq . her ’ prescribed treatment. ; ~ TALK OF the Town—-Every'.-Upjer praises Salves. V Editor Lpdkri°w Sentinel/ - - " Lucknow, Ont, . a Dear Sir: - ■ ’ 77 •■.: I' would like to- congratulate you TbiCydur issue of January -10th, the first printed on the new Lee press,, for it certainly shows a lot of im7 provement. The paper now * has a very-^attraetive- appearance ;/.the -type shows up very clearly and the gen-r era! appearance isgoodrTPeirSOnally, I- prefer the appearance of the four pages printed on your press to that of the • other four pages which are printed, elsewhere.. 1 7. i - And- then-.again,,IjLwasj interested.. in the history contained in the ar ticle referring to the. press. I well rememiber when as a lad, I used to see Jock Adams operating the did press , by man power; Mr. Bryan was- the publisher at. the time. He had ^star-tefi' as .a printer’s devil in thej officeTbf the Sentinel when it was owned arid published by Mr. Boyd. JMr. Bryan was Reeve of7 Lucknow for some years’^and7^as^lsb”Wardeir ; of the County. "Later,. I believe j he sold Out to Mr. MacKerizie, but that was after I left^the; village for the west. Some'time ago, Mr. and Mrs. Bryaii -came west and settled iri ; .NorthAVancouver and were well re- spected citizens for soihe years, until ; Lin the fullness of time, they passed • • ontotheirrewafd.Mrs.Bryangave much of her time here, to temperance work,asshehad~previously—done ' Suring her life in Lucknow. Two of the sons, j. .Melville Bryan, Ex-M.L A. ands.Wilbur .J. Bryan still live! in West Vancouve?,1 !while ®.t)ave Boyd, ,.A son of Mrs. Bryan and her ; first husband Mr. Boyd, origihar Owner of; | Angeles. .•'■.•-.•■ The mention oBJoek1 Adams brings; up many mbmories. l^lny a tinierhe* called at my granuTather’s hom^ when he was -helping him $ri ..some Job or other. And many a story was tbld. of. him. I doubt if any- One., of Lucknow’s citizens was Better known than Jock Was. He waS an old man when ! was a boy, and when I went back to reyisit the old town some years after I jefi, he was'still there, being alloWed to sleep in the water work’s building. . At any gathering of, the . Bruce County Association here where ’ the Lucknowites get together, it is a Safe bet/that among the subjects of con versation yrill be , the' old 7 Lucknow Sentinel, jock Adams, Jimmie Hunter the Caledonian Games, and of course the School arid, its' teachers, ainbrig them Mr. Middleton and Mr. D.- D. Yule, 7‘ ’ 7. ' ■ In letter^ from Mri Ed; Caswell; I have seen-references to his exper ience on the staff of the Sentinel, but that was further back7 than my days (1889-1898)71 have never been for tunate enough to meet either of the CasWell “boys” but have several of their letters' included iri, my {.scrap book, of clipjpings dealing with Lucfc? nbiw history. , In the history of Lucknow, the Cress Corn or Butiion Recommended by—- r McKIM’S/DRUG STORE. H. Thompson has made Za 7 recovery from a recent 7 7 “ "7 ■ ,/J ;jhe house.; ■/ . . .' 1 7[I7’' : I ■ .Mrs. Wm. Yputiris making fayprow Mrs; R. favorable slight attack, of bronchia! pneumohfia and this week is able to ibe about tne ’--------------------- ‘ J'- J- - I recovery fromja painful illness with the ailment for more than two montl and for th/ month has be/h cqn- fined to bed./ . . ■ , 7^’ If any of pur readers hay6 n qopy /wp'ulcl be lire three we., were 1 - fe. ""/■ sciatica^ Mrs. Youn has suffere^fronl ” ;hs of last week’s Sentinel lying About the house, the publisher .. glad to receive it,' as we reqi or four ;more copies ,/thafej: able to supply this week! J - .-Members' of the - lAi’riaiP-^Rqnger- roop land ihvitedl^Tg^&^jll^pMl A ‘/elig'htfuk afternoon I ) on Saturday^ >/hen they held a skiing And snow- hoeing party, follq^ingTTwhich a» . asty hot lunch was the party, y Mrs. S. D. Whatt.J L. 7- - TSpoke sjt^Cortyentioi^!L7-'[7. 7...7'..,, The annual Managers’ Convention. >f Silverwood’s y... ■ Mrs^ S. D. Whal6y/1 The : annual Mppa&pw >f Silverwood’s ■•Daiiijied Limited was. ’ield^in^Hotel-^ondbmrlast^eek -w^ cover* iplpe on “The Mark-?lB-;-77 ;7<. With the f mercury hovering around the zero mark' mdcili, thermometers are very contradictory about the exact bed the entirie /asj£lated7t<)Lthe: GtMcNab^ofT.th’e- discussions that j leldofbusinessli: laifyindustry.J. Lucknow plant .spf.Ating crf“Eggs?’J — — f: ~-T|T, y. the zero markjwlqc&l thermometers are very contradictory about the exact temperature) it ; may be that . the weatherman is |qst getting in shape for a real blizzard, for Bobby Burri^ frequently it brings stormy weather. Jas. Lyons, Dungannon A.. Fair TreSa' 4th " . J Back And /Credit Balance Reported Several Years. •_ .77. V:i’" 3 CLEARANCE S^LE Heel Hugger Hosiery Tri Make Room for Spring Colors We Must Clear put Our Winter. Shades." This is Your Chance To Save pn Your HAsieryi: SERVICE WEIGHT & CHIFFON, IN LATEST SHADES/ SIZES 8'/a to id 54. UNTIL SATURDAY, FEB. 2nd. ;-7.L.„. Reg $i. 7'■'•■■7:7■ Hos<^ ' .7 ! '-2 L FaiF; “$1 «4i5'L/ DURING THIS SALE WE TEMPORARILY SUSPEND OUR -------HOSIERY CLUB/-------— ...... ...— ..X.,.' .. ___ Rath well and Reed Thos. Boyes’ Machine Shop y ■ - *7 Luckaow :■■■ Welding-aiidG^eral-Maclune-Shopworddonepromptlyand •economically. Bring your farm machines in to be overhauled and put in shape for the spring. < - . All styles of Pulper Knives made to order. "..■Cimslart'.and- ‘■■Cross: ■■Cut/Sa-ws/ Gummed.I. Always a stock of rebuilt Farm Implement on liand at reasoiv- .'able-prices/ • Father arid son Shared the pulpit,, 7 of Centennial United. Church, London, / Sunday morning as the congregation concluded the first. step tjoward its reorganization under the pjan of local government of the United Church of Canada. Rev. R. W. Craw of Dor chester United Church, preached the 8ermonj.and his son, Rev, Walter Bj , ' Craw, pastor/of the Centennial, con ducted the service, at which the first 7 session in the hi story of the church was formally . admitted4 to office. ■ It was an impressive service, cony ducted under the new “Order for the Sentinel has played a prominent part Admission of Members of the Session Jufet recently the Kamloops Sentinel to th^lr Office,” of the -Uriited ChurcH oelebrated; its Jubilee/ having b^en of Canada, at'''Which 20.eiders of-the ChurCh, recently elected;1 were in structed iri tKem/d-fftiM/AriM^th^'0^ ligations of: their new positions/as members of the Session. ^ In delivering his charge to tSie elders and" member’s of the congrpga-*. tion, Rev. R. W. Craw, said that while It may be alright to talk of the good bld time^, it is also wise to speak okf , the grind, new tithes which are “at ;■ our doors”/ ■'- 1 7 HA said that it fs a great thing to be living in this new day, .and added that he almost wished to live his life river Again', so that he. might be now where his son is. . . “The church is intensely alive “to day,” he continued. “I cahriot re- memher_ when it was so mu&i aliye. It has shaken ioff the lethargy of the V published” fbr fifty years without a break.^ I know that your paper has "been~in“ the field for a still longer period, for I have a copy that was printed 55 years ago. • 7 .r 7 ‘ w ,:Jrhisj.ygar._and next 'vear, respec- tively thbre will be" two jubilee cele brations that I .will be -much inter-, ested' in. This year, Lucknow Will ■celebrate the jubilee of the building of the .old Methodist Church which is now the tJiiited Churph. I can still see with my mind’s eye the date 1,885 carved on one Pf the stones by the entrance. I dtd nop attend the church till four years after it was built, but I have a great affection for the old pile which yeafs have not lessened. Next year,1 Vancouver wifi be 50 years old, and it will alsd be 56 years since the newly incorporated city was ./ practically wiped Put of existence Terri DU7gannon!i Fair Makes Real Comc- At Annual Meeting—The. First . In r 7/' ' ' " " The annual 7 meeting of the Dun cannon Agricultural Society was held- in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, Jah. 15, with 4l good attendance. Mr. jas. Lyons '.wah chairman and Chas. W. Alton, secretary of the meeting; Mr. Lyons, as president of the Fair. Board, gaye a very splendid address,' thanking’ the board for their support ‘n putting the Fair back on its feet.- The Society closes the books this year with a balance on the right side,; in stead of ending Upxin the red where jt 'has been for the past number of years. Further interest, in the society was shown this year by the presence 7>f several ladies. . ' . The election of officers was as fol lows: President, Jas. Lyons, who was returned for a 4th term; 1st vice; rRqss McPhee;. .2nd vice,. Ar.t.,CuIbert.;. Sec.-Treas., Chas,' W. ’Alton; Auditors Wm. Stewart and Gordon Kidd.; Dir-? ictor.s, Wm, Watson, HenryLeishman, Wm. Thompson, Albert, Johnston, Mel Culbeft, Jho. Brodie elected in place Sf Frank Wilson, „W. A* - Gulbert, Sam Alton, Jake Reed, Jas; Alton/ Reg? Glenn, Frank-AMdHwain, Alfred Er- .rington, Heber Eedy and Cecil Tre- ’eaven, elected in place of Sam Swan. All those intlereried in entering the Bacon Hog Competition in the "Dungannon Agricultural Society are asked to enter at once. Boys between 14 and 20 years' are eligible. $45/ in cash prizes, a free trip tb a Packing House and other awards included. Commuiiicate with Heber Eedy, or with C.\W. Alton.at once. , / 7 by the fire of June.l^th, 1886. We are already planning for the jubilee cele^- bration. < Again, eongratulatiing you, on the improved appearance df the Sentinel.' I am,Yours truly, ’■ - E. F. Odium. . •. > ■ : _ MARRIED? : A'RMSTRONG-McINTYRE — The marriage‘was quietly “solemnized last Wednesday of Robert Armstrong of Dungannon and Elizabeth McIntyre, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William McIntyre, of Concession 10, Colborne. . Mr., and Mrs. Armstrong will reside im Dungannon. Mr. Arm- strong has been mail courier for nineteen years on 'tj>e Dungannon- Goderich mail route ■o. ABOUT 20 TONS OF AGRICULTURAL LIME FOR SALE. WILL SACRIFICE. ■ ■ Hl.- 'z ’ ' ' : ' I AM IN THE MARKET FOR A QUANTITY OP 4-FT. WOOD. SPIRITED INITIAL RUN In the way probably of a recog nition of the success of Mr. Arthur Graham of the Luckonw road in coming over'to ' Brant and winning the hand and fay or .of Miss Grace Haldenby, until July last “the capable and popular teacher at Todd’s School east of town, the electors of Kinloss township by a huge margiti placed him at the head of the poll a^cpuri- cillor. in Monday?s balloting. As . he only missed five votes of the total in his heavy home poll of Kinlough, and being only about iri his middle twen ties, and conceded to be the youngest member of . the board Kiriloss ever kneW, Councillor, Graham’s -promotion in tne municipal, arena bids fair to be rapid: With- Art’s^osen. colleagues being Richard Elliott, Angus McIn tosh., Alex McKenzie & Malcolm Ross,, “Yes, uncle.” Bruce County can’t show another municipal board with-suck a Highland ring to their names as the- Scots of Kinfoss picked out.—Walkerton Her ald-Times. > /; • 4 munity. At various' timeB he spon sored plays arid cantatas and at the present, time is training a number o£ f young pebple for the staging of a musical comedy to be presented on Wednesday, January 30th. Mr. Leon ard will be very much missed and. he leaves the village with the best wishes of the citizens for .success in his new field of labour. / ' "^^**1.7.. His successor will be Mr. W. O._ Ahern, of Wednesday,'January 30th. J Migeville.—; — „ Ripley Express. If ’Twas Music He Wanted A young Scotsman had married an English lady, arid . some time after- • w|rds he paid a visit to a bachelor uncle in Scotland. .. “Weel, Sandy,UI heaf ye hae got ten a wife,” said the.old man.. “What can she dae ?*’ “Do? What do you mean?” A*Wellj’>. the uncle - went . onJ^“can She sew and knit? Doel^M^tmd your .clabs'?” - ... ?•.. ,' . ■ / “Na,” the young man Admitted. “Humph!” commented the> 'uncle. . “Well does she cook,? Can she mak’ parriteh,” ..IL ~ . “N3;rub;^ririe;”^tlre~yoim^^ ffxplairied. “The servants do all those* things. But you should hear her Sing,' unfele. She has the most beautiful voice you ever heard?’ , repeated the old man scorn fully, “Man could ye no hae gotten a “canary?” J ■ I ■ . BANK MANAGER TRANSFERRED ^-It-came-somewhaL-as^aaurprise^bo the citizens qf Ripley, on Monday, when it was I rumored around town that Mr. W. M. Leonard, the genial manager of the Royal Bank her®, had received word from head office that he was to be, transfered td the branch at Cooksville, a short distance rtfrest of Toronto. Mr. Leonard came here Iti May 1930 and since that , time has proven'himself efficient arid courteous fcaftker, Not only has he, been popular in a professiohal, way. but sotiftlly he has been a real leader and helper. Afl ’ ak .n\u,sical director his services my eraser and I’m using my rubber were greatly appreciated in the com- heel instead. ,7.7 Manager: What are .you doing.with you,, foot on the desk? Clerkr Economizing, sir, Pye lost