HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 3c ,?,r .I,./.,,..... '---- » <• "•o * i 'Find • i ■ ' 1 . ;; S57,118,995.M toi also made up in cigarette tobacco I’s Jre by of ih the b e sho d i reel ot the ■quer.ed. r S -1 >a lance* dueto “tfe-i'epftrte p "a’ftt r~idei Ihcti^^'PrpvinJ&i' al Bank of Canada " I' lUbl'h animal whijh with a disease and rod hope of pr’eveii- ure,” said'? the lajte. _______ -k (Canada’s Weekly, London) One pf Canh-das presents to Prin- ' cess Marina, now ‘ the .Duchess of Deposit* by the public hotybearing interest.. .............. Deposit* by the public bearing, interest, Including .interest accrued, to date of Statement;.. ........ 488,126,483.20 ——-Depo«ite-byand-balanccadueto6therilanlc8;in“Canada--'l,28fc-;381.70“^--’,y Deposit* by add balantes du.e to Banks and Banking ‘ 'I ■ \ 'Correspondents elacvyhercfhahln'Canada,' 8,881,103.56 ' i Note* of the Bank in circulation 1 1934 Total Assets. $758,4Z3,9.0'4 ' 'Liquid' Assets.. - 3-8'2.172,287 Proy. A. „. .. 1 ■ •Gov,. -&■ Mun. ■ J j, ' See. . -... Curf. TClian's' iri 'Can.. ■. . i Dep." Beayirfg Free 'Deposits ''12414^52,570' "TTS^.7^i^F . men.t.-........ .........,.. ;.L.. f 3,659,841.78 —rDepos5jta-by-sssd-ba4ance3^due~t®~Provineial-Govera-———•—•-----------:— .. ment*.........A,. .'A.............................. ;4.^../ --I LS72.429.62 :. 124,452797O¥~“ 488,126,483.20 Sugar From Wood I I" ■ ■ ’ 7 Apd.rewes,. Laidlaw LIABILITIES Capital Stock >aid up............s':.A..T........ . I35,OOO,OO«.M . Reserve Fund;...............................................................................f28.OM.000.00- ' • •, A* ■ <• ... Badanceof Progt* carried forward. A, ~ ' 1,506,804709 . .i 821,506,804.99.., Dividend* Unclaimed.A............... 12 190.39 . Dividend No. 189 . (at 8% per anrium) payable lit , Dcconaber, 1934.-- - ------. A 700,000,00 22,218,998^8 'fnyestigation reniibjvdd .any .doubt-.as »!©■' .fil treble ' vari- 30th November, 1934General Statemyfit 113,73 2,602' ? 226,942,02'S " ;216,849,53.4. L'lSS.XagAS'S 442,846,084 4^" fjS HER ARMS AND ; Legs immovable ; Y^rs with Rheumat sm To this woman R mustu.hav.e been like- cointiiiencing to live a • new■<>life,; when she-began tp use. her qrms and l^gs again, iffler they had been help-. >’■ less for ten years. 4“ ■ , .“I Jiu^eKpd with nUouniati'sm;”'- she writee, ‘’and had been ’ bedrifTden since j?J20, j’^ouJd* nob^move arins or legs, and had to he' fed like a child. ; Everybody thought I should be (an in-j , v^lid ali my.: life. I foiced myself .to ’ ,... different tbings;/.it «was Kiusehpn :<hat eventually saved me, and to*day I consider it is saving mylife. My condition*' has greatly improved, and; . . ray limbs ate .gradually becoming ?yorc SUPP|^ Already Lean eat withal . ^^i^ut assistance,.-and dress myself— /. which I had not- done .for. ten' years/,’ t."--M,., Hj. ■" .. ■'„.'■• / ’ ■: Two < of tbe Lingre'dients ■ b£; Kriis-' chen- Salts are -the ■ most effectual sol-, Tents of uric acid known tp medical Science. -They swiftly' dull .the sharp edges of painful crystals, then conJ ■ vert them into\ -harmless solution. Other ingredients of the’se Salts' ,- . stimulating ;effect\upon.-.4hp- Sidneys .and assist them to expel the’ dissolved uratic needles, through, t^e natural channel. " .* , , . ” . -' Schools Proposed |^ Jfri8°n Inmates TOR — Compulsory school -attendance for inmates .Of all penal institutions was * suggested in the fifth annual report of •’tfte Ctizeh Service Associatijon, presented at .their- recent annual- meeting herev ^ith a view to ‘betteri-ng conditions, it recommended that every illiterate , prisoner should be . given schooling, and every prisoner with the ambi-. tiiop to study should' be encouraged . ^ to do so. ■ - AU efforts of Jhc orgapissatipn 'are directed . toward making the ex-' prisoner a ^self supporting citizen,. "ijhe-Tepmflr'eoiitinued. The best .way to^o this is to find him a job arid? riot give him promiscuous charity.' - The association during ther five ' • 'C ••■ ■- ; • o . . years' of, its> existenp© hris doniri^” ih®Jhiancial statement of The everything; possible socially? eco.-, Royri! Bank of G.ariada for the yeah , nomically and .religiousiy .to keep ended. November 30, 193J, reflects them on the “straight path. During «f improved . biisihess copdi. the past six months 520• me’iy- hare /fions. .Figures pfciotal 'aBs.et^.de’pos, • been. placed or replaced in jobs. The- association has ’ been successful in the complete ‘reclamation o.f more tham out of th© Guelph reformatory. These men are given personal inter- , ....... ;• views before-they are. released, jobs; compared with 55.76 pea- £ri»,nd, iJ? .po§s^ ag0’ :c^'h2 x--, i w r. ■ bank-balances aggregate $165,683,031 ____, or 24.35 of public iiabilitie&< . Go.vernment and m.uirlcipa.1. ,secur_ - . .A ’ ities have increased during the . per-■ Export V/Haat i°d from .$1,1^3,732,602 to $13372.20,439. f -A< . f ’ -’I Big Gain In" Deposits . .LONDON, Eng.—The -big four The outstanding feature . of the wheaft exporters are prepared when. statement is the increase of $50,554,- whe’at expert* quotas /or the crop 510 in public deposits. O^3 this in­ year 1934-35 are finally allocated to crease it is understood tbaf $41,347,-’ make,Top m" for France as-a tempo,r‘ ,334 is in Canada, the'balance4 abroad, kry., Wheat, exporter, it was stated by -Canadian savings deposits being up Athe__ wheat—ridyiso;riy^reommissiori*s^lTf123,3.3A:^~~ - “ -1-, permanent ;secretai/ist last week. • j After a steady dbclane in cqmmpr- The statement indicated the eom- cial loans of banks in Canada..v.over: mission’s 600,00^,000 bushel esti- the period of‘ the past few years,'if mate of the world export demand is encouraging to note as further during the present crop year would evidence of business to note- as -fw-. be divided so the. 530,000,000 bush- ' ther evidence of business revival, els tentatively allotted the four ov- j that the R^al Bank's figures -under erseas’ exporters — Canada, Ahs-i this heading &how an increase, of $10- tralia, the Argentine and the.United , °92,494 States—-will be reduced to 526,000- ,942,028. 000 bushels. ‘ ■ [ Profit The estimated quota of 1.0,000,-. but are e.rs, Hungary and Bulgaria, will be year, b< reduced: to.A^OOOjOOOr-----;.. “___ serve” quota JFfarice. will belallowed • an export quotas of 11,000,000' ~~ bushels, apart; from 6,000,000’ quin- Jtrils' df .denatured wheat.' tools bought! France Also To I Gives Duchess Shoe By Royal Bank of Canada , of Canadian Spruce ■I11_____________• ". ‘ ■' . . ■ » - Deposits Increase $60,COO,Q00—Liquid Assets $382,172,287 Profits Down Slightly After Heavier Taxes taxes Iiut before Federal takes. For .. . the Sake of uniformity and. the fuller Kent, was probably -^unique. For information' of shareholders,** both considerable time experts have beep closes of taxds are now disclosed in parrying out- extensive. . experiments the published report. . ; , with. Canadian^ spruce wood. The ul- During the (rear-under -review Do- tixQate .sdfocesB attendant on th^se ex-. minldn . and fTOvinci^al faxes ’ agg.reT perimehts .has; resulted In the lhtro- gated $1,075,016. Making allowance ,( duct ion of a new . and Intensely In­ for the, increase finder this heading,;'terestinig fabric to th© Mother Coun.- , ;Tirofits,'','areAioi^er''^ ' ............................ profits, after taxes, covered dividend requirements of $2>800,0Q0, annual contribution of $200,0,00 to Officers’ Pension Fund, . the “ ushaj . appropria­ tion of $2ob('(0^ for Bank Premiffes, and left a surpLps< 00123,200 to be, added to Profit and Losj; Account, in-. Creasing that jaccount to $i,5d6,80L’ to be carried forward to th’e next fis­ cal 'year! ■’ , ,, «$The showing, while gratifying to the'»har©ho].dfor8, will this year foe off special interest .to,.theftpublic, as it affords perhaps: the. most striking ev­ idence yet .jgiyen of the extent of &he.> improvement'^ in trade' throughout ziGanada;.?. The AnnualVGpneral .Meetng of. the' shareholders will be held at the-Head o'fffce of the bank in Montreal on Thursday January lOtn. • ' ■■•■•-,■ -—TlreTprincipaT^accountcom-- parative figures for the year, are as follows:— \ ' ... f ' ' f 1933 ; $7 29,260,476 362,471,645- „ , investments, .comhierdia.l loans ,and note circulation, ail shpw an increase* during- the ypar. .^ptal. assets.-are. ,$75.8?423tgQ'4 of whW;'|^,m^7" arejiiqujdr being 56.lipper eeijt. of totals liabilities to • idlng show an incre; the total 'standing at $226.1 s fqr. the year were ;Hj398,217, not properly.comparable with— .000 bushels for. the’ smaller export-J published profits for the previous'*' dcauste heretofore, they' were Tests Indicate 'it' Caused By p. a• ’Filyryle?V'lrns- . . _ ine.'.a-suj ■pan foe infected m J' will' give you' go •tion, 'if/ not of foil . Sir - Daivid Bruce: Influenza has.„jlt=^ tie if: (anything tq do with, tropic®!, medicine—-Sir 'David’s,, specialty yet like Malta, fbver "bind Nagaria, the diseases with* which—Sirel^aTij’s^ name l's especially linked, its nature has beibn. made a little clearer practically..: applyirig the principle Pipe Smokers! fill up “With “ •GOLDEN VIRGINIA and enjoy a really good smoke! anri-- pae‘ ” whfc^-''';'18'“''destinfo'4^4^'' i immense papttlaritji’ on Recount of its- I exti'aordiiri^y ■ durability . and utility. Througli, their .experiment^. rind dis­ coveries in ■ this "direction Canadians m^y..,well be ..Instrumental in ripening (Wltiew and important trade conriec- ' with- England, and other parts Jh/e" Empire. \ ‘ & fabric 1 resulting from the ex­ periments with Canadian spruce wood is startlingly similar in gtain and texture to leather, with all its..com­ mendable features of durability, Yet thp fabric js actually manufactured from the ..purified-cellulose fibres of the spruce wood. By means of a re- - cently—-dis co-yered-—pro-ces s--thes e— fib­ res, can-be moulded by Intense , heat pressure until this takes on the form of a Jeatherrl’fke fabric,; which has withstood remarkable^, tests, enabling it Jo be- placed in" froriF rank of durable fabrics. Two of . the first articles made, from this new fabric for. .introduction into this country-may be found among the wedding, gifts of the. Duke and- Duch­ ess of Kent,, although primarily de­ signed arid executed for the personal use of Pripcess Marina. ; They take . the form' of attractive soft brown shoes with a matching handbag, both produced.do a corresponding design. The ,ua© of these ‘articles by. the ■Duchess of Kent will doubtless do; much to-'- introduce and’- popularize -this unique Canadian fabric to the people of this ^country. When once tested, dhe qualities of the fabric will commend themselyes to British. ’ jisers, who are pot slow t.o -ackhowl-, edge a—thOT,opg-hly- -reliable—-article. - "Shoes made from: . rhls4 'fabrip-5 -are light,- Soft and ' exceedingly . hardr wearing, and the material lends itself j to ■ intricate “design and inter-lacing. The .Duchess of Kent’s shoes have ■interlaced. instep strappings,. [,+Th& "ex.pei’im§;ii|s:' on the , cellulose ' fibre's, of spruce'i/wood’have.opened up ;a wide range of • possibilities; „fpr the -flbre.<-Jca-n“be“Ut-i-lized- im-inany widely- ■ divergent articles, \ from fabrics, fjhbes and upholstery... fabrics to ris- AlO-U bf be; ra pi d l~y__derel<ri^3V-has£d_L •from tb'fe ryas’ti improvements *to pre- German Process ■ Siiccessful, ,. ‘ But. is N($ Considered'; Practical . During the World NVar ■ German a-tj;7--WGrk-7ti’-yfng-' ■to convert■‘•'e^il.ulos.e (wood). ipt.o su.-. .gar./ it was a harder problem 'th an it seemled—so hard/in fact, „that hot until fr'fter .the treaty ot'peace was. ■ sighed' was' success achieved: . The Victors in’this struggle were Prof^sJ* > •. -sot . Friedrich • von Bergius " (Nobel Prize winner), famous for his work in making, gasoline and motor spir­ its oflt -of cohl .gas, and Profes^z - von Schoiler.' What: the two cheW ists; gave the world is; a way of, mak­ ing wood palatable. • • . " _-A—g o at—‘can—ea.L-pap.er.bu.t.„a_m.ap„.__ cann.pt....Au difference in digestive processes,. is; the'’ reason. Hence the problem that von Bergius apd von Scholler' faced .was, that-of-reheating in the: factory what' was in effect-- an artificial stomach of glass' and-; metal and letting that digest ,woo4._, ■■ , The digestive juices were powerful acids*that ..split the cellulose . Into f. sugar.... .■.........." ■. , ' ■ :to th .'.-nature o:f [the., virus. 'It did ■indeed -belong , to- W ^7 a7; l aV0\V' COID.C 11)1 S» Aiwcn’trOpWaiumir. .and. .Wilsfon; s!mi-.t-u,. with a new .dis-- co very and a new. Hep in the fight ^.gainst-Jnfluepzap Strains of human and /sw-iiie^v-iFim—which had laid, fer­ rets low were successfully, used in infecting mice through the nose. -Sera w*Lre then prepared against the fer­ ret strains bf human, and swine in­ fl fienza. Injected into lyice, they^.had - ■aTjaeutralizing effect.. From the story,:. .as. th e ex.pe'rimepters.. tell .i t ' i n;., ■Lancet, it ds evident that 'the dispp;^'.. ■large; Even'-,; Wn tfoafTmice' tly.' by . man ferret, ’influ. 0fi-n’irel'y-*’cen=7- ■ .... PLAN .NOT PRACTICAL.....'.;■ ' There can be no questionof the! • efficacy of this5, process. But enable Germany to do away with su_< gar importations'? Her- production of . sugary beets, while'large, ■ is‘hot^en-' ' ough for^, her domestic needs; . .. Professor Spengler, director, of the Institute for Sugar Industry iii<L Berlin, crushes the wild hopes that German economists ’ have based on the work - of von Bergius andJ 'Von . ,, . . ■ - . . Scholler./ The process.^of’cb^^rtthg. ’’ :dO«bt ■be ranMlv developed, .bas.ealg^^.j ^1^.. ■Lancet, it is evident th ery. is complete IFTt'’ has ..still:-to :1 can be' infected ■Without' the '■'aid' < ~eirza—has^-now"”been—-d'find me a suitable animal.The , „animal jiin.lhl8 -case._i8- .the ' mouse., It , has Jong been suspected ttjat- . -influenza: .is caused! byt< .a-ljlti’.able...®ii_ rus; in.l[other; words .by some yiruleht organism too small to be seen -fin any microscope, so small, in fact, that it [flows through the,finest porce­ lain hitter like water, j With that !hy_. pothps'is the. medical profession bad to be. content- until last year, Then ■it ':wsf:';diS'cpyered. -that 'bflu'enza "e|-n’'. J>d[yt,Tdws-niit-ted. -tp. -'ferrets; The -c&l -; -for a suitable animal had -been, anb-.- -wef-^d-j-’,. Tl-ifir-apima-l--foumk'-1 “f-ti-rtllere A= glass'. ’’—-• The w sigjufiTancF c 'Pfepartment hast inaugpra- 'ehcliing. swim- > 1 X"A'V of -stroke, ac- rtrude • Go.ss, j '’1-hjr, Vvaltz . tehv i ".po .is ■•■suatabie ’jo' th! ki.de stmlA* •. breast stroke aiid trufeeon,'wv . _ tJueTir'Teirt's-was" ' —■^:"'sulrnTit'red'^rerc^Alrci'se"“Tf~'baki-ng---a-n'd“' J freezing. ’and-tlicn; ba.kin.g.,..again, bu.L; p'.e'tdTei,"’'pvores-s;:T!^bte-d7Ttk^ ” - 'A....' J, stringent*'tests,r the fabric was'b.piled iii water, soak. ■ ped in ammonia for. a day and a night '• and 'afteirwards .dried immediqtelv in ■ .... « , ■ ■■ • —r —-.-■- ■--•- ■•intense iioat. . '.. ' ’ •'•' ‘ fajyy PiTncess Manna. In all. prob .. wo-odW'To support ten people, according-, to the -statistiei|;ll"y—~in.e-l-med--S^— . 1.25 acres' ,of land .planted. -to sugar ■ • of perfecting ’ beets are .required.. The. .same, area _' , » : y. ; cueup <iuu emuieiiL em • rt-Am ’fnza vocit v yyi.tyt* ri-it'orvt zi n to I fry ••.>■ . .sent utility articles which 'will be "rendered possible.. , • v- ■ During0 the process, of perfecting ’ beets are .required.. The .same, areft I this fabric, many- severe. tests were- planted to* potatoes will sjuppdrt-'but --<» carried, out.,' after- which -the finished j ten and Wheat ' but' six. .Because ■ , l article. bore no,’ill-effects. The proof i wood 'grows >-so slowly the same am-- 'that a fabric of this nature can em. [ ount of. forest- .land would -make even •er'ge . unharmed from . the. stringeht ’ a poorer showiiig. t>h~an~-does' wheat• svroK-e drasGf fasts p-f freezT i?rer 'th.e year'. ■ '•Evidently ' 'a tree:is. • ''but ’the i and 'boiling i's sufficient tesfhm i-a p^r -bu-bs-tit-ut-e for’ t£he sugar* -beet,.. ’■•eny . to- 'its'.reliability; ■ Two subse- .■ in * Germany’s ■ present'" economic ,,i NORTHAMPTON, ■waltz tempo has a new at ’Sipifh 'Goiiega.,'' T1 < of physical- education . Ted a new-.method of Anting.1 1 It is music .supposed-to give rhythm and .emphasis. < cording’ to Miss- G^i <Ar -■'11 -■*"**!),“ "jpo .is .suitable jo' the •breast stroke add ti’Udk -— 837,47M18.82 83.221,8M.°74 »,080,000.00 294.4M.98 445,527;e2 28,763,758.14 - ■--~.$758;-423;904'dI8 • Advance* under" the Finance Act... .■'................................' . Bills Payable......... s..i Liabllitie* to the public not included upder the tore* going heads..........'..,; .........A............ Letter* of Credit Outstanding;.,....M - ; ■ .■ .I- .-...• .. -.... ■ .... ■.•' ; . a>: 81’1,753,828.82 ___frj;1.7.4,883-29... ...L—--- 3,000.000.00 ■■ ■ ' : . 7—l:77849r226r38~“$95;7777138749— 8 1,871,356117 • 21,994,944:16 ' — ■■ '■ 2; 1.89.59 ■ 46,037,403^36 69,905,893.28 * . 1 ’ '. '69,832,406.07 ’ , •..<? -cris-is. / ■ sff •' \ 23,430,645.46. < ■r' Langley,, yf Peterbi .» BABY CHICKS •> 3758.423,904.88 Of 'V, i?' . -S’ 4 > J 4 ny 0!T- >er by 'VO, ’Ik *' i. Loyal Toronto has ' already, had- ■ ttvo' girl babies named after: the .• s" Marina. In all-prob , ability there. w'il'l l-jlhe-’ hundreds df • , L-.U* tel ' 'r?..........•.................i ' ’ ..-A • as presented ■ by the.; •n with a, handsome R G. DOBSON, . General Munn ;,• lands that Opened the Scout Jami ee at Melbourne, Australia, Decent 27th/Canada. .was' represented ' Scout J. G, i •XMLaiuLo. . ’ ■ • ; Apple -Day-' and . a Alberta- Scouts for practically shewn interest, a Thanks Badge* was pi ehted by Lt._Qoy. L. Walsh, Chief Scout, for Alberta, to Col II Reid,'headi of the Western Ar ■ Bo-y--Scout..toy rep-air shops i-U'W oyer a 'hundred towns‘’nnd..eitie,s";Lc- rbss; the' Dominion from coast'. coast again helped Santa'Claus to’. f .. ../» __——------„P Bay (’bippan\< • . ! Scout,s' <>f ^Wa-llaceburg ,. Ouft tinder direction of the Scout .Lead’( Club, co-operated with .the -town T . SUi-oL-itheb'Wester.u-.prairie Gazette,. 4*; ’.'A diary report,jiatc by date, of the. •doings of the Glenboro, Man., pack ■ and ” troop, published in three "issues -oLJtheA W^o^teru^-Prairla Gazette,, was •0 " rio( er.s* .... Re­ lief Department "in a Saturday cl )t.h- •ing collection. . ! ’■ .' *, >i> :|< ---- ---------- ---- • • Auditor*. r I AmOng .other, 'equally I I/;■ <» -Gold »nd Coin on-hand.. . .. .. .... Dominion Notes On hand____.... ■ ■ ■.... ■ . " Deposit in the Central Gold, Reserves. , . > . A _----,—-Jhllt^d-StJitcs-and-ot.her-Roreijyn^GuFr-euGieS: ' -. Notes of other Canadian Banksjt. , ' o- Chcqueson Other-Banks. . .. . . v.-r... , Balandes duc by othelr Banks in.Canada'.; . . . .............. - ---'-Balances due by IJa,n'ks and Banking Correspondents ■ elsewhere .than In Canada ......... .. , , ■■.......... Dominion ' and Provincial Government Securities',' direct arid fttiarahrced' (mitturitift/ within’ two.• years), not.eicecdint’ market ■ value.!. . ... - ....... ' . Other Dominion ii-tid Provincial Gpvernmtint Securi- i .. ties,^direct and guaranteed, hot exceeding market 'value'...;.'.'........• : i.-.. ...... ..........-. ..;.....................,".a Canadian Municipal Securities,'not exceeding market' ' ' : .-value.,...... A \:...... ...... Public.SecurM-les other than-(2»naiiian,- not ekeceding ■ ■■ market value.*.............. ........ • „O th er Bonds, Debentures arid Stocks, not exceeding ■ market value,......; ......................................................... Call and-ShOrt /not exceeding thirty day.4) Leahs in Canada On, Bonds, Debentures'and Stocks arid ' - ' , Other Securities ot h sufiieient- marketaUlt? value -----... ^'^to-cover-rvr'.- . A ,.' . ?......... . J . .■ Gall and.-Short (not exceeilFrig < hlrty days) .Loans else-1 . : .where than th Canada bri Bonds," Deb'enturcs and Stocks and other Securities of ff,sufficient maf- . ketsble value to cover.............................. ....... ... .....„ Y.. ■ Current Loans and -Discourits elsewhere than In 'Canada (less rebate of Interest) estimated loss • .provided for..........'.A.......................................9^,616;458.61 Noh-Currtnt Loans, cstiriiated’loss provided for. . . 4,224,347.86 326,782,534.73 Bank Premises nt not more than cost, less amounts written oji^......... 16,833,330.67 Real Estatcot her fhari Bank Premises;....... .................. j,. 2,681’,571701 Mortgage* on Real Estate sold by. the Bank. .A...........«,.•,..'......... . .... 821,332.72 LiabWUffli of Customers’undef' Letters of Credit as per contra.20,763,758.14 . ShdreS'BSSand Loans to Controlled Companies...,-.6,313^081.60 '.. ,...>. Deposit with the Ministerof Finance for ttie security of Note'Circula- . ' . J Don........... .................................................................................;.. . l',6MiNMft. - Other Aaseta.not included under the foregoing head*.' ,.. . ^s. . < 456,008.84 . < NOTE:—l%e RoynJ Bank df Canada (France) ha* been Incorporated.under t.helgw* ’ ' •f F'rane* to conduct the Euairieaa of the Bank la Taris, and the aaaeto and iiabilitie* of Th* Roy*l Bank of Canada (France) are indwded in the abov* General Statement. If. W. WILSON, S.G. DOBSON, " Preaident and Manadlnfl Director, fi ,<^ General Manager. , ' , AUDITORS’ REPORT To SHAaaKOLDKRSi Tint RoVAb Bank by Canada: ' „ ,' ‘ We have examined the above Statement of Liabfiitiea arid Aaaete at 30th November, 1934, with the book* and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with.th^oertffied return* from the branches.. We have-verified .the cash and securities at Head .Office at th* dose ■pi th* Bank'* flacid year, and diiring the year we counted the ctiBh *nd examined the *ecuriUes at «e9eral of the.important branches. . ’ -\We have obtained all thtfinformation and explanations that we have require^, andinoyr - opinion the transactions of the Bank, which have come UBldcr our notice, have been within the . power* of the Bank. Th,e above state,mcht is -in our opinion properly drawn up so as to dhudote ’ ■> the true condition of the Bank as at”36th November, 1934, and it»«' m shown by the books-of th* Bank. ' •->■■■•■. ■ \ .". ------------------------- . . -------------------------------G7.R0Sg; -------------------.———• ■ W- o( 1* S. Rdsrift Sons.. ■’ ( . . W. GARTH THOMSON, tC.A. , f , °i Feat. Marwick, Mitchell & Company J " Mgl8ri*a^.Can*a*, 24th December, lf&I. Balance of Profit Arid l4>aw Account, 38th November, ■ " ■ .19331.................. ................A..-8 1,383,604.18 Prttftta for the year ended 30th November, 1934, after . making,apprpprlAtidns to Cxmtinjjency Reserve*. ' atit of -which Reserves provision for all Bad arid Doubtful Debts:hai«\beeri made.. ,,i... . 4;398,217.62 ■•.■ 4 $5.791.821.80 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Dividend No. IM at D%-pOr annum.... - Dividend No. 187 at'8% per annum.,... Dividend NO. 188 ot 8% pet antium..... Dividend Nd. 189 •< 8'% jwir anri urn.......... v ■ ‘ . Contribution to Officer*’PensionFund. Appropriationfrir Bank Premiaea........... .......<j... Reserve lot Dominion and Provincial Governeat TSaee Balance df Proflt and Low carried forward , . ; ■ • ■ - v > , 8 M.W. WILSON. . - , , ■ President and Manaftinil Director 24th. !N?ccnibcr. f‘'.A4 oat1 sit the m-any” thousands of-, ohildi to vi- on id I hi Uie parade of Scout's of mt A ska.ti • a. bird para'def- im<ilft binpiuei., r kjy qv d /lire., a tai k ■■get 'tl-ui Si-nnt mas- . .' " " bj, f To express -the'appromatibii' of . die own 'Jes- the ij G. •ptic transportation ,system ' of the Iludhop ' the* effective .forth' ■ of annual '■ report Anade to '♦ he', community. 4&T. The Will’d' Annual Hobby -Bho.w the 1st Qfreenstoh. Qntario. Gyoup made a new 'record with S>95^entries afid ^2'00 worth of prize®. Some nfhm. nRwh apples, pumpkins'’ and $ege- (fobles;werp,,shown by Scouts and by otlier? boys of Lincoln • a.nd Welland counties.-'’ | ’ • | ■ , ■ >S« Hi . K' I During;-a mountain climbing] hike, Scoutmaster Gale and several Scouts ..of Aiiyox, B.C., sliot a mountain goat. They brought it. home . and treated , / I■ h'li i( ounty, . v.-dti: RAgpe, chuj ch at.tile ttVv ZV1 Cliijptmas Toy'- ■ l' ' * TWo patrols c bcrilng nine bhyl zed at Fenelon | ■ fhp leadership i Murray Graham ' I • Til recognition of good • work done ’ oii -Poppy Day,'..lhe 1st Grenfell, Sa.sk Scout Troop w Canadian ' troop flag; “ Slcouts of ough sniall to entertain kne’Ces.slv'e si ,,Qh behalf, RijlPf A. E. MoOrejaw S shield ’’for' a. Jtioir. Pres'it , ! cepted^thb ahield,. and' awarded’ it -to atliletic field, dd •', a first aid compe-’ • I ■ . ' 1 .1 .. ' . _ . ,.titiob, a Scputi, . Repair Shop.. ' ' ■’ 1’ Lotte Scbuls num- A, have been organi.. Falls, Ontario, under f two former. Scoiits, and Douglas Ward. ’ | • * * • . r» ' TL—- -- ■ '-j-„ ITittle New Marinas; t to “•(late” tin. year of a giiT’s bi'rtli . ’ 1 so .pnm'i.'tabeably.-■ Perhaps the wo-.' ■Iman of. the. future, will'. be .above'.. I considerations 'of age per})Stone of English Abbey , Sent te KenilwoXtfcu^ i ' -* RENlLVVGliTlI, .N J- -This 'Urban a“-‘s,hockey ■ j.jp'.f . .Council. ' of.., .RefiilWortli.' com potation, !' ■\vanvic]<,A).ir<1’- England,' ha? sent’..’to and,, u.cout |ye^- Jersey namesakb ,a ' stone , j f'roin the ruins of. the old abbey at I Kenilworth Castle for the new riiuni- I jLip.a.1. library... jn the -Harding. School. ■ !'Founded, in A. D. 1136, the old ab-! • •imj < boy was dis.^oHcu in. A% D« 1538. | ChjcRs. Uacir ,grade „bIuu<l-r* | ' The’’inscription Oh the' stone, states; Live delivery, g-uar.i-ntecd. ' c’aiuh.Lrue ;. that.it was called abtfut A.D. 130(1 r^tdn]^0 mai)cd'-0!1 fVMuesv .rimtumn. I and- that.it ""was ta^gn from the1 ruins of the,. Abbey at Kenilworth' 1 . " " ' / .'*. " Will for inclusion in the building' of 'this librc'v” at Kenilworth, N. J. ''.!)• • ... /J i. . .... . v., ------- . .........................in mi I _ , '■ PATENTS » A TO EVEI1Y JNA'J.’N’Tt )jf, • -i.-'t of wanted iigVL'.Uti'.ms uiid full' '■ •"•' 1 m.-jtiij),) ssem free. ‘ Tii'i Bamsay Co-uipany, World Patent Ai.im-' -Haw!-; street,. (i.ttthva. Canada. by the' council *“as a token of go^4 j j Will -for inrlusio-n in the'btiildirte’ of !. j. • t Slficl Authors’ Service I ANNOl'.SCIXG' A . MWi ■ MONTHL.V. 'B (J L I I; r-!\-[ j.3jE.R\.jC['‘it.), artists a nd a u-} |. tlidrSs ■ list i ng .iip-4 ini a t e J il J 1 format ion’ un 'AV H EKE. E,O J ; SELL.' Yearly subscript ' On'e. Dollar. I -i' 1 •■ ' ' ] ■ ‘ . J j Send a . three cent stamped v envelop? for full informa-1 tioiron our other service de-1 I partments. i Don^t Do • it, England, saved-en-<1 ■; i||iS during last" winter b unemployed boys at ; ier camps,' • ■ ! , a. '♦ the B.,P,0,E. .Exalted . • . • yy•S^Cr’'' Lj , .uttifcl, efficiency' compet- ' en Kei cbi! 3b( unij of i . Megrton presented the! icotil Association', with; a ' ' r............. .. '' ' - L'o, H. Zimmer ac’- the 12th Mop'sei’aw Troop for 1934.’ /' 7 * * . • A '• free“’&kati'|g.' ri-nk is1.being oper­ ated’ this wlntei’ by .the Scouts ,fit Glenwood, Alberto, ■;Interestiug'„experienOes as a Scout leader An Japan were Related to th® 5tlf St. Thomas Ontario Group by Adjutant Kerineth Bart of the Salva­ tion- Arijay, a former danadiah .Scout. Adjutant Batr .had ’ju< returned from the Far East. r ... ‘ ■ . LEONARD EAR OIL FOR DEAFNESS & HEAD NOISES A soothing afid,pdh6irating combination that has -im-- pro red the,Hewing and lessened Head Noises of many. Not.put In the Earsbut Rubbed Back olEir&and Inserted n Nostrils. Leonard EarOilhaobeen on the marketeiuee '1007., Mad* in-Canada; Gl;25 at Canadian druggists, Descripflfo oiroular sent on request A. O. LEONARD, INC. . 70 Fifth Avenue, New Yor^lt City ' “7tf> Ideas Unlimited Thirty-Nine (i.'Se A venues Toronto, Ont. I J.