HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 9Potatoes are 1 ... .„ and creamed foods on ,*.* rv r ■' < >prove» Toasting! ; .p^hers, wo^ld consider. hopeless. We Abbey Modelled In Cake jy . Art of cc^TRrvjng . -There are. thousands' of women irianagin|. tp jjgok .^ to, ‘^eep' tKei’r /houses a-Uractive,- ' and .^Ve,p/to’.dispense-open-handed hospi- taliiij^.'ari'd/are doing these things under.. circumstanced that many J ■/'. have in mini! several, instances. Qne W '■had'' money.;, to buy duri ■ 'for h§r’hall door,/nothing to drops of green' paint left. T.T thin., it,' she painted .'the iri;.s^.|ll fashion^and, the effect k ' effective frosting, 'She' 'gripped the**., old paper *" from, the ■';/vl.^/^afe/Wid*-/tintingr-i-ta* pail of white Purposes .they .Are ■» delicately muresep-ed. In another thous hast no. part with me." The matter of Peter's salvation is not invojjv^d here, b.u;t his* .fellowship with the Saviour? ' ' : “Simon Peter saith unto him,.Lord not QPly my feet, but. also my hands arid iffy head/’-The absolute word of the» Master breaks down the oppos­ ition of the disciple, but still it does not fully break-down his sett, will/ “Jesus saith. to* him, He -that is bathed, .needeth not, save . to wash, hjs feet,” '-"This, entire ' passage’ cari­ ng be* fully understood unless the distinctive meanings of. the two Gre.ek verbs1 for washing add bath­ ing are recognized.,"The Grepk verb lpuo her© translated “bath.ed” (the ‘only use of the verb-in-the Gospels) implies always, not the washing of a part of t^e body, but the whole... “Bjit is ffle.ari-.every" whit," H^also made a similar pronouncement later in the same- -evening (John 15:3); “And ye are clean, but-not ail.” Ju-z dS&k wash-then in the room. ’ . ’ ' /‘For he knew, film 'that ..shpirid be­ tray him.” Literally ' him that , was betraying him. / \ “So <?wh'en' ffe hrid •<i wrished their feet,” In what, mood' do .you believe the disciples now' were?; /‘And taken bis garments" and sat/ down "again.” One at once thinks . of . that* greater work wlfrar^fie^’"WasTfdbn"itq*it^fiffibh;; after which' he sat down on the right, hand of the Majesty on high (Heb. 1 to 3). “He . said -unto, them, Know ye, what T have don© to you?” Of course they knew the external-act, but did they 'know he asked, what that act flteally merint? .. ... “ “Ye call me; Teacher and,Lord/’. As Teacher he/was the ultimate au- tority In. theit -thought; as Lord their'-Master in everjf-, purpose arid' act of. life. "Arid-ye say. well; for so I am.” Such an acknowledgement- would—be/sinfnl untesa-Ghrist were- ; more than man. ,. “If I then, the Lord and the Tea­ cher, have washed your feet.” The heights of his deity and. the; depths of-his voluntary humiliation couldn’t be more. vividly placed ip contrast. “Ye also ought to Wash one an­ other’s. feet.” Christ* is here com-’ mending to the- disciples ■ an attitude, ff/wiffingriess/ of /Heart |Triat' doirs~not” ..hesitate in stooping low in serving other people, the,.Virtue of humility. -“For I have given- you an ex­ ample.” Christ is twice spoken of as an example in the New-Testament,-, here and,in 1 Peter 2:21, though the Greek nouns in the two passages are taifferent/ ‘‘That"ye also should do as I have done to you." It-We first learn from our Lord to associate jvith others in 7 the blessed spirit of a ser­ vant, what a blessing we should be­ come to the world.”—Andrew Mur_ —“Verilyw"Verilyr—I- .. , ... Twenty times in the Gospel of John and not once in the other three Gos­ pels, does- Christ—begin—a—statement- with iris solemn phrase," Verily;, ver­ ily. “A servant is not greater than his Lord.” They surely are not ah­ oy© him, arid therefore .could never rightly ' feel. that th by were above doing what he had himself stooped, to db. “Neither one that/ is • sent •greater than he that. sent.him.”. We also& are /sent .’;ries, /his apostles;;7 (John 17:18; ,20/21). ‘ ' ' • “‘ T f- y© k n o w t hes e things;’ ’ Kno w- -ledge—carries—responsibilities—as-well- as privileges. “Blessed are ye if ye "db—theta;”..Christ-especially ;emDhai^^ sized the dging of the things he* taught at the conclusion of the great sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7.:21, 24-28. ,. •/.,,' ' ’ “Likewise ye younger *be subject unto the eder.” This may mean that the ^younger Christians should be in obedience to those advanced in age “Yea, all of you gird yourselves/’. Tho white scarf or apron of slaves ■which was fastened u> the girdfe— the vest and 'distinguished .sdaves from freemen/' was known .by ‘--a, technical 1 word-- deriving . from the verb' Here used. The Verb utself.sim­ ply means to tie. or" fasten about one’s self /and 'occurs nowhere -else in—th.e New- Testament. “With hum­ ility *to . serve 'one another.” True humility . toward our fellow-men ar-' ises>. .froiij. humility* before' 'God, 'Avherein we attribute no good thing to ourselves, recognize that all that w© have, even dur natural gifts, are of God, arid that we are. the objects of. his undeserved .love. "For Cod resisteth ’the proud, but giveth. gj!ac© t.o the , humble/'’ ' .A, quotation'’from. the; LXX version of Pr'ov. 3:34; 41bo quoted in James L6’. God. 'withholds his1 gifts and aid from'The proud,, since'-the necessary condition pn the part of. the creat­ ure for the reception of .every com- -niurii’eation on- the part of .God/'is. wanting to tlielfh. • . Shortens .; Time . For t tion and Does Not w Protein Content /The^ scientists receritiy had toast up for trial in the laboratories, And ^they fotirid out^ soWe Interegilnf items- ■/ ?■ / ’ " ■ ' ' We have Known .for prime tiim4 that the heat of. toasting acts on th< .starch in bread,: changing, ft to sugar .... or /‘dextrinizing” it, and therbbj shprteriihg th© .time. Required, for th< ’body digestion. But might the toasL- irig heat be harmful to the protein content of the bread'-and^ so -dburiten act the gO effect- ony th.e.B.tarCht That’s what th© experts .wanted/to <. .knriw.. ,; . , “ ' ..' ' •/..'■ .Their tests have / shown that ths protein' of toasted bread is.aS corn*: , pletely digested as. the prp.te.in pt untoasted bread, bo £he evidence - is • all in favour Of the toast/-* . .• ‘Eliminates Potatoes" /That's good news since toast, is , SO usafui" to us housewives; “Many' inr. portant chefs in the great hotels and i restaurants^ ribrohghput/JJijeu, serve lamb chops, broiled chiokens^ broiled kidrieys, mushrooms aspari • agus and any number of foods'?:-on toast,/ Potatoes are unnecessary when toast figures in the menu. Rarebiti arid creamed foods on toast are in- " vdting at luncheon time I. and broiled filet of. beef, lamb chops and Salls- 4 bury steaks on toast are, excellent for dinner. . ' • Creamed dried beef with- hart .cooked eggs, on- toast, j's- easily pre. . pared, inexpensive and . nourishini luncheon, "djsfi7“'So""KrF‘creairied' oy-~ ’ s.ters on-boast. • Onion soup, tomato Soup and: cel­ ery I: soup all gain distinction if two or three squares .of toast are' Bprink-. led with grated cheese and served in- each\portipn. , , • . Meiba toast is perfect with, soups of/all varieties. / / By Mair M. Morgan / “ '■ ' . * b ' which varies from, a dark, rich'hue. , t.o?aj)ale tone"of the same.oolor. The . dyeing;., is,.Jone,, of course; before the' . material is. cut. -into • ■ strips.; Mfen^k' socks can be used, for variety as they are .usually woven • in several colors and make the design riwre.- interest-•. jng,.. . .'. •'• . ■,.■■■«..' ■ / .. * - , • Cut; the material into one-quarter • inch strips,^heing. dareful to .follow .■ 'the.'line,.of-the knit up aM down so rthat ' the strips will/nbtagravel ' too easily/ The weight of the silk may . vary, but; this".dbeh not matter as- , long. as ..’the worker does, noh use the •too/fragile chiffon stockings. These are..:not practical or (lasting! The' plain, .monotone * stockings ' Can be ; used/fof backgrounds when .such , are .desired.- ■ •, , '. '' ' Th.d materia! into*-, which these cut; strips, are worked is either fine white . cross-stitch , canvas, mohks cloth, or -any^ hea'.vy material not; too "fine . in­ weave. When .the cnoss-stitch'canvas ’ is used, *a neutral background, dark or, light," "must-be worked in on the whole surface around the design.. When usirig -monks <Hoth,, only the design , needs to .be worked and the - cloth itself forms a/ background. Purses can be made? on; remnants of-. yMDJ dxe^es to-..matfih t|tajj^^^ foundation material cari • be geometrical or floral. "/ . . simple flowers well placed arid wel^ shaded with darker ~ _ 7 lighter colorful petalsVufeually most/effective. These designs: can be : - -traced 6t / copied , from photographs . and drawings, of■* flowers ■ in /seed, ■ -catalogues—a-n-t —advertisements/ . or '■ . ■ drawn - freehand 'by an original : worker.. Also ideas majr be gained from art books' in the* public library ,‘dr transfer..'..patterns may.. be , pur-, chased. Buttefflies'^-ifpp^ed' from taagaziries that produde the real color are effective. \ .•*,'/ For the cross-stitch canvas, the design' shbumhe'drawn orTpaper or pasteboard and ma^ be colored. This is. placed .under the/''canvas^ arid traced /through to, the right side.. Water-color .pencils or water-color -paiht^hn^e-tased;~C'r-aybhLlineg.-will/ ■not—4ast—long—enough—to—follow- in working. In using monks 'cloth, the. •design-has-to be traced-on-free-hand',.. but with a little practice, the-worker will become. skiljful in simple ’ de­ signs/ Do riot make extra lihes as they 'Wilf not erase and-there is no worked-in background to cover, them. • '' ' ■, ."With-yth^ 'design / drawn- - on -the? foundation .material,The'colors rihosen beforehand fori, the various /‘parts of dhe.patterjr.—and_the material cut in ' -strips_only as it is.ready tp be used,- the wbrljc, itself, may be:, started. The method ..i.si._Very similar .. to that', of/ old-fashioned hooked rugs.. Use a No. crochet hook" for the firie work and a No. 8 for Work on-monks cloth. Hold the strips of silk on the uridrir side, iof the material and with the crochet, hook, pull the strips through into small loops on the' right side, following the drawn design .careful? ly.a Remember to shade’the leaves arid .flowers, usjrig a wide range of colors. ' Th effect is H-ke s rriiristovri hooked- rug, .with small, even loops close- to- .gether. It is ndt necessary.’ to useAa "frlme, but/if the worker finds * it easier; she may tack the cloth on h small picture fraine. Another more rioVel-.method of /making these bags •is to color ana shade in the floral design ’ on the - material: vrfi water­ color pencils o,r water color and work in a monotone background (around the flowers. The -background can al­ so be crocheted by.using' a chain, stitch through the ihateyial? This works up very tiast. 4 . .. . The purses ' may .be finished' with regular tops of wood' or .composition* O'i? with-" a •handle of the same.ipa-: terial'ihs the bag. They, are lined with ^atin and look, neater when •they are. finished off around- the edges with a small cord, -crocheted out of knitting silk, is desired; f The cost of making-these, bags, including -the cloth handle, will probably not 'exceed 25 cent's. These colorful bags fan-had no moriey.; to buy duri i. ripend on wa;npaper.\So, with a ,’ '^.,;r/. _ /.'_ .in the bottom . ojf a'can/arid a litt-le thrp.en- gl^ss iff /fashion^and, the effect ?rath^r effective frosting She 'Wipped ’we*', old paper ’' front the . Wash-V<ith-a .packaige. of, blue dye,. she IM^P^ses ..they .Are ■» delicately muresco-ed. In another ‘ instance a ,\yqman having given •j . /ri^ay ’ff/go^d-ipair o^urtains> Jn/nf-. ’ ■ ^F^tb^freSneh. a sordid horire, made riii ragged pair, do by starching them. •.. slightly a^dBn^pi^g- . bits ’ : of still more raggJBHnhterial over ,’the - lar­ ger holes and pressing them on with ,ri/hbt/irpn, ,In*a third instance a wo- / . . ripi'an lorig'" accustomed to -moneyed 1' circles, and whose" income has dwindl- . ed, to /next to nothing, manages ' to keep a servant and continue 'her V.■/ •hospi^Rty’'to all. arid . sundry-, -/by ffint of dying a diminished wardrobe’ at horiie,' and having enUsted’TKeTm’ ' terest of .her maid by ■ kindness.- and i' >/ consideration, is equally -able to be " -thrifty in all household ways. . . . EATiNG UP THE SCRAPS ', —“/^he--4ast-of--a---r-oast--alwa-yis—seems- /^bidLa^eLibe-tter^ fi r st x-sli ce. / _/ /j -those- >”tasty.: bits of'bj;own outside slices that* U/ff'” ' ------' ?<b|__ _.o ___ ______ __ ■.■t^^h^^"^re;^tualiy the choicest ’■,• ■' It. Seems ■ unkind '’■'\,to”r'“sli^'t "these' juicy bits by treat­ ring thefri as SiSra^s,'. / In reality, 1 these so-called ^leftovers” make the fpundation for .many, a delicious . -clisSi. .... ■ \ : * Cut? all the meat from the bones ’■“^roni“the-dinp^^table/—Doirits-let- the- I meat dry out. Place the cut* meat ; -jh- a-(-bewl--and-^pyeri-iit~el0^1y^w4t.h/ a lid pr waxed . paper.. The bories go into the soup kettle. Coyer them with cold’.wate^, add salt and 1 simmer theffi gently for an hour or more.-, This delicious broth qr meat. stpek m#y be used as the laasis for ...fiOdpSj ■gray.l.e's .pr./saucesi. Placo’ it-'to ; iglakri^ari in the .refrigerator, .’for; r/idnaorrqw’s- use. - ''•. ~^^ra-i§in-craMbe.rryLJ^ • Three-quarters’ cup sugar, two ; tablespoons -flour.r one cupy -riranberi . .i^ti'ris,'"CjjQg iff halves; onehalf cup rai­ sins, seeded aril cut -in- pieces, two ■.*■ ’ tablespoons shortening. CoVer bot­ tom of pie plate with paste. * Rer '’/serve, enough for upper crust. For *with^ingredients mixed in - order given; Bake thirty minutes -ip mo-. . der^tp oven*. A little more sugar .may be usedjf preferred than given ^''//,..yn/Recipe'-above. ,,,/ • ’ 1HAVE: .YOU TRIED THIS ? ‘ .. '■ .».'•?• <Qld' .'silk"’stockings, -socks ...and -- knitted silk underweai‘7 need? hot W '• discarded when they are worn out. Attractive .colorful, purses, chair sets,- footstool covers, small pillow tdife'rir hot-plate mats can be made ' 'frrinr such remnants. / "•....'Pink .and white- underwear; ' and . ,-i . light colored stockings can easily be dyed.. using any. .good dye, In choos­ ing the'c<jlpr§i, have plenty' of green * and be stffir^hat the colors harmon-*. ; -*-e,/iz6. The colors produce a more s-t-rily x y irig effect When the dyeing is uneven as ’this--shades' the design and gives ; it-.depth.'' -Tm acquire this • effect,. . ,' riliow. a third of the material tp' re­ main in the', dye several minutes be- for dropping the rest of The length • ' -'by degrees-into the kettle'. You have, as a'result, a length of material 1 Frank Buck; a|baker of Leytonstone, England, is shown above ■ with his cake model 'of. Westminster Abbey, which was, one of trie Christmas exhibits-shoJ^n in London. The taake/jyhich was six feet high, weighs'2;500 pounds and was made of Empire fruit. A ■< . Perhaps .it’s -because those >” tasty..' 1 that’ tlioffimsl'icingy -Arid.,. ..those ^;juicy-, e§’one.nad; to.'dig out" from around sins, The design to-be/wprked on the, , ‘ j either "A design of Jeters ^jarid^ liy is are riTuch '-admired -and there is - a ready/market thenn / SPEAKING OF, BOOKS “What ' are - you readirig these ■days?” he ‘asked... / (‘Oh1, I’ve just?-’read. ..’the f unniest book,’’ replied the modern flapper..; l/Horiestly,. itls. a. scream-r-it- really impressed- hie frightfully.’^ „ ~~n.VZKh’r'iFby?” ; ..... . “You know that awfully ..funny person who writes things/—I can "heveri"'fhirik of his/riamre.’’ . .... > “Whatsit called?”’. ;, . . “Let’s see—it’s some awfully fun­ ny iitle./. . ? Funny, I can’t for" the life of me think;-of ^t-at this minute, but it’s terribly amusing. It simply gave mo hysterics.” ' - “W:ha€ is it about?” “Well, it’s -really terribly ampsing r^ayy^>u^k’nowy-^Oiner-,Qf—those?—sort-^^of.. satire things.” / .. / .......1,1 . 1 meal -pi deeding the Lord!a....,Siipp©x;.j ..or, it was as many believe, the; be­ ginning of the Lord’s Supper itself, which is. not,/ as such, recorded' by­ John. “Th© devil havirig already put into the heart of Judas .Iscariot, Sinion’6_spn to betray him. “Thank- lul’ly we^feelT/the^Heart of man was rrot~ capable of originating /thp be­ trayal of Christ; ^humanity had fal- Jen,-hnt: not . snrlbw / / /, , ,- ., ' "J*eshs, knowing that the Father- had given 'all th ings""into liis hands* Ther© are at least, sixteen different gifts Off the* Father to the Sori" spok­ en of in th'e New Testament, e.g- k throne . (Luke 1:32); . judgment' (John' 5:22) ; authority over all flesh -(John 17:2); his oyvn (John 10: 29, 17, 2, 9) etc; ail things (John-3:35; 13:3; 17.7). “And that he "came forth from God and goeth unto God?’ No. one but God the Sori could ever ■know—such—stuperidous—Things .L-as- idrtion. "Really, it must.* be; delightful.” , “I think his books are wonderful, anyway, don’t7 you?” .?• • “Whose books?” ( . “This ian whose name I can never thing of, I mean.” ’ . SUNDAY SCHOOL PETER’S -LESSON IN ./HUMBLE -v- • ——--—________r— -GOLD EN—T-EX-t^AB/_of„yj3JU^ff^ yourselves with humility, to serve one ■'another.^v1- /Reter,;„5l5._^^ x TIME— .Thursday, April 6, A.D., 30 PLACE—in the Upper Room where >the Last Supper was. held in the city of Jerusalem. ... "Now before tile feast odf the.pass- p.ver.” The greatest of Jewish festi­ vals, commemorating the/ deliver­ ance of Israel from Egypt. “Jesus knowing that Ills hour .yras come.”. (Luke 22 .: 14) Not a particular per- -- 4®4-'. ©& wtoty, seconds’ duration, but indicating the entire .time ^during which his death occurred, and which was ‘‘his hour,” "because . for that tremendous event h© hadj come into the world. "That he should depart.” Tn the Greek' Verb ther© is nothing Suggesting death, but only a pass­ ing from one place to ..another. riOut of this. world.” The brigin of the ‘Passover an exodus^from ^the land of Egypt, is here taost remarkably, ful- filied in the departure of/Christ out of "this world,’ which Egypt always typifies, "Unto the Father.” TO go to the Father is t.O go home. "Hav^ ing loved- his own?’ They were -by his own choosing ’(15.16)and were soon to be. his in even’a dee^r way by his purchase of them with his own blood (Acts 20:28) /‘That were in the world.” The world out /of which lie was about to depart, and in which they must remain (17:14-16). “He loved them, unto the end. Bet­ ter, "unto/ the. utt'er"taost.”: And during supper.” This • was a these, ' ■ ' ' : ' “I^iseth from supper.” The cause of this • sudden act ori the part of Je^us 'was certainly tIiriTintibly and bitterm argument among /the disciples whiqh of them should be uncounted the greatest. “And layeth aside his garments.” The large- upper garment or cloak. “Arid.he took/a towel, and girded himself." He wrapped the - towel about his waist co-.that, both-of . his hands might ^bb tree for what ‘he ’ was about to. do. , ‘ i "Then' he poureth water, into the’? basin.” That it is. called the;basin would indicate it was the one placed in the. upper room for “such occas­ ions . as might' arise. “And- began to" wash the disciples’ feet,”- It was cus-.* tomary among" "tjfi'ff'"oriental people for a servant to^wasir the feet of guests as they cam© into the house,. ..their ^feet, with ■ ...pnly sandals on theta having accumulated much dust from the road. "And to . wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.” Shame and astonish-, ment- shut the mouths of the dis­ ciples, and not a, sound/ broke ' ; the stillness of th© room. • ’.‘So lie cometh-to Simon Peter/’ - With- what disciple j he. began we do. not know. ‘ 1 ’ ?,.... ■ "He saith Unto hita/’ Apparently the first one in .the room ' to speak;' ’’Lord, dost thou {.wash -my,feet?” By. ,tiffs question of astonishment, pos-’ sibly accompanied by drawing his feet upunder him Peter pays a great tribute to his ’ Master, / ( .’“Jesus answered/ arid^ald ; unto him, What I do.” In this he hds'' mad© himself ultimately responsible for all that happens for all of us. ABiit thou shalt understand hereaf_. ter,” Hereafter means after-’ /triese things,and refers to 'the entire Passion of Christ, which is here be­ ginning. ' ‘ ■ . "Peter sajith unto him, Thou shalt nev.er wash my feet.” Here is a; de­ liberate setting of th wilt, of Peter, against the wijl of Christ. /‘Jesus answered him, if I wash thee not, The Marrying Age ... The . /vital statistics., compiled in Ontario since 1881 spent to show that the. province has a marriage problem in which the yconomic sit­ uation is in strong conflict with na­ tural daw. . Thosp who have ha,d experience in circles where disrupted mrirrlages are • dealt .with are of the opinion that people should ' riot marry after the age where they have, become too set in their opinions. . / erage .man-fs-sueh—that—did—cannot . • undertake the responsibilities, of es- tablishing-_a. llousehold-until-hb-is-SO- /.,.. years of age or thereabouts, while ,to have/the best opportunity to make the marriage partnership- a success,' thdse authorities ciaim that/ men should be wedded from 20 Jbf-25 yrs. otf age and women from 18 to 23 years, of age. In Ontario about 50 per. cent bf- th©1 marriages are in com Tormlty with the&e conditions’=^Galt , ; Reporter. A young man who set ojjit" from • •Peterborough, Ontario in a canoe to paddle across -the Atlantic to Peter- , boro England, has never been- heard from, and is believed to have lost his life. His adventure-; was toolbardly but had one redeeming feature which ' ■ pdblic gratitude and praise. Knowing that it was foolhardy," he- attempted - it single handed, . prepared to/ take . -the consequences whatev|er they^ / might be. He carried no raditf with which to notify the world when ho upset and to bring a- thousand'other perSons to get him oiit of his!. mess and, save his lit© at the risk of/their' ,'owri.. . /-■ ..-A-monument Should b.e erected tor . him, thus, inscribed. ; . ■ “In grateful- hietao.ry of the world’s last man who was willing to pay. toe full- price of his -own- folly.’’—Detroit News. , ‘‘ . • ■ —•—•— V v ■j -r i o^r* T1’ rMVgONdlL are peoae! they (7 Howlers Sadducees ■. didn’t believe iq 13 ESKIMOS? . »■'. -/ / ' 1 ' ;T\ .., , MUU AND UiELL’jEEE AS LbNG AS Here in the. -frozen north let’s 60 ASKO-RE -cX -TH.IHKX^EE., —<—i some Eskimos! HM;- NOT AN ESKIMO IN Js •■SIGHT’.-,- ( MOTT, WHAT’S 1 ESKIMOS? IS IT- ANYTHING • LIKE DOMINOES? '. V ■ The _ ___ __ spirits, but the Pharisees* xvrire pub­ licans android theta. ... ' ■ A damsel is a. little plum, ' ' A monologue is a conversation ,be^ tween two, people, such as a husband ■and wife. . !; Henry VIII, was the greatest widoWer the "world hgs ever sqeri.