HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 51 ■J //
'Clair Irwin,- who last..........' ." .......... ...■-».
‘ ' ItiMINDARX.W^T ,
The social evening, under the aus
pices of the U. F. W. O, of Paramount
whiieh w^s to be held on Tuesday ev- {
ehing, January 15th/was postponed. I
until, a later datej/7: * ■ /’N
We Are sp^ry M report the. serious |
illness of _
'wepk- was taken io tSi» Joseph’s Hos
pital, London,, where she underwent
an operation 'fur appendicitis and is
doing as well as . can Ke expected. We
Hope fpr a speedy jrecavery. „ .
A ’ Mr, D. G.. McKpnzie made his usual
?vi?$t to. members of the United :Church
of^Lucknow' last week en<& . . . ... -Wl.
1 On Friday evening of. this -week, Arthur Graham; 2nd vice pres./Mry
Mr A« Er^Bu8welTa'’group’Twill’^en^rr^OrP"’-^'c^®r^n~>-^See!y;—Treas^//MiW
tertain the-congregation to a Sbcial Clara MacDonald; Assist; Sec’y/May
^evening ip the basement.-, of , theL®®^^l .Qhairman,.. Mr. Levi Ecken-
United Church. , ■ 7; I sWiRer./Arihiur ,Graham; newly
' Mws Gra^e WebBter visited with [Secte^ouneft man spoke briefly, also
Miss Eileen yalad ot Holyrood :forP««”t Hazel Percy and
the week end. Allce pmne11 ^ave readings and the
' ' * .hheetmg^closjedLwith^praye^
I The aims of' the above Society are:
I community A^d /develop gibod feljow-
Isfiip. To further religious , devotion,
ta enlighten the human understanding
to encourage literary taste, the train
ing of the. members in the art of
I public , speaking and to/ conduct public
business. ’• 1
Meeting nights are: The first Mon
day of each mpnth/jnAnglican church.
[The third^ Monday pf each month in
Presbyterian Church. Monday next,
I Presbyterian Church, “Pioneer night’’
Monday, Feb. '4th, Anglican Church,
“Debate”. Monday, Feb. 18th, Valen
tine social. '■■'.■I. ", ......
. Mrs. H. A. Graham entertaped
the .Womens Aux. qu-Friday’’aitef-’
noOn./. <
[*; Mr." aiid "Mrs.' Will Cpx/ MfS. Coif
Sr.,< and Mary Were Sunday visitors
-at-MT;-WmT"Eroy^^ --
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. McLean were
to London, \ifonday. We are pleased
is greatly''im-
Issac Pinnell Addressed >
District Oranje Gatherins
Retires Ahi District ,Master•?’After'
Two Years Fine Seirviee—Succeed
ed By? Earl HodgnuL - ' *
Kihloss DistrictL, held thp
annual mfietin^fin Kinlbugii HfilV bn
Tuesday Jaf$/ !?««? Pinne^l; District
'Master. 4®^ p^t‘-'tm> ‘yearn’ gave
the following address:
Brethren, another' year has passed
In which the pages $f life' have been
seasoned , with joys and sorrows,
smiles and heartaches. Again we, have
come hefe id celebrate another an
nual district meeting and thanksgiv-
ingi Just what does the word thanks
giving "means One definition taf .it is
praise—praise to Him who watched
oyer, us and guided us in the; past
year." You. ask yourself, “What have
I to be thankful for?” Look about
you.-Countyourblessings. Among
shelter from all sorrows, your family"
the friendship of* a" cbmfade wfib hasi
helped' you to overcome the difficulties
that , were strewn in yoiit Way, and
last,'but by no means least, the love
of a neighbor that helped you-thru
a time of trouble top heavy to bear
alone. ■ - "■
Brethren, having been district mas-
ter this last two years, it has come'to-
my -hearing that Orangemen are
strictly, against the catholic religion
and that Orangemen took an obliga
tion to stand to their knees in cath
olic blood. Now the Orange association
never says to any man that he should
worship in any particular way. They
are free to wdrship God in their own
Why. The regulations of the Orange
association .have changed with the
years, but the principals of the order
remain.ju&t~tKe same as 'when first1
organized.' //'/■''//■ ' ’
Lloyd Georgia in Montreal said ,
Canadians ought to realize their 're4?
spbnsibility to the Sabbath and a to
their . God. The order does not repre/
faent: pdlitics/but
flag, one school, oneKing, onesociety.
The Orangeman is under anobliga
tion ,to do everything in his : power to
are not here to criticise, but ,,we; a^e
hero to defencFouraelves.; We will not
allow foreigners_to2comeinahdignore-
thp Upiorj Jack. We are here to defend
our country, religion and lodge, with
no » special privilege to anyone and
equal rights to everyone. Do we a$
Orangemen live up to out obligations ?
on. Sunday, or when we have the op
portunity of going? .A,man ia .'a poor
Orangemanwhodoesnbt.There is.
only once «a year when the lodge goes
as a body. DoJwe meet in the lodge;
room with opr brethren oh th^ 12th
of July? Do we read our Bibles. He
is a poor Orafigemanwho does not
read his Bible at leastDonce a week,
because’it. was on that book that the'
ideals of our lodge were first built.'
The principals bf the Orange order
are borrowed, from the Bible and it is
up to every Orangeman to» live up to
them. Every Canadian with British
what, the,Maple Leaf stands for in
this country. If we carry out the .
principals which have been-laid dmirtr
in the Orange • orde, we ^imof hel^
but-go forward to the day when Can-
ada will stand refit as ' the? greatest
nation in the British' Empire.
Let me quote what. Brother Fitz
gerald said in Lucknow on the 12th
of July. He emphasized keeping dn
memory What the. day stands for.-He
said that apart from the' Nazarine, he
felt no one had done mdre for the
cause of civilization than King WP
liam, for-wo' would be in. servitude-
today,'were it'not for him. Brother
Fitzgerald drew "attention to the fact
that.the French.language is demanded
so much in Quebec, and in sonie parts
of Northern Ontario that nothing but
French Is taught in the schools and.
and that the Orange order, stands for
King, constitution, equal rights to
all, special privileges to none? He
said im dosing that early pioneers
irought the Orange institution -inib
this country, made1 history, and laid,
tfie foundation for future generations.
He appealed to those, present to build
up, not pull down. Regarding the
clamoring for a new flag,, he voiced
the feeling of the lodges "that:
We Want no flag but the old red cross,
That sprang from freedom's soil,
And ..AutterO^high above, the reach,
Of hands that Would despoil; '
The gallant banner of the brave
6tir country’s Union Jack,' ,
That never streamed above a slave,
Or. swerved from glories track,
Remember Gideon ? He was. a ffiiP-
mer threshing Wheat When God called
_ _____ him and gaw him a gr^at task,. He
“the Sutiity .hoZ” 'of'w ‘Shi/.
........ an army of 300 that success. gpg4,
• mother and dad know it will, for
ig; 7^®- (***“ 0* Q?Xt£yety Tuesday'. ....
s at &30 ■... even the pup is on the alert.
> The weekly-call-home hahir «V
* vx pensive ahd a delight to your family.
.. Note the rates given in the front
pages of your directory. You ran tail-
,100 mile*: or so for as little as 30 cent*.
. < Miss Afina Stuart of Toronto was
a week/ond visitor with her mother
•::and-'-ibrot]^^''here.--A\-.- ■ ■
...’»_Mr^.W»2BlUe,i.whm came -from Pe«.
troit to ^attend -the funeral of his
8ister-in-law, MrB. Donald Blue,
■ Lochalsh,?/visited /with Mr. and Mrs.
-^-^J^D.—A^d^rsPl^'-' - ’■ "■
^7 /
ta resunid'bit’studles at the O;A. C..
Guelph. He^ifras' accompanied by his.
./mother, Mrs. R. J. Woods, who will
. visit her dan
•,/; and Galt,, ".a
• ;' ..7Mi'sS...®^*.TaylOri;.nursa^in?traihi'n
at "the Ontario'Hospital, Lon'don, is.
‘- home / for- a /holiday/ iJ
y/M^ebster~pf Londbif
iters at Fergus, Guelph
Church Group Meets.
I The Kinlough Ghurch Society held
its first meeting on Monday evening
I last in the Anglican Church. Rev. F?
McRitehie occupied the; chair. Meet
ing , opened .by , the sinking- of ’ two
hymns" and prayer. Kathleen Graham
I read the scripture apd Mr. McRitehie
gpve a shortr address, and Clara Maer
I Donald, read the ' result ,pf'a.„-p,rpyipU?-:
committee meeting. After the differ-
rent elapses ofthe constitutions/ tfie
I following pfijeers Were voted" on add
carried unanimously. President/ Miss
Nellie Malcolm; 1st vice pres./ Mrs.'.
■ I
<u "
tett^CAUSED' ’'' ''
/- f'.! ■ ■■ ■ j ■ ’ .loronOr-^ jury last ...-week-
verdict- that hier .newly
fiad op Nov. 22 last, came
•h .'as I L result. of being
an ikpatairs window by
“ -h/irge v of neglect' to j
ialrie I assistance • >tl
linger section 271 of
de I against Miss Mar-1
.jXdine. At the con-
h&quest, Magistrate
l a brief session of
’request of Mayor
with E. S. Graham,, of Kincardine, is I.
acting counsel for Miss Irwin, granted
a remand ufitil Wednesday of thia
.L When. a-J
returned a
born child It
to its deati
ttecWrn from. L_....
its mother, aJ ihali
provide “reasonj
birth was laid urs
'.the,Criminal Code s
garet. Irwiii, Kincar<
elusion of thqlj iL
■F. -'MT.. Walker. held
"couri; ahd"''atr'fhe|
Campbell Grant o|f Walkerton, iwho I
acting counsel for Miss Irwin, granted
week. it:- -1 ■ . ,
"7 ;; : i?
!// LANGSIDE /' /•
The Whitchurch Women?s Insti
tute Ijeld . their "January meeting on
Friday last with- the president, Mrs.
Tfios, Gaunt yi the chair;.'Thanks for
fruit sent them when sick , was re- <
•ceived from Mrs, R, Ross, Mrs. E.
CasdmQre, Airs. ■•C. MissM.
Campbell, Mrs. M. McNeale and the
Children’s Shelter &T Walkerton for
Christmas gifts sent. It .was decided
tp hold , a euchre and dance on We^r.
nesday,( Jan.- 16th. Mrs. Russel/Gaunt
Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and Mrs, pustan
Beecroft" are to supervise' the euchre.
It. was decided-to. write and see when ...
an instructor could’ come for a hpmfi • '
-nursing^co^ juight was -
arranged for January. 23rd/ with a
committee, of Mesdames Thos. Moore, '
W. Lott, L. Grain, R. Gaunt and »
Miss M/ Wilson to Took after a pro
gram. -Instrumentals were 'given by
Mrs/Farrier and" Miss Merle Wilson.
Reading^Mrs.Chas.Ginespie.^Cana-^ -
dian Adults Live Longertopic, “The 4
.’cradle/ |b j How parents dodge child
training; (c) Child’s health." Cookie
contest was they., held. Judges were ' .
Miss.: Merle Wilson, Mrs. "W. Lotti '
Mrs. L. Grain, deciding in favour of .
MrS.- G. Gillespie’s. jShd received a
plate as a prize. The meeting closed -
with the National Anthem. <
Mr. George / Tiffin had given Mr.
Bill Smith 4, year-old calves to feed,
for the rest gf the winter and i when
tnrineri info the yard a few days later".
noting the surroundings-'strange they,
became wild and bolted through wire ’;
fences and <yver rail oiies, till they-.....
reached the large bush back of Mr
Wm. Orr’s farmland then on Monday
Mr. -Tiffin tried to /get them home; but ;/
failed. jQn_Thursday 9 men wdnt /to~
On Friday th^y caught the other one.
They simply had to be chased til! . .
somewhat exhausted, So the men could
catch* them.,
The Langside Presbyterian W» M.
rS. held their January meeting at the——
home of Mrs. John Richardson. Hym«? '
were sung, arid prayers were offered
by Mrs/"J. Richardson and Mrs. M.
Norman. It was decided to make a
L The people of this .community were
shocked, on Saturday morning to
learn - of the death of Mrs.,. Donald
Blue of Amberley. Mrs. Blue had only
been sick far a few days. Mrs. Blue,
Who before her marriage was Marg-
aret C. Clarkson, had endeared her
self to all who had. the privilege of
_andjthree sman children, she is 8ur-
yfved by her mother, one brother and
was largely attended by sympathetic
friends and neighbors. Interment <waa
made in Ripley cemetery.
The Kintail branch of the Wo
men’s^ Institute held tl|e'first meeting
of the.■ year at the ■••home^bf'Mrs.-.-R.' ■
J. Bullen. Mrs. Bissett occupied the
chair. Several letters were read from
those- who had been remembered by
the Institufe with gifts during iliness,
also a fetter of thanks from the. Kin
tail school for a first aid kit placed
in their School? A social evening Was
planned, which is to be held in Kintail
Hall. The Institute are responsible
for the starting of a sewing class
with Miss Sadie Johnston, R, N.,' in
charge and with Miss Mary S. Mac-;
Kenzie, assistant. The roll call Was
answered by each one. present naming
what she finds is the most useful
thing 4n her kitchen. A number of , . . •
^papers were read and'quite'-a pleasant blopdL. in^his veins should appreciate
■* *. •?,. ■ ' r • tzrlaei^ It*afternoon was> spent. . •
" The first meetipg of the sewing
class is to. be held at the home v, of
Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie on TbuftdAg
afteWbon. 7—=/----*—.•»■
came/ They filled the gap and thej
1 I-thiai institution I will ]
a{ tliefled, tet ftel%
add that in "whatever capacity I am proved. ~
cojumeted with / " ~
as a humble a lyocai
pals. “Fight on
AhdjreW', Barto; i,
i /tap^oJ^s^aih^Ell-
... ■ ^[Newlyweds Presented /
i^illing^to, 9erye very pieasant evening was spent
of its princi- on Monday last when the friends of
i,”’ says* Sir.I Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFarlan. as=-
was read ->by< Jack Hodgin’sf
___/4i_^ ~~^Mrr~and McFarlan.
T a ( Dear Donald and Mrs. McFarlan:
ie work they did „ , > <.'•
i, - / ■ Because you are one of Us, we
’ aruccess on could not. stand aside and let this
i greatly impressed I happy-event of your life take place'
ig and old, Who unnoticed. So-we are gathered , here
my ^men,
“I ^fita hurt but 1 sehibled in-the Orange, Hall and pr«-
the Study Book was read , by various
persons. The roll call was answered “
by paying, of fees. The next meeting
is at the home of Mrs. M, Nojman.
The meeting closed with the Mizpah
benediction and the hostess served
. J%e>Lucrknow bi?eth all
kinds of praise fthe work they did
-to make every ;hn
l^thuof JUly! I was
by the ip^s of Wung and old, Who-I unnoticed. So- we are gathered .here
lined the’tstreet Watching with-inter-po' extend to you our heartiest con-
est th. jarado go by. fewBe children and to wish you i very
_x j J . .. J . .. I happy wedded life. Wei wish in par-WjlL-pot— -forget those momorable ;. , --;--—*-=—n~
l . L ' : . ,?.Jticular to welcome Mfs. McFarlan to-eventsF-aiid-aSrtheyTgrOw-olderwith/0i--------------------------—“------*w*
proper guidance, should in their turnl
ctmimembraie 'it as iw!e have ...done
'with the 1
Pass and I the determination to main-)
tain burl civil i * ” '
keeping and maintaining Ontario and
Canada British 4-i._ Ww. L
piro under bne| crown and one flag? |
. Brethren,
honor of the office you Elected- me to j
‘''fTJ’ --*■"■■ ■ 11
chair position' and have
; j ; " | muug way anu .vue remuuiuer ql v'work of the order. I think it has help- | evenjng. wag spent in dancing. . '
district, /if I have failed in. my re-1
our neighborhood. You. are a stranger
to many here tonight, but we hope
e we will have a chance of knowing you
rn'l _ ‘ _ ** ■
, j. ,• - • 1 As a token of our high regard for?n. r®kftiaus 1 e ■Myou, w;e ask you to, accept these gifts!
Sil a'nd' wi/hb/ t'h'; e/ ?/ T°" ’ive / wedd'd
\ .. i' F * •'-(.... 2 - bliss is the wish of this community.,.“ie[crown an one ag. Signed-on behalf of your neighbors
1, I have appreciated the land* friends,
,.....- - . / "^2“ Frank Gttrrie; .Jack Hodgins,
? «®nnd it no swivel Edbert Bushell? Alex Percy. ?
chair positron and have glad/ devoted Dqnald thanked the donors in a
tay^ time the best I -could, -th® I fitting way and the remainder of the
and Miss.Dorene Webster, of Carlow,
..-fcOf--/f-.w; .were week.^P^ visitors,at their homg
here/' ' / :;z?'
The pewj presidferitj Mr’ Stanley
1 Todd^occupied the chair at the meet
ing ' Of the Y. P. >S. held on Sunday
evening. Tfie(-Literary Cbm. of which
MissRuth 'Ramage is convener had
charge? Tfhe^ScriptUte IbSson was
‘ read by . Charlie/ McDonald . and the
.Bible ■ character on “Solomon” by
i Goldwin j^rvis. The topic, fpr- the
/‘//‘pV'ritiM'.s. 'of 'Canadian
History”. Gordon Miller gave a .talk;
; , on “Canada’g Early Explorer”. Cuyler
Rpmage ri?a^. a paper on. “Egerton"
Ryerson” ^eljf, Todd one on
“‘FranksMr. Mrfntyre
led an intere^jng. discussion on “Why
fdd we study history ?” ___
. ‘Plans arjj^b|^g made by the Y. P.
*:.S; for a “Bobby/Burp’s” social to be
/held Friday' evening, January 25th.
. Mr. Ted Rice .of Eden Grove Was
a recent/visitor with friends here.
- The.Januarjr meeting of the WiM.
? S: was heltf/aTMts/W. I. Miller’s
with .twelve ladies piesent. Miss Ruth
erford. presided. An account of “Early
Days of Indifi^’by Miss Jessie Duh-
/»- can was read. ^India ’’frMh 1834-1934/
was lead by Miss Rutherford. At the
conclusion a pleasant social hour
.: Mrsi Jofiii Milled spefit a fe.W days
with her daughter? Mrs. Sparkes at-
Bluevale. Jfihe v^as accompanied by
- little MwTSWbiii Sparkei/who. /has
keen a visitor here.
.. ® Miss* Helen Thom,* who is training
in Nicholls Hospital, Peterbor, under-
• went a successful: operation for ap~
. penHiCitiS on Saturday night..
" Many friends are glad to know that
Miss Kathleen Thom is tanking rapid
.recovery fr3ta kef recent,, illness at
the heme of her nistbri ¥5?;
Thompson, tuclcnow. ’ ; "
„ The annual meeting 'of the- Public
Library will be held’ on Tuesday eV-
bfiing, January 2j2nd. 4
•' Miss Margaret McQuillih visited- at
^he home oJ “het' uncle, Mr. John
MeCtaillih. , ■' \ J,..,
The Women’s Institute annual “At
. Nome” will be held in t..- - —
Nril, evening, Jatt- 18th.
with the ....; . | i we win nave a cnance pledge of an Orange betfer, brfor; i0„g.
r.na ilntarmlnonAn mnm l . . ■■■>,•.-
Rev. Walter B. Craw, B A-, R?D.,
Minister of Centennial Church, Lon
don; has announced a new series of
sermons for the Sunday evenings of
January and February. The title oi
the series is. “The Christian, looks at
the'World Around Him,” 'and the.
subject o’f the opening sermon deliv
ered Sunday evening, was ‘‘Capital
ism.” Other sermons, in the. series
include “Socialism ;” . '‘Communism;”
“Mussolini, the New Caesar;” “Hitier
Dictator of All Life;” “The British
Empire;” Thi League of Nations;”
and the “Holy Church Throughout
all the World”.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John Hall were
called to K|nloss last Wednesday. Mrs!
Hall’s aged mother,!- Mik. James
Little, was called by death. Mr. and
Mrs. Hall remained until after the
funeral, which took place Friday
afternoon. Mrs. Hall has the, sym
pathy of this community in her ber
eavement. ’ II. ■ /
Miss Jean Anderson came bomb
from Wingham hospital. Friday, and
is rapidly regaining health, .
Palmer Kilpatrick was koine from
Mrs. Wm. Blake is visiting at the
Alton and Mr.' Alton, Belfast. ;
... .w •( ‘ ,
ed in maintaining pur position in this ■ ■ .
district. /If I have failed in. my re- , "" ‘ ■" *' •
spdhsMity let me bear thb criticism. CREWE' UNITED CHURCH
can not / stand still. It mufit either re-
Teat . Jor / advance. It .Is a time I Dungannon—Crewe United Church
for fidvtaice. Let us A do so, but field ira,.annual congregational meet-
dp notyqplt when things go wrong as l ing witftRey. D. A. MacMillan,'pastor
they pometimes will. presiding Encouraging reports Were
-/ ■ ■ ■treat or i advance. It is a time ’
/ ** V • ~7 ' ' * | ii’ciu iWt milium wngjregttviuiitti iiivcvr-dp. not quit when things go wrong as ing wii\Rev. D. A. MacMillan,' pastor
they sometimes will. " presiding
When the road you’re treading seems I heard froj
all up hill, ’
When the funds are Icfw and the. dekts
are high, _______ _ _________
And you\want to smile, but you have] “^ ^ 0 Ukn7e" in^ the^treasury.
..y/tp'^igh, , . I- - ;
When care is pressing you down a bit I
Rest if you must, -but do not quit.
y In conclusion brethren, let me point
/C»Ut to you that pur association was
://planted on Canadian soil for a. pur
pose ’’by men of great visipn, who have
,iaid\down the toirch. Time after time
it has been picked up and carried onJ
/Thi^/i's. ap, it must^be?. The names ,-pfj
the hbnored dead who have been sum
moned home/ will be recorded by our
secretaries in eacK lodge. ,1 They have
become. united with' that vast throng
of ; invisible, witnesses that surround
our actions today. Oftr sympathy> goes
out to those who grieve for their I
absence. (■
Election of Officers—1935
District* Master—E. Hodgins, Cul-
rOks 97ft; Deputy Mfister-^Wnii. Stan-1
ley,-Kinloss 898; Chaplain—A?.'Grfi-|
tawi, Kinlough 1139; Rec. gee.—G.
aldenby, • Culross 978; Finance Sec.
Richard Garter, Lucknow4 428; Trea-*
SUfer-/“N. Guest, Kinlough-1139/D-.l
Of Ceremonies—A. Hodgins, Kinlough
li39;, 1st Lect.-^John,Miller, Lucknow]
2nd ’•Leet.—Wm. Simple,' Klnldsg
ajl the qrgafiizirtions of
the congri^aUqw .
Wilfred Drennan, congregational
treasurer/ reported, pit . obligations
. Bert McWhinney reported a most
successful year for the Sunday'School"
whose superintendent : is Matthew
Shackleton, and to whom much credit
is due for’its success. After having
all supplies for . the year-paid for/and
assisting in-pfiinting the church and
installing a new furnace in-the par
sonage, a balance of $16 still remains.
A flourishing Young' Peopled So^
ciety was organized in 1934, which
assisted the congregation in various
[ways, and' stjll retains a balance in
the ’ treasury. The .Ladies’ • Aid faised
$32.09 and have $2^ stilLon hand.;
Open Air Rink ‘A Success
The bpen air skating rink, a new
venture for Dungannon,, the credit
for which is due mostly -to Herbert
J. L. Eedy and^’Gordon JKidd, .hills'
been attracting large crowds wheri,|
the lie is, gclod/. The .rink is lighted
at night by hydro, and soon, .by means
of an/amplifier?radio mhfi&ic is to be
broadcast" during skfitipg^nours.
Walking to reduce
duced td Walking?
When Bruce County Council con
venes in Walkerton next week, at 4
least nipe of the thirty-three mem- . '*>
bers . will-be new men. Thig does not
include Southampton, where through
failure , of candidates to qualify, for
election, a second hbmifiation has
been called. Of these nine, J. H.
Brown of Teeswater and J. D. Me* .
Lepd of Kincardine have previous to
the’ past year, ‘represented their
municipality, at County Council. .
Reeve Duncan Munn of Ripley and /
J. A. Logie of Paisley are in line
for the wardenship, with Mr. Munn’s
election probably * favored, as two >
years ago he gave Campbell Grant a .
*lose run for this office.
The 18 rural reevesx and deputies
and the i5 urban reeves fire as fol
lows, with the new members marked
by an asterisk: -/
St. Edmiinds-^-Cecil: Davis.
. Lindsay-Dan. McDonald.
,tEastnor—John Dawson. . -
Albemarle—Wm. B. Whit$.
Amabel—Wellington Ard?
Arran—*James Miller. <
Elderslie—Louis Davis.
/Brant—Walter-Chisholm and *John
Burrell. . . s
Carrick'—Henry Lantz.
Cultoss—David McDonald.
Kinloss—*Richard Elliott.
Huron—*Ben Logan.
Kincardine fjTp.—|iaw^je,^^
Bruce—J. W-. Howe, Chas. Woods.
Saugeen—Donald' Christie. „ . /
Greenock—/Glare Donnelly. >
Lion’s Head—Gordon D. 'White.
, Wiarton—J. J. Tyson.
•Hepworth—*A. J. Mercer.-'
Tata—C. R? Vandusen. ’1 . .
Chesley—*S. M. Ewart.
Walkerton—John Clancy.
Mildmay—Frank K.. Schmidjt.
PAisley--Jbhh A^ Logie. .
Port Elgin—W. Fenton.
Kincardine Town—♦ j, D. McfJeod.
t Ripley—Duncan Munn. j|
Lucknow—A.^W. Hamilton.
/ ^Teeswater/— *J. H;. Brown. :
Tiverton—Donald Camhron.
Southampton—(New Election).