HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 4n ' \ Wil ’ thui^P^T«i ■ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL <*' •1/ .' . ‘j ‘ - • - - j’ij T /•j/.' w..K'-™ l ’$$$ J’S ■ 1 tfee •ret McKenzie. ! She took sick about though about -ip. the Jfi^t a 'webk: before she -died , she took, a suddep a ■ • j_ j■ it ■ ______ f.. anniversary ,-bpfbre passing on. TT -■s? Wife of Mr." Janies j.H|ydeh, without ft struggle. J^ayden’ pbemenq i’s i death iri. the' first break *-f children, who all andiwomep. Surviv- Jfist h.'wbbk;; ’’" <avft'w9'/1ikhY|1 change for v the worse and the long /illness effecting her heart, she .passed .away'Suddenly in; this:.. world <?f sin, J Thp ibloqd 'of ,Jesus whispers, peace within. - -. - Miss. McKenzie is mOurned by a large circle of relatives and friends. She was noted for her kindness ' of heart and as a devoted Church worker '^-Jher .' Tpfipger' daya, •'' '' WS.j MMES... HATPEjf ''7 quipt^of the peaceful Sabbath .January 6th, there, entered /.7.' of the township of Ashfield, In' th| mornipg, ....____________. Into Wt a .lifelong- and much loved -resident - In the person, of Elizabeth. Bennett,, beloved ' ':cbnc6ssibp^2tm&^r. i family,'Qf fiUygn sons and daughters of.tbe late John Bennett and his wife ^"—ani the late Mrs. Hay­ seventy 1 years ago on, Across, the road from ifhich for forty-eight it marriage to James continued-to be ..hers Jixned;;her.7Herparents he early pioneers of aif H-Was their privilege jiliar., sixty-second wed- IlhaHdtre' Cam; /■'/ den was born - the farm , just a , the farm home i rhejt Hayden ,had -^untU|^Ol- the district, ■ to celebrate Mrs. ihjg*-;protheM-and,>;Sister-s-are4-MessrB. Arthur;<sRob’brti;ri.iyilliam,, Alfred and' Hawy Bennett aJL of Chicago; John. Befinett, whO. ow.ns the homestead of his parqjrts -£ftd: livep on the-farm ad- joining /it;... Mrs, Thomas Dougherty (Catherinej/-. Mrs. Robina Campbell, Mrt. William Crawford (Charlotte), •11 of ^brt, Albert and Mrs, I&dfia / Pentland, ■O^Fbrt'J'Huron'. ?In addition ; '7^dTher 'sfiiybmng.^hu^^ sorts mourn the loss of a loving mother— /Uaafthfin;/ ;at,jiomef.- Stanley, r con. 5, Ashfield ahd Percy of Amherst, Nova7 Scotia. Th^decqased woman had been ill forja^pa^ /year,Jiaying/sufferedi a'afalyticiqtrbke about a year ago. .'R a $: Succumbs To Heart Attack Word was received here ^n^Satur- zday-of-th^-deajtli' pf-^oyngier^rqsident; of this section, Mr. John McKeith, who passed away at his home in Oak­ ville, following a heart attack, sus­ tained a . few days previously. Mr. McKeith was well and favorably "known in this locality, having lived the major part of his life on the, 1,2 th concession, being engaged inf arming inhere; prior to his rembyal to Liicknow where he, for a time,- conducted the: dray busjnesisr in ,j^ptne|ship with; Mr. John Elliott, /iater moving 3 to Burlington and locating finally ;n Oak^Jle,;.'■ *. •'' The deceased was born in the Twp. of, Zorra, Oxford: . Countyi; some 65 ‘ years|agp^..coming with; his, parents, the 4ate Mr. and Mrs> Robt. MeK^itb and his brothers,. Thomas and Leslie^ to Ashfield in his earlyi ybuth, . and -growing to maphood on the farm now owned and occupied'by his'younger brother,rH.~Leslie.;Inl894 hem .rieB^arAK^nnelGaydngr^jwhft..”Pit^ .deceased him' nine years ago. He is surviyed by his daughter, Mrs. Ches- ter' Hinton _ (Mabel): ' granddaughters. ■ \ Honorable and upright in-character quiet and unassuming in ihahneir^ he gained And retained %he ...esteem of :a large circle, of frieds. ' < Services were conducted at his la,te. residence and the graveside by :.his pastbf,Rev.NickleofKh$ic"Presby-i terian Church, Oakville, of -which deceased was a consistent member, interment being made in Greenwood cemetery, Burlington, on Monday afternoon. Surviving are two brothers Leslie and Thomas , of Hazelmbre; -Sask.. Sympathy is extended -to■;the ■berea-^F-^rr^2—^. .. ■/...' Mr, ; and Mrs. Pete Cook -visited Auburn and Clinton friends over the week end. .....’___ " Cecil and Jim Gardner Spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross of Lochalsh. Leamingvof the serious illness Of Mr. Jno. McKeith, Mr. and Mrs.' Robt. Ritch|e, fessrs. J. Gf Ritchie, Leslie McKeith and .Henry Gardner motored to Oakville Friday afternoon^ arriv- : GULROSS CORNERS , ;Mrs. Chas. 'Schumaker spent an afternoon with Mrs, Joo Wall last weplj,:’ ; \;//' , r^Mr. ’ and ’ Mrs. $iro* Ross yisited and Mrs.. Ed.' James last Sunday, ’> ;XBfrs, '.■■Brewer: and 'b^bA^-are; spending a few days with Misses Hanna and Bell Ross.' „ Mr. K^ine^h Murray -is spending a fAW days. with. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hedging • ? Miss Margaret Scott is visiting ih Walkerton with - her grandmother, Mrs. Grant., r ’ -Mrs. Jasr-Edgar spent an afternoon ^yith.Jiffs. Earle. Hodgins last 'week^ < Misp Cora. Wall spent the week end with Miss Olla Roan< /; k j. ' Mrs. 'Stewart Scott Visited her fpother* Mrs, Conn bne'day lastu«wehik> Qn Wednesday evening of-Jalt week Mr. and, Mrs. Jps.-Valad^ celebrated^ their silver wedding. We all wish. Mr. ®Bd;Mt5,«„XaJa^Leaftiest^congfatula-; tibhs. ; ,c' 1^ whp: has been ;epnfined*tq^^ slowly ‘irh^rovihg. ' ’: .7'*' ■' ■ HOLYROOD Mr. and Mrsi. Wm. Eadie^Doris apd Lorne -spent 'Saturday ap Mr. <]rblin Petenbough’s, - south line. ' ? Miss Kathleen MacKenzie of Lahg4 , side spent Mbfiday at Mr. Ricnarp* Eiiiott*sZ " ; 'T'v ‘ "• ' Lucknow'Sentinel.’ ...~ ;i ' ' f Published -every Thursday morning ,' ’' / at Lftcknqw.. dntaflo. A4* '■ P- M AcKemde ♦- proprietor 4 Campbell Thompson—Publisher yr - T ' ■< , , : • .y -' THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1935. LucknowContinuation . s> :Yet :alT experience is* an; arch -where ' tlirO Gleams the untrivell’d world whose 1, Forever and forever when. I na°y®?. ’ ;,/■'■ X' '/■Vf"'';X''.^T«physQHv . planning An open; meeting for the afternoon, of WddyJan; • 25th. .■! The program £C>ftsists ■. of :;a. debate and musical numbers., / / ' The topic and hamgs of the debaters Will;bepublishedinthenextedition. Admiisipji r; ..■ 7.5 Mrs. Miller and babe visited with; Mrs. Wm. Eadie on Monday afternoon Mr. Hamilton fift^Gertrudp spent, Thursday evening rit- Mr, Robt, MacDonald’s. epee of. Lucknow, are visiting atrpre-J j3ent..-at2Mr..-iS^ ..; Misses Annie andlsabel Colwell and Miss Mills spent Wednesday ev­ ening at Mr. A. Murray’s.; v.-^ "Mr... and Mrs. James Valiad ' cele-i bra ted their 25th wedding anniversary on Wednesday evening of last week/ "BEPREPARED” ;Z ar Headers,— rhe Editor of .the 'Sentinel has hfridly loaned us a column of his paper to' be used for Spout news. >Each week I hope' to give the public 10ok-in bn our meetings, ■ *. - TROOP ALERT!! ~ing a short time before Mr. McKeitjf passed away. They (remained for the funeralon__Monday, l. returning on. Tuesday. ? Much sympathy-is expressed, for the members of the family of the late Mrs. Donald Blue (nee Margaret Clarkson) . of -Amberlgy on her un- timely-;, demise, - following^an Attack; •:?f pneumonia.,^._ /^.'l /._• Miss ^Dorothy Irwin (boundary west), is spendin g2:this-week'with- her cousin, Miss, Kathleen Gardner,; as her mother, Mrs. Clair Irwin is an inmate of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following a major, operation on Saturday. According to latest re­ ports, Mrs. Irwin is making favorable nrogress toward recovery/ PURPLE GROVE ,> - e: Miss-. Belle Stinsop of Ripley, ia assisting “ in pursing Mrs. Shier? .BopndaryJine.-.- .. 7Z2--- • CHURCH NOTES The annual Vestry meeting of St. Peter’s ^Church will be held on, Tues­ day, January 22ndr at 8jp.m. s The Boy Scout Troup of Lucknow •will parade to Peter’s Church for Divine Service on Sunday, .January 20th; at 11 a,m. ■. \ \-A: ■ - .. >-■ United Church-Y. F. S. ■/The’ openip^ .Tfj^rcises oh. Sunday bight includi^ the sipging of hymn 93, the repeating of the Lord’s prayeT and the read§ig oaf tfie Scripture by Harold Thomp^)n. 'AIex Smith-gave a5chaptars^fjjthe' .^udy Bepk and sketches “Our; Church 'fqr . W3^’’ by Miss Kerry. Miss 5|£rtha McCal­ lum gay® a re.adjnjgi .“Mission Boat.’’ ■The1 topic was Well' handled by Miss Hazpl Webster, bein&’ taken from the book provided for r Mission7, Study “Tales and Trails of tiie Northland” The meeting closed with a hymn and prater. <!• Lyceum Theatre . ‘ WINGHAM Show ‘ Starts fi-J?4®®* ’ E . ’ •' ‘ . 1 F. ’ ‘r ‘ , -; t........ I Thursday, Friday, Saturday: ;; ■ January'' 1’0. 'v|j - Warner' Olaad’ ■■ 5. In' . •/ J'j CharlieChan’sCouraje . A -. Mystery • DetectiveStory ■ "" ' TWo. Reel /Obmedjr^- ■ * • /' :.<• 7’;“A'VTpBut0WAPiT 9i,( : 7.■ ■ AND FOX NEWS/. itf’i'i.f1 WEEK— Yours truly, Norman Taylor. < TlftUUr AEMKT’! The regular meeting, is called for riday, January 18th at 7.30 p.m. >^for,vjveiner roast ta^eheirbn'te Everyi Sjfout must do something |. fo^tfic;.^ ■ Mill h°pld a Church par- !couts are; requested to Club house at 10,30 a.m. i^\Tend^rfoot tests will be in full ring on Friday,. January, l^th. Every •out is requested to attend. , Fees will be collected afid atten­ dance* taken next meeting.’Scouts are also "requested to bring Registration Fees. ■’ ; ■■'•'<> In his radio' addreSs, which „was listened to with interest on Friday everting by JBoy Scouts across pan­ ada, his Excellency, the Governor ; . General, the Earl of Bessborough 5’ eaid in part: , ■ / • . “Doubtless, you haye* heard that the GhiefdElcout. of -the YVorld, Lord. Baden-Powell, is coming to Canada hext spring, and that I have chal­ lenged the Scout Organisation to .cel- ., ;. ebrate what may be his last visit by ^!«yink,plfins-~for-fi- considerable-ex-< panslon and improvernefit of the Movement.. Canada has 65,0.00 excel­ lent- Scouts; but; I know that jfis not •hough. There should be at least one ' hundred . thousand\Jn/-’this country, find Scoutirig should be made- avail­ able to the hundreds of smaller com- munities Vrhich at present have, ho organised activities qf any kind for their boys. : ’ A.. '.f ' - ■ 4th CON., KINLOSS Bad For Bpsinegs Customer: “So ydu got rid of' that pretty Assistant .you kadi’’; . Druggists “Yes;, all my gentlemen .... Wtqmerd..Jcept^Ayipg .vthht a .smjle from her was asi good ns a tdnib/’ bereaved ones. Miss Vera Johnson of .Holyrood, visited with Mrs. Moffat last week. -^Miss - Anna- Graham—returhed to ToroW'MtW^^pfe her holidays at“ her home? /'' Mr. • Russell McDpugqjlUis spending ’Sei(JW^i^^orontp andOshawa. The program coni, of the Kaitshea Club met’oil Friday at the home bf Mrs. A.. Ackert, to arrange fhe year’s, program.. ■ "■■2..._ . J Mrs. Cecil Robb spent- • the weck-r md in Toronto. . Miss Ethel Buckton is spending, a few days at the home-Of her sister- Mrs. G. Hamilton. Mrs. McCall of Brussels^ returned homq after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. R. Moffat. Mrs. R. Mar,tin attended the Club meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs?- Shire! Bowers, Mrs. James Little, a resident of Kinloss, passed away fit her home ?arly Wednesday morning, at the ad­ vanced age, with the exception of one Week of being ninety-four ,;years old; /The funeral was held bn-J^idSy tq Greenhill cemetery. The pallbearers were four of her grandsons, Frank, Alymer and Russel Johnson and Jim Little, having come from Toronto to be present; and two nephews, Mr. T. Rathwell and Mr. B. Rath well. Jler aged brother frbm Clinton also attend ded the funeral. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. ■ e Mr. James Thompson of the fourth con. of Huron died- Saturday everting at,, hig ^home,- after a brief illness. The .funeral was held. on. Tuesday tb Ripley cemetery. The sympathy bf tjie .neighborhobd. is extended tq the 4 Tr-..r to Congratulations to Mr. J.H.2Cbl- jins as one of thb new counciHorarTor Ihe-. cbmingyear. —I—-—■ Miss Myrtle'Smith and M*33 ^®r. line McCreight of Ethel were recent visitors at. the , home of their friend, Mrs. Victor Gawley. ; . “ • Mrs. James Pollock who: has beep •so zsetixius|y5^^ to . the house' Ypi<$he\pa£t two months has rallied sufficiently as to assist ih the Wties in thedfibme; ™~ ~We are sonry tp report the serious illness of Mr. Tom Wall. . Mrs. Jack Emerson spent last week a with her. father, Mr. Ralph Nixon at' .Belfast-.' ■ ■ '• ' . : ° ■ Miss Dorothy Robertson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Gol- win Huston of 'Pine-River. , • . Mr. and Mrs. Ben ’Scott' and Morley visited at Mr.„Pettypiece’s at Rivers- 1ale, recently/ . . A large number were,present at the receptioh for Mr. and:Mrs. Don- ild McFarlane on Monday night.. All report a good .time..., dr-1—• Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon and Mr. Tohn Irviri^f Belfast,; visited at Mr/ tack Emerson’s on Saturday. ■ dlle, visited at Wjiitechuieh recently. WHITECHURCH Miss Ida McQudid spent a day last week with Mrs. I). Paterson of Luck- A'Swl’ '' ‘l ' ' ' ' i“*' Mrs. L. Knight is visiting /this week in London and L,obo. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Ernewein who worked, for Mr. Wm. J; Fisher the ms| year, have gone to Mr. Foxton’s. lear Wingham, to work. The Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian church was held at the nianse last Thursday evening, and they decided to hold h Literary meeting every two weeks. The first' meeting will .be held in* the basement of the chdrch, .on. Tanuary 24th and will be a Scotch itaciak’T “ What' Tmight“haij^/W a sefiquS" accident., happened Saturday evening as Messrs. Walter Lott and Keri Pat­ erson were returning home from Lucknow, As they were coming down Mr. Sam Morrison’s hill a‘ bolt came out which holds the shafts to the buggy Paterson was thrown out on the hard ground and the buggy Was damaged considerably^ altho iio one Was seriously*-injured, . . The W< M. S., meeting of the Pres-v chtirch will be held on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. h- " . The . ahnufil meeting ef ^he, Pres­ byterian 'Ghurch' will be held on Mbh^ (day, January* 21sf at .2 p4na^A..g6od ■ attendance is requested. -f ] < < ' Hockey ' Match ( ^ Goderich High School hockey team ;^iir-be‘'’.the opposition for. our school teiini in the local rink this evening .(^ursftay) at eight o’clock. A real ;jptpresting game is assured. This.,X - Martin’s version hf ^hakespeare’s ISonnet xxix. We are OOTb;-’Ji^^ak§§peare' wbuld’nt mind thisparodyifbeknewouf^ohn. .• SQNNET With'al! due apologies to Shakespeare When in disgrace in all the teachers’. -eyesV’v .. ;• ? I all alone beVreep my outcast, state,; And - trpubl® LfamjUy. ..^th _?=^senseless:.-cne8ir7^— —— And look upon ~ that,.schopl and curse : a my ..fate./,: ■. - me like to one more: rich , in y’^'a.rte,/..^'^4.;. . 4 Clever ;l%e him, like pirn, with brains, •■^.'■^’phssesse^,........ Debiripg this one’s pptes.. and that ''pne’s' -marks, . Mlth ;Wpat I most desire provide^ .... Yet in !.'.niiy marks, myself basely der ^-spismg,l__ /•, ■ - , .. 5- -1-’ By«8hihnierfime,unleas my- marks •T >iteep:.Vising,i! Mjr examination money will ' vacate. Ecir ’tfieie sad v things remembered, V^suctf'grief brihgs> ■ That then I fain would change the ■ ■ .^■■’Tun'^of things.. ’ ■ ■ .'/ ■ - Submitted- by J; D. -M. r < ; t • a . ;i. rTtiefe_M'a cbmpOsftioh "i>y 'Jean McMillan; which ha^ rapked among the? -highest' in?- hef form. ‘ GLORIES OF THE ' A : DAWN- AND SUNSET’ ,1X~' •;,'/■ ' , ■"V ■' - - . : . .is? both mystical and thrilling to stppd {pn the upland and watch the misty morning roll around the river’s bepd». in the valley .below. The fra*- grant ce^ays.. . stand like shrouded sentinels and- usher in the dawn. Breathlessly the cedars slip apart-i- . api^ the dawn in ill\ its glorious zap*^ tare, breaks" fdfth.TTh’egrass anc c^prp. > "(no lengef Ashfpfided,, but sparkling) are resplendent in the mbrning dew.'The.; birds fliuttojt. drows- $&&nd theft greet the' day with their mo?t rapturous melody. But the magic pioment has ,.Rassed» the mist has cleared away and the sun smiles on a world already bright and rosy. And then who does not enjoy the reverence of a sunset? Who does not live to catch tb& crimson glory of the sunset and hoard .it long after the sup has .dipped, beneath the purple hills? The twilight begins tq fall and the , gamedriver which welcomed the dawn, reluctantly giveshack the bonrowCd rays, which glow brilliantly Upon its bosom. The. poplars stand in bold relief against the myriad colors of .the western sky. The shadows be­ come deeper and lol the sun has set- The ppeif Is broken and my .reverie is ppst; A few ‘gleams falter to kiss the. world ft' last lingering caress and suddenly are g’otie. z ; , . ' < - -The glamour df the sunset is past; but Soon the moon shall cast a nd .less |ovely spell and pencil the world' into Cone iovely silhouette. And then, the glorious Dawn shall come again and the cedars,. shrouded in mystery, Shaii Wbe again fisher in the mom. ' •; /' XM. Latin teacher: “Give me the prin­ cipal parts pf the verb fieo.” . u J; • Reed: “Flees, fleece, itchi, scratchum.” 1 Thfe poem was Written Iasi year by three students of the School. Two of ths boys are still present at our i nstitater find- still, have-thal> dauhtr- lessfeeling, ■~W;'.." •-7’*-'- , i------------ ..............• -j »- j' ,. St./Peter’g Wbmen’a Guild ■■ ;__ The ^regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s guild met at. the. -hombt Of Mrs. SL Whaley on Tuesday , evening, with a large*’ turnout of members and Mrs. Geoghegan in the chair. The devotions ^erU- conducted by Rev. Geoghegan after which the minut^a f ere, read by the Secretary, Mjss McCluskey . and adopted. Following- this a period of business ensued with many plans being formulated for the future. ^ihar',''arrahgbments for the sending of the bale to the Indian Residential School were made. At the conclusion ofthe. m.eetjfig/a .dainty luncheon , was served by the hostess/ Mrs' Whaley. V Lucknow brops OpegqiB S To Ripley Redmen - McLay’s: Goal In , Last Minute. Qf * Play Gives Ripley" 4 To 3 Verdict—- ; Local^Kid’LinePlaysWell. . Senior hockey got underway hero on iFtiday night when Lucknow and Ripley Opened up the season’s sche­ duleih Group 1, of the newly formed . Western Ontario;. Hockey Associations • -The Ripley Redmon netted a Mun-i-^-'^- -ter4n-the final-moments7;of^l^^m®“^^^r sxJihat gave them a 4 to 3 victory over the. leg^weary Sepoys. The locals had the better of the '•'a- - play for the rreater part of the game, especially. ,soyim--the first period;-bu(rf--- in the final frame, lack of practise look its toll and the Sepoys wilted a -. o bit under the strain, to have the Red— 'J mentie-thescoreandwindthezgamaz^ z but with a few seconds tozgOTT^-^ The game wasn’t many minutoAtoldrtfjaAtT when Bill Henderson scored for Luck— j now. Agnew put Lucknow two up op a pass , out from behind the, net by Andy Thompson. " With about two Stf Peter’s,A*t Y.Tr.^A.i i > ;•> p ' ■i.'■ V ; The . regular meeting of the A.-Yr P.A. was held at tfie home of Mr. and JMr8.' Herb McQuillin on Monday evening/With Melvin Johnston, fee­ presidentin the chair; After- the opening devotions by' Rev. J. H. Geo- ghegan ashbrt business session Was: held, followed by an excellent pro­ gram. Rexford Ostrander and Donalda Douglas—rfenderedtwowellchosen and“delightfiil instrumental duets,; while Mts? P. - Steward and Mrs. R. H. MbQuillin delighted the gather­ ing with a duet “What a Friend”, with Donalda Douglas accompanying? Mrs. Hassall had the “Cutrent Events Paper**, which she handled in a very, minutes to go in the first period, Me-, capable sas* well- as humorous manner ^^yin^ip'^tppid of the evening was given /by: Miss Yourfex, B.A., .who chose for her subject “Canadian AuthQrs-And“-bywhich?- sheshowed herself Well'versed on this interest­ ing subject. As she spoke of the poets including .Carman, Lampman, Camp­ bell and Drummond and quoted from their poems, the hearers followed closely entranced by the vision given them of these men’s talents. In the :field of Canadian fiction, Miss Yourex made the gathering feel and realize the importance > of these men and women, which included Reith, Mc­ Clung, Montgomery, Knowles, Service Cody, de La Roche, etc. This care-. fuliy;cKbien; ftnd well developed sub-t feet could not help but inspire All .those privileged*to hear it.;A hearty vote of thanks was moved by • Rev. f»<8o^’hegan to ail those who contrib- uted to' The program which was sec­ onded by all assembled. The meeting closed with the benediction being pronounced by the Rector. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 21st and will be in the form of a social. i */ I V Lay and Matheson /beat:-vtbe >locaJ'A; - defense oh :a combination1 play with ’ the latter getting the counter. ‘ , Stewart1. Cameron, Charlie Jewitt v / : aud^Hawld~Gfeefr'tEe“lbcaI^^^r^“ line” did some effective fork **d : ■ "werp tireless in back-checiring,. jGrifr ?’?:!./. picked up a loose puck in the second period to beat McTavish in the Ripley M net. Pollick on an assist by McLay got the equalizer. . ■ \ Ripley pressed hard in the final­ frame with McLean taking McLay'r 1 pass to tie the coupt. Matheson’s pass . to McLay brought the winning goal for the Redmen. ‘ ’ Bannister and .Pollock drew the ‘ only penalties handed out by referee Wellington. McCoy, both- for minor ■ offences, but the Sepoys couldn’t or- z ganize a ganginjf attack effectively when Ripley was short handed* andL ' _ • ■ as weir gummbd upTseveri^ Glanced ~ tq register what looked like fife -1 goals. '' ' " ■ There have been worse of jockey dished, up here fidwever , and Friday night’s fixture appeared » to satisfy the fans. /’ _ Lucknow’s next encounter Is <m Kincardine playing in Lucknow on Monday nijght. ‘ “'Lucknow—-Goal, C. Finlayson; de- fense,. Howard Agnew, C. Thompson;vx Art McCartney; centre, A. Thompson; wings, D. Clafke and Bill itenderson;., alternates, S. Cameron, H. Greer, C. Jewitt^/------------i————— ftipley^Goal, McTavish; defense, * Bowers and Martin; centre, McLay; wings, Matheson and Pollock; alter- nates, John McLean, Bannister, mell and tiiH McLean. “ ? ■' Referee—Wellington McCoy. Wiiigham 0, H. A. hotkey team Ibst to Clinton on Monday night,, by a' .. ’ stor^ of 6 to 0, and for, the second time this Reason have appealed to T'«cknow for assistance th strengthen ' *? tnpir team, which is grouped with powerful opposing teaW. ph Wcfc- * Alf. Lockeridge Was in touch with , the publisher and was anxious , to «€cure a forward «he frohi here. The line We suggested was Rill Hen- , derson, Andy Thompson and Deng; Clarke, and an effort is being made by Wingham to contact these played and'(See if they will' consider the’ .................................... —^-Jiplcy iee tlih'Friday night, with ^"^ iKincardine nlnvJn™ In (To all industrious students) Three boys there wbre in Lucknow School. . ... < • For. labour none could beat’: They labored mfirnihg, noon arid -^-..night .— For work t0 tpgjn was sweet. ■ Their names in history shall remain, And fiever be forgot, 1 F°r °ne.w®® toll and pope was short And thin was thp whole darn lot. There names to you I will intrust ’ A secret safe to keep— z . ' And you must take them at my word Their, traits no more to seek. McNall the filrst one Called himtelf, Of Spartan blood, was he. And Collyer was the next One's name The third’s you soon shall see. d He tried to keep his name \ Unknown, It was .too, long tq writer < >. Gavis Sabinus Fabius Dawson. Now isn’t that a fright? x . ■ 1 ■With fdur thousand exams before ' Behind no lass than three, AWnlF Sl^ul odds as these - . Forth go the dauiiilesa three. " i. ■ ■■ ' „ ■ t -1 -\y * >. • t. .* A V • •