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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 3
c ,?,r .I,./.,,..... '---- » <• "•o * i 'Find • i ■ ' 1 . ;; S57,118,995.M toi also made up in cigarette tobacco I’s Jre by of ih the b e sho d i reel ot the ■quer.ed. r S -1 >a lance* dueto “tfe-i'epftrte p "a’ftt r~idei Ihcti^^'PrpvinJ&i' al Bank of Canada " I' lUbl'h animal whijh with a disease and rod hope of pr’eveii- ure,” said'? the lajte. _______ -k (Canada’s Weekly, London) One pf Canh-das presents to Prin- ' cess Marina, now ‘ the .Duchess of Deposit* by the public hotybearing interest.. .............. Deposit* by the public bearing, interest, Including .interest accrued, to date of Statement;.. ........ 488,126,483.20 ——-Depo«ite-byand-balanccadueto6therilanlc8;in“Canada--'l,28fc-;381.70“^--’,y Deposit* by add balantes du.e to Banks and Banking ‘ 'I ■ \ 'Correspondents elacvyhercfhahln'Canada,' 8,881,103.56 ' i Note* of the Bank in circulation 1 1934 Total Assets. $758,4Z3,9.0'4 ' 'Liquid' Assets.. - 3-8'2.172,287 Proy. A. „. .. 1 ■ •Gov,. -&■ Mun. ■ J j, ' See. . -... Curf. TClian's' iri 'Can.. ■. . i Dep." Beayirfg Free 'Deposits ''12414^52,570' "TTS^.7^i^F . men.t.-........ .........,.. ;.L.. f 3,659,841.78 —rDepos5jta-by-sssd-ba4ance3^due~t®~Provineial-Govera-———•—•-----------:— .. ment*.........A,. .'A.............................. ;4.^../ --I LS72.429.62 :. 124,452797O¥~“ 488,126,483.20 Sugar From Wood I I" ■ ■ ’ 7 Apd.rewes,. Laidlaw LIABILITIES Capital Stock >aid up............s':.A..T........ . I35,OOO,OO«.M . Reserve Fund;...............................................................................f28.OM.000.00- ' • •, A* ■ <• ... Badanceof Progt* carried forward. A, ~ ' 1,506,804709 . .i 821,506,804.99.., Dividend* Unclaimed.A............... 12 190.39 . Dividend No. 189 . (at 8% per anrium) payable lit , Dcconaber, 1934.-- - ------. A 700,000,00 22,218,998^8 'fnyestigation reniibjvdd .any .doubt-.as »!©■' .fil treble ' vari- 30th November, 1934General Statemyfit 113,73 2,602' ? 226,942,02'S " ;216,849,53.4. L'lSS.XagAS'S 442,846,084 4^" fjS HER ARMS AND ; Legs immovable ; Y^rs with Rheumat sm To this woman R mustu.hav.e been like- cointiiiencing to live a • new■<>life,; when she-began tp use. her qrms and l^gs again, iffler they had been help-. >’■ less for ten years. 4“ ■ , .“I Jiu^eKpd with nUouniati'sm;”'- she writee, ‘’and had been ’ bedrifTden since j?J20, j’^ouJd* nob^move arins or legs, and had to he' fed like a child. ; Everybody thought I should be (an in-j , v^lid ali my.: life. I foiced myself .to ’ ,... different tbings;/.it «was Kiusehpn :<hat eventually saved me, and to*day I consider it is saving mylife. My condition*' has greatly improved, and; . . ray limbs ate .gradually becoming ?yorc SUPP|^ Already Lean eat withal . ^^i^ut assistance,.-and dress myself— /. which I had not- done .for. ten' years/,’ t."--M,., Hj. ■" .. ■'„.'■• / ’ ■: Two < of tbe Lingre'dients ■ b£; Kriis-' chen- Salts are -the ■ most effectual sol-, Tents of uric acid known tp medical Science. -They swiftly' dull .the sharp edges of painful crystals, then conJ ■ vert them into\ -harmless solution. Other ingredients of the’se Salts' ,- . stimulating ;effect\upon.-.4hp- Sidneys .and assist them to expel the’ dissolved uratic needles, through, t^e natural channel. " .* , , . ” . -' Schools Proposed |^ Jfri8°n Inmates TOR — Compulsory school -attendance for inmates .Of all penal institutions was * suggested in the fifth annual report of •’tfte Ctizeh Service Associatijon, presented at .their- recent annual- meeting herev ^ith a view to ‘betteri-ng conditions, it recommended that every illiterate , prisoner should be . given schooling, and every prisoner with the ambi-. tiiop to study should' be encouraged . ^ to do so. ■ - AU efforts of Jhc orgapissatipn 'are directed . toward making the ex-' prisoner a ^self supporting citizen,. "ijhe-Tepmflr'eoiitinued. The best .way to^o this is to find him a job arid? riot give him promiscuous charity.' - The association during ther five ' • 'C ••■ ■- ; • o . . years' of, its> existenp© hris doniri^” ih®Jhiancial statement of The everything; possible socially? eco.-, Royri! Bank of G.ariada for the yeah , nomically and .religiousiy .to keep ended. November 30, 193J, reflects them on the “straight path. During «f improved . biisihess copdi. the past six months 520• me’iy- hare /fions. .Figures pfciotal 'aBs.et^.de’pos, • been. placed or replaced in jobs. The- association has ’ been successful in the complete ‘reclamation o.f more tham out of th© Guelph reformatory. These men are given personal inter- , ....... ;• views before-they are. released, jobs; compared with 55.76 pea- £ri»,nd, iJ? .po§s^ ag0’ :c^'h2 x--, i w r. ■ bank-balances aggregate $165,683,031 ____, or 24.35 of public iiabilitie&< . Go.vernment and m.uirlcipa.1. ,secur_ - . .A ’ ities have increased during the . per-■ Export V/Haat i°d from .$1,1^3,732,602 to $13372.20,439. f -A< . f ’ -’I Big Gain In" Deposits . .LONDON, Eng.—The -big four The outstanding feature . of the wheaft exporters are prepared when. statement is the increase of $50,554,- whe’at expert* quotas /or the crop 510 in public deposits. O^3 this in year 1934-35 are finally allocated to crease it is understood tbaf $41,347,-’ make,Top m" for France as-a tempo,r‘ ,334 is in Canada, the'balance4 abroad, kry., Wheat, exporter, it was stated by -Canadian savings deposits being up Athe__ wheat—ridyiso;riy^reommissiori*s^lTf123,3.3A:^~~ - “ -1-, permanent ;secretai/ist last week. • j After a steady dbclane in cqmmpr- The statement indicated the eom- cial loans of banks in Canada..v.over: mission’s 600,00^,000 bushel esti- the period of‘ the past few years,'if mate of the world export demand is encouraging to note as further during the present crop year would evidence of business to note- as -fw-. be divided so the. 530,000,000 bush- ' ther evidence of business revival, els tentatively allotted the four ov- j that the R^al Bank's figures -under erseas’ exporters — Canada, Ahs-i this heading &how an increase, of $10- tralia, the Argentine and the.United , °92,494 States—-will be reduced to 526,000- ,942,028. 000 bushels. ‘ ■ [ Profit The estimated quota of 1.0,000,-. but are e.rs, Hungary and Bulgaria, will be year, b< reduced: to.A^OOOjOOOr-----;.. “___ serve” quota JFfarice. will belallowed • an export quotas of 11,000,000' ~~ bushels, apart; from 6,000,000’ quin- Jtrils' df .denatured wheat.' tools bought! France Also To I Gives Duchess Shoe By Royal Bank of Canada , of Canadian Spruce ■I11_____________• ". ‘ ■' . . ■ » - Deposits Increase $60,COO,Q00—Liquid Assets $382,172,287 Profits Down Slightly After Heavier Taxes taxes Iiut before Federal takes. For .. . the Sake of uniformity and. the fuller Kent, was probably -^unique. For information' of shareholders,** both considerable time experts have beep closes of taxds are now disclosed in parrying out- extensive. . experiments the published report. . ; , with. Canadian^ spruce wood. The ul- During the (rear-under -review Do- tixQate .sdfocesB attendant on th^se ex-. minldn . and fTOvinci^al faxes ’ agg.reT perimehts .has; resulted In the lhtro- gated $1,075,016. Making allowance ,( duct ion of a new . and Intensely In for the, increase finder this heading,;'terestinig fabric to th© Mother Coun.- , ;Tirofits,'','areAioi^er''^ ' ............................ profits, after taxes, covered dividend requirements of $2>800,0Q0, annual contribution of $200,0,00 to Officers’ Pension Fund, . the “ ushaj . appropria tion of $2ob('(0^ for Bank Premiffes, and left a surpLps< 00123,200 to be, added to Profit and Losj; Account, in-. Creasing that jaccount to $i,5d6,80L’ to be carried forward to th’e next fis cal 'year! ■’ , ,, «$The showing, while gratifying to the'»har©ho].dfor8, will this year foe off special interest .to,.theftpublic, as it affords perhaps: the. most striking ev idence yet .jgiyen of the extent of &he.> improvement'^ in trade' throughout ziGanada;.?. The AnnualVGpneral .Meetng of. the' shareholders will be held at the-Head o'fffce of the bank in Montreal on Thursday January lOtn. • ' ■■•■•-,■ -—TlreTprincipaT^accountcom-- parative figures for the year, are as follows:— \ ' ... f ' ' f 1933 ; $7 29,260,476 362,471,645- „ , investments, .comhierdia.l loans ,and note circulation, ail shpw an increase* during- the ypar. .^ptal. assets.-are. ,$75.8?423tgQ'4 of whW;'|^,m^7" arejiiqujdr being 56.lipper eeijt. of totals liabilities to • idlng show an incre; the total 'standing at $226.1 s fqr. the year were ;Hj398,217, not properly.comparable with— .000 bushels for. the’ smaller export-J published profits for the previous'*' dcauste heretofore, they' were Tests Indicate 'it' Caused By p. a• ’Filyryle?V'lrns- . . _ ine.'.a-suj ■pan foe infected m J' will' give you' go •tion, 'if/ not of foil . Sir - Daivid Bruce: Influenza has.„jlt=^ tie if: (anything tq do with, tropic®!, medicine—-Sir 'David’s,, specialty yet like Malta, fbver "bind Nagaria, the diseases with* which—Sirel^aTij’s^ name l's especially linked, its nature has beibn. made a little clearer practically..: applyirig the principle Pipe Smokers! fill up “With “ •GOLDEN VIRGINIA and enjoy a really good smoke! anri-- pae‘ ” whfc^-''';'18'“''destinfo'4^4^'' i immense papttlaritji’ on Recount of its- I exti'aordiiri^y ■ durability . and utility. Througli, their .experiment^. rind dis coveries in ■ this "direction Canadians m^y..,well be ..Instrumental in ripening (Wltiew and important trade conriec- ' with- England, and other parts Jh/e" Empire. \ ‘ & fabric 1 resulting from the ex periments with Canadian spruce wood is startlingly similar in gtain and texture to leather, with all its..com mendable features of durability, Yet thp fabric js actually manufactured from the ..purified-cellulose fibres of the spruce wood. By means of a re- - cently—-dis co-yered-—pro-ces s--thes e— fib res, can-be moulded by Intense , heat pressure until this takes on the form of a Jeatherrl’fke fabric,; which has withstood remarkable^, tests, enabling it Jo be- placed in" froriF rank of durable fabrics. Two of . the first articles made, from this new fabric for. .introduction into this country-may be found among the wedding, gifts of the. Duke and- Duch ess of Kent,, although primarily de signed arid executed for the personal use of Pripcess Marina. ; They take . the form' of attractive soft brown shoes with a matching handbag, both produced.do a corresponding design. The ,ua© of these ‘articles by. the ■Duchess of Kent will doubtless do; much to-'- introduce and’- popularize -this unique Canadian fabric to the people of this ^country. When once tested, dhe qualities of the fabric will commend themselyes to British. ’ jisers, who are pot slow t.o -ackhowl-, edge a—thOT,opg-hly- -reliable—-article. - "Shoes made from: . rhls4 'fabrip-5 -are light,- Soft and ' exceedingly . hardr wearing, and the material lends itself j to ■ intricate “design and inter-lacing. The .Duchess of Kent’s shoes have ■interlaced. instep strappings,. [,+Th& "ex.pei’im§;ii|s:' on the , cellulose ' fibre's, of spruce'i/wood’have.opened up ;a wide range of • possibilities; „fpr the -flbre.<-Jca-n“be“Ut-i-lized- im-inany widely- ■ divergent articles, \ from fabrics, fjhbes and upholstery... fabrics to ris- AlO-U bf be; ra pi d l~y__derel<ri^3V-has£d_L •from tb'fe ryas’ti improvements *to pre- German Process ■ Siiccessful, ,. ‘ But. is N($ Considered'; Practical . During the World NVar ■ German a-tj;7--WGrk-7ti’-yfng-' ■to convert■‘•'e^il.ulos.e (wood). ipt.o su.-. .gar./ it was a harder problem 'th an it seemled—so hard/in fact, „that hot until fr'fter .the treaty ot'peace was. ■ sighed' was' success achieved: . The Victors in’this struggle were Prof^sJ* > •. -sot . Friedrich • von Bergius " (Nobel Prize winner), famous for his work in making, gasoline and motor spir its oflt -of cohl .gas, and Profes^z - von Schoiler.' What: the two cheW ists; gave the world is; a way of, mak ing wood palatable. • • . " _-A—g o at—‘can—ea.L-pap.er.bu.t.„a_m.ap„.__ cann.pt....Au difference in digestive processes,. is; the'’ reason. Hence the problem that von Bergius apd von Scholler' faced .was, that-of-reheating in the: factory what' was in effect-- an artificial stomach of glass' and-; metal and letting that digest ,woo4._, ■■ , The digestive juices were powerful acids*that ..split the cellulose . Into f. sugar.... .■.........." ■. , ' ■ :to th .'.-nature o:f [the., virus. 'It did ■indeed -belong , to- W ^7 a7; l aV0\V' COID.C 11)1 S» Aiwcn’trOpWaiumir. .and. .Wilsfon; s!mi-.t-u,. with a new .dis-- co very and a new. Hep in the fight ^.gainst-Jnfluepzap Strains of human and /sw-iiie^v-iFim—which had laid, fer rets low were successfully, used in infecting mice through the nose. -Sera w*Lre then prepared against the fer ret strains bf human, and swine in fl fienza. Injected into lyice, they^.had - ■aTjaeutralizing effect.. From the story,:. .as. th e ex.pe'rimepters.. tell .i t ' i n;., ■Lancet, it ds evident that 'the dispp;^'.. ■large; Even'-,; Wn tfoafTmice' tly.' by . man ferret, ’influ. 0fi-n’irel'y-*’cen=7- ■ .... PLAN .NOT PRACTICAL.....'.;■ ' There can be no questionof the! • efficacy of this5, process. But enable Germany to do away with su_< gar importations'? Her- production of . sugary beets, while'large, ■ is‘hot^en-' ' ough for^, her domestic needs; . .. Professor Spengler, director, of the Institute for Sugar Industry iii<L Berlin, crushes the wild hopes that German economists ’ have based on the work - of von Bergius andJ 'Von . ,, . . ■ - . . Scholler./ The process.^of’cb^^rtthg. ’’ :dO«bt ■be ranMlv developed, .bas.ealg^^.j ^1^.. ■Lancet, it is evident th ery. is complete IFTt'’ has ..still:-to :1 can be' infected ■Without' the '■'aid' < ~eirza—has^-now"”been—-d'find me a suitable animal.The , „animal jiin.lhl8 -case._i8- .the ' mouse., It , has Jong been suspected ttjat- . -influenza: .is caused! byt< .a-ljlti’.able...®ii_ rus; in.l[other; words .by some yiruleht organism too small to be seen -fin any microscope, so small, in fact, that it [flows through the,finest porce lain hitter like water, j With that !hy_. pothps'is the. medical profession bad to be. content- until last year, Then ■it ':wsf:';diS'cpyered. -that 'bflu'enza "e|-n’'. J>d[yt,Tdws-niit-ted. -tp. -'ferrets; The -c&l -; -for a suitable animal had -been, anb-.- -wef-^d-j-’,. Tl-ifir-apima-l--foumk'-1 “f-ti-rtllere A= glass'. ’’—-• The w sigjufiTancF c 'Pfepartment hast inaugpra- 'ehcliing. swim- > 1 X"A'V of -stroke, ac- rtrude • Go.ss, j '’1-hjr, Vvaltz . tehv i ".po .is ■•■suatabie ’jo' th! ki.de stmlA* •. breast stroke aiid trufeeon,'wv . _ tJueTir'Teirt's-was" ' —■^:"'sulrnTit'red'^rerc^Alrci'se"“Tf~'baki-ng---a-n'd“' J freezing. ’and-tlicn; ba.kin.g.,..again, bu.L; p'.e'tdTei,"’'pvores-s;:T!^bte-d7Ttk^ ” - 'A....' J, stringent*'tests,r the fabric was'b.piled iii water, soak. ■ ped in ammonia for. a day and a night '• and 'afteirwards .dried immediqtelv in ■ .... « , ■ ■■ • —r —-.-■- ■--•- ■•intense iioat. . '.. ' ’ •'•' ‘ fajyy PiTncess Manna. In all. prob .. wo-odW'To support ten people, according-, to the -statistiei|;ll"y—~in.e-l-med--S^— . 1.25 acres' ,of land .planted. -to sugar ■ • of perfecting ’ beets are .required.. The. .same, area _' , » : y. ; cueup <iuu emuieiiL em • rt-Am ’fnza vocit v yyi.tyt* ri-it'orvt zi n to I fry ••.>■ . .sent utility articles which 'will be "rendered possible.. , • v- ■ During0 the process, of perfecting ’ beets are .required.. The .same, areft I this fabric, many- severe. tests were- planted to* potatoes will sjuppdrt-'but --<» carried, out.,' after- which -the finished j ten and Wheat ' but' six. .Because ■ , l article. bore no,’ill-effects. The proof i wood 'grows >-so slowly the same am-- 'that a fabric of this nature can em. [ ount of. forest- .land would -make even •er'ge . unharmed from . the. stringeht ’ a poorer showiiig. t>h~an~-does' wheat• svroK-e drasGf fasts p-f freezT i?rer 'th.e year'. ■ '•Evidently ' 'a tree:is. • ''but ’the i and 'boiling i's sufficient tesfhm i-a p^r -bu-bs-tit-ut-e for’ t£he sugar* -beet,.. ’■•eny . to- 'its'.reliability; ■ Two subse- .■ in * Germany’s ■ present'" economic ,,i NORTHAMPTON, ■waltz tempo has a new at ’Sipifh 'Goiiega.,'' T1 < of physical- education . Ted a new-.method of Anting.1 1 It is music .supposed-to give rhythm and .emphasis. < cording’ to Miss- G^i <Ar -■'11 -■*"**!),“ "jpo .is .suitable jo' the •breast stroke add ti’Udk -— 837,47M18.82 83.221,8M.°74 »,080,000.00 294.4M.98 445,527;e2 28,763,758.14 - ■--~.$758;-423;904'dI8 • Advance* under" the Finance Act... .■'................................' . Bills Payable......... s..i Liabllitie* to the public not included upder the tore* going heads..........'..,; .........A............ Letter* of Credit Outstanding;.,....M - ; ■ .■ .I- .-...• .. -.... ■ .... ■.•' ; . a>: 81’1,753,828.82 ___frj;1.7.4,883-29... ...L—--- 3,000.000.00 ■■ ■ ' : . 7—l:77849r226r38~“$95;7777138749— 8 1,871,356117 • 21,994,944:16 ' — ■■ '■ 2; 1.89.59 ■ 46,037,403^36 69,905,893.28 * . 1 ’ '. '69,832,406.07 ’ , •..<? -cris-is. / ■ sff •' \ 23,430,645.46. < ■r' Langley,, yf Peterbi .» BABY CHICKS •> 3758.423,904.88 Of 'V, i?' . -S’ 4 > J 4 ny 0!T- >er by 'VO, ’Ik *' i. Loyal Toronto has ' already, had- ■ ttvo' girl babies named after: the .• s" Marina. In all-prob , ability there. w'il'l l-jlhe-’ hundreds df • , L-.U* tel ' 'r?..........•.................i ' ’ ..-A • as presented ■ by the.; •n with a, handsome R G. DOBSON, . General Munn ;,• lands that Opened the Scout Jami ee at Melbourne, Australia, Decent 27th/Canada. .was' represented ' Scout J. G, i •XMLaiuLo. . ’ ■ • ; Apple -Day-' and . a Alberta- Scouts for practically shewn interest, a Thanks Badge* was pi ehted by Lt._Qoy. L. Walsh, Chief Scout, for Alberta, to Col II Reid,'headi of the Western Ar ■ Bo-y--Scout..toy rep-air shops i-U'W oyer a 'hundred towns‘’nnd..eitie,s";Lc- rbss; the' Dominion from coast'. coast again helped Santa'Claus to’. f .. ../» __——------„P Bay (’bippan\< • . ! Scout,s' <>f ^Wa-llaceburg ,. Ouft tinder direction of the Scout .Lead’( Club, co-operated with .the -town T . SUi-oL-itheb'Wester.u-.prairie Gazette,. 4*; ’.'A diary report,jiatc by date, of the. •doings of the Glenboro, Man., pack ■ and ” troop, published in three "issues -oLJtheA W^o^teru^-Prairla Gazette,, was •0 " rio( er.s* .... Re lief Department "in a Saturday cl )t.h- •ing collection. . ! ’■ .' *, >i> :|< ---- ---------- ---- • • Auditor*. r I AmOng .other, 'equally I I/;■ <» -Gold »nd Coin on-hand.. . .. .. .... Dominion Notes On hand____.... ■ ■ ■.... ■ . " Deposit in the Central Gold, Reserves. , . > . A _----,—-Jhllt^d-StJitcs-and-ot.her-Roreijyn^GuFr-euGieS: ' -. Notes of other Canadian Banksjt. , ' o- Chcqueson Other-Banks. . .. . . v.-r... , Balandes duc by othelr Banks in.Canada'.; . . . .............. - ---'-Balances due by IJa,n'ks and Banking Correspondents ■ elsewhere .than In Canada ......... .. , , ■■.......... Dominion ' and Provincial Government Securities',' direct arid fttiarahrced' (mitturitift/ within’ two.• years), not.eicecdint’ market ■ value.!. . ... - ....... ' . Other Dominion ii-tid Provincial Gpvernmtint Securi- i .. ties,^direct and guaranteed, hot exceeding market 'value'...;.'.'........• : i.-.. ...... ..........-. ..;.....................,".a Canadian Municipal Securities,'not exceeding market' ' ' : .-value.,...... A \:...... ...... Public.SecurM-les other than-(2»naiiian,- not ekeceding ■ ■■ market value.*.............. ........ • „O th er Bonds, Debentures arid Stocks, not exceeding ■ market value,......; ......................................................... Call and-ShOrt /not exceeding thirty day.4) Leahs in Canada On, Bonds, Debentures'and Stocks arid ' - ' , Other Securities ot h sufiieient- marketaUlt? value -----... ^'^to-cover-rvr'.- . A ,.' . ?......... . J . .■ Gall and.-Short (not exceeilFrig < hlrty days) .Loans else-1 . : .where than th Canada bri Bonds," Deb'enturcs and Stocks and other Securities of ff,sufficient maf- . ketsble value to cover.............................. ....... ... .....„ Y.. ■ Current Loans and -Discourits elsewhere than In 'Canada (less rebate of Interest) estimated loss • .provided for..........'.A.......................................9^,616;458.61 Noh-Currtnt Loans, cstiriiated’loss provided for. . . 4,224,347.86 326,782,534.73 Bank Premises nt not more than cost, less amounts written oji^......... 16,833,330.67 Real Estatcot her fhari Bank Premises;....... .................. j,. 2,681’,571701 Mortgage* on Real Estate sold by. the Bank. .A...........«,.•,..'......... . .... 821,332.72 LiabWUffli of Customers’undef' Letters of Credit as per contra.20,763,758.14 . ShdreS'BSSand Loans to Controlled Companies...,-.6,313^081.60 '.. ,...>. Deposit with the Ministerof Finance for ttie security of Note'Circula- . ' . J Don........... .................................................................................;.. . l',6MiNMft. - Other Aaseta.not included under the foregoing head*.' ,.. . ^s. . < 456,008.84 . < NOTE:—l%e RoynJ Bank df Canada (France) ha* been Incorporated.under t.helgw* ’ ' •f F'rane* to conduct the Euairieaa of the Bank la Taris, and the aaaeto and iiabilitie* of Th* Roy*l Bank of Canada (France) are indwded in the abov* General Statement. If. W. WILSON, S.G. DOBSON, " Preaident and Manadlnfl Director, fi ,<^ General Manager. , ' , AUDITORS’ REPORT To SHAaaKOLDKRSi Tint RoVAb Bank by Canada: ' „ ,' ‘ We have examined the above Statement of Liabfiitiea arid Aaaete at 30th November, 1934, with the book* and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with.th^oertffied return* from the branches.. We have-verified .the cash and securities at Head .Office at th* dose ■pi th* Bank'* flacid year, and diiring the year we counted the ctiBh *nd examined the *ecuriUes at «e9eral of the.important branches. . ’ -\We have obtained all thtfinformation and explanations that we have require^, andinoyr - opinion the transactions of the Bank, which have come UBldcr our notice, have been within the . power* of the Bank. Th,e above state,mcht is -in our opinion properly drawn up so as to dhudote ’ ■> the true condition of the Bank as at”36th November, 1934, and it»«' m shown by the books-of th* Bank. ' •->■■■•■. ■ \ .". ------------------------- . . -------------------------------G7.R0Sg; -------------------.———• ■ W- o( 1* S. Rdsrift Sons.. ■’ ( . . W. GARTH THOMSON, tC.A. , f , °i Feat. Marwick, Mitchell & Company J " Mgl8ri*a^.Can*a*, 24th December, lf&I. Balance of Profit Arid l4>aw Account, 38th November, ■ " ■ .19331.................. ................A..-8 1,383,604.18 Prttftta for the year ended 30th November, 1934, after . making,apprpprlAtidns to Cxmtinjjency Reserve*. ' atit of -which Reserves provision for all Bad arid Doubtful Debts:hai«\beeri made.. ,,i... . 4;398,217.62 ■•.■ 4 $5.791.821.80 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Dividend No. IM at D%-pOr annum.... - Dividend No. 187 at'8% per annum.,... Dividend NO. 188 ot 8% pet antium..... Dividend Nd. 189 •< 8'% jwir anri urn.......... v ■ ‘ . Contribution to Officer*’PensionFund. Appropriationfrir Bank Premiaea........... .......<j... Reserve lot Dominion and Provincial Governeat TSaee Balance df Proflt and Low carried forward , . ; ■ • ■ - v > , 8 M.W. WILSON. . - , , ■ President and Manaftinil Director 24th. !N?ccnibcr. f‘'.A4 oat1 sit the m-any” thousands of-, ohildi to vi- on id I hi Uie parade of Scout's of mt A ska.ti • a. bird para'def- im<ilft binpiuei., r kjy qv d /lire., a tai k ■■get 'tl-ui Si-nnt mas- . .' " " bj, f To express -the'appromatibii' of . die own 'Jes- the ij G. •ptic transportation ,system ' of the Iludhop ' the* effective .forth' ■ of annual '■ report Anade to '♦ he', community. 4&T. The Will’d' Annual Hobby -Bho.w the 1st Qfreenstoh. Qntario. Gyoup made a new 'record with S>95^entries afid ^2'00 worth of prize®. Some nfhm. nRwh apples, pumpkins'’ and $ege- (fobles;werp,,shown by Scouts and by otlier? boys of Lincoln • a.nd Welland counties.-'’ | ’ • | ■ , ■ >S« Hi . K' I During;-a mountain climbing] hike, Scoutmaster Gale and several Scouts ..of Aiiyox, B.C., sliot a mountain goat. They brought it. home . and treated , / I■ h'li i( ounty, . v.-dti: RAgpe, chuj ch at.tile ttVv ZV1 Cliijptmas Toy'- ■ l' ' * TWo patrols c bcrilng nine bhyl zed at Fenelon | ■ fhp leadership i Murray Graham ' I • Til recognition of good • work done ’ oii -Poppy Day,'..lhe 1st Grenfell, Sa.sk Scout Troop w Canadian ' troop flag; “ Slcouts of ough sniall to entertain kne’Ces.slv'e si ,,Qh behalf, RijlPf A. E. MoOrejaw S shield ’’for' a. Jtioir. Pres'it , ! cepted^thb ahield,. and' awarded’ it -to atliletic field, dd •', a first aid compe-’ • I ■ . ' 1 .1 .. ' . _ . ,.titiob, a Scputi, . Repair Shop.. ' ' ■’ 1’ Lotte Scbuls num- A, have been organi.. Falls, Ontario, under f two former. Scoiits, and Douglas Ward. ’ | • * * • . r» ' TL—- -- ■ '-j-„ ITittle New Marinas; t to “•(late” tin. year of a giiT’s bi'rtli . ’ 1 so .pnm'i.'tabeably.-■ Perhaps the wo-.' ■Iman of. the. future, will'. be .above'.. I considerations 'of age per})Stone of English Abbey , Sent te KenilwoXtfcu^ i ' -* RENlLVVGliTlI, .N J- -This 'Urban a“-‘s,hockey ■ j.jp'.f . .Council. ' of.., .RefiilWortli.' com potation, !' ■\vanvic]<,A).ir<1’- England,' ha? sent’..’to and,, u.cout |ye^- Jersey namesakb ,a ' stone , j f'roin the ruins of. the old abbey at I Kenilworth Castle for the new riiuni- I jLip.a.1. library... jn the -Harding. School. ■ !'Founded, in A. D. 1136, the old ab-! • •imj < boy was dis.^oHcu in. A% D« 1538. | ChjcRs. Uacir ,grade „bIuu<l-r* | ' The’’inscription Oh the' stone, states; Live delivery, g-uar.i-ntecd. ' c’aiuh.Lrue ;. that.it was called abtfut A.D. 130(1 r^tdn]^0 mai)cd'-0!1 fVMuesv .rimtumn. I and- that.it ""was ta^gn from the1 ruins of the,. Abbey at Kenilworth' 1 . " " ' / .'*. " Will for inclusion in the building' of 'this librc'v” at Kenilworth, N. J. ''.!)• • ... /J i. . .... . v., ------- . .........................in mi I _ , '■ PATENTS » A TO EVEI1Y JNA'J.’N’Tt )jf, • -i.-'t of wanted iigVL'.Uti'.ms uiid full' '■ •"•' 1 m.-jtiij),) ssem free. ‘ Tii'i Bamsay Co-uipany, World Patent Ai.im-' -Haw!-; street,. (i.ttthva. Canada. by the' council *“as a token of go^4 j j Will -for inrlusio-n in the'btiildirte’ of !. j. • t Slficl Authors’ Service I ANNOl'.SCIXG' A . MWi ■ MONTHL.V. 'B (J L I I; r-!\-[ j.3jE.R\.jC['‘it.), artists a nd a u-} |. tlidrSs ■ list i ng .iip-4 ini a t e J il J 1 format ion’ un 'AV H EKE. E,O J ; SELL.' Yearly subscript ' On'e. Dollar. I -i' 1 •■ ' ' ] ■ ‘ . J j Send a . three cent stamped v envelop? for full informa-1 tioiron our other service de-1 I partments. i Don^t Do • it, England, saved-en-<1 ■; i||iS during last" winter b unemployed boys at ; ier camps,' • ■ ! , a. '♦ the B.,P,0,E. .Exalted . • . • yy•S^Cr’'' Lj , .uttifcl, efficiency' compet- ' en Kei cbi! 3b( unij of i . Megrton presented the! icotil Association', with; a ' ' r............. .. '' ' - L'o, H. Zimmer ac’- the 12th Mop'sei’aw Troop for 1934.’ /' 7 * * . • A '• free“’&kati'|g.' ri-nk is1.being oper ated’ this wlntei’ by .the Scouts ,fit Glenwood, Alberto, ■;Interestiug'„experienOes as a Scout leader An Japan were Related to th® 5tlf St. Thomas Ontario Group by Adjutant Kerineth Bart of the Salva tion- Arijay, a former danadiah .Scout. Adjutant Batr .had ’ju< returned from the Far East. r ... ‘ ■ . LEONARD EAR OIL FOR DEAFNESS & HEAD NOISES A soothing afid,pdh6irating combination that has -im-- pro red the,Hewing and lessened Head Noises of many. Not.put In the Earsbut Rubbed Back olEir&and Inserted n Nostrils. Leonard EarOilhaobeen on the marketeiuee '1007., Mad* in-Canada; Gl;25 at Canadian druggists, Descripflfo oiroular sent on request A. O. LEONARD, INC. . 70 Fifth Avenue, New Yor^lt City ' “7tf> Ideas Unlimited Thirty-Nine (i.'Se A venues Toronto, Ont. I J.