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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 4
CHURCH NOTES W- W1MQW0W. SENTINEL •' »£■- -• " , .........' ...................... THtgtsnAY, ■I’i' ■ Iiapp|inings Of 1934 '■ ? Briefly Reviewed’ As we enter Qie New* Year 1985, we wonder^ but fortunately so, do pot know, -what the year holds* in . “ store for us. The year- just past, has for some held happiness and success, for others sorrow, but f^r the vast majority,\.possiibly Tittle other iV ” the usual duties and pleasures make up. each".day. ...Oil. thethresphold Of ^another our readers may review with interest -?'Some of the highlights of the year 1934 in the community in which we ' . have repordedy- as. follows: ; 15 < •''?'■'-J- ^..'JANUARY;.- ^/'.? . Reeye A.W. Hamilton apd Coun- ciliors? Anderson, Ferguson^ Murdie \ add Buslhell, elected to> office for 1934. Reeve 'Hamilton, Councillor ? Fer- ? gusonr Rev, Ji H. Geogheghb RoberJ, Rae, W. J.? Spindler and E. Rob ertson appointed relief committee at initial meeting of Council. -■ Mrs. J. K. MacDonald and Wm. J Hogan called^ by death. j > Citizens’ Band concluded success ful yedf with baiapce’?of“$8975.4. . k . Mr. and Mrs. George Gillies mark ed 67th wedding anniversary. Horticultural Society 7 reviewed’ . successful year and re-elected officer? Mrs. P, M. Cojquhoun, Mrs. Gordon Ball and Mrs. Charles Foster laid ,to --..rest,'"•••‘.•’,•.--’’7- ‘ ’ f'9 Alex Milne, aged 96 died at Gu.elph' and Alex Gillies^ in Kinloss.; ' ~^^4^^Pete~Farjnsh“sufferedr"fracturedieg- . and his son “Bud” rushed to Hospital ' thru~terriffic blizzard for emergency appendix operation. Miss Catherine Ross of Kinloss dis covered in barn, where 'she had lain helpless with fractured leg during severe weather. / ?% Gilbert Hamiltop , and^ BUckton”wed4n Torontb;“ JaMeS^ sidy and Laura Weaver Wed in Lon- ■ Ion. ■ FEBRUARY’ " Arrears of taxes $3411.05 and ap pointment Of collector, discussed. ' Record sub zero weather held com munity in grip during month ap- z proached. 40 below, officially, here. Hehry Pajtersan, H. Winter- stein. and Jacob Miller, called by • -7. / .death.; .......... than tbit iftw. Judge Mott Addressed Lucknow audience. ‘ \-Pr. Wm. Connell announced intent tion .of leaving Luckno^w to. practise in Wjngham._ 5 b Roy Aitchison, Mrs. Jacob Mifler and Gilbert McKenzie passed away. Serious damage to apple orchards from winter frosts, became quite ap parent. ; " • ' • - •..JUNE'” " ..?/■ • Huron-Bruce U« F. O. political Ac-- sqciatj.on decided not to enter can-, didate' ,in: proyinciul election,. Heat and drought viewed with al arm locally. ' - o . Dr. A."M. Spence died in Qshawa. WEDDINGS—Win. , S, . Reijj and &ean- Durnip; Harvey Altpn and Bes sie McCabe;1 Thomas’ Fserguson"/and -A'ghes Gibb; Stanley; Fjn.es apd Alma /Blake'; . -/• Dr. Richard Bowbn Succeeded \ Dr; Connell. . ■ ~ . • . . ■■■./•. '..I,.-;.2-; Kinloss^ Church held anniversary. services.’ , • John Helm died in Ashfield. ; Gold^h " Jubilee celebrated at St. r?eteT’s^Church; ■..... .'? ... C. A. Robertson elected liberal member of Huron-Bruce as Liberal iarty swept province. . ' Rev. F. Scott ’ McKenzie conducted -anniversary services__in. Presbyterian church. - Bruce Baseball League well under way with Lucknow in 5th place as' month of June ends. \ - 1 , ; : Bishop Seager conducted . confirm ation service here. . ; — “Aunt’-’- Lizzie /Webster and James Barkwell. died. ” . . 7- Evelyn. Reed and Peter Cook wed ■ JULY-- \...,. ?/..' ■/.•? Shiell’s store; at Amberley robbed. Ruth McQuillin lost life by drown-- ng . in Lake; Huron’s waters. Sid | Whitby and Bill Webqter ser iously hurt in motor accident west -ofT-Lucknowv—- -- -----■-■--■y-•-——~ .Wesley Hudson lost his life in a 'layfield accident. Gordon Fisher and. Winnifred Nixon mited in marriage. 7 „ " McCharles’ and Rathwell’s Stores -ebbed. ■ ' ~ . L. O. L. 12th of July celebration 'ield here. ' Mrs.~ Wm. Fraser died in Kinloss, ind 16-year-old Ila Mae Saunders lied following r6-days illness with (X. Ashfield bereaved, as her husband meets tragic - -- / death; iit/fgHing into a vat“ of scald- ing dye at Stratford. Kincardine ousted« Lucknow from Druce-Hockey League in sudden death ^game at Ridley. ■''.■?■ •?; .■March ; , /?©eath parted ’aged couple in. pass? ..."'■''4ngf^r-Mr.'.'''G'eorge"Gijiies.'- •;? ..-• 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Mullin 59 years married. . c ^/Russell Ritchie, age 9 years, suff- . eyed fracture of both arms and. a leg im a fall at. Zion school, . , . John Darrow and George Anderson x bnd. Mrs. Hugh Girvin of Dungannon district died, A. E. Bus well opened new store in Lucknow. i Robert Mullin called by death. Rebekahs observe . 9th . birthday. 7 *’ Wellington Nixon . and Winnifred ■’ Haines wed in Lucknow, ; K E./ Smith informed of transfer to Prescott. ? '•1 —r;-^I^tly’!^B^kn^ami^asses away. : ’’ APRIL"; h'. \ \ Purchase of fire truck recommend ed by Fire Co., but sold/before action taken locally. - ■Raising of local school to High ■School /status presented to Council o for consideration. - Public meeting discussed; plafis fo.v establishing ‘better telephone ser vice.’’' Joseph Hackett, A-shfield native, . ejected Mayor of Highland Park. Detroit, Sarah Cameron passed away in . < Ashfield and Fraser, Malcojrp in Win- . '• nipeg; . * ’. ■ . ‘ ’ Ros^ McMillan aiyl Christin^Mc- Kenzie mafried, at Bly th. ' Oxford Group Visited Lucknov^ «as - Bruene Presbytery convened here. ‘ Foster Moffat., chosen conservative candidate of Hufoh-Bru^cC. A > Dr. Solandt addressed large local ; "'audience, •' ■•■■ x ; ■ May Mrs. Neil Murdoch passed 'Sway. Residence of Mrs. John McCharle^ gutted by fire. . xHarqld.Purves of Kjnipss and Elsie 7 Roulstone of.: Kincardine wed. ' "Mr. John Joynt sufficienty rCcbv- ' /ered from'long and serious illness^ be down town. Wm; Mjiler,. aged" 9>3,; suffered bad » ■' ” fall ' ' ; Mrs. John Hackett, and Matthew Woods die in Lucknow.; , ' Presbyterian Church, marked an niversary. Details completed for, establishing of a municipal office. ./ •. —Summei^S^ool^jpened-^at^^ David Perrie Memorial Camp at yKintailr ;7~rT '' Dungannon. : Black beat shot near Holyrood. ; ; Fire . threatened; shingle pile at Henderson and Fisher’s Mill. Wm? Miller observed 94th birthday WEDDINGS—Arthur Graham and 'Grace; Haldenby?; .’Finlay Shackleton; irnd'rMarqbn-^sbn?-. . ■'■•■•..•■?•• Miss; Dorothy "Douglas arrived home >n furlough from Tamsui, Japan. """Mdritfir df July was- hot and dry. .' AUGUST- ■■ ■ ' Council purchased nest qf safety deposit boxes for new office.' .Ella Hogan injured im/inotor ac- -ident. . 4 .... ' Frank’ Cole invested in cabin trail er that attracted much attention. „ Mrs. Robert Mullin and Mrs. .John VlcQuillih, Mrs. Thomas Henryk and Mrs. \F. . D. ..McLennan and Donald •Itewart called by death. Ball-team advanced in Bruce play- r..... --- on in eleven inning battle in which Goy Finlayson starred. Ball learn drubbed Port Elgin- two straight to win “B” championship tof 3ruce League. ■ Lorne Turvey of Brussels assessed. *150. for unlawful sale of liquor in Lucknow on July 12th. Chester. Johnston and Lanora Web- iter married in. Tucknow? Russ Johnston purchased Packard ■Ormerly driven by F. A. Gaby, chief hy.dro„ engineer of the Henry admin- :stratibn. . ’ . f SEPTEMBER Reduction of. %c in second domes- , .ic hydro rate, afmbunced.’ Thomas Irwin suffered fractured ’iip?when horse takes fright throwing him from buggy. His death 'Occurred vithin a few days.< ’ .Port’Elgin, baseball protest thrown* iut and Lucknow met Meaford in the Irst’ round of the O. B. A. A. play- ibwns, Lbbknh# beinV eliminated ’ ih he 3rd game by a score Df 1 to. 0. The marriages of Wm. ^Hblm and Ruth; Evans', and.Heijry J. Lavis and ''Mary Campbell were solemnized. \Wm. Murdie appointed Justice of 'he Peace fOf Lucknow. - ’ ..Cost of the municipal office paid.out if hydro surplus relieving; ratepayers ibf • cost. ' ■ ■ ' • ’ ' , ■; Increased in^rcst in Wawanosh,. Xshfieid and Kirjloss Township-^choo] fairs. ■' ' Ashfield mouthed death „of Dan Rose. ' : '' '< ■ David1 Meisner charged in coiinec - lion with Labatt kidnapping believed by some, to be formerly of .Ashfield v . e.... .... . ■ Jr** - - ■ . 7 ’/and Lucknow. f • • 7, Alfred Andrew privileged in view ing Dionne Quintuplets. „ ' ' . Mrs. Gilbert'Hamilton suffers frac- , fured shoulder when .buggy in» which” she was riding dvertured into four- foot di|ch by unlighted motor car. “Uncle*’ Billy Miller passed away after brief illness, in his 95th year.< Mrs. Wm. Davison cut . about the face when their motor car wks side swiped,and badly damaged near Aubyjh. ' — • •-■•■' v>' ■ The "marriage? of” Harye^ Webster and Edith Shirley was Solemnized. Lucknow Fall Eai^ attracts-large, attendance to splendid "show. ,?•' 7 , .OCTOBER ■ ■■ ’.?..: . Death .of A./RL Fiplaysony follows. 'Brief ? illness... "’’ .•'/’’ * (. information received which subsi^- quently led to purchase of bridge? to replacd ?dajnageil^.tructure: at'; the? Chrding. ?Mfli. “.'•'' ( :‘ ’.•?. Action of - Rae Watson/ forhierly of. Lucknow, averts drowning accident? Kinloss tax^fahe reduced over half mill.- • ? . .^ * ’ ? ?“•■'. ‘ ’WEDMNG^4ex^J^^® And Mabel Woods; Harry Durriin and; Ida Lyon; Isaac Nixon and Della Plow-? man. . ’: ■ ■ - ,’ ,, ■••,"; , - '' ■ ■ Presbyterian W. M. S.. reviews 50 years of service. Louis Kraemer narrowly escaped death in pavement laying accident near RiVersdale. I. ,Q. O. F; and Rebekah officers ’.in- -stalied* for ensuing year; --7-— /Community car- shipped"for West- ?rh- relief purposes. ’■ /Mr. ■. james 7A BuftoC and Mrs. W. J. Foran pass' away, ; Mr. and Mr?. Thomas Garvey ob- 3ervev50th wedding anniversary, ’* . i ?/... A.NOVEMBER ?. ■ ""Fred Carruth laidto restfqiibwing death resulting froni"a^motor ac cident; ' ■ Eunice Newton captured $25. prize in Globe essay contract. United Church held ? successful anniversary: services. - r \ Miss Dorothy Douglas reviews mission work being dope in Tamsui. Dr.^ John W. S. McCullough en- ’ightens Lucknow audience by an ad-' -itess-“War--Agaihst- Cancer^r----<- —-Rernenibrance—Dayfittingly-mark- "ed;^-?. ".• ‘ 777-?^ ' Frederick Ross passed , away at. Hup Lucknow ^entinelc /published ©very Thursday, morning at* Lucknow, Ontario.' Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, JANUARY0 10th, 1935 > . Two mill, increase in Lucknow "School, rate.; .. . 7. , Action commenced’ to“,briiig~about i dry vote in Bruce. MARRIAGES—JSldbn Robert. Low™ 'by: and'^'^aia.'7Garru$her-S;' Clarence: McDonald and Marion Young; Nich olas Hedley and Helen Gibbons. ^JBruce._,Co.uncil—^recommends—Pr-bv^ :nce taking over Biu.e Water and Glbra Roads. « , . \ v DEATHS—Wm. N. Johnston, Alex McKinnon, C. Fi Richardson and Donalda Thompson, / DECEMBER Dr. Daniel, Geddes ^passed away. Murdoch Matheson elected reeve >f Ashfield; Sam Sherwood, deputy ■eeve;.-and: Gilbert Frayne, Alex Mc Donald.and Arthur CulbOrt’- council-,, 'prs. ^ ■ ■ ■ - .. ....... G. Smith, and Ethel Cameron, John .Cook. 7f : ; ■ Santa Claus visits Lucknow/. Mrs;. Hays marks 99th birthday.- . Rev. Alex ^Nicholson receives C; C. T.. nomination in Saskatchewan; Alma .Hunter became ’tliA bride of I. L. McKinnon of Tiverton. About 46 children receive worth while prizes in local popularity con tests; ' ~ " U Political situation in Lucknow was 'ery qpiet as nomination approached .while contest was evident in Kinloss; AN EDITOR’S SONG Tow dear to oiir heart is the steady •' subscriber, ■ . " I Whb^pays in advance on the birth of each year,* i4’ Vho lays, down the money and does / it quite gladly, .; . . ‘ J\nd casts found the office a halo of ; 7 ■ ’cheer!. ■ C / •’ <•• le never says “Stop it; I cannot af ford Fm 'getting more magazines noW " than I read”; ■ But always says, “Send it;" diif pfeo- 7 pie. like it— "1 . In*fact we all think it a help and a heefi.0 ■ How- welcome his cheque when it roaches our sanctum;^ ' ‘ ‘ How it niiakes our pulse throb; "how it makes our heart dance; i; Are in-We. outwhrdly Thank Wardly bless him--^' The-steady subscriber advance. a ho pays- in ■ • ' ' * + + ' >* t ST, HELENS Twenty-five ladies braved ■ stormvon;-Thursday: • af ter-n^^o tend, tlie meeting . of; the. Women? Institute Jheld at Mrs; • Jas. GaunVs, Mrs. John> Miller presided and the roll call'was responded tp by.-sug gestions' for '-‘Hot’ Supper. Dishes’*.' The subject was “Little things that make ?Life jje.autiful”. Some clipping^ contribute'by ^Mi?»s Annie McKenzie <were_;read and! a; Splendid paper was gjtfeh by Mrs; Ed, Buryis. -It was, de-j eided to', hold ah At Home in .the Community, jjall on Friday evening, January 18th. '' i The first inee|ing of\ the We N^ Y^S was held^b^? Sunday evening. -Rev; Wilkinson presided- The Scripture lesson was/ read by Harry Swan- and Dick Weatherhead gave the Bible character on" “John”. TMjtopic on “Personality” was ably' taken by Mr., Wilson Woods. An.in teresting feature of the meeting was the installation of the new officers. The service was conducted by Rev? .Wilkinson and the following were the officers installed. Tresident, Mr. KtatileyTTOdd ;■ “Vfe^pi»s^~]|(['r:'zWa1=*' lace Miller ; ' Secretaryf-Miss -Dorothy McDonald; Treasurer, -Mr. Neejy jodd;. Conveners, Mrs. , Gordon, Miss Ruth Ramage; Mr. W. A. Miller, < Mr. McKinley Ramage; Pianist, „Miss Greta Webb< * .. . ■ The annual meeting of the Farm- erS’ Club will be^IdTin^ie^oinahrah^ tty Hall on Monday? January 14th.- LANGSIDE the {it 's A little baby : girl arrived at the home of MrNand Mrs. Wrii. Reich on Monday, Dec? 31st. Congratulations. Mrs.-J. B. Morrison returned home on Saturday, after spending a few^ days with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mor- riAon pl?Blytb. ‘ '■ ?...<■'",...... . 7^Mrs^Reaben--TiffinT--and'" ’Charlief spenit* Sunday with Mr. and ? Mrs. RusseT Ritchie; “/"V , '• M*- and. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin spent Sunday evening with? Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson^2nd corn ' ; Mr./ George Wraith of Wingham iMrs; •tKalter- SCOtt. .'; ? ’ ’•* .?•?'*■ ■'.■■Mr.. “Tony”' Reibh is -visiting friends—near Walkerton. \. v r T^The Langside^Uhited W. M. S. Keld 4heir January meeting at the home of Mrs; Wm. Brown pii Wednesday afternoon. 7 ' - ; rtl> Lyceum Theatre .WIlSGWAM Show Starts 8 1*. M. -------------:—---------.—(? • ■ “' ‘ ‘ ; Thursday, Friday, Saturday January 10-11-12/ ■• • ■' '■. •'/. ■ : Warenr Baxter ? Herbert Mubdm " Henrietta Crosihatt A./''1*"South Kinloss Sr < The first meeting of this New Year, was held on January 2nd and the Committee in charge had arranged^ an interesting program. , The .vice-/ president,, Mrs. A. Graham presided, and .after all business was' dealt with, letters’ of thanks^tfndr appreciation were d?ead from those sick. and -shut-/' ins who are .always remembered-at . Christmas time by this societj^This’ part of the work is eapably supervised by Mrs. S. MacLeod. AnJ excellent pappy on "Missions was read ^rs< Jno. D. Ross.- Mrs. Burgess . sang ha solo- *Hbiy Night”; M;iss?<Grace MAp- Ueod played h “Hymn Solo”,; and' the ‘meeting, was brought to a close? There was a good attendance; ... -United/ Church tW/M/S. /' ~ The regular meeting of the United ChurchW. M.'IS., was Held on Wed nesday : wiith _ the president, Mrs. S. Ra^wAiy p^p^chai^After^opening^ hymn, Mrs. W. G.. •Andrew read the ■Scripture lesion.SWer, which/ Mrs. W. P. Reed /led in prayer. Mrs.. J. W.< Joyht contributed a pleasing solo*/’ .JesiisRemenibers when__the.TWorkL Forgets. Mrs, A; E. Buswell gave a chapter of the Study Book. Mrs. Rev. S. T. Tucker and Mrs, T. Burns each gave very interesting readings . on “New Year Messages” and “What if Christ were to attend your Chris tmas _ Party; .After psinging-aUffimn- the meeting closed with«the Mizpah Benediction. ■ - . Sunshine Mission Band x The first meeting for the year y^as held, last Monday; The meeting open ed with hymn 427. Helen DusweR read jthp Scripturb lesson and;:^trs. /O- "Johnston led; irit prayer, followed ? by Mildred Ritchie reading a very in-7 Westing story. The meeting now turned into n business meeting. Mrs. Black was elected as assistant leader. .’The officers elected, were, ^president, Mildred Ritchih; Sec’y;, jean Struth ers; Treas., Muriel Solomon and Aianist, Hilda Twamley. °We/decided to st\idy about Home Missions this ypar and also to send a package in JiheL^ W^:M^^Sbciety^baiL?.XJJfar,y, Writer—rOad^rrtoryv-Golleetion—was^ ’then taken, Hymn 432 was sung and’ with the > repeating of the - Lord’s prayer the, meeting came to a plose. Presbyterian Women’s Miss. Society fhe Regular meeting was held re cently withgMrs.- W. Huston in the chair., Thesuggested ■ stervic'e'- ptAW^efiy in-.‘tlie: Glad Tidings for^fcg^rst/meet- ing of the year .was followed. The call Iso wdyship,. Pa. 95, was, read by Mrs.\Huston. After, singing a hymn the Lord’s prayer was repeated. The scripture reading was given by Mrs. C. Agnew and was followed by prayer by Missi McPherson. Arlene Jewitt, Winnifred Johnston and Marian/John- stoh sang a trio. The; Bible study was taken by Miss Katherine MacKenzie. Miss Dorothy Douglas then1 led in prayer. The topic was given by Mrs. A. P.y Stewart. It was . moved and secondpj that (the meetings for the winter months be held in thejhqmag^ The ifexPmOeiirig”to be held At ' ifie’ manse. After sinking., a hymn, Mrs. Chesnut closed the meeting, with1 prayer. ' ■_ ■ . ■. | ' ■■ Presbyterian'Mission Band . The regulaj. ■ monthly ^meeting .of tjie Viotorirf Mission Band was held on Monday, January 7th at 4.15. The' new president, Miss Winnie Johnston presided, opening the meeting with hymn "594, after which Muriel Pat terson led in prayer. The president read the lesson from St. Matthew’s Gospel 4, 18-22. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and three captains, Muriel Patterson, Helen MacDonald and Jack Henderson were chosen to account. fqr hew members. Group 1 was placed in ; charge of the nexit meeting. Marion Johnston and Arlene Jewitt sang a duet ahd Allan Stuart played a piano solo. The Band divided for study, Miss ^®ry McQuaig, , new, supervisor taking ’the Juniors; Miss Dorothy Douglas of Tamsui, Formosa, taking the Seniors. "Miss Douglas gave an interesting talk telling of/the cus toms of the people and her1 work there The meeting closed with the singing of hymn 758 and repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison;. ------•.................................1 ' ... ’■ •nr'.'k- < ... _____ \~ - tx .■ ASHFIELD NOTES Happy New Year to nil.’ Now for the New Year’s resolutions January of 1935- is no .-exception. It. has the usual thaw and now the; roads are open -/again " for motor traffic after-the stormy weather. - A social evening Was held, ip^Am- berley. Grange Hall op, Friday' even ing. / . .T". Miss Isabel MacLean; Miss Mar- -garet Simpson, Mr. Finlay McDonald and Mr. Duncan McKay returned to Stratford to continue their studies at the Normal school., -The teachers whp were home for the Christmas vacation have all re-7 turned to their respective schools. Mr. Wilmer Robb has been visiting his uncle, \Mr, R, Elliott of Kinloss township. X Mr. Tom MacDonaldais on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery., The many friends of Mis. Ewart .famieson, will be pleased to know she is improving. - . At the auction sale of the farm- known as the “Griffin farm”, Mr. Norman O’Cohndr Was the highest bidder. - ? ' ’ WAWANOSH FARMER DIES AT GODERICH The death occurred in Goderich Hospital, Sunday, of James Plough- mgn of Jftonnybrook. He ?had been ill for some, tinie and had been in the hospital "for ..three weeks. The late Mr. Ploughman was born in Whitby Township and was in Ris 59th yeat. He^is survived by^his wife? form erly, Eliza Nixon, and five children, Mrs. Isaac Nixon, Fern,' Edna, £arl and Mildred and ?.threp sisters, Mrs. John Moss of Dungannon, Mrs. Rich ard Finigan of Prosperity .and Mrs. Bailey of Oak Lake, and one brother, Thomas iti the West. . *% “ .<* Iu ; * ‘ ... • 1 ’... , J . •>r“Sixb1 Women/<;;/.^/ Are Dangerous” T “ ■ ■; ■■ ■ -■—~~ ■ *' ■ ■■ Also News Cameraman ?■'■ “OUTDOING DAREDEVILS” AND FOX NEW I ^“KINLOUGH ’ Rev. Benson Cox York; . spent New Years with his mother, Mrs. M.; Cox.1SMr. and Mrs. Curtis , of „ 7? near Winnipeg\were also visitors at the Cox home last week. ~~ Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Donald, MacRarlan, whose marriage- took place .qn Bpturdky last. Mrs. Jos. Wall" visited recently with her aunt in London. A number’from here attended the Watch Night /Service ,at Kinloss United Church on New Year’s eve.... . / ReV?^r.“WaldrS^ as? chainn£n.?ZZ??L~ Meeting opened with hymn and pray er, also-Scripture reading by Miss -Bess. Lane. The program was in charge of the. Kinlough" Society and was as follows: Speech by Rev. J. L. Burgess and Mr. Fred Jackson; solos « by Misses Nellie Malcolm and Jean • - Lane; readings by Misses Hazel Percy, Alice PinnelL and Mr. "Harrj^^ .Tewitt; a humorous journal was read ? by Mrs.' Art Graham. Contests were colm/and May Boyler?A^daintyJunch/— was served by the Kinloss ladies, af/- ter7 wKicKTRevr M.McRitchie spoke and Rev. Waldron read:: “Rfng Out Wild Bells’’^.and closed the meeting . -with -prayer?—7-——-1 •'-.-/t- — We congratulate Mr.' Arthur Gra ham -being /elected 'To/The /Township /Council on Monday last ' ..... ? . was served by the Kinloss ladies, af~ ± The blizzard New Year’s Day put x the climax on the roads that had been iust passable for cars, and the teach- . ers who were, holidaying at their ' ? homes hereand had to reach their school Wednesday, experienced conX^ siderable difficulty in reaching the k; main highways. ' $Te are pleased to. report that Miks x Jean Andersbn, : who underwent an r. . appendicitis operation in Wingham ? hospital, Sunday, December 30th. is & ’ making a-^fhvofAble/WcbVery. Itfrirx, ' 7“ Anderson, <who remained in Wingham last week, returned homo Monday.. The Y. P.'S, hteid their annual .meeting with election of officers as follows: president, Harold Webster;.??. Conveners — Christian Citizenship, ; v Jean Anderson;' Missionary, Jim Cur ran; Fellowship, Elmer Johnston; .Literary and Recreation, RicJiM^il- “ Patrick; Secretary, Pearl 'Thompson; Treasurer, Jerry Cranston;-Organist, , Dorothy,. Curran; Assist. Organist, Winnifred Blake; Ushers, Jim Phil- , lips and Tom Aiiderson. The meetings have been well attended and the,, pro grams interesting and insthuetivd. *29. w ven to the M. and M. ‘und At puhday School, Friday evening the .'a» ■ ■ . Harvey Andersoii; Asst Supt, Hrn- est Blake; Sec., Clifford Blake; Asst. Sec., $m Curran; Treas., Richard The. funeral»was held on Tuesday, afternoon from the . home of his sister; Mrs. J6hn Moss,bungannon. Rev. Dr. Mortimore, pastor of Don- nybrboke United Church-, of .which the deceased was a member, feondiic- ted the service. . Interment took Place in the family plot in Dungan non cemetery. * .*< tf "yen to the M. and M. "• church., 'w / mual meeting pf the Blake ' followihg officers were elected: Supt., Harvey Anderson; Asst. Supt., lErti- est Blake; Sec., Clifford Blake; Asst. Sec., Jfcm Curran; Treas., Richard « Kitjpiatrick; * Missiohary ftuptX^ffelj ’•■',' Shackleton^ Orangist, Qlive Kilpat rick; Asst. Organist, Winnifred filalce Cradle. Roll Supt., GAlma’ Curran. Librarians and teachers the same as last year. $24.00 was giv&ii jto niis- •'rf' sions, Average attendance 44' Aver age collection $1.01, total receipts $73.00. -. - a Mrs. Paul Reed who had (spent, the holiday season at the home of iff. and. Mrs. Thos. Anderson, left Thurs day to spend a few days with her.son Mr. Jacob Reed of Duntfanndri. . Cecil Johnston returned Friday ( frbm SaMa, where he had been the ' Tuest of his sister, Mrs. H, Moffat and Mr. Moffat. . '■ Tohhstbfi; temperance Sup«5 , X' * to -C k