HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-24, Page 4<DE;? PREPARM”... ■ffi j.-....J-/.-- ; -4 .... .. ... ----- LUCKNOW ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL MEETING (Continued F*om Page 1) an increase of close to $150,00 that paid in 1933, which year showed an increase . in prize was over also money payments. Gate receipts were r ind the~Society^ wofind 4 LUCKNOW SENTINEL ......................................... . , .r*----------- 8c Per bay Per Family Member, Relief Maximum Kinloss Council Decides At Inaugural ^gMting—Teams To Get' 50c Per Day Increase. THE JANUARY «, »W ■ •>' *Hje” feW^rScout'meeting. will iff* ^7th® a Jie- ,®k«. «♦ <7'an W O&&1 -04- '. .'"fields Friday^ January 25th at 7.30 . ,',£i -g|- --. ■ -• ...............■ The Tenderfoot tests whieh were .begun last weel^, will be continued , this week. Therefore it is necessary ■ that All Scouts attend the meeting. '■>' Those Scouts who were .at the last meeting enjoyed a very pleasant time, a Thfe cohcert in which every b^oy took part, was both amusing and erijoy- ahle. "IYconristed^of-reeitatidnsj-jokesy solos 'arid- a game. Then came the — eats, the’ big "event? of ther eveningrhofr dogs and coffee were the order of the ■ ; ■ ' \ r' ■ Receipts Balanceon hand —:— Legislative Grant —----L. Municipal Grants .,x-x./ Dominion -Grant'- ,,,' Other Grants, -a-w-— Donations '—.!■ 112" 50 Goods ' J ■ -'i 53 0,0 Fees during 1034 —15 00 .Membership fees retained 106'25 Admission to .fair,——305 90 RefifcalsZl/,G;. ■" ~ Concert i Receipts u-/ 191 47 Dance.j^eceiptEL^.1 ~'.1... 9? 35 Interest ------—__.J. -.............9 07 •0 . ' - x— ■ 540 44 _ 175 00 rr^- 267 00 _____ . 30 00 66 50 THURSDAY, st Thjs Lucknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning ” :at^liuclqiow, Ontario. -■ Mr&.^A.' Dr MacKenzie — Proprietor , Campbell' Thompson—Publisher - : .-X- . .> . About 16 Scouts paraded to the Anglican church on Suriday, where ■“they were addressed , by the Rev. Gedghegan. It is the first .church , parade the Scouts have had since they- were reorganized, last fall. . In his address tOkifte boys. Rev. Geog- hegan said that . all . the money spent on any . association such as th© Scouts. Would not be lost if it. saved but on? "^bpy^-and made^. Hifn “a >Bett®F“ritizen. Lieutenant Governor Speaks ' In connection with the campaign which has for. its object the extension of the Boy Scout Movement. i_n Can-r ada, His Honor, the Lieidtenant Gov­ ernor of Ontario, Dr. Herbert A. LZBcucOpbko;^^;inr,_part as fpllbws; . “I iwelcome . this opportunity to speak of the finest organization for . boys that exists in the world today— > the Boy Scouts. All the natural love of . boys for. the . outdoors, ^11 their ■ longing fOr good comradeship, all their healthy desire for play and adventure finds completest expression in . the Boy Scout organization. But ' even more important than these ■ is the inculcation of all those qualities To^al Receipts ——-------.$2004 73 Expenditures “Horse /prize money 208 85 'Cattle ' 275 50 Sheep ——........., 72 00 Swine CJ---------^—2—. 27 00 Poultry •..........................24 00 Grain ------*-------—x—62 25 Roots and Vegetables —---- 23 50 Flowers and fruit ——: 60 25 Dairy. & domestic ,-----; 50 90" Ladies’ Work, x-—x-—8 —- 55 90 Fine -Arts x—; ———x. 10 <25 Children’s Exhibits 21 00 . ? '-X- . ’ v . ------- --------------- Total Prize Money. ...... .-,$..891.40 Delegate/ Expenses —.-.x!—i 47 00 Tudges’ Fees ........... ...5...,—. 45 00 Sports, Speed, trials, ets. xx. 34 20 Prize Goods ___———^.. 53 00 Sec’y.—Treas.salary.-——_---7~— 75 00 Rent and meals .... —:-x-—. 70. 50 Repairs, printing,. Stationery 183 43 Badges, Bond Premium —6 35 Concert Talent • &; Orchestra100.00 Field Uteri, ^Sundry x._ ' “45 45 ",;'C 11551 33 Balance on hand ———$ 453 40 ——®f—heart—a^d—mind^nd—bP^y-^®^6^- Scout is self-reliant. He is loyal. He ., learns to serve others by helping them Every normal boy wants to be a Boy iScout. And . my own admiration for this great youth jnovement and . the value of its training is such' that 1 I am convinced that the whole, duty. -father zto his son has ,.hht1''beeii* discharged until that; bdy has been __ 'Sncouraged to join the Boy Scout —xAirganization^^pj^^^^ . . ^11 loyal, honorable! useful man qf any'boy. ft wilVmake him in a word a gobd Jlcout-^-thah which no higher tribute exists in Canada.” HOLYROOD Mr. and:-Mrs. Chas. Congram and. family; Bperit Sunday at Mr. Erneri „Ackert*s. \ Mrs. Alnier Ackert attended the Hooey-Baird wedding on Saturday. . Winners at the progressive euchre on Friday evening were Miss Cath­ erine* Robertson anil Mrx. Dan Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and ? Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Johnston of Lucknow were recent guests at .Mr. Clarence Farrow’s. Mr. • and M^s. George dolwell en­ tertained a number of their friends ’ on Friday evening. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Eadie, Doris and. Lome were the Sunday guests at Mrs. Rachel Cujbert’s. Mr. Richard "Elliott,, reeve, is ak tending County council at- Walkerton this week. ' . * The next meeting of the II.’W. 1. will be held at the'home of Mrs. Ern-, est Ackert’s On Thursday, 'Feb. 7th. (Note change of hostess). Directors—. . Mrs.- .Howard Harris ahd -Mf^. Chas. Congraip; Subject—Child Welfare; Topic—jMrs. "Allister Hughes; De- hibnStratiOh—‘Bathing a Baby; Roll Call—Gut skyings of children; Cdp- test—Member’s exhibit youngest picr ture. Miss Ina Eckenswiller spent the week end with Miss Mabel Ross. Miss Mary Cox of Kincardine High- School and Mr. . Currie Colwell of ——Lucknow-H— S=—spent-~-thev-wieek4end . ’ 'at their hom^S, 10th con. Mr. ahd Mrs. Allister ^Hughes at tended the funeral Of the former’.? 1 aunt, Mrs. Catherine MacDonald-, at Riversdalc on Saturday. We’^ish to extend our, symp'athy. • . Mr/hnd Mrs.' Harry Brown, and family of Whitechurch ,spent a few days recently at Mr. R. .McBrideX . \16th cW. ' //-,/' m’s Insti-The Whiteehw tute held a euchre and dance'1 in the 'ialloriWedn'esday-eveningrTho/lady winning highest number of points was Miss Leila Leggatt andjthe gent was Mr. John Gaunt. Mis$ Agnes, Gillespie and Mr. John Gaunt were tied for the highest number. Of lone hands.- They, cut the cards and JVIiss Gillespie won. The three prizes were a box of candy each. The? institute ladies are celebrating Burn’s Ahhij7 versary on Jan. 23rd," wifiOT (fririert. ■ The- United Church Y, P. S. held, a Scotch concert in-the Church Friday evening.. All those taking part were given real Scotch names, their real names are in brackets. In the absence of Rev. Wilkinson, Mrs. Dustan Bee­ croft was chairlady. The Scripture reading was Psalm 1; Instrumental piano, Margaret McLaughlin and JOan McPhee (Susie Carrick, Mae Wight­ man; duet, ’‘Flow Gently Sweet Af­ ton”,. Kathleen- McDiar midland leap McPhee (Arina Mae and Susid Car- rick);, reading, Robeft Butns, Annie taurie (Mrs, W. Lott); solo; “Mary of Argyle’V Bohbie Fraser (Clifford Farrier); piano solo, William Wallace (C. McClenaghan); duet, “Jamie and Jeanie”, Jamie McDonald and Jeanie McFarland (Dustan Beecroft arid Agnes .Gillespie);' reading ’ “Lochin- var-”, Neil McClaren (B. Cullimore); solo, Robert Graliam (X C. Reid); reading, ' “R. L. Stevenson”, Peggy McTavisfr (Muriel Watt); recitation, "My Shadow”, M.ary Belle Stewart, (D. McClenaghan)'; reading, Jeanette. McNaughton (Mrs. C*. -Gillespie); saxaphone -and: pdano instrumental Jeanie McFarlane, and Donald Mc- Pherimn (Agnes Gillespie and Jack Gillespie).; - sold, “Jessie’s Dream”, Tamie McDonald (D. Beecroft); piarfd solo, Laura Fraser (Mrs; W. Farrier) After the program all:"Went .to the basement where games were played and lunch served. Mr. Charlie Anderson has engaged with Mr. George Tiffin to assist with ^e fprm work. ; ■ Miss Edna Waddel spent a ’ few days in Wihgha'm last wdek having her tonsils removed. Om Friday ^rsvfefting the Langside Fo.r'csters held a very successful dance in, thgir hall. ' ' ■ Mr. add Mrs. Russel Ritchie of St. Helens, Spent Sunday With Mr', and Mrs. R. Tiffin.' t Mr.. Thps.. Cook arrived hack td this; vicinity to continue cutting wood aftCj. ,being laid up at the bojme of his sistpi? ;ih Kincardine for <a few weeks, with a cut'foot. 1 The inaugural meeting of the newly elected Kinloss, Council for 1935 was held in -the To wnship Hall on Jan. l^t. After having taken their ‘Declaration oT-fiflice” they took their seats at the, Board as follows—Reeve, R.‘ ,’El­ liott,; Councillors, Ross;, McKenzie, McIntosh and (Graham. . j The minutes of the; Dec. 15 meeting being reaS, they w0re/ approved and ■sigpe.d/ ,; A grant, of $10.00 to the Sick ChilS- ren’s Hospital, Toronto was approved., The Reeve, with’ Councillors Ross and McKenzie was appointed to look after the matter of Relief. ’ ■ ',..; It was also carried that the limit of relief1 given, should /not- exceed 8c per day per-member of family. The Clerk was instructed to. order 9 copies of the Municipal. World for. use of Council and officials. By-Law No. 1—1935, making' ap-?* nointments of all officers of the Mun­ icipality for < the year at the same renumeratidn as 1934, except teams which are. to receive $3.50 per day Instead of $3.06, was read a first, second and third time and finally passed. . .... . - By-Law . No. 2—1935, appropriat­ ing the . amount to be spent ih High­ way accounts for 1935, was finally passed. ‘ • The Road Supt. had his Highway accounts totals for 1934, which; were signed; and ordered forwarded., to the Highway Department, asking for the subsidy thereon. .■ ’ .-.'/■ ■." Orders on- the-treasurer were is­ sued for payment of ’all bills and accounts passed at the meeting; Council, then adjourned—to ; meet, again on Monday the 11th of Fehr ruaiy, 1935, at 10 o’clock; a.m. Cheques issued: Joseph Agnew, 3^ Division Court fees, 1934/ $26'j)0f Walter Mackenzie, school attendance Mrs—D//zMilne,-relief—milk$10,30; labor at hall' $10.70; W. Davison, on acct, burial of Indigents $50.00; Municipal World, supplies $18.18; Municipal World, 9 copies, $9,00; T. G. Gaunt, bank exchange $1.00; J. R. Lane,, postage and telephone $3.00; Sick Children’s liospital, grant $10.; .Rae Poht6qus,...h.ydro..s>upplies.1$2;35; A. E. Thompson^ caretaking^$6;00; J. Ri Lane,/election expenses, $84;90/ Victor/. Whitley, relief Tren!tr;$fli00sr7/“ ;~Higfeway CheifU^ ^Roberi!~Donald:^ ~ son- P, L. 1, $10.05; Kinloss-Culross Boundary acct,, P.L. 2/ $8.07; Neil. Mclnnes,' P.L. 3,' $13.00; Alex McLeod P.L. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1935 Lucknow Continuation *W’- ■ The world is full of ’a number <?f ; things,- \ . Pm sure we should all be as happy ■''/•as' kings; . ■ /' ’ /,-.■, .'../R.;.r]L, Stevenson, On; Friday, January ?5, the school Js ..holding it’s-'. Second open literary in the Town Hall. The. maim feature of this program will be a debate by four df the students. r The topic is- “ResolVe that" Cb/operation?.Iras. done more for...the. /World than Competi— tion?-’ The affirmative is upheld by jean . McMillan /and Gordon Mill^/ who are opposed by Marion Johnston and John Martin. Members of the Glee ’Club will , present musical num­ bers consisting of two part chorus, quartette, solos, Jetc. Admission T5c. : . Hockey '• Goderich Collegiiate team played' the Lucknow school team a return .game x last Thursday., evening in the Lorne Arena Gardens. After a dose, fast game, Lucknow won the game 5 to 3. ■; /’. The Lucknow team started of v«ry well in the first period when T. D. Clarke slipped three past Bud Worthy, the iQoderich net minder. Charlie jewitt, the “rising stati^slipped one in before the period ended, leaving the- score 4 to 0 for Lucknow. . .Ihthesecondperiod/Jewittnot wariting ‘ to be left behind by Clarke scoredagain. The visitors tightened down and' as a result Matheson .of Goderich scored. Again Goderich Shot the puck up the ice and kept it there until they scored another,, making the ..score 5-2 in Lucknow favour. And ! before the second period ended, Gode-. fees~$lv7-5*;~-AV.-AVC/H-ilh-^-’rel-ief^- $5.52;/. “pioh^-chalked^-up-^another-^^.— close by bdth"~teams.‘ There was^no- score, in the last period and the game ended with a score of f/SYpr Luck- nbw/ '/•■■"'. . ■■, Andy Thompson handled the game very jyell, keeping the boys well in check. ' There were ’a few accidents which ’.respited.' ih .a •■hrbk-en' nose,/twif'blahk eyes; cut knee, and many sore mus - cles.' ■ '■ /’• ’ __Goderich—Goal,_D^Worth Def„ A; Dawker, D. Larie/C., G..Matheson; For/ K.: Cutt, K. Cott;/ Sub.,W. Me-’ Innes, G. McManus, W. Carter, J. O’Brien, Tl Rage. Lucknow—-Goal, Ritchie. For., Clark Jewitt, HewAt; 2nd, Miller, Todd, W. . MacKenzie; Def., Greer, Joynt, Henderson. / . Lucknow, Ont., Jan’ 25, 1935 Dear lEditor, Here are the latest reports on the injured. '■4 ' ' " . ' i ; ■ • • ‘_____. . h J. Henderson—fracturing of the /eat .of the perepherol portion of the olfactory organs. Cause of accident': ’Collision with one of his. own players,' (The coldest bodies warm, with op­ position; the hardest sparkle with' collision.) ' .i . N. Todd—discoloring of the (cutan- ious membrane- surrounding the optic organ, (black? eye). Cause: the"liftTe black disc hitting his optic. Condi­ tion : progressing favorably. - !| W] MacKenzie: DITTO. W. Hewat: severed patilia, (scrat­ ched knee). ,Cause: by xthe interven­ tion of a misplaced skatiS. Cinditioh: 4, $9r.5O. X-R. Lane, Clerk * ’ • ■ • :fi ■* WHITECHURCH —^Mr. Thomas Inglis, Jr, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis of Nova' Scotia, are yisiting their parents, Mr. and. Mrs;—Thomas Inglis. , ■’ There should be., early chickens, as Mr.’ Duncan Kennedy set his incu­ bator this w6ek. ' The annual meeting of the Presby­ terian church was held o'n Monday afternoon, with a gooct attendance present, and all the reports were satisfactorily received. Four nOw managers were elected, Messrs. Robt. and John Mobray,' Archie Aitchison and John Craig. A ypto of thanks was tendered to, all the various work­ ers of the church. “ Mjr- .Emersok Colwell of Glamis visited at the -home of Mrs; A. Emr merson last week. ' , , Mr. Harvey BrQwn attended funeral < of his uncle,- Mr.- Wall Kinjough, 'one day last wfeek. the of CULROSS CORNERS Miss Anna Ross, is engaged with Mrs.1 Wm; 'Hodgins for-a 'few weeks; Miss Liza Thompson is spending a few days with Mrs; Howard' Hald- eriby. ; ‘ llivtr. Earle Hodgins and Kenneth MurrayspenttheweekendatTor-- onto, Mr. and Mrs; Robt. Sfeott spent’orie jj.veningLjastlweek JritkjMr..„.and_Mrsk Earle Hodginsf -Mrs. Arthur Green is in Paisley ■it* present, waiting on he*r mother who is riot in good health/ /. ’ Mr, Charlie Hodgins and Ruth Scott attended the Club meeting last Friday evenihg at Dunchn Kennedy’s'. Mr.'and Mrs. Joe Wall; Jno. Wall and Midfred attended the funeral of Mr. Thos. Wall last Friday. Lyceum/Theatr e * WINGtlAM /.- Show Starts 8 P, M. ...............\ ■a .2l Thursday, Friday .Saturday ..... . jANUARY ■. .... SPECIAL «»v X • , ;-T*K “Flying Down to Rio Kif . with -■. ■ :' ' - ■ '■ ,. beleres Pel . Rio > and All Star Cast A WOIDE YHROUGH MELODY HEAVEN ALSO. “Two-Reel Comedy - - DEVILS DOGHOUSE** z And F»x Hews - ■■....■■■ " ’ ■ - JL, ADMISSION-Adults 35c; Children 20c? CHURCH NOTES United Church Y. P. S. The Citizenship Group, under the leadership of Ivan Rawlings, had charge of the Monday night meeting. Following devotional exercises, J. C,. Armstrong read the. Scripture pas­ sage. Mrs. Roy Black gave a reading and a chorus . by the Group .“Ten Commandments” was well rendered. “The Jewish Race? Was the topic interestingly and educatively taken, by Dr, G. A. Newton, who traced thp history of this race from earliest Biblical history 4o tile present day. A hymn and prayer brought the meet­ ing to? a close. „ ’ ? / Presbyterian Guild . -^JThe^Guild^waa JopeneXMonda-yjefe . ening by singing Psalm 108. Scrips = Tture-lesson-wasA^ad-by-Jlaclc-Fishef- followed by the Lord’s ., prayer in unison; Hymn'284;was—sung.—The? musical part of the program consisted of. an instrumental by Frank Mac­ Kenzie; solo by Cameron Geddes; duet, Verna Steward, and Arlene Jew- itt; piano duet by Mrs, Jack Mac- Kendrick /and Miss McMorran and a . solo by Mrs. Steward; The topic was taken by Rev.. C. H. MacDonald, “What I Know-About-Ou/ Ghurcm” - ~Hymn 684 was^sung^andRov.Mac— Donald closed the meeting with prayer. :.< > KINLOUGH We are sorry to report that little Donald Bushell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bushel! had the misfortune on Saturday evening to break his leg, while sleigh riding with some! other children. } / Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewitt bf Mil­ iarton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham. - A /very enpoyable time was spent at the kinlough Church society on Monday night, it being Pioneer night. • There was about seventy-, of an at­ tendance. . - ■----------- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson also Mr.. and Mrs. Art Graham were Sunday visitors at Mr. A. E. Haldenby’s. ' . <J A » nixUJxlU JMrs.. Cj^cil Roberts and two thild-___ ren of Haliburtoh are visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell. Mrs. England of" Lucknow spent ~ last week with her daughter, Mrs. John Swan. 6 1 * ‘; -Miss Katherine' • is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. iGliff Murray/_: :■ ,j_.__________________ Taken-To-Chicago-----—---—— Her many friends, were glad to ;. hear on Saturday night that Mrss. . . George Stuart had arrived in Chicago and was resting in the Kospital, eyi- ' n°ne the worse of the trip. Mrs] Stuart,, who has been seriously . " ill, in company with Mr. Stuart and Nurse Free, was motored by : Mr. Davison to LondonJm^Saturday morn-' ipg, There .they/.were; met by her brother Dr, Will McGregor of Chi­ cago, and she and Mr. Stuart retu/ned with him t0 Chicago where she will' undergo treatment. . ,.■ W. I. At Home Ah enjoyable evening was spent at * the Community Hall oh Friday, when men^bers Of the Women’s Institute held their annual “At, Home”. The, president, Mrs, .John Miller UffMided hver a ■ short .program conbiaanjg of Jhe following numbers: Community singing; step dancing by Dorothy Webb and by Mrs. Gordon McPher­ son; piario duet by Misses Margaret Miller and Florence. McQuiIlin; a girls’ chorus and a boys’ chorus and a dialogue entitled '“Cousin Imogene*a Visit”. Those taking ’part in the dia­ logue were Misses Greta Webb, Helen Miller, ^Dorothy McDonald, Iona Swan and Messrs. Stanley Todd, Wallace Miller Norman McDonald and Allah J Miller. The remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing/ Plans are being made for ariotW social, evening on Friday, Febnfeg^ - We are sorry to report the illness of- Mr. Willie Taylor. The Citizenship committee of whicht Walace Milley is convener^ had ehargfi^ of the Y. P. B; C. meeting on Sunday eveningrMuTray-Taylor read^ Scripture lesson and Earl jfrufnhi the Bible character, on “Joseph”. " The topic “Personality and the Mbdeirti Economic Order” was taken by Mrs. 1 Durhih Phjillipg and the discussion led .by* Mr. Phillips. Miss Greta Webb contributed a. pleasing solo. A pied^ sant time is expected at the Scotch t.ocial to be held on Friday evening. . launch will consist of oat calces arid' Scones. - . • 4 " Mr. Mfcrold Hyde of Kincardine is lomewith hi& parents; Mr. and, Mrs. Htfde. ' . FALL DOWN BARN . ’ STAIRWAY, BREAKS LEG . Dungannon—Everett Finnegan, a progressive young'farmer of Con. 4, West Wawanosh, had the misfortune to receive a broken leg, when he fell down the steps leading from the barn ‘ ' ■ -is floor to the basement of his barn: He was engaged in doing the chores when the 1 accident5 happened, and was Carrying a bag of chop and a pail, of water in his hand. Losing his balance- when he set the pail down to close the door at- the top of th'e stairway, he fell 'from the top to the bottom of the steps. Being alone at- the time, and finding himself unable to walk, he dragged himself along the snow, toward the house. His' wife see­ ing him ran to his assistance, but unable to do anything for him with­ out some help, she covered him with a robe until the arrival of a neighbor who was summoned by telephone.-. He w^s carried to the house and the in-/ jurefl member was later set by the local physician. The leg, ^"broken bebij^eh the knee and the anklet 7 I O. K, . T. D. Clarke—Gash on optic Organ. Gause: not sure. Condition: c|oing wonderful ‘(sq the girl says.) for the condition .he is in. Yours truly, . ,/ ■ . Dr. SaAvahhaekum. Where did you' lfeatn to I’ took lessons by mail. You must have lost a . ' t f George Js.: dance. Bob.Mac.,: George X Jot of/mail.. ______2.x..’___ Stuart <3 J What are you working so hard for? . ' , „ . -AHm—McNr: - Trying to get ahead, Stuart 'G,: You need -one. post Office Contract Let j* The contract has been let by the Federal Government for the building of a new Post Office" inBrussels, to W. FL ‘Rintoul, of Whigham for the sum of $18,768. Work is to commence th the spring aftd the building Is to be completed by fall, ; ’ OFFICIAL APPRECIATION bF SERVICES RECEIVED —Mrr~w. F. BaldrB.A;; L.L.B., who retired as West Bruce, Public! School Inspector last year, -received the fol­ lowing official letter of appreciation of his services frdm the Deputy -Min­ ister of Education.—“The Minister wish.es. to express to yd’u . his appre­ ciation of>ur long period of success­ ful Service as a Public School Irisp^ tor and to express also the hope that you may enjoy many years of hap­ piness after your, retirement, . I have the'honour to fee /. .” ■ Y°.UV ^b^ffieht HCrvantf. 'i