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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 10
,IJ"IJI HI 1IU.II.I.II IIIIU-IJ. «» WNU„ 1 TH WMY, JANUARY 10» } •% ..... „ •■' .*• M ‘ !’ ■ /,.' < 7 ’ '/ "> ’ *"*” « ’ Local & General] Bushell Wins •$. 7- *6 .-r.A r ■ FRESH GROUND COFFEE/PER LIk COCOA, PER LB. ................... ............... BULK ORANGE PEKOE TEA, LB. l^^ggpE;'. LARGE, .»8e’ 7 ’ -MEDIUM \7 DRIED APRICOTS, LB. ,, • • •., • • >• DRIED PRUNES, LARGE,.2 LBS. :..... COOKING FIGS, 3 LBS, 7^'pijUBAPPLE, SLICED OR CRUSHED, 2 CANS ^TOMATOES, LARGE STANDARD, CAN CORN, LARGE STANDARD, CAN ..,,7 c TOMATO JUICE, GALLON j.. . *.., SODA BISCUITS,’2 LB. PKGS. -.7., "SOD^|/BI^CUIT?S;-FRESH, BROKEN,7$ LBS." i7c7.L4R.GEriotTLE! SWEET- ’MIXED- PICKLES, - \ FRESH CELERY, LETTUSE, 'TQliUToM^^in^QTS* ;„7 RADISH AND CABBAGE ALWAYS ON HAND / —r—r—■— ------r-r~ ~—;• '1 ----~ , . ■ ,7 •.» ; 7 7 ... f *’ t ■*.. ■’, - ' '*7 CENT A MSLE ROW TRIP BARGAIN FARES? (Mininiurn Fares: Adulta 75c.: Children 40c.) 7 SATURPAY/JAH.lfefromLUCKHOW " ...../"V"~ ; ;■ ' ./.'• /■' / ’ ~ " / '/ . \[ ' . ", 7/. . -: , ’ To TORONTO, Chatham* Sarniaf-London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford; Hamilton, St* Catharines, Niagara Falls, and all / „../ 7 7 1 Intermediate Points. ■ ' •»' ALSQ ON FR8SIAY, JAN. 25 • / ’ < /7.\ To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope. Cobourg. Trenton, Belleville, Kingston. Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, 'Cornwall, StouSville, Uxbridge, l4ndsay*Peterboro, Carnpbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Collin gwood, M?aford, Penetang, Barrie, Orillia. Midland,.Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay and edl intermediate points. ALSO TO AllTowns in New Ontario onlines ofTemiekaining&Northern Ontario Rly., Nipinsing Central Rly. and on C.N. Rlya. to Kapuakaaing, Hearst, and,. Longuic 7 : ■ Mining Fields. 7 <''' ■•7 7'7' ■ 7 . ; ‘ ' ' Fares, Tickep Return Limits and Train Information from Agente. Ask for HandbilL . , •' • ■■ ■ : ■' ' •*,>/' CANADIAN NATION AL ' • ,, ‘ " ». . . TIM®' , .X —■'■■■ •• '■ .........-r t A. W. HAMILTON, DEPOT AGENT; ’PHONE 2, LUCKNOW; ■ , >.„ - 7 6 •: . ■,M ' 1 1 . • ‘ . • ■ • ■ ' ______■ J Quickest Relieffrom Stomach Troubles PedplewhohaveBufferedfory earswith ........Indigeation.Acid-Stomach.-.Gas.-.-Hea'rt-'-- burn.etc.are’amazed at the. Quick reliefL.whicbKIRK:S^.STOMALKA giv.ea^A^ • small dose toiieB’up evev.the moat stub born case of sour, arid^swmach.Jbahishea ~_ 'paiD,revive0appetife7Everyoneis subject tooccasibnal stomach troubles., bo never 1 bo withdut a bottle in the home.. At druB atores.GetKIRK’SSTOMALKAat A VALUED SERVICE >. \ ' •» .-*■ -6 < ' The Bell Telephone Co. is a con sistent advertiser^ in putting over to the public the advantages offered by their service. The past two months "these advantages ^have been force- fully brought home to the publisher, who, has had much occasion to use both, the local and long distance ser vice, respiting,, from a series of criti cal moments as a succession of ser ious illnesses/ and in one case , her- eavement, has struck the7' family /homes i of too3Sbiisherjs_wife a , r. ..... Miss, Margaret1 Geddes has. been SPJS^ied„ to hh^ -home with a ; severe aftack'hf^’^e^tisrt/Y’' "^ , *. '..if-1 ■ ■ Mrs, Joseph: Sm^h jn<| Mrs. Frank Irwin (riXClinton visited Monday at Wm...iwin^.,0 . . ; _ -..^■^fj'Yorna {Stewatd, w;ho quite, sick for the past two weeks ' with tonsilitis is able to be out-rof-doors again,/' 7.'. 7'/ ■ 7'7k.“-- -'-j Mr. George H. Douglas spent the, week-end in Stratford with his grand son and i rt Kitchener - with his daugh ter, Mary. J. 7- Miss Jean McClure* R.N. of Niagara Falls is at present at her home here due te lier father’s illness from stom^ ach/trouble. v /' , b ‘7 Mrs. Wm. jrwin wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for the kindnesses shown her during her recent illness. * 0 Mrs.A.\E.TraDlinT_:who;i8.2quite, ill: suffering, from a neryous , break down, has been taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. , , 7.7 J7-. . ;r*. . SPECIAL News Flash—Cress Corn apd BUnion Salves together banish eight common foot ailments. At-— McKiM’S DRUG STORE. The Huron Old Boys* Association of; Toronto will hold its 35th aimual At Home in the “'Robert Simpson At^ cadian. Court oh Frid^ feveiSihgi February “1st. ~ Mrs. (Rev.) James, who is at pre-- sent making her home with Mr. and Mrs.? W; W., Hill, suffered a weak spell on Tuesday. Mrs. James had also recently suffered a badly sprain ed wrist. Miss./Dorothy ...Dopgias, / who - has been holidaying;; here, speaks in Loh- 7 Council Deadlocks On Appointment • - Oyt ■i’uinp. House Cafretakek”^ And ; Matter Laid, Over As Councillor Bu^hell Desired But Whose Motion To This Effect Received Nd Sec- Vohddr. s" . ’ \ dbh tbnight ahd continues to Toronto where-shewill address^gatherings next week and later "in Montreal and other Quebec points. / a Mrs. [ Robert .'Snell,, • Thelma ’ and Keith of Auburn, also Mrs.' Cecil Roberts, Donna 7 and Lois Ann, of Haliburton, visited the past week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil /Campbell. ^' /.. "^LlKF/week? hdK^-qnly" wire pansies Losing his motion/ when it did not receive a seconder. to the effect that the appointment of a caretaker for ; the' w^te^jvQrks pumphouse be laid oyer for fUrthfer consideration, but to win out in ' the. end/ when Cbuncii deadlocked on the issub/ was the un,™ ique experience of Councillor Bushel! and a 'ra^.'.p.ccuX6|ii^. at/the Council Board, ‘at the inaugural/meeting on Monday night, which got off .\to an auspicious start, with a. session that lasted close to midnight; '/J^__- ^/ Following considerable discussion regarding this* position, at A sajary , of- $1040 -a month; Councillqr^jffurdie r moved the appointment of Jack Leith .which ‘ was . seconded by . Councillor Ferguson: Reeve . Hamilton vacated the chair and mpved an amendment, favoring, the re-appointment qf Alex’1 Haavens, caretaker since the system, was installed. "Reeve Hamilton’s amendment was'seconded by Council lor Anderson, and Councillor Bushell moved an amendment to the amend ment, favoring laying the matter .over toprovidefurthertimetoconsideT the matter, but lost his motion by virtue of no seconder. When Councillor Bushel! declined, to vote on either the original-motion or amendment, Council was dead locked, and Councillor Bushell, single handed so to speak, won his point— the matter was-laid till.a future date. CommittessAppointed / Council Committees* were re^-ap- pointed as follows: —' ■■'.....:.i. —u? Finance-—Murdie, Hamilton, Bush ell. ' 7 ■' 7/.-\ '.’'7 .■/'■■■' Hydro-^Hamilton; Anderson, Mur- t die. '' ’ Roads and Bridges—rFerguson, An derson, Bushell. / Petitions and By-Laws—• Bushell, r Ferguson, Murdie. Water, Fire and Light—Council as j A 60li>EN OPPhRTUNIW... , TO SAVE MONEY L ** »•'/*■’ «'l ’V ’ ._: • . • *. . OUR INVENTORY SHOWS WE HAVE TOO LARGE A STOCK ’ -AND MUST DISPOSE TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING "MERCHANDISE REGARDLESS OF THE.FACT THAT RAW... MATERIALS HAVE ADVANCED;.."^- v.' ■ \ ~ 1 ii j *'1 FORSYTH SHIRTS, Attached ^Coliar^ and 2 separate .collar?. Reg. $2.00, Reduced >145: or 2 f®ir IMO* ■■ PENMAN’S/UNDERWHAR, and Dravrers.,Each LADIES’ KID GLOVES: Fine pliable ski^, fleece# Hned. Fu? trimmed. Reg. $140, for , WOOLIES--Those nice soft VESTS .and PANTIES-Veat strap yb^ey/fitted and cuff. Qr pink /, , .3$g . From various sections pf the store, we l»ave gathered lines - -broken i^'s/to 'clear, at half price. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL REPAY; YOU. / ’*»• \ Showing A . ‘ , * ' . > .. ..t.*/,•. : ■.? i* rr -WORK-GOODS— OVERALLS SMOCKS JACKETS BREECHES SHIRTS '. SOX ’ . UNDERWEAR ODD PANTS [publisher. 7^“ ‘4 ' • ■ ' ■ '7 i ..... / •,.•J Quite often, criticism is heard of Such public services, but without ex ception during these ) crucial , periods, both, local, and long distance operators have given prompt arid courteous at- Itentipn to‘ all, calls. • 7 ■ '■'> : borough x>n Sunday night and the improvement in recent years in speedr- ~ihg up these calls is remarkable. In stead of “I’ll call .you- back,”, when you would probably wait sometimes half an hour, it iS “hold the line” and, almost as quickly and aS clearly as you would speak to ypur next: door neighbor, you are in conservation with your, party 250 miles away. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PLANS ’ TO PRESENT PLAY '?■ Men’s Mforki’Rubbers $1.95 MEN’S ,i ■ • MEN’S MEN’S ’4F- BLUCHER TO CLEAR f2" FULL GRAIN LEATHER TOP RUBBERS. TO CLEAR ... ....... • • ' : ,. , . • . r. BLACK LUMBERMAN SOCKS TO CLEAR ........................... CUT WORK RUBBERS $3.45 65c <i ■ .■ ■ MEN’S BLACK AND GREY-WORSTED, ALL WOOL LUMBERMAN SOCKS. TOCLEAR .tsc — ' f ’ ••••■■ •■'■•• :• ■' . -M-/; ■'' '■•' . . ... .7''77^7.7 ' ■ ; . /, NOTICE... OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT IS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH FREE EXTRA TROUSERS WITH EACH SUlTi KEEP THE FACTORY WORKING. BUY NOW . . .. ‘„.i...... A. E. Buswell r LUCKNOW; ONTARIO; Accidents On Slippery, Roads ” ~~ Icy .roads resulted in .two. local motorists slipping; i'nto the ditch the past Week.’When his trailer slewed around .Bill Davison’s car Avas pulled off the road between Teeswater and Wingh&m, witli . Considerable ■ body ‘damage, resulting,' On MoncTay morn- ing, Treleayen’s flour truck slid' into the ditch orLthe boundary about three mile’s east of the village with little apparent damage resulting. Fond Mother .(to , school teacher) : “My little Clarence is so sensitive. Justpunish the boy next to him, and* ■The-'Jsasary1 saeeting;. of Lnefe- fiow.;’ Women’s Institute ‘wafs *held. at the /homeof ’the president,' 7 Mrs. Charles.Steward with a large attend ance. Arrangements were made for the annual .‘‘at home” to be held in the town hall, Tuesday, January 29th The following committees were ap^- pointed: Program cbm.,7 Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Mrs. James Geddes; games com., Mrs. W. Henderson, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. N. E. Bushel! and Mrs. A. C. Agnew; refreshment com., Mrs. W. J. Douglas; Mrs. R. H. Thoflipson, Mrs. G. Greer, Mrs, W.f V. Johnston, Mrs. I. Campbell and Mrs? Thomas AitchiSoh^It’ Was decided to get up a play? ancl a committee composed of Mrs, Temple Clarke, Mrs. ’Wellington Henderson, Mrs. Geo. Andrew and Mrs. N. E, BuShell was appointed to make arrangements- for this. It was also decided to pur chase eight Sr. text books for thte uses of the "Rangers in a St John’s ambulance first aid ” course to be given by. Dr. R. J. Bowen. A report of the committee appointed to send, Christmas cheer was received* -A splendid paper on the opic “The Bush iness of being a Woman”, prepared by Mrs. C. H. MacDonald was read by Mrs, William Reid. Groups of four -were^formedMOi^aiMnteresting^cmi^ test- in which . the prizes went to a group composed ‘bf Mrs. D. M. Thompson, Mrs. B, Stothersj ‘Mrs. W. S; McLeod and Miss, jean Lyons, At the Close pf the meeting refresh^- ments. were served and a social hour enjoyed* • ‘’V « c». - blooming, for~ Harold .-Greer-brought , in a root gf a marsh marigold hean/ inga:flo-werinfullbIoom.Thistyp-- ical spring flower was found in/ the ’ marsh nelar the Greer home* i Miss , Helen Thom, student niirse at NicollsHospital, Peterborough, ; underwent 'an emergency appendicitis . operation on Saturday night, and according -to latest word, is making - very satisfactory progress toward ' recovery; ------5—rr— Mrs. G. A. Newton is confined to . her home, suffering from a severe hip injury^ suffered in A fall on the icy street' near her home, early last week. Mrs. J. W.. Joynt presided' as organist in , the Sunday, during forced absence. Snow on. the main street is being rolled this week, Teller _■ pi the results are satisfactory, may do aiway with snowploughing of the streets. The rolling is expected5 - to give the roads a’ hard packed surface that will'be favored by pedestrians in preference to snow-plowed streets? Fields and roads, practically bated by last week’s thaw, are again man tled with snow. Snowfall on Sunday increased on Monday and continued on Tuesday resulting in a consider able depth of snow, which however is quite light and So far has hot hindered motor .traffic. So “feathery” was the snowQhat ” Until it becomes well packed, sleighing will not be at its best. . United Church on Mrs. Newton’s en- village roads and FORMER RESIDENT DIED IN 'DETROIT ’ that will frighted Clarence.” I Q News item headline reads, . “Can ada Enjoys Better Spirits.” Maybe „ ‘ But it looks like the same old stagger, .17, ’ ■ ■ . ■* < • ** Just a few of the older residents will recall Norman Nicholson, a fbr- mer resident of Lucknow,and Kinlbss who died in Detroit last week and Was buried in Kinloss cemetery on Saturday. - Mr. Nicholson was employed here at ope time”, as a sectionman at the same time that Normair Beaton' was working on the section. Mr; Nicholson many years ago moved to Mjchigkn. / > ; ' • . * "ft .. * • •' ^ 7, He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs* Allan- Nicholson, who resided ,on the Second Con.*, just west of the” railway track, Mrs’ - Michplson.. WAS formerly Sarah McLeod of Coin* 4, she having predeceased her husband several years Ago*, A sOU and daughter and two sisters from the. States accompanied the re^ mains to Lucknow fof interment. ..7'* „ *. __ a~whble* ■ " ' v' T- ' ■/ , ■ • .: Joseph Agnewwasre-engagedas clerk and treasurer, and as secretary oftheHydroandWaterSystemsat the same monthy salary as last year, $3$, less 10%; $65 and $15. less 10% respectively. . . -7—~ R. T. Douglas was re-appointed assessor -at a salaly of $72.00. ; ■ ■'Ar'Ej'-B^sweil- -and'-'L. MX' -Thomps-bn* were appointed auditors of the Village H/flro an# Water System account at., a joint salary of $25.. $25: and_ $15, respectively. ‘ 7 JRev.- S. T. Tucker re-appointed to the Library Board for a three-year period. Board of Health—Dr. Johnston, A. E. McKim and Reeve Hamilton.' Fence Viewers — John Spindler, Alex McDiarmid and Wm. Robb. Wged Inspector—Donald Ferguson. Caretaker 'of Town ..Hall,, etc?—-Bert Ward. at the same salary, $1240. ■,. Bonn# Keeper—-Jemeg- Isbnstow.-- Alex Havens re-appointed in chargb of: Hydro, to be in the village /at specified times, at $4. monthly. Cf The Clerk w^s instructed to ad vertise for a quantiy of hard wood and also four-foot; elm. The Clerk was instructed to call for tenders for snowploughing or roiling, gravelling, grading and drag- ging and day work. "A $10.00 grant was made the Hockey Club and an additional $10.00 Upon completion ' of the schedule. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Band secretary,, practises would have to be held other nights' than Library nights. ' ' . . Contents and fixtures .of the village office were ordered insured for $600. The' Clerk was instructed to order six copies of the. Municipal World for the Board and Clerk.’ ELECTION COSTS > 1 > . • i1**' ‘ ’J n ■ .The election of members of the SchoolBOardon-Mondayoflastweek cost the village a total of $70;45, which represent about l-fl of a mill of a tax levy. Of this ambunt $56.00 was expended for salaries and rentals and $14.45 for ballots,, and supplies from the Municipal World* 'Seveftty-¥ear-Resident; / Of Kinloss Passes Mr.JThomaB-McConnell-PaaBed-Away After Two>‘ Months’ Illness Fol lowing Paralytic Stroke. . Thomas McConnell,, a member of pioheer family of. Bruce County, / i r f. >' J WILL MOVE DEER . . ' TO GREY AND BRUCE RondeauParkdeeraresoontobe movedtoBruce/Greyand^SimcOe— Gbpnties/whereitia hoped; titat by making/them more plentiful an open seasonmaybe possihlelnthese conn- 7 lies in .a year ortwo. . ""■■ .■ Rondeau Park dee? are tending to become inbredand the surplus for which there is not sufficient food iti •the-; park?^-are-'''e^PbCted to rimprAve;'■ • quickly when moved to natural sur- . roundings. ’/•>'. HAVE TILL JANUARY 31 . TO SECURE OAR MARKERS Securing of 1935 auto licenses has hot brought a satisfactory response generally, and the Department of Highways has requested police to refrain from laying charges against those operating with 1934 license* until Jariua^y ~~~ Locally, the new orange and black plates are carried by only an occas ional motorist. With a series of Short storms, and heavy snowfalls since about Qhristmas, $ complete tie up of all roads, except thojie to be: kept open* has several times threatened and has' ho dhubt delayed motorists froffi purchasing their hew licenses ,to decorate their cars which may short ly be “jacked up’’ until, spring* • # ■ . ' « , * *-.. r. •. * “A passed away, at the home of his son- in-law, y. S. Dumin, on Sunday, January 13th ,at 9.30 a.m. About two months ago he had a stroke/ from which time he failed steadily until the end. • r . '7'r' , 7'7 ' Mr.. McCbnnelf was bom in Peel P°’»/N?v; 121K, 1856, the.son of Robt. andt Mary McConnell. H© was one of a family of seven children; two of whom survive him; Ijft 1865 he moved with his parents to Bruce Uounty; the family settling on .two hundred acres oil the 10th Con. and gravel, road in Kinloss. Part of this farm was'owned.by him at the time of his death. 7 On Feb. 46, 1882r he was united ip marriage to Mary Ann Hatbourne, Who passed awajr” about five years ago. They had one daughter. He is survived by „his daughter, Mrs. V. S. Durnjin, Wo grandwughters, ~ Mrs. Clair. Milne and Mrs. John Campion and one great granddaughter, Pansye Champion of' Lucknow. One brother, Robt. McConnel Sr./ of Kincardine and one sister, Mrs. Margaret Hanna of Quebec, , also survive. The funeral was held at the home of his son-in-law, V. S. Dumin, Jah. 15th, at 2.30 p.m. The services were conducted by the. Rev* >.Geoghegan of the Anglican Church, of which the deceased was ar life-long member. He was. laid- to rest In Greenhill cemtery. Frlehds and relatives from a dis tance who attended the funeral were R^t^McCofihell',_Sr.^Mfii. A. -Hill/ Mr.;®bd Mrs. Wm. McConnell/ Her bert/ Farrell, Mr. and MrA John Patterson, Mrs* E* glade, Mr. Jphm Farrell and Mr. Jas* Johnson of Kincardine; Mr. And Mrs. Chester Blackwell, Russel McConnell, Mr* and Mrs. R, White of Armow, also Mr* Geo* Fagan and Mr* t. Pentland bf the Nile and Mrs. M. Gamble and Wm. Macpherson Of the 10th Con., Kinloss and Miss„Vlolehta Harbourne. 1 of Gaylord* Mich* Card Of Thanks/ - i7 I wish "to express my-sincere, thanks to all the friends and neigh-J bors who helped and sympathised with my sister in her long illness. C. A. McKenzie. Card Of Thanks The family, of the lats Mrs. James Little wish to express grateful thanks to Yriends. and neighbors for acts of kindness and expres^ons extended during their recent ber eavement. '..''7 , ■■ ; 7’ '' Card Of Thanks Mr. Donald Blue desires to convey his heartfelt app^eeiiatiqn to the many friends and- neighbors who were most kind and sympathetic dur ing the illness and a^the” time of the death of Mrs. Blue. 5 Card of Thanks The kindness and friends and neighbors, cars, the sending of flowers and the devoted attention of. Rev. J. H.GeO- hegan and many other thoughtful acts during the illness and *t the . time of the death of he*. father, are < acknowledged with heartfelt appre ciation, by Mrs. V. S. Dumin. sympathy of the loan of * k L fc / f SEEK WHEHREABOUTS An advertisement appearing in tho Teeswater News last week, sought information of th© whereabouts of ** Mrs., Arthur -Woodland (furmatly " Jessie Watson) whose last hf^Shid- dress was Ripley. The aav4W<ment stated that to locate Mrs. Woodland would bs to her advantage. ECLIPSE Ofc/SUN- VISIBLE ^A partial eclipse of flu sun on Feb* 3 will be visible from Western ‘ Ont*, provided weather conditions are right—the only eciipsb ttf ths sun which North American residents will , he able to See? throughout 19^5. Thb eclipse will take plads during M-fee morning, with its height/ Ww about ii.ld o’clock. At its greatest magnitude, a little less thin 75% of . the sun’s surface will bn shielded by'the moon. " ■ ; 1 <s