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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-24, Page 7
. ST . Garbo commends .small Sift flour once, measure, add bakr >> and / >;. V .■■ <./?■/:?//<?/> ' •v- ! ■ ‘ juiw uuuiTnauMn «j IBBUH.U'UJUH!” iso® s< I ... . ’ - wWwW By BUD FISHER ^ZAW'HEy/AS UUSV ” g iving You A KiSS! : HE ROBBED YOU- , \ WITH HlS MITT‘^ LIGHT COLORS BRIGHTEN THE DARK MONTHS H j UNEXPECTED VISltORS \ The. hduseAvifb? with a good recipe" - for that^rild-fashidried Qdainty, nut; |/,?J loaf, is; always ready, for unexpected ' visitors who may dpop jn. for a cup j^^rinoj; to mention *’ Che popu- the. schoof lupch Boy. Here is nut loaf recipe upon which you can rely. ' Old-fashioned Nut Loaf 2-eppri sifted? cahe 'flour " 2 teaspoons double-h.cting baMhg . . ... ... powder.'. . * Wff teasp'oo'i/ gait, ’ • 1: W ^3 cup butter/or other shortening. '• 3 e£gs, -.unbeaten ' k' ' ““i-euh^finely^cut^nrit^meate^^^Gi ■« ■’■ ■ ‘ 6 tablespoons • mil-k- ' . ; ■ ’. 1 teaspoon;- vanilla . . • . . Bift/dlaur.terice,-measure,-add--bakT powder arid salt, and sift/ to- - ‘fi g'e|hri£ -three .tinies.^ ^reahT/^bjutter z./ ,■ ^%hofou^ily? add sagai;gradually1,’arid' 4 cream.' together rind fluffy/ 1 '. ,u. Add'"eggs,/one At Ja ■ tiriie; beating y thoroughly after each. Add nuts and >j‘ .-■■■blend. Add flour, alternately with *'?. milk,-a--small''amount -at•• a-, time/ . ■■ . beating-: after' each/• addition ’ -until ) s V -Qth. Add vanilla. Bake in’ greas- ^^^“■'“/"“ed^loaf-p ah7r8x4x3“dnch es/dn' /mo d er- - Os: , ate; oven’ ’ ('350- degrees F.) l-.._- hour /-' and 15 minu.t.esy or until done, K.,- ___ FRUITED BRAN BREADS / . By Betty Barclay • It'is-very.'popular/ajt present tot guests ar^ present,, b;iit.- when -Jhe family dmis^alopei:-; "' Fruited ’Vrau breads.may.be prepar- B4^.„_^.jed_a£_h.o.me "and. .will? always/-get’ /a. rW , hearty, reception. Furthermore,. . Jn. / ■ serving them the housewife-has the ■ satisfaction ■ of knowing that she Is following The dictates of good health “. ? ris' yell. As jappealfpg'' dd^the palace.’ , Bran is one of the most valuable of .the “bulk.”- . .foods, and ... sufficient ./'^‘bulk-’’ ?in pur'-diets is1 -something/we; ;_//_ require if' we'riie to keep pUr systems; in- good running,order, / ■ ■ : , . "Sig Honey Bread. —? _l._ggg :.../ V- ■ '■ ■*■- -i /4 cup brovrn sugar / ■ ■W;? i hotiey;1’. / A’fablespt , - 1 CUP Prari ;-.-SSlF 25^ cups flour %“teaspoon/“soda /;,‘ ‘ 2 teaspoons baking, powder 1 teaspoon, salt % cup chopped pecans /J_JL cup choDhed figs cups " milk r-- . Beat egg, add sugar, honey ... . ■ melted shortening. Mix well. Add; . - %ran? /Sif-t^flour- with rioda,/ liahin.g: ’ .powder and srilt.' Add ispUG'dils . ‘’rind: figs to flour mixture. Add dry in- grediehts alternately ..with - niilk. T ~B'ake~m'7gritea^ed“1-oa-f—^tin—in—*a-/-mo.d— crate ©yen (375 degrees F.)_ for 1 hour and. 15 minutes. • ..Provides 1 large loaf. Bran Prune Bread . l.crip bran 1 cup sour milk . % Cup prunes ' (soaked several • - hours, stoned^ drained tsi^d ", - _ chopped); /’.' tablespoon molasses ' % ‘cup sugar ■ 1 cup flour /, V2 teaspoon soda . ’ / . 1 teaspoon baking powder, teaspoon- salt ' - ' Mix - together the .bran, sour milk, prunes afld niolasses. Add the sugar, then the flour which has been sift ed with the soda, bak’ng powder and salt. Put the'’ batter' into’ a greased can. • Cover' tightly arid -.steam for 3 hours. ’ Yield: .1 lofff: warming MmseK in -the Jight b? tha fire.” .’•,■■■ ;■ ’■ ' ‘ *..'_• “And as Peter wa,s beneath. Tri fEa court.” Where he . had, no business being/ where he .was in reality .at tempting to hide"7W identity, where he had no idea saying; a word for hl§ Lord, and where, be would be severely- tenupted, It.,his allegiancq' to Jesus was discovered, ’‘Th6re cometh .one. of the maids of th^ high ,1 priest.” Sbe . was possibly »n an er rand, though Be suggrirition.'bl Stal ker that she 'had been relieved at j^er post- by’ another, maid -may bae true, . . “And seeing Peter warming him- sel.f? The fire by which^. he • was warming himself was at \ the same time that which revealed him: to this . • .maid.L ^he looked upon him?k She ‘ • gazed' 'upon him intently^;, .the longer she .looked at him the " more a cer tain conviction »topk hbld .jisen-iher; “And saith, Thou also, wast with the Nazafene ■■■■ ev®®Jesus. " .. .. ; ■■ “Brit he denied.” ’ This is ekactly ' what he said he' would, never do, (v. 31), ^Saying, I neither know, nor understand, v^hat thou.-.saye’st.” The eager .--repetition: betrays. .ih.e„ effort to _ -hide embarrassment.'^‘And he went ±»H^.4ntn :4he porch?” - Away_f:rpm Ithe?' , ;flr© that hrid revealed ’him, and away .from the group that had heard;; ,the maid’s, accusation. “And- the cock :-crew~ __ Many- -ot-4he—most __ancient g_ “manuscripts—omit—t-ha^-.~ph-r-ase here^ _■ ““““Abd the maid- saw him.” - The same maid who had previously aca cused him of being a Nazarene. Pofl- sibly? an errand liad made it neces-' sary for her "to pass through the-yery vestibule Where Peter was trying to hide. \ “And began again to [say .to them, that .stood by.” She w.a,s. not speaking td Peter, brit to those about the fire. “This is one Afrthenri”rone - of these attached-to the Nazarene, of . HWihom' they /'had been scornfully speaking. V - ' “But he^ again 'depied it:,” Literally .... '“he kept on denying.” “And./aftey a little while again, they that stbod by- • ’ said to Peter,-..of a truth tlibri art one. of them; for thou art a, Galfl- srean,”» Peter , has been, talking,, and his. Galilaean accent lias betrayed . him. Nazareth zwAs in Galilee^. and. /thus-‘-th-e: -dr-ig-iriai - .accusatiojnT.Sfr^th.e_l_r 'maid appeared the 'more-plausible as .. Peter continued bcaily. to' deity lt.> / “But*he began to-curse.” Tlje verb here used meant tcr-bind- on§’s--selt — under a curse, or . to declare^ some- - thing with djreful imprecations, as though one were to say, ;‘L^t God , punish me if what I am sayingpls not' so.” “And to '^weaf.”” That^is^to /. affirm, or promise with an oa|h. “I know not. thjs man of whe^n. ye "WeaX”""’~PWvi"0UKlyL^ being a follower of the Lordj;- now -hor7-doubly--l;iesr~deeia^rig-H-he-ALheyer—i— even-kriew-him. «. \—___ “And straightway the secorid time ', _the_cock_cre_w.2___.Gori.* of teip uses things in the natural' world fior ac complishing his purposes in the lives of men. - “And Peter' called to mind the word.” That is the way dod has Lniade our minds—that, -we might re member his words, ' his "kindnesses, his- warnings, his promises, arid thus “4. be brought to repentance anri obedi ence. “How ' Elm, Before the cock crow twice thou shait deny me thrice. ' Christ'' could . have known “of-Peter/s imminent de- “nral7~a-nd—even—have—warne d-ii m—of~ such a danger, without, mentioning -the cock-crowing, . This wa^iadded. because of Christ’s loye for /Peter, and his purpose to bring out-in his stubborn heart a true convictions and ' repentance of ’his sin.- “And-:? when he thought thereon, he wept./ The last phrase has been interpreted in mariy different ways: all we can be sure of is that Peter was convulsed with- grief. , No Inducement For Ontario Girls To Go Back To The Land • '-Edith ilartlan.d; writing tovthe To- ' ronto press asks why /there are so few attractions offered. to girls in Ontario to- go .“back-rio-the-land.” ‘/The facilities are lacking foi •training, girls on similar li^s to those which exist ip England and. North AVales. Macdonald : College wholly for domestic; science,” sh< says.-,1 . • • “To take a course in the agricul tural departments, q? student musf ’ face the possibility of being in the . minority amohgst the men in th< /'• Ontario Agricultural^ Cqllege. She therefore commences- with a disad vantage.- ; She wjll ppt Have th< chance to work with her own sex Neither will she be enabled to .share leisure periods with other women. World ”■ - • . . By Mair M. Morgan frrG1!'O -,G'0 ,t»..<• 0- 9 • ,y. bring out ^heir meaty richness. Try it... next tiriie. You’ll find that there is a riistiiicT improvement and added relish. ,to the flavor/ In the Hawaiian^ Islands many - * hpstesses. and /chfefs are adding 1-3 Wkhreail sandwiches. fosHpineapple juice to 2-3 writer for knv ,-„•<» ? cooking all vegetables. -There) is no taste - of pineapple juice in the cook ed vegetable,, ^but there is .an added: ■ teriderness, .arid addrid’zest that often “makes” the dinner. Stuffing far Duck, Goose or Pork x- 4 large" apples'' ; 25? cups -stale bread crumbs ' :?. .? l itgaspoon"powder^ sage . 1'-teaspoon ■ salt. -G ^^teaspaon-paprAa-... ’-uA- . Grated rind of I half a lembri. I? cup Hawaiian pineapple Juice ’.Pgelt core and chop finely the ap ples. Blend with the br^ead Crumbs and w^h the- pirierippie Juice -arid ?use“it .tb/hll the/ cavity from which the bone has been taken from a shoulder of pork, or to stuff-1 a bird 'for roasting; ’■ This/ .‘’s^ufijing—is sufficient for- 1 bird. Di4 v.ide--,iii .half-for sihall: pork roast. -Ghocolote Marslnuallow Surprise 1” pkg. .powder, for making choed- —-—^lale^j-unkett.™™^____ _ l.pirit’ niilk ,sJ "■ V 1 cup confgctmgger’s sugar.' '■ %, (pound- marshmallows J4\ cup?’boiling water ■'^■‘P’re'pa’re-’p’o'Wder?^ —"“chocbiate- • junket "according to directions on package. Chill in refrigerator, : Cut marshmallows in pied.es and melt in double" 'boiler. /Dissolvh - sugar, in boiling water, ’add to mar^hriiallows, and stir, until’.. ..thoroughly ...blended, /Turn:i,'into^a"“bowl—and-eoq!-.■ J-usb-be- f.ore: -serving, put topping on choc- .olate juhket. ■ ‘ , ■ ,./ ’■ ■ EWSGENS^’ DESSERT 'L ' \ .1 ‘curi heavy’"creairi’. __Powdered sugar/ ” ', \ . ' -Vanilla. • • --r■ - 18 macaroons. • t' 6 maraschino, cherries’ ‘ . .: JiVkip ff. sweeten #ith powdered sugar and ~flaV6F?"^igh^jr""wti^^ ...... ... . six- macaroons’ .broken , in oon’’meltcd““sh-07-toning— -pieeesy-but-not-powdered,—Rile—-in sherbetglasses\yifh-a-border-of—the 'whole, macaroons and decorate with “marsh mailows—o’t—-maraschino—cher-- ries. ' ■ * LIMA BEAn"dELICACY Few realize that fhe little lima bean is, one’ of ?our’” most valuable- aikaline-reaction- foods. Furthermore many women 'do not appreciate the tunusuril. ;„an d / tasty/dishes ythrit,' /riiay 1 ■be /prepared . with J4imas - as one -of/ the chief ingredients. Try the fol-,! lowing -and be- con vinced., ■ - ...•- “ _ —1 -r— -----------Eima-Salad-----------— 1 cup .cooked, dried Liams- ■ . 2 tablespoons minced oriion - Yz cup; diced,’cooked beets 2 ' tablespoons . finely chopped- • . parsley VI cup French' dressing 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Mix ingredients and chill before. serving. Arrange, on lettuce, SCONES FROM BONNT SCOT LAND Anjerica, is/the land of- the. hot breads/ but in one, or two instances they have gone across /the water for their inspiration. To bonny Scotland they owe their recipe for scones. This particular recipe - for scones, however/"might be called . Scotch- Amefidan, for it is made with cake; flour '27 times finer, .than ordin ary’ flour, which helps to make Lem-. on Cream Scones , so ready to “melt •in the mouth.” ' . Lemon Cream Scones , 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons... doubleacting'. baking powder ’ ■ V2 teaspoorr salt" ’1 " . 2 teaspoons sugar , .• ■■/ -4<?t'ablespoQns butter . or ' ' shortening 1 teaspoon grated lemon -rind . 2 eggs ' ’ 1-3 cup light, cream - 3 tablespoons, sugar , .. •• ' ’ Vs teaspoon grated lemon rind 1^,?-. • It is very, popular-, aj present toj‘ W". serve fruited^ bread, not only ' $hen . 51 8 servings. COOKIHG HINTS Here’s ah idea that conies directly fi'om one; of the most famous kit chens "in New York. . . . To give a hew and' different keen- nesfe of flavor? to .y.our irieajis when- . eVer. you baste them, v“* 1' . ’and % pineapple juice. :rise the natural? mi sweetened juice-* ; _’rit>t .the. syrup‘in which ripe pine apples-pre packed. A The pineapple juice has the ability to intensify the flavors of .meat, to. • ■ . ’V . • them, use % /water j. Be sure- td MUTT AND JEFF- ... ', ; _ _, : , •. \ . . . • z> JEFF, "f HE ESKI M0$. ARE* STR PEOPLE» kiss Bi/ Robbies noses - now watch Mfr GAIN THE FRiWHIP^-THArESKTMn-- bybubbing ----------— NOSES WITH. His urrtuE ' DAUGHTER! MUTT,YOU 6OT (&'NdS£T0D0lT! l ’ •> I. 1 LEFT—This powder blue negligee* of heavy crepe.-hasj for.its .chief^feature,. a huge pleated.or- ganzadabot, and’the deep cut of the sleeves/give jt that comfortable-lounging look. ..Garbo commends ? Jhe long, narrow sash as it is attached, three-quarters of the way around, eliminating the usual- scram bled search‘foi* stray belts.''; " ... ?■■ ■ ;? . ... _ , . <CENTER__Dove-grey, blister crepe is the .material of, which this enchanting exotic frock is fash- ’ ioned. The belt consists of large, silver squares fastened with a carved jade buckle and the medallion oniamerits' are of jade and silver. The hat, inspired, hy those wofri by Chinese mandarins, lSyformed _ of row. after row of gray sill? carding- The ornament on the crown is of silvdr.and jade. An ideal out- •fit.for informal theatre-partyiOMk ■ , / ’• ' _ .. __2__ “j^j-Qg[rp/i^:q,}jjg—j-;£g'}<m“sh^^^CT"e(i sport-“Coat-is--°f—hgl1t-beige_.with_a_.huge_t_i)ayy,,.,taf^eta_scarf . — polka-dotted.' The «hoes match the. coat; .the gloves are navy and s<h too, .is the 'unusual high-crowned ___pheasant£feathered Jiatf Afor—the/ football, game with the tea-dance following. , / -, ■ , • ; ing powder, salt? and ""sugar; '""arid" sift again. .Cut in shortening and lemon rind. Reserve about % of one egg white for glaze. Beat remaining _eggs_Lw^I/and add cream; 'add tri. .flour mixture, and ^tir carefully Until all flour is dampened.. Then stir .vigorously until mixture forma, ■a soft"’ ’ dough - —and ~ /follows- spObn-v around, bowl. Turn out on '-slightly - floured. board arid knead 36 seconds.-’ .Roh? inch ■’angles,. Place on ungrea'^e*d““"“baking" — _she.eC Bfuslr tops lightly with re-' served Ugg while,"~sllghTly“ ' beaten";" sprinkle with mixture of sugar and grated lemon rind. Bake in hot oven ,450 degrees F.) 12 minutes, - or until browned. Makes 18 small, scon-, es. (Orange rind may be substitut ed for lemon rind in this recipe.) cased in batter and fried-. Farce: a "forcemeat or stuffing.--Glaze:-stock- boiled down to jelly thickness, made brown, and used to improve appear ance of cold boiled meats, tongues, etc. Lard: to fasten pieces of ba con? over any thing’ "for “"basting"- pu-n- poses. Mask: - Jo cover with' any rich sauces or cream. Puree: any thing/. reduped to ..pul p ; by riP^ing, anil' passed through ,.a sieve. ■ / SUNDAYSCHOOL LESSON 6 tl.i er CHEF TALK ’ . Here’s a cook’s: dictionary of, words in culinary usage: Aspic: savory meat jelly. Bouqet Garni:. herbs of different kinds usually put into a muslin bag to season stews,. e,tc.’; Baih-Marie: an -open vessel with a loose bottom for hot water, to keep sauces, "etc., "Very hot/ with out reduction. Canadians call, .it a double toiler; Consomme; strong clear gravy obtained by > stewing meat a long time. Also used? to mean soup.t.. . Croquettes; mince of fish, fpwl, dr meat, seasoned, rolled .in egg arid breadcrumbs “and fried crisp. Croustades? fried forms of bread tested or fried, used as a gaTnish-~6PT.dropped into soup just- before, serving’ . Chaudfroid, a cold . entree or a sauce -for masking cold meats. Caramel: sugar boiled with a little water to a«deep'brown, or burnt. Espagnole: a rich brown Spanish sauce: ,Flan: a French custard, or. a fruit-open-tart with “jellied” juice. fritter; fruit en- Lesson IV.—January 27, Peter’s De nial. — Mark 14:12-72. Golden Text.-—“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standetE,.take heed lest • he fall.”—^1 Corinthians 10:12., Time.—Thursday" evening, April 6th/ and early Friday morning, April •7th, A.D, 30. Place—Mark 14:12-31, in tire Vp- per Boom in Jerusalem, where the Last Supper was held ;~VS1 3(2-52, in. the Garden of Gethsemane; vs. 53- 65; variously from the , Garden of Gethsemane, to Annas, to. Caiaphas, and then to the Sanhedrin,, all in the city of Jerusalem; vs., 66-72,- in the cotirt of the palace of the High Priest. • “And Jesus said unto them, All ye shall be offended;’’ The Verb means “to" put a. stumbling block or impedi ment in the ivay, upon which another may tri/and fail,” “For it is writ ten, I will smite the. shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered abroad.” The .envy and hatred, of' Satan, the blind fury of the chief priests, the contempt of Herod, the guilty cow ardice of Pilate, freely accomplish ed that, death which God had before decreed 'for ’the saivationof of' the world. ' “Howbeit, after I am raised up.’:’ Christ’, never speaks of his -coming death without at the same time pre- _dicting_J.heZcertaintv of; His - resur rection soon to follow. “I will go . be fore you Into Galilee.” This very promise was repeated by an angel to the women who came to the tomb on the morning of, the resurrection.- . • “But Reter said unto hiiri.” Al though all shall be offended -yet will riot I. The very placing himjsblf on. ■a plane- of loyalty - and courageous-" riess above his fellows was a sin and only__pr.epare.d_ him "for the great „de- 'riial soon to take place. A haughty ^pirit-is—the-prelude—to—a—fall—(-Pro verbs 16: 18). ‘ _ j-esus‘:z^titii’,’unt-O’'-,himr:VerilY7 I say unto thee.” This is the sec ond. time during the evening, that the stubbornness of Peter, has been dealt with so phtiently, by the Lord Jesus? “That thou today, even this night.” Christ sees not only far ahead,. but deeply Jnt-o men’s hearts. “Before the cock crow twice, shall • deny me thrice.” What detailed knowledge of the future Christ reveals in one single Sentence! .. -. - /;.'" “But hq, spake-exceedingly vehem ently. ‘ His self-confidence becomes increasing!^ ■ manifest. “If I must, die With thee; -I_ will not deny.thee_ Rotherham translates: “If perchance it should-be -needful for me to. die with thee,' in “nd wlse“:Will'1 utterly deny thee.”.: • “And Peter had followed him afar of?”.' -Pe'ter, with the other disciples, had hastily fled from |he scene of their Lord’s arrest (v. 5'0), but he was “checked!) perhaps by the .recol lection of his boast” (H. B. Swete), and followed the party that was lead- -irig Christ up to the house of Caia- phas-i “Even within, into the court of the 'high "priest.” The word here translated “court” derives from a verb meaning “to blow,”’and means, literally, a.,plafe open to the aha “And he.was s.ittiijig with, the officers.”, Probably members of the temple po*., lice (john.7. 32); Acts 5; ?6). “And \ ( IGGY W166Y; . :(„L6Gy_WJ6.6S'J ■(Copyr^bt, ittn, by ft C- J»ii>«r..) OH’. THAT Must E>G ; Hrs wire!