HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 3JtWSs&w/ S' ’7> ’ •>■> > wt r?
H- -Tr - ’.-•.’Anrt**
cand Back
Thip insidious, thing' about rheuma-
tisrp |js that—like age-—it creeps on
•unnoticed uhtil ope day yop find,
-yqurself in the cruel grip of the uriqi
Jfienjd,, That is what happened
to this wolman i—• .> '
L ? v With- rheumatism
fbou| -10 years»ago,” she- writes. “It
begap in my'left knee and. anklef
■ which swelled, ahdVsudden pain eftmi
caused me to, stumble apd call ouU
Then it . appeared in my /right arm,
easing slfeopleis nights.' It increased
in seventy; coming on suddenly in
shoulders, and < back, the at-
xWifcks - usually- lasting. or 4 days,
7^?. iJbptiinatisin: became mpre gem.
® cahd I could-not raise« my arms,
or put them up behind, ipe without
' a bottle of .Krus-
" • ^s’ it, and was amazed
- tn^ effect Pains went',’ ‘"energy
rind now 1 walk and work
with great vigor. I foresaw myself
bedommg crippled’with rheumatism
and okr before my time; but I have
®°*<-1’for J am .now very brisk and
nvoiy, and ' equal, to the -strain of at-
Ending to. , . „ . my - home, I .
-three 30ns,/And other activities, due
undoubtedly to. the wonderful effect
of KruscKen Baits.”—-(Mrs.) E/M/G,
you could see the knife-edged
^|talg pf urig acid, under the micro
scope'you would readily understand
why they ..cause those cutting pains.
And if you. could” see how Krusphen
dulls the sharp edges’ of. those cry
stals, then dissolves^ them away alto
gether, you' would agree , that this
scientific treatment must bring relief,
from rheumatic agony/-
Kruschen. Salts ?is obtainable .at .all
Drug ' Stores^ at 45c and 75c per
bottle.*- ■/ — ■—”•• ■"7T-
Radio Listeners
Get Taste Test
. r ' ''
DouF^k^cptegor, in • Harvard
Wlnmni "Bulletin.)
It is said that 65,000,000 people, ,
half the population of* the United,
States,. “listen in”’on the radio
more or less habitually. The .psy-
®hplogistsrt who study . the human'
. ^riihd, and, its; activities'/ have ,_begjin
to investigate the field of radio. The
Harvard psychological laboratoTy is.
ope-s<of the pioneers in this survey.
The laboratory/set but, ..in its ex--
peririients, to bring together an'“av-
erage group” of. radio listeners and
observe their reactions; to. messages
trarismitt€d^pver the air.-Edr one ‘of
. these experiments ^ eighty.-.people
Were engaged to go to.,the laboratory
an' hour a day for seven days.' They
were equally, divided -as. to sex arid/
. ’. represented various;- age, "occupation-.
.^-aLand educational .levels-. -—• -.-
. They . sat -in a -hall and listened to.
the broadcasting.; of. material from
another' part of the- building. Ten
trained speakers' fr.oin the Emerson'
College • of. Oratory., .• Boston, five-
men, and five women; talked over the.
radio, reading ..material which, rang
ed all the way from ..advertising mat-
. terj political speeches and 'hews ■ •re-
^yoTt'S;;..*to ";?<plggtry:’' and’' pHTlnfenpHyr
...[...Eyety ..hparetj^^
xtamihg . several printed' , questions,
and at t-he end of each experiment -
he vvrote his answer,, ,
book were such questions as,•
these: “D.o , you like female an-
nouncers?” “_Wa? the voice, persua
sive.?” “How well dp jyou .think you
j /know t-he/.perspnaiiiy .of .the Jspe'ritec,.
I from his : /(or' her) voice' '“.How [
■ •attractive.ijpr pleasing wps the .vpioe?” 7
“Do hfemaie voices carry ' oyer thp
"radio as *wen as male vdfees?^ ~
The replies revealed many ariius-.
ing ' arid/ interesting, factsj One was,
that 'ninety-five per cent', .of the-
llistepeps preferred men -broadcasters.
lAnother wis that people are much
1 ljnore sensitive to affection in the
, -voices of, members of . their own
L ^eX ’than of the other sex. A third
was that womfen, much more than"
J ' men, consider themselves jatjppt’ ■ in
. jjU^ging. personality dn... the^basis of
(listeners preferred ir
lAnother tyis that j
: w brise.' of ....
and it was stated that the pepsipns'. M
consisted of a number Pf fee farm (
rents; formerly ^payable to the Cyqwn, 1
Tut grantpd by' letters .patent in 1'676 j
tp?. three, trustees .in .trust for mem-
bers,x>f the’ Penderell family,. ' Thd
Crowp’s reversionary interest ^wa.s
s&ld in 1’923, and the pensions were
•then administered .by'a private trusty
The original ’pension,s> were ^six in
number,'two* of £160 a year, one - of
£50 a. year-, .and three of , ‘-‘100
marks” (£66 ,;13s 4d.) "'a -year. ? One.
of[ the present .annuitants [was a
iaundrymriri in. the’ United " States,
and'he is drawing £10'0. Another
pens'ioner .was,eaa^Uondon -cabdriydik ;
^derell/’ who
ownejr The Whiteladiel^rp Worees-
uire, where Charles to^fe^efu
butied in the churchyard of St..
^Gile^-in-the-fields,'’ His- tombstphe/
is now,tidied *up, but’before the war
it was' in a neglected condition/
quite .unworthy, of one. whose deeds/
brought pensions to. the - living two
"hundred and- fifty years afterwards.”
■ ■ ■ „ ' -. u____”■ 7’.
Of 10 Millions
. .......? r
Tnsecb la State —? Parasites
introduced To Offset
Damage ;
I . . . '■ -■* • - % / . ■ «s>-Ottawa, ‘tThe average ^nnual
damage’ to the forests of Canada;«
caused by insects, may approxiinate
in-value that caused' .by fire, or near-
ly $10,000,060’ annually,” s^id R.
Craig, at the -rec^nC conference »of
the Dominion Entpjnolqgieal .Branch,
' pom-iniW/Department- 'Of' [Xgriculr
fiire; ? . ", • ;
, t . . The4'extent to'-^rhich insects carry
U!? rin op thpir destructive wbrk is not read<
ily realizecLby. the forest authorities,
he said,jnbrvy those engaged in the.
forest.industrt^. The'introduction Of
parasites foi\mological .'cPntrOl, i*
one of* the riioi^
dirlect:attack.-Great ^reiTte^he claim/
ed, is xlue to -.the branch in tnts^J
Fungi is also[another cause of great
loss in the forests.
The [forests^of [Car^da cover 1/1601
■| 00 square miles, or «bout jbnfe-third
of the total lahd area of^tHe?couhitry.
The stand of merchantable timber is
’eStimate'ii" at TGSiSSOjOOO “cubic /’feet,"
•growth is placed at 400,000,000 cubic
feeL' About 82 per cent, of the ac
cessible timber b of comme^fcial size
-is ”-coniferou;srtrees, -IT -per cent is in*<-
tolerant hardwopds, white .birch, and
poplar, and seven per. cent, tolerant
hardwoods, yellow birch, maple and
elm. '
ve means of
found that, although the auditors
agreed to some extent jn.their esti-
mates of ■ personality, thev were • not
so accurate [as they imagined them-
'selyes to be.
For example, in one experiment
the-subjects wefe. told . they - would
hear a professor .of English, a psy
chologist and a journalist, and '.were
"asked to determine which voice be-
Jonged £0 which profession., •
. It happened - that-' fhe psych,olqgist
was a native .of South Africa’ arid
- hadariEngilslUaiccerif;"~as' a"’ resuIF
He was .consistently put ' down- as
the prpfgssor of English. The “poetic
voice” of another. ■'speaker led. . a
large number, of listeners to rate
him. as a Socialist.. .
Dominion Weather
TWnm^ MTTii'eT
In Past ■ 50 'Years
. .. !/
’taices of members __ ___
^ex ‘than of the other sex. A third
was that womfen, much more than
men, consider themselves ja^pt" ■ in
lugging^ pc
the spoken yi • ' A 1X.1L
:’this.. sefik _________ ___
[announcers rather thari women, in
more than half of the experiments
Women’s' voices were rated as ■ inPre
attractive than ihen’s.
-. That choice was based- on other
. considerations, namely,^ women an-
fioun<5ers /speak in a more agected
I manner than the men, ■ the male
voiceyS pitched lower, is more pert
Buasive and- carries better -over the
air. .■.■_■ . I . ;.'• ' [. ■
■;.■■■,■■• * • ■ • . '
. The belief that a speaker’s voice
discloses his -personality; is more or
_. less, widespread/’ and the Harvard
"investigators decided to;. look into
that phase of the question. '■ So, the
was asked 'ttf
pexion,, iiandhsvritihg, vocation,
.. troversion. or-introvorsion. It
Growing Deaf With
- - Head Noises ?
, Ti^This !
ing, and'f^ar catarrhal dfeWncss, or
if ^od have' roaringt;-rumbling, hiss-
. ing noiSes, in, your ,ears7 go'to your
druggist; and get i 0^. of Parmirit
(double strength')' and,.add’to it
pint of Hqt water, and h little sugar;
Take 1 tablespbonfiil four times a
-This will often bring quick relief
frojn. the' distressing head noises.
Clogged nostrils should opeiri, bredth-
•ihg. become- easy; .and the mucous
stop dropping into the throat. ■ 4t'is
easy to take. Anyone who is threat
ened with catarrhal (leafnMs or who
hias head noises should-give this p'res^
•cription a trial.
idgipg., personality Ph... the basis of
' _i voice, . " .
Although, as has been said, nine-.
,of the listeners in
.. tests preferred _ men
'Gradual Rise.in Average Tem
perature Shown • in Most
x Sections, F. Napier Denis.-
-' on Saysv -• >/ "" A
..~t-~. . .. ■ . .. .
■,’Victor,itu^-Al.tliougli the' ..Pacific
coast is experiencing some of the
-tnrrer-F'. 1N a p i e r > Denison, dir eetor—of
the Dcnn-hiion—M-ethecn^logi-e.al“Obser=
-vatOry ’here;- said last w^ek ''the clb
-mhie-^of“Bi!lt-is:h--.- Golum-W-a—’a-ndr^—t-he
whole Dominion has been , gradually
-turning milder for the past. 50 years:
dr more. ’ y ■ .; ■ '.
■'~WiTihri)eg~ call" bpastyofrthe 'great
est change'in. avera’ge . temperature,
said Mr. Denison/ with’ an improve
ment'of six" jb’y.ees; ,1883'-being the
'pphiesf '-year, -on Tcpo.rd during ., the-
last 53 years [and 19’31 the warmest..
’-Iie.GOLtls--'foiY*T.oro.nto ^and~JSlontreaL
a gradual rise'of about four degrees..
;Montra1’s .record cold year was 18:75
and 1931 was , the- warmest."
Alberta and the ftiaritime „ Prov
inces are tied in third- place, both be
ing about three degrees wa'rmer.
Records at Calgary sho.wrt.he lowest
temperatures there- in 1.887, and ,' the
highest-in 19311 while 1875 was the
coldest year recorded at Charlotte
tow®, PiE.I., and 1901 the mildest
with 1930. aand-1931- conning next. .
fife Pacific coast shows' the smal
lest change Of all, about' one and
one-half degrees. Records hpre show
1880 and ,18 84" were the coldest years
WUh'1893 and 1916 coining' near the'
•low mark, and' 1926 being, the warm
est.” w ■ .. '• ’ j
These .figure? seejn, to indicate the
warm android years cbm,e In cycles
wifh^the cold years around- 1875 to
1890 and the. warm years between
1926 and 1981;
Charles 1-1 Pehsigjns
Says the Manchester 'Guardian —
“Mr./ Penderel-Broadhurst,, an - aged
jpu-rnalisty -eonsu-l-tihg- editor—of - -the;
well-known Church .journal " the
.'“Guardian,” who died this week' at
Bre.ntford, had a curious connection
with Charles the Second, He, was
a descendant of one of the /five.
brothers Penderell who. saYpd' King'
Charles . by* hiding ■. hife.' hi. the
Boscobel'oak ^heri- the CromWellians.
j^ei»^s^jdEungLfoT hjmJ^a.n^^
drew a pension for that service.. ‘
- Charles, who. was ‘ ungrateful. • to
so many of his. helpers, actually, gave
each of the five brothers a pension'
for .'Himself and his heit^' -fofever'. .
A few years ago the. question
7 ■ ,, :■ V , 'to .
Trade of World
of people, described. above
,_2 listen to' speakers and
then'identify, their height, age, com-'
pexion,, handwriting, vocation, po-
r litical allegiance and degree of ex-
In Securing Good '
Spirit from Rubber
7^, —
, Compression of Rubber and
. H yd rogen at HigH. Pressure
in Same Way as Coal and
/. Ta.r ■ •UtH& ip Produce
Oil. Bring^'Results / ’
. London British Government re?
search workers/have- succeeded In
obtaining piotdr spirit from rubber.
The report pf the Fuel Research
he./pe.partjnent of Scion-
UHc an;d Ii^uptrial Research yeveals*
that by 1 cori^ressing/, .rubber /and
-hydrogen • ati/bigh pressure and, high
temperature^—in thp 'same liyriy. -as.
coal and tar are hydrogenated ./tq"
pro’duce pilt—it is possible .to pro-,
duce either motor spirit or lubri
cating oil,:/ . ,-■'’ . .' .. ’.' '< * '•
,/ At a temperature. of 45Q degrees
centigrade there was a ~ yie)d of
• motor spirit equal to half 'the
amount of rubber used.
A.t 350 degrees' centigrade a pale,
yellow lubricating. oil; ysfas obtained
equal to about an eighth of the bluk
of snubberA-’'-^----^
This, lubricating oil* had certain’’
disadvantages—which, it is thought",
copld be corrected—buj; the : motor
spirit;' :;wk.tei*-w'h.ite['“ah[d' free fr^ffT
impurities, would- be suitable, for
.•use ip,.cars ..with only ordinary. ,dis
tilling. ■ . [ . _ . ■ ;
“It is realized,” say.s .the', report,
“that the.manufacture'Of these pro-,
"ducts 'would not .be- , economic-' un
less rubber were available at ,a. very
low .price.” ,. ...
The changing • fashion in-' coal, it
-is-pp-i-nt-ed out-elseAV-h-ere, ri-s-cr,ea tin g
new problems'. ___' ■.
[Whereas- large- lumps” were in. de--
.marid, both by the housewife and
by - -gas-works. ■ now^- with"-. modern ■■
cleaning and grading—which, has re
duced the- ahid.unt of ash--an small
-coal--r.the-fashion has altered,.. ' /
Enjoy a really fine
hand-made cigarette by
•*. rolling your oum uHtn
Coal Produced ;
In-MS. Gains
Manitoba Farm
Settler Finds; ;
/ 1934 Season Best
esT. Firm in Province. / >
Mines Million More
Tons in Year< . ...
Man.—•Settling ' on a&
mostly of scrub
_ jor Louis--Conan, _. a
war veferan looks oy^r neighbor
ing vacant farms' and-’smiles as .he
■nears the achievement of his -ambi
tions to enter pure-bred stock’ and
grain in 1935 exhibitions.',,
/At -the age of 25, Conan migrated
to.Canada from France in ' 19-20. He
acquired a^lQO^acre farm from the
Soldiers'- Settlipment Board,, imidway
between Lake -Winnipeg and: Lake
“M'rihito'ba'. Then 'came^bTea’kimg^'-of”’
new land, experimenting with .crop'
rotations, hay growing and livestock
■ production., 7 ." '
The best year -was* during- 1934. -‘I
was too busy sending creanf Into
.town,.to keep accurate records of •re
turns,’’ said/Cpnan in-a report early
ill the year. . Later, he 'Spl'd alfalfa.
'see'cT “aiod~Hai-vested "3/:0'09^"'busliels' of~
abandoned ■farmc
grain from ■ 160. ac.r e s LbeSi de s' stack-
ihg .65' tons; of hay 'for sale. .
. .The .. wotd “depression'” J .has?
meaning, to ipm as-he-tolls ..on the'
fanny enlarged- from'-160- tp- 560 -acres-
through'his own efforts. ;
May Be New Viceroy Of India
Pictured above are the Marquis and March ioncss of Linlithgow.
The Marquis, it is. rumored,nvill- be the-next Viceroy of India.
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia—A heart-
/coal industry , was evident recently
in. the. indicatipn that- 1934. prbduc-/
.tlon of the'Dominion Coal' Company,
cern, would 'outstrip, last year’s by '
a" full 1,000,000 tons. ” ' ■
\ The. output from, the • company's
collieries at the end of. November ,
was 3,.450,882 tons. u Rrodiction for
the whole 12 months'‘‘bi" last year.; ./
was only 2,597,945 tons. ’ . ,
The large increase bringing with
it fatter& pay envelopes - for . the' mi.nT ■
ers of nine large collieries, has been
brought bm'chiefly,; Iff the belief of \7
■•-official-s, thfO’hgli -'improved busi-noss—.-,-
conditions and lessened 'competition
in markets reached'-through: ..ship
ment PT cdal '-tp St. Lawrence River”
ports-. : ' ■ " ' ' , ■'■’.■■'
was • only 2,597,945 tons.
■ •$.'
Writes ..Bruce- Kennedy ’ in . The
Ottawa Journal: . •• '
----Sir :—A"^,larger percentage : of; - /the -
dogs’ brought to veterinarians - for'
treatment,, are, . .un.known/to ■ their--
owners, suffering-. ■ primarily nfroin■
nutritional - ailments. '■ (The domestic
dog ,is restricted,' greatly; in his
- selection of food. The, chance that
he: will receive a” balanced' diet' when
fed 'table' -scraps arid*'occasional',pur-
cha'siu of 'meat•• or • meat,; scrap from..
> ..■ '1 '■,•..
■ So Gennan Laboring' Men
Officially Informed ...■[. •<.
By Government '■
. “■ . • *
Berlin.—German laboring men were .
informed officially' ia-s-t—week; that- • •
time” clock punching was-iin.d'ign.ifiedk .
■ .Robert Ley< trad'd' union cpm'mls--
' tu.nat.ely the commercial - dog^foodHir--
. ddstriy .is of such -recent development--
'"fhat: ■■ un 1 csv -diVcr •nniTratlo n—is-,remple-y--
ed/ m-nless' -the dog owner' is willing''
to confine .his purchases - of - com
mercial food .to a few.of'-the well-,
.known and 'thoroughly' ■.'reliable'
firms', ho should’^eek th'e advice . of-
> veter-inarlafv as fb, what to feed ’
L -- k* >- '( ^ ... . :
An-improper . diet- is .a .direct,
cause of many .ailments of. dogs/
not pnly' of ;tlie"'di'gFsl1ve -systo
of 'tiit ‘ijmie^"tlfe^yesrrthe^kni^a'hd"
gather', organs-, Further, it' lowers
their' resistance to disease,and . to
•parasites, thus increasing’ the' likeli
hood of illness and lessening' the
.chance'- of recovery,. The desirability
of a dog for a pet depends very much
upon how, it is fed!"..”/’;/
'. Contrary" to popular belief, glass,
powered or' broken-to particles.vary
ing iri size from-very ’ fine tn fairly
course, do not cause death1-' wnen in
gested by dogs. The w’hple or by far
the greater -portion of the glass
given passes"" through the alimentary
tract iri the course of 96 hours with
out causing'ill. effects. , ■
I .thought this would be'of” interest
to. owners and breeders of- dogs, and
would appreciate it ..very much if.
you would publish it in"’y.oiir paper.”
Suffer Todth Decay
■ rittsbui'g. - Dental' decay is. be
ginning its'attack" at ah earlier-and
f earlier .age.' About, half . t»he ■ t-wo-
1 year-old children in large cities lywe
°at least tule cavity in tlieir tee,th;
~ / These perhaps 'surprising and cer-eommittee; known as' the “traveler s , .tain]v .unplea^nt facts about tooth
vocabulary, ’-has 300 words which is: decay wpre to]d Dr- joljD. Qpp'Ie
considered the irreducible mmimum J;(nre^tor ,of 'the. .Gu'ggenlmlm
[J Dental Clinior-New York City,; at. the
recent meeting here of "tile American
I Association’the advancement of
[■Science. '. . |'
! The importance of diet in preverit-
ing and' controlling dental' caries ,1s 1 1
............ Dr. ’McColl gia.id, -but- Sci.en- 1 ]
1 lists do riot yet know liowMhe foods I 1
l and fbod factors like vitamins, which , ]
i'have been found’ helpful do ■ tlieir j
: z ' ■ • ; <
ft* is Bl®
dressd tp ’.‘the soldier's of Ja.'6oTrr
Ing triat'The system c" -•"-
say- ■
1 ng 1 patthe system or diaX.ptinci'ainf
must-be. replaced by a .military mus’ --
“ter" ‘i’n fa"ctnTymcouTlh*afdS7""—- r ~ 7 • -
”. '“Whoever heard'of a’ regimental.''
commander installing a time( ’dock...
at' .the .entrance to 'his - barracks.?*'.’ ' o’
asked"Ley., ' " ."'y/'’ ™, ; .
He "also urged that every factory
manager give'Tis staff- a brief address
earh nf i'nipg .nn>.-j'.ovt-nirig ori Na'zi''
ideals,” ending'. ,h'i& little speech with.
. the question, “any” complaint's?” •
The’, manife-sto "coptinuedt - “To ; thev ■ '
pay for the time so spent,' I ref)ly:‘
‘You are men not machines;’'3 •.........”*’ ■
.LejX claimed.. that"~mariy. factory
managers. had [repottej'"fo,'"ffim -that ■
their- staffs^ were so inspired -with
the joy'^o'f'work . by the adoption of .'
this Scheme that theic :butput had • ■
■ been raised tremendously.
Classified Advertisings
•f-----------------------------=---., " .... " .............■, ■, '■»
zts.t ,of wanted .•inventions .and’full ' Aim filiation sent, free.'"' The•’Bam'say
Company, Woi’l^. [Patent Attorneys' 273
‘■Bank Street,*'Ottawa. 'Canada. .
NEUHAUSEL'S Good Luck Baby
—Chicks., Each grade .blood-tested.
Live delivery guaranteed. Catalogue
gladj.y mailed on, 'request. Chatham,
Ontario. - "
J MEDICAL ; _______' ■; \ '
SiNO'■— For ’Sinus :or Antrum, con- ■
gest.i-on; catarrh, head poises, ca- \
tarrlral deafness,k head colds, eye-./,
strain. In bottle? wit'll ■ dropjirr.1 .,7oc.
Fraser’ Co.. ■6}d fsl-' Janies. M--hireal. .. .' ’ ' , ■ ’ . - ' ’114 41 4E / , ’
, ' ' .... < , ’
A Third of 1929 PaPer Using Only 900 Words
■ -—” ■ • ■.! • ’ Heli
Industrial. Activity is Steadily ' • ---- --
..Increasing in Soiiie Countries' ^hioago.-A tabloid weekly anews-
. ' . y-----_ j paper,- printed-with a‘ vocabulary of
.Genova'.-gi-The gold value of world °nly_9100 of the most common Eng-'
trade '’ddrftg- the- third quarter of lifah words is being introduced in fac-
TTO represented oily 32.6 .per cent. I t0WS, prisons, night schools,. CCC
’of the average for the same period rC{imps arid other, places , throughout
In 1929, the feconomi'c. section of the [ tHJ^nit6d States, where people are
League of Nations reported -to-day., ■ ariiing' ^ie English language.
Compared to the second tjuarter of . It ' is called The. American/. World
1934 it .showed a decrease of 2:6~’hndJ is sponsored by the "Language
per-rerrt. " ; Cbrn^ Research- Fnsti-tute " 'T *
quarter bf1933 there was a de- .University,
crease’ of 6,1 • per -cent. : ’T'hlA
Industrial activity has been stead-’,
ily' increasing in a number .of cotin-
-t-ries- -d tHii-hg—L934-,- -the- -repUrt—statcd—
Particular progress; was recorded in
Chile, Denmark, Italy, ^Norway and
Sweden. Decreases wore recorded In
France and Bglgiujn.' , . ' . •
Compared to^ Octobe^;., 1933, in
dustrial activity in October, 1934,
marked an increase of 20 per cent,
in Germany, 19 per cent, in Sweden,
15 per - cent, in Italy, nib? in Can
ada, eight iri Poland j^and four in
Noirway. Against this there was re
corded h decrease of four per cent,
in the United States, five per cent,
in [the Netherlands and 18 per cent,
in Trance. . . .
Ips Aliens Learn English
> Artists’
Authors’ Service |
. a.xXoun'ci.xg a ...new
SERVICE to..•i-rife't_S .TnJ au*
tliorsf listing up-tiktite in-
i formation on.AVHERE TO
SELL.. Yearly snkxFiplio.n
.LQ)4^-.-D -------- —
[ Send a three cent, stamped
[ envelope for full informa-
[ tioh on our other service de
Ideas Unlimited
: ‘ 1 ■
Thirty-Nine Lee Avenue, '!
Toronto',; Ont.
with which a person can get. ar
ound. This was lengthened to 600
rind then tp 90(> as the number ,nece&;
sary fot printing a-simple newspaper. [
The institute’learned that this nutp-j ~
her' represents 76 per cent of thd 1 ji(v
words used tn an average newspaper., .4’ . . ■ h ITO Vi II.,and that niQst adults have a Vocubii-.
lary of abqu/t 25,000. ' • . 1. a
A few oUt'be 900 'words are still, j.
in tile, doubtful .list, but' as sooh as
.they, are finally -decided upon, they
yill be published as-a possible means
Tpf- lrelp- .to t bOxse-‘-.Tt«aelTi n£ - tire- - -for
eign born, /Miss Mitchell said-1
Issue No. 2
Dr. D. D. Dennis’ Liquid Prescrip
tion, made and guaranteed’by. the
makers of Camp,inn's Italian Balni.
Trial bottle 35c at your druggist 1-3
“ SAVE $10.00
Buy the Xng-rfe(Hents—'Mix Your Own
Us® local material for the .filler
and save freight. Full... pdrtieulars, formulas, etc. ■ "
The United ^armera Co-Operative
’Coe, IilmitecV
.Toronto, Ontario
•at - New- ’ York
' F. ■
i The eight-page newspaper has
proved its worth In this ’field, having
been; used for three years in New
. ..York .City night schools, .according ,
to - Miss Kltirgaret Mitcli'ell, - a ‘ mem
ber of the- institute staff Avho int-ro.
duced the paper to adult education
. teacher's- here Recently, •
The committee which worked put
the list of words was trying-.to make,
every •possible fihort-dul for the for
eigner Who Wants, to get. a practical
■speaking knowledge of the^ language
as soon as possible, Miss -Mitchell ‘
'said. Soipe 14 fbrilgnlho'rn ^tudentsv
hyho leafned their ‘English Off- the
streets Of blew York co-operated with
the" committee. ' ’
The original list worked out by. tile