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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 7
t rfi'.' Y>r4^>£ £iQEn£iK£ THE LUegNOW SENTINEL A iz f r •1 '6 ^AGE jlVlB .... • LANGSIDE Th^ °Whi|echurch Women’s Insti- tute held? their January .meeting on Friday Ipst with the president, Mrs. 7 :,A . '• •’"■ 4. .. i **/ pJother and ‘dadknow *it wi 11^ for f.£Oni 5^^ every Tuesday - ^;MS.3O ... even the pup is on the alert ,./r' ■ ’/■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' , wcekly-caU-home ■ habit is iaex- pensive ahd a delight to your family. Note die rates .given in the front . p^ges of your directory. .Y<sji can. talk 100 miles or so for as littje as 30 centi. Miss Anna Stuart of. Toronto* was aweek/ond .visitor with her" mother and brother here. . Mr.'Wi Blue, who came from De troit to attend the ■? funeral'of his . sister-in-law, Mrs; Donald Blue, Lochalsh, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ,......,.. -^--j^Dr-AndersoniHrTz— ’ Mr.. Wils^'Woods left, on Eriday to resuriM»^ttr-Miidie§ at the^01A. .C.._ ■ Guelph. Henris accompanied by his. ' mother, Mra'/ R. J. Woods, who will visit her, daughters.,at. Fergus, Guelph anaGalt,. ‘ .. . "■ ■// -Miss' „•’:*.••• > at. the iQhtarid-'Hospital, London, is ■ home for a holiday. ; 1 ~ " ASHFIELD NOTES The people of this community were* shocked on Saturday • morning’', to learn of the death of Mrs. , Donald Blue of Amberley. Mrs. ‘Blue had only been sick for a few days. Mrs. Blue' who. before her marriage was Marg aret C. Clarkson, had endeared her self to all who had the privilege of : knowing-her. Besidegherhvsband , and three,small-children, 'she i8 sur- vivedby her mother, one brother and 3evensisters.ThefuneralonMonday was largely attended by sympathetic friends and neighbors. Interment was made in Ripley cemetery. The Kintail branch of the Wo men’s Institute held the first meeting = <. the year at the /home .bf-:Mrs.-4®^ J. Btillen; Mrs. Bissettoccupiedthe chair.Several letters were read from thbgr whcrhad? Keeri'TemoihbefeA^^ b^ /. and Miss.Dorene Webster of Carlow, ■'< ■ ’"•■ .. —7 wore week .end visitors , at their home ‘ .... ' here./ ■ ' .'J/.-? ' " ■/■'./ The new president, Mr., Stanley / Todd, Occupied the chair at the meet ing of the Y. P.'S, held on Sunday evening. Th© ..Literary Com. of which Miss Ruth- Ramage is convener had - charge, Scripture lesson was read by Gha^lie McDonald: and. the Bibl0 - character ©n “Solomon” by Goldwin P^rvis. The topic for the .Z///Z//1®’W ■jotjClnadiap': — History”. Gordpn Miller gave a talk on “Canada’s Early Explorer”. Cuyler Ramage r^a^’. a paper - on “Egerton Ryerson’’ ap4 l^geiy Todd one on ‘“Frands 'HfttSk^an”. Mr. McIntyre " led an inte^e^ng. discussion on “Why „ do iye study history?” Plans arg^big- made by the Y. P. . S. for a “Bobby ^Burn’s” social to be held Friday evening, January 25th. Mr. Ted Rice of Eden Grove was a recent -visitor with friends here. • The January‘meeting of the W. M. ^^was held at Mm. W. I. Miller’s with twelve ladies present. Miss. Ruth erford presided. An account of “Early Days of India’’ by Miss Jessie Dun-- can was read. ’’India from 1834-1934” was read by Miss Rutherford. At the conclusion a pleasant social h°ur< was enjoyed. |. !. Mrs. John Miller spent a few days with Ker daughter, Mrs. Sparkes at Bluevale. :jghe • Was accompanied by, little MissteW^n Sparked, who has been a visitor here... ■/• * Miss Helen Thom, who is training in Nicholls Hospital, Pe^rbor, under-; I 'fl the Institute with gifts during illness* also .a fetter of thanks from the Kin tail school for a first aid kit placed ,in their . school. A social evening was/ planned which is to be held in Kintail Hall. The Institute are responsible* for the starting. of a sewing class with Miss Sadie Johnston, R. N., in charge and with Miss Mary S. Mac-, Kenzie, assistant; The roll call was answered by each one present naming what she finds is the most useful thing in her kitchen. A number of papers were., read And quite a pleasant afternoon was .spent. The first meeting of the sewing class,is to be held at the home' of Mirs/ Neil G. Mackenzie on Thursday afternoon. COMMENCES NEW SERIES OF SUNDAY SERMONS Rev. Walter B. Craw, B.A., B.D., Minister of Centennial Church, Lon don, has announced a hew series of sermons for the Sunday evenings of January and February. The title of the series is “The Christian looks at the World Arimnd Him;’’, and the subject of the opening" sermon deliv ered Sunday- evening was “Capital— • ism.” Other* sermons in th<^ series include “Socialism;” “Communism;” “Mussolini, the New Caesar;” “Hitler Dictator of AH Life;’’ “The British Empire;” ’the League of Nations;” -and theu“Holy Church Throughout all the World”..; - * • v mafeking .................. ~ ___ _ ____ Mr, and Mrs. Wm. John Hall.-were went a successful operation, for ap- called to Kinloss fast Wednesday. Mrs. s * ■ - • ‘- * Hall’S H aged mother, Mrs., Jam^» Little, was called by death. Mr. and Mrs. Hall remained until after the funeral,-‘which took plape Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hall has the sym pathy of this community in her ber eavement. - ’ Miss. Jean Anderson camo home from Wingham hospital Friday, and is rapidly regaining health. Palmer Kilpatrick was home from Toronto this week end. < / / ' Mrs. Wm. Blake is visiting at the ■ V. .> - * U ' - ; ......;pendicitid on Saturday night. ' Many friends are glad to know that Miss Kathleen Thom is making rppid recovery from. her recent illness-, at th© home of her sister, Mrs. L. C. Thompson, Lucknow. . . The annual meeting of the Public Library will bb held on Tuesday, ev- ” .Ching,. January 22nd. Miss Margaret McQuillin visited at the home bit lier ^ iincle, . Mt. John McQuillin* Wl, tMs Friday, evanifi^, Jan. IMi. Alton and flit. Alton, Belfatt. r BOUNDARY WEST * ‘ h <..., , . . ' ' . . The social evening under the aus pices, of the. U. F. W.,0. of Paramount, which'wftsto be held on Tuesday-ev ening, January 15th, was postponed until a later date. ( \ We are sorry to report the Serious ! jng opened by the singing of two ceived frbm Mrs. R. Ross, Mrs, illness of Mrs. Clair Irwin, who last hymns add' prayer. -Kathleen Graham | i was taken to St. Joseph’sMSos- Tead the,"scripture and Mr. Me&tchie h|pital» London, where she underwent gave a short address, and Clara Mac-1 .Joy. appendicitis and^s pppald read the result nf a previous g as well as can be expected, We | committee meeting. After the, differ-. |hppe for a speedy recovery. : " -r-Mr^ G^^McKeuzio-made-his-lisual- idsit to members of the.. United Church S’ i * '^2 ■ ■ •’ *• ’ ‘' * ’ . »? ! of Lubknow last week end. , . On’ Friday evening of this week, Mr. ^-A. E. Buswell’a group .will en- I tertain the congregation' to, a social ■ uvcd vue wvro ■ ' ", 1On? definition, mf it ACT*;* **«**» ,of the . _ ' ’United Church. • • _■ ; • ■ .. Miss Grace Webster visited .-with Issac Pinpell. Addressed District Orange Sutherins Retires Ag District Master After Twto Yearns Ftae B^i^e-^uceeedk ed By ^arL Hedging '* KinlQsJ pietrict_.JL> p. held annual meeting in l&alougk Hull '- oh | Tueisdh^ Isaac PinojeJl^ pieixict • v Master for ?the pkatf twoghve f^oing the following address: „« Brethren, another year has passed in which the/ pages df life have been seasoned with Joys and sorrows^? Q. smiles and heartaches. Again we have I come here: to celebrate another an-1., nual district paeeting and thanksgiv ing. Just what does the word thanL giving jmean. .< praise—praise, tb' Him who watched over us and guided us in the past year, You ask yourself, ‘tWhat have I Mi®s Eileen Valad of Holyrood for I'to be thankful fort” Look aboutweek end. „ jmu.'-'jCpunt‘'your'M0iiifgsr';^AWoiig 'V ‘...... them you wiir find your home, that )- / ■ - L___ shelter from all sorrows, your family I NFANTS DI&ATII CAUSED the friendship of a comrade who has MOTHERS ACTION helped you to overcome the" difficulties that- were strewn in yqur way, and] When a coroner’s jury last week last, but by no means least, the loye I re^UTne(i verdict that her newly of a neighbor that helped you thru |born «<bild had on Nov. 22 last, came a time of trouble too heavy to bear r® death as a result of being £lone. | thrown from an upstairs window by Brethren, having been districT^- mother, a charge of neglect to ter this last two years, it. has come to] r®aswable assistance at my hearing that Orangemen are 1W u”der 271 of strictly againsi_the^catbolie-:reiigion |/^d^im^1 -Td°“ and that Orangemen took an obliga-.gare^ Irwin, Kincardine. At the con- tion to stand to their knees in cath- cl“®ion of in<*uest> Magistrate olic blood. Now the Orange' association I Walker held a brief session 'of never says to any man that he should pOurt and at the ^C8ti ofc Mayor worship in any. particular way.'-They]Campbell Grant" of Walkprton, who are free to worship God in their own with E’ Graham^bf Kincardine, is way. The regulations of the Orange actmg counsel for MisQrwin, granted association, have-changed^Mtlr-thel’ wmand_untU. JWednesday ofc-4hia years, but the .principals of the order waek* .... ... , remain Just the same as when. first <' .. J.-?-/1' '* '?at_J11"’ Wm’ ^loyd’s» Lucknow, organized. \ . > j.- JcamA' They filled the gap and the L ^r’ aad JJrs’ Ber^ McLean- were Canadians ought to realise their re-ladd that in whatever capacity I am proved ! 1 ” ■ / I / " Sent politic,, fiat It rtands for one,be ,nd »o serve A plea,ant -evepiilg /w (?peKt flag,' ono school, one King, one society. as a' humble ^advocate of its princi- i On Menday last when the friefids of The Orangeman is under an obliga-] pals. “Fight on my men,” says Sir Mr. and Mrs. Donald1 Mwarfan as- tioii to* do everything in hispower to lAnd^ew Barton, “lam hurt but. 1 sembled in theOrange Hall and pre- hdpjLeS^li$d&h.^ me""down and pc^ed-them^wbh^aJbuffietPand-dining here to defend ourselves. We Will notl^ . was read iby Jack Hodgin’s: ' allow foreigners to come in and ignoreX-/—_— —- -<r„ ..Mr;—and' Mrs. -Donald McFarlan; ’ th. Union Jack.. We are hew tnfieftn* •“.^r^ekw^taethren deServe all E • DonaM/ aPd Mre McFarIal; our, country, rehgiop and lodge, with Ikrnds of praise; for the' work they did „ / *• / ■ - J -‘v^3rtl>ine.a su^s’ .“J* eouC^zSd.^dr'lnd lS’ thi' icemeniiveop tooMi^XJ?]^1^ 1We(^ace feet M on Sunday, .or When we have the op-F1^ str^ portunity of going i A man is a poor est the parade go by. Those children gratulat10^ and t6\^sh .a yeTy jobr neighborhood. You are a stranger to many here tonight, but we , hope' 1 wlp will have a chance of knowing you T. Jr..... -I..*... kt . ' ’ As a token of our high regard for we ask you to^ accept these gifts? :y you live mapy years of wedded ss is^the wish/of this community. ‘Signed on behalf of your, neighbors Jnend's,/ :: , ? . Frank Cutrie, Jack Hodgins; j YDonald thanked the donors in a ,. KINLOUGH Church Group Meets The kinlough Church Society held its.first meeting on Monday evening. - ... last in the Anglican Church. Rev. F. I Tbps. sGaunt in the chair. Thanks for McRitchie occupied the chaii*. Meet-Ifruit sent them when sick was re- i__ ■■ -■» 1 >.<■ « A — ... I th MM - I Casemore, Mrs. C.* Murray, Mi^M. Campbell, Mrs. M. McNeale and the >. Children’s Shelter at Walkerton for Christmas., gifts sent. -Jfc was, decided ; ? ;.r Ito hold a euchre and °dance on Wed- * InesdayJ Jan. 16th. Mrs. Russel Gaunt -Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and Mrs. Dustan^ Beecroft are-to: supervise the euchre. It was decided to write and see when ■ an in.structo“r. cduldrcom© for a home - - nursing, course. Burn’s night was [arranged for January 23rds with a.”'..- < /committee of Mesdames Thos/ Moore, W. Lott, L. Grain, R. Gaiint and “ Miss M. Wilson toJook after a pro-= | ?ram.‘ Instrumentals were given by Mrs,. Farrier and Miss Merle Wilson. Reading,. Mrs, Chas. Gillespie, /’Cana dian Adults Live Longer;” topic, “The | Handicapped Chi^,^(a) Child in" th© ? “ cradle; (b) How parents dodge child ] training; (c) Child’s health. Cookie contest/was then held. Judges were Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs. W. Lott ■ LMrs.-L^-Grath— deciding in favour of Mrs. G. Gillespie’s. tShe received a < I plate as a prize. The peering ^closed with-the-Natianal Anthem. , Mr. George Tiffin had given .-.Mr. Bill Smith 4, year-old calves , to feed T for" the rest of the winter and when turned into the yard a few days later I noting, the surroundings -strarige they, became wild and bolted through •"■wife" fences and over rail ones, till they reached the large bush baCk~bI"Mr- Wm. Orris farpi and then on Monday Mr. Tiffin tried to get them home but failed. * On Thursday9 menwent to - hunt them arid after searching all afternoon, succeeded in capturing 3. Oil Friday they caught- the other one. They simpl^had to be chased-til! : somewhat exhausted, so the meh could 7“ catch them; ■ ' . 1 The Langside Presbyterian W. M. S. held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. John Richardson. Hymns were sung, and prayers were offered by Mrs. J. Richardson, and Mrs. M. Nor mam It was decided to make a puiltandto-start~as'soon^a3.they^^--- received the patches. The topic from __- the l^tudy Book was read by various . >? -persons- The^ -roll call -was—answered - — by paying, of fees. The next meeting is at the home of Mrs* M. Norman. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and the hostess served tea. " ent clauses of the constitutions, the' following officers Were voted ph and carried unanimously. President,. Miss Nellie Malcotnij T'St vige pres., Mrs. Arthur : Graham; 2nd vice- pres., Mr. Tom McFarlan; Sec’yL-TreaS., Miss Clara MacDonald; Assist. Sec’y.; May, Boyle; Chairman, Mr^‘ Levi Ecken- swillfer. Mr^ Arthur Graham, newly) elected council man spoke bri,ef|y>-als,o the officers present. Hazel /Percy and ‘ Alice Pinnell gavfe readings and the meeting! closed with prayer.^- '. . . The aims of the above society,- are: To promote the* interest of 'th# whole community and develop #good/fellow ship^ To further, religious devotion,! to enlighten the human understanding to encourage' literary taste,, the train- ingLof the—members in—the—art—ofj public speaking and to conduct. Public business. ’ (- Z ’ Meeting nights are: The fi^it Mon day of each jnonth in;Anglican ichurch. They third Monday of each mpnth in i Presbyterian Church. Monday next,, Presbyterian' Church, “Pibneejr night” Monday, Feb. 4th, Anglican/Church,] ■‘-I^ebaie’’. Mondayp Feb. 18t^; Valen tine social. /■ \ . /Mrs. H.; A.>Graham entertained I the Women’s Apx.|‘ on. Friday after noon.', ■ < ■ , ■ y. ■ ■ '■ I 1 M£_and_Mrs;JWill-Cqx,. Mrs; Cd£|: )Sr;, and Mary/ y^ere Sunday /isitors n NINE NEW MEMBERS " ;’• ' . /onbruCecountycouncil rtoo 751201^ ointlus^Attehdi^ /chureW/eyehtSp and 88 they grow older with only once* yearwhen theJodgegoos] proper guidance, should'in, their-turn as a body. Do we meet in the lodges]commemorate it as we -hai/< room with ©pr brethren/on the 12th with the knowledge iff an Orange K of JulyT Do we read qur Bibles. He [Pass and the determination is . a poor Orangeman who does not read his Bible at least ,once a week, because ’ it, was on that book that the ideals of our lodge were first built; The principals of the Orange order are borrowed from .the Bible-and It Is up to every Orangeman to live up to them. Every Canadian with British blood in his veins - should' appreciate what the Maple Leaf stands for in this country. If we carry out the principal?: which have been laid down in the Orange ,order we cannot help r_______w __________.A-, ____________ but go forward to th© day when Can-J But brethren, the Orange association] HAS SUCCESSFUL YEAR ada will stand out as ths'.greatest]can not stand still. It must either ro- jmtlon in th. British Emp^. .beat dr advance, ' It ,ia n time | ’5^anndn^Cr6W* United Church Let me quote what Brother Fitz- for advance; Let us * do "so, but ' gerald said in Lucknow on the. 12th] do not quit when things go wrong , as of Juiy. He emphasized keeping dn they sometimes ijrill. memory what the day stands for; When the road you’re trending seems ^id that* apart from the Nazarine, he I all up hill, fat no one had done more for the I When the funds are, low and the. debts cause of civilization than King WB-are high, ’ liam, for we would be in servitude I And you want to smile, but you have today, were it not for him. Brother! tc sigh, / | , ' Fitzgerald drew attention to the fact When care is pressing you down a bit that the French, language is demanded ERes^ If you must, but do not quitY so ipuch in Quebec and in some parte In conclusion brethren, let me point pf Northern Ontario, that nothing but Out to you that our association was French is taught in the schools and planted on Canadian soil for a purr and that the Orange order stands fori poae men great visidn, who hay© King, constitution, equal rights t?hgi(] down the torch* Time after time all, special privileges to none. He jt ■has'been picked-up and carried on. said In dosing that early pioneers' Thia is ?s it must be/The names of, brought the OrApge IhA|itiifl0n into (the honored dead' who hive been sum- this country, made history, and laid ]moned home will be recorded -by bur the foundation for future generations* | secretaries in each lodge. They have He appealed to thos© present to build ‘ up, not pull down. Regarding the glamoring for a new .flag, he voiced the feeling of the lodges th^t We v/ant no flag but the old red cross, That sprang from freedom’s soil, And fluttered high above the reach, Of hands that would despoil; The gallant banner of the brave Our country’s Union Jack, That never streamed above a ...slave, On swerved from glories .track. /Remember Gideon’? He was a fir mer threshing wheat when God called him and gate him a great , task. He with ah army of 890a thftV success . . • - <<r V, z * *e done ®a j better before long, o main- >- tain our civil and religious \liberty, keeping and maintaining Ontario and Canada British and within thk Em-|i pire under one crown and one flag. Brethren, I have appreciated: ? • ” ’ • * x fu * ’ag°’ j x.0Und ^^nojSWIVeI | 7 Edbert Bushell, AIexx Percy. Iyou m~ J bliss isy/the wish/of this community, v •* * • \ t'he andhonor of-the office you elected mb t o f“ chair position and have glady devo* my; time the -best I eoiild, to« >4fittimFwiy SSfife SmSMer of the work of the order. I think it has eveningwas''Spent in dancing. . , ed in maintaining our position in this .' . district. If I have failcdin my re1- •• ».• ", spOhsiMlity let me bea, the.criticism. CREWE UNITED CHURCH ’ ’ .1., . ..........~> , I’ ’ my time the best I could,: tqr „W.h.e.nJ Bruce County Council con- venes in Walkerton next ’ week, at least nine of the thirty-three mem- • bers will be new men. This does not include Southampton where through failure of candidates to qualify for election, a second nomination has been called. Of these nine, J. H. Brown of. Teeswdter and J. D. Mc Leod ... of. Kincardine. have previous to — the past year,’ represented their municipality at County Council. ' t-tt— .: Reeve Duncan Munm of Ripley. andL : ^^ I. A; Logie of Paisley^ are in line for the wardenship,, with Mr. Munn's election A probably favored, as two ' ’ years ago he gave Campbell Grant a close, run for this office; - The 18 rural reeves/and deputies «. and the 15 urban reeves are ,as fol lows, -wj(th the. new members marked by ah asterisk: . K 4 St/ Edmunds—-Cecil Davis. : LindSay—Dan. McDonald. »■ Eastnor—John Dawsdn. . Albemarle'—Wm. B. White. Amabel—Wellington Ard. Arran—♦ James Miller; z • Elderslie—Louis Davis. ' Brant:—Walter Chisholm and *John J&urrelK- _ . > , ' Carrick—Henry Lantzf. Culross—David McDonald. : Kinloss—*Richard Elliott. Huron—*j&fen. Losan- , Kincardine Tpi—Lawrence Stirling. ’Bruce—J. W. Howe, Chas. Woodk » Saugeen—Donald Christie. Greenock—*Clare Donnelly. m . Lion’s' Head-Gordon D; White. Wiarton—J, J. Tyson. ‘ Hepworth—*A. J. Mercer. Tara—C, R.'. Vandusen. Chesley^-*S. M. Ewart. Walkerton—John Clancy. ': Mildmay—Frank X.. Schmidt. "Paisley—John A, Logie. , Port Elgin—W. Fenton? Kincardine. ’foWn—*J. D. McfSeocJJ Ripley—buncan Munn. Lucknow—A. W. Hamilton. Tees water—* J. H.“ Brown. ■,«' ^Tiverton—Donald Cameron. / Sbutha'mpt6hH^(New ' E ■«sn> held its\ annual Congregational meet ing withRev. D. /ArMacMillah, pastor presiding. Encouraging reports were heard from al/the organizationsr of the ^congregation. Wilfried Drennan, congregational treasurer, /reported all obligations met and a balance in the treasury. ^Bert, McWhinney reported^ most successful year for the Sunday Schon] whose superintendent is Matthew Shackletoii, and to whom much credit is due fpr Its success. After having all supplies for the year paid for, rind assisting im pairiting the church rind installing 'a’ new furnace in the par sonage, a balance of $16 still remains. . A . flourishing,,. Young.*’. People’s sSo17. ciety was organized in 1934, which assisted’ the congregation in Various ways, and still retains a balance/ in the treasury. The Ladies’ Aid raised. $32.09 and have $23 still ..On hand. Open Air Rink A ^Success « . / The open /air "skating rink,-a new Venture for v Dungannon, the credit for which is due mostly to Herbert j. L. Eedy and Gordon Kidd, has been attracting largecrowds when the ice is good. The ,rihk i§ lighted at night by hydro, and soon, by means ' of an amplifier, radio iriusic is to be broadcast during skating' hours’! Walking to reduce ^ are you re- become united withbthat vast throng of invisible witnesses that surround •our aciibnr today. Our sympatfiy goes out to those who grieve. /for their. absence. 1 i Election of Officers—1935 District Master—-E. Hodgins, Cul- ross 978; Deputy Master—Wm. Stan ley, Kinloss 898; Chaplain—A. Gra ham, ^Kinlough 1J39;. Rec. Sec —Gi Haldenby, Culross 978;. Finance Sec. -Richard Carter, Lucknow\ 428; Trea surer—N. Guest, Kin lough 1139; D. of Ceremonies—A. Hodgins, Kinlough 1139; 1st Leet.—John Miller, Lucknow ' 482; 2nd Leet.—Wm. Simple^ Kinloss ‘ ■’ g-iW *!& ..' ‘‘ T»^ a> n