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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 8
•M. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Local & G eneral c' Temp let on & Co X?' ■1 ■*» *. These'cards have been sent out in ■ <r HOCKEY .LAft.4.. w o ABOUT 20 TONS OF AGRICULTURAL LIME FOR SALE. ’ WILL SACRIFICE. ./■/;; /;" --------------------r I AM IN THE MARKET FOR A QUANTITY OF 4-FT. WOOD. may lead to the establishing .of whaf^ is believed, will be an improved' sys tem; when the time is ripe- for- such- a move. - ‘ . PSON’S UR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS. f OR STRAW. JAM . ICOT JAM .......... . •> .............33c PLUM JAM .;................................... .25c PUMPKIN, 2 FOR 25c _____ zs TOMATOES, 2 FOR ..... . . ..........^........ .25c LARGE < J$S STRING BEANS/ 2 FOR ................ 25c AYLMER VEG. OR TOM. SOUP, 3 CANS...........-...... . .25c SODA BISCUITS; 1 LB. PKGS.’ 2 FOR ........,..,... ; 25c RiCE> GOOD COOKING; 4LBS. . /....--------- -------- - . 25c . CASTILE!; SOAP, 8 BARS \...........,..... ..... 8...: 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 BARS ......................... •. •,. •> •... • 14c 59 LB, BAG NO.. 2 ONIONS . X ............. ................ 59c •W-FREH HEAD AND-'LEAF-LETTUCE, RADISH,". TOMATOES, CAULIFLOWER , AND CELERY HEARTS. Thos. Boyes’ Machine Shop -----feUCkft&W Wilding apfi-General Machine Shop word done prom ptly and (economically., *• . ■ • •. ! ’ • ■*. • / S • . ■ . . . “. Bring your farm machines in to be overhauled and put in. shape ■. '• ■ -• •' '■?. '• for. the spring,-- . J AU styles of Pulper Knives made tcHorder. Circularand Cross Cut Saws Gummed. .1 Thursday, janvaw ;w “ ", ............"'I ' ' HEAVY ALL WOOL Shirts ^ndbrawers j SIZES 3C TO 44. REDUCED DEPARTMENT 1S AT YOUR SERVICE GIVING FREE ~’EXTRA TROUSERS WITH EACH 3-PIECE SUIT. THAT IS TO SAY A 4-PIECE SUIT AT $39.00, .NOW COSTS^ YOU ONLY $24.00. SPECIAL FOR JANURY- ONLY. LOOK OUR SAMPLES “ OVER, WE CAN FIT YOU A. E. Buswell LUCKNOW, ■ ONTARIO P’........ U. F. W. O, ANNIVERSARY •' The ladies of the Pairapiount U. F. W. 0. have decided to celebrate the ,10th Anniversary df thei&.elub in the form of a social to be held in the Orange Hall in Lucknow on Tuesday January 15th. Husbands and families are invited. Ladies please bring, sandwiches. Silver collection. :•■ v; • ............ . .r! L"1. ,-im" •. • Mlir .••--• - Lucknow Continuation SdidoL Spotlight Senior *- Underway, Friday Opening Game This Friday Night In Local Rink With Ripley As The Oppositibri—Three Teams In Group ’ —Double Schedule Is Drawn Up. -.Liickribw has - entered <a senior XeamZJinTZtE^newlyZZfoi^ SIMPLICITY PATTERNS TO MAKE-SEWING-EASY. - STAMPED RUGS FROM 25c UP. NEW-DESIGNS. JANUARY IS... Home Sewing Month. SEE OUR STOCK OF TOWELLINGS, IN . LINEN; TERRY, LINEN TERRY; SHEETINGS, PILLLOW COTTONS, PRINTS, FLETTES,-^CHINTZ, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ALL FIRST - QUALITY GOODS. : t , FOR ■QUILTING'''SEE:’THE‘'COTr.ON’---:--QUEEN-^-.BAT WITH- QUILTING PATTERN INCLUDED.^ Dear Readers: ' • .The editor of the Sentinel has been kind enough to give us the Oppor tunity of presenting the High School news to the public through the col umns of the Sentinel. We are going to- take advantage of this and' shall endeavor to make pur column as-in teresting as. possible. We shall pre sent short stpries, poems- and news or-in brief a cross . section of our activities..’ .. _ _ : In this issue we want to Jthank the "published foiFletting’ur'use" this col- •umn. We hope that it, may prove of interest to readers and as such an asset to the paper. - , Yours sincerely, - W. Hewat, Editor, E. Newton, J. MacMillan, Sub.. Ed, GLEE CLUB Meeting was held in third form before the holidays-and it; was de cided that the school form a Glee Club for the ^purpose of having, a musical education^ in the schooL ^At this meeting a nomination was held to select two leaders—Eunice Newton and Winnie Lane being elected,* The Club has now over fifty mem bers, among these are promises of great singers of every kind, operatic, crooning aifd.. what—have- you.■ : With apologies to Keats we submit the following::. ..... . :: . “Adieu! "Adieu hour plaintive anthems fades-','.'."-'-. '■/'/'.. ' ’ Over the campus, past the mighty - stream-. ", ; 1' Through the ■ fields softly - doth it ’’ * creep; , Was-it the choir ?-r-or just an ep-r girib’s scream? v ■ . ■ ■ ... ,, ..... .... - . ..s'. .. __ _______ _ _■_Fled it, that, music—do we. wake or sleep, .. .SRQFT..... ' Art Andrew ,returned to Toronto Monday, After spending the holidays at hisj^ebne. • ‘ ' ; Mrs. E. N; Hodgins has gone to Wingham where she will spend the next three months. < . . .Mr. Joseph. Mallough, who has been- in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, for the past four weeks, is improving. Frank McKenzie returned last, week' from . Hamilton^. where he had spent-, the week-end as the guest of Miss Isobel McIntosh. . • Kathleen Thom has so far "recover- ed from her recent illness to be brought from Wingham Hospital to the home of her sister in 'Lu’cknOw. " v . •. r-. *«».”■ .’77*' ' . / , Many friends will be sorry to know of the" illness of Mrs. George Stewart whir has been taken to the home, of her sister, Miss McGregor at Luck- now. _ ' >. __Mrs., McCallum. who h'as>heeh.Jlli for several months, is about restored to her usual health and was able to be out-of-doors on Saturday for Hie first-time. .L .. ; The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Institute will be held” at the home of Mrs. W. V. Johnst$n oh Friday, January 11th at 2.30: o’clock Visitors welcome. Mrs. R. H. Thompson has been confined to bed for more than a week in^sTWecessful^P»W^ te check the development of bronchial pneumonia which was discovered in its eai’ly stages. .'. . Miss Catherine Mackinnon returned Monday to resume her ' duties as teacher at “Bloomfield, after spending the Christmas vacatiori withr her; parents; Mr^and-Mrsr Jno. V, Mac— kinnon. ' ;Qpeh>P£ Game of the Schedule . Band in Attendance Adm»s!en25cand 15ckirinon. ' ? COMMUNITY REPLYING • TO TELEPHONE QUERIES Possibly a 150 of over 400 reply postcards mailed in the community have .been filled out and returned to Joseph: Agnew, The response to date has been quite’ favorable but it is jjrgedthat-thosewho-have-not^yet ari„ H«ekey L<.ague. This deci^ JSgiM: <1° so at an early date.- / - - - _ , Th'ci*rd5 lihvo been scut,out an effort to secure a. public expres- siOn -in favour of tne establishing of a “better telephone service” in the community oi to. determine if tlj£ majorityof-telephorieusersaresat- isfied with present conditions. It has been previously pointed -out Wat 'Ifhe information is in no binding, but ds simply to determines j public opinion, which, rif T favor^Me i: ion was made when it. was learned that,Klhcardifie-Wag-^"e .lOOp. .' ■ The group consists of three teams, KincaxdinleH Riptoy aud . Lucknow, playing a double schedule, which gets underway this week, weather | permit ting and.con.elude a -on- February '15'thj,; when- the- $^up dinner proce^ into the league playdpwna. Nineteen ^sierii or teams have entered therleagbe ^andalike”nUmber"&fjuniorteams“ Luckno w and - Ripley open the sea- son in Lucknow this Fridriy night at eight o’clock with the locals playing their next game in Ripley the follow ing Friday. ' , The’ schedule as drawn up on. Mori- , day night.,, is as follows: Jan. il. Ripley at Lucknow. ; ’ Jan. 15. Ripley at Kincardine. . Jan. 18 Luckpow at Ripley. . Jan. 21 Kincardine -ait Lucknow*. Jan. 24 Lucknow , at Kincardine, , j .. . Jan. 28 kincardine at Ripley. Jah. 31 kipley at Lucknow^^^; •Feb. 8 -Feb. 12 Feb.. 14 Feb. 15. While the lofeals this season, are without Arcjjji MacDonald and Kenny , Cameron, Andy Thompson is again available and with a few likely looking juniors to call oh, the locals should ice a team, tjiat will .‘make it 'interesting for ..their Opposition. A v?in toihofro'w night and. a good turn out of fans would be an encouraging start. • Lucknow at Ripley. Kincardine at Luckihftv7~" Kincardine at Ripley. Lucknow at Kincardine. '' BEN LOGAN ELECTED HURON TWP. REEVE SCOUT NOTES . The Friday night Scout Meeting "(January 11th) has been set ;for,ward to o’clock sharp. owing to the pos- sibility of a hockey game that even- day night after four. Only/nine, boys were present. More are expected to be out for the next practice Soin which nine wilF be chosen to repre- ^ent the. school. : If the roads are at all: passable, Goderich High School will'be invited here to play against pur team. Last yiaar ■ the twp played a., close game. So this promises 3td-Jje A good' game. Watch for.‘: the date.: / Honorpd By King ” , y ! Among, those - receiving birthday honors from King George, we notice the nanie of Dr. Hunter of Teuton, Man., granted for service in his pro fession. Dr. punter at one time prac tised at- Blackhorse, Kinloss Town ship, and: is remembered by many in that "nef^Kdrhddd.'^TieeswateF Ne-ws. RECOGNITION OR FAITHUL - . — -Miss-MacL.':-‘‘Whehdid-therevi^ of learning-start?” ”Feg, MacD.”: “Night. befpre' the ,exaria?» ' * Mr. Hi.Why aren’t* you . taking down this example?” Joy. H.: »?T ain’t got ho pen.*1* - Mr. H.: “Where.,is your grammar?” Joy.H.: '“She’s dead.” .Graham:. The price of gas has ^gohe up1.*' 7 ~ ... Boh. T.:\. What do ybu care, you -have no; caTi - ‘ ■ ; • < ■; Graham: I know, but I- have a cigarette lighter. With an overwhelming majority of. 271 votes, Ben Logan was elected ..reeve of Hpjoh Tjypt, witjh' 463 .votes, Alex. McKay polling 192 votes, while Robert McCosh, a „ thjrd candidate polled 69 votes. . ' Councillors—Herbert Farrel 407; Leslie Rae 352; .Ralph Elliott 315; John Collins 308.; Dan McDonald 2g8; Roderick Ross 243. (First four elec ted).'' ... ■ n7-; Kincardine Twp. v Reeve.. Lawrence ^Stirling. was re elected with 414 votes, while his op ponent, Rodrick - McLeod, received, 326. >. • Council-*-Andrew Robinson 445; /William Shewfeltl 326; Duncan Con-, Ajndriew Macdonald Police Investigate < . *- Pifoviricial Officer McClevis and County Constable Archie Ferguson of Walkerton, Were in ' town on. Tuesday, - investigating the re^ • cent seizure "df Government and 4/4 beer madevby Constable Moore bn the premises of^Harry Lem, yestautant proprietor. No charge has as yet been laid we understand. yicto, Errihgton is the new meni- ber of the Dungannon School Board. < Charles W. Alton, the senior trustee/vvay 291) -Joseph *Taylbt. 280; Joseph was elected chairman with Mrs. R. Anderson 271; Davidson remaining secretary. ■ 270. ■A -• - ■ ' CHURCH ATTENDANCE In recognition . of faithful church: attendance, 33> girls and boys were presented with . .certificates at . the jnprning service in the Presbyterian Church On Sunday. Ifi cases where certificates had ’ previously been re ceived, seals were awarded. Atten dance 011^40 Sundays was required^ but Rev. McDonald pointed out that many* had been in attendance 52. Sundays; - * For most regular attendance, Isabel Douglas and Leonard McD.onald ^ere presented with a ’ Bible and Marion Johnston a membership certificate to the Y. W. M. S. Bib’le awards are pot repeated and thus Helen McDonald was not. eligible to teceive, one; altho she stood highest. _____1 >. „ Certificates or seals.. were received Hps fpil'd)vs,: ■ ' GirlS: Helen McDonald;. Isohel Douglas, Marion McDonald, Marion Johnsten, Peggy McDonald, Margaret McDonald, Jessie Henderson, Arlene Jewitt, Winnifred Johnston, Nora Jewitt, Verna Steward, Zelda Steward Maudie Fishej, Kathleen McIntosh; Tsobel Jamieson; Edith Smith, Gladyri MdDonald, Grace McDonald, Grace' McPherson. * Boys: Norman. Tajdqy, Leonard McDonald,1 Billy McKenzie, John K. McKenzid, Lldy4 6 Steward, Allan Steward, Frank MacKenzie, Gordon Steward,, Graham Sherriff, Lime Gardner, Charlie’ Jewitt, Billy Jewitt, Stewart Jamieson, Jack Henderson,; Alex McIntosh. ' ' n * . V -• . ........................ . . . , - ' .............. .. ing at eight Q’clock0. The„bQncert-and i weinerroast—plannedforthis-meet- ing has bean postponed until a week later,r Janu^ W ■■--r— The ScOut* will hold their Church parade to St, Peter’s Church on Sun day morning,. Januaryr.- 20thr : At 8.55 P.M. on Friday, January 'iith^'/'His.'^xeellenpy --'-the -jGuyera®?] General,3d;ke:;EatLof^Bessbox^ug^r^ -Chief Scout for Canada, will broad-^ "<affit ^dv^f^th^Nation^Cham Canadian Radio Commission a mes- sageilof.JfirstlJmportance toeyeryJ Canadian Scouter and Sc.out—as Scouts and Canadians; It will be the first occasion On which the members tof the -movement throughout . the Dominion have been addressed simul taneously by the Dominion Chief Scout, and as such will be an historic event. ■ Second Nominations Required - Southampton must hold a .second nomination for Reeve, rind councillors, lor Bell having been the only nomin ees to qualify. The. date hak been set for January 18th. . Teeswater is also faced with a second nomination for school trustees only two having qualided. Teeswater (Council was returned by acclamation, while the reeveship and Hydro Com mission was contested. ELECTION CARDS To the Electors of Kinloss Ladies and Gentlemen, . <y - ? I wish to thank you heartily for -by—returning-me-to-office-fo^-another-“ term. I can assure yOii that at will ^ be my earnest desire to show that . ; this, confidence has not been '■ mis placed. Y.outs faithfully, Alex McKenzie. * To the Ejectors of Kinloss. ' . . Ladies and Gentlemen, . _ j 'Acceptnaty ••■s-iiieere.' thanks>for^;?the splendid vote aceorded me in electing ■ me -for my "first -term to Kinloss Council. ?My earliest Endeavour will be to perfoim my duties iri a manner that.jjtniftt will merit your .expres sion of confidence; ’ Thanking you again, I remain yOur respectfully, • ~ . ' / Arthur Graham. To the Electors of kintoss Ladies and Gentlemen, Accept my sincere thanks for your renewed expression of confidence as shown by your votes oh Monday. As in the past I will do, all in* my power to promote th© bbst interest of the municipality. -- ' " Ydura very truly, ‘ - *r* l ",for this poem? Editor: About a ten yard start. . Miss MacLean: “Now children, turn out fpr the Glee Club and make it a “hbwling’’ success.” There’s always a helpless expres sion-on the faces of Winnie Lane arid . . - - . , John Martin. Anyone could, guess ^Council was returned by acclamation, what they are thiking. about—Trig-[while the reeveship and Hydro Com- ohometry. ’ I mission .was contested. To the Electors of Kinloss Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me convey to you my hearty thanks for your splendid support on election day and my assurance that I will endeavour to do mvjpart. in conducting the business of We^nuni- cipality in .the best interests 4f the ratepayers; ' Sincerely, AngusMcIntoah. ratepayers; 4 Ail Goods Marked Very Low For Quick Clearance of Stock 0r B. PEARLMAN, Worsted Overcoats at only $9.95 CLEARANCE SALE AH our Goods is cat very low prices and therefor it is advisable fOf every one to act quickly so "as to get everything derived • . r'? . ‘ ’ Lucknow, Ontario 'Phone 85 ’ A i 5 I Men’s Treebark Overcoats. Priced to •lear at $14.95 On Hand And Offers A Ileal Chance For Everyone To Save Ladies’ Coats 7 ' J . W-OHS SM^. 0«l Suits.” Reduce 1latest cloths and w it h contrasting. Furs? Priced in three* groups at $8.00 $9.95 $13,95 for only . ■ $12.95 ^ats~ Men’s Tweed Felt - Hats at only j $1.39 one. ? , r * Our Dresses are Greatly Reduced. Special this ' sale. f* V v \ ■