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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 7
Brotherly Loyalty o *t ■o i b - * H J- ' * . ‘ , ( Woman s World i i ■ i'ly Mair M. IVIorgan ; There Are Times When A Boy or Girl Should Stand By Another Member of The family,.Even If That Mem ber. Has Done Wrong”. ‘•"Should , a boy stand up for his brother .when/h$ has -done" . some thing wrong,” a mother writes.” ... “My oldest- boy,. Bill, .was .with a crowd 'of boys on Halowe’en. They took the spare .tire off a man’§- car and threw fitf/intif-' the?'river; '"Bill told Jaok his brother, and Jack came straight home. to.. me with thd- whole story. -•• • , • , •». any real desire.to hunt Bill but rather i ■ stuffed withi-avu ,sur- I ! niight'rec^ve a “virtuous education 1 1 u A».n'f i, Unit;. some-. *4 . v Ho^biy.i was i & ;--W 1i cup e oven, in sprin-> kle with chopped pecans Or English -Tq.TAE LAND OF- REAlT-OL WOMEN, SUN SHINS ANF- SWEETSUM^R sneezes! small -peeled and" ‘diced beet has. been boiled, jj.This gives the paring . «a..,de.li<c.aLe. pink. ..-Un'go^ ■. Then. .firm., th e .- paring wrong, side out, and roll it- up, rose-fashion; ■ _■ . ’ vW *•«' •Mtf Mt - «* <** . . This basketful of bull Terrier puppies, cast appealing eyes around ■ , . in.search for new Blasters. They and other-canines were auctioned in New York art gallery as presents Tor'some lucky young children. yo'U COULD.6UIDE. . .the.- boat iUlTHOUT'ANy ‘■fN'STRUMeNTS IM FRONT OF place,-in.- it' before baking, a> row of ^hard-boiled eggs, , so that- when -• the-- loaf is cut, the eggs' will shoiv in the center of; each slico- Nova Scotia Charms : ..’.‘J \ instruments mean tUON-DERlHG HOW ) NOTHING TO ME! I .&O vJQNDckl THESUN^ND STARS, ' Tm A Natural born/' f SAlLOfe-! My-ANGESTORS I c AMti'OV ER ‘ THE }. MAYTLo^eB charmin; dtessed-.up look. \ lu^xLulLli . AMt.SDRE?-- ARsyou- 1 \ TRYlN'.TO I NSINUATE THAT I, " don't -.know HOW'TO7' RUN A' sW? S YOUR RUDDER FL-ANT^ . "Rubber plants have'a ^d habit of growing • too-''tali;--*-but - the -Chinese ' hh.ve a., cure for. it... Thfey. make a “gop-tee” which is a ball of, day held together by moss or fiber around ori-e of the nodes (or joints). First,y the stem is wounded-or girdled, ju^t. be-. Jow a- node and then -the ball *is ap- ..:.^j|jjfelied'.- It is kept-moist by water seep- ^Lng- from g. container .above” down a ■' ./ soft .crigd which is ‘ wound ' around /I- f /the /ball. . After a. Tew , weeks roots ' ' are foBmpd arid" penetrate'the, ball of •<. day. ..The vstegn • is then ..'-cut off just " '^i£w^h^"kb.ail .afid the "upp^^paft • „.. • . is potted up a^’ a new plant, while- the remaining portion -of the old : 4 plant .may" be^ discarded- or' effcour- .. . ' Aged .-.to throyr. put n,eft./.sh0.otg d.own - below. -0f“<ourse/a? simpler and/ ''■ • ..^Uch less interesting wpyiip, shorten I the rubber plant .is merely to cut it -dff just above a uiode/and hope t-fiai t ’ " it wHl. th-rjow out he\V shoo.ts and-that / ■ .these shoo.ts-W’Bl be.^situated -so that. '. ' they will.. naak« a respectable looking; j^lant. B.u^Mr / those who have the time an^JRio'-like to- do the un- /X dommon. thing ..the Chinese ihethod is io be preferred. ; , ;■ •• :n~ new Closet space. ' ‘ ' _. - H'ow"to fit new'closets., in tl'ie""'old houses when they are being recon- \ • ’ flitioned is often, a peyfflexihg prob lem’which may be solved in a bed- yoom by building one in each .of the two corners in a wall. This forms an alcoveein .which' the Jiead of a bed / . / may be° placed., in \tlie1'French fash ion. Pastel-hued walls, gray, or rose, ,-v’ eka mpl e; are a p prop ria t-ein - s u eh’ ' ja/ropm." "AnbtKbT.. >. ‘ ..closets is the-space on either side'.'of a fireplade"chimney. . >■ . . : * ♦ ;♦ t ’ • CRACKERS AND CHEESE FOR . (i •' ■" SALAD COURSE / . There are women, vain of their mixing prowess who refuse to serve crackers or other1 accessories with- their—salads because they feel that .... the,perfect salad needs no" ac companiment. But we '.Think they are ■ ? wr<)ng, and especially so after a sur-. / ,vey of , this year’s additions to the __-wafer field. '■ ■ .- /__ Arid then there are all thej new t trjcks.’to dress rtheni up—toasting // ■ with cheeise or .lightiy^c'o^mg with-- / /one. of the many netv dressings, , Qheese -crackers’, may be 'fixed for" .toasting before6 the. meal, is served. Then while, the table', is beyig clear-, ed :fo'r the salad," -slip ...the crackers ■' iirito .a’ -very hot ©veil or ,.under'""thg; .*%wting’-!flan}e. -'lt ;wiU take only'one' •jr.-ar two''.minutes, .'for the cheese- . td, melt.’ Work; four tablespoons 'grated ■' clieese" arid"‘Two ’/taij!e~spriorig n/uttcr to a smooth .paste and rtpreacF on" small, unsweetened crackers. Sprinkle lightly with paprika .arid toast. ’ .,■ r‘ Cheese in Other Guises^ There are times when an even 'more elaborateAalad accompaniment is. wanted, and again cheese, is to the fore; 'Cheese cups, cheese^balls, ch'e’ese 'sticks and fijigers. or triang- ■ ’ es of crisp toast are delectable e . morsels that iriay all be niad.e in the ‘ home;'kitchen. . <«>. . 'When, cheese does forip-a main-in- . gradient in the .salad, tiny brown ..bread .sandwiches, crisp ..toast;...' and, ■bread sticks- are suitable if f......; *. cracker'^', is wanted! ■<' . ■ • Delicious cheese biscuits are. made. . of 'a baking'’powder biscuit.-dough to which grated cheese has becri ritld- bd. Use onb-half cup- grated clu'e<o. - to; tiy o cups flour- in the' regular faking, pavyder . biscuit M ( iulo- Cut Ahese. biscuits witlra,one-indr round ; warm. Cheese' straws .arl.1 c-jperially viting’vH'th' a fruit oH. veg,' salad.’ - . CVmrjjc Straors One cup stale broad' rrumljs cup milk/ Vs teaspoon salt. ■ 1' * gr'afea chbose1, . flour. .Coifibine crunibs, milk.,' salt cheese and, mix thoroughly. Si ft- over (fl.our! to make a .Tlmigli 'stitT-eimugh to hindie.4 Roll on-,a. slightly fl/ured ' .• .i:■_____ _________ F----” MUTT, are - you sure WE’LL REACH 1 HAWAII? molding board info a thin «shcet. Cut in strips four inches long and 3A inch •whle.......®hke lifteep- niijiutes jn - a moderate oven,."■ ./. . —- • - .• * >f * . 8 “ ■ ' . FRUrrCAKE- AND COOKES . This time of year we, expect fruit cake. The children—well, they, expect cookies—any time of ; year. ..• Here are two rather unusual recipes .for these .dainties: '’’• 1 Gof/ee Fruit Cake 3X clip shortening;r • V 1 ctf^H.igiht brown sugar . ., 2 eggp ; ’ hf cup coffee*'• ; • - ' * 1 . 1-3. cup milk - ' . -; 1% .cups flour* 3 teaspoons baking powder .. l- pound: raisins’.»-..L % pound- citron. • , Vi. pound figs cut in strips' . Cream-shortening, add sugar,, egg yolks,' coffee and. milk. Sjift" together fldur and baking powder and add •;s‘Iowly. Add fruit,'. which ha£ been slightly floured, an’d fold in. beaten' .*whites" of eggs. Bake increased, loaf pan from one hour to one hour and a.quarter. . m.., Moclta, Cookies . 1 .cup shortening * .. 1 cup suga'r \ ”, »—,(,L_c.up- molasses- -■- ,. , •%■ cup coffee . ’ 'j . ' • • ,• 5"cups: flour eggs , '■ . ' N ateaspoons soda. '■■ teaspoons cinnamon. . < 'teaspoons ginger •- . teaspoon ground cloves . ..teaspoon salt * . ' -? Cream shorten ing~and; -sugar. -Ad;4" "weir~'beateni’ eggs, anB"coffee" mi^exT ■w-i'th? soda and molasses; Sift' -all Spices With flour and add'to mixture, making a soft dough. Drop’on cookie pan,' a tablespoonful ,for. each rookie, , FARTLORE ■ A cold . meat. platter ’ beconi'es wonderfully .interesting if slices of the jcold beef, .plain meat] loaf, or tongue.- are placed in one. or. two- rows on a large platter, with' .cine, or ..two rows." of' alternating . sliced tomatoes and ’sliced ■ greenLpeppersy .cream cheese.'. .- -'■- ■ - A. Or the meat slices may be _ _ _ rpundad with" tomatges. which ’have] ' been "styffedA 'with y coltage- ’ cheese moistened 'w-itli cream.- ■' Or, the_7dcFdraTion”maj^cn§istroF . olives, A sweet' ■ pickles, ; .and celery curls. Or of olives and cubes of very stiff 'jelly, or-gelatine to which was added half-a glass of bright- -red: ■jelly .before ’-it began to*set.- -'STices^ of ■■pineapple .provide still another jit tractive methods of, garnishing. : ' ■ ’ Flsl/ served- with the usual cgg"l sauce is an everyday. dish, but 'it .can be transformed into 'so.methijy?.. unusual at the' very ’ Jast . moxwent, before, serving by ■ addirig to . the sauceosome' chopped almonds or. halved' Malaga grapes. •* - • -Ail interesting addition to “a very phfin salad, such, as sliced . toma toes served on lettuce, ■ or lettbcc alone, is a small hall of cream cheese xvhiclrt'has -been- rolled iy -fiholy chopped parsley,.; , ’s - wy a'lad uncooked • green pepper or ;red -^m.ient0*-pepper.s or- both. :„-‘p --it Sprinkle mashed”" potatoes with black pepper and red paprika for color effect as well as for flavor. ■ Tarsni'ps will add to the charm of any mealf.if after, they Have been boiled until tender and then scraped, -they -are- halved-, dofeied- with. melt-ed- TutTerT^p.n1fl<lefl~witlFfce”^nies^^ sible amount. of- granulated sugar then placed in a pan in the oven.- Let bake for 10 minutes, then sprin-> :kle with chopped pecans Or Elnglish walnuts^ and allow to brown. Ice'.cream, served plain, is always one of the most popular of year-9 lPund desserts.” It can gain a great deal in interest/ however, if t -occa sionally it is served .in some* un usual, attractive way; ;1' . - Any good sauce., as chocolate or dressed-up look.1 Or ice cream “firny, be. placed between two slices of whitg' cake and the whole covered with the .saucer; Or pour - over a d-ish-of plain ice cream a‘ cold, thick syrup, made; "by" cooking the", strained juice of fruit or berries in an equal quantity of sugar until it spins'" a r'tlfreadT Over this, arrange a few" cubes -of - the;fruit or a few of the berries. ; r ' A deTicious topping, for, plain . ice cream; is orange . marmalade from wliiclraTr.'pieces of rind ,have Abeen re m o ve d/'l^avtug^rlyrtlteTs of rtsma ce— . Put over vanilla ice-crpam whip ped- cream which has been fcihted green. .Garnish with Malaga - grapes cut in. halves or. with, green-tipted cherries, or wvfeh. maraschino cher ries; or with nuts. On e&ch serving plate lay.3 fresh dr canned peach ■ halves, hollow ..side up,.in a small circle. Fill each hollow i with vanilla -or lemon .ice creamd-and/pile^-ce cream in the middle! of the: plate;^,/ Sprinkle_'sllj with iihj^v chopped almonds/ ' ’/,.T - i-M^» —L CJ "liL. " A/, charming -decoration ' foe . a platter consists of a .few “roses"’- niadp from apple parings. , Cut a' ■ a salad bn lettuce is. to_serve two' or‘ three very small ones on each plate, period and th'eir tops cut .into1 points,. tulip shape, sprinkled With , i " L“. . ■ —^alf and. pipper, and covered wlth( . ^nn. aPP'^e jmring, lel.it stand 'fcmmaBe. ' ’ ' • T \m ?b°vinc^’ from pickled .beets, ./_■___ . '">..•■ ■■ • ■-0r. I'1, the red water in which a “A dcemalive garnish for salad "or ! chid 'mca^s.-is'made-by rolling ,ti.<^h.L- ly- several large -Icttucp leaves- And laying them away for several hours. When needed, cut tho roll into half inch pieces'.- and pretty light-green ro.-ctles will be tresult. '.An, ordinary meat loaf will' look much,more Lgsiive—if oyer it, before, ■it is put in the oven, is spread a ’little, canried red pimi.eijto or fi^sh or -canned tomato pulp, to give the tin pf the loaf a decorative' red ’■ color.,' it is. a good plan,,also.- .to ■ -t ; Not only .those Who .hail from what : they , claim to be the loveliest, pro- ■ ~yi nc^^zifie “Domi nidnwfib" take delight in ‘-‘memoTies immortal and the dim far-ofg things .of long, ago" will find much of, interest, much of charm and a vivid recounting of ..historic■ highlights in a book just to hand "Down. In Nova Scotia,’’ by Clara Dennis (Ryerson Press). " ‘ ’ The writer, who is .what is known in.that part of the world as a “Hali gonian,’’. starts from the. old Garri- ; son'City in her motor car/to “di?-, caver Nova Scotia.” In the course of her explorations she accumulates denseriptivi 7 ■ heauity/ whjlc.h makes., : llerJ journey? well^v?8rth.while.■■■ /-'T; She;tells of fair Prrrice’si Lodge oir'ibe-lovely .shores of Bedford. Basin /where; the Duke of Kent, father of- Queen'' Victoria, spent-a? fortune in creating a-country estate,- through -whose'' winding, woodland pathways-h-e- ■ wandered with Julie: St; L'aurentpBa- '.ronne ■'■ de Fortis son, the lovely .French woman wh'o. was his. "'more fha-p wife’' fop 30_ yeiff; of.,,th6 old town clc|ck he erepted on CH-tadel Hill .which has told the time-for the‘good ."frbople of Hal1/ax for 134,.years; of Windsor, the' Acadian Piziquldyfroni ' which s'taj’ted the cruel expulsion; by Governor,- Lawrenc'e of those unhap py- people whose . unremitting toil', had^niade thfi land- to blossom and rejoice-, hopiei too' of ■ Canadas . first university founded so' that, 'youth thus diffusing' literature,.loyalty and good morals .among ' His M-ajesty't, subjects- Ari Nova Scptia.” ■ | . Bassi'-ng.-by the verdure .of. .spread-, ing dyke lands,' in the bewitching fragrance.of apple, blossoms, and u-n- ,dei? -t-iio- shadows of' bold Blomid-on, jt.bg,,.yri-ter_cbmes to Grand Pre,J’.ip.P.‘ sion. of th£ Acadians and priusew' -at the charming .old house whejre Sir. Robert’. Borden'^ was born; down through Annapolis and--- along „the coast to Yarmouth she recounts many stirring-tales of the old woodei.i ship, building dffys when -.Ndvii S'coii.i|.n ships voyaged" to every port 'of. the Seven--Seas-and --on to Sa-ble Island' wh-.erv wild hor.n? and the. roCt'ihg iii-mLn's’ of a'thousand.'\\ reeks litter a -wind-bitten shore. -- It 'is. an informal. grae< fully writ ten and’ ehtliu.s.ia,stic. travelogue of the historic' spots,, the fair iii.lls and valleys, the ■ wide beaches thfe..cl?ase- -..l'ess'-ca’ll-' of - tlip sea,' the- , gracious, kindly people- .who dwell in- one bf ■ the most pic'tui'psqiip portions of the .Dominion;—Rl B.-F... I.. • ... . • . \ T\ERE,SEETt-vS ?”2o'bkGRSE3r LONblTUDE ■ .160 LATITUDE, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS! THAT’S Ia)HEREsWE’LL BE BY TOMORROW MoRN-INiS ‘THE L/AND'Of= ; BEAUTIFUL women, ■ suNshtne and sweet z SUMMER BREEZES^/ I ,h3d to"tell-my '‘husband. He whipped Bilb-'and got the other boys’ fathers to chip, in and buy another tire fbr Mr.; T.hpjnas. “What Bill? did. doesn’t bothei me so much as Jacks, telling it. Jack is in wrong with the boys now. Bill ■ isn’t a ba’d. boy. On Btallbwe’jeh they all ldst ,their .heads,. I -think. It isn’t* that I-wanted €o protect Bill, either, because I.think his father.did. right, to punish him. .‘.But I Kate to think, of -Jack as "“a' Tattle-tale—-’jdouble ; crosser,-’ the boys gall. Him. ■ * Dpil’t. yon think ’there are times, when it’s ;better for-a boy to keep some of the things he knows-to-himSelfP I don’t know’ what to say to Jack because if I tell him I’d ..rather pot haye heard it he. might thnik I approved of ■ what Bill did.. . „ “Don’t you . think a boy ought to be loyal, to his brother,- no .matter, Iwhat he does? Or do you think he felt it was better, for" Bill and his dad. and hiyself to know?- It.certain*, ly <Lid • make, trouble' and now tjie rest of the cfow'd are annoyed."jfvith’ ■ both. • Jackman d -Biiit”;; T' ~ \' FAMILYLOYALTY ,To answer this correspondent, with anything approaching •intelligence'’ we would hpve to pack our bag, go to her house and scrape Jack’s, acquain tance for a couple of weeks, ‘ ■ Somehow we don’t think it is the younger- brdther’s^habit to* “squeal” about everything that- happens, or This episodb ’Would""hbt h'^ve '~upset' •his mother so much. / ’ ' So we would be inclined to lay Jack’s motives--to two things. . !Th6 prank smacked .of crimp and he did n’t Nike the responsibility of such a secret, And it may be, too, he want- /ed to keep his own shoes clean, when, the- truth was ‘ discovered and it be came known 'he too knew all about it; he might have, some explaining to do. .... We wouldn’t lay^Tiis^—motive —to? any real desire to^hurt Bill, blit rather *”TBut aren't there times when a boy |.or girl owes certain loyalty, to irieni- -bers of his “family' fryeh'w^hen^fliLey have done wrong? Every ..stand- patter on ethics will probably rise up and; shout; “No.! Above all -let- ■us', have honesty!' Everything, must be sacrificed to; truth.’’...N:/.. While we don’t like concealment we dislike Still more the man or hoy, the woman or girl, who will smugly' betray-- <&. loved one 'in the .iiarn'e of righteousness. ■' ■■ " . ,■ What.is your opinion? ~ ""The"CanriedTomato ‘ ■ . '■ . •■"..’ . ■ ., 0 I j The change , in public •opinion re gard-to the fashions in food- is" well exemplified By- the tomd’to. Npt so many year's ago the .tomato; was an object of -suspicion; today canned to*, t jiiatoe's' and tomato products co-nsli* Nute the largest, of Canada's cannery packhv Indeed,.,the story --O|f‘ -the can ned. tomato is ’one of--the “epics of Canadian trade; Ten years.,ago it was one of the least important Of ..'.the. food commodities sent abroad by Canada. By 1.927-th.b export ;ofr Can adian cqrined rtomaloes rose to^.what , Li's', i ioy coiy.idered. jit nieY'^ffffO?!)00lj^OAV., ..................... ..; . ■■ ■• - * - t . pounds? Tn 1934 "nearly' Tu,U(JU,UtrO“ pounds were exported 'to 31*dif»ferent ■countries, 18 of which are. British. .'The -British Isles, hl on <? .took 9,.000,000. ■pounds. Ontario, .Quebec, and British Columbia are the provinces in -which the- commercial production of timin'- toes for canning‘purposes audit fresh’ sale is of' .greatest importance.: The tbtal acreage rs apprbximately- 20,000 .acres. A dependable cannery demand, -even though this demand varies, is also Of importance. to-those growers . producing' 'for* the fresh' vegetable., "market-. The .grower, therefore, as pointed out in the Agriculture Situ ation" bulletin, .issued early this yeaiT is vitally interested in both the doni- ’eStic and export’demand for canned tomatoes -ami tomato products;' ’ r?VS|TiON-W.5^ ij'-tiT . .q 5.) x;ST - i lets SEE;wren WJ.ND5 Blow ... r NORTHWEST "TOP MAINSAIL SJAOUUD . BE ’SHIFTED, To •? - - ‘ ■—"f jJbtTTiNUEtiON PA6E2^3 B- Canadian Poultry Advance In recent years Canada has forged/ to the front- in poultry production “ and is now one of the leading coun tries in. quantity and quality of pro duction per unit. This development cannot-, be attributed definitely to any one factor or .group of factors but rather tft a general program of Dominion, provincial and institution al- 4wb.rk, “Scientific . Agriculture” ' points out. , The research ari'd experi mental. Work along the- .various., branches of the industry have'.contin- . uaJly Inclinedto . costs,, removing many of the hazards . ” ' which confront .'the poultryriffen, and have epabled him to carry on, even 1:at lower prices for his products. The introduction lof grading and"' bet- . ter" organized marketing conditions . have further assisted' ip improving,, the general situation. Improved gual- i ■ ity'in the ' product 'resulting., from advanced knowledge of b°..uBry nu trition, improved methods of handling . and « grading; of"'the product have stimulated home consumption until. today Canada stands . pre-eminently : the? .greatest, consumer of eggs" per capita^ of any country in the world; In spite ,of what has, already,, been/. done in connection with1 many phases " of the poultry industry, many prob- , lems still remain to be dealt with in placing it on .the most satisfactory and successful. basis from a com mercial and. economical standpoint. Another Angle " On the Quintuplets We' can’t get away from the idea, /., though, that ,, Mrfe.u,v Dionpe, the,/ mother of the children, is not getting ■ her-’ share of all the fuss and pomp which is being handed out. • Take -for instance the mother of • 'twins. When it is time for them to. go out a bit there is a two-seater •secured and in it the twins are placed. Proudly' she. wheels the’-little cart right down- the main street, and • the people afje7min(ied..tb turn 'arid look.. There is almost certain- to" be some mother’or father stop the Tittle parade and say they recall well on- . - ough when they, had twins/in -their home, sand there is a Comparing of notes and ah interchange of remin- isetense,-all of'. which causes ithe . riiother “Tn question to become cob; winced that she is recognized Tn .the community. She has something to., •talk about in the- evening after .sup per. '.- '. Mrs. Dionne has been denied all this pleasant experience. Shp eonld ,n<tf ,. get a cart which would, hold the five childre^, and even if she could she lives in such Ideation that it would not be possible to wheel it about. And so .it is that no one stops her on, the main street because there f -is; no main street,/and no one" talks /. to her about having had quintuplets in their- home because there’ . 'have . been -no / quintuplets,I. TH any other home. The doctor/.the nurses, til® / man who presented fiv-e baby bug- : gies-—all these people it. seems .have ' come in between Mrs. Dionne and ; -- the joyous lustre Wbieli sho.iild-,ba-v«' -; "been,hers -aiorie.__/_■ ‘ '■ _ It is one of those cases where we have recourse to the fine old words, ■something, should,, be; done about it. There is time to make .amends and - there should be a whole Tot of .them’ m-aae.. ; ? Is War Inevitable? ’ Because Cain killed, 11 is "frother . : r In -the garden long ago; • • ■ Because -through^all the-ages ‘ii ; •/ . Men have given blow for -blow; Must, we accept jt-he dictum •• ■••‘That .the ,wprld was made'for strife ■. Must, we beliVe that vvarfare , Is the goal of human life? . They,, fell us human nature'' ' ■ Never.changes' age to .age;' ’ ( That history ill reddened ' ' -. With’war. on every page;'''.. . Yet human conduct changes, Underneath the reign of law And mnly. nations ■ answer .To the rule of tooth and claw.. .The day .must come*, my brothers, ■ When tlie nations shall foresweai The art. of human slaughter, .- As" it is' foresworn elsewhere For’if \ve keep on killing, U-» As we Have' in recent year’s, ■ ' • The time- is not-far distant- .- ■ " Till,, out racial, doom appears. ' '"E. Guy. Talbot j ' . "in Presbyterian' Advane< ■■■■-—y“»—■ ---------------------------------------- By BUD FISHER ■ >*«l Britain BljtH RM.n’O I TrMlc Mirk R.'{ V B Ht Offlrrl A